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A Love That Heals A Touching Age Gap

Teacher Student Lesbian Romance

Priyanka C
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A Love That Heals

Priyanka C.
Chapter One

The weather outside was mostly calm, except for a gentle breeze
that would pick up every now and then.
Jenna liked the calmness after the continuous days of storms
that had thrashed the city for the last few days.
Walking down the street, after just having finished a very
scrumptious meal, Jenna and her husband, Mark were holding
hands, and after a long time, they had been able to enjoy some
quality time with each other.
But as they were walking down the street, they noticed a car
pull up on the other side of the road, and saw a few guys exit the
car, holding on to a girl, who seemed as if she was having some
difficulty in walking.
She was being supported by two guys, both big and burly,
while one walked in the front, and the other stayed a few paces
Instantly, Jenna knew something was wrong. She looked at
her husband, and pointed at the group of guys.
“Let me check it out,” said Mark, who was a police officer, and
the most qualified person in the present scenario to handle the
“I want to come with you,” said Jenna.
“You don’t need to. I can handle this,” Mark insisted.
“And you know I can handle myself as well, don’t you?”
Mark took a deep breath. He could sense the resolve in his
wife’s voice and there was no use arguing with her when she was
this determined about something.
The group of people on which Jenna had her eyes was
walking slowly towards an alley, mostly because the girl was slowing
them down.
Jenna and Mark crossed the road, and started to gain on the
group, and when the guy was trailing behind looked back and saw
Jenna and Marl, he said something to others, and the group came to
a halt, with the girl hanging on the arm of the biggest dude who was
with them.
Mark approached the group, and Jenna stayed a few paces
“Where are you taking that girl?”
“That is none of your business, chum!” said one of the guys in
a squeaky voice.
“You do realize that you have an intoxicated or a drugged girl
with you, who does not seem to be in her senses, and it is almost 10
in the night, and so, as a concerned citizen, and also a member of
the police force, it actually is my business to ask you what you are
doing with her?” said Mark, flashing his police badge.
The guys look startled, and Mark could see that his badge
had worked precisely how he wanted it to.
He did not always like to use his fists and legs to make people
understand what he was trying to say.
“She is our friend, and we were in a club where she drank a
lot, clearly, and we were just helping her to her house. She lives
down the street.”
“Why would you stop the car meters away from her house,
and then walk her there. Wouldn't it have been easier to stop the car
in front of her house?”
The guys went quiet, and just then, the guy holding the girl
shook his arm, and the girl dropped to the floor, and in the next
second, he turned around, and started to run as if his life depended
on it.
The other men too took the hint, and knew there was no use
arguing with a policeman, and they too ran away into the darkness,
and then turned the corner into the alley where they would have
taken the girl had Jenna and Mark not stopped them.
Mark hurried to the girl, and picked her up from the ground,
and Jenna hurried to beside him.
“She is very drunk, or she is drugged,” said Mark.
“Hey, can you hear us?” Jenna asked the girl, who had her
eyes half-open.
“There is no use talking to her,” said Mark.
“Wait, can you pull back her hood,” said Jenna, and Mark
pulled on the hood of the hoodie that the girl was wearing, revealing
messy hair, but a very beautiful face, with a very sharp jawline,
almost perfect features, and eyes with smoky makeup that made the
girl looked like she had just walked off a runway and gone to a club.
“Shit,” Jenna whispered under breath.
“What happened?” asked Mark.
“I think I know this girl,” said Jenna, still talking in a whisper.
“Because she is a senior at my school,” said Jenna, and then
she looked at Mark and said, “and she is one of the brightest
students that I have ever taught. We need to take her to our house,

As Jenna opened the door, Mark brought the girl inside the
house, who Jenna said was called Alissa.
Mark hauled Alissa over to the couch, and dropped the girl
onto the soft cushions.
“Now what do we do?” asked Mark, his hands on his hips.
“We have to wait for her to come to her senses,” said Jenna,
who was looking confused herself.
“You do realize we have just brought this girl to our house
and she has no idea. In some places, this could be termed as
kidnapping,” said Mark, walking over to the bar counter situated in
the corner of the main living hall of their house, and taking out a
bottle of water from the mini-fridge.
Jenna rolled her eyes at her husband, and Mark smiled.
Even at 35, Jenna looked as cute as any high schooler that
she taught, and with her petite frame, brown hair and black eyes,
and a face that looked very much like Jessica Alba, Mark could
hardly believe his luck that he married a girl as hot and beautiful as
“She knows me. Although she has been bunking my classes
for the past few weeks. And come to think of it, she has been acting
very weird in school as well. A few of the teachers were talking
about her, and I think they are right, there is something going on
with this girl.”
“That is a pity, but I am telling you once again. This girl ain’t
waking up tonight. She is beyond passed out,” said Mark, taking a
gulp from the Evian bottle, and emptying it up.
“Throw me a bottle as well,” said Jenna, as she thought
things over.
After quenching her thirst, she removed her high neck
sweater, and sat down on the couch beside Alissa, who looked as
lifeless as a corpse, except for her chest which was heaving.
“You go and take a shower. I will try and get her to wake up,
and if she doesn’t, then she is going to the guest room, and you will
have to carry her up.”
“What? You want me to touch a very hot, and beautiful young
girl, pick her up in my arms, and carry her to my guest bedroom? I
am appalled! You are the worst wife ever!” Mark joked, and Jenna
smiled, but her eyes were still on Alissa.
She studied her face, observed the flawless, smooth skin, the
contouring of her makeup, her smoky eyes, her straight, silky black
hair, and her face, which resembled Kendall Jenner, the supermodel,
and one of Jenna’s celebrity crushes.
And then Jenna remembered how she had always liked
looking at Alissa in the class, how her presence in the room would
always bring calmness and joy to Jenna.
As Mark climbed the staircase, and went to their bedroom,
Jenna touched Alissa’s face, and then caressed her cheeks.
There was no denying the girl was one of the most beautiful
females that Jenna had ever seen, and even though she had not
planned on touching her face, Jenna could not help herself.
Jenna brushed Alissa’s hair out of her face and then looked at
her face for a few more seconds, before she realized what she was
doing was very creepy, and then she left Alissa on the couch and
poured herself a drink.

3 hours later, Alissa was still passed out, and Mark had to
eventually carry the girl upstairs to the empty guestroom, where he
laid her down, and Jenna draped a blanket over her body, with Alissa
snoring lightly.
“She is really beautiful,” said Mark.
“I know, right?” said Jenna, and although she thought she
should have been a little jealous at the way Mark had called her
beautiful, she realized she felt jealous in an entirely different way.
She felt as if only she had the right to call her pretty and no
one else.
“What if she wakes up in the middle of the night, does not
recognize where she is and calls the cops, or starts screaming or
something?” asked Jenna.
“I am a cop,” said Mark, with a smile.
“Yeah, but she doesn't know that. We need to write a note for
her, and stick it to the headboard of the bed.”
“I don’t think she will do what you fear, but if it will make you
feel any better, then go ahead,” said Mark, and left Jenna alone with
an unconscious Alissa.
Jenna wrote down a note for Alissa, explaining where she was
and why, and that she was in the house of her teacher and there
was nothing to worry about.
And then, she stuck the note on the headboard, looked at
Alissa one last time, felt butterflies in her stomach, and then
wondered why this girl was having this effect on her all of a sudden,
and then, with weird thoughts running through her mind, she left.

