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Energy Policy 38 (2010) 6877–6885

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Energy Policy
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Motivations driving renewable energy in European countries:

A panel data approach
António C. Marques n, José A. Fuinhas, J.R. Pires Manso
~ Portugal
University of Beira Interior, Management and Economics Department, Estrada do Sineiro, 6200-209 Covilha,

a r t i c l e in fo abstract

Article history: Despite the increasing amount of literature available on renewable energy, the empirical analysis about
Received 27 January 2010 drivers promoting renewables remains scarce. We have analyzed those drivers for European Countries.
Accepted 5 July 2010 Over an extended period of time (1990–2006) we used panel data techniques, namely the fixed effects
vector decomposition. The results suggest that both the lobby of the traditional energy sources (oil, coal,
Keywords: and natural gas) and CO2 emissions restrain renewable deployment. The objective of reducing energy
Renewable energy dependency appears to stimulate renewable energy use. Our results robustly support the EU decision to
Panel data models create a directive promoting the use of renewable sources (Directive 2001/77/EC). We also offer
Fixed effect with decomposition vector suggestions with regards to the design of appropriate policies towards renewable energy deployment.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Member States. This framework is compulsory for EU Members

unlike non-EU Members. The 2000’s and specifically the year
There are an increasing number of papers dedicated to 2001, represent the benchmark for the targets of RE use, as a
Renewable Energy (hereafter RE), but it is less common to find result of Directive 2001/77/EC. To gauge the implicit hypothesis of
contributions to the discussion of the effect, and the effectiveness different behavior, for EU Members and non-EU Members, the
of factors and policies promoting energy from renewable sources. sample was also sliced according to the membership in 2001.
Despite the huge research regarding the normative perspective, Our aim is to analyze the motivations behind renewable
and points of view on what should influence switching from energy use in European Countries, by using panel data techniques,
traditional energy sources to renewable sources, there is a lack of namely the fixed effects vector decomposition, over an extended
empirical work. In addition, the vast research on factors promot- period of time (1990–2006). To measure the RE, we use the
ing RE is mostly applied to wind energy (e.g. Bird et al., 2005; contribution of renewables to total energy supply as a percentage
Menz and Vachon, 2006). of the total primary energy supply. The design of appropriate
The scarce empirical work is focused on the USA. Menz and policies requires a profound knowledge about both encouraging
Vachon (2006), estimate a regression equation using the OLS and discouraging factors of RE use. We manage three kinds of
method applied to a one year-data of 30 American States. factors: political, socioeconomic and country specific. Our con-
Differently, Carley (2009) stresses the importance of including a tribution is threefold. First, we add to the empirical literature
time dimension in these kinds of studies and estimated a model of evidence on RE drivers. Secondly, we focus on an economic block
fixed effects, and a model of fixed effects with vector decomposi- with a background on the fight against climate change. Thirdly,
tion, for 48 States of the USA, using data from a time period of we use both the standard panel data techniques, and the fixed
9 years (1998–2006). effects vector decomposition method to assess whether time-
Our focus is on Europe, and particularly the European Union invariant and rarely changing variables affect the RE commitment.
(EU), as many of its countries have a track record of concerns The results corroborate the lobby effect of the traditional
about climate change. Some contributors are the White Paper for a energy sources in constraining the impetus towards renewables.
Community Strategy and Action Plan, Energy for the Future: The socioeconomic and political factors are mainly robust.
Renewable Sources of Energy (1997), the Directive 2001/77/EC Unexpectedly, the carbon dioxide emission mitigation did not
(EU, 2001) (updated by the Directive 2009/28/EC -(EU, 2009)), and promote the RE deployment.
the ratification, in 2002, of the Kyoto Protocol by the EU and its The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
makes an insight on literature about determinants of RE
development. The third section describes the methodology.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 275 319 600; fax: + 351 275 319 601.
Section 4 shows the results, and the discussion of the motivations
E-mail addresses: amarques@ubi.pt, acardosomarques@gmail.com towards renewables is made in Section 5. Section 6 concludes our
(A.C. Marques). findings.

0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
6878 A.C. Marques et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 6877–6885

2. Determinants of RE development Wüstenhagen and Bilharz (2006) focuses on Netherlands, Sweden

and Germany respectively, but only for a short span of time and
One way of evaluating the development of the RE sources of a based on a descriptive approach; (ii) most of these policies
country is to measure the replacement of the traditional energy were adopted in the late 1990s and mainly in the early 2000s;
sources in the total energy supply. Another method, suggested by (iii) Johnstone et al. (2010) conclude that the effect of public
the literature, is to measure the total amount of RE produced (e.g. policies largely depends on the type of renewable source.
Bird et al., 2005). A third, is to use the natural logarithm of the RE Considering all the sources together, Johnstone et al. (2010) find
share on the total electricity generation (e.g. Carley, 2009). that only the obligations (for instance, production quotas) are
In this paper we explain the contribution of renewables to significant at the 1% level of significance. The remaining
energy supply (CRES), as a percentage of total primary energy incentives are statistically not significant. The authors also
supply. The explanatory variables are grouped in three categories: conclude that feed-in-tariffs levels are statistically not significant
(i) political factors; (ii) socioeconomic factors; and (iii) country in the patenting activity when considering all renewable sources.
specific factors. Let us see each one of them separately. From a small sample, Menz and Vachon (2006) conclude that
public benefits funding is not a determining incentive in the
development of wind energy.
2.1. Political factors
We consider a shift dummy variable to identify EU Members in
the year 2001. Beyond that, we separate the countries in two
Several studies, such as Menz and Vachon (2006) and Carley groups: the EU Members and the non-EU Members (but
(2009), point out political motivations as the most relevant aspect potentially adherent countries).
to the promotion of RE. One of the variables that the literature
suggests to explain the promotion of clean energies is the
2.1.2. Energy security (IMPTDP)
imposition of quotas for the total energy supply. Financial benefits
Literature (e.g. Gan et al., 2007) suggests as a major incentive
(subsidies) to the promotion and use of renewable sources
for RE deployment the substitution of energy import by local
through price regulation, like the feed-in-tariffs, capital subsidies
generated means. Chien and Hu (2008) found empirical evidence
and tax mechanisms, are occurrences that potentially favour RE
of a positive effect of the RE, but only on capital formation. Their
use. When the time period is short and contemporaneous, the
conclusions are contrary to what is pointed out by theory. These
consideration of these policy measures is feasible. For a long span
authors conclude that there are no significant effects of the RE on
of time however, we are constrained by the lack of data. It is
energy imports. That literature advances the hypothesis that
worth saying that almost all countries adopted these policies
energy security promotes RE deployment. We test that hypoth-
during the first decade of the 21st century as can be seen in the
esis, and for that propose we use the energy import dependency
European Renewable Energy Council.1
of each country. We expect to confirm that, the larger the
We consider an institutional variable (dummy) for the
dependency on energy imports a country is, the higher is the
integration of a country in the EU (Directive 2001/77/EC), and
investment on its own renewable sources.
another one to measure energy import dependency.

