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Dear world, I have been told by many that the releasing of this truth may pose
certain challenges in my life. There are many institutions that this truth will be
viewed as disruptive to their system of profit and gains. I want to live a happy
and peaceful life and I pray for longevity, not just for me but for our entire

Know that I would never harm myself nor anyone else for that matter. Nevertheless,
if my life has to face certain challenges so that this planet can be saved, please
do not let these trials that I may have to face be in vain and pray for me as I am
praying for you. Sincerely, Terrence Deshaun Howard, May 25th, 2019.

Just so that it would always be known, you know, I should never walk out there
alone or harm myself. You know, so if something happens to me and someone says that
he committed ****** and he did, no, I would never ever do that. Know that somebody
else did that and I'm not going to allow that to happen.

I eventually tried to do it at 80. I did it at 6 years old because I had been

working on it perhaps from a past life. We know that energy does not die.

Energy just reboots itself and reboots itself so we are eternal. If you lose that
little spark that kept you motivated, that little piece like this is my vocation. I
love acting half the time but there's some downfalls of it.

You know, a lot of actors end up with personality identity crisis and conflicts
because you have so many characters you're playing and if you really commit to the
characters, you become like a piece of clothing and your body becomes what they put
on and the character has a tendency of wanting to own you. They don't let go. What
you saw in Anthony Hopkins and Hannibal Lecter, that monster lives in him.

That's why we believed it. He had to tap into something very ugly in our human
nature sometimes and as an actor sometimes I tap into beautiful things. But like
with Lucius and the character I play with Lucius, his life is filled with turmoil.

So 90% of the day I'm walking around carrying his turmoil and also the turmoil for
me and my own family. And then you have to, how do you have time to really bring
yourself back to who you are? Because that's the most important thing. That's the
thing that's going to bother you more than anything else.

You will look at yourself one day and you won't know who you are because you don't
remember who you were. Sometimes a long way, maybe at 13 or 14, we let go of the
little person that kept us going. That little person that was always there, I got
you man, I'm here, I got you.

Don't go in there, I ain't going in there. That person, when we get about 13 or 14,
we get embarrassed of him. And we push him aside and we don't listen to him

And he's always knocking. Hey, hey. And after so long of a time, maybe 10, 15
years, you don't even know him.

You show up at your own door and you don't even know who you are. Your family
doesn't know who you are. So it's important no matter what you do, no matter what
challenges you go through, you remember who you are.

Now you know this is one of the oldest symbols in human history, right? Or do you
not know? This symbol was found in the Temple of Osiris in Egypt. And it had been
molecularly burned into the wall. And it's 6,000 years old.
This same symbol has been found in the Forbidden Temples in China. Sitting under
the Fufu dogs. And the foot on it, the Flower of Life, saying whoever controlled
that Flower of Life controlled the universe.

There were secrets in that Flower of Life that da Vinci spent his whole life trying
to uncover. There were secrets in that Flower of Life that Newton spent his whole
life in secret trying to uncover. The same secrets that Pythagoras was desperately
trying to uncover.

But the problem was they kept seeing this in a two-dimensional space. They couldn't
get it out of this two-dimensional frame. And as a result, they got stuck in this
plane, a flat plane.

Now what da Vinci and all of them wanted to do, they were trying to find a way to
bring this flower to life. Because what is inside of it? Well, apparently, there
were secrets inside of it. Shapes, they got the macerba and all of those other
things out of it.

But they were misled by something I think called a straight line. You guys believe
in straight lines? You believe there are straight lines in the universe? Well, let
me hit you with something. All energy in the universe is expressed in what? It's in

If something is still, there's no energy. Kinetic, right? All motion is expressed

in what? You look at galaxies. Are they expressed in straight lines? Expressed in

All vortices are expressed in what? Waves. All waves are curved. Show me a straight
line in nature.

You show me where the platonic solids come from. Where do they have their
foundations in our universe? Are there any straight lines? If you look at anything,
there are no straight lines. That's been the mistake.

We've been looking at these straight lines, this Euclidean way of thinking and
missing the curvature of nature. Do you believe in loops? Do you know the square
root of 2? Do you think that's a loop? Do you believe that the square root of 2 is
the square root of 2? Yes or no? Hands up, no? I want you all to take out your
phone for a minute then. We're going to do one thing.

Everybody got a phone? Put it on their calculator and turn it to the side so you
can get all the long numbers out of it, okay? Now I want you to put in 2 and square
root it. 2, hit the square root. You'll get 1.414213562373095 dot dot dot, right?
Now I want you guys to do me a favor.

Cube it. It'll see right over there, it'll be X to the 3. Can you all do it? Have
you cubed it? It'll see 2.828427121746190. Now that makes sense. I want you guys to
do me a favor.

