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Conditionals – rules and exercises

If = if / when / unless / supposing / imagine. If the “if” clause goes first, there's a comma after the first
clause. If not, there isn't.
Conditional = would or might or could.

Type Use for… Example

0 Common states / If/When + present simple + present simple If you heat water to 100º, it boils.
events and or continuous or continuous If you put wood in water, it floats.
scientific facts
1st a) Generally true If + present simple + future (will) If you study, you'll pass.
information or or continuous or appropriate If I win the lottery, I’ll visit Germany.
b) A possible modal verbs If he learns how to speak English, he’ll
future event and (shown to the get a good job.
its outcome right) If they win the tournament, they can
c) possible states enter the world championships. (can -
If we meet tonight, we could talk about it.
(could - possibility)
He has to go straight to the meeting if he
arrives on time. (have/has to – obligation)
If we arrive late, we should tell the
organisers. (should – good idea)
2nd Hypothetical or If + past simple or + conditional If I were you, I would buy a flat soon.
very unlikely continuous (would + infinitive (but I’m not, so I won’t)
situations without to) If I spoke French, I would live in France.
(but I can´t, so I don’t)
3rd The past and say If + past perfect + conditional in If I had trained harder, I could have
that now it is perfect tense finished the marathon. (but I didn’t train
impossible to do (would have + past harder, so I didn’t finish)
anything about it. participle) If I had studied Chemistry at school, I
would have hated it. (but I didn’t study it,
so I didn’t hate it)

Mixed (3rd & Impossible If + past perfect + conditional in If the Pilgrim Fathers hadn't gone to
2nd) present result of present tense America, they wouldn't speak English
an unreal past (would + infinitive there. (but they did, so they do)
action without to)
Commands Commands If + present + imperative If your car runs out of petrol, fill it up.
Inversion Formal contexts + inversion Had I known (if I had known), I would
have come earlier.
Should you happen to see her, tell me
what she says.
Should/happen Unlikely to If Should/happen conditional or If I should/happen to finish the
to happen or to imperative marathon, I would be happy.
tentative If you should/ happen to see the vet,
statement (could you) ask him for an appointment.
Was/were to Imaginary future If Was/were to conditional If you were to pass the exam, what would
situations – you study?
possible but often If I were to meet the Queen, I would
unlikely. invite her for tea.
Will/would Polite use of first If Will/would future or If you will/would take a seat, the Doctor
conditional – conditional will come soon.
usually in If you will/would fill in this form, the
waiting process would be quicker.
Complete the following sentences, using a conditional:

1. If I (have), I (buy).........a car. …................................. …..................................

2. What (do).................if you (find).......$1,000 on the ground? …................................. ….................................

3. Unless you (study), you (fail)................................. …................................. ….................................

4. If I (study) …...............more last year, I (pass).......... …................................. ….................................

5. Had (study).........more last year, I (pass)............... …................................. ….................................

6. I (never kill)..........anyone unless it (be) self-defence. …................................. ….................................

7. If Mary (know)........Chinese last year, she (get).....the job in China. …................................. ….................................

8. We (make).....a cake if we (remember) buy some eggs. …................................. ….................................

9. If Sally (break)..... her leg yesterday, she (go)............on holiday. …................................. ….................................

10. If he (miss)....the bus yesterday, he (arrive).....on time. …................................. ….................................

11. If you (eat).......lunch at 12, you (be)...............hungry now. …................................. ….................................

12. If I (be), I (learn)....German, if you want to go to Germany. …................................. ….................................

13. Should (find).............a cheaper flight, (book) … …................................. …................................

14. If people (have)...more free time, they (do)....more activities. …................................. ….................................

15. If I ............. (learn) English at school, I ............. (live) there now. ..................................... ....................................

16. The doctor .......(will) be in soon if you .........(would) wait here. ..................................... ....................................

Correct the following:

1. Unless he doesn't come, I won't go. …................................. ….................................

2. If I were you, I had gone earlier. …................................. ….................................

3. If it will rain, there will be floods. …................................. ….................................

4. If he would go, I'll go too. …................................. ….................................

5. If Mary hadn't have gone, I would have had to go. …................................. ….................................

6. He would have caught the bus, unless he had left home earlier. …................................. ….................................

7. Mary would performed better if she rehearsed more. ………………………. ……………………….

8. Tom would pass if he had studied more. ………………………. ……………………….

9. If I were you, I will go. ………………………. ……………………….

10. If I studied better, I would have passed. ………………………. ……………………….

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