2.2. Socioeconomic factors

2.1.1. Institutional variable – to be member of the EU in 2001
(DEU01) The socioeconomic factors are potential explainers in the
Building on Harmelink et al. (2006), we consider 2001 the selection of energy sources. For this reason, in this study we
great target in EU policies for the promotion of clean energy. In control prices, carbon dioxide, the alternative energy sources and
fact, it was only during the beginning of the 21st century that also energy consumption and income.
some countries or political blocs (as is the EU case), began to set
targets for RE and to define policy measures for the sector. The
2.2.1. Prices of oil, natural gas and coal (OILP, GASP, and COALP)
feed-in-tariffs regulated system is relatively recent, becoming
The price of clean energy, such as solar and wind energies is
visible only after 2000.2 It was the EU Directive 2001/77/EC of
relatively high when compared to those of the traditional energy
2001 that imposed mandatory targets for member countries,
sources. As noted by Menz and Vachon (2006), the prices of
signalling also the EU adherent countries to a commitment they
traditional energy sources do not include the environmental costs.
have to face after their adhesion processes.
Prices, fail to reflect the real costs of their use, when compared to
Literature (e.g. Van Rooijen and van Wees, 2006; Wang, 2006;
the ones of RE, giving the idea that prices of clean energy are not
Wüstenhagen and Bilharz, 2006; Gan et al., 2007; Johnstone et al.,
competitive in the short term. Chang et al. (2009) study the
2010) considers that public policies are relevant to explain the RE
interrelationship among prices, income and renewables. The
development. The public policy mix is constituted by R&D
authors conclude that countries with high economic growth deal
incentive programs, investment incentives (grants or low-interest
better with high energy prices (related to the use of RE), because it
loans), incentive taxes, incentive tariffs, mainly feed-in-tariffs,
is easier to support the high costs connected with these
voluntary programs and compulsory renewable targets (produc-
tion quotas and tradable certificates). Gan et al. (2007) summarize
As suggested by most of the literature (e.g. Bird et al., 2005;
the objectives, advantages, and disadvantages of each one of these
Van Ruijven and van Vuuen, 2009), our model includes the prices
policies. We do not include these variables for three reasons: (i)
of conventional energies, such as natural gas, oil, coal and also
there is no available data about those policies for all the countries
nuclear power. Taking into account the degree of substitution of
considered throughout the entire time horizon (1990–2006) – for
the different energy sources, we expect to verify that higher
instance, Van Rooijen and van Wees (2006), Wang (2006), and
priced conventional sources’ means greater RE use.

See http://www.erec.org/policy-actions/national-policies.html. 2.2.2. The carbon dioxide emissions (CO2PC)
The Renewables Obligation is designed to incentivise the generation of
electricity from eligible renewable sources in the United Kingdom. It was
Climate change is associated with the emission of large
introduced in England and Wales and, in a different form (the Renewables quantities of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (hereafter
Obligation in Scotland only in April 2002, and in Northern Ireland in April 2005). CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, nitric acid and ozone. This
A.C. Marques et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 6877–6885 6879

natural phenomenon of the greenhouse effect – which is caused 2.3. Country specific factors
by these gases – is essential for life on Earth. When this effect is
uncontrolled, it results in a great and continuous increase of the Individual country specificities, such as culture, wealth or
average temperature of the planet. It can melt large quantities of production potential of renewables, have been referred in
ice and snow and lead to undesirable consequences for human- literature as possible explanatory variables of RE use (e.g. Vachon
kind. The most common factor to be held responsible for these and Menz, 2006). The vast time span used in our approach
climate changes is CO2. Most of the literature (e.g. Sadorsky, excludes the possibility of considering recent pro-environmental
2009a; Van Ruijven and van Vuuen, 2009), suggests the hypoth- associations due to lack of data. The inventory of energy
esis that environmental concerns are incentives for a widespread resources, such as wind and solar power, is ongoing or never
use of RE. We test the former hypothesis controlling for CO2 per began. Thus, we control for production potential of renewables
capita, expecting that greater amounts of CO2, means more with the proxy variable geographic area. The continuous commit-
incentive towards RE commitment. ment with regards to RE use is assessed by a proxy variable

