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准备时间 30s
① 确定描述方式
② 选定关键词
回答时间 45s
① 描述图片大略
The scene occurs in a conference room that…
This picture shows …
This is a picture of …
It looks like a picture of a happy family gathered for a holiday dinner.
I can see four people in this picture.
② 对核心人物进行具体描述
The mother is standing up cutting a big turkey with a knife and fork.
On either side of the mother, her husband and daughter are smiling and looking at the turkey.
The girl is sitting down waiting to begin her meal.
A man is standing next to her, looking at the turkey.
③ 加上对周围对象的描述
There are a lot of dishes and glasses of wine [on the table] [in the middle of the dining room].
Also, I can see some wooden shelves and a brick wall [in the background].
④ 以个人感受收尾
Overall, everyone looks happy and the mood seems light.
From the picture, I can tell they’re celebrating Thanksgiving Day

(1) This is a picture of a family preparing for a meal in a dining room.

(2) The mother is standing up cutting a big turkey with a knife and fork. On other side of the
mother, her husband and daughter are smiling and looking at the turkey.
(3) There are a lot of dishes and glasses of wine on the table in the middle of the dining room. (4)
Also, I can see some wooden shelves and a brick wall in the background.
(5) Overall, everyone looks happy and the mood seems light.

(1) The picture shows a business meeting with four people.

(2) There are two men wearing suits. One man has a laptop, and it looks like he’s showing some
information to the other people. Next to the men are two women, and one had some paper and a
pen in front of her.
(3) Behind the men, I can see windows and an indoor plant.
(4) I think they are concentrating hard and talking about some issues.

(1) We can see a family is having a picnic in the park.

(2) The grandparents are preparing the food for everyone else. The grandfather is in charge of the
barbecue, so he’s wearing an apron and holding the barbecue tools.
(3) The rest of the family is sitting around the picnic table talking and drinking.
(4) They’re all smiling and having a good time.
(5) It’s a nice sunny day. And the weather looks perfect for this kind of family gathering.

(1) [引入] This is a picture of some women sitting in a cafeteria.

(2) [描述核心对象] The first thing I see in the picture is three women sitting in a group. They are
all sitting on stools around a table. They seem to be waiting their food, but they don’t look bored
because they are having an interesting conversation.
(3) [描述次要对象] Behind the women, there is a chef working in the open kitchen.
(4) [收尾] It looks like the women are enjoying eating out together.

(1) The main focus of the picture is two people riding a camel.
(2) In front of them, a man wearing in a white T-shirt is leading the camel.
(3) I can also see a white tent behind them.
(4) In the background of the picture, there are a few tall trees.
(5) Overall, it looks like a hot sunny day outside in the amusement park.

(1) What I see in the picture is a crossroad in the city.

(2) On the left, there’s something which looks like a sports car.
(3) And there is a traffic light in front of the building.
(4) There are several / a few people wearing shirts and pants.
(5) They seem to be going home after school.

(1) This is a picture of people relaxing at the beach.

(2) Some are lying down on the beach, other people / while others are enjoying swimming in the
(3) In the background of the picture, we can see several buildings.
(4) From the picture, we can tell the weather is very hot and sunny.
(5) All in all, everyone must have a good time at the beach.

① 描述图片大略
This is a picture of typical city scene with people and tall buildings.
What I see in the picture is a street intersection with a crosswalk.
② 对近景进行具体描述
In the foreground of the picture, you can see a few people crossing the street and all of them are
wearing winter clothes.
Next to the people, there is one yellow car stopped at the intersection.
There are some pedestrians crossing the road.
On the right, I can see a red signboard.
③ 对远景进行具体描述
In the background of the picture, there are many large buildings and people walking around on the
The buildings on the left look like stores. There are some signboards hanging in front of these
④ 以个人感受和推测收尾
This picture looks like the downtown area of a big city because there are many people and
buildings. I think it’s probably a big city because of the tall buildings and wide roads.

