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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc


Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)


Chọn 01 trong 04 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những lựa chọn còn lại.
1. A. Europe B. evacuee C. explore D. expenditure
2. A. considerate B. decimate C. desperate D. desolate
3. A. massage B. dressage C. corsage D. passage
4. A. magnification B. malice C. mannequin D. malignant
Chọn 01 từ trong 04 từ đã cho có cấu trúc trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.
5. A. infamous B. colonel C. adverse D. canary
6. A. advertisement B. Aborigine C. contributory D. commiserate
7. A. identity B. modernity C. oddity D. legality
8. A. agriculture B. congress C. communism D. contraception
Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ trong 04 lựa chọn có nghĩa gần nhất với từ/cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu hỏi.
9. Apple always surprises its customers with technological improvements given to each new product they roll out.
A. makeovers B. remakes C. makeups D. makeshifts
10. Vietnam has a great number of old monuments which are an important part of the national intangible heritage.
A. behind the times B. antediluvian C. antiquated D. antique
11. The ebb and flow of the national annual influx of tourists unsettles a number of businessmen working in the
service sector.
A. night and day B. up and down C. in and out D. odd and end


Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ trong 04 lựa chọn trái nghĩa với từ/cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu hỏi.
12. Her father is one typical example of people who believe in no superhuman entities.
A. atheist B. monotheist C. theist D. nontheist
13. According to the schedule, the MS-145 rocket blasts off at 3 o’clock this afternoon.
A. touches off B. cools down C. knuckles down D. touches down
14. A whirlwind tour is offered annually to all high school students who are interested in this college and want to
study here.
A. wandering B. slow C. perfunctory D. intimate


Chọn 01 lựa chọn trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu hỏi.
15. In an unstable market, financial _________ plans are always of great importance to any businesses
regardless of size.
A. vicissitude B. fortuity C. contingency D. predicament
16. In the previous meeting, one congressman tried to _________ for the application of the new real estate law
by showing how it could benefit renters.
A. lobby B. induce C. persuade D. promote
17. When reading news online, people should take every information with a _________.
A. jar of jam B. mug of coffee C. lump of sugar D. pinch of salt
18. Cunning people always have many ruses to trick others into _________ their secrets.
A. letting out B. letting on C. letting off D. taking out
19. Not only do companies stop hiring new people but they also _________ some current employees.
A. set out B. take on C. lay off D. cordon off

Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn.
Why do vast (20) _________ of birds, driven as much by some irrepressible genetic impulse as by the dictates of
seasonal change, migrate thousands of miles every year? And why do people, (21) _________ between ‘the known
and the new’, so often oscillate between the prospect of his journey and the draw of home? Under the (22)
_________ of exploring the first question, The Snow Geese, William Fiennes’s quirky and autobiographical first book,
takes us to the heart of the second. The story begins with Fiennes (23) _________ to a hospital bed, stricken by a
curious and psychologically debilitating illness, dreaming of the comforts and protection of his family home. But when
he returns to the familiarity of the old ironstone house, restlessness soon (24) _________ homesickness. He longs to
be (25) _________ out of his introspection. Paul Gallico’s novel The Snow Goose becomes an unlikely inspiration,
and Fiennes resolves to follow the (26) _________ path of real-life snow geese as they fly from Texas to the
Canadian Arctic Circle on their annual spring voyage. It is emotional healing through the power of bird-watching,
allowing him to put the past behind him. The result is an original blend of travel writing, autobiography and (27)
20. A. packs B. flocks C. swarms D. schools
21. A. torn B. caught C. confused D. hesitant
22. A. pretence B. pretension C. pretext D. pretax
23. A. confined B. detained C. retained D. inhibited
24. A. replaces B. worsens C. ameliorates D. supersedes
25. A. jolted B. jostled C. talked D. discouraged
26. A. migratorial B. migratory C. migrationary D. migrate
27. A. report B. reportage C. reporting D. reporter
Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời 8 câu hỏi kèm theo.
What’s the difference between a medical student and a convict? The answer: A convict doesn’t pay $50,000 a year
for the privilege of being fingerprinted and patted down. I am referring, of course, to the increasingly stringent security
measures that have come to characterize modern educational testing. As student evaluation techniques have
migrated from face-to-face assessment to computer-based exams administered in dedicated testing centers,
evaluators have become less and less likely to know examinees, leading to heightened precautions around exam
I recently interviewed a group of fourth-year medical students who had just taken Step 2 of the United States
Medical Licensing Clinical Knowledge Examination at test-administration centers. Each of the students had paid $560
for the privilege, and had devoted nine hours to the single-day exam, which consists of eight sections of 40 to 45
questions each. Over the day, they received a total break time of 45 minutes. Students must pass the exam to obtain
a medical license, and scoring well is an important factor in gaining admission to competitive medical specialties. So
anxiety tends to run high.
This inevitable anxiety is compounded by Checkpoint Charlie-esque security measures. IDs are checked. Each
student wears a unique number on his or her shoulder throughout the day. Students are fingerprinted each time they
enter and exit the testing room (up to 16 times). They are patted down and asked to roll up their pants legs and pull
their pockets inside-out. If they wear a jacket or sweater into the exam room, they cannot take it off. They are warned
that they will be under constant camera surveillance.
One of the students, a former U.S. marine, said he had found the entire atmosphere of the exam eerily familiar. He
had served in Iraq, helping to preside over the return of inhabitants to Fallujah after the city’s recapture by U.S.
forces. “It was weird,” he said. “They were using many of the exact same procedures and equipment we used in
Fallujah. It took so long for them to verify identities that you almost didn’t dare leave the room, for fear you couldn’t
get back in time. I finally had to show one of the examiners how to do it properly.” Of course, these techniques are not
merely for medical students. Aspiring accountants and architects, students sitting for the GRE, and prospective
employees of Silicon Valley companies are all subjected to these medieval measures.
28. What is the main idea of the text?
A. Rigid testing procedure
B. The importance of medical license to doctors
C. The difficulty of the United States Medical Licensing Clinical Knowledge Examination
D. Why scoring well in exams is hard
29. What is the annual cost of testing, according to the text?
A. $50.000 B. $560 C. $50.560 D. $50,000
30. What is the current educational trend, according to paragraph one?
A. Assessment organized via computers B. The use of PCs in testing
C. Evaluators become more distant and ignorant D. The rise of strict rules in classes
31. In paragraph one, the word dedicated means _________.
A. used for one purpose only B. used on multiple occasions
C. used to organize events D. limited to some purposes
32. In paragraph two, which statement is not true?
A. Students are allowed to have 45 minutes break throughout the test day.
B. Students must score well in the exam to be admitted to medicine.
C. Students must pass the exam to get medical license.
D. Nervousness is common among candidates on test day.
33. Where is the evidence for this statement: “The duration of the exam is equivalent to a standard working day.”
A. Line 8-10 B. Line 14-15 C. Line 10-12 D. Line 17-18
34. What is true about Checkpoint Charlie-esque security measures?
A. Number badges of students are checked when they get in or out of the testing room.
B. Students are required to roll up their pants legs and pull their pockets inside-out during break time.
C. Invigilators will keep an eye on all students in person.
D. Students are allowed to wear their jackets or sweaters in the testing room.
35. How did the student, who had served the U.S marine, feel about the testing procedure?
A. The atmosphere of the testing room was slightly different from what he had seen in Fallujah.
B. Its atmosphere was, for the most part, strange but still familiar to some extent.
C. It had the atmosphere totally familiar to him.
D. It mysteriously resembled his experience in Fallujah.
Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng ở mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống.
36. Helena: “The bread is wonderful. Can I have another slice of it?’’
Mark: “________________.’’
A. Let me see B. Help yourself C. My pleasure D. No problem
37. John: “I heard that you had done well in your exam.”
Linda: “With ________________, indeed.’’
A. a little revision B. unexpected results C. flying colors D. no cheating
38. Annie: “Could you be ________________ show me where the changing room is?’’
Laura: “Sure, it’s just right there, next to the spiral staircase.’’
A. so kind as to B. so good as to C. so good to D. kind enough as to
39. Alex: “Do you know the solution to this math problem?’’
Mike: “________________.’’
A. Beats me B. Just a minute C. Good luck D. Nothing
40. Hilton: “I think Hanna adores me.’’
Harry: ‘’________________, she has already had a boyfriend.’’
A. Come off it B. Get over it C. Come over it D. Get off it
Chọn 01 lựa chọn là trật tự đúng của các lượt lời trong hội thoại đã cho.
41. a. You just need to work out more.
b. Don’t worry. You only need 10 minutes a day to work out.
c. I failed the PE exam because I could not jump high enough.
d. Okay, I’ll try to. But how can I improve the next time?
e. How could I do that? I don’t have enough time to sleep let alone do exercise.
f. Get over it. It is not a big deal.
A. c-e-f-d-b-a B. c-d-f-e-a-b C. c-f-d-a-e-b D. c-b-d-a-e-f

42. a. 15th Avenue. I am going to come over my friend’s house.