2.2.3. Contribution of coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear to electricity 2.3.1. Geographic area (AREA)
generation (SCOALEG, SOILEG, SGASEG, and SNUCLEG) One of the relevant variables used in the literature (e.g. Vachon
Some literature (e.g. Huang et al., 2007; Sovacool, 2009), and Menz, 2006) to explain RE use is the production potential of
supports the theory that the strength of traditional energy sources renewables. Many countries of Europe do not have this kind of
both on politics and on the economy, results from strong lobbying inventory/information for the span of time considered in our
activities. This lobbying of traditional energy industries is noted in empirical application. As a proxy of the production potential of
the capital markets, in the military industry, and, in general, in renewables, we tested a variable associated with the country size
political decision-making of governments. This results in a or dimension, i.e., its geographic area. Taking into account the
potential barrier to RE development. In fact, the established physical characteristics of the available production technologies,
interests (stakeholders of these industries), can be an obstacle for we expect to confirm that greater geographic area is associated
the development of the RE sources. This results from its crucial with greater production potential of renewables. Thus, geographic
role in investments, employment, and high impact on the whole area is expected to promote RE use. The explanatory power of this
economy. We consider the contribution of the traditional energy variable in assessing the production potential of renewables is
sources on electricity generation, expecting to obtain negative open to discussion.
effects regarding oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear.3 Once the production potential of renewables is expected to
evolve in time with the available technology, it is debatable to
accept it as invariant, as suggested by Carley (2009). The author
2.2.4. Energy consumption (ENERGPC) considers invariant the potential of renewable sources for 9 years,
Energy consumption is traditionally used as a development concluding that the amount of wind land area in a State is
indicator. It is also used to reveal the energy needs of a country. negatively related with its RE share. This relationship is possibly
Larger consumption needs, exert strong pressure on the level affected by the fact that the variable may vary throughout the
of energy use. Those needs can be supplied by: (i) traditional fossil span of time.
fuels sources; (ii) RE sources; and (iii) a mixture of both. The energy Table 1 shows the electricity production from the wind source4
consumption could be satisfied by traditional energy sources, by in 2006 and its estimated potential by the European Environment
clean sources, and by using a combination of traditional and clean Agency for the years 2020 and 2030, by cost classes, according to
sources. We control for the consumption of energy per capita, the technology available at present. In Belgium, for example, the
expecting either a positive or a negative effect on the RE. forecasted potential of competitive wind will be multiplied by 35
in 10 years. We can see that, together, the potential will more
than double, although the country’s performance is not
2.2.5. Income (GDP) homogeneous. The potentiality of non competitive wind is
In the literature of RE, the income effect is recurrently tested drastically reduced.
(e.g. Narayan and Smyth, 2008; Chang et al., 2009; Sadorsky,
2009b). Usually the income can be measured in two ways: (i) by 2.3.2. Continuous commitment on RE (DCONT)
Gross Domestic Product (hereafter GDP) or (ii) alternatively by The continuous commitment of RE implies large amounts of
GDP per capita. Huang et al. (2007), use the Gross State Product. In investments in technologies and infrastructures. These invest-
a similar way, we use absolute economic size measure (GDP) and ments allow the exploration of scale economies, i.e., the genera-
not the standard of living of a population as the explanatory tion of more energy from renewable sources, dilutes fixed costs.
variable. We expect to conclude that greater income level is Lower average costs make profitability possible without subsidies.
correlated with greater RE use. This expectation is based on two Thus, once an investment in RE is made, a long term commitment
reasons: firstly, a greater level of income means greater potential with RE is expected. The dummy variable DCONT takes value 1
to bear high regulatory costs (which can result in both higher when the CRES is greater than 10%, and 0 otherwise. This variable
prices and taxes); and secondly, greater income means more aims to control for the level of development of RE. A positive
resources available to implement and promote sustainable effect is expected. The commitment with investments in renew-
environmental alternatives (and greater RE use). able sources can be interpreted as a mirror of the scale economies

As emphasized by Vachon and Menz (2006), an improved efficiency and the
This is a different case attending to its own specificities. It is worth to refer huge investment in the production of wind turbines resulted in decreasing wind
that nuclear power can be considered as green energy and object of incentives if energy production costs, the least of any non hydro-electricity renewable source.
we intend to reduce the level of gas emissions with greenhouse effect, while Also, wind production allows increasing the hydro-electricity production poten-
hydro-electricity power can be considered ‘‘non-green’’ by the environmental tial, taking advantage of the continuous energy produced off-peak by pumping
consequences it carries. water in dams.
6880 A.C. Marques et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 6877–6885

Table 1
Generation potential of wind energy on land by cost classes (TWh).

Electricity production (1) Not competitive (2) Most likely competitive (3) Competitive (4)

2006 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030

Austria 1.72 463 199 3 211 NA 56

Belgium 0.36 371 0 53 12 12 425
Czech Republic 0.05 687 169 1 434 0 85
Denmark 6.11 0 0 65 0 687 751
Estonia 0.08 419 0 111 75 142 597
Finland 0.16 4016 7 204 1052 198 3359
France 2.15 3951 736 733 1409 576 3115
Germany 30.71 3376 344 384 1206 258 2467
Greece 1.7 261 123 54 71 251 372
Hungary 0.04 557 343 0 213 0 1
Ireland 1.62 0 0 7 0 1308 1315
Italy 2.97 983 571 57 247 112 334
Luxembourg 0.06 30 0 0 20 0 10
Netherlands 2.73 217 0 158 0 158 533
Poland 0.26 3437 39 134 1035 112 2609
Portugal 2.93 601 209 13 316 63 152
Slovak Republic 0.006 323 184 0 128 0 11
Slovenia NA 106 87 0 17 0 2
Spain 23.02 2316 1050 170 1018 263 682
Sweden 0.99 3900 487 528 2021 620 2539
Switzerland 0.02 42 39 0 3 0 1
Turkey 0.13 1264 757 89 296 123 421
United Kingdom 4.23 0 0 447 0 3961 4409

Notes: Adapted from ‘‘Europe’s onshore and offshore wind energy potential’’, Technical report No. 6/2009, European Environment Agency. (1) Eurostat; (2) cost classes with
average production costs 40.067h/kWh; (3) cost classes with average production costs¼ 0.063h/kWh (range 0.055–0.067); and (4) cost classes with average production
costs o 0.055h/kWh. NA – Data not available. Terawatts-hour.

