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Collaborate to make your innovation
11th, 12th and 13th of July 2023
Monastir Neotex Technopark

1st day: 11th July 2023


09:00 Registration
09:30 Institutional greetings
MFCPOLE (Mr. Jalel Ben Haj Khalifa – CEO mfcple)
Ministry of Industry (institutional contact person to be defined)
Ministry of higher education and research (institutional contact person to be defined)
09:45 Project Presentation – AITEX (to be confirmed)

10:00 Presentation of the Cre@ctive Lab network – AITEX (to be confirmed)

10:30 Presentation of the Fi@ctive tool - IVACE (To be confirmed)

11:00 Networking coffee break
11:30 Discussion Panel: FabLabs: what role in the reinforcement of innovation &
companies’ competitiveness?
Moderated by ATCTex (to be confirmed): Cre@ctive L@b managers (DesignL@b,
EcoL@b, HeriL@b, MakL@b, NetL@b, TecnoL@b) – to be confirmed

12:30 Launch of the prototype’s exhibition and visit to the TecnoL@b and Fabrique
13:30 Networking light lunch
2nd day: 12th July 2023
Agenda: Visits to some relevant companies in the area

08:30 Departure from collecting point (hotel to be confirmed)

09:00 - 10:30 Visit 1: Textile waste water treatment plant of a Denim company

11:00 -12:00 Visit 2: International testing laboratory

12:30 – 13:30 Visit 3: Weaving company – furniture fabrics

14:00 Lunch break

3rd day: 13th July 2023

Agenda: Project meeting in Monastir neotex technopark

09:00 Agenda to be defined by AITEX

13:30 Networking light lunch

15:00 Closing of the event

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