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The spectrum of antecedent infections in

Guillain-Barr6 syndrome
A case-control study
B.C. Jacobs, MD, PhD; P.H. Rothbarth, MD, PhD; F.G.A. van der Meche, MD, PhD; P. Herbrink, PhD;
P.I.M. Schmitz, PhD; M.A. de Klerk; and P.A. van Doorn, MD, PhD

Article a b s t r a c t 4 b j e c t i u e : To determine which antecedent infections are specifically associated with the Guillain-Barre
syndrome (GBS). Background: Infections with many agents have been reported preceding GBS. Some infections are
related to specific clinical and immunologic subgroups in GBS. Most agents were reported in case reports and uncontrolled
small series of GBS patients only, and their relation to GBS and its subgroups remains unclear. Method: A serologic study
for 16 infectious agents in 154 GBS patients and 154 sex- and age-matched controls with other neurologic diseases. Acute
phase, pretreatment samples were used from clinically well-defined GBS patients. The seasonal distribution of serum
sampling in the GBS and control group was the same. Results: Multivariate analysis showed that in GBS patients,
infections with Campylobacter jejuni (32%),cytomegalovirus ( 13%), and Epstein-Barr virus (10%)were significantly more
frequent than in controls. Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections occurred more often in GBS patients (5%) than in controls
in univariate analysis. Infections with Huemophilus influenzae ( l % ) , parainfluenza 1 virus (l%), influenza A virus (l%),
influenza B virus (1961, adenovirus (1%),herpes simplex virus (l%),and varicella zoster virus (1%)were also demonstrated
in GBS patients, but not more frequently than in controls. C. jejuni infections were associated with antibodies to the
gangliosides GM1 and GDlb and with a severe pure motor form of GBS. Cytomegalovirus infections were associated with
antibodies to the ganglioside GM2 and with severe motor sensory deficits. Other infections were not related to specific
antiganglioside antibodies and neurologic patterns. Conclusions: Recent infections with C. jejuni, cytomegalovirus,
Epstein-Barr virus, and M. pneumoniae are specifically related to GBS. The variety of infections may contribute to the
clinical and immunologic heterogeneity of GBS.
NEUROLOGY 1998;51~1110-1115

The Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is an acute poly- distinct clinical variants of GBS. The variety of re-
neuropathy that may lead to a variety of motor and ported infectious agents in GBS may therefore underlie
sensory deficits. It is considered a postinfectious dis- the immunologic and clinical heterogeneity in GBS.
Controversy exists over whether infections with
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ease as approximately two-thirds of patients report