What I see in the picture is a street intersection with a crosswalk. In the foreground of the picture,
I can see a few people crossing the street and all of them are wearing winter clothes like coats.
Next to the people there is one yellow car stopped at the intersection. In the background of the
picture, there are many large buildings and people walking around on the sidewalks. The building
on the left looks like stores. There are some signboards hanging in front of these buildings. This
picture looks like the downtown area of a big city because there are many people and buildings.

This is a picture of a family gathering.
This is a picture of a big park in the city.
This is a picture of downtown on a sunny day.
There are three children standing around.
There are many people in the market.
There is a man riding a bike.
In the foreground (of the picture), …
In the foreground (of the picture), I can see a few flower pots.
In the foreground (of the picture), there are people playing football.
In the foreground (of the picture), there is a sunny beach.
In the middle (of the picture), …
In the middle (of the picture), there is a traffic light.
In the middle (of the picture), there are a few big trees.
In the middle (of the picture), I can see cars parked in a row.
In the background (of the picture), …
In the background (of the picture), there are a few tall buildings.
In the background (of the picture), there are many kinds of stores.
In the background (of the picture), we can see blue sky.
On the left, there be …
On the left, there are many cars on the road.
On the left, there are people taking a walk.
On the left, there is a baby in a stroller.
On the right, there be …
On the right, there is a motorcycle parked by the curb.
On the right, there are people sitting next to each other.
On the right, there is food displayed on the counter.
B next to [beside, by] A
The man is sitting right next to his son.
The building is beside the Han River.
There is a dog sitting by the entrance of the house.
B behind A
I can see a fountain behind the people.
There is an entrance behind the table.
There is a board behind the man.
B in front of A
A car is parked in front of the building.
I can see a bench in front of the store.
There are people in front of the bus.
B on the opposite side of A
The bank is on the opposite side of the street.
The store is on the opposite side of the mall.
The fountain is on the opposite side of the square.
With A in the middle
Two people are sitting with a child in the middle.
Two people are sitting with a suitcase in the middle.
Two people are sitting with a pet dog in the middle.
Around A
They are sitting around a table.
The students are standing around the teacher.
The small trees are around the fountain.
Either side / end /hand (of A)
There are many clothing stores on either side of the street.
There are two people standing at either end of the table.
The man has something in either hand.
Few / most / several / all / both
Few / most / several / all / both of them are wearing ties.
Is / are wearing A
The man is wearing glasses.
The man is wearing a safety helmet.
The man is wearing a tie.
B in A
There are two men in business suits.
He is talking to a woman in a hat.
A woman in black pants is taking a walk.
A with B
The man with glasses / boots / an umbrella / a dog is standing in front of the store.
A -ing
There is a child smiling at his mom.
There is a kid sitting on a bench.
There is a man riding a horse.
A -ed
There is a conference room arranged for a meeting.
There is a conference room equipped with a projector.
There is a conference room occupied by businessmen.
It looks + adj. / it looks like + that 从句/名词
It looks hazy.
It looks like it’s raining.
It looks like a mother and daughter.
… of some sort
It seems to be a cooking gadget of some sort.
It looks like an exercise machine.
They seem to be office supplies.
整体感觉、印象 Overall, it seems / looks like + noun.
Overall, it looks like a friendly family picnic.
Overall, it seems like a beautiful sunny day outside.
Overall, it looks like a busy scene of downtown at night.

Q4-6 问卷调查
① 确认主题
② 先听后回答
③ 借用提问时的一部分表达方式
④ 平时清点好提问语句
①what ②why ③for example
Q: What is the most important holiday in your country?
There are many traditional festivals in China. The most important is without a doubt the spring
festival. It’s better known as the Chines New Year in other countries.

Q: What do you especially like and dislike about having your hair cut?
I like getting my head massaged but I hate making conversation with the hairdresser.
I like feeling younger and more stylish but I hate waiting in line to get my hair cut.

Q: How often do you stop for electronic products and where do you go to buy them?
I shop for electronic products maybe three or four times a year. I usually go to a store in the mall
to buy them.

Q: Where do you usually get the news, and how often do you check this news source?
I usually get the news from online websites. I like to look at these websites at least two or three
times a day.