The next morning, Alissa woke with a start. She was
confused, and in a daze, and for a few minutes, she just sat on the
queen-size bed, and looked around.
She was in a medium-sized room, with two paintings hanging
from either side of the bed, one depicting a very serene and calm
scene from the Swiss Alps, and the other was a family portrait
showing a handsome man with an even more beautiful woman, and
a cute baby girl in their lap.
Before Alissa could read the note, she recognized the woman
in the painting, and was even more confused than when she had
initially woken up.
Alissa rushed outside the room, and walked into a carpeted
corridor, which was empty.
She walked down the hall, until she reached a set of stairs
that led down to a massive hall, with a chandelier looking down from
above, and then she saw them, the family that she had seen in the
painting was sitting down below, except the girl.
“Alissa?” the chestnut-haired woman, who looked like a young
Jessica Alba, stood up from her seat, and smiled awkwardly at
Alissa, who climbed down the stairs in a rush.
“Mrs. Smith? Why am I here?” Alissa asked as soon as she
was at the landing of the staircase.
“It is a long story, and we have a few questions for you as
well,” a man stood up, who Alissa thought must be Mrs. Smith’s
“Please take a seat first, Alissa, and have something to eat.
You must be exhausted.”
“I don’t want anything to eat. Just tell me what happened last
night, and then I will be on my way.”
“I am sorry, that won’t be happening, Alissa. You will sit down
at the table, and then you will eat something, and then we'll talk. My
husband is a police officer, and if you don’t want to make things
tougher for you, you will do as asked,” said Jenna, assuming her
strict teacher tone, and Mark was surprised to hear his wife, who
was taking such good care of this girl yesterday, talk so sternly to
Alissa took a deep breath, calmed herself down, and took a
seat at the dining table.
“That’s better,” said Jenna, and sat down as well.
Alissa looked down at the plate in front of her, and cut a piece
of the sausage, dipped it in sauce, and took a bite, and her growling
stomach thanked her for it.
Alissa noticed that someone had removed her hoodie, and
she was in a spaghetti top, and her jeans.
“Can we talk while I eat?” asked Alissa.
“Of course,” said Jenna.
“What is the last thing that you remember?” asked Jenna.
“I was in a club, I was dancing with a few of my friends, and
then I remember going outside for a smoke...I mean, for a breath of
fresh air, and that is it.”
“Who were these friends that you were with?” asked Mark.
“Just friends from school.”
“Guys or girls?”
“Mostly girls, look, I don't need to be telling you all of this.
Just tell me what happened.”
“Well, what happened is, we saved you from getting raped
last night,” said Mark, who was losing his cool with the girl, and
Jenna placed her hand on his to calm him down.
“We saw you with a group of young men, who looked very
shady from their appearance, and you were leaning against one of
them, and they were taking you to an alley, and that is when we
confronted them. You were passed out from either the alcohol or
you were drugged.”
“I don’t drink. I am not 21.”
“Although I would like to believe that, your breath did stink of
alcohol. So, anyway, when we confronted the men, they ran away,
and you dropped to the floor, and that is when I realized you were
one of my students, and that is also when I decided to bring you
home because you were in no condition to go back home,” said
Jenna, looking at Alissa, with kindness in her eyes.
Alissa looked back at Jenna, saw how poised she was, how
every movement of her body was fluid and correct, and how her
summer dress showed her curves in the most exquisite way.
“I...don’t know what to say, except, thank you. I am grateful
for what you did for me.”
“That is more like it,” said Mark with a smile.
“Now, can I go back to my home?”
Jenna looked at Mark, who was once again left confused by
Alissa’s aloofness.
“You need to answer a few questions, Alissa. I am not just a
concerned citizen, but also your teacher, and I know how bright you
are. I need to know what is going on. Why are you behaving like this
all of a sudden?”
“Listen, Mrs. Smith, I am thankful to you for whatever that
you did for me, but I don't think you have the right to ask me that
question. It is personal.”
“But I do have a right to ask you why you haven't been
attending my classes?”
Alissa fell quiet, and looked down at her food, fiddling with
the hook of her jeans, and then she looked back up, and said, “I
don’t want to answer. If you have a problem with my behavior, take
it up with the principal of the school. Now, I really need to go back
to my home,” said Alissa, standing up.
Jenna looked at the tall, supermodel-like body of Jenna, and
noticed the ab crack that was visible because of the length of her
“Let me drive you home,” said Jenna.
“Are you sure?” asked Mark.
“Yes, I don’t have a class till afternoon,” said Jenna, and she
too got up.
“I can manage on my own,” said Alissa.
“I didn’t ask you. If you don’t want to answer any questions
about your underage drinking to the principal or to the police, you
will come with me,” said Jenna, and Alissa rolled her eyes.
“Who do you live with?” asked Jenna, as her BMW sped down
the almost empty roads of Los Angeles.
“I live alone,” Alissa replied.
“Where are your parents?”
“My father left me when I was almost a toddler, and my
mom...she passed away a month back,” said Alissa, staring out of
the window, as the sun climbed higher into the sky and the shadows
As soon as Jenna heard what Alissa had said, the pieces
started to fit the puzzle in her head, but she still wanted Alissa to
confirm it.
“Did she live with you?”
“No, she had been in the hospital for a few months. Listen, I
don’t really want to talk about it,” said Alissa, taking her eyes off the
barren scenery around them, and looking at Jenna.
“Alright, suit yourself, but can I ask one last question?”
Jenna heard Alissa take a long sigh, and then she nodded.
“How do you pay for school, and other things?”
“I work,” said Alissa.
“I work from home. I am a digital illustrator, and I am very
good with photoshop, so I sell my stuff and services online for a
fee,” said Alissa dryly.
“What? What a coincidence! Because I have been searching
for a cover designer for my book but haven't been able to find
someone I like.”
“I don’t make book covers,” said Alissa.
“It is not so different from making illustrations or working on
photoshop. All I want is for someone to combine a few images and
give the cover some fancy text. Do you think you can do it?”
“I might be able to,” said Alissa, suddenly a little excited
about the prospect of earning some money.
“Great! You are hired,” said Jenna, and beamed a smile at
“But you haven't even seen my work,” Alissa countered.
“I know that you have a very sharp brain. I have seen you in
class, and I have seen how good you are when you apply yourself,
so, I think you would be great at this as well.”
“That is good and all...but I already have a lot of work piling
on, and I don’t know if I will be able to commit such a big chunk of
time to this,” said Alissa.
“Why can’t you? You hardly come to school, and so it's not
like you have homework, and just yesterday, you were out partying.
And if you are concerned about the money, then I will pay you more
than anything that others are paying,” said Jenna, taking a sharp
right, and turning into a suburban lane.
“I didn’t know you were an author,” said Alissa, not
responding to Jenna’s statements.
“I am more of a short story writer. I am just combing all of
my short stories and publishing them as a book,” said Jenna.
“What are the stories about?”
“Loss, love, romance, passion, resolution, and most
importantly...not giving up.”
Alissa nodded, and fell quiet, and then, she said, “I will do it.”
“Great! But I just need one more thing from you,” said Jenna.
“I want you to be regular at school, and I want you to attend
my classes. If you can do it for a week, then you have a job.”
“What? This is unfair!”
“Is it?” asked Jenna, “it's only a matter of a week, and in
return, I can offer you a job that can also be permanent if you want
as I sometimes need artwork for my stories as well,” Jenna
explained, looking at Alissa and enjoying the confusion and struggle
on her face. And also thinking how cute she looked with her wrinkled
“The pay would really have to be very good,” said Alissa.
“It will be, don’t worry,” said Jenna, “what do you say?”
“I am in. A week of coming to the school, in return for a job
that also has a chance to be permanent in nature if I do good, have
I got it right?”
“Absolutely,” said Jenna.
“Okay, and you can stop here, to the right. We have arrived,”
said Alissa, as Jenna parked in front of an apartment complex
medium in size.
“So, I will see you in class today?”
“Yes,” said Alissa, and for the first time, Jenna saw the girl
smile, and she felt her heart melt.
She realized she wanted to see this girl smile more often, and
she also realized there was something special about this girl,
something that was making Jenna feel a certain way, feel things she
had only felt for one other girl, many years back.