3. Methodology Table 2
Year of adhesion to the EU and contribution of renewable sources to total energy
We proceed by presenting the data and the analysis method. Source: OECD Factbook, 2009.

Country CRES (%) EU’s membership

3.1. Data year
2001 2006
We use data collected from several sources, namely the OECD
Austria 22.6 22.7 1995
Factbook 2009, the Eurostat (December 2008), the European
Belgium 5 6 1957
Community, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport (DG Czech Republic 2.1 4.5 2004
TREN), the United Nations Statistics Division, the Demographic Denmark 11.5 15.6 1973
Yearbook, and the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2009. The Estonia 11.5 10.8 2004
Finland 23 23.1 1995
table in the appendix defines the variables, its measures, and
France 7 6.3 1957
summarizes its descriptive statistics. We use a time span of 17 years, Germany 3.4 6.1 1957
from 1990 to 2006. The object of analysis is EU countries, with the Greece 4.7 5.8 1981
exceptions of Cyprus, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Romania Hungary 2 4.7 2004
due to lack of data (which became available in the late 1990s). We Iceland 73.1 75.3 –
Ireland 1.5 2.7 1973
add to our sample the candidates of the EU adhesion: Iceland,
Italy 6.2 7.2 1957
Switzerland and Turkey (in accordance to the EU technical reports).5 Luxembourg 1.6 1.7 1957
Table 2 reveals the CRES, both in the 2001 (year of the Directive Netherlands 2.5 3.7 1957
2001/77/EC) and 2006, as well as the EU’s membership year (if Poland 5 5.7 2004
Portugal 16.1 17.1 1986
Slovak Republic 4.4 4.7 2004
The normality tests of CRES suggest that the distribution of the Slovenia 11.5 10.7 2004
dependent variable is skewed and has thick tails. One way of Spain 6.5 6.5 1986
avoiding the bias and the inconsistency of estimates, is to Sweden 28.4 29 1995
substitute the dependent variable by its natural logarithm Switzerland 18.2 17.2 –
Turkey 13.2 11 –
(Cameron and Triverdi, 2009). Thus, we use LCRES, the natural
United Kingdom 1.2 2 1973
logarithm of the CRES as the dependent variable (Carley, 2009).
Notes: CRES – Contribution of renewables to energy supply (% of total primary
energy supply).
3.2. Analysis

The data sample was converted to a panel data format. On one

account the different characteristics found amongst the individual
hand, time-series and cross-sectional studies do not take into
units (countries), which will almost always produce highly biased
results. On the other hand, panel data contains more information,
See, for instance, EEA (2009). greater variability of data, less co linearity between the variables,
A.C. Marques et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 6877–6885 6881

higher number of degrees of freedom, and more efficiency in the – the time-variants, the time-invariants, and the unexplained
estimates (Greene, 2003). These country specific effects can be time-invariant residuals. It follows that it is equivalent to the
assumed to be either random or fixed. If the country specific fixed effects estimator, with the exception of the time-invariant
effects are assumed as random, then they are not correlated with effects once they are decomposed in the explained and un-
the other explanatory variables. In the fixed effects model, the explained components.
country specific effects are assumed to be correlated with the The econometric model used in this analysis is the following:
explanatory variables. Our sample is longer than that used by j
k X
Menz and Vachon (2006) and the used by Carley (2009). This LCRESct ¼ a þ bk Xkct þ dj Zjc þ ect , ð1Þ
allows us to improve the precision of our estimates and to k¼1 j¼1
generate more reliable random errors or standard deviations.
The use of fixed effects to control for the unobserved country where ect ¼ mc þ Zct , X are the time-variant variables, Z are the
heterogeneity, in order to eliminate the bias of the coefficients of time-invariant variables, mc represents the N 1 country specific
time-variant variables, do not allow us to estimate the coefficients effects, Zct are the independent and identically distributed error
of time-invariant variables. On one hand, variables that are time- terms, c represents each one of the countries, and t represents
invariant, or that are rarely changing, could be important to the year.
justify the motivation of the commitment on RE. On the other
hand, the contribution of renewable sources to the total energy
supply varies very slightly from one country to another. Under 4. Results
these circumstances, the fixed effects with vector decomposition
estimator (FEVD), generates more efficient estimates than the In Tables 3–5 we reveal the results of our models. In Table 3 we
simple fixed effect estimator (Plümper and Troeger, 2007). We consider data for all 24 European countries; in Table 4 we
deal with some possible bias of the coefficients of time-variant consider the non-EU Members in 2001 (at moment of the
variables, by decomposing the fixed effects on its explainable Directive 2001/77/EC); and in Table 5 we consider the EU
component (i.e., correlating the time-invariants variable) and its Members at the same date.
unexplained component. The validity of the estimations is assessed by applying a set of
The estimation of the FEVD model follows a three-step tests. From the LM and F tests we reject the null hypothesis. We
estimator. The first step is to estimate the fixed effect regression conclude that the pooled OLS estimator is not a good estimator.
to get each country fixed effects estimates (unitary effects), using From the Wald test we reject the null hypothesis of non-
only time-variant variables. The second step consists of the significance, as a whole, of the parameters of the explanatory
decomposition of these OLS estimated fixed effects in two parts: variables. In order to check the relevance of the non-observed
one explained and another unexplained (the residuals). These individual effects, the Hausman test was performed. This test is
residuals are the error terms of the regression of the estimated inconclusive, reason why it is not possible to decide whether the
unitary effects upon the time-invariant variables, not correlated random effect estimator is superior to the fixed effects or not.
with the time-invariant variables. Finally, in the third step, a Consequently, we conclude that the random effects and the fixed
pooled regression (OLS) is used, which includes all of the variables effects estimation processes achieve robust estimates and have a

Table 3
Regression results. Data for all 24 European countries (1990–2006).

