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Nur Qamarina Aisyah (FS21160720) | Nurul Akwa binti Matrauzey (FS21160717)
| Ainin Najihah binti Azlan (FS21110644) | Jeamypah binti Jamarudin
(FS21110046) | Haziq Azizi bin Samasuddin (FS21110095) | Muhammad Rusydi
bin Majuleka (FS21110052) |



In a recent election, your party has won the majority seats to form the government of
Amadsitan, an underdeveloped country. Two months ago, there was a 9.5 Richter scale
earthquake that shook the entire country. From the earthquake, the scientists found a new
mineral (a form of natural resources), that is hundred times more powerful than uranium but
totally safe. With this new found mineral, suddenly Amadsitan has a lot of potentials for
development. With the new found mineral, Amadsitan now has 90% of total worldwide reserve
of the valuable and scarce mineral. Its neighbor, Republic of Aramik attempted a few rounds of
trade negotiations with Amadsitan for joint-mining of the mineral. However, Amadsitan did not
agree to the terms which led to Republic of Aramik planning a full scale invasion on Amadsitan
to take over the country. After resolving the conflict with the neighboring countries, now
Amadsitan should focus on the development of the mineral.


1. To brainstorm as much as possible the number of ways to develop Amadsitan.

2. To illustrate the possible strategies and decide on the outcome.

3. To suggest a specific industry to be developed.

Executive Summary: Amadsitan
Qamarina (FS21160720) | Akwa (FS21160717) | Ainin Najihah (FS21110644) |
Jeamypah (FS21110046) | Haziq (FS21110095) | Rusydi (FS21110052) |
The government of Amadsitan, an underdeveloped country has been formed after winning the
majority of seats in the election. The scientists found a new mineral that is a hundred times
more powerful than Uranium which makes Amadsitan has a lot of potential for development.
But, there are some conflicts that happened between Amadistan and its neighbour, the Republic
of Aramik. Amadsitan presently holds 90% of the world's total reserve of rare and expensive
mineral and the Republic of Aramik attempted negotiations for joint-mining of the mineral but
Amadsitan did not agree which resulted in the Republic of Aramik planning a full-scale invasion
on Amadsitan to take over the country. After resolving the conflict with the neighbouring
countries, Amadsitan can now concentrate on mineral development. In this study, ways to
develop Amadsitan, strategies and effect of country invasion and six thinking hats on industry
to be developed have been applied.

From the first assignment, ways to develop Amadsitan by using the newfound material were
discussed. From many of the suggestions given, there are some ways that most of the
members agree. Firstly, Amadsitan should sell some of the newfound minerals to other
countries and then use the money to improve their infrastructure. Next, Amadsitan should use
the newfound mineral to improve their nuclear weapon since the newfound mineral is a
hundred times more powerful than Uranium or create other products using it. Lastly, Amadsitan
should do research on the newfound mineral in order to learn more about it so more potential
and improvement for the mineral can be discovered.

Amadsitan's potential methods include threatening the outcome of the invasion, actively
training the military forces, and mining the minerals to reinforce the defence line. Amadsitan
may potentially fight back or make another deal to stop the invasion and appeal for UN
assistance. The strategies may result in war. If conflict broke out, numerous lives would be lost
and would also influence the neighbours. Concerning the economic effects, infrastructural
damage and inflation will have an influence. Moreover, this will weaken troublesome regimes
and harm diplomatic ties.

3. Conclusion (specific industry to be developed [manufactured industry] , Six

Thinking Hats)
To conclude, all members of group 2D believe that Amadsitan will be a peaceful and successful
country despite all the challenges in developing the new mineral. In short, according to the Six
Thinking Hat that has been applied to suggest a specific industry to be developed, the best
industry for Amadsitan is the manufacturing industry. Amadsitan will be a developed country
and they are able to improve their country’s weapons and nuclear power, which will also help
the country to grow.
TASK 1 : Ways to Develop Amadsitan
TASK 2 : Possible Strategies & Outcome
TASK 3 : Specific Industry to Be Developed Focusing on this New
Mineral (Using Six Thinking Hats)
Nurul Akwa Ainin Najihah Muhammad Haziq

Nur Qamarina Muhammad Jeamypah

Aisyah Rusydi

Manufacture industry is a person or company that produces finished goods from raw materials by using various tools,
equipment and process, and then sells the goods to consumers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, or to other
manufacturers for the production of more complex goods.

What information do we need?

● Manufacturing process requirements are completed by operations personnel.

● Requirements of the facilities and processes and associated costs are identified to enable building
production units according to the requirements of volume, time, and safety.
● Product or process modifications are identified as necessary.

How to get that information?

● That would be necessary for you to contact the professionals , you can make a phone call and simply tell
them you want to make your products.
● Ask if they have the data you need. So, that will be easier for you to create the needs for the developments.
The yellow hat is a sign of hope and brightness. We investigate the positives and look for value and benefit while
wearing this hat.

