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ID TC Name Preconditions

Open application and registe

Test Objective: make sure of the right functionality whe
1.1 Open application Application installed on the computer

1.2 Open a register Application open

Application open with username and

1.3 Log in
password dialog box

1.4 Log out Application open and running

1.5 Creating new register Application open

1.6 Exit application Application open

Test Objective: correctly adding

2.1 Creating new contact Application open and running

Editing the existing

2.2 Contact list with at least one contact

Removing the existing

2.3 Contact list with at least one contact

Application open and running, Add

2.4 Validating "Add" fields
window open

Test Objective: make su

Application open and running, Contact

3.1 Contact overview
list with at least two contacts
Application open and running, Contact
3.2 Contact search
list with at least two contacts

3.3 Expand the window Application open and running

3.4 Merge contacts Application open and running

3.5 Merge registers Application open and running

Test Objective: the possib

Selecting contacts and

Application open and running, Contact
4.1 contact's information
list with at least two contacts
for extraction

Selecting format for

4.2 Application open and running
contact's extraction

4.3 Extracting contact Application open and running

Test Steps

Open application and register, log in and log out, close application
Test Objective: make sure of the right functionality when open and close the application and register, log in and log out
Double click on the application icon

"Open" > Select a register > OK

Introduce username and password

Click "Log Out"

"New" > register name> Save

Database > Exit

New contact
Test Objective: correctly adding new contacts, editing and removing them
Click "Add" > Introduce info in every field > OK
Click "Add" > Introduce info in name field >
Click "Add" > Introduce info in every field, use the
name of the existing contact > OK
Select a contact name > click "Edit"
Change every field and click OK
select a contact from the list > click "Remove" >
OK to confirm
Introduce info in every field but leave name
empty> OK
Introduce name and date of birth from the future
12/12/2018 > OK
Introduce name and invalid date of birth
33/13/2090 > OK
Introduce name and incomplete date of birth
2/2/12 > OK
Introduce name, valid date of birth and a text abc
in the Numbers field > OK
Introduce name, valid date of birth and invalid
email address andrei@gmail > OK
Introduce name, valid date of birth and invalid
email address > OK
Contact management
Test Objective: make sure of the usability of the contacts
Check the contact list

Click on a contact name

Click "Search"
In the Search window write one letter in contact
name filter > OK
Start writing a contact name in "Quick search"

Click and drag every application window's edge

Click "Action" > Merge Contacts > Select two or
more contacts > OK
Click "Database" > Merge Registers > Select two
or more registers > OK
Extracting contact
Test Objective: the possibility of correct extracting of contacts
Click "Export"
Select contacts which needed to be exported
Select the info for selected contacts which
needed to be exported
Click "Export" > Select Format of extraction

Export > Select contact > Select info for selected

contact > Select Format HTML > OK

Export > Select contact > Select info for selected

contact > Select Format TXT > OK
Expected Results Status

n and register, log in and log out, close application

tionality when open and close the application and register, log in and log out
Application opens in 1-2 seconds Not tested
Register opens in 1-2 seconds and ask the username and
Not tested

Register opens if username and password are correct, displaying

Not tested
error message if username or password are incorrect

Register close and application is running with no register open Not tested
New register is created asking the name and save folder/address.
Not tested
New register remains open for editing
Application closes in 1-2 seconds Not tested
New contact
ectly adding new contacts, editing and removing them
New contact is created, every info is saved and visible Not tested
No contact is created, the application returns to the main window Not tested
Error message appears: "Contact name already exists. Need new
Not tested
Contact name"
The contact is open and every field is editable Not tested
All the changes are saved Not tested
Contact has been deleted and do not appear in the list, before
Not tested
deleting a message box ask to confirm deleting the contact
Error message appear - Contact Name is mandatory, at least one
Not tested
character must be entered
Error message appears: "Invalid date of birth" Not tested

