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【B1】Work–life balance​

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Chris Svensson​ 人名​ mobility [məʊˈbɪləti] ​ n. 移动性,流动性​
No More Nine to Five​ 书名​ division [dɪˈvɪʒ(ə)n] ​ n. 分开,分界线​
access [ˈækses]​ v. 访问​ fade [feɪd] v. 逐渐消失​


Presenter: Good morning, everyone. On today's show, we've got Chris Svensson with us, the
author of No more nine to five, the new best-selling book about work–life balance in the current
working world. Good morning, Chris. Thanks for coming.​
Chris: Thanks for having me, Anna.​
Presenter: So, Chris, tell us about your book and how the concept of a work–life balance has
been changing?​
Chris: Well, in the more traditional workplaces, people's working lives and their private lives are,
or were, clearly divided. People often work from nine in the morning until five or six in the
evening. People sometimes stay late in the office and work in the evenings. This is called
working overtime.​
Presenter: OK, and what else?​
Chris: Well, in these environments it isn't common for people to work at the weekend or while
they're on holiday. They can clearly separate their working lives and their private lives. And the
evenings, weekends and holidays are free to focus on non-work areas of life, such as hobbies,
interests, sports, spending time with the family and friends, and so on. It's important and
healthy not to spend all your time just working, right?​
Presenter: Right! So what has changed? How are things different now?​
Chris: Well, for a start, most people can now access their work emails from their mobile phones.
So they are more likely to quickly reply to an important mail in the evening or at the weekend.
The same goes for laptops. It's easier to access your work in the evenings from home or even
from your hotel when you're on holiday.​
Presenter: That doesn't sound like much of a work–life balance. It sounds like all work.​
Chris: Exactly, but this new mobility brings a lot of advantages with it. More people are now able
to work flexibly, so if they need to leave the office early one afternoon to be with their family,
they can catch up on work that evening from home or somewhere else.​
Presenter: That sounds good. So, what you're saying is that although traditional divisions
between work and life are fading, many employees now have more freedom to do their work
from different locations and at different times.​
Chris: Yes, that's it.​
英文精讲​ 中文对照​
Presenter: Good morning, everyone. On today's Presenter: 大家早上好,今天的节目我们有幸邀请到
show, we've got Chris Svensson with us, the author of Chris Svensson,《消失的朝九晚五》的作者,这是
No more nine to five, the new best-selling book about 关于当今世界如何平衡工作和生活的最新畅销书。早
work–life balance in the current working world. Good 上好Chris,再次感谢你的到来。​
morning, Chris. Thanks for coming.​ Chris: 感谢邀请我,Anna。​
Chris: Thanks for having me, Anna.​
Nine to five 朝九晚五​
Best-selling books 畅销书​
Presenter: So, Chris, tell us about your book and how Presenter: Chris,跟我们聊聊你的新书吧,比如“工
the concept of a work–life balance has been 作和生活的平衡”这个概念是如何变化的?​
changing?​ Chris: 在传统的工作场所,人们的工作和私人生活是
Chris: Well, in the more traditional workplaces, 划分地很清楚的。早上九点上班,晚上五六点下班。
people's working lives and their private lives are, or 有时候在办公室待的比较晚,这就算加班了。​
were, clearly divided. People often work from nine in
the morning until five or six in the evening. People
sometimes stay late in the office and work in the
evenings. This is called working overtime.​
A and B are clearly divided 划分清晰​
Stay late in the office 在办公室待到很晚​
Work overtime 加班​
Presenter: OK, and what else?​ Presenter: 还有呢?​
Chris: Well, in these environments it isn't common for Chris: 在这样的工作环境下,人们周末一般会度假休
people to work at the weekend or while they're on 息,不太会工作。他们可以清晰地区分工作和生活。​
holiday. They can clearly separate their working lives 晚上,周末和假期的时间是可以自由支配的,比方说
and their private lives. And the evenings, weekends 花在爱好,兴趣,体育运动,陪家人朋友等等。不至
and holidays are free to focus on non-work areas of 于把全部的时间都贡献给工作,这很重要也对身体有
life, such as hobbies, interests, sports, spending time 好处。​
with the family and friends, and so on. It's important
and healthy not to spend all your time just working,
Private lives 私生活​
Presenter: Right! So what has changed? How are Presenter: 对的,发生了什么变化呢?现在有什么不
things different now?​ 同呢?​
Chris: Well, for a start, most people can now access Chris: 首先,大部分人可以直接通过手机访问工作邮
their work emails from their mobile phones. So they 箱,所以即便在晚上或者周末,也可也快速回复重要
are more likely to quickly reply to an important mail 邮件。用电脑也一样,这样的话晚上可以在家办公,
in the evening or at the weekend. The same goes for 度假的时候也可以在酒店办公了。​
laptops. It's easier to access your work in the
evenings from home or even from your hotel when
you're on holiday.​
The same goes for sth 对。。也一样​
Access your work 访问工作​
Be on holiday 在度假​
Presenter: That doesn't sound like much of a work– Presenter: 听起来不太像工作和生活达成了平衡,更
life balance. It sounds like all work.​ 像是被工作填满。​
Chris: Exactly, but this new mobility brings a lot of Chris: 确实。但这种线上办公模式有很多优点。越来
advantages with it. More people are now able to work 越多的人可以更灵活地办公,所以如果需要下午早点
flexibly, so if they need to leave the office early one 儿下班去陪家人,他们可以晚上在家或者其他地方把
afternoon to be with their family, they can catch up 活儿补上。​
on work that evening from home or somewhere else.​
Bring with 带来​
Catch up on sth 补上​
Presenter: That sounds good. So, what you're saying Presenter: 听起来不错。所以你是说虽然工作和生活
is that although traditional divisions between work 的界限在慢慢模糊,但是人们办公的地点和时间都更
and life are fading, many employees now have more 加灵活自由了。​
Chris: 是的,就是这样。​
freedom to do their work from different locations and ​
at different times.​
Chris: Yes, that's it.​
Divisions between A and B are fading 界限在模糊​
Have more freedom to do sth= be free to do sth 自

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