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 JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions

1. An electric dipole is formed by two charges +q and –q located in xy-plane at (0, 2) mm and (0, –2) mm,
respectively, as shown in the figure. The electric potential at point P(100, 100) mm due to the dipole is V0.
The charges +q and –q are then moved to the points (–1, 2) mm and (1, –2) mm, respectively. What is the
value of electric potential at P due to the new dipole ? [JEE(Advanced) 2023]
P (100,100) mm

+q (0, 2 mm)
(–1,2) mm

O x

–q (1,–2) mm
(0,–2) mm
(A) V0 /4 (B) V0 /2 (C) V0 / 2 (D) 3V0 /4
2. Six charges are placed around a regular hexagon of side length a as shown in the figure. Five of them have
charge q, and the remaining one has charge x. The perpendicular from each charge to the nearest hexagon
side passes through the center O of the hexagon and is bisected by the side. [JEE(Advanced) 2022]

q 90° q

q q

Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct in SI units?

(A) When x = q, the magnitude of the electric field at O is zero.
(B) When x = – q, the magnitude of the electric field at O is .
6 π∈0 a 2
(C) When x = 2q, the potential at O is .
4 3π ∈0 a
(D) When x = –3q, the potential at O is .
4 3π ∈0 a

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JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions ®
3. A charge q is surrounded by a closed surface consisting of an inverted cone of height h and base
radius R, and a hemisphere of radius R as shown in the figure. The electric flux through the conical
surface is (in SI units). The value of n is ________. [JEE(Advanced) 2022]
6 ∈0

R q

4. In the figure, the inner (shaded) region A represents a sphere of radius rA = 1, within which the
electrostatic charge density varies with the radial distance r from the center as ρA = kr, where k is positive.
In the spherical shell B of outer radius rB, the electrostatic charge density varies as ρB = . Assume that
dimensions are taken care of. All physical quantities are in their SI units. [JEE(Advanced) 2022]
Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?
(A) If rB = , then the electric field is zero everywhere outside B.
3 k
(B) If rB = , then the electric potential just outside B is .
2 ∈0 A
(C) If rB = 2, then the total charge of the configuration is 15πk. B rB

5 13πk
(D) If rB = , then the magnitude of the electric field just outside B is .
2 ∈0
5. A disk of radius R with uniform positive charge density σ is placed on the xy plane with its center at the
origin. The Coulomb potential along the z-axis is
σ ( 2
=V(z) R + z2 − z )
2 ∈0
A particle of positive charge q is placed initially at rest at a point on the z axis with z = z0 and z0 > 0.

In addition to the Coulomb force, the particle experiences a vertical force F = −ckˆ with c > 0.
2c ∈0
Let β = . Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct? [JEE(Advanced) 2022]

1 25
(A) For β = and z 0 = R , the particle reaches the origin.
4 7
1 3
(B) For β = and z 0 = R , the particle reaches the origin.
4 7
1 R
(C) For β = and z 0 = , the particle returns back to z = z0.
4 3
(D) For β > 1 and z0 > 0, the particle always reaches the origin.

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 JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions
Question Stem for Question Nos. 6 and 7

Question Stem

Two point charges –Q and + Q 3 are placed in the xy-plane at the origin (0, 0) and a point (2, 0),

respectively, as shown in the figure. This results in an equipotential circle of radius R and potential V = 0

in the xy-plane with its center at (b, 0). All lengths are measured in meters.


6. The value of R is _____ meter. [JEE(Advanced) 2021]

7. The value of b is _____ meter. [JEE(Advanced) 2021]

 −1
8. A uniform electric field, E = −400 3yˆ NC is applied in a region. A charged particle of mass m

6 −1
carrying positive charge q is projected in this region with an initial speed of 2 10 × 10 ms . This

particle is aimed to hit a target T, which is 5 m away from its entry point into the field as shown

schematically in the figure. Take = 1010 Ckg−1. Then- [JEE(Advanced) 2020]

θ T


(A) the particle will hit T if projected at an angle 45º from the horizontal

(B) the particle will hit T if projected either at an angle 30º or 60º from the horizontal

5 5
(C) time taken by the particle to hit T could be µs as well as µs
6 2

(D) time taken by the particle to hit T is µs

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JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions ®
9. One end of a spring of negligible unstretched length and spring constant k is fixed at the origin (0,0).
A point particle of mass m carrying a positive charge q is attached at its other end. The entire system is

kept on a smooth horizontal surface. When a point dipole p pointing towards the charge q is fixed at the

origin, the spring gets stretched to a length  and attains a new equilibrium position (see figure below).