Divide it by 2, get the number, cube it again, divide it by 2, cube it again, and I
want you to do that until the end of your lives. And that number will still come up
with 2.828427121746190. Any other number that you, above 2, that you put in and you
cube and you square, cube and square and divide by 2, by the sixth operation it has
moved into an exponential number that you can't even imagine. Any number below 2
that you do that same operation with, it will go into an exponentially small matter
and number.
This is what we call a loop. It is illogical, it doesn't make sense, and it does
not make math make sense. So these are some things that I'm bringing to the fore
and that I would like to question.

I would like to audit the math, the world of mathematics, and I would like to audit
how we view the platonic solids because I think the new wave conjugations will tell
a better story of how our world works. Our planet is moving away from our sun at 6
inches a year. You guys know that.

15 centimeters a year our planet is pushing away from the sun. So in less than half
a billion years, our planet will be out of the Goldilocks zone. We'll be somewhere
near where Mars is, somewhere halfway between that.

So life will not be able to be sustained on this planet anymore. So if we're going
to be able to sustain ourselves as a species, we have to become interstellar. Not
just interplanetary, we have to become interstellar.

But with approximations you cannot become interstellar. You cannot become
interstellar with a point that will take you all the way over here or with a
straight line when the actual event is taking place over here when you're going 600
quadrillion miles. You can't make a mistake.

You need precision. And that's what the math is about. These pieces predict the
natural distribution of matter and the distribution of where you can find yourself
in that space.

And I'm confident behind it. For 40 years I've worked on this. And I think it's

So I've sat also at lunch basically trying to get my head around this and also was
very, very, very sceptical. And I put my hands up and say that. And one of the
things that you mentioned was sort of how this applies to I think it was the
electric sun model.

And that's where it's a theory that suggests that the sun is powered from external
forces rather than what is usually rather than nuclear fusion, which is the general
consensus among scientists. And the reason for that is because there's not a
production of there's no evidence to suggest that the byproduct neutrinos are
there. And what Terence is trying to prove, I think, is that because of the fact
that you can't detect whether neutrinos are there or not, there must be another way
in which they're powered.

Don't forget. You know what I didn't want to forget? This flower of life. Because
apparently I'd been interested in it at a given time.

And I came out and I was born. The first thing I thought about when I was five
years old, I was obsessed with bubbles. I was like, why does a bubble take the
shape of a ball? Why not a square or a triangle? And I would go and try and make a
square or triangle of bubbles.

And you could never do it because it turns out everything expands as a sphere and
everything contracts in geometric form. You drop a pebble into the pond, it expands
in a perfect sphere unless there's something in the way. The moment it hits the
edge of the shore and starts to come back, it's the contracting waves that hit the
expanding waves that creates the initial geometries.

Everything expands as a sphere, everything contracts. And geometry even fits,

basically. So what I'm saying, and what I tried to tell you guys earlier, this is
not your first time, it's not your first rodeo, and it won't be your last rodeo.
Don't panic in this life. You can actually, there's no sense of death. Everything
goes to sleep and it wakes back up again.

Refolds and unfolds, refolds and unfolds. And if you're wise, if you're careful,
because you can remember conscious moments in your life, can't you? You can
remember moments when you're like, wait a minute, I'm in a bigger space than just
this little body right here. You become fully aware of everything around you.

And if you quiet yourself, you can think about those things. Well, apparently I did
that at the last passage because when I came into this life, I woke up, remember,
don't forget, don't forget, don't forget, don't forget, don't forget. And the first
thing I did was worked out the flower of life.

When I was six years old, I started making these pieces. What da Vinci tried to do
at 80, I did at six years old because I'd been working on it perhaps from a past
life. Now, I'm not trying to say I'm crazy or this reincarnation or anything, but
we know that energy does not die.

Energy just reboots itself, reboots itself. So we are eternal. So stop panicking,
thinking your life is over.

You've done this trillions of times. Amidst the flickering candlelight, Terrence
Howard's confessions pierced the darkness, unraveling a tapestry of secrets that
had remained hidden for generations. But my question actually has to do with your
numbers theory.

So if by your logic you say 1 x 1 equals 2, are you insinuating that 1 x 0 then
equals 1? Equals 1. Well, that's what we were saying with the identity principle,
the identity property. It says that 1 x nothing equals nothing. So now you have the
laws of physics have to now adjust because something just disappeared.

