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1. A nurse is pleading for policy changes to 7.

A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s

improve access to healthcare services for respiratory status and observes decreased
older adults in the community. Which role lung capacity. Which of the following age-
of the gerontological nurse is the nurse related changes in the respiratory system
demonstrating in this situation? is most likely responsible for this finding?
A. Advocate C. Reduced lung elasticity
2. While assessing an elderly client, the nurse 8. You are conducting an assessment of an
observe significant thinning of the skin on older adult living in a long-term Care facility
the client’s forearms and hands. Which of to ensure comprehensive care planning
the following physiological changes in and delivery. Which core element of
aging is most likely responsible for this evidence- based gerontological nursing
observation? care you are primarily demonstrating
B. Decreased collagen and elastin D. Holistic Assessment.
9. A nurse is coordinating discharge planning
3. You are working in a long term care facility for an older adults moving from a hospital
and is implementing strategies to improve to a rehabilitation facility. Which core
the standards of nutritional care for older element of evidence-based gerontological
adults. Which fundamental concept guides nursing care is the nurse addressing
your approach to promote nutritional
A. Continuity of Care and Transitions
health in this population?
10. A nurse notices that an elderly client has
A. Person-Centered Care
developed multiple hyperpigmented spots
4. You are educating family caregivers about on their face and hands. Which of the
strategies to prevent caregivers burnout following factors is most likely responsible
while caring for their elderly love ones at for the pigmentation changes?
home. Which core element of evidence-
C. Cumulative sun exposure
base gerontological nursing care you are
addressing? 11. During a respiratory assessment, a nurse
notes that an elderly client has diminished
C. Person-Centered Care.
respiratory muscle strength. Which of the
5. You are working in geriatric care facility following interventions should the nurse
and is developing a care plan for an older prioritize to address this age-related
adults with multiple chronic conditions. change?
How would you understand the
A. Encourage deep breathing exercises
fundamental perspective on aging
influence the care provided? 12. You are educating older adults about the
importance of regular physical activity for
D. By recognizing aging as a universal
maintaining mobility and independence.
and inevitable process.
Which core element of evidence-based
6. A nurse in a geriatric care facility is gerontological nursing care are you
reviewing demographic data on the aging emphasizing?
population in the community served by the
B. Health Promotion and Disease
facility. How does the nurse’s
understanding of demographic trends
influence their approach to providing care
for older adults?
B. By recognizing the diversity and
complexity of the aging population.
13. You are caring for an older adult with 18. A nurse is educating an elderly client about
advance dementia who lacks decision- to fall prevention strategies. Which of the
making capacity. The family members following interventions is most effective in
disagree on the appropriate course of addressing the increased risk of falls
treatment. How should you prioritize associated with age-related changes in the
ethico-legal considerations in this musculoskeletal system?
B. Recommend the use of assistive
C. By consulting with the healthcare devices such as canes or walkers
team and an ethics committee to
19. You are providing care for an elderly client,
determine the best course of action.
you encounter challenges in ensuring the
14. You are discussing advance directives client receives their entitled 20% discount
with an older adult and their family. How on medication due to inconsistent
should you address ethico-legal implementation by pharmacies. How might
considerations in this discussion? you advocate for better adherence to this
provision under RA 9994 to ensure the
B. By ensuring that the older adult’s
client’s needs are met effectively?
wishes are documented accurately and
legally binding B. Educate the pharmacy staff about the
legal obligation to provide discounts to
15. An elderly client presents with thin, fragile
senior citizens and request their
skin and reports frequent itching and
dryness. Which of the following
interventions by the nurse would be most 20. A nurse is assessing an elderly client who
appropriate to address these skin presents with decreased grip strength and
changes? difficulty performing activities of daily living.
Which of the following physiological
C. Recommend the use of gentle,
changes in aging is most likely contributing
moisturizing skin care products
to the client’s symptoms?
16. Your elderly client expresses interest in
C. Decreased muscle elasticity
pursuing further education but is unsure
about accessing the educational 21. As a nurse , you are educating older adults
assistance provided under RA 9994. How about the importance of staying physically
might you support the client in navigating active to delay the onset of age-related
the application process and accessing disabilities. Which nursing implication is
available scholarships or training supported by the wear and tear theory of
opportunities. aging?
