Tuma'ninah - Islamic Speech

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Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin wabihi nasta’in. ala umuriddunya waddin.

Wassalatu Wassalamu ala asrofil anbiyai wal mursalin. Wa ala alihi wasahbihi
ajmain. Amma ba’du

First of all I would like to thank Allah SWT for giving us mercies and blessings
so we can attend in this place in good condition and in a happy situation.
Secondly, My salawat and salam be with our prophet Muhammad SAW peace
be upon him, who has guided us from the darkness to lightness in this world.

Prayer is the pillar of religion, we pray 5 times a day and add some
sunnah prayers.
Among us have learned about the pillars of prayer.
At this moment, I want to talk about pillars of prayers that we often
That is Tuma'ninah.

What is Tuma'ninah? Does anybody know?

Tuma'ninah is a moment of calm after all the limbs are in the perfect
position when performing a pillar of prayer movement.
Tuma'ninah when doing ruku’, means to calm down for a moment
after we do the perfect ruku movement. And reading "Tasbih" that
is.. once time.
Tuma'ninah when sujud, means calming down for a moment when
making a perfect sujud. And reading "Tasbih" once time.
Etc …

Tuma'ninah in every movement of the pillars of prayer is an

important part of the obligatory prayer.
If not Tuma'ninah, then the prayer is invalid.
The argument that shows the obligatory Tuma'ninah is
"Once a person entered the mosque and prayed 2 raka’at of prayer.
After the prayer this person gives salam to Prophet SAW who was
currently in the mosque.
It turns out that the Prophet ordered this person to repeat his
After repeating, this person came back again, and Rasulullah told to
repeat his prayer again. This goes on up to three times.

Then Rasulullah SAW taught him how to pray correctly.

It turned out that the main problem that caused his prayer to be
canceled was because he was not Tuma'ninah.
He does ruku and sujud too fast.”

Because Tuma'ninah is legally obligatory, we should not pray with

people who pray too fast and don't have Tuma'ninah.
Conversing behind someone who prays fast and does not
Tuma'ninah can cause our prayer to be canceled and must be

If you accidentally find an imam whose movements are too fast,

then you have to separate yourself and pray alone.
People who pray too fast, so they don't Tuma'ninah, the Prophet
SAW called him a person who steals when praying.
The Prophet SAW said:
“The worst thief is the one who steals his prayer.
What is meant by stealing prayers here?
Rasulullah SAW replied; it is they who do not perfect their ruku and

That's all from me talking about Tuma’ninah.

May it be applied in each of our prayer activities every day.


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