Error message appears: "Invalid date of birth" Not tested

Contact is saved, date of birth is automatically completed:
Not tested

Error message appears: "Invalid number - must be numbers only" Not tested

Error message appears: "Invalid email address" Not tested

Error message appears: "Invalid email address" Not tested

Contact management
ive: make sure of the usability of the contacts
Contact names are displayed in alphabetical order Not tested
The contact selected change colour in blue, contact info are
Not tested
displayed in the right part of the application window
New "Search" window is opened, every field of a contact's info
Not tested
can be used as a search filter
Filtered contact list is created with only the names that contain
Not tested
the letter written before
Contact names are displayed in real time that starts with the
Not tested
characters already written
The application window will expand in the direction it is pulled and
Not tested
all the fields will adjust accordingly
New contact is displayed having the merge info of previews
Not tested
selected contacts, Contact Name included
New register is displayed having the merge contacts of previews
Not tested
selected registers, in alphabetical order
Extracting contact
: the possibility of correct extracting of contacts
"Export" window is opened Not tested
Every contact could be selected for exporting, all the contacts
Not tested
could be selected at ones for extraction
Every field of a contact's info can be selected as part of the info
Not tested
exported or not
The possibility of Format selection between HTML and TXT Not tested

Selected contact's info is displayed in a new window. The

extracting results will have the possibility of a different display Not tested
view and could be save or print.
Selected contact's info is displayed in a new window. The
extracting results will have the possibility of a different display Not tested
view and could be save or print.
Comments Test Data

ID TC Name Preconditions

Open app, Open Regi

Test Objective: Make sure that the app functionality like open app, o
1.1 Launch the application Application installed on the computer

1.2 Open a Register Open option available

Authenticate with correct User account exists

credentials Log In option available

Authenticate with incorrect User account exists

credentials Log In option available

1.5 Log Out from the application User Logged In

The Register window closes
1.6 when the Log Out option is Active user clicked Log Out
1.7 Creating New Register Option New available
New Register created remain
1.8 New Register already created
open for editing.
Application open with Exit option
1.9 Exit application
2 Application open and running Test Objective: Make sure that the adding new
Add new contact with valid User signed in
name Register opened
Add contact with an invalid Add contact option available
2.2 Contact with the same name exist

Add contact with empty field

2.3 Add contact option available

Click Cancel while creating a

2.4 Cancel button available

2.5 Edit a contact field Contacts available open

Save the changes on contact
2.6 Contact fields editable
Delete contact confirmation
2.7 Contacts list open

Delete contact confirmation - Message confirmation box open with

Yes option Yes available

Delete contact confirmation - Message confirmation box open with

No option No available
Contact open in edit mode
Add valid Day in Date of
2.10 Contact person available
Birth field
Date of Birth input available
Contact open in edit mode
Add invalid Day in Date of
2.11 Contact person available
Birth field
Date of Birth
Contact openinput available
in edit mode
Add valid Month in Date of
2.12 Contact person available
Birth field
Date of Birth
Contact openinput available
in edit mode
Add invalid Month in Date of
2.13 Contact person available
Birth field
Date of Birth
Contact openinput available
in edit mode
2.14 Add a valid phone number Contact person available
Numbers inputinavailable
Contact open edit mode
2.15 Add a invalid phone number Contact person available
Numbers inputinavailable
Contact open edit mode
2.16 Add a valid email address Contact person available
Email input available
Contact open in edit mode
2.17 Add an invalid email address Contact person available
Email input available
Test Objective: make sure of
3.1 Contact Names Order Contact list and contacts available

3.2 Contact details view

Contact list open

Filter contact search with 2

3.3 Contact list open
min. alpha characters
3.4 Expand the window Application open and running

3.5 Merge contacts Application open and running

3.6 Merge registers Application open and running

Test Objective: Make sure that

Selecting contacts and

Application open and running, Contact
4.1 contact's information for
list with at least two contacts