If the point mass is now displaced slightly by ∆ ≪  from its equilibrium position and released, it is

1 k
found to oscillate at frequency . The value of δ is _________. [JEE(Advanced) 2020]
δ m

 r
10. A circular disc of radius 𝑅𝑅 carries surface charge density σ(𝑟𝑟) = σ0  1 −  , where σ0 is a constant and
 R
𝑟𝑟 is the distance from the center of the disc. Electric flux through a large spherical surface that encloses
the charged disc completely is φ0. Electric flux through another spherical surface of radius and
concentric with the disc is φ. Then the ratio is_________. [JEE(Advanced) 2020]
11. A point charge q of mass m is suspended vertically by a string of length l. A point dipole of dipole

moment p is now brought towards q from infinity so that the charge moves away. The final equilibrium
position of the system including the direction of the dipole, the angles and distances is shown in the figure
below. If the work done in bringing the dipole to this position is N×(mgh), where g is the acceleration due
to gravity, then the value of 𝑁𝑁 is _________. (Note that for three coplanar forces keeping a point mass in
equilibrium, is the same for all forces, where F is any one of the forces and θ is the angle between
sin θ
the other two forces) [JEE(Advanced) 2020]


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 JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions
12. Two identical non-conducting solid spheres of same mass and charge are suspended in air from a common
point by two non-conducting, massless strings of same length. At equilibrium, the angle between the
strings is 𝛼𝛼. The spheres are now immersed in a dielectric liquid of density 800 kg m and dielectric
constant 21. If the angle between the strings remains the same after the immersion, then
[JEE(Advanced) 2020]
(A) electric force between the spheres remains unchanged
(B) electric force between the spheres reduces
(C) mass density of the spheres is 840 kg m
(D) the tension in the strings holding the spheres remains unchanged
13. A thin spherical insulating shell of radius R carries a uniformly distributed charge such that the potential
at its surface is V0. A hole with a small area α4πR2 (α<<1) is made on the shell without affecting the rest
of the shell. Which one of the following statements is correct ? [JEE(Advanced) 2019]
(A) The ratio of the potential at the center of the shell to that of the point at R from center towards the
hole will be
1 − 2α
(B) The magnitude of electric field at the center of the shell is reduced by
(C) The magnitude of electric field at a point, located on a line passing through the hole and shell's center
on a distance 2R from the center of the spherical shell will be reduced by
(D) The potential at the center of the shell is reduced by 2αV0
14. A charged shell of radius R carries a total charge Q. Given Φ as the flux of electric field through a closed
cylindrical surface of height h, radius r and with its center same as that of the shell. Here, center of the
cylinder is a point on the axis of the cylinder which is equidistant from its top and bottom surfaces. Which
of the following option(s) is/are correct ? [∈0 is the permittivity of free space] [JEE(Advanced) 2019]
Q 8R 3R
(A) If h > 2R and r > R then Φ = (B) If h < and r = then Φ = 0
∈0 5 5
4R Q 3R Q
(C) If h > 2R and r = then Φ = (D) If h > 2R and r = then Φ =
5 5 ∈0 5 5 ∈0
p0 ˆ ˆ
15. An electric dipole with dipole moment (i + j) is held fixed at the origin O in the presence of an
uniform electric field of magnitude E0. If the potential is constant on a circle of radius R centered at the
origin as shown in figure, then the correct statement(s) is/are: [JEE(Advanced) 2019]
(ε0 is permittivity of free space, R >> dipole size)
 p0 
(A) R =   B A
 4 πε0 E 0  45° 45°
(B) The magnitude of total electric field on any two points of the circle X
will be same

(C) Total electric field at point A=is E A 2E 0 (iˆ + ˆj)

(D) Total electric field at point B is E B = 0

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JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions ®
16. An infinitely long thin non-conducting wire is parallel to the z-axis and carries a uniform line charge
density λ. It pierces a thin non-conducting spherical shell of radius R in such a way that the arc PQ
subtends an angle 120° at the centre O of the spherical shell, as shown in the figure. The permittivity of
free space is ε0. Which of the following statements is (are) true ? [JEE(Advanced) 2018]