C. Facilitate communication with A. Encouraging regular exercise to
relevant government agencies or maintain muscle strength and flexibility
educational institutions to inquire about
22. As a nurse, you are caring for an older
available opportunities.
adult who experiences decreased immune
17. A nurse observes that an elderly client’s function and increased susceptibility to
nails are brittle and have developed ridges. infections. Which nursing intervention is
Which of the following interventions should most consistent with the immunologic
the nurse prioritize to address these nail theory of aging?
B. Encouraging vaccination to prevent
C. Advise the client to avoid harsh infectious disease
chemicals and excessive nail filing
23. A nurse is educating an elderly client about increased stress and caregiver
the importance of vitamin D for bone burden.”
health. Which of the following statements
29. A nurse collaborates with interdisciplinary
by the client indicates an understanding of
team members to develop policies and
the role of vitamin D in maintaining bone
procedures for the geriatric unit in a
hospital. Which role of the gerontological
B. “Vitamin D promotes calcium nurse is the nurse primarily fulfilling in this
absorption and bone mineralization.” situation?
24. A nurse is caring for an older adult who is B. Manager
experiencing age-related changes in vision
30. A nurse is evaluating an elderly client’s risk
and hearing. Which nursing action is most
of osteoporotic fractures. Which of the
aligned with the biologic theory of aging?
following interventions should the nurse
D. Providing adaptive devices to prioritize to reduce the client’s risk of falls
enhance vision and hearing abilities and fractures?
25. A nurse is caring for an older adult who C. Suggest the client participate in
exhibits signs of cognitive decline. balance and strength training exercises
According to the psychosocial theory of
31. A nurse is evaluating an elderly client’s
aging, which nursing intervention would be
respiratory status and notes increased
most appropriate?
susceptibility to respiratory infections.
A. Encouraging reminiscence therapy Which of the following age-related changes
to promote life review in the respiratory system is most likely
contributing to the client’s vulnerability?
26. You are caring for an older adult from a
culture that traditionally assigns caregiving B. Reduced cough reflex
responsibilities to family members rather
32. A nurse is assessing an elderly client who
than formal healthcare providers. Which
reports experiencing ringing sounds in the
nursing action demonstrates an
ears. Which of the following age-related
understanding of this cultural perspective?
changes in the special senses is most
B. Respecting the family’s role in likely responsible for the client’s
providing care and collaborating with symptoms?
them to support the older adult’s needs.
B. Tinnitus
27. A nurse is providing education to a group
33. A nurse is educating an elderly client about
of caregivers about common myths and
strategies to improve respiratory function.
realities regarding aging and older adults.
Which of the following lifestyle
Which statement reflects a myth about
modifications should the nurse recommend
based on age-related changes in the
A. “Older adults are incapable of respiratory system?
learning new things.”
A. Encourage smoking cessation
28. A nurse is assessing the impact of
34. A nurse is assessing an elderly client with
caregiving for an aging parent on the adult
suspected age-related peripheral
children in the family. Which statement
neuropathy. Which of the following
reflects a nursing implication regarding the
symptoms is not indicative of peripheral
impact of aging members in the family?
nerve dysfunction?
B. “Adult children who provide care for
D. Tingling and numbness in the
aging parents often experience
35. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s 40. A nurse is evaluating an elderly client’s risk
respiratory function and observes reduced of malnutrition. Which of the following
cough reflex and mucociliary clearance. factors should the nurse prioritize in the
Which of the following interventions should assessment based on age-related
the nurse prioritize to address this age- changes in the gastrointestinal system?
related change?
B. Presence of dental problem
A. Administering expectorant
41. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s risk
medications as prescribed
of cardiovascular disease. Which of the
36. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s following factors should the nurse prioritize
cardiovascular status and observes in the assessment based on age-related
decreased cardiac output and exercise changes in the cardiovasular system?
intolerance. Which of the following age-
D. Presence of hypertension or diabetes
related changes in the cardiovascular
system is most likely contributing to the 42. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s risk
client’s symptoms? of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Which of
the following factors should the nurse
C. Decreased arterial stiffness
prioritize in the assessment based on age-
37. You are caring for an 82-year-old patient related changes in the urinary system?
who has recently developed recurrent
B. Presence of diabetes mellitus
infections. During a review of the patient’s
medical history, you note one of the age- 43. A nurse is evaluating an elderly client’s
related changes is the shrinking of the cardiovascular status and observes
thymus gland. How might the shrinking of increased heart rate variability. Which of
the thymus gland contribute to the patient’s the following age-related changes in the
susceptibility to infections? cardiovascular system is most likely
responsible for this finding?