b. There was a severe traffic accident near 15th Avenue, so the road must be clogged now.
c. Then, I warn you that it would take you about 30 minutes.
d. Why do you think so?
e. Of course. Where are you about to go?
f. Could you help me with my bags?
A. f-e-b-d-a-c B. f-e-a-c-d-b C. f-e-a-b-d-c D. f-e-d-b-a-c
43. a. Yes. Just keep going and you’ll see.
b. I think we’re lost. I have never taken this route before.
c. Don’t worry. You are on the right track.
d. Really?
e. I don’t buy it. Why do you think so?
f. This route leads directly to city center, so it’s a great shortcut for us.
A. b-c-e-f-d-a B. b-c-d-f-a-e C. b-c-a-e-f-d D. b-c-d-f-e-a
44. a. No. Last week, they punished me physically just because I forgot to do housework.
b. Not really. Usually, they are quite harsh.
c. You must be very lucky to have such parents.
d. Thank you so much. My parents presented it to me yesterday as a birthday gift.
e. Are you kidding me?
f. Tina, you have such a nice skirt.
A. e-f-a-b-c-d B. f-d-c-b-e-a C. f-d-e-a-c-b D. f-d-c-a-e-b
45. a. Just a little sugar to make it less sour.
b. What are you adding to my lemonade?
c. Okay. I’ll make you another cup. By the way, do you want some white bread?
d. Cut it out! I don’t want the natural taste of the lemon to be compromised.
e. Is it delicious?
f. I will cut you a slice and let you decide whether it’s good or not.
A. b-a-e-c-d-f B. b-a-d-f-c-e C. b-a-d-c-e-f D. b-a-c-e-f-d
Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.
46. People, either studying or teaching in this college, have been familiar with the dominance of the white and the
oppression of the black.
A. Teachers and students, working and studying in this college, used to be familiar with the supremacy of the white
over the black.
B. Both teachers and students in this college are used to the imbalance of power between the white and the black.
C. For students and teachers in this college, it is understandable that the white has always been dominating the
D. For everyone in this college, that the white outshine the black is common knowledge of which all students and
teachers have become conscious.
47. If the factory kept disposing of untreated sewage into the nearby river, the river would probably be polluted.
A. Was the factory to continue disposing of untreated sewage into the river nearby, the river would perhaps be
B. Should the factory not stop pumping untreated sewage into the nearby river, the river will be contaminated.
C. Were the factory to keep pumping untreated sewage into the nearby river, it is expected that the river would be
D. If the nearby river was contaminated, it might be the factory that disposes of untreated sewage polluting the
48. The professor does not like the fact that his students suspected the evidences of extraterrestrial life.
A. The professor would rather his students had not suspected the proves of alien life.
B. The professor would rather his students did not doubt the proves of life outside the Earth.
C. The professor would as soon his students to have believed the proves of extraterrestrial life.
D. The professor had better his students had believed the evidences of alien life.
49. Although I have been trying hard for days, I still fail to replicate the calligraphy in those Chinese texts.
A. No matter how diligently I have been attempting to reproduce those Chinese texts, the calligraphy still appears as
a failure to me.
B. Despite having made many attempts, I could reproduce those Chinese texts in calligraphy only after many tries.
C. I could not replicate those Chinese texts in calligraphy, no matter how many times I’ve been attempting.
D. In spite of trying hard for days, the calligraphy in those Chinese texts still poses a replication challenge to me.
50. The lengthy campaign waged against poachers was, in fact, unnecessary.
A. The lengthy campaign battling against poaching didn’t need to be waged.
B. The lengthy campaign battling against poaching needn’t have been waged.
C. The lengthy campaign battling against poaching could not have been waged.
D. The lengthy campaign battling against poaching must not have been waged.
Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với cặp câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.
51. The old farmer constructs a new barnyard for his chickens. He has owned his chickens for four years.
A. When a new barnyard is obliterated, the chickens will have been living in the old farmer’s farm for four years.
B. When a new barnyard is put up, the old farmer will be owning the chickens for four years.
C. When the chickens live in the old farmer’s farm, he will have been building a new barnyard for them for four
D. When the old farmer erects a new barnyard for his chickens, they will have been living in his farm for four years.
52. I learnt English intensively when I was in primary school. I always got great marks in English tests in secondary
A. Before scoring well in all English tests I took in secondary school, I had learnt this subject intensively in primary
B. Before becoming the best student in English during my secondary school years, I had swotted up this subject in
primary school.
C. After I had earned great marks in English exams, I started to be serious about this subject in my secondary
school years.
D. Before scoring perfectly in every test I took in secondary school, I had learnt English intensively in primary
53. In the past, many Vietnamese people died of tuberculosis. They did not have proper treatment.
A. Had it not been for the proper treatment for tuberculosis, the past life of Vietnam would have witnessed many
B. Suppose that Vietnam had not had proper medical treatment for tuberculosis in the past, many Vietnamese
people would have died from this disease.
C. In the past, without proper treatment for tuberculosis, many Vietnamese people could die of the disease.