some form of preceding infectious illness. These in- other frequently reported agents, such as Epstein-
fections may effect an immune response against pe- Ban- virus (EBV) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae, are
ripheral nerve antigens, as suggested by the interval more often present in GBS patients compared with
of 1 to 4 weeks between antecedent infection and controlslOJ1or not.2 The majority of these “GBS-
onset of weakness. A remarkable diversity of infec- related infections” were reported only in small and
tious agents has been reported in patients with selected groups of GBS patients, without age-, sex-,
GBS.I The association between GBS and infections and season-matched controls, and may therefore rep-
with Campylobacter jejuni and cytomegalovirus resent coincidental findings. In addition, many of
(CMV) has been demonstrated in case-control these infections were clinically defined without sero-
s t ~ d i e s .Furthermore,
~-~ C. jejuni infections are asso- logic confirmation, or with serology performed on se-
ciated with antibodies against the ganglioside GM1, rum samples obtained long after neurologic onset or
and a severe, pure motor variant of GBS with a poor after treatment. Moreover, in most studies, the
prognosis after plasma e x ~ h a n g e . ~ GBS
. ~ patients possible association among these infections, antigan-
with a CMV infection more frequently have antibod- glioside antibodies, and clinical presentation was
ies against the ganglioside GM2,7.Rand have severe not investigated. Therefore, the role of infectious
sensory deficits a n d cranial nerve involvement.9 agents in GBS, other than C. jejuni and CMV, is not
These findings strongly indicate that C. jejuni and established.
CMV infections determine the specificity of the im- The aim of the current study was to determine the
mune response against peripheral nerves leading to spectrum of antecedent infections in a large, un-
From the Departments of‘ Neurology (Drs. Jacobs, van der Meche, and van Doorn, and M.A. de Klerk), Immunology (Dr. Jacobs), and Virology (Dr.
Rothbarth), Erasmus University, Rotterdam; the Department of Trial and Statistics (Dr. Schmitz), Dr. Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam; and the
Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases (Dr. Herbrink), Diagnostic Centre SSDZ, Delft, The Netherlands.
Supported by grants from the Prinses Beatrix Fonds (no. 90-3161 and 95-0519) and the Willem H. Kroger Stichting (no. 92-011).
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. B.C. Jacobs, Department of Neurology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
1110 Copyright 0 1998 by the American Academy of‘ Neurology
selected group of GBS patients and to investigate was defined as the presence of hepatitis B virus surface
whether these infections are mo r e common in GBS antigen in ELISA. Infections with herpes simplex virus,
than in a matched control group. In addition, w e varicella zoster virus, measles virus, influenza A and B
investigated whether these infections in GBS pa- virus, parainfluenza 1 and 2 virus, adenovirus, and respi-
tients are associated with specific antiganglioside ratory syncytial virus were determined by complement fix-
antibodies and distinct clinical presentations. ation and were defined as the presence of a n antibody titer
264. EBV infections were determined as the presence of
IgM against viral capsid antigen in immunofluoresence. To
Patients and methods. Patients. The GBS patients in determine IgM antibodies to EBV and CMV, sera were
this study participated in the Dutch Guillain-Barre trial preabsorbed with Gull-sorb (Gull Laboratories, Salt Lake
comparing the therapeutic effect of plasma exchange (PE) City, UT) to remove the IgG antibodies to these agents. To
and intravenous immunoglobulins (Mg),12 or in the pilot determine IgM antibodies to C. jejuni, H. influenzae, M.
study evaluating the therapeutic effect of methyl- pneumoniae, and hepatitis A virus, p-specific class-capture
prednisolone in addition to IVIg (MP-Mg).13The 147 pa- ELISAs were used. These precautions to determine the
tients in the PE/IVIg trial entered the study from June IgM serology increased the sensitivity of the assays and
1986 to December 1989, and the 25 patients in the MP- prevented false positivity by binding of IgM rheumatoid
IVIg pilot study from September 1990 to September 1992. factors with IgG antibodies. Because this study focused on
The GBS patients were referred to academic or other large the infections that were more frequent in GBS patients
hospitals in The Netherlands. All patients fulfilled the di- than controls, we only determined the serology for specific
agnostic criteria for GBS,14 were unable to walk 10 meters infections in the controls if more than five GBS patients
independently, and were admitted within 2 weeks of onset were positive for this infection, the minimal number to be
of weakness. All patients were evaluated with respect to significant in the McNemar’s test. The frequency of CMV
the presence of paresthesias, sensory deficits (two-point and C. jejuni infections in the patients included in the
discrimination, position sense, and tactile function in PE/IVIg trial were reported p r e v i o ~ s l y , but
~ , ~ ~without
hands and feet), cranial nerve involvement, functional comparison with the matched control group.
score, and Medical Research Council (MRC) sumscore, at Antiganglioside antibodies. Pretreatment serum sam-
study entry and subsequently at 16 time points according ples from all GBS patients were tested for IgM, IgG, and
to a previously established protocol during a follow-up pe- IgA antibodies against the peripheral nerve gangliosides
riod of 6 months. At entry, all patients were asked if they LM1 (sialosyl paragloboside), GM1, GM2, GM3, GDla,
had infectious illness in the preceding 4 weeks. Pretreat- GDlb, GTlb, and GQlb by ELISA and confirmed in thin-
ment serum samples obtained within 2 weeks of neurologic layer chromatography overlay, according to methods de-
onset were available from 154 (90%) of the 172 patients scribed previously.6
included in these therapeutic studies. The 18 excluded Statistical analysis. Differences in frequency of infec-
cases did not differ from the other patients regarding their tions between GBS patients and OND controls were tested
antecedent illnesses, neurologic manifestations, and course with the McNemar’s test,15 and between GBS patients and
of disease. healthy controls with the chi-square test without continu-
Controls. As a control group for the serology studies, ity correction or Fisher’s exact test. The odds ratio for each
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we used serum samples from 154 sex- and age ( 2 4 year)- infectious agent was also estimated using a multivariate
matched control patients with other neurologic diseases conditional logit model for matched case-control data, with
(OND) than GBS. The controls resided in the southwest disease status (GBS or control) as dependent variable and
area of The Netherlands and were referred to the Univer- the infectious agents as independent variables.16 With re-
sity Hospital Rotterdam in the period from 1990 to 1996. spect to the clinical features of GBS patients, differences in
The population in this area reflects that of other parts in proportions were tested with the chi-square test without
The Netherlands with respect to relevant demographic continuity correction or Fisher’s exact test, and differences
characteristics, such as urbanization ratio. The time of in medians with the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U test. The
serum sampling in the control group and the group of GBS time for patients to reach independent locomotion was an-
patients had the same seasonal distribution. The OND alyzed by the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test.
controls had chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneu- All calculations were performed using STATA 5.0 for
ropathy (CIDP) (n = 21), other forms of neuropathy (n = Windows 95 (Stata Statistical Software, Release 5.0, Col-
60), MS (n = 41), cerebrovascular accidents (n = 141, mo- lege Station, TX).A p value < 0.05 was considered to be
tor neuron disease (n = 6)) MG (n = 6), or ot,her neurologic significant.
disorders (n = 6). All samples were obtained at admission
to the hospital and before treatment. In addition, serum Results. Infections and antecedent illness in GBS pa-
samples from 50 healthy subjects were tested. tients. In the 4 weeks preceding GBS, 105 (68%) of the
Znfection serology. Serum samples from GBS patients 154 patients reported some form of infectious illness, as
were tested to determine recent infections with 16 viruses indicated by their clinical symptoms. The most common
or bacteria frequently reported in GBS. The assays were identified cause of recent infections in patients with GBS
performed according to routine techniques with previously was C. jejuni (32%)(table 1).Other recent infections in
established criteria for positivity. C. jejuni infections were GBS patients were CMV (13%), EBV (lo%), M. pneu-
defined as the presence of IgM, IgA, or high titer IgG in moniae (5%), and, less often, H. influenzae (l%), parainflu-
ELISA.6 CMV,S M. pneumoniae, and hepatitis A virus in- enza 1 virus (l%), influenza A virus (1%), influenza B virus
fections were defined as the presence of IgM, and Hae- (l%), adenovirus (l%),herpes simplex virus (l%), and vari-
mophilus influenzae infections as the presence of IgM, IgA, cella zoster virus (1%) (see table 1).The majority of GBS
and IgG antibodies in ELISA. Hepatitis B virus infection patients with positive serology had clinical symptoms of
October 1998 NEUROLOGY 51 1111
Table 1 Zncidence of positive infection serology and symptoms of antecedent infectious illness an GBS patients
_ _ ~
All, Diarrhea, URTI, Other, None,
n = 154, n = 25, n = 68, n = 12, n = 49,
Infection serology n (R) n (5%) n (%) n (%) n (%)