The classroom was packed with students. The exams were
fast approaching, and this was the time when students left
everything to attend the last few classes, because this was the time
when the teachers only taught and made the students revise the
important topics that would have the most chance to show up in
When Jenna entered the class, and saw the grade 12
students packed like sardines in her tiny classroom, she knew they
were only here because they wanted to know what would show up
in the exams, and Jenna knew this was the perfect opportunity to
grill some of the students whose presence was rare in these classes.
But there was one face that Jenna hoped to see more than
anyone else’s, and she noticed that face sitting right at the front of
the class, a faint grin on her face.
“It is good to see a packed classroom today, for a change.
And you know what that means, a lot of you will be doing a lot of
answering today. Especially the ones who have shown their
gorgeous faces after a long time,” said Jenna, and looked directly at
Alissa, whose smile grew just a little wider.
As the class progressed, Jenna called out the names of all
those people who were absent frequently in the past few weeks, and
the entire time, Alissa was expecting her name to be called out any
But it never came up.
As the final bell rang, and the class was dismissed, a few
students did walk up to Alissa to ask why her name was not called,
some even joking that Mrs. Smith might just have a crush on you.
Alissa dismissed them with vague excuses, and waited for
everyone to leave.
Once the class was empty except for her and Jenna, she
approached her teacher, and stood in front of her with her hands
behind her back, making a very cute, pouty face.
“I felt left out today,” said Alissa.
Jenna looked up from her laptop, and asked, “Why?”
“I wanted to be grilled by you.”
“Wasn’t morning’s grilling not enough for you?”
“No, I want more,” said Alissa and smiled again.
“I like it when you smile. You should smile more often.”
“The reasons have dried up recently,” Alissa whispered,
talking almost to herself than Jenna, “Anyways, what is the plan for
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, when do we start work?”
“I told you, you need to be regular for a week, and only
“But, I promise I will be regular. Why should we wait? We will
lose precious time, and I am sure you want to publish that book as
soon as possible.”
“Do you promise to be regular?”
“I do, Mrs. Smith, and to be honest, I need the money as
well. is due and I may get kicked out.”
“What? How the hell did you get in this position anyway? Oh
god, what are you doing with your life, young woman? Okay, come
with me to my house after school today, and let's get started, but
after that, I want to know what the hell is going on in your life. I
saved you from those men yesterday, and I am giving you a job.
That's the least you can do for me.”
Alissa thought for a few seconds, and then she said, “Okay, I
will. So...should I wait for you in the parking lot after school is
“Yes, wait for me by my car.”
Alissa smiled, and then she turned around to leave, but
suddenly, she turned back around to face Jenna, and she said, “Can
I confess something?”
“You have always been my favorite teacher. And I always
used to try and impress you in class, that is why I put in extra work.”
“Really?” asked Jenna, arching her eyebrow, “and why is
that? Is it because I teach well?”
“It has got nothing to do with your teaching.”
“I find you very pretty. I always used to think, I want to grow
up to be as gorgeous as Mrs. Smith. You were kind crush, if
that makes sense,” Alissa said, and giggled, and then she kept her
hand on her mouth to stop herself from smiling like an idiot, and the
action caused her crop top to rise over her navel, revealing her
underboob, and suddenly, Jenna could not take her eyes away from
Alissa’s sculpted midriff and the slight tease of her underboobs.
Suddenly, she felt her pussy tingle for Alissa, the young
student who she had rescued.
“I...don’t know what to say. I mean, you don't have to worry
about not growing up as a pretty woman, because have
got it covered,” said Jenna, and she scanned Alissa from head to toe,
and once again could not believe how much the girl looked like
Kendall Jenner.
Alissa smiled, turned on her heels, and left, and Jenna
watched her cute little butt sway, as the girl disappeared around the
corner of the hallway.
Chapter Two

