Inclusive Learning Unit 2 Editavel

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Listen and tick ✔

5 x 10 = 50
1. . (Ouve e assinala.)

How old is Mrs Smith?

68 b) 63

1) How old is Mr Taylor?

a) 81 b) 70

2) How much is the phone?

a) €10 b) €94

3) What day is it today?

a) 11th July b) 21st August

4) When’s Kevin’s birthday?

a) 31st March b) 13th May

5) What time is it?

a) 12:00 b) 2:30
Unit 2 Numbers, dates and time Evaluation B Listening Skills

5 x 10 = 50
2. Listen and colour.
(Ouve e pinta.)
10 x 2 = 20
1. Read and write the numbers. (Lê e escreve os números.)

sixteen 16 fourteen 14

nine one

ninety-five twenty-two

twenty seventy-five

ten seventeen

three one hundred

5 x 6 = 30
2. Read and choose the correct option. (Lê e escolhe a opção correta.)

“It’s on (the) sixteenth (of) January.” E

1. “It’s on (the) twentieth (of) January.”

2. “It’s on (the) tenth (of) March.”

3. “It’s on (the) thirty-first (of March.”

4. “It’s on (the) fourth (of) November.”


Unit 2 Numbers, dates and time Evaluation B Reading Skills

4 x 5 = 20
3. Look at the picture. Read and write YES or NO.
(Observa a imagem. Lê e escreve Yes ou No.)

There are four presents under the tree. YES

1) It’s 2 o’clock.

2) It’s the 3rd of December.

3) The book is twenty-four euros.

4) The phone is one hundred euros.

4 x 7,5 = 30
4. Link the questions to the correct answers.
(Liga as perguntas às respostas corretas.)

How old are you? A. John is twelve years old.

1) How old is John? B. It’s nine euros.

2) How much is the pen? C. It’s six o’clock.

3) When is your birthday? D. “It’s on (the) third (of) March”

4) What time is it? E. I’m ten years old.

1. Put the letters in order and write the numbers. 5 x 3= 15
(Ordena as letras e escreve os números.)

10 TEN
20 T E

40 R

50 F F

70 S E Y

80 E G Y

4 x 7,5= 30
2. Look and write the time. (Observa e escreve as horas.)

It’s seven o’clock. It’s half past eleven. It’s three o’clock.
It’s five o’clock. It’s half past eight.

It’s seven o’clock.

1. 2.

3. 4.
years old.
Unit 2 Numbers, dates
My 2) and time Evaluation
is on the 3) B Writing Skills
of July.
5 x 5 = 25
3. Read and complete the text.
Today (Lê
it’s the 27ethcompleta
of 4) o texto.) .
I’m very 5) John February .twelve happy
birthday 2nd

4. Now, write about you. (Escreve sobre ti.)


My name is .

I’m years old.

My birthday is on the .

Today is the .

I’m very .
5 x 10 = 50
1. Look at the picture and choose the correct answer.
(Observa a imagem e escolhe a resposta correta.)

1) Point to a number:
What number is this? Sixteen. / Eighty-one.
2) Point to the calendar:
What day of the week is it today? It’s Wednesday. / It’s Thursday.
3) Point to the calendar:
Is it the month of November? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
4) How old is Peter?
He’s six years old. / He’s seven years old.
5) How old is Mary?
She’s twelve years old. / She’s eleven years old.

Peter / 6 Mary / 11

5 x 10 = 50
2. Complete and answer the questions about you .
(Completa e responde às questões sobre ti.)

1) What’s your name? My name is…

2) How old are you? I’m…

3) What day of the week is it today? Today it’s…

4) When’s your birthday? It’s on the… of…

5) How are you today? I’m...

Matriz do teste B Unit 2 Numbers, dates and time

Educação Inclusiva
Áreas temáticas/situacionais
• Numerais cardinais até 100 • As horas
• Numerais ordinais nas datas • As cores

Compreensão oral Compreensão escrita

• Compreender palavras e expressões muito simples, comunicadas de • Identificar vocabulário familiar acompanhado por imagens
forma clara e pausada num contexto familiar e com apoio visual • Ler pequenas histórias ilustradas com vocabulário conhecido
• Entender instruções simples para completar pequenas tarefas • Compreender instruções muito simples com apoio visual
• Acompanhar a sequência de pequenas histórias conhecidas com
apoio visual/audiovisual

Interação escrita Produção escrita

• Responder a um chat ou mensagem de forma simples • Legendar sequências de imagens
• Preencher espaços lacunares em textos muito simples com palavras
• Escrever sobre si próprio de forma muito elementar

Interação oral Produção oral

• Perguntar e responder sobre temas previamente apresentados • Comunicar informação pessoal elementar
• Interagir com o professor e/ou colegas em situações simples e • Expressar-se com vocabulário simples, em situações previamente
organizadas previamente organizadas
• Participar numa conversa com troca simples de informação sobre
temas familiares