Campylobacter jejuni 19 (76)”

C ytomegalovirus O*
Epstein-Barr virus l(4)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae 0
Haemophilus influenme 0
Parainfluenza 1 virus 0
Influenza A virus 0
Influenza B virus 0
Adenovirus 0
Herpes simplex virus 0
Varicella zoster virus 0
> 1 infectious agent 0
2 1 infectious agent 20 (80)”

“ p < 0.05 compared with patients without these symptoms of infection.

GBS = Guillain-Barre syndrome; URTI = upper respiratory tract infection; other = symptoms other than diarrhea or URTI.

preceding infectious illness (see table 1).Patients with C. attributable proportion of these infections, i.e., the propor-
jejuni infections had diarrhea more often compared with tion of patients that can be attributed to these infections
patients without this infection ( p < 0.001); symptoms of provided they play a causal role in GBS, was calculated as
upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) were less fre- 0.44 (see table 2). Using a multivariate conditional logit
quently found ( p = 0.001). C. jejuni infections were also model for matched case-control data, only infections with
associated with other manifestations of infectious illness C . jejuni, CMV, and EBV appeared to be independently
than diarrhea and URTI, such a s nausea, vomiting, and associated with GBS. Acute infections in the OND controls
abdominal pain. Patients with antecedent CMV infection were not significantly associated with any of the diagnostic
frequently had URTI and other manifestations of infection categories. The OND patients with positive serology had
such as nausea, fever, and exanthema, but none had diar- MS (n = 8), CIDP (n = 4), other polyneuropathies (n = 7),
rhea. Other manifestations of infection were fever and sore cerebrovascular accident (n = 11, MG (n = l), Friedreich’s
Downloaded from by Kasturba Medical College - MAHE on 4 April 2024