“What is the main story about?” asked Alissa, sitting across from
Jenna on Jenna’s couch.
“It is a love story between two women,” said Jenna, and
Alissa spat out the water she had been drinking.
“I am sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I was just caught by
“But why?” asked Jenna, slightly amused by Alissa’s reaction.
“I don’t know. I see you as a very conventional woman, and
to write a lesbian love story, I think you need to be a little
adventurous, I mean, don’t mind.”
“So you think I am vanilla?”
“Not vanilla per se, but a little orthodox.”
“Oh, you have no idea, girl. Never judge a book by its cover,
but yeah, I do want you to design a cover that will make people
judge the book favorably,” said Jenna.
“So, a lesbian love story?”
“Stop using the word lesbian. It is a love story, and it has two
people that love each other and want to stay with each other, no
matter what. I don’t want to trivialize it by giving so much
importance to their gender. Love is love in the end, isn’t it?”
Alissa looked at Jenna, and saw that the woman was staring
deep into her eyes, and for a second, both the women sat still,
staring into each other’s eyes, and then Alissa said, “Of course, I
have many gay friends, and I have always been very supportive. So,
what do you have in mind for the cover?”
“I want to depict two women on the cover, one hugging the
other, her eyes closed, her face nuzzled in the neck of the other
woman, but the other woman needs to be looking straight at the
reader, her eyes should be open, and she should have a stoic
expression on her face.”
“So you want two women in an embrace where one has her
face hidden, and the other should be looking at the camera, holding
the woman but with like...anger on her face?”
“Not anger, but concern. She should convey the feeling that
she is enjoying this embrace, but also realizes the repercussions or
the consequences of this embrace, while the other woman is
careless, free, and devoid of any apprehension.”
“You just threw a lot of heavy words at my face there, Mrs.
Smith, you need to slow down, and I need to write this stuff down.
Wait,” said Alissa and took out a little notepad and a pen from her
“I really like how you think., Mrs. Smith.” said Jenna, making
notes on her pad.
“You can call me Jenna, honey. You are now my employee,
and also a friend.”
“Yes,” said Jenna, and then she got up, and sat next to Alissa,
and Alissa’s perfume hit her nose, making her feel things between
her legs.
“I have made the notes, and now I will send you some photos
that we can use for the cover, or if you have any then you can send
me, and I will see what I can do with them,” said Alissa, and looked
at Jenna, who she found was looking at her with a curious
“Everything all right, Mrs. Smith, I mean...Jenna?”
“Yeah, I guess you are all done for the day. That wasn’t much
work, was it?”
“I mean, I can stay around and look for the pictures right now
if you want?” asked Alissa.
“Would you? That would be great. At least I would be
satisfied that we have begun on something. Meanwhile, let me make
some coffee, I surely can use some!”
As Jenna left Alissa with her laptop on the couch, Alissa
started her search for the perfect photo for the book cover, and for
that, she started going through many pictures of lesbian couples, in
different poses and acts of cuddling.
Some were outright erotic, but Alissa would stop and stare at
them for some time, and something in her would stir.
Just the way women were holding each other in these photos,
the way their lips met, and they were looking in each other’s eyes
was so pure and romantic, and something that Alissa had never
experienced before, and she wondered if she would have been
better off with a girl as a lover.
The more she searched for the perfect picture, the more she
found these lesbian couples cute, and then suddenly, she had
forgotten all about searching for the picture, and had gone down the
rabbit hole of just looking at pictures, and imagining herself in them,
and suddenly, the thought of feeling a woman’s embrace, and her
touch started exciting her, and when a picture popped up, in which
an older looking woman was caressing a younger girl, while
squeezing her ass, her brain replaced the older woman with Jenna,
and the younger woman with herself, and instantly, her heart began
to beat faster, banging against her chest, telling her how kinky and
hot it would be to feel her teacher’s hand on her ass.
Just then, Jenna returned with the coffee, and her eyes fell
on the screen of the laptop, and Alissa was too late in hiding the
“That is a very hot image, but I don’t think that is what I am
looking for,” Jenna said, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.
“I am sorry, I got carried away. But..damn...I never realized
girls making love to each other would be so hot. I mean...I am sorry
if I am crossing a line here, but I said it because you just said I am a
“I don’t mind, Alissa, and yes, there is something very pure in
the way a woman touches another woman in a loving way. It doesn’t
even have to be sexual.”
“I would like to experience it once, even though I think I am
pretty much straight,” Alissa confessed.
“You never know until you try it,” said Jenna, and took a sip
of her coffee.
“I think I just might,” said Alissa, picking up her own cup of
coffee and putting her lips to the edge.
Jenna noticed it all, the way her lips almost kissed the edge of
the cup, how the coffee flowed into her mouth, and how she licked
the wetness around her lips, all while staring at Jenna.
“Let me help you find the right picture,” said Jenna, trying to
get a hold of herself, and trying not to get distracted by the angel
sitting on the couch beside her.
For the next hour, Alissa and Jenna went through many many
pictures of girls, kissing, smooching, cuddling and embracing one
another, until suddenly, Jenna cried out, “this is the one.”
Alissa looked at the picture that had roused Jenna’s interest,
and saw that the picture presented the same scenario that Jenna
had earlier described, and additionally, the woman looking at the
camera in the picture looked eerily like Jenna herself.
“This is perfect. I think I want to go with this one,” said
Jenna, pointing at the picture.
“Looks good to me as well,” said Alissa, “I will begin work on
it as soon as possible.”
“Great,” said Jenna.
Just then, the doorbell rang, and Jenna got up to see who it
Alissa heard Jenna say thank you to someone, and then,
before Jenna, a little girl came running into the hall, with a pink bag
over her shoulders.
“This is Alexandra,” said Jenna, coming up behind her
daughter, “the troublemaker of this house.”
Alissa’s eyes lit up as soon as she saw the girl.
If there was one thing that brought all of Alissa’s feelings to
the forefront, it was kids, and Alissa just couldn't get enough of
“Hey!” Alissa squealed, as the little girl, with black hair and
big brown eyes ran up to the couch and jumped on it beside Alissa.
“Hi, who are you?” Alexandra got straight to the point.
“I am your mother’s friend,” said Alissa, extending her hand
for a handshake, “I am Alissa.”
“I am Alexandra, and I am my mother’s daughter,” said the
witty child with a grin.
“Oh really? I wouldn't have guessed,” said Alissa.
“Aren’t you too young to be momma’s friend? All of her other
friends are really old,” said Alexandra, looking at her mother with a
fearful expression, afraid she might get scolded for saying too much.
“What? Alexandra...I am not that old! I am 35!”
“But she looks like she is 18,” said Alexandra, pointing at
“What? How did you guess that so perfectly? Aren’t you a
smart girl?” Alissa said, making a surprised face.
“Yes, I am. Anyways, I am hungry. I want to eat something.”
“There is broccoli inside the fridge. If you are so smart, then
you shouldn’t have any problem taking it outside the fridge, heating
it up, and serving yourself, right?”
Alexandra made a face like she was going to puke, and said,
“I don’t want to eat broccoli. I want Pasta!”
“There is no Pasta. And I am in no mood to cook it. You have
to eat your veggies,” said Jenna, sitting down on the sofa opposite
Alissa and Alexandra.
“What if I cook pasta for her?” Alissa suddenly said, surprising
herself as well.
“You want to cook for her?” said Jenna, surprised.
“Yes. Pasta was one of my mother’s favorite foods, so I used
to make it very frequently. So frequently, that I think no one makes
better pasta than me.”
“Really? Then let’s put that statement to the test!”
And so, it happened.
Alissa went into the kitchen, and whipped up the best pasta
that she had ever made and brought it out for Jenna and Alexandra,
who were waiting for it expectantly at the table, and in that
moment, Alissa forgot all about the pains that had been haunting
her ever since her mother had died, and there, in the Smith house,
sitting with the family, Alissa felt that she belonged somewhere, and
all of this had happened because of a kind, beautiful person, who
was sitting across from her, tasting the first spoonful of the pasta
that she had made, and complimenting Alissa on how amazing it
Alissa was too overwhelmed to say anything, and no matter
how hard she tried, she could not control the tears that started to
run down her cheeks, making her get up, and run back inside the
kitchen, where Jenna found her over the sink, sobbing softly.
Alissa turned around, and hastily wiped the tears from her
“I am sorry for that. Mother’s death still makes me emotional
from time to time, and I know I shouldn’t be behaving like this in
front of a girl, and…”
Jenna did not let Alissa complete. She strode towards herm
and took her in her arms, and hugged her tightly, and Alissa did not
know why, but she started crying even harder once Jenna hugged
her, and Alissa hugged her back, tighter than ever, and she just let
herself go, sobbing in Jenna’s arms as if she had known the woman
for ages.
“It’s okay, Alissa, it’s okay to feel hurt. It’s okay to feel sad for
people who are not there with us, but remember, after one point,
wherever those people are, they would also want you to move on,
and it would hurt them to see that the people they have left behind
are hurting because of them.”
Alissa did not respond, but kept crying, and then suddenly,
she broke free of the hug, and said, “I want to go home. Can I go?”
“But you haven't even eaten the pasta?”
“It is okay. I had made it for Alexandra.”
“But, I can't let you go in this state. Please stay for some
more time.”
“But you don’t understand that I hate being in this position. I
hate being this vulnerable, especially in front of people I have just
“But I thought we were friends,” Jenna said, taking Alissa’s
hand in hers, “Listen, you can sit with your earphones on the couch,
while I feed Alexandra, and then I will drive you to your home. Is
that okay?”
Alissa thought for some time, and then she nodded her

“Who was she?” asked Alissa, as the car skirted around a
corner, and entered the freeway.
“Who?” asked Jenna, relaxing her hand on the steering wheel
and arching her back to find a comfortable position in the driver’s
“The girl that you loved?”
Just as soon as Jenna had somewhat relaxed, Alissa’s
statement made her tense up.
“What are you talking about, Alissa?”
“It is clear that the main story in your book is about you and
some other girl. Someone you loved and lost. Someone you could
not save. You even chose the cover that had a woman who looked
like you.”
“Don’t you think that is a little too personal?”
“I am sorry if I offended you.”
“No, you didn’t. I have no problem sharing with you, but this
has to be a two-way street. You will also have to be transparent with
me, and tell me what is going on in your life.”
“Deal,” said Alissa, who would have agreed to anything just to
hear Jenna’s story.
“You seem pretty excited to hear all about it. Okay, well, I
don’t want to go too much in detail, otherwise, you would be the
one holding me while I cry in your arms. It all happened many years
ago when I was in college. I had always dated boys until my second
year, when I met this beautiful, smart, charming girl who shared my
interests for Agatha Christie novels, David Lynch movies and salsa.
We became very good friends, and that is when I started falling for
her. She made me realize that I was bisexual, and very heavily
leaned towards girls. But she was a wild one as well. She used to
love partying, loved alcohol, and loved getting into trouble. But she
used to drop all of those things whenever we used to hang out, and
then one day, I confessed my love to her, and we made love. But
she never really said that she loved me. We just made love, and
then she left the next morning while I slept. The same night, I heard
that she had overdosed on drugs, and that was that. I never got to
know whether she loved me back, or was I just a fling for her. All I
knew was, I would never love anyone else as strong as I loved her,”
Jenna completed, and although she was determined not to cry, a
tear did sneak out of the corner of her eyes, a small reminder of the
pain that still lingered buried somewhere in the confines of her mind.
“I am sorry,” said Alissa, and she kept a hand on Jenna’s and
gave it a squeeze, “but, don’t mind me asking, do you love your
husband as much as you loved her?”
“I do love my husband, I don’t think I can ever love
someone as much as I loved her. And you know what, Alissa?”
“What?” asked Alissa, gently caressing Jenna’s hand.
“You look exactly like her,” said Jenna, and finally looked into
Alissa’s eyes, as the barren, cold New Mexico desert sped past the
car, a stark contrast to the beautiful moment that just passed
between the two women.

