Minorproject Smoke, Gasdetector PDF

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Minor Project Report

Submitted in Fifth Semester of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY (B-TECH)
(SESSION : 2021-25)
Submitted To




1. Mohammad Toufeeq Ansari : (0228EC211012) 1. Prof. Sachin Singh
2. Prof. J P Upadhyay
(Project Guide)


December - 2023


The Undersigned Certify that I Mohammad Toufeeq Ansari : (0228EC211012)

student of Fifth Semester, Electronics & Communication S.R.G.I., Jabalpur

have read and recommended for the acceptance of a Minor Project Report


fulfillment for the Degree of Bachelor of Technology as per R.G.P.V., Bhopal.

Prof. J P Upadhyay Prof. Sachin Singh

(Project Guide) (HOD EC)
EC Department EC Department
S.R.I.S.T., Jabalpur (M.P.) S.R.I.S.T., Jabalpur (M.P.)


I Mohammad Toufeeq Ansari : (0228EC211012) of Bachelor of

Technology in Shri Ram Group of Institutions, session 2021-25,
Jabalpur (M.P.) here by informed that the work presented in this
dissertation entitled “AUTOMATED SMOKE ALERTING
SYSYTEM” is the outcome of my own work, is to bonafide and
correct to the best of my knowledge and this work has been
carried out taking care of Engineering Ethics.


It is my immense pleasure to express deepest sense of gratitude and

indebtedness to my highly respected Prof. Sachin Singh, H.O.D , Department
of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Shri Ram Institute of Science
and Technology, Jabalpur (M.P). His invaluable guidance, inspiration,
continuous encouragement, sincere criticism and sympathetic attitude could
made this Project possible.
I would take this opportunity to express deep sense of gratitude and
acknowledgement to Dr. Sameer Vaidya, Principal, Shri Ram Institute of
Science and Technology, Jabalpur (M.P.) for his encouragement, inspiration
and kind approval of this dissertation. I thank him for providing required
resources from the college.
I am equally indebted to supporting staff members of Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRIST, Jabalpur who have
helped me directly or indirectly.
Last but certainly not the least, I would like to express our gratitude to the
Almighty for his blessings and courage.

1. Mohammad Toufeeq Ansari : (0228EC211012)



Smoke remains a significant threat to lives and livelihoods in India.

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, fire accidents claimed over
21,000 lives in 2021, causing immense devastation and economic losses.
Electrical faults, cooking mishaps, and unattended open flames are among
the leading causes of these tragedies.
While traditional smoke detectors play a crucial role in alerting residents,
they often face limitations. Their effectiveness can be hampered by
inadequate sound volume, especially for deep sleepers, or by their inability to
reach every corner of a dwelling. Moreover, traditional systems lack the
ability to instantly notify emergency services or concerned individuals
Automated smoke alerting systems offer a promising solution to address
these shortcomings. These intelligent systems leverage sensor technology to
detect smoke promptly and trigger a range of immediate actions, from
sounding piercing alarms.
This minor project delves into the design and development of an automated
smoke alerting system. The system will utilize a sensitive smoke sensor to
detect the slightest wisp of smoke and initiate a cascade of pre-programmed
I believe that this project has the potential to save lives and property. By
providing early warning of a fire, an automated smoke alerting system can
give people the time they need to evacuate a burning building.

I am excited to work on this project and I hope that it will be successful.

1. Purpose of the project report
2. Introduction to Embedded Systems 6 - 11
3. Introduction to Arduino Uno
4. Importance of smoke alerting systems
1. Working principle
12 - 16
2. Hardware Requirement
3. Software Requirement
4. Cost Estimation
1. Circuit Diagram and Explanation 17 - 22
2. Components used in Circuit
3. Programming of the Circuit





Automated Smoke Alerting System Using Arduino Uno

Discover how an Arduino Uno can be used to create an

innovative automated smoke alerting system in this
comprehensive project report.