Conservation of energy. Energy can't be created or destroyed. So if 1 x 0 equals 0,

then what happened to the energy of the 1? Isn't that the same problem that Stephen
Hawkins was talking about with the event horizon and the information going in and
still being present? That conflict that was started? Well, that's because of the

The math, the principles in the math are not founded on truth. It's not founded on
substance. The identity principle, anything times 0 is 0 and anything times 1 is 1.
Where is that number? Where is that exemplified in nature or in universal
phenomena? Is it? Do you see that? So then are you saying that 1 x 5 would be 6?

Well, what does it say in the associative and commutative thing? So you're
proposing… If A and B are positive integers, it says if A and B are positive
integers, A is to be added to itself as many times as is indicated by units in B.
So you're not proposing an audit. You're proposing like a reconstruction of the way
we understand math. You know what's interesting? In 1856, a man from Liverpool
named Richard Dover Statter challenged the Dewey Decimal System and said that it
was wrong and created an entirely new system to show how it can be brought into

So I'm not the first person to state this. There's a number of people who did it,
but look up Richard Dover Statter. Try and find him.

You won't find him because he's been erased from history almost. Your view on
consciousness and energy sounds very similar to what Dr. Robert Lanza proposes in
Biocentrism. So that may be of interest to you if you haven't read that text.
But about five years ago, you spoke about harmonic wave sequencing and how that
could result… Harmonic wave re-sequencing. Re-sequencing. And how that could
possibly solve cancer or genetic ailments within the next five years.

I think that was about five years ago. So is there much progress on that? And how
do you propose that this re-sequencing would actually recode people's genetics in
order to prevent them from getting those ailments? Simple. Simple.

Our DNA is made up of what? Five elements, right? Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorus and oxygen. You know how they're arranged? The phosphorus sits right
here in the middle and you've got four oxygen atoms surrounding it. Then there's
another phosphorus, two more oxygen atoms.

Now these are the legs of that double helix. These are the legs. Now the latter
steps on it, they become the adenine, the guanine, the cyanine and thymine.

The ATCGs. It turns out, hydrogen… They used to think that energy, the body
transferred or understood the energy information through electricity. They're
finding out it's through frequency.

Well guess what hydrogen sounds like? It's a key of E. Guess what? And it's the
color yellow. That's what proper physics gets you to. Oxygen is a chartreuse and
it's the key of F over F sharp.

Now they used to, like I said, information used to be thought about as just
electrical information passing on. But I've got a question for you. Have you ever
been at a party with some of your friends you ain't seen in 10 years? When y'all
was like 14, y'all hung out and there was a song that came on and you were like,
ah! And everybody got up and was live at that moment.

Now say 10 years later you've got a friend with you, he's a good guy, but he wasn't
there when me and my boys formed this. So when that song comes on, our DNA
tightens, tightens, tightens. There's a particular song, a scale in the genome for
each and every one of us.

Now when that song is played, when your particular prime resonant frequency is
played, guess what happens? Your DNA celebrates and tightens. Everything else gets
pushed out. Harmonic wave resequencing.

The carbon is also the key of E in yellow. Nitrogen is G. And all these play a
song. So say that the F over F sharps of the oxygen, the green, is only hitting at
an F. Why? Because there's another frequency coming in from a generator over there
that's changing and causing it to change.

So this F now hits the oxygen and when the F hits the carbon, so instead of hitting
as an F sharp, it hits as an F, so when it hits the carbon at an E, it doesn't hit
it quite right, so the domino don't fly all right. So the next domino hits wrong.
And so now we have malformation happening within our DNA because the frequencies
are being pushed off.

But when we hear our tone, we tighten back up. So yeah, I'm in the process of
building the harmonic wave resequencer with another doctor who has been able to
successfully cure AIDS and cancer. And it's well underway.

But I wanted you guys to understand how that works. It's so simple. You do not need
to tear the human body apart when all you can do is use frequency to bring it back
to its normal space.
In the dim glow of midnight, Terrence Howard descended from the shadows, bearing
secrets that could shatter reality itself. Do you think that the reason that we
have, like, economic crises, for example, is because we are not understanding our
numbers correctly, according to your theory? Well, I think we have an economic
problem because we are the only creatures in this universe that use currency. There
are no other creatures that use currency in order to exist.

Why is it that we chose this strange thing that isn't even real? Other creatures,
they drink water. They eat fruit. They eat other animals.

We exchange with currency, and our system of exchanging with currency is flawed
because of greed. There's not an eq- Like, if 1 x 1 equals 2, we've got an
equilibrium of balance. 1 x 1 equals 1, you've got loss.