D. If Vietnam had had proper treatment for tuberculosis in the past, fewer Vietnamese people would have died from
this disease.
54. Max entered the exam room. He realized he forgot his calculator at home.
A. Not until Max entered the exam room that he realized he did not bring his calculator.
B. Not until Max got into the exam room than he realized he forgot his calculator at home.
C. It was not until Max entered the exam room that he realized he did not bring his calculator.
D. It was not until Max entered the exam room did he realize he forgot his calculator at home.
55. People avoid speaking while chewing. This is an important table manner that all children should learn
A. Children should avoid speaking while chewing which is an important table manner.
B. That the children should not speak while chewing is an important table manner.
C. It is very important not to speak while the children are chewing, which is an important table manner.
D. An important table manner children should learn is to avoid speaking while chewing.
Chọn 1 cụm từ hoặc câu trong 4 lựa chọn cho sẵn trong mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống tương ứng trong bài
luận đã cho.
Blackmore’s great adventure consisted of leading an expedition across one of the last unexplored places on
earth, the Taklamakan Desert in western China. Its name means ‘once entered you never come out’, but local people
call it the Desert of Death. He recalled the dangers and exhilaration of that amazing trek, in the calm atmosphere of
his family home. The team he led was composed of four Britons (one of them the party’s medical officer), an American
photographer, four Chinese (all experts on the area), 30 camels and six camel handlers. (56) _________: a
misunderstanding that could have cost everyone their lives and certainly jeopardized the expedition’s success. This
mixed bunch set out to cross 1,200 kilometres of the world’s least hospitable desert and Charles Blackmore has
written a mesmerising account of their journey. At the time, he was about to leave the Army after 14 happy years.
(57)_________. ‘I had always assumed I’d spend my whole life in the Army. I had been offered promotion but
suddenly I felt I wanted to see who Charles Blackmore really was, outside all that. It was a tremendous gamble. Tina,
my wife, was very worried that I wouldn’t come back as nobody had ever done that route; we went into it blind. In the
event, it took 59 days to cross from west to east, and the desert was very kind to us. ’Anyone reading his
extraordinary account of that crossing will wonder at the use of the word ‘kind’. (58) _________. ‘But’, Blackmore
explains, ‘when we were at the limits of our own endurance and the camels had gone without water for seven days,
we managed to find some. We didn’t experience the Taklamakan’s legendary sandstorms. And we never hit the raw,
biting desert cold that would have totally immobilized us. (59) _________. The fine sand got into everything,
especially blisters and wounds. The high dunes were torture to climb, for us and for the heavily laden camels, which
often rolled over onto us. What drove me on more than anything else was the need to survive. Neither our budget nor
time allowed us to change our plan. No aircraft ever flew over us. Once we got into the sandhills we were completely
on our own. I knew I had the mental stamina for the trip, but I was very scared of my physical ability to do it. (60)
_________. I thought, “We’ve got to do it now!” At that moment I was a very scared man.’
56. A. It was known later that the apparently sound camels had been mistreated for a long time by the immoral
B. It turned out later that the photographer of the team specialized only in taking static photos
C. It later turned out that the camel handlers had never worked with camels before, but were long-distance lorry
D. It was later known that the medical officer, beside his expertise, had a number of cooking, hunting and survival
57. A. He launched the expedition for fun, to fill a gap in his life, to prove something
B. He determined to come out of his shell and show the Army how well he could survive
C. He determined to do something different from what he had done to prove his value to the Army
D. He wanted to climb up the promotion ladder to prove something and fulfill himself
58. A. Actually, the term ‘kind’ means that the team found more water than they had expected and did not suffer
dysentery or severe dehydration.
B. The team suffered unspeakable hardships: dysentery; extremes of temperature; severe thirst and dehydration;
the loss of part of their precious water supply
C. The team indeed suffered next to nothing: though they could hardly find water, they did not confront natural
D. The team suffered extreme hardships, which was aggravated by the fact that no water could be found
59. A. On the contrary, we had to overcome many other hurdles
B. However, the journey was still daunting because of dust
C. Better still, we did not face up against annoying hurdles along the way
D. That’s not to say that we weren’t fighting against hurdles the whole time
60. A. I remember day two - we sat at the edge of a cliff, and I was scared to death by the height of it
B. I remember day four - we sat at the edge of the desert, and it was dirty enough to make me concerned
C. I remember day three - we sat at the edge of a cliff, and I was provoked by the torturous climbs
D. I remember day one - we sat at the edge of the desert, and it was such an inferno that you couldn’t breathe
CÂU 1: Viết một văn bản khoảng 250 từ về chủ đề sau:
Today more people are overweight than ever before. What in your opinion are the primary causes of this? What
measures can be taken to overcome this epidemic?


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