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J Neurol (2011) 258:533–548

DOI 10.1007/s00415-010-5836-5


The role of cytokines in Guillain–Barré syndrome

Ming-Ou Lu • Jie Zhu

Received: 7 June 2010 / Revised: 13 October 2010 / Accepted: 9 November 2010 / Published online: 23 November 2010
Ó Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract Cytokines play an important role in the patho- 1.2–2.3 per 100,000 throughout the world [1]. It is a
genesis of autoimmune diseases including Guillain–Barré clinical syndrome whose pathological substrate may be
syndrome (GBS) and its animal model experimental auto- acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
immune neuritis (EAN). In this article, we reviewed the (AIDP) or acute axonal motor (AMAN) or motor and
current knowledge of the role of cytokines such as TNF-a, sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN) [2], acute sensory
IFN-c, IL-1b, IL-6, IL-12, IL-18, IL-23, IL-17, IL-10, IL-4 neuronopathy, acute pandysautonomia and the Fisher syn-
and chemokines in GBS and EAN as unraveled by studies drome [3]. In two-thirds of GBS cases, the disease is
both in the clinic and the laboratory. However, these regarded as a post-infectious autoimmune disease that may
studies occasionally yield conflicting results, highlighting involve molecular mimicry triggered by many antecedent
the complex role that cytokines play in the disease process. pathogens [4], [5]. Both cellular and humoral immunity
Efforts to modulate cytokine function in GBS and other may participate. The different patterns of GBS are probably
autoimmune disease have shown efficiency indicating that due to the diverse interplay between antibodies and T cells
cytokines are important therapeutic targets. of differing specificities [6]. Experimental evidence
implicated that axonal subgroups of GBS and Fisher syn-
Keywords Cytokine  Guillain–Barré syndrome  drome are more related to auto-antibodies against gangli-
Experimental autoimmune neuritis  Autoimmunity  T cell oside, while AIDP more involves CD4? T cell induced
macrophage associated demyelination, although some
studies showed the importance of humoral immunity
Introduction especially in early stages of AIDP [1, 5, 7, 8]. Due to the
remarkable similarities in clinic and pathology, experi-
Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is a common cause of mental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) is considered to be an
acute neuromuscular paralysis with an annual incidence of animal model of AIDP, the most common form of GBS [9].
Current therapies for GBS such as plasma exchange
(PE) and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) mainly focus
M.-O. Lu  J. Zhu
on the humoral immunity. Although results of international
Department of Neurology, The First Hospital, Jilin University,
Xinmin Street No.17, Changchun, China randomized trials have shown equivalent efficacy of PE
and IVIg, but not corticosteroids, in hastening recovery
M.-O. Lu from GBS, IVIg is usually used because of its greater
Department of Neurology, The First Hospital, Dalian Medical
convenience and availability [1, 10, 11]. However, none of
University, Zhongshan Road 222, Dalian, China
the treatments significantly reduced mortality. Since
J. Zhu (&) *20% of patients die or have persistent disability despite
Division of Neurodegeneration (NOVUM, plan 5), immunotherapy, more studies are needed to identify better
Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society,
treatment regimens and new therapeutic strategies [8].
Karolinska Institute, Karolinska University Hospital
in Huddinge, 141 86 Stockholm, Sweden Cytokines are polypeptides that act as signal molecules
e-mail: in a paracrine or autocrine fashion between the cells of the

534 J Neurol (2011) 258:533–548

immune system and also in other area including psycho- disease by playing an important anti-inflammatory role
neuroimmunological interactions. Cytokines play a key [17–19]. More recently, IL-17 producing Th17 cells has
role in initiating, propagating and regulating tissue-specific been found playing an important role in many autoimmune
autoimmune injury. The analysis of cytokine production is diseases including experimental autoimmune encephalo-
increasingly important in defining the mechanism of myelitis (EAE), an analogous disease of the central nervous
autoimmune responses and in evaluating specific therapies system (CNS), while thymic regulatory T (Treg) cells have
of autoimmune diseases. This review will focus on the role a suppressive role, although their roles need to be further
of cytokines in GBS and EAN in recent years, to better investigated in EAN and GBS [20, 21]. Actually, increased
understand the mechanism and treatment of GBS. levels of activated T cells and reduced levels of CD4/
CD25? cells (Treg cells) were found in peripheral blood of
acute stage of GBS, but marked improvement of Tregs in
Cytokine in GBS and EAN stable-stage of GBS after IVIg treatment [22, 23]. Single
cytokine in EAN and GBS would be discussed as below.
Cellar immunity is likely involved in the pathogenesis of
the GBS and some forms of EAN. The inflammatory cells IFN-c
infiltrating in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) of both
diseases are composed of lymphocytes and cells of the IFN-c is mainly produced by T cells and natural killer (NK)
macrophage lineage, exerting most of their effects through cells [24]. It is typically produced by Th1 cells and is the
immuno-regulatory cytokines [12] (Fig. 1). Pro-inflamma- principal marker of a Th1 response. The effects of IFN-c
tory cytokines such as IL-1b, IL-6, IL-12, IL-17, IL-18, are induced and regulated by IL-12, and also suppressed
IL-23, TNF-a, IFN-c and chemokines are thought to sig- markedly by apoptotic cells as evidenced in stimulated
nificantly contribute to disease development by recruiting human peripheral mononuclear cells [25]. Its functions
effecter cells to the PNS and by enabling in situ release of include activation of macrophages, differentiation of T
other products toxic for Schwann cells (SCs) and myelin cells to Th1 phenotype, induction of MHC I and MHC II
such as free radicals, oxygen intermediates and nitric oxide expression, B cell class switching, apoptosis of T cells and
(NO) [12–16]. Anti-inflammatory cytokines from Th2 and other cell types, enhancement of other cytokine production
Th3 cells such as IL-4, IL-10 and TGF-b may suppress the such as TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6, and receptor activator of