(A) The electric flux through the shell is 3 Rλ / ε 0

(B) The z-component of the electric field is zero at all the points on the surface of the shell
(C) The electric flux through the shell is 2 Rλ / ε0
(D) The electric field is normal to the surface of the shell at all points
17. A particle, of mass 10–3 kg and charge 1.0 C, is initially at rest. At time t = 0, the particle comes under the

E(t) E 0 sin ωt ˆi where E0 = 1.0 N C and ω = 10 rad s . Consider the effect
–1 3 –1
influence of an electric field =
of only the electrical force on the particle. Then the maximum speed, in ms–1, attained by the particle at
subsequent times is _________. [JEE(Advanced) 2018]
18. The electric field E is measured at a point P(0,0,d) generated due to various charge distributions and the
dependence of E on d is found to be different for different charge distributions. List-I contains different
relations between E and d. List-II describes different electric charge distributions, along with their
locations. Match the functions in List-I with the related charge distributions in List-II.
[JEE(Advanced) 2018]
List–I List–II
P. E is independent of d 1. A point charge Q at the origin
Q. E∝ 2. A small dipole with point charges Q at
(0,0,) and – Q at (0,0, –). Take 2 << d
R. E∝ 3. An infinite line charge coincident with the
x-axis, with uniform linear charge density λ.
S. E∝ 4. Two infinite wires carrying uniform linear
Charge density parallel to the x - axis. The one
along (y = 0, z = ) has a charge density + λ and the
one along (y = 0, z = –) has a charge density –λ.
Take 2 << d
5. Infinite plane charge coincident with the xy-plane
with uniform surface charge density
(A) P → 5 ; Q → 3, 4 ; R → 1 ; S → 2 (B) P → 5 ; Q → 3 ; R → 1,4 ; S → 2
(C) P → 5 ; Q → 3 ; R → 1,2 ; S → 4 (D) P → 4 ; Q → 2, 3 ; R → 1 ; S → 5

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 JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions
19. A point charge +Q is placed just outside an imaginary hemispherical surface of radius R as shown in the
figure. Which of the following statements is/are correct ? [JEE(Advanced) 2017]

(A) The circumference of the flat surface is an equipotential

Q  1 
(B) The electric flux passing through the curved surface of the hemisphere is −  1− 
2ε0  2
(C) Total flux through the curved and the flat surfaces is
(D) The component of the electric field normal to the flat surface is constant over the surface.

20. An infinitely long uniform line charge distribution of charge per
unit length λ lies parallel to the y-axis in the y-z plane at L
D C √3 a
3 2
z= a (see figure). If the magnitude of the flux of the electric
a y
field through the rectangular surface ABCD lying in the x-y plane
with its centre at the origin is (ε0 = perimittivity of free space)
nε 0
then the value of n is. [JEE(Advanced) 2015] x
21. The figures below depict two situations in which two infinitely long static line charges of constant
positive line charge density λ are kept parallel to each other. In their resulting electric field, point charges
q and –q are kept in equilibrium between them .The point charges are confined to move in the x direction
only. If they are given a small displacement about their equlibrium positions, then the correct statement(s)
is (are) : [JEE(Advanced) 2015]

λ λ λ λ

x x
+q –q

(A) Both charges execute simple harmonic motion

(B) Both charges will continue moving in the direction of their displacement
(C) Charge +q executes simple harmonic motion while charge –q continues moving in the direction of its
(D) Charge –q executes simple harmonic motion while charge +q continues moving in the direction of its

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JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions ®
22. Consider a uniform spherical distirbution of radius R1 centred at the origin O. In this distibution, a
spherical cavity of radius R2, centred at P with distance OP = a = R1 – R2 (see figure) is made. If the
  
electric field inside the cavity at position r is E ( r ) , then the correct statement(s) is(are) :
[JEE(Advanced) 2015]


 
(A) E is uniform, its magnitude is independent of R2 but its direction depends on r
 
(B) E is uniform, its magnitude depends on R2 and its direction depends on r
 
(C) E is uniform, its magnitude is independent of a but its direction depends on a
 
