Tunnel Inspection and Maintenance in Taiwan - CHL - 20120628

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Technical Seminar

organised by Outline
HKIE Geotechnical Division,
Geological Society of Hong Kong Professional Branch and
NTU Alumni Association (Civil & Geology) in Hong Kong
 Phenomena and causes of tunnel anomaly
Tunnel Inspection and Maintenance  Inspection methods and diagnosis
 Preliminary inspection
in Taiwan  Specific inspection
 Case studies
Chia-Han Lee  Case study 1 - Wushanlin hydraulic tunnel
 Case study 2 - South link railway tunnels
 Case study 3 - Chichi line railway tunnels
United Geotech, Inc., Taipei, Taiwan
 Case study 4 - Akungtien hydraulic tunnel
National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
 Future researches
28 June 2012
1 2

Introduction - Shinkanmon Tunnel

Introduction in Japan
 Tunnels differ from above-  Due to leakage caused by power outages,
ground structures, and their o p e r a t i o n o f t h e S h i n k a n s e n was
suspended for 2.5 hours. (1998.04.04)
design conditions vary case by
Water leakage
case. So the deformation Tram line
mechanism of tunnel is more Flap
complicated than bridge.
(Up) (Down)

Water leakage
Leakage induce spalling
of concrete lining block

3 4
Introduction - Fukuoka Tunnel in Introduction - Kitakyushu Tunnel
Japan in Japan
 The spalling of concrete lining block from cold  The spalling of concrete lining block, suspended
joints, hit the train on the Shinkansen, Shinkansen operating for 10 hours, affecting 62,000
resulting in vehicle damage and suspension of people. (1999.10.09)
operations. (1999.06.27)
Roof The differential
Construct joint
settlement after
lining or early
Protrusion mold release at Lining
1 The formation of cold joint. area Crack
Sidewall the underside of Protrusion area
the formwork.
The occurrence of crack
The formation of crack

Water leakage, changes of air pressure, Water leakage,

3 temperature, train vibration. Water changes of
The vibration of steel support, Crack development 2 temperature,
influence of formwork release. Water train vibration
The formation of crack Crack development
Generation of cold joint Crack development
The formation of crack

Changes in air pressure

Falling concrete block
Falling concrete block 4 and train vibrations.
3 Self-weight
5 6

Tectonic plate motion

 Lies on western rim of

circum-pacific seismic
Phenomena and causes of tunnel zone
anomaly  Located on convergent
and compressive
boundary between
Eurasian and Philippine
Sea Plates
 Collision formed buck
of island through on-
going orogenic process
7 8
Topography and Geological in Climate and typhoons in
Taiwan Taiwan
 The rock formation is quite young, resulted in weak and soft  The climate is very unfavorable. Typhoons and torrential
geo-environment. rains are common occurrences.


6.5 3779

Norway 5.5 3776

Austria 4.5 2.5




Age of oldest stratum (100 My)

South Africa 0.80.6
Age of latest orogeny (10 My)
Elevation of highest mountain (m)

9 10

Abnormal phenomena of mountain

Annual Precipitation in Taiwan tunnel
(Wang et al., 2007)
 Global comparison of annual precipitation

(a) Longitudinal (b) Opening (c) Breaking away (d) Spalling of (e) Scattered
cracks cracks of lining lining spalling

(g) Dislocation of (h) Exposed (i) Cavity behind (j) Lining

(f) Falling of lining
lining reinforcement lining deformation

(o) Dislocated
(k) Sidewall billow (l) Heaved invert (m) Leakage (n) Efflorescence
construction joint

11 12
Abnormal phenomena of road Abnormal phenomena of MRT
tunnel tunnel

cracks around the

iron connector
crack caused by force of Jack thrust shrink cracking
around the hole of
the crack caused by ring back-fill grout
connector open

crack caused by stress

concentration when the
TBM advancing
squeeze crack

cracks around the iron frame

(RTRI, 2007)

(Wang, 2010)

13 14

Possible causes of tunnel anomaly Possible causes of tunnel anomaly

(JSCE, 2003)

