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Planned vision ensures confirmed success!

But there’s a lot more to a good business than a good idea. it

needs to think things through to maximize the chances of success.

The proposed business plan will ensure to turn a projection into an

actual business success. By covering the various of the concerns of
the business cycle the proposal has been made with thorough
balance of market and financial victories keeping in concern the
target costumers and existing competitors in the current market
with combination of provided services.

Application of the plan with sequential timeline will definitely

promise the firm establishment of nonstop journey towards the
market heights making the subjective entity major shareholder of
the related market share.

Executive Summary 01
Who We Are 02
Product line & Section 03
Target Markets 04
Perfect Competition 05
Marketing Strategies 06
Competitors & Comparison 07
How Much it will Cost 14
Financial Benefits 15
Survival Budgeting 16 £
Cash Flow Forecast 11
Cost Table 12
Plan B 13


Brief Introduction Targets to Achievement

Being associated with services Defined targets with strict deadlines

concerns business, the idea is to retain will help to elevates the project of this
the existing database with fixed business and related success factors.
business projection before exploring the
new areas of the business ideas.

LAB247 Diagnostics located in a

densely populated location of the
emirates surely is capable to deliver
unbeatable services and satisfaction to
the customer in-house and on-site as
well in unique way of selling to retain
the audience either it is consumer or
third party (corporates).

1.3 Financial summary

Financial security and
1.1 Introduction balancing the market with
Idea financial benefits is the key
Lab247 Diagnostics to ultimate achievements.
can be a leading entity We are aiming to target
contributing the the most of the cash
healthcare sector in business in the market
various diagnostics alongside with credit
and screening facility management for
activities. It comes with dual side growth factor.
1.2 Business aims Cash injections in the
diverse range of
Setting up monthly, business will enhance the
services offered
quarterly and yearly facility with financial
picking up keenly in
targets for the security while credit helps
accordance with the
achievement is essential to cover the major market
market demand and
to carry forward any share in the related sector;
response. In short, The
business. The idea to Insurance, corporates,
Lab will be one stop
equipped the laboratory hospitals, camps.
solution of all Medical
with top notch quality
Diagnostics and
services and heading
parallel to introduce
innovated methodologies
of diagnosis and
educating the audience.




2.1 Why we want to run your business

Being associated with various healthcare sector activities, we do have a
diverse knowledge to run and elevate the business of services concerns
applying with local market opportunities. While supporting lab247 with our
further existing projects in healthcare sector, we assure quick ROI in terms of
financial interest and acquiring major market share with different approaches
of the business.

2.2 Previous work experience

Being a part of healthcare provider services; Medical Centers, Insurance
Companies and government advisor at some extent. DCC has quite handsome
experience to run the show with maximum utilization of the existing resources in
addition with the critical knowledge of deploying further development with
projection of returns in terms of sales and profit.

2.3 Qualifications and education

DCC is equipped with various analysis individuals in various specialties to guide,
analyses and audit the ongoing direction of the business. Either is technical
knowledge or marketing approach or if there is financial assistance and risk
management, DCC got all the skills to manage any business yet specially a services
concern in healthcare sector.

2.4 Training & Development

Deployment of the right individual responsible at the right time in with right
skillset is the formula to maximize the manpower utilization in the business.
Appointment of right individual and the training and development of the
existing manpower are the essential tools for DCC’s success to management



Unique Offering Areas of Concern
Being capable to offer a broad range of
While setting up the product line and
diagnostics and screening services to
offering the services, being taken
the customers, Lab247 will cover all the
care of the selection of the menu
corners of the market by offering the
aligned with the local market demand
right product to the right consumer.
and also following up the contingency
Services will be categorized in
demand of the customer.
accordance with the arose need and
the target market in different