Learn about the purpose of this project report. Understand the

importance of smoke alerting systems in ensuring safety for the
development of intelligent systems like this smoke and gas alert
system, which uses sensors and communication protocols to
provide real-time information about potential threats.

The project leverages the versatility and programmability of the

Arduino Uno microcontroller platform to create a cost-effective
and customizable solution for smoke detection. By integrating
various sensors and actuators, our system is designed to
detect the presence of smoke in its early stages and promptly
notify users through predefined alerts.
There is a growing demand for automated systems that not
only detect smoke but also provide accurate alerts to mitigate
potential damages. In response to this need, our project
focuses on the development of an Automated Smoke Alerting
System using Arduino Uno, aiming to enhance the reliability
and responsiveness of fire detection mechanisms.
1. Purpose of the Project Report:

The primary objective of this project is to design and build a cost-

effective, reliable, and efficient automated smoke and gas alert
system using Arduino Uno. The system should detect smoke and
gas leaks early, trigger alarms, and send notifications to
designated individuals or emergency services.

This report documents the design, development, and

implementation of an automated smoke and gas alert system
using the Arduino Uno microcontroller. The project aims to
provide an early warning system to detect smoke and gas leaks,
potentially preventing damage and saving lives.

Electronics deal with the study and application of devices and

systems that use electricity, while communication focuses on the
transfer of information. Combining these fields allows for the
development of intelligent systems like this smoke and gas alert
system, which uses sensors and communication protocols to
provide real-time information about potential threats. Explore the
main objective of the project and understand its significance in the
context of smoke detection.
2. Introduction to Embedded Systems:

Embedded systems represent a cornerstone in modern

technological advancements, seamlessly integrating hardware and
software to perform dedicated functions within larger systems.
These specialized computing systems are embedded into devices
and products across various industries, enhancing functionality,
efficiency, and automation. Unlike general-purpose computers,
embedded systems are designed to execute specific tasks, often
in real-time, with a focus on reliability and performance.

1. Integration: Embedded systems seamlessly integrate

hardware and software to create a cohesive unit. These
systems are optimized for efficiency, reliability, and often
operate in real-time environments.
2. Applications: Found in diverse applications such as
consumer electronics, automotive control systems, medical
devices, industrial automation, and IoT devices, embedded
systems play a pivotal role in enhancing functionality and
3. Real-time Operation: Many embedded systems operate in
real-time, responding to inputs and producing outputs within
strict time constraints. This characteristic is crucial for
applications where timing is critical, such as in control systems
or robotics.
4.Low Power Consumption: Efficiency in power usage is a
critical aspect of embedded systems, especially in battery
powered devices. Minimizing power consumption is essential
to extend the operational life of the system.
5.Microcontrollers and Microprocessors: Embedded systems
commonly utilize microcontrollers or microprocessors as their
processing units. These compact components provide the
necessary computational power for embedded applications.
6.Connectivity: With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT),
embedded systems increasingly incorporate connectivity
features, enabling communication with other devices or
centralized systems for data exchange and remote control.
3. Introduction to Arduino uno:

Get introduced to the Arduino Uno microcontroller and its role in

building the automated smoke alerting system. The heart of the
project, the Arduino Uno, responsible for collecting data from
sensors, analyzing the information, and triggering appropriate

The report showcases the practical application of the Arduino Uno

microcontroller platform. It highlights how a widely accessible and
programmable device like Arduino can be utilized to create
solutions for real-world problems, promoting the use of such
platforms in various applications.

Arduino Uno is a popular microcontroller board known for its ease

of use and versatility. It allows users to program and control
electronic components through simple coding interfaces. In this
project, the Arduino Uno will act as the central processing unit for
the smoke and gas alert system.
4. Importance of Smoke Alerting Systems:

Smoke and gas leaks pose significant risks to life and property.
Traditional smoke detectors offer some protection, but they have
limitations. This project aims to address these limitations by
creating an automated system that provides faster, more
comprehensive, and potentially remote alerts.

