Test 2

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Grupa A Klasa .................... 45 min Data ................ Numer w dzienniku .....

Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / ...... p. Ocena .............

Test 2 poziom podstawowy

1 Choose the correct options to complete the text.
Moving to a small village is many people’s dream, but is it really such an attractive option? In the
countryside, you have to accept that properties could be more (1) ___ and need a lot of renovation. However,
you will probably find somewhere that is cheaper
(2) ___ square metre so you might be able to buy somewhere a little larger. Of course, life is much quieter
than in a (3) ___ but it could get boring after a while. One obvious benefit is having a (4) ___ house with no
direct neighbours. This also means you can have your own (5) ___ with space for two or more cars. In the
end, it all comes down to personal preference whether you like the city or the countryside.
1. A. old-fashioned B. modern
2. A. per B. for
3. A. block of flats B. study
4. A. detached B. terraced
5. A. shutters B. driveway
2 Complete the sentences with the noun forms of the words in brackets.
1. There was a __________ at the school last week. They stole three computers. (BURGLE)
2. This region needs more __________ in the local economy. (INVEST)
3. What is the __________ for vandalism? (PUNISH)
4. I wonder who will win the __________ next year. (ELECT)
5. At the trial, the __________ argued that Mr Prout was not responsible for what happened. (DEFEND)

3 Complete gaps 1-5 with the correct information.

Notes on Barrow Road flat
nice street, but quite (1) __________ from the shops
good size bedrooms and large living room, bathroom doesn’t have much (2) __________
generally needs (3) __________ as it’s old-fashioned kitchen furniture has to be changed
too expensive at the moment, price needs to be (4) __________ lower
Other details:
great balcony and river view large number of (5) __________ for storing things in

IMKQJLNDIHJLHPPP Grupa A | strona 1 z 3

4 Read the text. Complete gaps 1–5 with sentences A–F. There is one extra sentence.
The time has come for you to make that all-important decision about where you’re going to live. So far,
you’ve most likely been with your parents, living in the house or flat that you called home while you were
growing up. (1) ___ However, once you start adult life, it is time to make a start on your own. But what
options are there, and what is important for you at this stage of your life? Everyone has a different way of
answering that question, so it is really up to you to make the decision.
The ideal option is to get your own place, so that you can finally have a bit of independence. The trouble with
that is you might not be able to afford the costs of paying the rent plus all the bills. Choosing the smallest
place possible, for example a studio flat, can help to limit the expense, but you might end up in an area of
town that isn’t the most attractive. (2) ___ Mum and Dad are likely to have been living where they are for a
number of years. As a result, a lot of the improvement work has already been done and the living conditions
are quite good.
The other option is to share a flat, either with someone you know or with a flatmate you find online. There are
many sites that enable you to link up with a like-minded person to share with. You don’t necessarily need to
have a lot in common with them, although it does help. (3) ___ A definite advantage is that splitting the cost
of renting a place opens up a wider range of accommodation that is within your financial reach. (4) ___ Being
able to keep a little distance between you and your flatmate(s) can be useful if you’re planning on sharing
long term.
The last option can be to rent a room from the owner of a house or flat. This means that they would be living
with you, which many people are not too keen on. (5) ___ If that is something you were actually trying to get
away from, this option is definitely not for you. However, if it doesn’t bother you, then the benefits are not
having to deal with a landlord, and not having to deal with paying bills. So, is it time to make that big leap
and strike out on your own?
1. .
2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .
A. This could mean living in a nicer district, or having a bit of extra space in the flat itself.
B. In a way, it could feel just like living with your parents again.
C. The standard of many flats might also be well below what you are used to.
D. This type of behaviour might be difficult for you to accept.
E. In any case, you can always meet up with them before you finally decide.
F. This was probably convenient during your time as a student.
5 Choose answer a, b or c which is the correct translation of the phrase in brackets.
1. To be honest, (nie mam ochoty słuchać) to what the politicians have to say.
A. I’m not really listening
B. I don’t mind listening
C. I don’t feel like listening
2. I’ll help you with the housework (jak tylko skończę) writing this email.
A. until I finish
B. as soon as I finish
C. just before I finish
3. Their house (został sprzedany) for more than they expected.
A. has been sold
B. is being sold
C. is sold
4. I’m quite tired so (wolałbym zostać) at home this afternoon.
A. I prefer staying
B. I’d rather stay
C. I’ve stayed
5. A special website has been created (żeby pomóc) people when they arrive in the country.
A. in order to help
B. for helping
C. so that they will help

IMKQJLNDIHJLHPPP Grupa A | strona 2 z 3

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. When ______________________________ (you / go / tidy) your room? I’ve already asked you to do it
three times.
2. We ______________________________ (buy / new / apply) for the kitchen last week as ours were
very old.
3. Nobody believes that the ______________________________ (oppose / win) many seats in the
4. Yesterday, I ______________________________ (hang / the washing) when it started to rain.
5. As you can see behind me, a lot of ______________________________ (reside / demonstrate) against
the new factory.

7 Write a letter.

Twoja rodzina właśnie się przeprowadziła z mieszkania do nowego domu. Napisz list do swojej babci w
opiszesz nowy dom,
wspomnisz, jak wyglądało mieszkanie,
opiszesz co jeszcze zostało do zrobienia w domu,
zaproponujesz, aby babcia przyjechała zobaczyć dom.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że jej długość powinna wynosić od
100 do 150 słów.