Fig. 1 The role of cytokines in Cell migration


BNB breakdown

Increase BNB permeability

Adhesion molecules,
IL-1, 6,TNF-α, MCP-
Th2 1,MIP-1a, β, IP-10,

TGF-β (-)


Plasma cell


IL-12, sIL-6R

enhancement probably (-) inhibition

J Neurol (2011) 258:533–548 535

nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) ligand, as well as up-regulation cells in GBS [50]. Thus, IFN-c might have a dual role in
of metalloproteinases, chemokines and adhesion mole- this disease and the protective role needs to be further
cules. IFN-c also up-regulates cytokine inducible NO investigated.
synthase (iNOS)-specific mRNA in SCs and precipitates
release of nitrite in a dose-dependent manner [26]. More- TNF-a
over, IFN-c promotes SCs to present exogenous P2 protein
to P2-specific neurogenic T cell line cells [27]. TNF-a is produced by many cells including macrophage, T
In EAN, the level of IFN-c producing cells in blood cells, SCs and so on [51]. Membrane-bound or soluble
lymph node and PNS tissue roughly parallel clinical TNF-a signals through TNF-a receptor 1 (TNFR1, p55)
symptoms. Systemic administration of recombinant rat and TNF-a receptor 2 (TNFR2, p75), mainly TNFR1, to
IFN-c (rrIFN-c) worsens EAN rats and IFN-c receptor elicit a wide variety of signals in many different cell types
deficient mice showed a suppression of EAN [28]. In GBS [52, 53].
patients, serum IFN-c was found elevated [29]. Although a In immune response, TNF-a induced matrix metallo-
significantly increased antigen specific peripheral blood proteinase (MMP-9) promotes macrophage recruitment
mononuclear cells (PBMC) proliferation was not shown, into injured peripheral nerve [54]. Induction of TNF-a by
PBMC secreting IFN-c spontaneously elevated in 25% of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in SC is regulated by mitogen-
patients of GBS, which indicated a role of T cells in the activated protein kinase (MAPK) signals [55] and inhibi-
immunopathology of GBS [30]. Moreover, neutralizing tion of TNF-a-initiated p38MAPK pathway enhances
auto-antibodies to IFN-c are significantly correlated with axonal regeneration [56]. This indicates that MAPK might
down-regulation of IFN-c producing cells and with be an important pathway that leads TNF production and its
improved clinical disability in GBS patients [31]. action on the peripheral nerve. Moreover, it is also revealed
However, IFN-c has also been evidenced to have a that TNF-a inhabits SC proliferation and mediates SC
protective role in autoimmunity since some other autoim- death by up-regulating Src-suppressed protein kinase C
mune disease aggravated either in the anti-IFN-c treatment substrate and p75NTR expression separately [57, 58]. More
or gene knock out animal models such as EAE, collagen recently, TNFR1 is found as a positive T cell costimulatory
induced arthritis (CIA) and experimental autoimmune molecule that is important for T cell activation and effector
uveitis (EAU) [32–34]. Exogenous IFN-c prevents auto- cytokine production and the development of primary
immune diabetes both in BB rats and NOD mice [35–37]. immune responses in mice [59].
Also in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), various TNF-a has a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of EAN and
studies described protective effects for the use of recom- GBS. In GBS, serum TNF-a, correlated to TNF-a two
binant IFN-c [38, 39], although one report established allele, was elevated and associated with the disease
beneficial effects for the antibody treatment [40]. severity [60, 61]. TNF-a converting enzyme (TACE),
The main protective roles of IFN-c in recent findings processing of membrane-bound inactive pro-TNF-a into
included as below: inhibit on neutrophil trafficking [41, the active soluble cytokine TNF-a, is up-regulated during
42]; convert CD4?CD25- cells into CD4? Treg cells EAN and expressed in nerves of GBS patients and thus
[43]; suppress the differentiation and effector function of may contribute to the pathogenesis of inflammatory
the pro-inflammatory Th17 cells [44, 45]; microglia acti- demyelination of the PNS [62]. Moreover, TNF-a and
vated by IFN-c or IL-4 can protect neutrons and support TNFR1 decreased while sTNFR1, an antagonist of TNF-a,
both neurogenesis and oligodendrogenesis [46–48]. In increased correlated to the neurological recovery in GBS
2008, Foulds et al. [49] reported IFN-c plays a critical role patients treated with IVIg [60, 63, 64]. This might be due to
for controlling all stages of Th1 differentiation and mem- the down-regulation of TNF-a production and sustained
ory formation. At first, IFN-c controls T cell expansion by buffering of TNF-a by sTNF-Rs, particularly sTNFR1, and
direct caspase induction and causing apoptosis. Later, IVIg could selectively induce this gene transcription and
IFN-c mediates the death of Th1 cells indirectly through secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines as evidenced in
induction of numerous factors, such as NO, Indoleamine cultured human lymphocyte [65].
2,3-dixoygenase (IDO), and TNF-a receptors. Therefore, In EAN, TNFR1 deficiency reduces antigen-presenting
Kelchtermans [41] suggests that endogenous IFN-c can be capacity of SCs and ameliorates EAN in mice [66]. Pro-
considered as a process with bidirectional immune-regu- phylaxis with sTNFR1 treatment delayed the onset, which
lation and often resulting in moderation of pathology. was accompanied by inhibition of blood-nerve-barrier
To date, most researches indicate that IFN-c plays a (BNB) permeability and inflammation, however, after EAN
crucial inflammatory role in EAN and GBS while recent established, sTNFR1 cannot affect the course of the dis-
study reveals that IFN-c can convert peripheral ease, indicating that TNF plays a role in BNB permeability
CD4(?)CD25(-) T cells to CD4(?)CD25(?) regulatory T [67]. Through activation of caspase-3, TNF-a seemed