Independent variables Model (1) OLS Model (2) RE Model (3) FE Model (4) FEVD

Dependent variable – logged share of contribution of renewables to energy supply

CO2PC  0.0001288*** (0.0000118)  0.0001325*** (0.0000224)  0.0001276*** (0.0000252)  0.0001181*** (0.0000042)
ENERGPC 0.0002246*** (0.0000251) 0.000125*** (0.0000331) 0.0001075*** (0.0000338) 0.0001109*** (0.0000074)
SCOALEG  0.2099455 (0.1851906)  1.975046*** (0.3644396)  2.036193*** (0.4318818)  2.00914*** (.2859055)
SOILEG  0.759372** (0.3777189)  1.357134*** (0.3488213)  1.097463*** (0.3290004)  1.071415*** (0.1754635)
SGASEG  1.583003*** (0.2254674)  0.1990497 (0.3187145)  0.0983959 (0.3099008)  0.1442231 (0.1004704)
SNUCLEG  0.9794912*** (0.1798735)  1.280589*** (0.4659057)  0.4037202 (0.6667479)  0.177108 (0.4769393)
IMPTDP 0.0042084*** (0.0011587) 0.0039229* (0.0021898) 0.0046146* (0.0025029) 0.0082753*** (0.0007904)
GDP  0.0001917*** (0.0000476)  0.0000219 (0.0001113) 0.0002484 (0.0001877) 0.0002796** (0.0001343)
COALP  0.0045932 (0.0031181)  0.0013728 (0.0014831)  0.0008487 (0.0015068)  0.0003335 (0.0002194)
GASP 0.0287782 (0.0492568) 0.0291917 (0.0264181) 0.0243519 (0.0255915) 0.0122386*** (0.0024189)
OILP 0.0055362 (0.0054754) 0.0007946 (0.002892) 0.0003153 (0.0027994) 0.0000633 (0.000245)

Time-invariant and rarely changing variables

AREA 0.0003929*** (0.0001459) – –  0.0006739*** (0.0000033)
DCONT 1.025376*** (0.0774274) – – 1.198043*** (0.0023241)
DEU01 0.2974476*** (0.0649152) – –  0.3030197*** (0.0015098)
FEVD residuals – – – 1*** (0.0011341)
CONSTANT 1.938466*** (0.2231458) 3.441818*** (0.2725514) 3.110212*** (0.2827199) 2.668102*** (0.0013722)

Observations 408 408 408 408

R2 0.82 0.47 0.96
F-test N(0,1)) 130.46*** 92.11***
LM (w2) 1689.84***
Wald (w2) 568.48***

Notes: The Wald test has w2 distribution and tests the null hypothesis of non-significance of all coefficients explanatory variables; the F-test is normally distributed N(0,1)
and tests the null hypothesis of non-significance as a whole of the estimated parameters; the LM test has w2 distribution and tests the H0 of non-relevance of individual
effects; ***, **, *, denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% significance levels, respectively; robust standard deviations are reported in brackets; OLS – ordinary least squares;
RE – random effects; FE – fixed effects; FEVD – fixed effects vector decomposition.
6882 A.C. Marques et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 6877–6885

Table 4
Regression results. Data with non-EU Members in 2001 (1990–2006).

Independent variables Model (5) OLS Model (6) RE Model (7) FE Model (8) FEVD

Dependent variable – logged share of contribution of renewables to energy supply

CO2PC  0.0002002*** (0.0000226)  0.0001618*** (0.0000427)  0.0002328*** (0.0000397)  0.0002176*** (0.0000063)
ENERGPC 0.0001051** (0.0000488) 0.0000979 (0.0000684) 0.0001804*** (0.0000487) 0.0001813*** (0.000017)
SCOALEG  0.8368117** (0.3971411  1.301271** (0.5743261)  6.581843*** (1.310035)  6.970494*** (2.55483)
SOILEG  4.800577*** (0.9469312)  6.690652*** (0.9222201)  5.776042*** (1.058277)  5.602663*** (0.7717927)
SGASEG  3.220834*** (0.4612706)  4.73174*** (0.4558832)  3.729003*** (0.8125502)  3.951158*** (1.024351)
SNUCLEG  5.019002*** (0.5066198)  4.779117*** (0.2826338)  1.925741** (0.8968642)  1.901472 (1.904064)
IMPTDP 0.0223575*** (0.0036986) 0.025457*** (0.0067539) 0.0177483 (0.0113069) 0.0212686*** (0.004227)
GDP  0.0006004 (0.0003912)  0.0012095*** (0.0003578)  0.0014429 (0.0018603)  0.0014661** (0.000596)
OILP 0.0021871 (0.0064623) 0.0028567 (0.0076782) 0.0004502 (0.0042827)  0.0001686 (0.0005076)
GASP 0.0464585 (0.581594) 0.0830859 (0.069132) 0.0047348 (0.0431152)  0.0060206* (0.0031887)
COALP  0.0029778 (0.0037779)  0.0073036* (0.0044291)  0.0024228 (0.0023203)  0.001831*** (0.0005429)