(D) E is uniform and both its magnitude and direction depend on a
23. Let E1(r), E2(r) and E3(r) be the respective electric fields at a distance r from a point charge Q, an
infinitely long wire with constant linear charge density λ, and an infinite plane with uniform surface
charge density σ. If E1(r0) = E2(r0) = E3(r0) at a given distance r0, then :- [JEE(Advanced) 2014]
(A) Q = 4σπr02

(B) r0 =
2 πσ
(C) E1 ( r0 /2 ) = 2E 2 ( r0 /2 )

(D) E 2 ( r0 /2 ) = 4E 3 ( r0 /2 )

24. Charges Q, 2Q and 4Q are uniformly distributed in three dielectric solid spheres 1, 2 and 3 of radii R/2,
R and 2R respectively, as shown in figure. If magnitudes of the electric fields at point P at a distance R
from the centre of spheres 1, 2 and 3 are E1, E2 and E2 respectively, then [JEE(Advanced) 2014]
Q 2Q 4Q

Sphere 1 Sphere 2 Sphere 3

(A) E1 > E2 > E3 (B) E3 > E1 > E2

(C) E2 > E1 > E3 (D) E3 > E2 > E1

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 JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions
25. Four charges Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 of same magnitude are fixed along the x axis at x = –2a, –a, +a and +2a,
respectively. A positive charge q is placed on the positive y axis at a distance b > 0. Four options of the
signs of these charges are given in List-I. The direction of the forces on the charge q is given in List-II.
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.
[JEE(Advanced) 2014]
q(0, b)
q(0, b)

Q QQ220)
10) (–a,
(–2a, (+a,
QQ330) (+2a,
Q 40)
(–2a, 0) (–a, 0) (+a, 0) (+2a, 0)

List-I List-II
(P) Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 all positive (1) +x
(Q) Q1, Q2 positive ; Q3, Q4 negative (2) –x
(R) Q1, Q4 positive ; Q2, Q3 negative (3) +y
(S) Q1, Q3 positive ; Q2, Q4 negative (4) –y
Code :
(A) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2 (B) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-1
(C) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4 (D) P-4, Q-2, R-1, S-3

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JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions ®
SOLUTIONS 2. Ans. (A, B, C)

1. Ans. (B) Sol. (A) Due to symmetry E 0 = 0

Sol. (100,100)


kq 2q × 4 q
net 2
×= =
( 2d )
2 2
4 πε0 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 3a 6 πε0 a 2
7kq 7q 7q
P1 = q(4) (C)=v = =
2d 4 πε0 ⋅ 3a 4 3πε0 q

P1 = P1ˆj 2kq 2q q
 (D)=v = =
=r 100(iˆ + ˆj)mm 2d 4 πε0 ⋅ 3a 2 3πε0 q
 Ans. (A,B,C)
KP1 .r K(100P1 )
=v0 =
r3 (100 2)3 3. Ans. (3)
Sol. From Gauss law,
φhemisphere + φCone = ....(i)
 ε0
4 Total flux produced from q in α angle
θ =φ
2ε 0
[1 − cos α ]
2 –q
tan θ = 2 π
For hemisphere, α =
 2
P2= P2  − cos θ ˆi + sin θ ˆj
φhemisphere =
 2ε 0
= r 100(iˆ + ˆj)mm
From equation (i)
P2 = q
q q
  = + φcone
KP2 .r 2ε 0 ε0
v= 3
r q
φcone =
2ε 0
K(100P2 ) − (− cos θ + sin θ)
(100 2)3 4q q
6ε 0 2ε 0
v 0 P2
= (− cos θ + sin θ) n=3
Alternatively, φ ∝ no of electric field lines
q passing through surface q is point charge
=v v0 [ − cos θ + sin θ]
q(4) which has uniformly distributed electric field
lines thus half of electric field lines will pass
v0 v
= [ −2 + 4]= 0 through hemisphere & other half will pass
4 2
through conical surface.