Natural causes Artificial causes Thic Unbalanced

k oov topography

errbu topography
Topography: unbalanced

rden ed

pressure, slope creeping, Ea n
r th ala uure e

qu b

j ac
landslide Low rock
rock mass ake Un rresss slid

Low rock mass
mass strength
strength Unstable slope
Geology: plastic earth pressure, strength ratio
ratio p nnd in
La ial r
loose earth pressure, Adjacent construction rent
External WWater Tor
insufficient soil bearing Train vibration, air pressure preressure Groundwater
loading Loading
capacity variation Fro
Groundwater: water pressure, sti
c increase presst heavee infiltration
External Unsoiled rock
rock Pla rrth ure ure Low tempera,
frost heave pressure ea ress salt damage,
factors mass p
Other: earthquake, earth crust Frost damage or harmful
harmful water
deformation Plastic /
loose zone DDefo
Ageing: rock weathering, inccrreermatitio
increase asee on Inadequate riiaal io ion
neutralization, material ate orat
Tunnel lining/supports Mdeteriio
Environmental deterioration ng
Smoke, fire eri deformation intensity O
factors Groundwater: Leakage, Frost ath therrss
We eetc)
Other: salt damage, toxic water Groundwater Inadequate
Inadequate lining
Material - Inferior lining material infiltration thickness
thickness / strength
The temperature and humidity elllli
Construction Dubitable construction quality inng
Internal when pouring concrete Design /
Rock bearing Lining cavity
factors Design without considering on Construction
capacity / No invert
Design long term variation of external invert problems
- decrease
factors (JSCE, 2003)
15 16
Flow chart of tunnel maintenance
in Taiwan
O rd in a r y in s p e c tio n

Yes E x c e p tio n a l No
P re lim in a r y in s p e c tio n p h e n o m e n o n fo u n d
o r c o n tin u in g

D ia g n o s is o n G ood
Inspection methods and diagnosis soundness
N ot good
S p e c ific in s p e c tio n

S a fe ty le v e l, No
m a in te n a n c e n e e d e d

U rg e n t C o u n te rm e a s u re s
D e s ig n fo r m a in te n a n c e w o rk
C o n s tru c tio n p la n

M a in te n a n c e w o rk
(Huang et al., 1997)
C h e c k a n d a c c e p te d

17 18

Ordinary check or preliminary

inspection Preliminary inspection
(Lee & Wang, 2008)
 Visual inspection

19 20
Preliminary inspection Items to be inspected
 Tunnel image scanning system  Lining surface
 Crack distribution Cavity behind
 Crack width and its development 背後孔洞
 Lining deformation
 Drop of sealing mortar
 Leakage 滲漏水
 Lining soundness
 Inner defect
 Lining thickness Lining襯砌完整性
 Crack depth soundness
 Strength and deterioration of lining materials
 Rebar corrosion and cover thickness
 Deterioration of sealing mortar
 Cavity / loosening zone behind lining

21 22

Specific inspections Specific inspections

(Lee & Wang, 2008)
(Lee & Wang, 2008) Inspection items Inspection method Inspection instrument Remark
Inspection items Inspection method Inspection instrument Remark Impact echo Impact echo test
3D laser range Laser theodolite / method system
Manual work Ground penetrating Ground penetrating
finding method distance meter Lining thickness Non-destructive
Tunnel clearance method radar
Tunnel image
Tunnel image scanner Automatic Concrete core
scanning method Portable drill Destructive
Direct Gap meter, crack sampling
Crack width Non-destructive Rebound hammer Schmidt rebound
measurement magnifier Non-destructive
Lining Ultrasonic test test hammer
surface Ultrasonic method Non-destructive Lining strength Pullout test Pullout test system Non-destructive
Crack depth Compressive Compressive strength
Impact echo Impact echo test Destructive
Non-destructive strength test test system
method system Lining
Ground penetrating Ground penetrating soundness Concrete Concrete phenolphthalein
Non-destructive Destructive
radar radar neutralization test neutralization test indicator
Surrounding conditions of Infrared Acid-dissolution
Infrared thermograph Non-destructive Chloride ion Nitric acid solution Destructive
lining thermography method
Particular digital examination for Chlorine content
Cavity imaging Destructive concrete determination Destructive
camera examination
Water thermometer, pH
Physical properties Direct
meter, conductance In situ Reinforcement
test Reinforcement measurement by Destructive
Leakage water quality meter corrosion gauge
corrosion instruments
Chemical Anion / cation examination Indirect Static pulse
In Lab Non-destructive
properties test measurement unit examination measurement system

23 24
Diagnosis on tunnel soundness
(Huang et al., 1999)
Tunnel Damage Traffic
Damage description
classificationa,b level strategy

No No damages detectable by visual inspection.