“Take a right turn right here,” said Alissa.
“But the last time we kept going straight?”
“Yeah, I know, I just have to stop somewhere for a bit.”
Jenna took the right, and soon, the car arrived at the
cemetery, and that is where Alissa asked Jenna to stop the car.
“I will be back soon. Wait here.”
“Oh no, there is no way I am letting you wander the cemetery
“I will be fine. I have to do this alone.”
Jenna understood, and there was nothing else that she could
say now, except nod and unlock the door for Alissa.
After about 15 minutes, Alissa was back, and Jenna could see
her eyes were puffy.
“We can go now,” said Alissa in a grim voice.
“No. I want to know what is going on.”
“Hmm. I guess we had a deal. Well, today was the first time I
visited my mother’s grave since her death a month ago. And you
know why? Because of you. I don’t know what you have done to
me, but just being with you these past two days has given me the
strength that I had been searching for. So...there you go. You have
done two things for me in two days that have almost changed my
“I am glad to know that, but why weren’t you visiting her
grave? And why were you visiting night clubs instead?”
“Because I was broken, Jenna. My mother and I had always
had a very tumultuous relationship, and ever since I was a kid, she
had been addicted to drugs, but to her credit, she did do everything
in her power to make sure there was food on the table, and that I
had a proper education. And then, a year back, she completed 5
years of staying clean, but that is also when we found out she had
lung cancer because of the cigarettes. And since then, I have been
taking care of her, working two jobs, paying for her medical bills,
going to school at the same time, and then a month back, she
passed away, and I found out she had never quit smoking in the first
place. Whenever I would leave the house, she would smoke, and
then hide all the evidence of it when I would come back. In the past
one year, we had grown very close to one another, and I had
thought I would finally have the mother that I always wanted, and
then bam! She gets taken away from me, and I get to know she had
never changed. And that is when I started to rebel, I guess, started
to be more like her. I even did drugs, partied, all of that, until the
night you saved me from getting raped, which was a wake up call.
And I am sure I wouldn’t have realized if you wouldn’t have told me
that story about the girl you loved. So...I guess, that is all, and now,
I think we can go home. I need to finish work on your cover so that
your beautiful story can come out in front of the world.”
Jenna listened to whatever Alissa had said, and for the
second time in the night, she had to control herself from not
weeping. The pain on Alissa’s face reminded of the pain that would
sometimes show up on Emma’s face, the girl she loved and lost.
And Jenna decided she was going to care for this girl, and not
let her succumb to the same fate as Emma.
“Alright, let’s go home,” said Jenna, and pulled the car onto
the road.
For the remainder of the journey, Alissa had her hand on
Jenna’s and when they reached her home, the two women hugged,
and they kept hugging.
Neither of them wanted to let the other go.
And when they did leave each other, Alissa looked into
Jenna’s eyes, leaned forward, and kissed her right on her lips.
It was only a peck, and Alissa almost ran back instantly to her
house after the kiss, but Jenna, who was rooted at her spot, felt the
girls’ lips on hers for many minutes after, and that is when she
realized, she may just be falling in love once again.

Jenna’s class was packed the next day as well, but there was
a face missing.
A face that Jenna had grown very fond of.
Needless to say, Jenna did not enjoy teaching the rest of the
class. She was more hurt because not only had Alissa gone back on
her promise of being regular to class for the next week, but also
because her not being present showed Jenna that Alissa wasn’t
really that excited about seeing Jenna every day.
Grudgingly, Jenna taught the class, and finally reached the
end of it.
The class emptied, and Jenna stayed back, sitting on her
desk, wondering what had led to this behavior from Alissa.
As Jenna sat on her desk, fiddling with her pen, looking at the
chair where Alissa had been sitting yesterday, she heard someone
say her name.
Absentmindedly, Jenna looked at the doorway, and saw Alissa
standing there, dressed in a skirt, which was a long departure from
the kind of clothes Jenna was used to seeing her wear, and a very
cute white top, full sleeve, with a buttoned-up collar, and a
headband in her hair, and Jenna could not believe how pretty Alissa
looked, dressed like a proper, posh girl.
“May I come in, teacher?” Alissa asked, with a smile on her
“Yes, although you are an hour late in asking that question.”
“I am really sorry, teacher, but if you give me some time to
explain myself, I am sure you will not be so angry with me,” said
Alissa, entering the classroom, her short skirt dancing around her
lower thighs, her cat-like eyes twinkling, and her youthful charm
making her seem prettier than ever.
“I have brought something for you,” said Alissa, and kept a
plastic box on Jenna’s table.
“What is it?” asked Jenna.
“Open it,” said Alissa.
Jenna opened the box, and suddenly, her nose was hit by the
smell of pasta which she had only eaten one spoon yesterday
because Alissa had been in a hurry to get home.
“You made this today?”
“This morning. And I want you to have it because you
couldn’t eat it yesterday,” said Alissa, smiling wide.
“Thank you so much, Alissa, but that is still no reason to miss
your class. You are already behind,” said Jenna.
“But you can’t deny that you liked the fact that I cooked this
for you.”
“I love it,” said Jenna.
“I want you to have it with me,” said Jenna.
“Of course, however...I don’t want to eat it over here,” said
Alissa, and closed the box once again, “I know a place, not far away
from here. School is already over for the day, so we can drive there.”
“But...what about work?”
“I have already created the cover. But I will only show it to
you if you come with me to the place where I want to take you.”
“But where is it?”
“Will you just come with me?”

