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ID TC Name Preconditions Test Steps Expected Results

Open application and register, log in and log out, close application
Test Objective: make sure of the right functionality when open and close the application and register, log in and log out
1.1 Open application Application installed on the computer Double click on the application icon Application opens in 1-2 seconds
Register opens in 1-2 seconds and ask the username and
1.2 Open a register Application open "Open" > Select a register > OK

Application open with username and Register opens if username and password are correct, displaying
1.3 Log in Introduce username and password
password dialog box error message if username or password are incorrect

1.4 Log out Application open and running Click "Log Out" Register close and application is running with no register open
New register is created asking the name and save
1.5 Creating new register Application open "New" > register name> Save
folder/address. New register remains open for editing
1.6 Exit application Application open Database > Exit Application closes in 1-2 seconds
New contact
Test Objective: correctly adding new contacts, editing and removing them
Click "Add" > Introduce info in every field > OK New contact is created, every info is saved and visible
Click "Add" > Introduce info in name field >
No contact is created, the application returns to the main window
2.1 Creating new contact Application open and running Cancel
Click "Add" > Introduce info in every field, use the Error message appears: "Contact name already exists. Need
name of the existing contact > OK new Contact name"
Editing the existing Select a contact name > click "Edit" The contact is open and every field is editable
2.2 Contact list with at least one contact
contact Change every field and click OK All the changes are saved
Removing the existing select a contact from the list > click "Remove" > Contact has been deleted and do not appear in the list, before
2.3 Contact list with at least one contact
contact OK to confirm deleting a message box ask to confirm deleting the contact
Introduce info in every field but leave name Error message appear - Contact Name is mandatory, at least
empty> OK one character must be entered
Introduce name and date of birth from the future
Error message appears: "Invalid date of birth"
12/12/2018 > OK
Introduce name and invalid date of birth
Error message appears: "Invalid date of birth"
33/13/2090 > OK
Application open and running, Add Introduce name and incomplete date of birth Contact is saved, date of birth is automatically completed:
2.4 Validating "Add" fields 2/2/12 > OK 02/02/2012
window open
Introduce name, valid date of birth and a text abc
Error message appears: "Invalid number - must be numbers only"
in the Numbers field > OK
Introduce name, valid date of birth and invalid
Error message appears: "Invalid email address"
email address andrei@gmail > OK
Introduce name, valid date of birth and invalid
Error message appears: "Invalid email address"
email address > OK
Contact management
Test Objective: make sure of the usability of the contacts
Check the contact list Contact names are displayed in alphabetical order
Application open and running,
3.1 Contact overview
Contact list with at least two contacts
Application open and running,
3.1 Contact overview The contact selected change colour in blue, contact info are
Contact list with at least two contacts Click on a contact name
displayed in the right part of the application window
New "Search" window is opened, every field of a contact's info
Click "Search"
can be used as a search filter
Application open and running, In the Search window write one letter in contact Filtered contact list is created with only the names that contain
3.2 Contact search
Contact list with at least two contacts name filter > OK the letter written before
Contact names are displayed in real time that starts with the
Start writing a contact name in "Quick search"
characters already written
The application window will expand in the direction it is pulled
3.3 Expand the window Application open and running Click and drag every application window's edge
and all the fields will adjust accordingly
Click "Action" > Merge Contacts > Select two or New contact is displayed having the merge info of previews
3.4 Merge contacts Application open and running
more contacts > OK selected contacts, Contact Name included
Click "Database" > Merge Registers > Select two New register is displayed having the merge contacts of previews
3.5 Merge registers Application open and running
or more registers > OK selected registers, in alphabetical order
Extracting contact
Test Objective: the possibility of correct extracting of contacts
Click "Export" "Export" window is opened
Selecting contacts and Every contact could be selected for exporting, all the contacts
Application open and running, Select contacts which needed to be exported
4.1 contact's information could be selected at ones for extraction
Contact list with at least two contacts
for extraction Select the info for selected contacts which Every field of a contact's info can be selected as part of the info
needed to be exported exported or not
Selecting format for
4.2 Application open and running Click "Export" > Select Format of extraction The possibility of Format selection between HTML and TXT
contact's extraction
Selected contact's info is displayed in a new window. The
Export > Select contact > Select info for selected
extracting results will have the possibility of a different display
contact > Select Format HTML > OK
view and could be save or print.
4.3 Extracting contact Application open and running
Selected contact's info is displayed in a new window. The
Export > Select contact > Select info for selected
extracting results will have the possibility of a different display
contact > Select Format TXT > OK
view and could be save or print.

Status Comments Test Data

n and log out

Not tested

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Not tested

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Not tested
Not tested

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Not tested
Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested
Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested
Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

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