Time-invariant and rarely changing variables

AREA  0.0016629*** (0.0003149) – – 0.0019538*** (0.0000048)
DCONT 0.4513266*** (0.0975922) – –  1.337027*** (0.0034677)
FEVD residuals – – – 1*** (0.0003993)
CONSTANT 4.253071*** (0.4784125) 4.167706*** (0.5248846) 6.410587*** (0.6381819) 6.612486*** (0.002229)

Observations 153 153 153 153

R2 0.92 0.67 0.96
F-test N(0,1)) 130.62*** 29.61***
LM (w2) 114.4***
Wald (w2) 1094.62***

Notes: The Wald test has w2 distribution and tests the null hypothesis of non-significance of all coefficients explanatory variables; the F-test is normally distributed N(0,1)
and tests the null hypothesis of non-significance as a whole of the estimated parameters; the LM test has w2 distribution and tests the H0 of non-relevance of individual
effects; ***, **, *, denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% significance levels, respectively; robust standard deviations are reported in brackets; OLS – ordinary least squares;
RE – random effects; FE – fixed effects; FEVD – fixed effects vector decomposition.

Table 5
Regression results. Data with EU Members in 2001 (1990–2006).

Independent variables Model (9) OLS Model (10) RE Model (11) FE Model (12) FEVD

Dependent variable – logged share of contribution of renewables to energy supply

CO2PC  0.0000485n (0.0000252)  0.000065nnn (0.0000166)  0.0000552nnn (0.0000162)  0.0000553nnn (0.0000011)
ENERGPC 0.0000135 (0.0000707) 0.0001315n* (0.0000595) 0.00011n (0.0000652) 0.0001102nnn (0.0000191)
SCOALEG  0,2094458 (0.2512881)  1.657441nnn (0.2693307)  1.516616nnn (0.281059)  1.437619nnn (0.061314)
SOILEG 0.090258 (0.4215477)  0.6851509nn (0.2648152)  0.5875848nn (0.2464865)  0.5712036nnn (  0.2218582)
SGASEG  0.8979122nnn (0.2997679)  0.2830524 (0.232718)  0.2556239 (0.1997991)  0.2218582nnn (0.0332035)
SNUCLEG  0.0067271 (0.2904175)  1.317757nn (0.5497626)  1.251937n (0.7062935)  1.127662nnn (0.3059814)
IMPTDP 0.0032182n* (0.0012622) 0.0015008 (0.0013504) 0.0006829 (0.001262) 0.0030581nnn (0.0002236)
GDP  0.0002671nnn (0.0000564) 0.0003068nn (0.0001356) 0.0004975nn (0.0001945) 0.0004928nnn (0.0000625)
OILP 0.0063935 (0.0069201)  0.0005542 (0.0023543)  0.0006566 (0.0023073)  0.000563nnn (0.0000637)
GASP 0.0544111 (0.0622061) 0.0301664 (0.0219557) 0.026052 (0.0215775) 0.0205188nnn (0.0013909)
COALP  0.0056239 (0.0039379) 0.0004436 (0.0013484) 0.000633 (0.0014371) 0.0006926nnn (0.0001662)

Time-invariant and rarely changing variables

AREA 0.0010672nnn (0.0003063) – – 0.0001686nnn (0.0000014)
DCONT 1.353431nnn (0.138469) – – 1.783292nnn (0.0007698)
FEVD residuals – – – 1nnn (0.0006298)
CONSTANT 1.644965nnn (0.3164299) 2.300524nnn (0.3023199) 2.131238nnn (0.3001926) 1.395448nnn (0.0003239)

Observations 255
R2 0.81 0.55 0.98
F-test (N(0,1)) 79.23 144.02nnn
LM (w2) 808.82 nnn

Wald (w2) 258.79nnn

Notes: The Wald test has w2 distribution and tests the null hypothesis of non-significance of all coefficients explanatory variables; the F-test is normally distributed N(0,1)
and tests the null hypothesis of non-significance as a whole of the estimated parameters; the LM test has w2 distribution and tests the H0 of non-relevance of individual
effects; nnn, nn, n, denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% significance levels, respectively; robust standard deviations are reported in brackets; OLS – ordinary least squares;
RE – random effects; FE – fixed effects; FEVD – fixed effects vector decomposition.

higher probability of generating consistent and efficient esti- We also verify that the random and fixed effects estimates are
mates, than the pooled OLS estimation. In fact, from the robust and with a higher probability to generate consistent and
observation of the estimation results, we see that parameters efficient estimates than the pooled OLS estimation.
and significances are very similar, revealing consistent In order to simplify the analysis of the results of all estimated
estimates. Asymptotic robust standard deviations are reported models, in Table 6 we show the coefficients signs and
in brackets. significances.
A.C. Marques et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 6877–6885 6883

Table 6
Summary of the estimated effects.

Variables Models

All countries Non-EU Members EU Members

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

Dependent variable (LCRES) – logged share of contribution of renewables to energy supply

CO2PC  nnn  nnn  nnn  nnn  nnn  nnn  nnn  nnn n  nnn  nnn  nnn
ENERGPC + nnn + nnn + nnn + nnn + nn + + nnn + nnn + + nn +n + nnn
SCOALEG   nnn  nnn  nnn  nn  nn  nnn  nnn   nnn  nnn  nnn
SOILEG  nn  nnn  nnn  nnn  nnn  nnn  nnn  nnn   nn  nn  nnn
SGASEG  nnn     nnn  nnn  nnn  nnn  nnn    nnn
SNUCLEG  nnn  nnn    nnn  nnn  nnn    nn n  nnn
nnn n n
IMPTDP + + + + nnn + nnn + nnn + + nnn + nn + + + nnn
GDP   + + nn   nnn   nn  nnn + nn + nn + nnn
OILP     + + +  +    nnn
GASP + + + + nnn + + + n + + + + nnn
COALP      n   nnn  + + + nnn
AREA + nnn – –  nnn  nnn – – + nnn + nnn – – + nnn
DCONT + nnn – – + nnn + nnn – –  nnn + nnn – – + nnn
DEU01 + nnn – –  nnn – – – – – – – –
FEVD residuals – – – 1nnn – – – 1nnn – – – 1nnn
CONSTANT + nnn + nnn + nnn + nnn + nnn + nnn + nnn + nnn + nnn + nnn + nnn + nnn

nnn nn n
Notes: + means positive sign; - means negative sign. , , , denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% significance level, respectively.