“No way, you can’t take me in there! There can be students
around, and you have no idea what might happen if someone sees
me in there.”
“Why? Aren’t you allowed to visit the swimming pool?”
“I am, but not with a student, and where did you get that key
from?” Jenna asked, surprised, as Alissa unlocked the door that led
to the stairs that eventually led to the newly constructed rooftop
swimming pool that the school had commissioned.
“I am the swimming captain. Although I may have put studies
on the back burner for a while, I never left swimming. Swimming is
one of the things that has always helped calm me down whenever I
have been very anxious about anything. The pool is one of the
places where I am almost always happy. “
“Oh, so that explains the amazing physique that you have,”
said Jenna, as Alissa started climbing the stairs.
Jenna was a little hesitant, but when Alissa held out her hand
for Jenna, she grabbed it and the two women climbed the stairs
together, and finally reached the roof, where the blue water of the
newly constructed swimming pool was glimmering in the setting sun.
“This is beautiful,” Jenna exclaimed.
“I know, right, and see, there are loungers to the side as well,
and if you walk over to the edge, you can see almost the entirety of
Los Angeles,” Jenna exclaimed, as she almost ran to the edge and
pointed towards the miles and miles of suburban houses that were
scattered all around the school.
“Alright, let’s get started on that pasta before someone
catches us. I can still see a few students loitering around in the
parking lot, and although it is difficult for them to spot me from the
parking lot, I just don’t want to take any chances.”
“You are a teacher, Jenna. A member of the school team. I
am pretty sure you will be fine, and I am the swimming captain, and
so I have a reason to be here.”
“And what would be my reason? Am I teaching you Eng. Lit.
Alissa giggled, “we will cross that bridge if we get there, and I
am only saying this because I know we will never need to cross that
bridge. Now, I want you to eat this pasta that I prepared by getting
up hella early in the morning.”
“First of all, it is a sin to use words like ‘hella’ in front of an
English teacher, and secondly, bring it on!”
And then, sitting on the loungers, with the box filled with
pasta kept between them, Jenna and Alissa ate the dish, and talked
about everything from the school, to Alissa’s swimming prowess, to
Alexandra, until the box was left empty, and the two women were
left satisfied.
“That was amazing,” said Jenna.
“You enjoyed it?”
“I really did.”
“Well, then will you do something for me?”
“I have already done something for you. Something very
dangerous. What else do you want me to do? Raid the principal’s
“That does sound tempting, but I have something better in
mind,” said Alissa, and took off her top, revealing the upper half of a
swimming costume.
“Wait...Wait...what are you doing?”
“I am thinking of taking a dip,” said Alissa, and then removed
her skirt as well.
Jenna could hardly believe what she was seeing. She was
shocked, and surprised, but mostly mesmerized.
For the first time, she was seeing Alissa’s body in its truest,
purest, and most beautiful form. A swimming costume, worn by
Olympic swimmers clung to her sculpted, athletic physique, and
Jenna’s eyes wandered over her curves, the shape of her breast, the
hint of a cleavage peeking from behind, the outline of her waist, the
texture of her skin, the smoothness of her legs, and then she looked
back at her face, and saw how beautiful she looked with a naughty
smile on her face.
Suddenly, a strong desire to kiss her, right then and there
arose in Jenna’s mind, which she forced back in the back of her
“It’s your turn now, Mrs. Smith,” Alissa said, leaning towards
Jenna, and tugging on her top.
“No way. There is no way I am undressing in front of you. I
don’t even have a swimming costume!”
“You must be wearing something inside, A bra and panties? I
don’t care if they are granny panties. I am sure you can pull them
off as well.”
“Of course I am wearing underwear. And no, I don't wear
granny panties.”
“Prove it,” said Alissa, arching her eyebrow.
“Sorry. Not happening.”
“Jenna, we have shared our most deep secrets with each
other, and cried in front of each other in just three days. And finally,
because of you, I am starting to feel like myself again. Enough of
weeping and crying, I want to have fun. And not the kind of fun
where I take drugs. And, you are the only one right now with whom
I can have this safe fun.”
“Shit, don’t play this card with me,” said Jenna, and then, she
did it.
She took off her top, and then wriggled out of her jeans, and
sat on the lounger in just her Victoria’s Secret lingerie, looking at
Alisa, who was staring at Jenna with her mouth open.
“Oh My God! You are one hot piece of ass, Mrs. Smith. I knew
you were hiding something behind those layers of clothing, but I did
not know this was that!”
Jenna stood up, turned around, and posed for Alissa.
“Glad you like dit, now, we have to be quick about this,
because if someone catches me like this, then I am sure me being in
the school management will have no bearing on anything,”
“Alright, then off you go,” said Alissa, and pushed Jenna into
the pool.
Jenna went in with a splash, followed by Alissa, who dived
expertly into the water, a picture of perfection.
Jenna went underwater and then reemerged, breaking the
surface of the water, and pulling her wet hair back from her face.
“Fuck! That felt so good! It’s been ages since I dove into cold
water on a sunny day,” said Jenna, waddling closer to Alissa, who
had already swum closer to Jenna.
“You look so hot, Mrs. Smith,” said Alissa, staring at Jenna
and her wet body.
“Why are you calling me Mrs. Smith all of a sudden,” asked
Jenna, a little shy because of what Alissa had just said, and the way
she had said it.
“Because I find it cute sometimes. I do it when I feel this
sudden rush of emotions towards my favorite teacher, not my
“Oh,” said Jenna and felt the fierceness of Alissa’s gaze, which
was unrelenting in the way it was studying her from head to her
Alissa splashed water towards Jenna, and then giggled.
Jenna did the same, and soon, both the women were
engaged in all-out war.
After a truce was called by Jenna who suddenly started
feeling very exhausted, Jenna and Alissa swam to the corner of the
pool, and leaned against the wall of the pool, and rested for some
“I am sorry if I tired you out. I forget that you are old,” Alissa
took a jab at Jenna.
“I am only 35. And I don't tire out so easily, in fact, I can tire
you out, before you can tire me out.”
“Why did that sound so sexual in my head?” asked Alissa,
stepping nearer to Jenna, and standing right next to her, their arms
rubbing against each other, and their thighs coming in contact.
“That is the product of your dirty mind,” said Jenna.
“How do you know that I have a dirty mind?”
“I just know. I have a thing where I know how dirty a girl is.”
“So, tell me, how dirty am I?” asked Alissa, and turned her
head to look at Jenna, who was still trying her best not to look at
Alissa, because she knew if she did, she would succumb to
“You are very dirty. Let’s just leave it at that,” said Jenna.
“Okay, if you don’t want to tell me, then that is fine, but yes,
you are right. I am very dirty. So dirty, that right now, all I can think
of is, how your lips will taste, Mrs. Smith. And how your boobs will
look without that wet bra.”
This time, Jenna had to turn her head to look at Alissa, and
she saw that the young girl’s face was right beside hers, and her
hand was already on her thigh.
“Alissa…” Jenna whispered.
“You said that I look like the girl you loved. Well, don’t you
want to kiss her?”
“I am married now.”
“But, you love her more than your husband. Just imagine it is
her, grab my waist, and kiss me, Mrs. Smith. I am aching for you.”
“That won’t be right Alissa. You are young, you can be
careless and immature, but I am supposed to be the voice of
“Chuck reason out the window, Mrs. Smith, because I know
you want it as well. And I want it too. Let’s forget our pain, and
just...enjoy the moment,” said Alissa, and her hand traveled up
Jenna’s thigh, until it was right between her legs, her fingers tracing
Jenna's pussy lips from over the panties.
A moan escaped Jenna’s lips, and she bit her lip.
“See, I know you like it,” said Alissa, now caressing Jenna’s
pussy with her entire hand, but still from above the fabric of her
“Just one kiss,” said Jenna.
“We will see about that,” said Alissa, and she grabbed Jenna’s
waist, and turned her around to face her, and then she went in for
the kiss.
Alissa wasn’t gentle with it.
With a hand on Jenna’s buttcheeks, and the other in her hair,
Alissa started to smooch Jenna wildly, as if days of pent up sexual
frustration was being releases through this kiss, and Jenna moaned
into the kiss as well, for she had been thinking about this moment
the second she had laid her eyes on Alissa’s pretty face that looked
so much like Emma, her former lover, and Kendall Jenner, her
celebrity crush.
Jenna opened her mouth, and both of their tongues lashed
out and started licking each other with intensity.
Jenna’s hands started exploring Alissa’s body as well, and with
excited expectancy, and desperation, Jenna slid her hands down
Alissa’s back, and cupped her ass, and gave it a hard squeeze,
feelings now getting out of her control and her lust taking over her
But as the two women kissed, Jenna suddenly realized
This wasn’t just lust that she was feeling.
With Alissa in her arms, and her mouth pressed against hers,
she was feeling a kind of love she had only experienced once in her
And that love made Jenna break the kiss, and take the girl in
her arms, and hug her.
Jenna hugged Alissa with all her force, and felt her boobs
press against her own, felt her tight, young body against her own,
and she hugged the girl like she had never hugged anyone before.
Surprised by what Jenna had done, it tool Alissa a few
seconds to realize what had just happened, and then she too was
bombarded with emotions, and a need to hug Jenna back took hold
over her heart, and she hugged her teacher back, feeling calmness
and happiness in her heart after a long time.
But suddenly, it was all over, and Jenna broke away from
Alissa, and Alissa felt a part of her own body detach itself from her.
“We can’t do this. I can’t do this. I have a family, and have your entire life in front of you.”
“I am sorry, Alissa, but this is wrong. I am falling for you,
hard, and I just don’t want this sort of complications in my life,” said
Jenna, and she pulled herself out of the pool.
“Jenna, you can’t just leave me like this. What about my
feelings? I am falling for you as well. I have never experienced this.
I didn’t even know I was straight, for fuck's sake!”
“I am sorry, Alissa, but this is something you will have to do
on your own,” said Jenna, and she got hold of her clothes, and went
to one of the changing rooms built at the back of the pool, leaving
Alissa teary-eyed.
Chapter Three