throat in EBV-infected patients and pneumonia and pan- ataxia (n = l),or concussion (n = 1). Differences in the
creatitis in M. pneumoniue-infected patients. In the 49 pa- frequency of C . jejuni, CMV, EBV, and M . pneumoniae
tients who did not report symptoms of antecedent infections between GBS patients and controls could not be
infectious illness, a substantial proportion had positive se- adjusted to differences in their inclusion period because
rology for infections with C. jejuni (29%), CMV (18%),EBV retrospective analysis revealed that the annual incidence
(16%), and M. pneumoniae (4%) (see table 1). The high of these infections did not change significantly in the time
proportion of C. jejuni infections in these patients is in period from 1986 to 1996. In addition, we found no signifi-
accordance with the frequent subclinical course of this in- cant association between the hospital or year of admission
fection. Positive serology for recent infection with parain- and the frequency of specific infections in the groups of
fluenza 2 virus, hepatitis A and B virus, respiratory GBS patients or controls.
syncytial virus, or measles virus could not be demon- Antecedent infections, antiganglioside antibodies, and
strated. None of the infections in GBS patients showed a clinical subgroups. C . jejuni infection was significantly
clear seasonal predominance. associated with antibodies against GM1 and GDlb, and
Positive serology for more than one infection was found CMV infections with antibodies against GM2 (table 3). In-
in 13 (8%)of the GBS patients. Most of these GBS patients terestingly, the only GBS patient with herpes simplex vi-
had positive EBV serology, and were additionally positive rus had high titers of IgG antibodies against LM1, GM3,
for C. jejuni and CMV (n = 21, C. jejuni (n = 2), M. pneu- GDla, GDlb, GTlb, and GQlb. This patient, who had a
moniae (n = 31, CMV (n = 21, and H . influenme (n = 1). pure motor variant of GBS with ophthalmoplegia and hy-
The other patients were positive for C M V and additionally poglossal palsy, needed artificial ventilation and recovered
for C. jejuni (n = I),M . pneumoniae (n = l ) , and influenza to independent locomotion 69 days after IVIg. Infections
A virus (n = 1). with EBV or M . pneumoniae, or any of the other agents,
Antecedent infections in GBS patients compared with were not associated with the tested antiganglioside anti-
controls. Serology for infections with C. jejuni, CMV, bodies. Antibody titers to GM1 and GM2 were also deter-
EBV, and M . pneunzoniae was also performed in the two mined in a subgroup of the OND and healthy controls, but
control groups. Univariate analysis showed that these in- were not found to be associated with the presence of C.
fections were all significantly more frequent in GBS pa- jejuni or CMV infections.6.*
tients compared with matched OND controls (table 2). The Infections with C. jejuni and CMV were each associated
1112 NEUROLOGY 51 October 1998
Table 2 Incidence of recent infections i n GBS patients compared with matched OND controls and healthy subjects

GBS OND Healthy

patients, controls, subjects,
n = 154, n = 154, Attributable n = 50,
Infection serology n (%) n (%) OR (95% CI)* p Value*? proportion*$ n (%) OR (95% CI)$ p Value§¶
Campylobacter jejuni 49 (32) 18 (12) 3.1 (1.7 to 5.9) 0.0001 0.22 4 (8) 5.4 (1.9 to 15.1) 0.001
Cytomegalovirus 20 (13) 3 (2) 9.5 (2.3 to 84) 0.0002 0.12 0 - 0.005
Epstein-Barr virus 16 (10) 1(1) 16.0 (2.5 to 671) 0.0003 0.09 0 - 0.01
Mycoplasma pneumoniae 7 (5) 1(1) 7.0 (0.9 to 316) 0.03 0.04 0 - 0.20
21 infectious agent11 79 (51) 23 (15) 7.2 (3.6 to 16.5) <0.0001 0.44 4 (8) 12.1 (4.3 to 33.8) <0.001

* GBS patients compared with OND controls.

i- Determined by McNemar’s test.
$ Attributable proportion is calculated as (odds ratio - l)/odds ratio X frequency in GBS patients.
5 GBS patients compared with healthy subjects.
11 Determined by chi-square or Fisher’s exact test.
‘jRecent infection with at least one of the agents reported in this table.