I usually chat with my friends on the phone when I have free times.
I shop at stores where the prices are reasonable.
I use my cell phone about three or four times a day.
I ate out more than ten times last month.
I usually go shopping when there is a sale on.
I normally take the bus to work.
I usually play computer games or read comic books.
I go shopping where my friends recommend.
I use my cell phone more than ten times a day.
I ate out about two or three times last month.

Q: Why do you think the holiday is so important?
Because it’s the only time of the year that we can forget about all the stress from work and enjoy
with family and friends. It also brings the hope to people for a better coming year.

Q: What is the most recent electronic product you purchased?

I brought a new cell phone a couple of days ago. I think that is the last thing I bought.

Q: What type of news is the most interesting to you and why?

I prefer to read about international news because I think this is the most important kind of news. It
affects everyone.

It takes me half an hour.

It takes me exactly an hour to commute to work.
The best place to buy a new watch would be an online shopping site.
The most important factor is if there is a big selection to choose from.

Q6 30s
Q: How do people in your country celebrate this holiday?
A: There are many traditions during the spring festival. For example, pretty much all families hang
calligraphy couplets on their doors. And people set off a lot of firecrackers and fireworks during
this period. The highlight of the spring festival is the New Year’s Eve dinner. A typical image of it
would be a whole family sitting together at a round table eating way too much food while
watching the New Year’s gala show.

Q: What kind of factors influence your decision when buying an electronic product?
The most important thing for me is whether I recognize the brand of the product or not. Lots of
electronic products breaks down, and this can be really annoying. But if I buy a reputable brand, I
can guarantee that the product will be reliable. So, I don’t need to worry about the possibilities of
the product malfunctioning.

Q: What is the most impressive news story that you have seen or heard recently? Describe
this news story.
I was very impressed recently when I read a news article about robot technology.
I thought it was amazing that companies are building robots right now that can do so many
complex things. The article said that most people could own a robot within 20 years. This news
was very informative as well as fascinating to me.

Q: How do you think public transportation in your country should be improved?

Personally, I think there should be more subway lines. I have a few reasons for believing this.
First, the subway system is really important because it helps reduce traffic in cities.
Second, people don’t need to spend a lot of time commuting because the subway is more punctual
and direct than any other forms of transportation.

Q: Do you prefer shopping over the internet or going to real stores and why?
I prefer going to the real stores to see the items in person. Let me explain the reason why I prefer
shopping at real stores.
Firstly, I have to try on each item so I can see how it fits and weather it’s comfortable.
Additionally, I can have an enjoyable time shopping with my friends and that helps me to reduce
my stress levels.

Q7 细节题,重点关注*、()、大写、专有名词、下划线
Q: Can you tell me where the seminar held and what time it starts?
When is the Grand Opening event being held, and where?
What time do we look around the facilities and who is leading it?
When / Where is the conference exactly?
What time? Which place? Who will? How much? What price?
Could you tell me about …?
I wonder… / I was wondering…
I heard …
Let me check the schedule, hmm… here… I found it.
The event will take place at 8 o’clock on September 9th.
The workshop will take place from 1 P.M. to 6 P.M.
The tour of the facilities will take place at 9:30 on Tuesday.
The train will depart at 9 o’clock.
The departure time of the air plane is 9 o’clock.
The air plane No. CA798 will take off at 9:15 A.M.

The conference will be held in the main hall.

It will be held in the auditorium.

The first session will be presented by Dr. Watkins.

The first session will be presented by President Hernandez.
The first session will be presented by Andrew Monroe.
The facility tour will be led by Richard Hong, the supervisor.
The facility tour will be led by Anne Conelly, the instructor.
The facility tour will be led by Ms. Johanson.
The seminar will be held in the Conference Room A on September 8.
The tour of the facilities will be held at 10 a.m. and it will be led by Dr. Sims.

What will Dr. Correl give a lecture about?

It’s about patient needs.