536 J Neurol (2011) 258:533–548

implicated in SC apoptosis in the natural course of EAN and TNFR2 increased after IVIg treatment in patients with
[55]. On the other hand, hypersensitivity of pain in rats AMAN [64]. Interaction of TNF with TNFR2 promotes
with EAN accompanied by pronounced autoimmune expansion and function of mouse CD4?CD25? Tregs
inflammation in peripheral nerve and SC-derived TNF-a is [76]. More recently, TNF is found as an activator of
a major mediator of this hyper-algesia [68, 69]. Indeed, CD4?FoxP3?TNFR2? Tregs, which help terminate
TNF-a contributing to neuropathic pain has been shown in immune response [77]. Moreover, TNF activates a NF-kB
many recent studies [70]. regulated cellular program in human CD45RA-Tregs that
Although release of sTNF-Rs appear to be protective modulates their suppressive function [78].
since they can buffer TNF-a biological activities [71], Taken together, it seems that TNF-a might also have a
TNF-a itself might have a beneficial role in EAN. The dual role in EAN and GBS. TNFR1 exerts most of the
inhibition of TNF-a leads to a decrease of T cell apoptosis inflammatory effects, while both TNFR1 and TNFR2 may
during high dose antigen therapy in AT-EAN rats, making have protective effects, though the mechanism is not quite
TNF-a the principal candidate for mediating some of the clear.
effects of antigen therapy [72]. Moreover, previous study
showed that TNFR1 deficient mice in EAN exhibited a IL-12 and IL-23
more severe clinical signs (Fig. 2), in parallel with
enhanced numbers of inflammatory infiltrating cells in IL-12, mainly produced by phagocytes and dentric cells
peripheral nerves and splenic P0-reactive T cell prolifera- (DC), is critical for the differentiation of Th1 cells. IL-12 is
tion, as well as increased MHCII and CCR3 expression on a disulfide-linked heterodimer p70 complex composed of
the macrophages in cauda equina [73]. However, this result p40 and p35 subunit. By promoting IFN-c production,
is contrary to our previous study, mentioned above, that proliferation, and proliferation and cytolytic activity of NK
TNFR1 deficiency ameliorates EAN in mice. The con- and T cells, IL-12 mediates cellular immunity [64, 79].
flicting results may be due to the different P0 protein More recently it is found that Il-12p40 homodimer suppress
peptide applied or differential timing, location and quantity Treg cells via NO [80].
of TNF-a expressed and released [66]. We suppose that the Additional treatment of EAN in mice and rats with
exacerbation of EAN in TNFR1 deficient mice might be by mouse recombinant IL-12 (mrIL-12) prolonged the course
altering antigen-presenting cell (APC) function, increasing of EAN characterized by earlier clinical signs and delayed
T cell receptor signaling, and decreasing apoptosis of recovery stage [81, 82]. IL-12p40 deficient mice showed a
potentially auto-reactive T cells. Further, this protective delayed onset, reduced incidence and severity of EAN.
role of TNF-a/TNFR1 was also demonstrated in our pre- Fewer IFN-c and TNF-a producing cells but more cells
vious data in kainic acid-induced hippocampal injury in secreting IL-4 were found in sciatic nerve from IL-12
mice [74]. Similarly, TNF-a antagonist exacerbate the deficient EAN mice.
disease in multiple sclerosis (MS), another autoimmune In human, although numbers of IL-12p70 secreting
demyelinating disease in CNS [75]. PBMCs were not affected over the course of GBS [83],
In addition, TNFR2 might also have a protective role as increased IL-12 and IL-12R on PBMCs were found in
demonstrated in another study from our group that TNF serum of AIDP patients and decreased IL-12R after the
IVIg treatment [64].
These results indicate IL-12 has a major role in the
initiation, enhancement and perpetuation of pathogenic
events in EAN and GBS by promoting a Th1 cell-mediated
immune response and suppressing the Th2 response [16].
IL-23, a newly identified heterodimeric pro-inflamma-
tory cytokine and a novel IL-12 family member comprising
the p40 subunit of IL-12 but a different p19 subunit, has
been reported to preferentially act on memory T cells and
play an important role during cellular immune responses.
Recent evidence suggested that IL-23 rather than IL-12 is
Fig. 2 Effect of TNFR1 deficiency on the outcome of EAN. The critically involved in the pathogenesis of various immune-
wild type mice (n = 22) and TNFR1-/- mice (n = 23) were mediated disorder including EAE [84, 85]. IL-23 induces a
immunized with P0 peptide 180–199 in Freund’s complete adjuvant population of IL-17-producing cells that is more critically
(FCA) twice, at day 0 and day 7, and monitored for the development
involved in EAE pathogenesis than Th1 cells [86].
of clinical EAN. The results are presented as mean values ± SD of
clinical scores P \ 0.05, P \ 0.01. Data are representative of four IL-23 may play an essential role during the early ef-
separate experiments fecter phase in immune-mediated demyelination of the