That night, Jenna could not sleep. She tossed and turned, and then
finally got out of the bed, and climbed down the stairs, and poured
herself a drink.
Jenna was worried, and stressed, and no matter how hard
she tried to justify what she had done was right, she was afraid for
Alissa, and what affect her behavior might have had on a girl who
was already in a very vulnerable state.
Jenna fiddled with her phone in her hand, debating whether
she should call the girl or not.
A storm raged outside, and a storm raged inside Jenna as
She was missing her, and she wanted her but she knew it
would be a mistake.
Just then, her phone beeped, and the screen flashed with
Alissa’s name, and she saw that it was an email from her.
She was quick in opening the email, and she saw an
attachment, with just a single line that said, “here is the first draft of
the book cover. Tell me what you want changed, or if I still have this
job or not.”
Jenna opened the artwork, and what she saw blew her mind.
It was the same photo that she had selected, but it was
completely done in a new way, and for starters, the girl who was
hugging the woman looking at the camera was changed to look like
Alissa, while the other woman still looked like Jenna, and the text on
the photo along with the stylization, the filter used, and the
aesthetics were all so perfect, that Jenna knew she couldn’t have
gotten a better cover made even if she tried.
This was all too much for Jenna, and she finally gave in.
Her resolve was finally broken by a beautiful piece of art that
conveyed a lot more than words ever could.
She found Alissa’s number on her phone, and tapped on the
call button.
After a few rings, Alissa picked up, and said a very cold ‘Hi’.
“Alissa, I just received the cover, and it is absolutely amazing.
I couldn’t have asked for anything better,” said Jenna.
“I am glad that you liked it,” said Alissa, “does that mean I
still have the job for future covers?”
“Of course you do. I am not letting you go...I mean, a
talented artist like you go.”
“I got what you meant. You didn’t have to correct yourself,”
said Alissa.
“Listen, I know you must be very upset about what had
happened between us, and I have been thinking a lot about that,
and I have come to a conclusion,” Jenna leaned back on the couch,
closed her eyes, and then continued, “I want to meet you
“Are you sure that will be the right thing to do? What if you
get freaked out again? I can’t have my heart broken again, I am
already in a very sensitive state of mind, Jenna,” said Alissa, and
Jenna heard her voice break, as if she was on the verge of crying.
“Don’t worry, I want to meet to make things right. I can’t tell
you any more than that. Meet me in the parking lot tomorrow after
school, and then I will take you somewhere,” said Jenna.
“Are you going to kidnap me?”
“Won’t you like that?”
“I would love that,” Alissa laughed, and Jenna felt her heart
fill with joy at the sound of her laughter.

Jenna saw her walking towards her, and like a breath of fresh
air, she felt rejuvenated.
It had only been a day since she had seen her, but so strong
was her pull, that even a day felt like ages to Jenna.
“I am sorry for being late, I was catching up on some school
work. It seems like I have missed quite a bit.”
“That’s okay. I can see how talented you are, and I am sure
even after missing a month of school, you will still do much better
than many others in your own class.”
“Especially when I have a mole in the system,” said Alissa,
and found Jenna’s hand.
Jenna looked around to see if anyone had seen them, and
then she opened the car, and pulled Alissa inside.
“We have to be careful with holding hands and stuff, Alissa. It
is dangerous.”
“But I thought you had made up your mind to be a little
careless,” said Alissa.
“That is not what I had said. I had said I want to make things
“So, you lied?”
“How can I lie when I didn't even mention what you have
“I don’t know. If you are taking me somewhere to let me
down easy, then please let me get out.”
“I am not letting you down, in fact, I want to do the
“Just wait.”