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 JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions
4. Ans. (B) 6. Ans. (1.73)
4 πk 7. Ans. (3.00)
∫ kr4πr dr =
Sol. q1 = πk
= Sol. Let a point P on circle
q 2 = ∫ 4 πr dr=
8πk r 2 − 12 ( )
r 2
rr11 rr22 R
q2 = 4πk[r2 – 1] = 4πkr2 – 4πk x
qnet = q1 + q2 –Q (0,0) (2,0) (b,0)
= 4πkr2 – 3πk
qnet = πk [4r2 – 3]
(A) E net = 0 ⇒ q net = 0 ⇒ r = k(−Q) k Q 3
2 Vp= 0= +
r1 r2

(B) =
kQ net
V =
1 πk 4r − 3 ( ) kQ k Q 3
r 4 πε0 r =
r1 r2
 k 3
V 1 1
=  4r − r 
4ε 0 =
  2 2
x +y 3 (x − 2)2 + y 2
k  3 3× 2  k
= 4× − = 3(x − 2)2 + 3y 2 =x 2 + y 2
4ε0  2 3  ε0
(C) q net =πk  4 ( 2 ) − 3 = 13πk
2 3(x 2 + 4 − 4x) − x 2 + 2y 2 =0
 
2x 2 + 12 − 12x + 2y 2 =
(D) E 2 = 2
r x 2 + 6 − 6x + y 2 =0

1 πk 4r − 3 ) (x − 3)2 + y 2 =3 ( )

4 πε0 r2
= 3 1.73 ,
= b=3
  5 2 
 4  − 3 8. Ans. (B,C)
k  2 
= Sol. ay = – 400 3 × 1010 [qEy = may]
4 ε 0  ( 5 / 2 )2 
  40 × 1012 sin 2θ
  R=5=
400 3 × 1010
k 22 k
[ − 3]
25 ε0  u 2 sin 2θ 
 R ( range ) = 
5. Ans. (A, C, D)  a y 
Sol. Wel + Wext = kf − ki
qv i − qv f + Wext =k f − k i sin 2θ =
qσ  2 qσR 2θ = 60°, 120 ⇒ θ = 30°, 60°
R + Z2 − Z  − + CZ = k f − 0
2 ∈0 
 
 2 ∈0 1
2 × 2 10 × 10 6 ×
qσB Time of flight T1 = 2 5
= µs
C= 400 3 × 1010 6
2 ∈0
(for θ = 30°)
Substitute β & Z, calculate kinetic energy at
z=0 3
2 × 2 10 × 10 6 ×
Time of flight T2 = 2 5
If kinetic energy is positive, then particle will = µs
400 3 × 10 2
reach at origin
If kinetic energy is negative, then particle will (for θ = 60°)
not reach at origin.

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9. Ans. (0.50 OR 3.13 TO 3.15) R
 r2 
Sol. ∆ → x σ0 2 π ∫  r −  dr
φ0 0
∴ =
At  : Fe = FSpring φ R /4
 r2 
σ0 2 π ∫  r −  dr
2kpq 0 
k =
R2 R2

= 22 3 = 32 = 6.40
R R2 5

32 3 × 64
11. Ans. (2)
Sol. α
l qE
Fnet = Fsp – Fe = k( + x) –
( + x)3
= k(x + ) – 3 90–θ
mg h
 (1 + x / )3
 2kp  3x 
= kx + k – q  3   1 − 
    
Ui = 0
 2kp  2kpq 3x
= kx + k – q  3  + 3 · kqP
     =Uf 2
+ mgh … (i)
 3x   α
FN = kx + k   = 4kx  2 sin 2 
    
keq = 4k Now, from ∆OAB
m m α + 90 – θ + 90 – θ = 180 ⇒ α = 2θ
T = 2π = π
4k k
1 k From
= ∆ABC : h 2 sin   sin θ
f= 2
π m
So δ = π = 3.14 α α α
2 sin 2  
h = 2 sin   sin   ⇒ h =
10. Ans. (6.40) 2 2 2
Sol. Now charge is in equilibrium at point B.
σ(r) = σ0
So, using sine rule
mg qE
⇒ =
R  α  sin [180 − 2θ]
sin 90 + 
r  2
dq = σ0 2πrdr
dr mg qE
⇒ =
α sin 2θ
R cos
 r 2
∫ dq= ∫ σ0 1 − R  2πr dr mg qE mg qE
φ= 0 ⇒ = ⇒ =
ε0 ε0 α sin α α α α
cos cos 2sin cos
R /4
2 2 2 2
 r α
∫ dq ∫ σ0 1 − R  2πr dr ⇒ qE = mg2sin  
φ = 0 2
ε0 ε0