J Neurol (2011) 258:533–548 537

peripheral nerve [87]. IL-23p19 RNA increased prior to the IL-6

onset of first clinical symptoms and peaked expression
levels preceding maximum clinical disease during EAN. In Mononuclear phagocytes, T cells, vascular endothelial
GBS patients, IL-23p19 protein was detectable in cere- cells, SCs and other cells synthesize IL-6 in response IL-1
brospinal fluid (CSF) samples [87]. and/or, TNF-a IL-6 acts by binding to the IL-6 receptor
Recently, IL-27 and IL-35 belong to IL-12 family have (IL-6-R), which can also exist as a soluble protein (sIL-6R).
also been investigated. IL-27 not only induces Th1 dif- The pleiotropic effects of IL-6 include inhibiting apoptosis
ferentiation but also suppresses immune responses by of auto-reactive T cells [100], BNB disturbance [13], reg-
inhibition of Th17 cells development and induction of ulating macrophage infiltration [101], B cell stimulation
IL-10 production. Administration of IL-27 or augmentation [102]. Trans-signaling into T cells via the sIL-6R com-
of IL-27 signaling suppresses some autoimmune disease pletely abrogates the generation of Treg cells [103, 104].
such as RA, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [88]. Like TNF-a and IL-1, IL-6 also contributes in neuropathic
IL-35, composed of the IL-12p35 and EBI3, has been pain [105].
newly identified as an anti-inflammatory cytokine [89]. Overproduction of IL-6 within the PNS or systemically
However, roles of these two cytokines need to be explored were found in EAN and IL-6 is up-regulated in serum and
in EAN and GBS. CSF of GBS patients [94, 102, 106]. Intra-neural injection
of recombinant rat IL-6 (rrIL-6) into the sciatic nerve
IL-1b induces high inflammation and severe demyelination in
EAN [107]. Clinical trials of tocilizumab, a humanized
IL-1b is a member of the IL-1 gene family and synthesized anti-IL-6RmAb that blocks IL-6 signaling, have demon-
by MNC, mainly macrophages. It is also produced by SCs strated dramatic therapeutic benefit in RA [108, 109]. The
in PNS [90]. Expression of IL-1b mRNA in lymph node IL-6/sIL-6R complex has been seen as a novel target for
MNC and sciatic nerve section was observed prior to therapeutic approaches in inflammatory, autoimmune dis-
clinical EAN, indicating IL-1b participate in initiating the eases as well as cancer [110]. However, IL-6 might also
autoimmune response of EAN [13]. IL-1b can induce both have an anti-inflammatory role in chronic EAN since nasal
apoptosis and proliferation in cultured SCs, showing IL-1b administration of rrIL-6 in the initial phase decreased the
is not only involved in destruction of nerve, but also in the severity and the duration of clinical symptoms, accompa-
regeneration [91]. Moreover, IL-1b might also contribute nied by reduced auto-antigen reactivity of T cells as well as
to the neuropathic pain since impairment of IL-1 signaling TNF-a production [18].
attenuates neuropathic pain, autotomy and spontaneous This potential neuro-protective action of IL-6 is also
ectopic neuronal activity, following nerve injury in mice shown in some other condition such as diabetes related
[92]. neuropathy [111]. Furthermore, IL-6 can enhance PMP22
In GBS, increased expression of IL-1b was immune- production in SC via a JAK2-dependent pathway by
localized on SC membranes in sural nerve biopsies [93]. probably activating STAT3 and thus may contribute to
IL-1b could be detected in CSF of GBS [94], however, myelination [112]. IL-6R might be importantly involved in
serum IL-1b principally produced by macrophage, has not only SC proliferation but also re-myelination of the rat
been observed in solely a minority of GBS patients [95]. sciatic nerve [113]. sIL-6R, besides acting as an agonist of
IL-6, has been found some other properties such as IL-6-
IL-18 antagonistic effects, [114].
Consequently, IL-6, besides its pro-inflammatory role in
IL-18, is a member of the IL-1 family of pro-inflammatory EAN and GBS, might have protective effects by reducing
cytokines [96]. IL-18 enhances the IL-12-driven Th1 TNF, IL-1 and remyelination and, etc.
immune responses, but it can also stimulate Th2 immune
responses in the absence of IL-12 [97]. IL-18 serum levels IL-17 and IL-21
have been found to be increased in GBS patients and IL-18
was up-regulated in the nerve roots of EAN rats [98]. EAN Currently, it appears that IL-17-producing T cells are
mice treated with anti-IL-18 monoclonal antibody exhib- responsible for many of the inflammatory and autoimmune
ited a reduced clinical severity of disease and impaired Th1 responses once attributed to Th1 cells [115]. IL-17A, a pro-
response in inflamed nerves [14]. However, our recent inflammatory cytokine, was shown to be the hallmark
study showed that IL-18 deficiency inhibit IFN-c, TNF-a cytokine of this new T helper subset termed ‘‘Th17’’ [116].
and IL-10 production but not the clinical symptoms in A combination of TGFb1 and IL-6, together with IL-23
EAN, suggesting IL-18 may act as a co-inducer of both leads to generation of this CD4? T cell subtype. IL-17
Th1 and Th2 cytokines in EAN and possibly in GBS [99]. might enhance TNF-a signaling by regulating TNF