Smoke alerting systems are of paramount importance as they

provide early detection of potential fire hazards, safeguarding
lives, property, and assets. By promptly identifying the presence
of smoke, these systems enable quick response measures,
reducing emergency response times and preventing the
escalation of fires. The continuous 24/7 monitoring capability
ensures vigilance in unoccupied areas, while integration with
other safety systems enhances the overall effectiveness of fire
prevention measures. Contributing to a sense of security. In
essence, these systems serve as cost-effective risk mitigation
tools, minimizing the devastating impact of fires and promoting a
safer environment for all.
The Analysis of an Automated Smoke Alerting System
undergoes a comprehensive analysis to gauge its performance,
reliability, and effectiveness in fire detection. Critical aspects
include evaluating sensitivity and accuracy to minimize false
alarms, assessing response times for quick alerts, and
examining seamless integration with various alert mechanisms
such as alarms and remote notifications. The system's
customization options, flexibility in adapting to different
environments, and its reliability under varied conditions are also
crucial factors. Additionally, attention is given to power
consumption for energy efficiency, thorough testing and
validation procedures to verify real-world performance, and the
overall cost-effectiveness considering initial setup costs and
potential savings in property and life protection. A user-friendly
interface and compliance with safety standards further
contribute to the system's accessibility and adherence to best
practices in fire safety. This holistic analysis ensures that the
automated smoke alerting system functions optimally, providing
a reliable and efficient means of preventing and addressing fire
systematically analyzing these factors, one can gain insights
into the performance and reliability of an automated smoke
alerting system, helping to identify areas for improvement and
ensuring the system effectively contributes to fire prevention
and safety.
1. Working Principle:

The Working Principle of Automated Smoke Alerting System.

involves the integration of sensors, a processing unit (such as
Arduino Uno), and alert mechanisms. It operates on a
straightforward yet highly effective principle. At its core is a smoke
sensor designed to detect the presence of smoke particles in the
environment. This sensor generates an electrical signal
proportional to the concentration of smoke, sending it to the
processing unit, often a microcontroller like Arduino Uno. The
processing unit analyzes the signal and compares it to a
predefined threshold for smoke concentration. If the threshold is
exceeded, indicating a potential fire hazard, the system activates
alert mechanisms. These can include audible alarms and visual
indicators. Continuous monitoring ensures that the system
remains vigilant, providing timely alerts and contributing to early
fire detection and prevention. In essence, the automated smoke
alerting system seamlessly combines sensor technology, signal
processing, and alert mechanisms to deliver a reliable and
efficient solution for fire detection.

The system utilizes Sensors like MQ-2 for Smoke and MQ-9 for
Gas. These sensors change their resistance when exposed to
smoke or gas, and the Arduino Uno reads these changes. If the
sensor readings exceed pre-defined thresholds, the system
triggers an alarm (buzzer or LED).
2. Hardware requirement:

Arduino Uno microcontroller board

MQ-2 Smoke Sensor
Jumper wires
Battery or power supply
3. Software requirement:

Arduino IDE programming software.

Libraries for specific sensors and communication

modules (if used).
4. Cost Estimation:

The project's cost depends on the chosen components and their

quality. A basic setup using readily available components might
cost around INR 1000-1500, while higher-quality sensors and
communication modules can increase the cost. Consider the
overall cost-effectiveness of the automated smoke alerting
system, maintenance expenses, and potential cost savings in
terms of property and life protection.

User Interface and Accessibility: Evaluate the user interface

and accessibility of the system. A user-friendly interface
simplifies configuration and monitoring, ensuring that the system
is accessible to a wide range of users.

Low-Cost Solution: The use of Arduino Uno, along with cost-

effective sensors, makes this project an affordable alternative for
individuals and small businesses seeking to enhance their fire
detection capabilities without investing in expensive commercial
solutions. While the initial investment in smoke alerting systems
is necessary, the cost of potential fire damage, loss of life, and
emergency response can be far greater. Implementing these
systems is a cost-effective way to mitigate the risks associated
with fires. Efficiency in power usage is a critical aspect of
embedded systems, especially in battery-powered devices.
Minimizing power consumption is essential to extend the
operational life of the system.