GBS = Guillain-Barre syndrome; OND = other neurologic diseases; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval; - = cannot be

with a distinct clinical presentation in GBS, as we previ- time to recovery. Also, the GBS patients with multiple
ously d e ~ c r i b e d .In
~ , ~addition, the case-control study en- positive serology did not significantly differ from the other
abled us to investigate the association tietween these patients with respect to their neurologic presentation.
infections and sex and age. The interaction between sex
and C. jejuni infection was almost significant; the odds Discussion. In the current study, C. jejuni, C M Y ,
ratio (95% confidence interval) in male GBS patients was
EBV, and M. pneumoniae were identified as the most
14.4 (3.1 to 68.1) and in female GBS patients 2.9 (3.1 to
common causes of antecedent infections in GBS.
7.1) ( p = 0.08). The median age of the GBS patients with
EBV infection was 29 years, and with M. pneumoniae in- These infections were found more frequently in GBS
fection 28 years, indicating that they were significantly
patients than in age- and sex-matched controls with
younger than the other GBS patients (median 50 years) OND. Infections with herpes simplex virus, varicella
( p = 0.002 a n d p = 0.001, respectively). Eleven (69%) of zoster virus, influenza A and B virus, parainfluenza
the 16 EBV infected patients had respiratory insufficiency, 1 virus, adenovirus, and H. influenzae were also
which was a significantly higher proportion compared with identified, but their frequency was not significantly
patients with other or no infections (37%) ( p = 0.01). In- higher than in controls. These findings confirm the
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fections with these or other micro-organisms were not sig- concept that certain infections are specifically re-
nificantly associated with time to reach nadir, MRC lated to GBS, although a spectrum of infections may
sumscore a t entry and nadir, distribution of weakness, precede the disorder.
cranial nerve involvement, sensory loss, paresthesias, or Previous case-control studies demonstrated C. je-

Table 3 Association between antecedent infections and antiganglioside antibodies i n GBS patients

Campylobacter jejuni, EBV, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, No infection,t

Antiganglioside n = 4!3, n = 16, n = 7, n = 75,
antibodies* n (%) n (%I n (%I n (%I

GM1 20 (41)$ 0
GM2 3 (6) 0
GM3 0 0
GDla 2 (4) 0
GDlb 14 (29)s 0
GTlb 0 0
GQlb 2 (4) 0
LM1 3 (6) 1(14)

* IgM, IgG, or IgA antibodies against ganglioside.