538 J Neurol (2011) 258:533–548

receptor [117]. It also protects B cells from apoptosis, healthy subjects [135]. Moreover, number of cells secreting
thereby increasing the number of autoantibody-producing TGF-b is elevated in all phase of GBS, but was statistically
cells [118]. IL-17A deficiency or neutralization in vivo significant only in the acute phase [132].
attenuates EAE [119]. Th17-associated cytokines such as The temporal relationship between increased levels of
IL-21 has been on spot as well. It might increase the Tregs TGF-b and the end of the progressive phase indicates that
numbers and function, and also up-regulate the IL-10 TGF-b might have a role in terminating the pathological
expression. [120, 121]. immune response in GBS.
But so far, the function of Th17 and its related cytokines
such as IL-17, IL-21 needs to be explored in EAN and GBS. IL-10

TGF-b IL-10 is produced by monocytes, macrophages, B cells,

Th2 cells and various subsets of CD4? and CD8? T cells.
TGF-b family consists of TGF-b1, TGF-b2, TGF-b3, with Its dominant role is to be as an immunosuppressive cyto-
TGF-b1 being the predominant form expressed in the kine by inhibiting macrophage and DC function, including
immune system [122]. The potential principal cell sources cytokine production such as IL-1 and TNF-a, co-stimula-
of TGF-b include Treg cells, APCs, leukocytes and B cells tors and MHC expression, general APC function. IL-10 can
[123]. also inhibit T cell proliferation and promote humoral
The pivotal function of TGF-b is to maintain tolerance immune responses enhancing class II expression on B cells
via the regulation of lymphocyte proliferation, differenti- and Ig production including IgA [136]. Moreover, IL-10
ation, and survival. It also controls inflammatory response plays a crucial role for Treg cell development [136].
by regulating chemotaxis, activation and survival of NK Pathways leading to IL-10 production by different T cell
cells, DCs and macrophages, etc. [124]. Furthermore, TGF- populations have been recently revealed and it is becoming
b-driven APC exhibited the morphology, phenotypes and clear that some pro-inflammatory cytokines directly induce
functions of tolerogenic immature DC, and had lower IL-10, allowing immune responses to be inherently self-
capacity to stimulate T cells [125, 126]. regulating [137].
Recently TGF-b has been in spot because of its Administration of a low-dose of IL-10 permits better
emerging role in Treg and Th17 cells [20, 21]. TGF-b regeneration of damaged axons [138]. SCs produce IL-10
production by Treg cells has also been suggested as an that might counterbalance the pro-inflammatory cytokines
important (if controversial) mechanism of suppression in in reducing the neuropathic pain [139, 140]. Intrathecal
autoimmune response [21]. Actually, TGF-b1, by inducing IL-10 gene therapy attenuates paclitaxel-induced mechan-
Treg cells, has potential clinical application in treating SLE ical allodynia and pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in
[127]. Local but not systemic antibody blockade of TGF-b dorsal root ganglia in rats [140].
prevented Th17 cell differentiation and the onset of EAE In EAN, up-regulation of IL-10 mRNA expression was
[128]. However, it has been suggested that the differenti- seen in lymph node MNC and sciatic nerve on the onset of
ation of human Th17 cells is not associated with TGF-b, EAN, and maximal expression at onset of clinical recovery
even suppressed by TGF-b, thus differs fundamentally [13]. Treatment with IL-10 ameliorates the inflammatory
from that in mice. TGF-b enhanced expression of Th17 responses in EAN [19]. Amino acid copolymer-specific
transcription factor RORgammat but simultaneously IL-10-secreting Treg cells could ameliorate EAN [141].
inhibited its ability to induce IL-17 expression [129, 130]. In GBS, although serum IL-10 is un-elevated [29],
In peripheral tissues, similarly, TGF-b inhibits T cell IL-10-secreting BMNC increased during the acute phase,
proliferation, activation and effecter T cells differentiation which may account for the self-limited clinical course of
and maintains Treg cells, thereby might contributing to GBS [29, 83]. On the other hand, Myhr et al. [142] reported
prevent the autoimmune disease. In fact, TGF-b1 in plasma that GBS is related to IL-10 promoter polymorphisms and
were decreased in the first days of the disease and associ- IL-10 worsens the disease via enhancing the ganglioside
ated with a loss of immune-regulatory function [131], antibody production probably.
however, both TGF-b1 cytokine and mRNA level Altogether, the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 has a
increased during the recovery of GBS [132]. This switch in role in terminating the EAN and GBS, however, might also
the cytokine profile may instead precede the reversal of worsen the disease by promoting the ganglioside antibody.
clinical symptoms, which was also as noted in EAN [133,
134]. Accordingly, the level of TGF-b1 in serum of GBS IL-4
peaked in the plateau phase, i.e. before onset of recovery
and declined during recovery phase but still higher than IL-4 is produced by CD4? Th2 cells and participates in the
patients with non-inflammatory neurological diseases and differentiation and growth of B cells. IL-4 promotes Th