The tickets are 10 dollars each, so it’ll cost 50 dollars for you and your four children.
Q8 细节题,重点关注*、()、大写、专有名词、下划线;错误信息纠正,反义疑问句的
Q: I don’t know what the exhibits are or where they are. Can you help me?
I heard there would be four seminar programs. Can I take part in all of them?
It is true that …, but I’m afraid ….
Well, I’m afraid not.
Well, I’m afraid you can’t.
Well, I’m afraid that’s not correct.
I’m afraid you have the wrong information. Lunch will not be provided. You can use the cafeteria
Actually, Mr. Wilson will take in charge of the Closing speech.
Actually, Mr. Wilson will lead the Closing speech.
No, this year you can buy lunch on the boat, so you don’t have to bring your own.
No, you can apply from 10 in the morning to noon.
Actually no, we have two workshops. You can choose between “Build your resume” and “Develop
your interview skills”.
Q9 细节题,考点与前两题不会重复,重点关注时间分割点。
Q: Other than talks from the main speakers, what else is going on?
Well, there are also two special events in the conference. One is the book sighing from Maribel
Evens, who is the author of Trade in the 21st Century. The other is International banquet at 7
o’clock p.m. in Grand Dining Room. To be noticed that, the banquet will cost 30$ for each person,
and if you want a seat, an advanced registration is needed.
Q: For company accounting purposes, we need to know which cities you’ll be transferring in
and about how long you’ll be there. Can you give me this information?
Sure, I’ll stop over in two cities, Seoul and Moscow. On my way to Tokyo, I will stop over in
Seoul for about an hour and a half. Then, when I fly back to London, I’ll be spending the night in
Q: To arrange a pick-up service for you, we need information on your flight from Seoul to
Tokyo. Could you please tell me all the details about it?
Well, I’m scheduled to leave Seoul on flight number 2050 at 8:44 p.m. on April 6 th. I should arrive
in Tokyo at 11:03 p.m. on the same day. My seat number is 57A, just in case you need to know.
Q: I want to know more details of the afternoon portion of the seminar. What will be taking
place after lunch?
After lunch, you can attend 3 programs. You can choose between A’s and B’s presentation which
will both held at 1 o’clock. After that, there will be two different seminars which will be led by C
and D at 2 o’clock. Finally, M will deliver some closing remarks at 3:30.

Q10 Propose a solution

Hello, Ms. XXX, Thanks for your calling.
① 确认问题
I am sorry for the trouble / inconvenience that we have brought to you, and I apologize for your
unhappy experience of the problem.
② 说明问题原因
I guess there must have been an error in our working procedure, so the problem happens.
③ 表达歉意
I have called / contacted all the relevant staffs who have been involved in this matter, and the
result shows / indicates that your request / complaint is totally correct and reasonable.
④ 问题解决方案
Our company will take the full responsibility to satisfy your request as soon as possible.
We’ve noticed all the relative staffs to do / stop doing / try to fix the problem.
Free delivery, express courier
Rearrange, reschedule, switch, replace, adjust, air ticket changing (机票改签)
Rebook, upgrade from economic class to business class
⑤ 收尾
Thank you again for the calling. Let me know if I can help with anything else.
Have a nice day.

Q 11
Exercise 1
Q: Talk about a study habit of yours that’s unique. Explain your answer in details.
My unique study habit involves taking music and art courses in my spare time.
First, it is a good way for me to take a break from studying. As a student, I’m very busy with my
studies. I feel exhausted after a whole day’s study and tired of learning my major subjects. Taking
music and art courses is a good way for me to release my stress.
Second, a lot of friends can be made by taking music and art courses. I can meet different people
with different ideas. Last week, I communicated with my new friends in music class. We discussed
our different opinions and discovered we shared some of the same interests. We had a lot of fun.
That is my unique study habit.

My unique work habit involves taking calligraphy /kəˈlɪɡrəfi/ course in my spare time.
First, it is a good way for me to take a break from working. As an engineer, I’m very busy with my
job. I feel exhausted after a whole day’s work and tired of reading any materials that are relevant
to my job. Taking calligraphy courses is a good way for me to release my stress, which in turn
leaves me energized for the next day.
Second, a lot of friends can be made by taking calligraphy courses.
I can meet different people with different ideas. Last week, I communicated with my new friends
in calligraphy class. We discussed our different opinions and discovered we shared some of the
same interests. We had a lot of fun.
That is my unique work habit.