1. Circuit Diagram and Explaination:

The circuit diagram shows the connections between the Arduino

Uno, sensors, buzzer, LED, and power supply. The sensors are
connected to analog pins of the Arduino, while the buzzer and
LED are connected to digital pins. The Arduino reads the sensor
values and triggers the alarm or sends notifications based on
pre-programmed conditions.
Here's a basic outline of the circuit components and connections:

1. Smoke Sensor: Connect the smoke sensor to the Arduino Uno.

The sensor will typically have a digital output and an analog
output. The digital output can be connected to a digital pin on
the Arduino, while the analog output can be connected to an
analog pin.
2. Arduino Uno: The Arduino Uno acts as the central control unit.
Connect the digital output of the smoke sensor to a digital input
pin on the Arduino Uno. Additionally, connect an output pin from
the Arduino Uno to the buzzer or alarm to trigger the alert.
3. Buzzer/Alarm: Connect a buzzer or alarm to the Arduino Uno.
This will be activated when smoke is detected by the smoke
4. LED: Connect the positive (longer) leg of the LED to a digital
output pin of the Arduino through a current limiting resistor (e.g.,
220 ohms), and the negative (shorter) leg to GND.
5. Power Supply: Connect the power supply to the Arduino Uno to
provide the necessary electrical power for the entire circuit.
6. Ground Connection: Connect the ground (GND) of all
components to the ground (GND) pin of the Arduino Uno. This
ensures a common ground reference for the entire circuit.

It's important to include appropriate resistors or voltage dividers if

the sensor signals require conditioning before being connected to
the Arduino Uno.
This setup allows the Arduino to continuously monitor the
environment for smoke using the smoke sensor. When smoke is
detected, the LED provides a visual warning, and the buzzer emits
an audible alarm to alert people in the vicinity.
2. Components used in Circuit:

Components Used in the Circuit:

Arduino UNO: Microcontroller for processing sensor data

and controlling outputs (Other Arduinos can be used too).
MQ-2 Smoke Sensor: Detects smoke and changes its
resistance accordingly.
Buzzer: Produces a loud sound to alert occupants of smoke
or gas leaks.
LED: Provides a visual indication of smoke or gas detection
Red LED & Green LED.
Jumper Wires: Connect the components electrically.
Breadboard: Provides a temporary platform for prototyping
the circuit.
Battery or Power Supply: Provides power to the system.
220 Ohm Resistor x 2
3. Programming of the Circuit:

If the sensor detects smoke, the Arduino triggers the LED
to turn on and activates the buzzer to sound the alarm.
The Arduino code reads sensor values at regular
If the sensor readings exceed pre-defined thresholds, the
code triggers the alarm by activating the buzzer and/or
The program should also include a delay or debounce
logic to avoid false alarms due to temporary smoke or
sensor fluctuations.
The programming complexity depends on the desired
functionality and communication features.
The threshold value (smokeThreshold) may need
adjustment based on environment and the sensitivity of
the MQ-2 sensor. It can be adjusted by monitoring the
values printed in the Serial Monitor and setting a suitable
threshold value.
To create a simple Arduino code for a smoke alerting system
using the MQ-2 sensor, LED, and buzzer, you can follow the
example below. This code assumes that the MQ-2 sensor is
connected to analog pin A0, the LED is connected and the
buzzer is connected. We will use C Programming language for

// Define the pins

const int analogPin = A0; // Analog pin for MQ-2 sensor
const int digitalPin = 2; // Digital pin for digital output of
MQ-2 sensor
const int ledPin = 3; // Digital pin for LED
const int buzzerPin = 4; // Digital pin for Buzzer

void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication
pinMode(digitalPin, INPUT); // Set digital pin as input for
digital output of MQ-2 sensor
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Set LED pin as output
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT); // Set buzzer pin as
void loop()
int sensorValue = analogRead(analogPin); // Read analog value
from MQ-2 sensor
int digitalValue = digitalRead(digitalPin); // Read digital value
from MQ-2 sensor
Serial.print("Analog Value: ");
// If digital value is HIGH (smoke detected), activate LED and
if (digitalValue == HIGH)
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn on LED
tone(buzzerPin, 1000); // Activate buzzer
delay(1000); // Buzzer on for 1 second
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn off LED
noTone(buzzerPin); // Turn off buzzer
delay(1000); // Adjust the delay based on your specific
Advantages and Disadvantages