3.1. Area of Specialization 3.2 Interdependent Products.

Following will be the major Lab247 will offer a complete
areas of services being range of lab testing being
rendered by Lab247 capable to initiate any
Diagnostics; diagnostics or to elevate any
1. Routine Testing treatment to a level of prognosis
2. Immunoassay and diverse treatment alongside
3. Biochemistry with expert advice from
4. Routine PCR pathologist and expert lab
5. Molecular Microbiology technicians.
6. Specialized Testing
7. Non-Invasive Testing

3.3 Services for Everyone. 3.4 Selection of Services

The wide range of services will In accordance with the available
be designed in order to meet resources, the provided services
the needs of the customers in a will be rendered in the best
way of offering promotions, combination of delivery time and
combinations of one service pricing; for that, there will be
with another and exclusive critical process of selecting the
services in the markets. services and to be decided if its
going to be rendered in hour or


Purpose of this section Balancing of Market
Identifying the right customer for each
The best proof that customers will Restricting to only one sector of the
service and the time of offering the
be interested in your services is if you market will deploy limits to the growth.
services is the most crucial element in
have already rendered some of your The business should be dynamically
the business cycle.
services. The next best thing is to flexible to serve the needs of the
generate the marketing cycles from the direct consumer, corporates and
Categorization of customer classes will existing client tails while generating the third-party request in addition to the
help to planned well the sales and targets new opportunities for the business. public sector engagement.
in addition to the financial forecasting and
budgeting for the business.

4.6 Existing Brand and Database

Lab247 has been existing in the

4.7 Potential Area
4.4 Competitive Edge market for last one year serving
public majorly in covid 19 pcr
After reviewing the target
Having the combination of testing. Being having the customer
markets, will identify the
different market areas. The database we will utilize to market
potential targets to be set up
sales coverage will extend exclusive offers and promotion in
and milestones to be achieved
across the emirates and the beginning to attract the crowd and
4.1 Target Markets within the set time limits.
services will be start starts promoting the lab name and
The potential area may not only
acknowledging in the markets. so on so far the addition will keep
For the initial stage we are concern with the price margins or
Since the point. Increment in happening.
going to hit three major high profit but also involved major
areas of market to cover up sample load will allow to market share, incremental turnover
the cost in short run; renegotiate the cost with and going up to the economies of
1. Non-Medical supplier and insurance scale.
Corporates. supplier and this will create the
2. Insurance corporate multiplier effect leading to
Clients. control the market in long run.
3. Walk In Customers


Purpose of this section How to complete this section

In section four, we described our There is no right amount of research. It There are two types of market research
potential customers. Most of these is better to research your local market, outlined in the illustration below:
customers will already be using other in the area you are going to run your
businesses. This section is to research business, than it is to research the entire > Desk research
those businesses and customers. global market. The right amount of > Field research
research will tell you what your market
Lots of businesses look good on paper looks like, how it behaves and what
but the only test that matters is whether customers expect.
the service sells. You can’t be sure that
your assumptions about your business
are right unless you do some proper

5.1 Desk research > any important facts, statistics or events

It involves learning what other people > whether the market is seasonal or
say about the market and finding out
dependent on other external factors
basic facts. When writing a
(for example, the weather,
description of the market, it includes;
> how big the market is (for example,
pandemic etc.)
how many sales take place in a year?)
> trends in your market (for example, are
sales going up or down? Are people
changing how they buy the product/

5.2 Field research

It is the best way of working out if it will
be successful. You should ask potential
customers to complete questionnaires.
If you are selling a product, you should
also carry out test trading to see whether
people will buy your product.

5.3 Barrier and Opportunities

The above research engines will give
refine idea of the market behavior,
potential, and flexibility and according to
that we will find our best fit in the market
in terms of services offered, target
markets and competitive edge.



The Idea How to complete this section

The mode of communicating to the Different marketing methods are outlined

customers define the elevation of sales below. Decide which methods are best for
in scale of timeline which is definitely your business; choose about three and
will be happen through marketing. list the required detail for each.
Marketing describes any activity that
attempts to make contact with potential Important
You must include all costs in your
Good marketing materials – in whatever cashflow forecast in section 10.3.
form – will grab a customer’s attention,
capture their interest, illicit their desire for
your product/service and direct them to
take action and find out more.