B. Due to the deficiencies in T cell
production and maturation, C. Impaired autonomic nervous system
compromising the immune response function
38. While assessing an elderly client’s risk of 44. A 76-year-old woman underwent a
urinary incontinence, a nurse considers postoperative craniotomy for a benign
various factors related to age related tumor. She presents with fever and foul-
changes in the urinary system. Which of smelling drainage, and her incision
the following conditions increases an appears red and hardened. Suspecting
elderly person’s risk of incontinence infection, you note that older patients
associated with age-related changes in the frequently experience postoperative
urinary system? infections. Which of the following aging
related changes could this be associated
A. Reduced bladder capacity
39. During a cardiovascular assessment, a
C. Diminished neutrophil response to
nurse noted increased systolic blood
pressure and reduced diastolic blood
pressure in an elderly client. Which of the 45. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s risk
following age-related changes in the of atherosclerosis. Which of the following
cardiovascular system is most likely factors should the nurse prioritize in the
responsible for this finding? assessment based on age-related
changes in the cardiovascular system?
C. Impaired baroreceptor sensitivity
C. Presence of hyperlipidemia
46. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s 52. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s risk
hematologic status and observes a of gallstone formation. Which of the
decreased number of circulating following factors should the nurse prioritize
lymphocytes. Which of the following age- in the assessment based on age-related
related changes in the lymphatic system is changes in the gastrointestinal system?
most likely contributing to the client’s
C. Presence of obesity
53. During a vision screening, a nurse
C. Lymph node fibrosis
observes the presence of cloudy areas in
47. During a hematologic assessment, a nurse the lens of an elderly client’s eye. Which of
notes an increased prevalence of myeloid- the following age-related changes in the
biased hematopoiesis in an elderly client. special senses is most likely responsible
Which of the following age-related changes for the client’s findings?
in the hematopoietic system is most likely
D. Cataracts
responsible for this finding?
54. An elderly client is prescribed a diuretic
C. Altered bone marrow
medication to treat hypertension.
Considering age-related changes affecting
48. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s risk the urinary system, which of the following
of hematologic disorders. Which of the is most likely to increase the risk of adverse
following factors should the nurse prioritize effects from this medication?
in the assessment based on age-related
B. Decreased glomerular filtration rate
changes in the hematopoietic system?
55. During a bladder assessment, a nurse
D. Presence of anemia or
observes elevated post-void residual
volume in an elderly client. Which of the
49. A nurse is assessing an elderly client with following interventions should the nurse
complaints of bloating and abdominal prioritize based of age-related changes in
discomfort after meals. Which of the the urinary system?
following age-related changes in the
D. Advise pelvic floor exercises
gastrointestinal system is most likely
contributing to the client’s symptoms. 56. A nurse is caring for an elderly client with
urinary urgency and nocturia. Which of the
C. Delayed gastric emptying
following interventions should the nurse
50. During a nutritional assessment, a nurse prioritize to manage the client’s
observes signs of malabsorption in an symptoms?
elderly client, including steatorrhea and
A. Limit fluid intake before bedtime
weight loss. Which of the following age-
related changes in the gastrointestinal 57. A nurse is assessing an elderly client who
system is most likely contributing to the presents with progressive memory loss
client’s malabsorption syndrome? and difficulty performing daily activities.
Which of the following age-related changes
A. Reduced pancreatic enzyme
in the nervous system is most likely
contributing to the client’s symptoms?
51. A nurse is educating an elderly client about
C. Neuronal loss and synaptic
strategies to manage constipation. Which
of the following recommendations should
the nurse prioritize based on age-related
changes in the gastrointestinal system.
A. Increased dietary fiber intake
58. During a neurological assessment, a nurse 65. Which of the following factors you should
observes decreased deep tendon reflexes consider in evaluating an elderly client risk
in an elderly client. Which of the following of developing AMD (age- related macular
age-related changes in the nervous system degeneration)
is most likely responsible for the client’s
A. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation
66. An elderly client is risk of developing
D. Peripheral nerve degeneration
presbycusis, which of the following factors
59. A nurse is evaluating an elderly client’s risk you should consider in the assessment
of falls. Which of the following factors
D. Occupational noise exposure
should the nurse prioritize in the
assessment based on age-related 67. A nurse is assessing an elderly male
changes in the nervous system? client’s risk of developing testicular cancer.