J Neurol (2011) 258:533–548 539

cells towards a differentiation into Th2 phenotype through CX3CL1/CX3CR1 may play a role in the pain-like
intra-signaling factor STAT6. IL-4 inhibits the activation behavior [153].
of Th1 cells and this in turn, decreases the production of
IL-1 and TNF-a.
Increase of IL-4 in the recovery phase was shown by Therapies on cytokines in EAN and GBS (Table 1)
detection of cytokine mRNA expression in EAN [133].
Nasal administration of rrIL-4 ameliorates ongoing EAN Modulation of cytokine pathway
and inhibits demyelination [107]. Self-limitation of acute
EAN may owe to the rising levels of IL-4 and IL-10 [143]. IL-12 activated Th1 cells via the JAK2/STAT4 pathway,
Serum IL-4 were also elevated during acute and recovery whereas IL-4 activated Th2 cells via JAK1-3/STAT6 [154–
stage of GBS [29, 144]. 156]. Suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOC) act in a
Thus, the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-4 may have a negative feedback loop to suppress further JAK/STAT
role in terminating EAN and GBS. signaling [157–159]. NF-kB and MAPK transcriptions are
also important in cytokine expression. The new anti-
Chemokines depression drugs treated the sickness behavior’s animal
models and the patients suffered from depression can
Chemokines are small cytokines that are involved in the inhibit inflammatory markers and SAPK/MAPK and/or
directed migrations (chemotaxis) and the activation of JAK/STAT signaling in vitro [160]. Many drugs targeting
cells, especially phagocytes and lymphocytes, and thereby NF-kB have been recently thought a promising molecular
play a central role in inflammatory responses [145–147]. therapy in autoimmune disease such as RA [161].
Chemokines such as MIP-1a, MCP-1, CCR2, RANTES Administered at the time of immunization and on day 14th
and IP-10 play an important role in the recruitment of post-immunization, immunosuppressive agent cyclophos-
MNC into the PNS of EAN rats and GBS patients [148– phamide (CY) prevents clinical EAN and also reduces
151]. Patients examined in the acute phase of GBS prior to cytokine and NF-kBp65 expression [162]. Inhibition of
treatment with IVIg had elevated CSF levels of MCP-1 and ERK MAPK suppresses IL-23- and IL-1-driven IL-17
IP-10 [152]. The expression of CX3CL1 (fractalkine) and production and attenuates autoimmune disease [163]. More
its receptor CX3CR1 were also higher in EAN than in recently, the signaling AKT axis becomes attractive for
control dorsal horns suggesting spinal microglia and therapeutic targeting in autoimmune disease [164].

Table 1 Possible therapies on EAN and GBS

Possible therapies intervention in GBS and EAN
Modulation of CK pathway JAK/STAT, NF-kB, MAPK, AKT axis
mAb and fusion protein sTNFR1, Anti-TNF-a mAb
IL-1bR antagonist
Blocking IL-12/23
Blocking IFN-c
Neuroprotections Induce auto-reactive T cell apoptosis IFN-c, TNF-a, IL-6
Maintain Treg cell IFN-c, TGF-b, IL-10
Induce SC proliferation IFN-c, IL-1 b, IL-6
Reduce the neuropathic pain, enhance nerve repair IL-10
Counteract Th1 cells IL-10, IL-4
Increased GM1 specific T cell reactivity; down-regulation of macrophage function
Compounds applied in EAN Rolipram: down-regulate antigen-driven T cell proliferation, suppress TNF-a/b production
ABR-215062: regulation of Th1/Th2 cytokine balance, inhibited migration of inflammatory cells into the PNS
VPA: suppressed mRNA levels of IFN-c, TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-17 in the lymph nodes
Minocycline: inhibit mRNA expressions of MMP-9, iNOS and proinflammatory cytokines IL-1b and TNF-a in
EAN sciatic nerves
Compound A: depressed Th1 and Th17 cytokines, but increased Th2 cytokine and Foxp3 expression in lymph
nodes of EAN rats
MS-275: suppressing inflammatory T cells, macrophages and cytokines

540 J Neurol (2011) 258:533–548

Table 2 Cytokine type, cellular origin and pathogenetic relevance, role as biomarker in EAN and GBS
Cytokine Origin Function Biomarker in EAN and GBS
Inflammation Anti-inflammation EAN GBS

IFN-r T, NK cells Mø activation T cell apoptosis IFN-c producing cells Serum IFN-c was
T differentiation to Th1 Inhibit neutrophil trafficking parallel clinical EAN elevated
MHC I/II induction Convert CD4?CD25- cells Systemic administration of Auto-Abs to IFN-c are
into CD4? Treg cells rrIFN-c worsens EAN correlated with down-
B cell class switching regulation of IFN-c
Suppress the differentiation IFN-cR-/- mice showed a
Enhance CK suppression of EAN producing cells and
production such as and effector function of with improved clinical
TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6, Th17 cells disability
as well as Microglia activated by IFN-
Convert peripheral
metalloproteinases, c or IL-4 can protect CD4?CD25- T cells
chemokines and neutrons and support both to CD4?CD25? Treg
adhesion molecules neurogenesis and cells
Up-regulates CK oligodendrogenesis
iNOS-specific mRNA
in SCs
TNF-a Mø, T cells, SCs, etc. Promotes macrophage Might decrease APC Might have effect on BNB Serum TNF-a was
recruitment function TNFR1-/- reduces APC elevated
Inhabits SC Might down-regulate T cell function of SCs and TNF-a converting
proliferation and receptor signaling ameliorates EAN enzyme increased
mediates SC death Might increase apoptosis of Implicated in SC apoptosis sTNFR1 increased while
TNFR1, a positive T- auto-reactive T cells in EAN TNF-a and TNFR1
cell costimulatory Activator of SC-derived TNF-a, a major decreased following
molecule for T cell CD4?FoxP3?TNFR2? mediator of hyper-algesia treatment
activation Tregs, which help TNF and TNFR2
TNFR1-/- EAN mice
terminate immune showed more severe increased after IVIg
response clinical signs, with treatment
enhanced infiltrating TNF–TNFR2 promotes
inflammatory cells, T expansion and function
proliferation, and MHC of mouse Tregs
and CCR 3 expression on