Selecting format for

4.2 Application open and running
contact's extraction

4.3 Extracting contact Application open and running

Test Steps

Open app, Open Register, Log In, Log Out, Create Register, Exit
: Make sure that the app functionality like open app, open register, create register, log in, log out and exit, behave in concordance
1. Double click on the application icon
2. Wait few seconds
1. Select Open
2. Select Register
1. Click
Log In option
2. Enter user name
3. Enter password
1. Click
LogInIn button
2. Enter user name
3. Enter password
4. Click on Log In button
1. Select Log Out
2. Click on Log Out option
1. Select Log Out
2. Select
Click onNew
Out option
3. Click Newon Register page.
3. Select
Name theNewfile option
4. Click
Choose Newa location
5. Name
Createthe file
6. Choose
Click Savea location
5. Select
Create from menu Database option
6. Select Exit
Click Save
7. Click
the Register window. Contact
1. Select Contact option
Test Objective: Make sure that the adding new contacts, editing and functionality worked according with the req
2. Click Add
1. Enter
Selectthe Nameoption
4. Click OK
2. Click Add
3. Enter the an existing name
4. Click OK
1. Select Contact option
2. Click Add
3. Click OK
1. Select Contact option
2. Click Add
3. Select
1. Click Cancel
1. Select Edit
Select Contact
2. Select
Select a contact from the list
4. Edit fields.
3. Select a contact from the list
4. Edit fields.
5. Select Contact
Click Save.
2. Click Remove
1. Select Contact
2. Click Remove
3. Click Yes
1. Select Contact
2. Click Remove
3. Select a contact from the list
Click No
2. Click edit
3. Select Date of Birth field
4. Edit or Add the Day choosing a number < 31
1. Select a contact from the list
2. Select
1. Click edit
a contact from the list
3. Click
2. Select Date of Birth field
4. Select
3. Edit orDate
Addofthe Day
Birth choosing a number > 31
1. Select a contact fromchoosing
Edit or Add the Month the list a number < 12
2. Click edit
1. Select a contact from the list
3. Click
2. Select Date of Birth field
4. Select
3. Edit orNumbers
Add thefield
Month choosing a number >12
1. Select a contact from the list
2. Edit
Add number insert numeric characters
1. Select
Select Numbers
a contact field
from the list
4. Edit or Add number insert alphanumeric characters
2. Click edit
3. Select Email field
4. Select
Edit or aAdd
emailfrom the list
address accepting format
2. Click edit
3. Select Email field
4. Edit or Add email address not accepting format
Contact management
Test Objective: make sure of the usability of the contacts according to the req
1. Select Database
2. Click Open
1. Take a look
Click on on Contact
Contact name Names alphabetical order
2. Select a Contact
1. Select the Search input
2. Insert two alpha character
Click and drag every application window's edge
Click "Action" > Merge Contacts > Select two or more
contacts > OK
Click "Database" > Merge Registers > Select two or
more registers > OK
Export contact
Test Objective: Make sure that the export of contacts behave according to the req
Click "Export"
Select contacts which needed to be exported
Select the info for selected contacts which needed to
be exported
Click "Export" > Select Format of extraction

Export > Select contact > Select info for selected

contact > Select Format HTML > OK

Export > Select contact > Select info for selected

contact > Select Format TXT > OK
Expected Results Status

gister, Log In, Log Out, Create Register, Exit

open register, create register, log in, log out and exit, behave in concordance with the req
Application is launched Not tested

Register window opens Not tested

Register options are displayed Not tested

An error message is displayed Not tested

The User is logged out Not tested

Register page is closed Not tested

New register is created. Not tested

The new Register created is open. Not tested

The application closed Not tested

w contacts, editing and functionality worked according with the req
New contact is created Not tested

An error message is displayed Not tested

An error message is displayed Not tested

Contact not saved. Not tested

Fields are editable. Not tested

All the changes are saved. Not tested

An confirmation message appear. Not tested

Contact deleted Not tested

Contact not deleted Not tested

Day saved Not tested

Day is not saved Not tested

Month of saved Not tested

Month is not saved Not tested

Number saved Not tested

Number not saved Not tested

Email address saved Not tested

Email address not saved Not tested

Contact management
of the usability of the contacts according to the req
Contact names are displayed in alphabetical order. Not tested

The contact details are displayed according to the design Not tested

The contacts are filtered in search results Not tested

The application window expand Not tested

New contact is displayed having the merge info of previews
Not tested
selected contacts, Contact Name included
New register is displayed having the merge contacts of previews
Not tested
selected registers, in alphabetical order
Export contact
at the export of contacts behave according to the req
"Export" window is opened Not tested
Every contact could be selected for exporting, all the contacts
Not tested
could be selected at ones for extraction
Every field of a contact's info can be selected as part of the info
Not tested
exported or not
The possibility of Format selection between HTML and TXT Not tested

Selected contact's info is displayed in a new window. The

extracting results will have the possibility of a different display Not tested
view and could be save or print.
Selected contact's info is displayed in a new window. The
extracting results will have the possibility of a different display Not tested
view and could be save or print.
Comments Test Data

ce with the req

1. The user has already an

account for this app,
and he can open an Register after
he logged In with correct
like username and password.

2. This user has all rights for:

create and save new register,
create new contact, delete
contact, edit contact, search for
contact, merge contacts, export
Email address accepting format
according to the req

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