1705090236008-Diamond Boy Chapters 1-7 Notes and Questions

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Diamond Boy Chapters 1-7

Faeeza Adam

Grade 12
Diamond Boy
The novel moves through several locations. It starts off in relatively
safe Bulawayo and then moves to the turbulent location of the mining
area Marange.
The story the moves to the Beit Bridge border post and draws us to the
banks of the Limpopo River. We take a frightening journey through the
Kruger National Park, the find ourselves on a tomato farm, followed by a
trip in a police van to Musina.

Our next stop is Park Station in Johannesburg which then leads us to a

racing car journey to Cape Town via the Karoo.

A brief overview:
The novel is divided into a prologue and 5 sections. Each section gives
us an insight into Patson’s journey to Adulthood. Together with
Patson’s journey, we also get a glimpse into the journey of the Moyo
family; Joseph ( the father), Sylvia (the step mother) and Grace ( the

For Patson, this is not just a physical journey, but also

an emotional, psychological and spiritual one that leads
him to his destination of inner peace and acceptance.
The Prologue:
The novel opens with a question. This serves as
an introduction as to what will happen during the
course of the story. It also provides us with an
inkling into the physical challenges, Patson will
have to endure and undertake.

Theme no 1:
Identified in the prologue
The Importance of Love and Family.
Points to consider:
1. List the facts you learn about Patson and his family after
reading the first chapter in the novel.
2. Describe the Moyo’s journey to the diamond mines in
Marange. Keep a list of everything that goes wrong for them
before they arrive.
3. Which part would be most terrifying as they try to make it to
their destination and the safety of family?
4. Describe the people they see when the Moyo’s stumble into
the Mazezuru syndicate. What is the first lesson Patson
learns about diamonds?
5. Who is Boubacar? What does he accuse Musi, the nephew
of the Wife, of being?
6. How has Patson’s life changed completely in just a single
day? Is anyone’s life capable of changing completely this
7. Who is James Banda? What is his effect on the people
around him? How does Patson feel toward him? Why is he
so intimidating? What punishment does he give his son?
8. Explain how and why Patson’s view of his father changed
immensely. How has Mr. Moyo’s plan turned to dust?
9. Summarise this first part of the book. What do you think are
the most important plot points? Which characters are key to
understanding the novel?
10. Why do you think the author decided to include a page from
Patson’s journal?

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