IL-12 Mainly phagocytes Differentiation of Th1 mrIL-12 treatment Increased IL-12 and IL-
and DC cells prolonged EAN course 12R on PBMCs were
Promoting IFN-c IL-12p40-/- mice showed found in serum of
production, a delayed onset, reduced AIDP patients and
proliferation incidence and severity of decreased IL-12R after
EAN the IVIg treatment;
Proliferation and
cytolytic activity of Fewer IFN-c and TNF-a
NK and T cells producing cells, but more
IL-12p40 homodimer cells secreting IL-4 were
suppress Treg cells found in IL-12-/- EAN
via nitric oxide mice
IL-23 A novel IL-12 family Act on memory T cells IL-23p19 RNA increased IL-23p19 protein was
member and play an important prior to the onset of detectable in CSF
role during cellular clinical symptoms and
immune responses peaked preceding
May play an important maximum clinical disease
role during the early
effecter phase in
demyelination of the
peripheral nerve
IL-1b MNC, mainly Mø, also Induce SC apoptosis Induce SC proliferation IL-1b mRNA in lymph node IL-1b could be detected
SC Contribute to the MNC and sciatic nerve in CSF
neuropathic pain section was observed prior Increased IL-1b was
to clinical EAN immunolocalized on
SC membranes in sural
nerve biopsies

J Neurol (2011) 258:533–548 541

Table 2 continued
Cytokine Origin Function Biomarker in EAN and GBS
Inflammation Anti-inflammation EAN GBS

IL-18 A member of the IL-1 Enhances the IL-12- IL-18 was up-regulated Serum IL-18 increased
family of pro- driven Th1 responses, Anti-IL-18 Ab reduced
inflammatory CK, as well as Th2 clinical severity and Th1
produced in many responses in the response
cells including Mø, absence of IL-12
endothelial cells, DC, IL-18-/- inhibit IFN-c,
etc. TNF-a and IL-10
production but not clinical
IL-6 Mononuclear Inhibites apoptosis of Enhance PMP22 production Overproduction of IL-6 IL-6 is up-regulated in
phagocytes, T cells, auto-reactive T-cells in SC, thus may contribute within the PNS or serum and CSF of
vascular endothelial BNB disturbance to myelination systemically patients
cells, SCs and other IL-6R might be involved in Nasal administration of rrIL-
cells Regulates Mø
infiltration SC proliferation and re- 6 in initial EAN decreased
myelination of the rat severity and duration; but
B cell stimulation; sciatic nerve intra-neural injection of
contributes in rrIL-6 into the sciatic
neuropathic pain sIL-6R, also have IL-6-
antagonistic effects nerve induced high
IL-6/sIL-6R complex inflammation and
abrogates the demyelination
generation of Treg
TGF-b Treg cells, APCs, Maintain tolerance by Decreased in the initial Decreased in the initial
leukocytes and B regulating differentiation, stage, TGF-b1 cytokine stage, TGF-b1
cells survival of lymphocyte, as and mRNA level increased cytokine and mRNA
well as NK cells, DCs, Mø during the recovery level increased during
and chemotaxis the recovery, peaked in
TGF-b-driven APC plateau phase
exhibited lower capacity to Number of cells
stimulate T cells secreting TGF-b is
Human Th17 cells are not elevated in all phase,
associated with TGF-b, but significant in acute
even suppressed by it stage
IL-10 Monocytes, Mø, B Inhibit Mø and DC function, Up-regulation of IL-10 Serum IL-10 is un-
cells, Th2 cells, including CK production mRNA expression was elevated, however, IL-
various subsets of such as IL-1 and TNF-a, seen on the onset and 10-secreting BMNC
CD4? and CD8? T co-stimulators and MHC maximal expression at increased during the
cells expression, general APC onset of clinical recovery acute phase
function Treatment with IL-10 IL-10 worsens the
Inhibit T cell proliferation ameliorates EAN disease via enhancing
and promote humoral Amino acid copolymer- the ganglioside Ab
immune responses specific IL-10-secreting production probably
enhancing class II Treg cells ameliorate EAN
expression on B cells and Ig
production including IgA
Treg cell development
Administration of a low-
dose of IL-10 permits
better regeneration of
SCs produce IL-10 reducing
the neuropathic pain
Intrathecal IL-10 gene
therapy attenuates
mechanical allodynia and
pro-inflammatory CK
expression in dorsal root
ganglia in rats

542 J Neurol (2011) 258:533–548

Table 2 continued
Cytokine Origin Function Biomarker in EAN and GBS
Inflammation Anti-inflammation EAN GBS