No damage Normal
immediate A
Light damages detected on visual inspection, no effects on operation
danger Slight traffic (wc<3mm, lc<5m).

Spalling, cracking of linings (w>3mm, l>5m), exposed

Case studies
reinforcement, displacement of segmental joints, leaking of Operable
B Moderate water. with
Some disruption to traffic. regulations

Dangerous Slope failure at openings, collapse of main tunnel structure,

up heave or differential movement of road and road shoulder,
C Severe flooding, damaged ventilation and lighting system in long Not operable
Total disruption of traffic.
Note: a. Classification of a tunnel is based on its functionality and extent of damage in the tunnel.
b. Classification of a tunnel should be based on the least safe section being assessed to be
c. W means width of crack, L means length of crack

25 26

Case study 1 - Wushanlin Case study 1 - Wushanlin

hydraulic tunnel hydraulic tunnel
 Tunnel data  Abnormal phenomena of tunnel (in 2004)
 Length = 3.2 km
 Cross section area = 30 m2
 Built with ASSM method in
 Lining material: stones,
bricks and plain concrete
 Reinforce 0.25 m thickness
concrete in 1972-1974

27 28
Case study 1 - Wushanlin Case study 2 - South link railway
hydraulic tunnel tunnels
 Layout of tunnel inspection - Free hand sketch  Tunnel data
 Total length of 7 tunnels =
19 km
 Cross section area = 30 m2
(single line) & 65 m2 (double
 Built with ASSM & NATM
method in 1980-1991
 Lining material: plain
concrete (mined section)
and reinforced concrete
(portal section)
29 30

Case study 2 - South link railway Case study 2 - South link railway
tunnels tunnels
 Abnormal phenomena of tunnel (in 2006)  Preliminary inspection – GRP 5000
 Speed = 0.7-1.0 km/hr
 Rotation frequency = 33-50 Hz
 Measured points per rotation = 10,000 points

31 32
Case study 2 - South link railway Case study 2 - South link railway
tunnels tunnels
 Clearance Analysis - GRP 5000  Specific inspection methods

33 34

Case study 2 - South link railway Case study 3 - Chichi line railway
tunnels tunnels
 Layout of tunnel inspection  Tunnel data
 Total length of 7 tunnels = 2.2 km
 Cross section area = 13 m2
 Built with ASSM method in 1925
 Lining material: bricks (crown) and plain concrete (sidewall)
 Repair by shotcrete and steel support in 1962-1964, 1986, 1989,
1996 and 2000

35 36
Case study 3 - Chichi line railway Case study 3 - Chichi line railway
tunnels tunnels
 Abnormal phenomena of tunnel (in 2008)  Tunnel inspection – Image mosaic technique
 The new developed tunnel image mosaic technique was
developed with NTU & NTUT and was cooperated with UGI.
 The procedure is setting two laser leveler, taking a series of
photos, inputting data and photos into the software which will
compile the photos into tunnel images automatically.

37 38

Case study 3 - Chichi line railway Case study 3 - Chichi line railway
tunnels tunnels
 Tunnel inspection – Image mosaic technique  Nondestructive inspection methods

39 40
Case study 3 - Chichi line railway Case study 4 - Akungtien hydraulic
tunnels tunnel
 Layout of tunnel inspection  Tunnel data
 Total length = 15 km
 Cross section area = 18 m2
 Built with NATM method in 2005
 Lining material: reinforced concrete

41 42

Case study 4 - Akungtien hydraulic Case study 4 - Akungtien hydraulic

tunnel tunnel
 Abnormal phenomena of tunnel (in 2011)  Preliminary inspection – TIPS
 Principle: using lens and charge coupled device (CCD) to scan
tunnel lining surface image
 Resolution: can identify the minimum crack width is from 0.3 to
0.5 mm
 Speed: 1-3 km/hr

43 44
Case study 4 - Akungtien hydraulic Case study 4 - Akungtien hydraulic
tunnel tunnel
 Preliminary inspection – TIPS  Detail inspection methods

45 46

Case study 4 - Akungtien hydraulic

 Layout of tunnel inspection

Future researches

47 48
Tunnel cracks auto-detection 3D visual reality demonstration

(Developed by NTUT)  3D visual reality  Integration of the lining

demonstration of the image and ground
lining image penetration radar

Original image Result (Developed by NTUT)

49 50

Time dependent of tunnel lining

Identify the cause of anomalies cracks
 Crack patterns on tunnel  February 2008: (Researched by NTUT)
linings induced by slopes