1. Listen and tick. 1. a) 2. b) 3. a) 4. a) 5. b)
Listening skills 5 x 10 = 50%

2. Listen and colour. 93 – brown 11 – purple 62 – red 34 – orange 45 – pink

100% 5 x 10 = 50%

1. Read and write the numbers. 9; 95; 20; 10; 3

Reading skills 10 x 2 = 20% 1; 22; 75; 17; 100

2. Read and choose the correct option. 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A

5 x 6 = 30%

3. Look at the picture. Read and write YES or NO. 1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No
4 x 5 = 20%

4. Link the questions to the correct answers. 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C

4 x 7,5 = 30%

1. Put the letters in order and write the numbers. twenty; forty; fifty; seventy; eighty
Writing skills 5 x 3 = 15%

2. Look and write the time. 1. It’s half past eight. 2. It’s three o’clock. 3. It’s five o’clock. 4. It’s half
100% 4 x 7,5 = 30% past eleven.

3. Read and complete the text. 1. twelve 2. birthday 3. 2nd 4. February 5. happy
5 x 5 = 25%

4. Now, write about you. Students’ own answer.

30% (descritores em baixo)
Matriz do teste B Unit 2 Numbers, dates and time

Interação escrita / Produção de escrita - Writing

Níveis de desempenho Descritores de desempenho

Muito Bom 10% – Escreve com muita facilidade sobre si próprio de forma muito elementar.
30 % 10% – Escreve muito bem sobre si próprio sem erros ortográficos.
10% – Ao escrever o texto, segue o exemplo dado focando os 5 aspetos mencionados.

Bom 7% – Escreve com facilidade sobre si próprio de forma muito elementar.

20% 7% – Escreve bem sobre si próprio mas com alguns erros ortográficos, não impeditivos de comunicação.
6% – Ao escrever o texto, segue o exemplo dado, mas foca apenas 4 aspetos mencionados.

Suficiente 4% – Escreve com alguma dificuldade sobre si próprio de forma muito elementar.
10% 3% – Apresenta alguns erros impeditivos da comunicação.
3% – Ao escrever o texto, segue o exemplo dado, mas foca apenas 2/3 aspetos mencionados.

Insuficiente 2% – Não consegue escrever sobre si próprio de forma muito elementar.

5% 2% – Apresenta muitos erros impeditivos da comunicação.
1% – Ao escrever o texto, segue muito pouco o exemplo dado, mas foca apenas 2/3 aspetos mencionados.

Speaking skills 1. Look at the picture and choose the correct answer.
100% 5 x 10 = 50%

2. Complete and answer the questions about you.

5 x 10 = 50%

Exercise 1 - Listen and tick.

BOY: How old are you, Mrs Smith? THREE

WOMAN: I’m 68 years old. GIRL: What day is it today?
BOY: Sixty-eight? WOMAN: I think it’s the eleventh of June.
WOMAN: Yes, that’s right. GIRL: The eleventh of June?
ONE WOMAN: No. Hang on! It’s the eleventh of July.
GIRL: How old is Mr Taylor? GIRL: Oh! Right!
WOMAN: He is 81 years old. FOUR
GIRL: Eighty-one? BOY: Hooray! My birthday is coming up!
WOMAN: Yes, that’s right. WOMAN: When’s your birthday, Kevin?
TWO BOY: My birthday is on the 31st of March. It’s next month.
BOY: Mrs Taylor, how much is this phone? WOMAN: The 31st of March?
WOMAN: The phone is €84. BOY: Yes, that’s right!
BOY: Eighty-four euros?! FIVE
WOMAN: Oops! No, sorry. It’s €94. GIRL: What time is it? Is it midday?
BOY: Ninety-four euros? WOMAN: Humm, no! It’s half past two.
WOMAN: Yes, that’s right. GIRL: Half past two?
WOMAN: Yes, that’s right.
GIRL: Oops! I have to go, now. Bye.

Exercise 2 – Listen and colour.

WOMAN: Can you see the numbers? WOMAN: Now, can you see number sixty-two?
BOY: Yes, I can. BOY: Yes, I can.
WOMAN: Now can you see number seventy-one? WOMAN: Colour number sixty-two red.
BOY: Yes, I can. BOY: OK. Number sixty-two is red.
WOMAN: Colour number seventy-one black. (pause)
BOY: OK. Number seventy-one is black. WOMAN: Now, can you see number thirty-four?
(pause) BOY: Yes, I can.
WOMAN: Now, can you see number ninety-three? WOMAN: Colour number thirty-four orange.
BOY: Yes, I can. BOY: OK. Number thirty-four is orange.
WOMAN: Colour number ninety-three brown. (pause)
BOY: OK. Number ninety-three is brown. WOMAN: Now, can you see number forty-five?
(pause) BOY: Yes, I can.
WOMAN: Now, can you see number eleven? WOMAN: Colour number forty-five pink.
BOY: Yes, I can. BOY: OK. Number forty-five is pink.
WOMAN: Colour number eleven purple.
BOY: OK. Number eleven is purple.

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