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Des Moines University College of Medicine Des Moines, IA
Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), anticipated May 2026 August 22-May 24
Class President

University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH

Bachelor of Science (B.S) January 2016-May 2019
Major: Neurobiology and Premedical Minor: Chemistry
Honors College Graduate
McNair Scholar

University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA

Bachelor of Science (B.S) August 2014-May 2015
Major: Neurobiology

Clinical Work Experience

Care Access Lady Lake, FL
Clinical Research Coordinator of Chemical Products 2021-2024
• Focused on optimizing biochemical processes and leading R&D initiatives.
• Ensured Good Clinical Practice and Good Documentation Practices were followed while working with
Alzheimer’s patients in a clinical trial.
• Ensured SOPS and study protocols were completed in a timely manner. Collaborated with cross-
functional teams to implement process improvements.
• Trained, performed and processed patient samples implementing chemical intervention while scaling
up of processes from lab to production scale.
Shepard Health Lab, Sandy Springs, GA
Lead Molecular Biologist/Technical Consultant 2020-2021
• Maintained compliance and COLA accreditation. Assured CLIA standards were met for audits
Established quality control parameters and self-created QMS procedure and protocol.
• Hired and supervised staff of 4 laboratory technicians within compliance
• Drafted and taught standard operations protocols for COVID -19 mutation panel, RPP, and UTI panels.
One Health Laboratory, Atlanta, GA
Lab Technician II, Contractor 2020
• Prepared selective broths. Performed extractions via high throughput PCR, and analysis of diagnostic
• Performed and Reported IQ/OQ, new product testing, regulatory studies and present KPIs and metrics
to internal and external teams.
• Spearheaded QA/QC team in implementation of new/revised procedures, protocols, and validation
techniques for optimal performance and budget friendly criteria.
KDH Research and Communication Atlanta, GA
Research Associate II 2019-2021
• Performed research in the area of public health including but not limited to: the youth vaping crisis,
Lupus awareness, and children with cochlear implants
• Quality Checked The Real Cost campaign adds
• Prepared NIH funded proposals for rapid submission.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
Neurology Clinical Trial Research Associate 2018-2019
• Performed EEG’S and collected biorepository markers for performing CBC and uranalysis.
• Supervised medical laboratory activities. Improved livelihood of children with autism, fragile X
syndrome and Angelman’s syndrome.
• Decreased lab spending 10 % by not only purchasing cost-effective supplies and conducting high
throughput technologies and experiment with care while closely monitoring laboratory inventory.
UNC Chapel Hill School of Pharmacy Cincinnati, OH and Chapel Hill, NC
Chemistry Lab Technician 2016-2018
• Performed high throughput PCR, sonication’s, cell cultures, and individual data analysis for published
• Performed tumor extraction and pathology for experimental and diagnostic use.
• Developed HPLC and DNA sequencing methods to aid in cost effective patient treatment and
diagnostic methods.
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC
Bryana M. Robinson, Marjan Mehrab Mohseni, Samantha G. Pattenden (2018) Cavitation enhancement elevates the
efficiency and consistency of assays for downstream applications aiding in drug discovery and patient diagnostics

Extracurricular Activities
NCAA Division 1 Track and Field Cincinnati, OH
Athlete 2016-2019
• Full Scholarship Athlete
• Devoted 30+ hours a week
• 4x School Record Holder
Ester Marie Homeless Shelter Clinic. Cincinnati, OH
Premedical Clinic Coordinator 2016-2019
• Performed history of Present Illness paperwork, and physiological evaluation.
• Assessed and presented the patient and their Chief Complaint
NCAA Division 1 Track and Field Pittsburgh, PA
Athlete 2014-2015
• Full Scholarship Athlete
• Devoted 30+ hours a weeks
Professional Development
Student Government Association-College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Des Moines, IA
Class President 2023-Present
• Serve as liaison between the class and the administration regarding class affairs. While sitting on
CPMS-SGA Executive Board.
• Preside over class meetings or class committees.
• Reside as primary mentor for incoming 1st year student.
Student National Medical Association (SNMA) Des Moines, IA
• Convene and preside at all meetings along with representing the Des Moines Chapter of SNMA on a
regional and national level by attending necessary meetings or conventions.
• Provided volunteer and study hall opportunities for the members.

SNMA-Minority Association of Pre-Medical Student (MAPS) Cincinnati, OH

President 2017-2019
• Collaborated with the College of Medicine and creating events such as informational panels and
mentor matching. Led meetings and brought in guest speakers.
• Contributor on the Planning Committee for the SNMA Regional Medical Conference.
Student Government Association Cincinnati, OH
Director of the Equity and Inclusion Committee 2018-2019
• Guided and supported 7 phenomenal chairs who each oversaw the affairs of the LGBTQ, Veterans,
Woman, International, and African student groups; Accessibility Services; and African American
Student Affairs.
Summer Health Profession Education Program (SHPEP) Charlottesville, VA
Student Scholar 2016
• Conducted volunteer work, shadowed medical procedures, and completed course work in preparation
for medical school curriculum. Developed a finer understanding of the concepts of health policy and
healthcare inequity in marginalized and underrepresented communities.
Volunteer Experience
Nutrition and Hygiene Kit Assembly Atlanta, GA
Founder 2011-2014
• Assembled kits for the homeless that contained a Cliff bar, food coupons and water, wet wipes,
tampons, hand sanitizer, mini shampoo, a toothbrush and toothpaste.
• Worked with the local Planned Parenthood for the feminine products.
Edmunds Elementary Des Moines, IA
Lead Coordinator 2022-2024
• Growing up there was not much exposure to medicine. An amazing opportunity to expose kids in
elementary school to the world of medicine.
Awards and Honors
Senior 100 Recipient, University of Cincinnati (2019)
Sigma Phi Woman’s Honorary, University of Cincinnati (2019)
Phi Sigma Pi National Honorary, University of Cincinnati (2019)
Most Influential Senior, University of Cincinnati (2019)
Annual Medical Education Conference-1st Place, University of Pennsylvania (2019)
Student Impact Symposium-1st place, University of Cincinnati (2018)
Regional Medical Education Conference-1st place, University of Cincinnati (2018)
Capstone Symposium-1st place, University of Cincinnati (2018)

ACLS 2019-Present
BLS CPR 2017-Present
Emergency Medical Technician 2018-Present

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