If marketing is successful, your potential

customers will learn what your business
does and where to find you. Popular
marketing methods are outlined below.

Word of mouth – Indoor Marketing

Tradeshows and exhibitions
When customers hear about your
business through others, that’s word-of- Some businesses can access large
Social media audiences at a tradeshow or exhibition.
mouth marketing. If customers like your Different social media can be a very However, exhibiting is expensive and time
business they will often recommend it effective way of marketing your business. consuming, so you need to be sure it will
all on their own. However, it is worth It’s free, allows you to put a face on your be worth the effort. If you plan to attend
considering how you could encourage business and invites a vast network to events, it should justify:
them to tell people, for example, by interact with your activities. As well as
offering an incentive like a discount, or the widely used Facebook, Instagram, > which events you are planning to attend,
by giving exceptional customer service. Snapchat, there are now social when and how much it will cost
networking sites for small businesses > why it is important to attend these events
Direct marketing which can help you at this stage in your business
Direct marketing involves contacting to focus your efforts. If you’re planning
potential customers to directly sell your on using social media to market your Website
service to them. It can be done on the business, you should consider:
phone, in a letter, email or face-to-face. Websites don’t have to be complicated -
You should explain: just three or four pages to show what
> what you want to achieve from social you do and how to contact you. If you
if you are going to distribute networking and how you will engage with already have a website, you should give
materials to customers, explain how your customers, for example, will you the address. If you don’t have one but
and where create a blog to give customers the inside plan to, you should explain:
view on your business or get customers
> which method of contact you will use, to offer feedback on services rendered? > the design and any special functionality
> which networking sites are preferred by
whyand how much it will cost you want to include, for example,
> how you will find names and contact your target market and for what purpose online access, reservation and
details of potential customers > which networking sites are preferred by education.
your target market and for what purpose.


The Basis

A competitor is any business that offers A SWOT analysis will help to

a product/service that is similar to yours. understand all the things, good and
Businesses often have many competitors. bad, that could affect the business.If
It’s best to focus on those which it is known what these are, you can
customers are most likely to buy from work out how to resolve them or use
instead of you; probably those nearest to them to your advantage. Thinking about
you, with the most similar prices or the your weaknesses and what could go
most similar services. wrong is important because it will allow
you to correct your mistakes before they
A fair reality can be analyze by putting happen.
facts n
i a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands
for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
and Threats.

7.1 Table of competitors 7.2 SWOT analysis 7.3 Unique Selling Point (USP)
Find out information about your Each part of a SWOT analysis is Your USP is the thing that makes your
competitors. explained below. business different from your competitors.
It might be specific to your service or it
might relate to the way you run your
It will consist of: business. It would be the reason that
who they are Strengths customers stopped using a different
where they are > Positivethings about the business that business and became your customer.
what they sell will make it stand out against competitors.
how much it costs These might be specific to the
how big the company is service or more general factors.
what their main strength’s
and weaknesses are
All the things that could mean
struggle to make the business work.
for example, areas that might be affected
by your lack of experience or overhead cost.
For each weakness, there is a solution and
corrective measures.

External factors that you and your
competitors can take advantage of, for
example, changes in the law or market
trends, new outbreak, innovative tech

External factors that could affect how
well your business and your competitors
do. For example, lifting and imposing of
public rules or any new outbreak
Realizing the threat is the first step
to be prepare and convert it into
your opportunity and finally in


Purpose of this section

Before you decide how much to sell

your services for, you need to work out
how much each one costs youto make
and deliver. This will stop you selling
things for less than they cost.

The price you charge customers for

a service must be higher than its cost
and include enough money to cover the
extra costs of running your business
(Sales margin) and essential personal
taken from corporate survival budget.The
difference between an item’s cost and its
price is its profit margin.