In short, the results show: therefore the propensity to invest in renewable sources will be
smaller. This former effect is unexpected. More in-depth analysis
 A negative and statistically significant relationship between revealed that it was during the period from 2003 to 2006 that the
CO2 emissions and LCRES (effect not expected). This effect is average CO2PC is larger. This result is robust for all estimations.
robust and it is verified for all estimations. However the magnitude of the effect is larger for non-EU
 The parameter measuring the effect of ENERPC, is positive (as Members. Therefore the results suggest that social pressure
expected) and statistically significant. towards environmental quality and climate change improve-
 All estimated models confirm that the greater the use of coal ments were not consequent in the decision process of switching
and oil, the smaller the focus on RE sources. This relationship is to renewable sources. The opposed effect was verified for energy
statistically significant, as it suggests the existence of an dependency, in accordance with the literature. The energy self-
industrial lobbying, making difficult the development of RE. sufficiency aim, promotes the development of renewable sources.
 Larger energy dependency has a positive effect on RE The impact of industrial lobbying groups (coal, natural gas, oil)
development. The effect is statistically significant, and pre- was verified. This result sheds light onto the lack of clarity present
sents the expected signs. in the literature. This suggests that there could be an opaque
 Income effect on RE is positive and statistically significant for relationship among players of traditional energy sources and
all EU Members, and negative for non-EU Members. environmental practices. In fact, we found empirical evidence that
 EU Members reveal a statistically significant relationship the larger the proportion of energy generated from fossil sources,
between the oil price and RE. the smaller the RE use is. As noted by Sovacool (2009), the lobby
 EU Members and all countries had a positive and statistically effect delays the RE commitment. All the estimation for oil and
significant relationship between the price of natural gas and coal confirms this result. Among traditional energy sources,
the RE. natural gas and nuclear power are not heavy polluters. However
 EU Members had a positive and statistically significant its effects on RE use are similar. It is worth noting that nuclear
relationship between the price of coal and the RE. power is not present in four of nine of non-EU Members.
 Non-EU Members had a negative and statistically significant The income effect is surprisingly unstable, despite being
relationship between the price of coal and the RE. aligned with the lack of consensus in the literature. Indeed, some
 EU Members reveal a positive and significant effect of the literature is inconclusive regarding the relationship between
continuous commitment to RE. income and environmental concerns. The positive effect of wealth
 Non-EU Members reveal a negative and significant effect of the in the promotion of RE, verified by Vachon and Menz (2006) and
continuous commitment. by Huang et al. (2007), is strongly confirmed for EU Members. In
 Parameter measuring effect of geographic area (dummy) on assessing the income effect, we use GDP, although have tested
the RE is positive and statistically significant, both in the EU several proxies of the income effect, namely GDP per capita (as
Members and in non-EU Members. Carley, 2009), the natural logarithm or both the contemporary
and lagged growth rates. In general, the variables of the former
are poor in the explanation of RE use. This suggests that the major
effect on the commitment to renewables is the absolute economic
5. Discussion size of a country and not the standard of living of its population.
Larger income allows countries to handle the costs of
In general, environmental concerns appear not encouraged the developing RE technologies. Moreover, it guarantees higher
use of RE. We found that the larger CO2 emissions, the smaller are support for the costs of public policies in promoting and
RE commitments. This suggests that the greater the level of regulating RE. For non-EU Members its effect is contrary and
economic activity, the greater the pollutant activity will be and weaker. The average GDP of the EU Members in 2001 was about
6884 A.C. Marques et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 6877–6885

six times larger than that of non-EU Members. The negative effect As expected, the effect of geographic area on the RE is positive,
verified in the former countries is explained by the low level of both for EU Members and for non-EU Members. The use of this
the GDP, suggesting scarcity of wealth to cope with RE costs. In variable can be questionable, since more area does not necessarily
2001, for instance, the average GDP of the EU Members was 803 mean better intrinsic characteristics for improving the exploita-
billion USA dollars (2005 prices), compared with 130 billion tion of RE sources.
dollars for non-EU Members. We used a proxy of potential of RE, which is invariant over
The results for the effects of prices are mixed. In the case of oil, time. We did not follow the perspective of Carley (2009), which
most of the models reveal that it is not a significant factor on the considers the potential of wind invariant over a period of 9 years.
promotion of RE use. A small price increase does not seem to be Since technology development makes the potential of each source
enough to encourage the switch from grey to green power. It is changeable, for the time span we used, that option seemed
worth stressing that our analysis ends in the year 2006. This unreasonable.
means that the recent rising path of oil prices (reaching 150 US The effect of continuous RE focus was verified for EU Members
dollars per barrel) is not included in our study. Nevertheless, for and was not for non-EU Members. These results suggest that EU
EU Members we found a negative and significant effect of oil Members commitments with regards to RE persist over time.
prices on RE. In the absence of environmental restrictions, the oil To be an EU-Member in 2001 (shift dummy DEU01) is
price increase stimulates the use of coal, other fossil alternatives significant to the RE commitment. However, EU membership
and nuclear power, instead of renewable sources (in accordance alone is not enough to assure strong commitment to RE use. This
with Van Ruijven and van Vuuen, 2009). result may be influenced by the fact that in Iceland renewable
For the EU Members, a shift was verified in the shares of coal sources weight is very high, as well as in Estonia, Slovenia, Turkey
and natural gas. In 2001 the average share of electricity generated and Switzerland. This evidence strongly supports the EU decision
by coal was 25%, and natural gas, 22%. Five years later (2001– to create a directive promoting renewable sources use (Directive
2006), the share of natural gas became larger than the share 2001/77/EC). A country integrated in the EU, by itself, is not
of coal (24% and 30%, respectively). For non-EU Members, enough to promote the switch to strong RE use, a brawny
from 2001 to 2006, the contribution of coal was reduced institutional stimulus is also required.
from 40% to 37%, meanwhile, natural gas share increased from
10.5% to 12%.
Estimation results for the price of natural gas are positive in 6. Conclusions
the FEVD models for all countries and for EU Members. This effect
was expected. The combined-cycle plants of natural gas play a We have shed some light over drivers promoting RE use, by
very important role in energy generation, since it is less applying panel data techniques to twenty-four European coun-
environmentally damaging than oil or coal. The former option is tries for the 1990–2006 period. We started by considering all
also an answer to the oil price increases. To this end, higher prices countries together. We control if each country belongs to the EU,
of natural gas promote the RE focus. Due to the small contribution in the year of the Directive 2001/77/EC. The estimates are mostly
of natural gas in non-EU Members, this effect of natural gas price in line with the expected results. The analysis reflects the
is not clear. diversity of countries. The estimation suggests that the EU’s