Exercise 2
Q: Which one do you prefer, shopping in a large store or shopping in a small store?
I prefer to go shopping in a large store for the following reasons.
First, it is very convenient. As a student, I’m very busy with my studies. Shopping in a large store
saves me time. A large store has a large selection, giving me the opportunity to buy all of my
goods at the same time. I can use the time I save to study more.
Second, a large store’s products are cheaper. Shopping in a large store saves me money. For me, I
don’t have much money; all my money comes from my parents. I can use the money I save by
shopping at a large store to buy more useful books to enrich my knowledge and improve my
academic performance on my final exam.
So that is why I prefer to shop in a large store.

I prefer to go shopping in a large store for the following reasons.
First, it is very convenient. As an employee, I’m very busy with my job. Shopping in a large store
saves me time. A large store has a large selection, giving me the opportunity to buy all of my
goods at the same time. I can use the time I save to take more relaxation.
Second, a large store’s products are cheaper. Shopping in a large store saves me money. For me, I
don’t have much money; all my money comes from my limited salary. I can use the money I save
by shopping at a large store to buy more useful books to enrich my professional skills and improve
my performance on yearly evaluation.
So that is why I prefer to shop in a large store.

Exercise 3
Q: One of your friends will give a presentation. Which advice would you give? Use details
and examples to illustrate your answer.
If one of my friends were going to give a presentation, I would give him two suggestions.
First, practice makes perfect. He should familiarize himself with the material he is going to talk
about and focus on the reason for giving the presentation. Once, when I had to give a talk in front
of a large group of students colleagues. At the beginning, I was nervous, but then I realized that it
was just practice, and practicing is a good way to build confidence. Remembering that, I relaxed,
and you know what? My talk was a success.
Second, I would tell my friend to take a training course. In a training course, he can get help from
professional teachers. His problems can be resolved then and there. With those teachers’ help, it
would be easy to give a successful presentation.
Those are my two suggestions.

Exercise 4
Q: Would you like to spend time with family members or rather be alone? Why?
I prefer to spend time with my family and friends for two reasons.
First, it is a good way for me to relax. Talking with my family and friends helps relieve stress,
which in turn leaves me energized for the next day.
Second, my family and friends are a source of help with my studies. For instance, I am not good at
history. So, whenever I struggle to understand how an important historical event affects the
present, my family and friends lend a hand.
For these two reasons, I prefer to spend time with my family and friends.

Exercise 5
Q: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people’s personalities change
when they grow older.
I believe that people’s personalities change throughout their lives. It’s true that personalities are
largely decided by genes. And once our personalities are established, they are difficult to change.
However, I do think that environmental factors play a part / role in developing those traits. Life
stages, experiences, social environment, and gender all can lead to drastic / remarkable changes
in personalities.
I know a man who used to lack a sense of responsibility, but ever since he became a father, he has
become more and more conscientious / serious.

Exercise 6 *
Q: What quality is most important to a university student: being highly motived, hard
working, or intelligent? Use details and examples to support your idea.
Personally, I think a work ethic / hard working is the most important quality to a university
Intelligence yields twice the result with half the effort, but it is no guarantee of success. In
fact, the world is full of gifted failures. The case also applies to highly motivated students.
Motivation doesn’t necessarily result in follow through.
The greatest predictor / quality of being a successful university student is how many hours are
developed to a goal. The more students practice a skill, the better they become at what they are
trying to accomplish. It is hard work supporting their natural talents that guarantees life-long

Exercise 7 *
Q: Do you agree with the statement: Artists and musicians are important to society.
I support the view that artists and musicians play important roles in our society for the following
First, they inspire fans to perform better in their lives. For example, I like Jay Chou, a great pop
singer in China, because he devotes himself to his work, composing all of his music. The standard
he sets drives me to work hard on my goals.
Second, artists and musicians bring positive energy to the world. Take Michael Jackson / the
singer Wang Feng as an example: so many meaningful lyrics in his songs put emphasis on the
meaning of life. His songs provide listeners with the courage to deal with their own lives.