A. B. C. D.
If you can’t work out the price Break down the service into Work out the total cost of the If you worked out the cost of
of a single service, you can parts (for example,reagents, different parts of the service a batch, i.e., for more than
work out the price of a batch. consumables and wastage) (add up all costs in B).* oneservice, to work out the
For example, Routine test, and put each one in a separate cost of an individual unit,
Biochemistry, Immunoassay, measurement. Work out the divide the total cost (cost C)
Routine PCR etc. cost of each and write it down by the number of products/
in the relevant array. services in your batch
(Cost A). *

E. F. G. H.
Work out a price that will cover Work out the difference Work out the profit margin as Work out the mark up by
the business overhead costs between your unit cost (cost a percentage (%) by dividing dividing your profit margin
and give reasonable profit. D) and your price per unit (cost your profit margin (cost F) by (cost F) by your unit cost (cost
Compare this price with your E). This difference is your profit your unit price (cost E) and D) and multiplying by 100.
competitors to see where you margin (£). multiplying by 100.
stand. This (cost E) is the price
you will charge your customers.

Once the deep detailed costing process is finalized, Set

up a minimum Average sales profit margin on sales to
set up the projected revenue targets and budgeting




A sales forecast shows how many sales A cost forecast shows how much money
are aiming to achieve in the first year is going to be spend on services if you
and how much money that would mean achieve the number of sales in your
to be receive. It’s hard to know whata sales forecast.
realistic number of sales might be so it’s
better to plan for the worst case.

For lots of businesses, the number of

sales made is affected by external factors
such as, holidays, seasons, weather, etc.
Think whether the expected sales to be
different in some months and show this in
the sales predictions.

Sales calculations Costs calculations

B. Cost Calculations are majorly divided
into two categories allocating before
A. Sales calculation required the actual and after Gross Profit. It requires the
sales with the ration of projected sales financial assistance to allocate the
set up in the beginning of the company’s cost. Costs before Gross Profit are
fiscal year. It includes all the major sales the expenses occur directly to render
of the company but not the other income the services and are calculated
such as, any income out of company’s accurately while the expenses after
normal business Gross Profit explains the general
expenses occur throughout the year
to carry forward the operations and
normally covered within the sales
margin to keep the company in net
C. While planning the financial forecast,
keep in consideration the factual
assumptions and planning for any or all
the external factors ruling the market.



Purpose of this section

A survival budget shows the amount

of money company needs each month
to liveon. To work it out add up all the
money spend and take away any
money the company get as income
from sources other than the normal
course of business.

A. List all the different expenses being

spend on each month. Some of these
will have predictable costs, for example,
rent, and others will vary, for example,
entertainment costs. For the items that
vary, it should work out how much
on average spending a month. Do not
include the business costs.

Some possible expenses may be:

Subscriptions (Licenses, Visa, renewals)



Purpose of this section

A cashflow shows how much money Once the business is started it should
is expected to come in and out of the have to keep a record of the actual
business. It brings together all the work income and expenditure and it should
have been done in the plan. The be compare this to the plan established
cashflow forecast must be calculated to give an idea of how well the business
realistically making sure: is doing.

> include seasonal changes in overhead

costs such as increased of expenses
with increase of sales
> Possible delays between when the
Sales happened and when the receive
payment – Credit Controlling
> do not over estimate how much stock will
be required
> split costs that can be paid on a monthly
or quarterly basis



Purpose of this section

The costs table explains what is included

in each cost in the cashflow. It also
explains what assumptions have been
used to work the cost out.


Purpose of this section
business and tackle Plan B. And it’s
Sometimes, despite careful planning, the
far better to have a Plan B in the back
unexpected will happen and a business
pocket ready, if and when the unexpected
will fail. There are many reasons why a
business might fail; a lack of cash, a new
competitor or changes in the market

Nobody plans to fail but it is important

to plan for the ‘what if’ scenario. What if
doesn’t work out as you planned?

Sometimes all that could be required is

changes to the existing business style
that reduce the costs or boost income.




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