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q2kp α 13. Ans. (A)
⇒ mg2sin  
 α
2 Sol. Let charge on the sphere initially be Q.
2 sin 2  kQ
  ∴ = V0
α  α
⇒ =mgsin   ×  2 sin 
2 and charge removed = αQ
 α 2  2
2 sin 2 
  P
kpq (A) R/2
= –
⇒ mgh
= C
 α
2 sin 2  kQ 2KαQ kQ
  and Vp = − = (1 − 2α )
⇒ substituting this in equation (i) R R R
kpq kQ(1 − α)
U f mgh +
= ⇒ Uf = 2mgh VC =
2 R
 α
2 sin 2  ∴
VC 1 − α EC
  =
Vp 1 − 2α
W = ∆U = Nmgh = N = 2
12. Ans. (B, C)
Sol. The net electric force on any sphere is lesser (B) (EC)initial = zero
but by Coulomb law the force due to one kαQ
(EC)final =
sphere to another remain the same. R2
⇒ Electric field increases
kQ R
(C) (EP)initial = R
α/2 4R 2
α/2 T kQ kαQ
F (EP)final = − 2 P
4R 2 R
mg kQ kQ kαQ kαQ V0 α
∆EP = 2
− 2+ 2 = =
4R 4R R R2 R
In equilibrium
α α (D) (VC)initial =
T cos = mg and T sin = F R C
2 2
kQ(1 − α)
After immersed is dielectric liquid. (VC)final =
As given no change in angle α.
kQ C
α ∆VC = (α) =αV0
So T cos = mg − Vρg R
14. Ans. (A, B, D)
α F
when ρ = 800 Kg/m3 and T sin = Sol. For option (A), cylinder encloses the shell, thus
2 er option is correct
mg mg − Vρg For option (B)
∴ =
1 ρ
= 1− (d = density of sphere)
er d
1 800
= 1−
21 d cylinder perfectly enclosed by shell, thus φ = 0,
d = 840 so option is correct.


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JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions ®
For option (C) 16. Ans. (A, B)

θ=53º R
I R II 60°
Sol. O

Field due to straight wire is perpendicular to

the wire & radially outward. Hence Ez = 0
2×Q 2Q
=φ (1 − cos53° ) = Length, PQ = 2R sin 60 = 3R According to
2 ∈0 5∈0
Gauss's law
For option (D)   q λ 3R
Flux enclosed by cylinder total flux = ∫ = in =
∈0 ∈0
2Q Q 17. Ans. (2.00)
= φ
= (1 − cos37
= °)
2 ∈0 5 ∈0 Sol. n = 10–3 kg q = 1C t = 0
15. Ans. (A, D)
 P0 ˆ ˆ E = E0 sin ωt ≡
Sol. (A)
= P
i+ j )
E.F. at B along tangent should be zero since Force on particle will be
circle is equipotential. F = qE = qE0sin ωt
 at vmax, a, F = 0
So, E0 = & EB = 0 qE0 sin ωt = 0 E0 E0 2 K P
R3 B R3
F = qE0sinωt KP
3 ΚP0  P0  dv E0 R3
So, R = =  = q sin ωt
E 0  4 π∈0 E 0  dt m
v π/ω
qE 0

So, R = 
P0 
=∫ dv ∫ m
sin ωt dt
 0 0
 4 π∈0 E 0 
qE 0
v–0= [ − cos ωt ]0π / ω
So, (A) is correct mω
(B) Because E0 is uniform & due to dipole E.F. qE 0
v–0= [( − cos π ) − ( − cos0 )]
is different at different points, so magnitude of mω
total E.F. will also be different at different v = −3 3 × 2 = 2 m/s
10 10
18. Ans. (B)
So, (B) is incorrect KQ 1
Sol. (i) E= 2
⇒E∝ 2
2KP KP KP P d d
(C) E A =
R 3
R R 2
+ 3 = 3 3 0 ˆi + ˆj ) (ii) Dipole
2kp 2
So, (C) is wrong E = 3 1 + 3cos θ
(D) EB = 0
E ∝ 3 for dipole
so, (D) is correct d

