Adjectives Describing Attitudes

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Here are some adjectives that can be used to describe different attitudes or

perspectives towards an opinion:

1. Receptive - Indicating an open-minded, willing, or accepting attitude
towards the opinion.
2. Dismissive - Suggesting a disregarding, rejecting, or disinterested
attitude towards the opinion.
3. Skeptical - Expressing doubt, questioning, or a critical attitude towards
the opinion.
4. Defensive - Implying a protective, guarded, or resistant stance in
response to the opinion.
5. Indifferent - Conveying a lack of concern, apathy, or detachment towards
the opinion.
6. Antagonistic - Indicating a hostile, oppositional, or adversarial attitude
towards the opinion.
7. Curious - Suggesting an inquisitive, interested, or explorative attitude
towards the opinion.
8. Amenable - Reflecting a cooperative, agreeable, or accommodating
attitude towards the opinion.
9. Cynical - Expressing a distrustful, jaded, or pessimistic attitude towards
the opinion.
10. Empathetic - Indicating an understanding, compassionate, or
considerate attitude towards the opinion.
11. Biased - Suggesting a prejudiced, partial, or subjective attitude
towards the opinion.
12. Impartial - Conveying an unbiased, objective, or neutral attitude
towards the opinion.
The choice of adjective can help convey the speaker's or writer's overall
perspective and stance in relation to the opinion being expressed or

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