Early detection of smoke and gas leaks, minimizing

potential damage.
Loud and visual alarms for immediate notification.
Potential for remote notifications to designated contacts or
emergency services.
Increased safety and protection for occupants and property.
Relatively simple and cost-effective design.


Requires power supply and may not be reliable in case of

power outages.
Sensors may require calibration and cleaning for optimal
False alarms could occur due to environmental factors.
Additional hardware and programming complexity for
remote notification features.
Applications of Smoke Detector
Residential Buildings: Early detection for evacuation
and property protection.
Commercial Establishments: Minimize disruptions and
financial losses.
Industrial Facilities: Prevent catastrophic events,
integrate with fire suppression.
Healthcare Facilities: Ensure patient and staff safety.
Educational Institutions: Create a safer learning
Hotels and Hospitality: Protect guests and staff,
ensure orderly evacuation.
Data Centers: Safeguard critical IT infrastructure and
Transportation Systems: Ensure passenger safety
during transit.
Warehouses and Storage Facilities: Protect inventory
and infrastructure.
Telecommunication Centers: Mitigate fire-related
disruptions to communication services.
Museums and Cultural Institutions: Preserve valuable
artifacts and exhibits.
Smart Homes and IoT Devices: Integrated into IoT
ecosystems for remote monitoring

In conclusion, our project successfully achieved its primary goal

of developing an Automated Smoke Alerting System using
Arduino Uno and the MQ-2 sensor. We demonstrated the
system's capability to provide early detection of smoke, offering
timely alerts through LED and buzzer notifications. The key
accomplishments include the seamless integration of the
Arduino Uno platform, efficient sensor data processing, and the
activation of alert mechanisms. The project underscores the
potential benefits of such systems in enhancing personal and
public safety, protecting lives, property, and critical assets.
However, it's important to note the system's limitations,
including sensitivity adjustments and potential false positives.
Looking forward, future improvements could focus on refining
algorithms for more accurate detection and exploring wireless
communication for remote monitoring. The technology holds
promise for diverse applications, ranging from residential
settings to industrial facilities, contributing significantly to fire
prevention and emergency response measures.
Research Papers:
Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Arduino-Based Smoke
and Gas Leak Detection System for Home Safety:
Development of an IoT-based Smart Fire Alarm System using
Arduino Uno and ESP8266:
Development of a Low-Cost and Efficient Smoke Detection
System using Arduino Uno:
A Review of Arduino-based Fire Detection Systems:

Websites and Tutorials:

Instructables - https://www.instructables.com/Smoke-Detector-1/
Techatronic - https://techatronic.com/lpg-gas-leakage-detector-
Projects Hub - https://projecthub.arduino.cc/trijalsrimal/fire-gas-
Random Nerd Tutorials - https://m.youtube.com/watch?

Getting Started with Arduino by Massimo Banzi and Mike
Building Wireless Home Automation Projects by Kimmo
Practical Arduino by Jonathon Firth.



1. Purpose of the project report
2. Introduction to Embedded Systems 6 - 11
3. Introduction to Arduino Uno
4. Importance of smoke alerting systems

1. Working principle
12 - 16
2. Hardware Requirement
3. Software Requirement
4. Cost Estimation

1. Circuit Diagram and Explanation 17 - 22
2. Components used in Circuit
3. Programming of the Circuit





I will look forward to enhance and update our project.
I would also like thanks all the teachers for the guidance.

1. Mohammad Toufeeq Ansari : (0228EC211012)

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