When 1 x 1 equals 3 or more, you're talking about overunity and supersymmetry, and
that's how you get the universe to work for you. Instead of using just the solar
voltaics off of it, you also use some, the polar, the piezoelectric effects of it.
You use other things to make greater unity, but 1 x 1 equaling 1, when it could
also, a pound times a pound equaling a pound, when it could also equal $4 or $10 or
$100, does that make sense to you? Do you think the banks are abusing that? What's
a quarter times a quarter? If I ask you, I ask anybody in this room, what's a
quarter times a quarter? That's 25 times 25.

The computer will tell you, the calculator will tell you it's 6.25 cents, but we
know 25 pence times 25 pence is 625 pence. That's six pounds and 25 pence, but the
computer or the banks only have to give you six and a quarter cents reference for
it. Or let's say you put a dime times a dime.

Let me get this out. Say you take a dime times a dime, you put that in your
calculator, it says one cent. .10 times .10 is one cent, but we know a dime times a
dime is a whole dollar, but the banks gives us money based on that evaluation.

Is that fair? And I might get shot about talking about this right now, but I've got
a book coming out called Does a Dollar Times a Dollar Equal a Dollar? Or Does a
Dollar Times a Dollar Equal Two Dollars? And in the process, not only do I explain
the death of the platonic solids, but I also introduce the new period wave
conjugations that replace this Euclidean way of life and gives us a three-
dimensional way of seeing the world. The moonlit alley echoed with the weight of
Terrence Howard's revelation, a clandestine truth that had remained veiled in the
recesses of his enigmatic mind. That's what I'm saying.

Do you want to see the world in 2D or do you want to see it in 3D? Because our math
right now is 2D. Our math is black and white and stick figures. I want the world in
multi-color spectral vision.

So you're saying one pound times one pound is equal to two pounds, but it's one
pound squared, which doesn't make any sense because you've got a squared unit. One
pound squared. Can you divide pounds? Can you divide money? If you can divide it,
you can multiply it.

All these things that I showed you guys, I've patented all these things. You know
why I patented them? Because in 1926, a man named Walter Russell wrote a book
called The Universal One and in it he introduced an entirely new periodic table and
there he introduced the two heavy water elements and then plutonium and deuterium.
Both of those, all four of those elements that had never been discovered, he sent
out to 800 different universities in his book.

Two years later, he watched as other people came and got Nobel Prizes for his work.
Why? Because he didn't patent it. He didn't copyright it.
So I copywrote all these things and patented all these things before bringing them
to you. They are true and I think there's some value to them. There's nothing wrong
with the money but how we deal with the money.

But if you can divide money, you can multiply it. It works hand in hand. Or you
can't see that.

You can't see dividing money. It's a matter of definition. If you define, it's a
matter of definition.

A pound squared is not a unit defined. A pound squared. If you multiply by

mathematical convention, if you multiply one pound by one pound, same as if you
multiply one meter by one meter, it should be one pound squared or one square

It becomes two. Why does it become one pound squared? It's two, isn't it? Remember
what I just said about the associative and commutative laws. It says A is to be
added to itself as many times as units in B. The only thing that prevents that is
the identity element that sits up and says, no, the Jim Crow law sits.

Black people sit in the back of the bus because that's what the law says without
even having a foundation for it. One times any number is that number without a
foundation, with no principle. It just says that.

But if you go by your logic and you say one times one is two, one times two is
three, and then how would you define two times four? All that remains the same.
Anything with one, just add one. The first rule of multiplication... Okay, then
what is the difference between addition and multiplication? Well, multiplication is
what? Exaggerated addition, isn't it? But isn't it a matter of mathematical
convention? What is? If it was defined in the beginning, it could have been defined
differently, but logical, it makes the most sense.

Sorry, isn't it a matter of mathematical convention? If you define beforehand that

something, like, logically, it makes the most sense that one times one, if you have
one laptop, one times a laptop is one laptop, that makes more sense than you say
it's two laptops. And then that's where the mathematical convention comes in, and
that's, like, the last part of math is convention. It's how it has been defined.

It's a matter of definition. And it's wonderful. The convention is all right if the
material and the information being shared in the convention is true.

But when you're talking about dogma being added in, with that thing that I showed
you, did you look at the square root of two? Do you think that that's a loop, that
that's a natural thing with the square root of two? Did you believe that? Pi,
that's, like, messing with... No, no, no, it's not the same, though, it's not the
same with pi. What we just did, we multiplied, we cubed the number, and then we
divided it by two, and we cubed it again and divided it by two, and we did that a
number of times, and that number still remained the same exact number, which we
know cannot happen. As the city slept, Terrence Howard unveiled a cryptic journal,
each page etched with the forbidden knowledge that could rewrite the destiny of

It's right there, and that's what they say is the difference between, that's what
they say allows one times one to equal one, because one, you know,
1.414213562373095... is the square root of two. But we know that that's not the
case. ♪♪♪

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