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 JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions
(iii) For line charge  1 
Ω = 2π(1 – cosθ) = 2π  1 − 
2kλ  2
1 θ
2Kλ 2Kλ d +  − d + 
(iv) E − = 2Kλ   1 
d− d+  d 2 −  2  ∴ Solid angle subtended = 2 π  1 − 
 2
2Kλ ( 2 )
E= q
 2  φ for 4π solid angle =
d 2 1 − 2  ∈0
 d 
 1 
1 ∴ φ for 2 π  1 −  solid angle
E∝ 2  2
q  1  q  1 
(v) Electric field due to sheet = .2 π  1 −  =  1− 
4 π∈0  2 2 ∈0  2
∈= 20. Ans. (6)
2 ∈0
∈ = v is independent of r
19. Ans. (A, B) θ

Sol. Every point on circumference of flat surface is

at equal distance from point charge
Hence circumference is equipotential.
Flux passing through curved surface
= –flux passing through flat surface.

λ d
dθ θ dφ = . Ldx
r 2 π∈0 d + x 2 2
d + x2

a /2
λdL dx
2 π∈0 ∫ 2 2
E − a /2 d + x

a /2
λ ( d ) ( L )  1   −1 x 
(dφ)through the ring = =   2 tan
2 π∈0  d   d  0
1 Q R
=E cos θ.dA .2 πrdr λL  −1 a  λL
( )
4 π∈0 2 2 R + r2
2 =  tan  = 6π ∈
r +R π ∈0 a 3
 2.  0

R  2 
QR rdr q  1 
∴ ∫ dφ
= 2π∫ =  1−  21. Ans. (C)
( )
4 π∈0 0 R 2 + r 2 2 ∈0  2
Sol. In first case if q is shifted towards one of the
q  1  wires, its repulsive force will increase which
∴ Flux through curved surface = − 1 −  will bring the charge back.
2 ∈0  2
In second case, in same type of displacement
Note : Flux through surface can be calculated
attractive force due to wire increases which
using concept of solid angle.
will make it move further towards wire.


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JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions ®
22. Ans. (D) From equation (i)
Q σ
= ⇒ Q = 2σπr02
P 4 π∈0 r0 2 ∈0
Sol. Also from equation (i)
λ σ λ
= ⇒ r0 =
2 π ∈0 r0 2 ∈0 σπ

Considering any point A insde the cavity 24. Ans. (C)

electric field can be calculated at A by using KQ
Sol. E1 =
super position priciple. R2
 
E A = ( E A )Due to sphere without cavity – K ( 2Q )
 E2 =
( E A )Due to sphere of radius R & centre at P

 ρ  ρ ( ) K ( 4Q ) KQ
=EA = OA PA E3
= 3
3 ∈0 3 ∈0 ( 2R ) 2R 2
   E2 > E1 > E3
But OP + PA = OP
   25. Ans. (A)
∴ OA − PA = OP
 Sol. When all are positive net field is along +y axis
ρ ( ) ρ 
∴ EA =
= OP (a ) P→3
3 ∈0 3 ∈0
So, E.F. is independent of location of A inside yy
the cavity. Enetnet
23. Ans. (C)
Sol. Point charge
Line charge Infinite sheet
Q λ
E1 ( r0 ) = 2
E 2 ( r0 ) = xx
4 π∈0 r0 2 π ∈0 r0 Q Q
Q 1 Q2
1 2
3 4

E 3 ( r0 ) = when Q1, Q2 positive Q3, Q4 negative
2 ∈0
Given, E1(r0) = E2(r0) = E3(r0) Q→1
Q λ σ yy
= 2
= ....(i)
4 π∈0 r0 2 π∈0 r0 2 ∈0
Q λ
So, 2
= ⇒ Q = 2λr0
4 π∈0 r0 2 π∈0 r0

Q Q xx
E1 ( r0 / 2 )
Now,= = Q
1 Q2
1 2 3 4
 r0  π∈0 r02
4 π∈0  
2 When Q1, Q4 positive and Q2, Q3 negative
2λr0 2λ R→4
= =
π∈0 r02 π∈0 r0
λ λ
( r0 / 2 )
E 2= =
r0 π ∈0 r0
2 π ∈0
2 E

E1 ( r0 / 2 )
Q1 Q2 Q3
≠ 4 E3
Q1 Q2 Q3 QQ4 4


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