Which of the following factors should the
B. Presence of sensory deficits
nurse consider in the assessment?
60. A nurse is educating an elderly client about
A. Presence of undescended testicles
strategies to maintain cognitive health.
Which of the following recommendations 68. An elderly client with chronic pain
should the nurse prioritize based on age- expresses frustration and helplessness
related changes in the nervous system? during a healthcare visit. Which
intervention by the nurse demonstrates
D. Promote mentally stimulating
psychosocial care for the client?
A. Referring the client to a pain
61. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s
management support group.
sense of taste. Which of the following age-
related changes in the special senses 69. Which intervention by the nurse
should the nurse anticipate in the client? demonstrates psychosocial care for an
elderly client who expresses frustration
A. Reduced taste perception
with memory lapses and difficulty
62. You are evaluating an elderly client’s risk concentrating?
of neurodegenerative disease. Which of
A. Providing memory enhancement
the following factors you should prioritize
techniques and cognitive exercises .
in the assessment based on age-related
change in the nervous system? 70. Which intervention by the nurse
demonstrates understanding of alcoholism
D. Presence of cardiovascular risk
for a client who present to the clinic with
signs of alcohol intoxication?
63. You are assessing an elderly client with
A. Assessing the client’s alcohol use
diabetic neuropathy. Which of the following
and providing education .
age-related changes in the nervous system
is most likely contributing to the client’s 71. A nurse is assessing an elderly client who
neuropathic symptoms? presents with symptoms of fatigue, weight
gain, and cold intolerance. Which of the
A. Peripheral nerve degeneration.
following age-related changes in the
64. Which of the following you should prioritize endocrine system is most likely
in the assessment of an Elderly client’s risk contributing to the client’s symptoms?
of falls.
B. Thyroid hormone decline.
D. Impaired visual acuity
72. Which of the following interventions should 79. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s risk
the nurse prioritize to manage the client’s of sarcopenia. Which of the following
symptoms of urinary incontinence? factors should the nurse consider when
evaluating the client’s muscle mass and
A. Encouraging bladder retraining
A. History of regular resistance training
73. A nurse is educating an elderly client about
strategies to prevent urinary tract infections 80. During a physical examination, a nurse
(UTIs). Which of the following observes that an elderly client has
recommendations should the nurse developed a stooped posture and
prioritize based on age-related changes in complains of back pain. Which of the
the urinary system? following age-related changes in the
skeletal system is most likely responsible
D. Encourage frequent voiding
for the client’s symptoms?
74. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s risk
A. Decreased bone mass in the spine
of gastrointestinal bleeding. Which of the
following factors should the nurse prioritize 81. An elderly client presents with thin, fragile
in the assessment based on age-related skin and reports a recent wound that is
changes in the gastrointestinal system taking longer than usual to heal. Which of
the following factors related to aging skin
D. ‘History of aspirin or NSAID use
physiology is most likely contributing to
75. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s delayed wound healing in this client?
immune function and observes reduced
A. Decreased skin barrier function
thymic size and output. Which of the
following age-related changes in the 82. A nurse notes that an elderly client’s skin is
lymphatic system is most likely contributing prone to developing pressure ulcers
to client’s immunosenescence? despite preventive measures. Which of the
following physiological changes in aging
A. Thymic involution
contributes most significantly to the
76. A nurse is assessing an elderly client’s increased risk of pressure ulcers?
cardiovascular function and observes
A. Thinning of the epidermis and dermis
diminished cardiac reserve. Which of the
following interventions should the nurse 83. An elderly client presents with multiple
prioritize to address this age-related actinic keratoses on sun-exposed areas of
change? the skin. Which of the following
interventions should the nurse prioritize for
D. Encourage regular aerobic exercise
this client?
77. Which of the following age-related changes
D. Recommend the use of sunscreen
in the respiratory system is most likely
with high SPF
contributing to the client’s symptoms of
decrease chest expansion and shallow 84. Which action by the nurse demonstrates
breathing. psychosocial care to an elderly client with
a history of depression expresses feelings
C. Decreased chest wall compliance
of hopelessness and worthlessness?
78. Which of the following interventions is most
A. Engaging the client in reminiscence
appropriate to address impaired gas
exchange of COPD client?
C. Administer the prescribed
85. Which intervention by the nurse
demonstrates an understanding of injuring
prevention to an elderly client in the
emergency department with a fractured hip
after a fall at home?
D. Recommending a home safety
assessment to identify hazards

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