Exercise 8
Q: Describe a new activity that you want to do in the future.
I want to plant trees in a park for the following two reasons.
First, planting trees protects the environment. They absorb carbon dioxide, conserve water, and
prevent soil erosion.
Second, I want to give people more opportunities to relax. Being surrounded by trees is beneficial
to one’s mental health. Wandering a park abundant with trees provides one with the perfect
opportunity to reflect on his daily struggles and successes. Fantastic scenery always has a way of
relieving people’s stress and making their lives more manageable.

Exercise 9 **
Q: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is better to be a leader in a
group than a supporting member? Use examples and details in your explanation.
I agree with the view that being a leader in a group is better than a supporting member. I have two
First, being the person who takes responsibility for the group’s failures and successes motivates
him to play an active role in what the group does. It goes naturally that leaders have to pay close
attention to what it happening around them, and do not just wait for other people to do something.
In other words, leaders are not passive, but intensely involved.
Second, a leader’s professional and personal development is more rapid than his constituents’. The
leader is at the center of attention. Therefore, he is expected to be the first to change and evolve
according to changing circumstances.

Exercise 10
Q: Describe one way you benefit from using the Internet.
The Internet makes my daily life convenient for the following reasons.
First, the Internet is the easiest and cheapest source of entertainment. With a computer in front of
me, I can play games, listen to music, and watch the latest shows on demand. With the help of
Internet, I am always satisfied.
Second, the Internet simplifies communication. It used to take my mother days to receive a letter
from my father, who used to work in a faraway place. Unlike that generation, I can call my friends
immediately, wherever they are in the world.

Day 17
Where would you choose to be your home: a noisy place close to shops, restaurants and
transport hub or a quiet place far from everything? Please explain your preference with
specific reasons.
I think we can translate this question into whether we prefer to live in a city or the countryside.
Personally speaking, I'd much rather live in a place where there's easy access to everything such as
bars, restaurants, shops, and public transport.
I'm still young. And when you are young, you are supposed to be energetic and full of life. The
lifestyle in a city is much more exciting. You get to taste different food, go to different activities,
and meet different people. This is less likely when you are living in a quiet place where everything
is far away.
However, I think when I get older, maybe after the age of 60, I'd like to move to the countryside
where it's all nice and peaceful.

Day 20
In your opinion, what are some important qualities of a good leader? Use reasons and to
explain why these qualities are important.
There are two qualities I value a lot in a leader.
First of all, a good leader has to be enthusiastic about what they do. As a leader, part of their job is
to inspire the people around them. In order to do this, they have to be passionate and dedicated. I
think this is one of the basics.
Second of all, a good leader also has to be decisive, especially when the team is in predicament.
They must not be afraid of making mistakes and have the courage to take responsibility when they
do make them.
If someone has these qualities, I think he/she has a great potential of becoming a good leader.

Day 64
Describe a festival that is important in your country.
You should say:
• when the festival occurs
• what you do during it
• what you like or dislike about it
and explain why this festival is important to you
There are many traditional festivals in China. The most important is without a doubt the spring
festival. It’s better known as the Chines New Year in other countries. In China, we normally use
the lunar calendar when we celebrate traditional festivals. The spring festival starts from January
1st on the lunar calendar and finishes on the 15th. It usually falls in January or February on the
solar calendar.
There are many traditions during the spring festival. Even though they vary in different areas in
China, there are still quite a few common ones across the country. For example, pretty much all
families hang calligraphy couplets on their doors. And people set off a lot of firecrackers and
fireworks during this period, I mean A LOT. The highlight of the spring festival is the New Year’s
Eve dinner. A typical image of it would be a whole family sitting together at a round table eating
way too much food while watching the New Year’s gala show.
The spring festival is very important for us Chinese because it’s the only time of the year that we
can forget about all the stress from work and enjoy with family and friends. What I like most
about the spring festival is the hope that it brings to people, the hope for a better coming year.

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