 February 2009:

(Wang, 2010)

51 52
Case study - German high speed rail
 After the new construction of German High Speed Rail (ICE) from
Nuremberg to Ingolstadt including nine tunnels (length = 27 km). They
used the GRP5000 tunnel image scanning system to establish the
original image of tunnel lining before the operation in 2005.
Nuremberg Ingolstadt


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

53 54

Life-cycle of tunnel Conclusions

dF2 dF3 dF4
 The end of construction is the beginning of
T2 +T3
Safety level / function index

T1 x4

Preventive maintenance
 Different tunnel usage has different tunnel exceptional
Proactive maintenance
T2 +T3 < T1 x4 < T0 phenomena. So tunnel inspection methods should be
selected based on tunnel function.
 The hard part of inspection works is not how to inspect,
Breakdown maintenance
dF2 +dF3 dF1x4
dF0 but where to inspect and how to identify & diagnosis.
 Maintenance countermeasures also should depend on
the tunnel anomaly phenomena, causes and usage.
dF2 +dF3 < dF1x4 < dF0
 Further research about inspection, diagnosis and
T1 T1
T3 T0
T1 rehabilitation technique for tunnel maintenance are on
(Lee et al., 2004) going in Taiwan.
55 56
References References
 Chiu, Y. C., C. H. Lee, T. T. Wang and T. H. Huang, 2011. Development and  United Geotech, Inc., 2008. Report on inspection and rehabilitation of the Chichi
characteristics of a deep-seated slope movement, 12th Congress of the line railway tunnels. Prepared for Taiwan Railway Administration. (in Chinese)
International Society for Rock Mechanics, 17-21 Oct., Beijing, China, 1877-  United Geotech, Inc., 2011. Report on the hydraulic inspection of Akungkien
1880. reservoir transbasin waterway. Prepared for Southern Region Water Resources
 Huang, T. H., F. S. Jeng, W. L. Wang, R. Fu, C. S. Chang, T. Y. Ho, M. L. Lin, Office. (in Chinese)
and R. J. Hong, 1997. Planning on engineering and inspection technology for  Wang, T. T. and C. H. Lee, 2012. Life cycle design considerations for hydraulic
tunnel: research on the technologies of inspection. Maintenance and Repairing tunnels - lessons learned from inspection and maintenance cases, Journal of
for Traffic Tunnel (I). Report for MOTC. (in Chinese) Performance of Constructed Facilities. (accepted)
 Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2003. Tunnel deformation mechanism. (in  Wang, T. T., 2010. Characterizing crack patterns on tunnel linings associated
Japanese) with shear deformation induced by instability of neighboring slopes, Engineering
 Lee, C. H. and T. T. Wang, 2008. Rock Tunnel Maintenance in Taiwan, 6th Geology, 115(1-2), 80-95.
Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference-2008, Bangalore, India, p.  Wang, T. T., C. H. Lee, F. S. Jeng and T. H. Huang, 2009. Recent researches
205-217. on tunnel inspection and safety evaluation in Taiwan, 2nd International Tunnel
 Lee, C. H., Y. C. Chiu, T. T. Wang and T. H. Huang, 2011. Application and Safety Forum for Road and Rail, Apr. 20-22, Lyon, France, 57-72.
validation of simple image-mosaic technology for interpreting cracks on tunnel  Wang, T. T., F. M. Chang, and T. H. Huang, 2008. Using image mosaic
lining, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. (submitted) technology for tunnel inspection. Proceedings of 42nd U.S. Rock Mechanics
 United Geotech, Inc., 2004. Report on inspection and countermeasures of the Symposium and 2nd U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, San Francisco.
Wushanlin tunnel. Prepared for Chia-Nan Irrigation Association. (in Chinese)  Wang, T. T., T. H. Huang, F. S. Jeng, W. C. Hsueh and R. Fu, 2007.
 United Geotech, Inc., 2007. Report on inspection and rehabilitation of the south Exceptional phenomena on tunnel linings in Taiwan. Tunnel Construction 27,
link railway tunnels. Prepared for Taiwan Railway Administration. (in Chinese) 87–92. (in Chinese)

57 58

Thanks for
your attention !

Chia-Han Lee

United Geotech, Inc.

Tel: +886-2-2746-6777 ext. 228
E-mail: ug513@mail.ugi.com.tw
http: www.ugi.com.tw
Address: 5F, 356, Nanking E. Rd., Sec. 5, Taipei, Taiwan. 59

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