11+AGE 9-11 Writing Pages 24, 25

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5 May BE 2567

-recreation of the three little pigs
-expect the pig actually worked
together this time to set a trap for
the wolf
-The wolf then fell for the trap and
Lurking in the shadows, the ferocious wolf was ready to hunt down its prey the three little unfortunate
pigs. However, the careless wolf didn't expect that the three pigs would work together and build a
gargantuan fortress. The wolf who was paranoid, nevertheless decided to proceed its plan anyway.
The nefarious wolf waited in a bush near the fortress for midnight when the pig would be asleep. As
the skies darkened the wolf then secretly snuck into the three little pigs fortresses. Little did the
clueless wolf know a deadly surprise was slowly waiting for him. As the wolf climbed over the walls of
the fortress with its razor-sharp claws to the only window the fortress had installed. As the wolf started
to climb over the window, a screeching alarm went off.. it was a trap. All of the sudden pandemonium
reigned through the fortress as explosions started to go off engulfing the wolf in fire. The hair of the
wolf then started to burn giving out a nasty smell as it let out a pugnacious scream. As what is left of
the wolf is just its fangs.

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