i- No serologic defined infection with the agents reported in this table.
$ This patient also had a positive C. jejuni serology.
p < 0.05 compared with patients without this infection.
GBS = Guillain-Ban6 syndrome; Ig = immunoglobulin; CMV = cytomegalovirus; EBV = Epstein-Barr virus.
October 1998 NEUROLOGY 51 1113
juni infections in 14%to 36%of GBS patients, and in of these infections. Accordingly, M. pneumoniae in-
1%to 10% of ~ o n t r o l s ,which
~ - ~ is in accordance with fections in our study were significantly associated
our findings. The current study justifies the conclu- with GBS in univariate analysis only. We found no
sion that C. jejuni is the predominant cause of ante- relation between EBV and M. pneumoniae infections
cedent infection in GBS. However, C. jejuni is also and antibodies against the major peripheral nerve
the predominant cause of acute bacterial enteritis in gangliosides. However, M. pneumoniae infections in
The Netherlands, and our study shows that in pa- GBS were reported t o be associated with antibodies
tients with OND and healthy controls, C. jejuni oc- against galactocerebroside, the predominant glyco-
curs more frequently than infections with CMV, lipid in human peripheral nerves.21 The ubiquitous
EBV, and M. pneumoniae. Therefore, one may argue distribution of this antigen in the peripheral nervous
that GBS is a postinfectious disease not related t o system may explain why we did not find an associa-
specific infections, in which the predominance of C. tion with involvement of specific nerve fibers.
jejuni infections simply reflects the high frequency of Thirteen (8%) of the GBS patients in our study
this infection in the community. However, there is a had a positive serology for more than one infectious
strong association between C. jejuni infections and a agent, as was also found in other serologic
distinct severe and pure motor variant of GBS.*,6 This may indicate that dual-antigen induced im-
This argues for a specific role of these bacteria in mune responses play a role in a subgroup of GBS
inducing immune responses to motor nerve antigens patients, as was also suggested for other immune-
in a subgroup of GBS patients. GM1 may be one of mediated neuropathies.22Because we did not culture
the targets because anti-GM1 antibodies are associ- the organisms, the possibility that some of these pa-
ated with C. jejuni infections in GBS,5,6and higher tients had a single infection inducing polyclonal B
concentrations of GM1 are present in myelin of mo- cell activation or antibodies against common or cross-
tor fibers compared with sensory fibers.” reactive structures on different micro-organisms re-
CMV was the most common viral cause of ante- sulting in a false double positive serology cannot be
cedent infection, present in 13% of GBS patients. excluded. However, studies based on culture alone will
This finding is in accordance with the 15%reported underestimate the frequency of recent infections, as
by Dowling and Cook,l’ and the 11%and 22% re- most infections precede GBS for several weeks, and the
ported by others.2JRThe presence of IgM antibodies infectious agents may be cleared at the time of neuro-
to CMV suggests a recent CMV infection, although logic onset. Our findings should be confirmed in pro-
reactivation of a latent infection cannot be excluded. spective large case-control studies using culture,
According to the report of Dowling and Cook, CMV serologic, and molecular biology techniques to deter-
infections in GBS patients are clustered in time peri- mine recent infections.
ods of 10 to 16 weeks,” but this could not be con- C. jejuni, CMV, EBV, and M. pneumoniae may
firmed in our study. The high frequency of sensory have a general feature that explains their specific
and cranial nerve involvement in CMV-associated association with GBS. These agents may share the
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GBS patients may indicate that CMV infections in- capacity to induce immune responses to peripheral
duce specific antibodies against antigens present in nerve glycoconjugates, as indicated by their coexis-
these nerves. Anti-GM2 antibodies are associated tence with antibodies to gangliosides and other gly-
with CMV infections in GBS,7,8but the distribution colipids in GBS patients. Moreover, infections with
of GM2 in the human peripheral nerve system is M. pneumoniae, C M V , and EBV are associated with
unknown. Others reported that CMV infections in- cold agglutinins, which preferentially bind to carbo-
duce antibodies against sulfatide and other sulfated hydrate antigens at 4 “ C , a characteristic shared
glycosphingolipids from human peripheral nerves.I9 with antiganglioside a n t i b o d i e ~ .Monoclonal
~~ cold
Interestingly, antisulfatide antibodies were reported agglutinins t o disialylated gangliosides from patients
to be related to sensory nerve involvement in GBS with chronic ataxic neuropathy were found to reduce
and other neuropathies.20 The association between nerve excitability and neurotransmitter release in
CMV infections and antisulfatide antibodies in GBS the mouse hemidiaphragm ~ r e p a r a t i o n Antigan-
patients, however, has not been established. glioside antibodies in GBS patients with C. jejuni
The current study is the first to demonstrate a infection may be induced by molecular mimicry, as
significantly higher frequency of EBV and M. pneu- ganglioside-like structures were identified in C. je-
moniae infections in GBS patients compared with juni lipopolysaccharides.25In addition, it was demon-
case-matched controls. These frequencies in GBS pa- strated that anti-GM2 antibodies cross-react with
tients are similar to those found by the group of CMV-infected cells? The four GBS-related micro-
Dowling and Cook, i.e., EBV 10% versus 8% and M . organisms also express receptors or toxins that bind
pneumoniae 5% versus 5%.11J0Provided these infec- to carbohydrate antigens and may act as carrier pro-
tions play a role in the pathogenesis of GBS, 9% of teins in the production of of antiglycoconjugate anti-
GBS cases can be attributed to EBV infections, and bodies. C. jejuni produces a toxin that specifically
4% t o infections with M. pneumoniae. These signifi- binds to gangliosides.26 M. pneumoniae binds with
cant but low attributable proportions may explain sialylated carbohydrates from the blood group I anti-
why Winer et a1.,2 in a smaller case-control study, gen and induces antibodies against this s t r u c t ~ r e . ~ 7
were not able to demonstrate an association with one Further research is needed to investigate if molecu-
1114 NEUROLOGY 51 October 1998
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October 1998 NEUROLOGY 51 1116

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