● How do we benefit from this?

Amadsitan will be a developed country and are able to compete with other developed countries. Other than that,
they are able to improve their country’s weapons and nuclear power.
● What proposal can I put forward to solve this?
Amadsitan should invest in manufacturing nuclear power and weapons using the newfound mineral. Moreover,
they should find a way to replicate the newfound mineral so that they can sell some of it to other countries, and
use the money to improve their country’s facilities such as schools, buildings, hospitals, and others.
● What’s the best possible outcomes?
Amadsitan becomes a developed country and one of the countries with advanced weapons and powerful nuclear
The black hat is the risk management hat that is probably the most powerful; however, it can become a
problem if overused; it is designed to identify problems where things might go wrong or why something
might not work, and it is inherently an action hat with the goal of identifying risk issues and attempting to
resolve them.
● What is the effect to Amadsitan on manufacturing industries?
- As underdeveloped country, poor working conditions, poor living conditions, low wages, and pollution
might happen even though increase in economic productivity.
● Factor manufacturing industries might give disadvantages to Amadsitan?
- They have low economic growth rates, outmoded technologies, low capital levels, high
unemployment rates, and low living standards
● How to solve these problems?
- Attract developed countries to invest in Amadsitan to acquire a greater amount of money
for the welfare of nations.
Red hat thinking skill is usually related to emotions and this type of thinking skill is influenced by feelings. While wearing
this hat, the idea that has been brought up does not have to be logical or factual, and there are no justifications or
reasons for the fruited idea as emotions and feelings influences the mind while thinking.

● Why do we think it is better to develop the mineral on our own rather than seeking help from other country
even though the latter option might be easier?
- To ensure Amadsitan can develop into a modern and strong country on its own and free from other countries that
will most likely ask for some of the minerals in return if they had helped Amadsitan in the process.
● How do we need to make sure other countries are not spying on Amadsitan’s development of the minerals?
- Certain country(s) might hold a grudge even after they had reached an agreement during and resolved the conflict.
The development site and location of the minerals as well as the activities in the mineral development site need to
be kept private and any information regarding the improvements that are made using the mineral should not be
made public or only exposed to trusted persons in the country.
● What would happen if Amadsitan failed to utilise the full potential of the minerals?
- The country should prepare backup plans in order to have another shot in developing the minerals using different
approaches. Safety measures should also be taken into consideration since the defense system if the country might
not be strong enough following the failure of the mineral development. Hence, protection against infiltration of the
country should be focused in an event where the minerals could not be fully utilised.
The Green Hat focuses on creativity; the possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas. It’s an opportunity to express new concepts
and new perceptions.

● Do alternative possibilities exist?

- Apart from manufacturing industry, these minerals can also be used in nuclear industry. Nuclear industry is described
as a clean and efficient way of boiling water to make steam, which turns turbines to produce electricity. Nuclear power
plants use low-enriched uranium fuel to produce electricity through a process called fission—the splitting of uranium
atoms in a nuclear reactor. This is suitable for Ahmadsitan as their new found mineral is hundred times more powerful
than uranium but totally safe.
● Can we do this another way?
- Another way to success in manufacture industry is to practice sustainable development. Amadsitan must ensure the
usage guidelines for environmentally responsible and energy savings to create new development projects and to
maintain and retrofit older projects.
● How can we look at this problem from other perspectives?
- From other perspectives, even though nuclear energy has a lot of benefits such as low-cost production and
produces low pollution, it is non-renewable. For manufacturing industry, it benefits from technological change and
productivity growth, thus exhibiting positive learning and process development opportunities. Manufacturing industry
is a long-term industry as long as we have sufficient resources.
The blue hat does not look at the subject of the thinking but at the process of thinking itself,
and it is employed for the construction, management, and conclusion of the process,
including the sequencing and use of the other hats, among other things.
● What is the problem we are dealing with?
- limited mineral resources
● What are we trying to achieve in dealing with the problem?
-to manufacture as many things as possible in the most cost-effective manner possible
● What will be the benefits of solving this problem?
- increase in economic growth
● What is the best and most effective way to approach the problem?
- As a blue hat, I will call a meeting to discuss about the project that we are going to do. Before the
meeting, I will spend time beforehand defining the advantages and disadvantages of the project and
identifying the desired outcome. After assembling everyone’s ideas, I create an action plan that can
benefit everyone without having a lot of loss. I will also make sure that everyone understand about the

To conclude, all members of group 2D believe that Amadsitan will be a peaceful and successful
country despite all the challenges in developing the new mineral. In short, according to the Six
Thinking Hat that has been applied to suggest a specific industry to be developed, the best
industry for Amadsitan is the manufacturing industry. Amadsitan will be a developed country
and they are able to improve their country’s weapons and nuclear power, which will also help
the country to grow.

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