IL-4 CD4? Th2 cells Promotes Th cells towards a mRNA expression of IL-4 is Serum IL-4 were
differentiation into Th2 shown in the recovery elevated during acute
Inhibits the activation of phage of EAN and recovery stage
Th1 and decreases the Nasal administration of rrIL-
production of IL-1 and 4 ameliorates EAN and
TNF-a inhibits demyelination
Mø, macrophage; -/-, knockout; CK cytokine

Neutralization of cytokines 3. Valproic acid (VPA): a short-chain branched fatty,

effectively suppress inflammation in EAN [177]. VPA
Blockade of cytokine by monoclonal antibody or fusion administration to EAN rats significantly suppressed
proteins have been investigated. Exogenous sTNFR1 mRNA levels of IFN-c, TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-4, IL-6 and
ameliorates murine EAN [52]. Anti-TNF-a mAb and IL-17 in the lymph nodes. In peripheral blood and
sTNFR, IL-1bR antagonist, anti-IL-6RmAb have effi- sciatic nerves of EAN rats, Foxp3(?) cells increased
ciency in treatment of autoimmune disease such as RA but IL-17(?) cells decreased during VPA treatment.
[165]. Drugs such as ABT-84, Apilimod, CNTO-1275 that 4. Minocycline: obviously inhibit mRNA expressions of
block IL12/IL23 are being tested clinically in disease such MMP-9, iNOS and proinflammatory cytokines IL-1b
as Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, RA, MS [166–168]. Although and TNF-a in EAN sciatic nerves. It is very clear that
absence of IFN-c causes worse EAE in some studies [169, Minocycline could effectively apply in the conditions
170], antibody to IFN-c not TNF-a showed significantly with the peripheral and spinal inflammation to improve
improvement in MS [171]. Skurkovich [172] indicated that outcome and attenuated mechanical allodynia in EAN
cytokines act in an interrelated immune cascade with IFN-c rats [178].
playing a central role, blocking IFN-c is the safest and most 5. Compound A: a plant-derived phenyl aziridine pre-
effective method of treatment of Th1-mediated autoim- cursor, depressed Th1 and Th17 cytokines, but
mune diseases, although blocking other cytokines in the increased Th2 cytokine and Foxp3 expression in
cascade may lead to some therapeutic effects as well. lymph nodes of EAN rats [179].
6. MS-275: a potent histone deacetylase inhibitor, could
Cytokines for neuroprotection and regeneration effectively suppress inflammation in EAN, through
suppressing inflammatory T cells, macrophages and
IFN-c, TNF-a, IL-6 induce auto-reactive T cell apoptosis; cytokines [180].
IFN-c, TGF-b, IL-10 maintain Treg cell; IL-1, IL-6, IFN-c
induce SC proliferation; IL-10 reduces the neuropathic
pain, enhance nerve repair, etc. More recently, patients
with increased anti-GM1 T cell reactivity were signifi- Conclusions
cantly less severe than those without such reactivity. This
raises the possibility that increased GM1 specific T cell Cytokines in EAN and GBS have been extensively studied
reactivity and its related cytokine might have an immune- these years and sometimes the conflicting results make it
regulatory or neuro-protective role [173]. more complicated (Table 2). Besides the complexity of the
cytokines themselves, this is partly due to the different
Reagents applied in EAN treatment methods used and aspects of cytokines observed in the
animal model and clinical studies. Agents that block the
1. Rolipram: markedly down-regulate antigen-driven T egress of T cells across the BNB and agents that antagonise
cell proliferation and suppress TNF-a/b production in T cell cytokine-induced priming of macrophages may prove
vitro and in vivo, which have led to its use in the efficacious [5]. However, in recent years, the traditional
treatment of EAE and EAN [174, 175]. inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-c, TNF-a, IL-6 and IL-1
2. ABR-215062: immune regulator derived from Lino- are also found to have a protective role in EAN and GBS,
mide, could suppress EAN by regulation of Th1/Th2 although the exact mechanism remain elusive. They might
cytokine balance and inhibited migration of inflam- exert their dual roles through different signal ways in vari-
matory cells into the PNS [176]. ous conditions. Therefore, therapies on cytokines especially

J Neurol (2011) 258:533–548 543

by regulating their pathways are important and promising. 16. Bao L, Lindgren JU, van der Meide P, Zhu S, Ljunggren HG,
Treg cells are becoming increasingly attentive due to their Zhu J (2002) The critical role of IL-12p40 in initiating,
enhancing, and perpetuating pathogenic events in murine
suppressive roles in EAN and GBS. Moreover, Th17 and experimental autoimmune neuritis. Brain Pathol 12:420–429
some cytokines such as IL-17, 21, 27, 35 are on spot pres- 17. Kiefer R, Funa K, Schweitzer T, Jung S, Bourde O, Toyka KV,
ently in autoimmune diseases, though their possible roles in Hartung HP (1996) Transforming growth factor-beta 1 in
GBS need to be further explored. experimental autoimmune neuritis. Cellular localization and
time course. Am J Pathol 148:211–223
18. Deretzi G, Pelidou S, Zou L, Quiding C, Mix E, Levi M,
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review were supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council autoimmune neuritis by nasally administered recombinant rat
(K2007-62X-13133-09-3) and from ALF-project grant of Karolinska interleukin-6. Immunology 97:69–76
Institute University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden and grant from 19. Bai XF, Zhu J, Zhang GX, Kaponides G, Hojeberg B, van der
Swedish Medical Association. Meide PH, Link H (1997) IL-10 suppresses experimental auto-
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