Table A1
Data, sources and descriptive statistics.

Variable Definition Source Type Obs Mean SD Min Max

Contribution of renewables to
CRES energy supply (% of total primary OECD Factbook 2009 cont var 408 0.111502 0.1420067 0.002 0.753
energy supply)
CO2PC CO2 per capita (kg/cap) Eurostat, December 2008, EC, DG TREN cont var 408 10244.1 4699.821 2488.11 33363.39
ENERGPC Per capita energy (kgoe/cap) Eurostat December 2008, EC, DG TREN cont var 408 4168.576 2081.574 930 14290.2
IMPTDP Import dependency of energy (%) Eurostat December 2008, EC, DG TREN cont var 408 51.91407 28.27717 -50.83 99.8
Ratio between electricity generation coal (TWh)
Importance of coal to electricity
SCOALEG and total elect. generation (TWh). Eurostat cont var 408 0.3310539 0.2771877 0 0.97
generation (%)
December 2008, EC, DG TREN
Importance of oil to electricity Ratio electricity generation oil / total elect.
SOILEG cont var 408 0.0663725 0.0958427 0 0.51
generation (%) Generation. Eurostat December 2008, EC, DG TREN
Importance of gas to electricity Ratio electricity generation gas / total elect.
SGASEG cont var 408 0.1567402 0.1701088 0 0.76
generation (%) Generation. Eurostat December 2008, EC, DG TREN
Importance of nuclear to Ratio electricity generation nuclear / total elect.
SNUCLEG cont var 408 0.2031863 0.2274193 0 0.78
electricity generation (%) generation . Eurostat December 2008, EC, DG TREN
2 United Nations Statistics Division, Demographic
AREA Surface area (km ) cont. invar 408 201.6116 209.7694 2.586 783.562
Coal price (US dollars per tone,
COALP BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2009 cont var 408 42.36733 10.36378 28.5785 67.2906
Natural Gas price (US dollars per
GASP BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2009 cont var 408 3.4116 1.367225 1.7868 7.5777
million Btu, 1995)
Oil price (US dollars per barrel,
OILP BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2009 cont var 408 33.68838 13.04982 17.3219 69.5805
DCONT CRES greater than or equal to 10% dummy rcv 408 0.3578431 0.4799542 0 1
DEU01 EU’s member in 2001 dummy invar 408 0,625 0,4847173 0 1
Real gross domestic product World Bank World Development Indicators, and
GDP cont var 408 510.3501 707.5579 6.75 2883.12
(billions dollars, 2005) International Financial Statistics of the IMF
A.C. Marques et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 6877–6885 6885

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the use of renewables. For EU Members, income appears to renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/
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further research are: (i) extension of the time horizon to include Narayan, P.K., Smyth, R., 2008. Energy consumption and real GDP in G7 countries:
more recent years; (ii) consideration of social and political new evidence from panel cointegration with structural breaks. Energy
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Plümper, T., Troeger, V., 2007. Efficient estimation of time-invariant and rarely
renewables in the economy. changing variables in finite sample panel analysis with unit fixed effects.
Political Analysis 15 (2), 124–139.
Sadorsky, P., 2009a. Renewable energy consumption, CO2 emissions and oil prices
Acknowledgments in the G7 countries. Energy Economics 31, 456–462.
Sadorsky, P., 2009b. Renewable energy consumption and income in emerging
economies. Energy Policy 37, 4021–4028.
Financial support from the NECE – Research Unit in Business Sovacool, B, 2009. Rejecting renewables: the socio-technical impediments to
Science and Economics, sponsored by the Portuguese Foundation renewable electricity in the United States. Energy Policy 37, 4500–4513.
for the Development of Science and Technology – is gratefully Vachon, S., Menz, F., 2006. The role of social, political, and economic interests in
promoting state green electricity policies. Environmental Science & Policy 9,
acknowledged. We thank two anonymous reviewers for useful 652–662.
comments. Van Ruijven, B., van Vuuen, D.P., 2009. Oil and natural gas prices and greenhouse
gas emission mitigation. Energy Policy 37, 4797–4808.
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Appendix A Wang, Y., 2006. Renewable electricity in Sweden: an analysis of policy and
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