IMKQJLNDIHJLHPPP Grupa A | strona 3 z 3

Grupa B Klasa .................... 45 min Data ................ Numer w dzienniku .....
Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / ...... p. Ocena .............

Test 2 poziom podstawowy

1 Choose the correct options to complete the text.
Moving to a small village is many people’s dream, but is it really such an attractive option? In the
countryside, you have to accept that properties could be more (1) ___ and need a lot of renovation. However,
you will probably find somewhere that is cheaper
(2) ___ square metre so you might be able to buy somewhere a little larger. Of course, life is much quieter
than in a (3) ___ but it could get boring after a while. One obvious benefit is having a (4) ___ house with no
direct neighbours. This also means you can have your own (5) ___ with space for two or more cars. In the
end, it all comes down to personal preference whether you like the city or the countryside.
1. A. modern B. old-fashioned
2. A. per B. for
3. A. study B. block of flats
4. A. terraced B. detached
5. A. driveway B. shutters
2 Complete the sentences with the noun forms of the words in brackets.
1. What is the __________ for vandalism? (PUNISH)
2. I wonder who will win the __________ next year. (ELECT)
3. This region needs more __________ in the local economy. (INVEST)
4. There was a __________ at the school last week. They stole three computers. (BURGLE)
5. At the trial, the __________ argued that Mr Prout was not responsible for what happened. (DEFEND)

3 Complete gaps 1-5 with the correct information.

Notes on Barrow Road flat
nice street, but quite (1) __________ from the shops
good size bedrooms and large living room, bathroom doesn’t have much (2) __________
generally needs (3) __________ as it’s old-fashioned kitchen furniture has to be changed
too expensive at the moment, price needs to be (4) __________ lower
Other details:
great balcony and river view large number of (5) __________ for storing things in

IMKQJLNDIHJLHPPP Grupa B | strona 1 z 3

4 Read the text. Complete gaps 1–5 with sentences A–F. There is one extra sentence.
The time has come for you to make that all-important decision about where you’re going to live. So far,
you’ve most likely been with your parents, living in the house or flat that you called home while you were
growing up. (1) ___ However, once you start adult life, it is time to make a start on your own. But what
options are there, and what is important for you at this stage of your life? Everyone has a different way of
answering that question, so it is really up to you to make the decision.
The ideal option is to get your own place, so that you can finally have a bit of independence. The trouble with
that is you might not be able to afford the costs of paying the rent plus all the bills. Choosing the smallest
place possible, for example a studio flat, can help to limit the expense, but you might end up in an area of
town that isn’t the most attractive. (2) ___ Mum and Dad are likely to have been living where they are for a
number of years. As a result, a lot of the improvement work has already been done and the living conditions
are quite good.
The other option is to share a flat, either with someone you know or with a flatmate you find online. There are
many sites that enable you to link up with a like-minded person to share with. You don’t necessarily need to
have a lot in common with them, although it does help. (3) ___ A definite advantage is that splitting the cost
of renting a place opens up a wider range of accommodation that is within your financial reach. (4) ___ Being
able to keep a little distance between you and your flatmate(s) can be useful if you’re planning on sharing
long term.
The last option can be to rent a room from the owner of a house or flat. This means that they would be living
with you, which many people are not too keen on. (5) ___ If that is something you were actually trying to get
away from, this option is definitely not for you. However, if it doesn’t bother you, then the benefits are not
having to deal with a landlord, and not having to deal with paying bills. So, is it time to make that big leap
and strike out on your own?
1. .
2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .
A. In any case, you can always meet up with them before you finally decide.
B. The standard of many flats might also be well below what you are used to.
C. This type of behaviour might be difficult for you to accept.
D. This was probably convenient during your time as a student.
E. In a way, it could feel just like living with your parents again.
F. This could mean living in a nicer district, or having a bit of extra space in the flat itself.
5 Choose answer a, b or c which is the correct translation of the phrase in brackets.
1. To be honest, (nie mam ochoty słuchać) to what the politicians have to say.
A. I’m not really listening
B. I don’t feel like listening
C. I don’t mind listening
2. I’ll help you with the housework (jak tylko skończę) writing this email.
A. until I finish
B. just before I finish
C. as soon as I finish
3. Their house (został sprzedany) for more than they expected.
A. is being sold
B. is sold
C. has been sold
4. I’m quite tired so (wolałbym zostać) at home this afternoon.
A. I’d rather stay
B. I prefer staying
C. I’ve stayed
5. A special website has been created (żeby pomóc) people when they arrive in the country.
A. for helping
B. in order to help
C. so that they will help

IMKQJLNDIHJLHPPP Grupa B | strona 2 z 3

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Yesterday, I ______________________________ (hang / the washing) when it started to rain.
2. When ______________________________ (you / go / tidy) your room? I’ve already asked you to do it
three times.
3. As you can see behind me, a lot of ______________________________ (reside / demonstrate) against
the new factory.
4. Nobody believes that the ______________________________ (oppose / win) many seats in the
5. We ______________________________ (buy / new / apply) for the kitchen last week as ours were
very old.

7 Write a letter.

Twoja rodzina właśnie się przeprowadziła z mieszkania do nowego domu. Napisz list do swojej babci w
opiszesz nowy dom,
wspomnisz, jak wyglądało mieszkanie,
opiszesz co jeszcze zostało do zrobienia w domu,
zaproponujesz, aby babcia przyjechała zobaczyć dom.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że jej długość powinna wynosić od
100 do 150 słów.

IMKQJLNDIHJLHPPP Grupa B | strona 3 z 3

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