Alissa heard the sound of the waves before she saw the
“The beach? Are we going surfing?”
“No, I am taking you somewhere which is very close to my
heart,” said Jenna, and pulled into the parking lot.
After they had parked the car, Jenna held Alissa’s hand on her
own, and said, “this is where we can hold hands without any
problem. See? I am not going to let you down,” she said, and then
started to walk towards the beach, with Alissa following behind,
confused, but still holding Jenna’s hand.
The feel of the cool sand on their feet felt amazing, and soon,
the girls were running across the beach, and after running for a few
minutes, Jenna and Alissa reached a place where the wide beach
slowly started to get narrower, and soon, a rocky and elevated
expanse of land replaced the cool sand, and that is where Jenna
“There is a cave here somewhere. Help me find it.”
“What? There are just rocks everywhere. And I have been to
this part of the beach many times and I am sure there is no cave
“There is. I and Emma had found it years ago when we had
stumbled into it, and that is where we had...made love for the first
“Oh…” Alissa said softly, “I can see where this is going!”
“No need to get very excited. We will see where this goes.
Find the cave, and then perhaps you can get your reward.”
“I am on it,” Alissa exclaimed, and then she ran to a wall of
rocks, and started running her hands against the wall.
“I am talking about a cave, and not a hidden door that will
reveal itself if you touch or pull on a hidden lever in the wall,” Jenna
said, smiling.
“Shut up, teacher. I don’t want you to be my teacher all the
“Believe me, a student is the last thing I think of you as.”
Jenna herself moved towards the wall of rock that stretched
all along the length of the beach, as far as the eye could see,
making this part of the beach very narrow.
A group of rocks, sticking up from the ground, with pointed
ends caught Jenna’s attention, and she stood in front of them,
looking at them curiously.
“I think I remember these rocks,” she said, her hand on her
Alissa joined her in front of the rocks.
“It is weird how they don’t form a part of the wall. It is as if
this part of the wall broke away from the rest of the wall. Perhaps if
we look behind these…” said Alissa, and peeped behind the finger-
like rocks that were shooting up towards the sky.
“I think I found the cave,” said Alissa, looking at Jenna, from
behind the rocks.
“No way!”
Jenna approached Alissa, and looked behind the walls, and
sure enough, there was a very narrow space between the rocks and
the wall, where one could squeeze in, and just a few paced ahead
was a large opening in the wall.
“Oh my goodness! I think you might just have earned yourself
a reward.”
“Should I go ahead?” asked Alissa.
“Yes, I am right behind.”
Alissa wriggled through the space, turning her body sideways,
and then she started shuffling towards the entrance.
Jenna, who was right behind her, started having flashbacks of
a time long past, as she remembered following Emma just how she
was following Alissa.
And then other memories started to bombard her mind.
Memories of the first time she kissed Emma beyond the wall
that they were trying to cross.
The first time she lay with her on the cool sand, and hugged
her, and then, afraid she might break down once again, she shook
the memories out of her head.
Alissa finally reached the entrance, which was just about her
height in length, and wide enough for her to enter front-on.
“I hope there are no bats inside. I hate bats.”
“I don’t remember any bats, but yeah, there were a few rats.”
“Eww, that is even worse. How the fuck did you and know?”
“We didn’t do it in the cave, Alissa, there is an exit on the
other side, which opens up onto a part of the beach which is hidden
from everyone. Now keep going, babe. I am getting excited.”
Alissa took a deep breath, and then she entered the cave,
followed by Jenna.
But as soon as she entered, she saw light pouring in from
about ten meters away, from an opening that was the same size as
the entrance to the cave.
Alissa almost ran to the other end, and soon, she was out in
the open sun once again, as the rays of the sun fell on her face, and
she had to cover her eyes to see where she was.
She was in paradise.
A small expanse of sand covered land, semi-circle in shape,
and about 50 meters in size were before her, and the waves were
rushing in towards this undisturbed, hidden piece of heaven that she
had just found.
On top of that, a thicket of palm trees was situated in the
corner, giving cool shade from the harshness of the sun, a perfect
place to sit and enjoy the sea, while protecting yourself from the
Alissa looked over her shoulder, and saw Jenna exit the cave,
and she had the same expressions of wonderment and surprise as
Alissa, but Alissa could also see the sadness in her eyes, behind the
veil of happiness that she was trying to put on.
“This is absolutely amazing. I had never thought there would
be a place like this here. I mean, this is just perfect!”
“I know. It is perfect. It was perfect that day as well.”
“Hey! You won’t be sad! I know that you miss her, but
remember what you told me. She won’t like it if she becomes the
reason for your unhappiness each time you think of her.”
“Hmm...okay. Just give me a minute. You go on and have a
look until then.”
Alissa nodded, and then she walked towards the water.
Jenna just stood and looked at Alissa, jogging towards the
sea, wearing a short skirt, and an off-shoulder top and a silver
necklace with chrome hearts bouncing and glinting in the sunlight.
Then her eyes moved towards the thicket of palm trees,
swaying lightly in the salt laced ocean breeze, and then she looked
at that one spot beneath them, where she had gently undressed
Emma, and kissed her forehead, and told her she had loved her, and
Emma and just looked in her eyes and smiled back.
And after almost 10 years later, Jenna stood a few feet away
from that spot, and she smiled as well.
She had decided she would not feel sad.
And then, her eyes went back to the girl who was the reason
she had come back to this same place.
Alissa was standing in the water, feeling the waves crash over
her feet, caressing her skin, while she just stood with her eyes
closed and her arms wide open, feeling the wind in her hair and on
her face.
Jenna ran towards her, and then stopped when she was right
behind her, and Alissa still hadn’t noticed her.
And then she hugged Alissa from behind.
She let go of all inhibitions, all strands of fear from her mind
and heart.
She clutched Alissa with all her might, her hands wrapping
themselves around her waist, her face nestled at the side of her
neck, and Alissa, after a few seconds of surprise, smiled, and then
started caressing Jenna’s face with her hand.
And then she turned around, while Jenna still had her arms
around her waist.
“Was this my reward?”
“No. This was just me showing you what you have done to
me in three days. I am not the kind of person to do such reckless
things, but here I am, a married woman, with my student, hugging
her, loving her, having dirty, nasty thoughts about her.”
“Oooh...I would like to know those dirty thoughts, teacher,”
Alissa said, seductively.
“Oh my god, why the fuck are you so hot?” asked Jenna,
pulling Alissa closer to her body, pressing her own body against her.
“Not hotter than you,” said Alissa, and her hands went around
Jenna’s waist as well, but they did not stay stationary.
They started to move down, until her palms were caressing
Jenna’s hips from over her waist.
“I love these hips. I have admired them from the front seat of
the classroom so many times,” said Alissa, and finally gave Jenna’s
ass a squeeze.
This was too much for Jenna.
She closed the gap between their lips, and pressed her lips on
Alissa’s with a moan of desperation escaping her.
As Jenna took Alissa’s lower lip in her mouth, and started to
suck on them hungrily, her hands moved down to her ass, and then
she lifted her skirt with her hands, and sneakily moved her hands
inside the folds of her skirt, and felt the raw skin of Alissa’s butt with
her hands.
She squeezed, pinched, pressed, and caressed the young
girls’ tight, athletic ass, and felt lust rise in her.
And love as well.
The kiss that Jenna and Alissa were sharing was passionate,
and it wasn’t just an outcome of lust.
Suddenly, Alissa removed her hand from Jenna’s waist, and
inserted it in Jenna’s hair, and caught a fistful of her hair in her
hand, and pulled on them, kissing Jenna roughly, her feelings
making her lose control of everything, and not one to be left behind,
Jenna started to tug on Alissa's skirt, and pulled it down, and then
she pulled her top down as well.
Alissa wasn’t wearing any bra, and Jenna liked that.
With one hand squeezing her ass, her other hand went to her
left breast, and she started kneading it, and pinching her nipple.
The moment Jenna felt Alissa’s boob in her hand, she wanted
to kiss it.
She wanted to take it in her mouth and to taste it.
She broke the kiss, and moved her mouth to Alissa’s tit, and
took as much of it as possible in her mouth in one go, making Alissa
moan, and making Alissa tug on Jenna’s hair harder.
“Aahhh...fuck…your mouth feels so good on my tits, baby.
Aaahhh...yes bite that nipple. Show me how crazy you are for me,
Mrs. Smith. Show me how horny you are for your student.”
That made Jenna switch boobs, as she kept pressing the one
she was just sucking, and then started to bite the nipple of the other
one like a maniac.
Jenna could not remember the last time she had been this
turned on.
She wanted to taste every inch, centimeter, every nook and
corner of Alissa’s body.
She not only wanted to just make love to her, but she also
wanted to devour her.
She wanted to make Alissa hers.
She wanted to make her moan for her.
She wanted to make Alissa scream.
Jenna removed her face from Alissa’s tit, and went back to
her lips and kissed her hard, and then she looked in her eyes, and
said, “I will explore, kiss and tease every inch of your body. I will be
slow with you, I will take my time with you. But not right now. Right
now, I want to taste this,” Jenna said, and grabbed Alissa’s pussy
with her hand, and gave it a rub.
“OOHHH FUCKKK!” Alissa moaned hard, while keeping her
eyes locked on Jenna’s pretty face.
“Do whatever you want with me, Jenna. Love me, baby. Make
me forget everything!”
Jenna hugged Alissa, and then she tackled her to the ground,
and made her lie on her back, as the waved gently caressed both of
their bodies.
Jenna pulled Alissa’s skirt completely off her body, and then
she took her toe in her mouth, and started sucking on it.
Jenna had never done something like this with anyone.
Not even Emma.
But Alissa was driving her wild.
She wanted to do things to her she had only seen in lesbian
porn, things she thought she would never be able to do with
After sucking on Alissa’s toe for a bit, she started kissing her
way up her leg, licking and kissing her thighs, and then her inner
thighs, and then, smooching the area where her legs met her waist,
and then came back nearer to her pussy, but before she dove in, she
looked into Alissa's eyes, and then, for the second time in the same
place, said, “I think I love you, Alissa.”
Alissa looked at Jenna, and did not reply immediately, and
Jenna thought she was not going to get a reply once again, but
then, Alissa wrapped her legs around the back of Jenna’s neck, and
pushed her closer to her crotch, and then she said, “I don’t think, I
know for sure that I am falling for you. I love you, Jenna Smith. You
saved my life, gave it new meaning, now suck on my pussy, put your
gorgeous face between my thighs, and make me lose my mind, my lover!”
Jenna did not need another invitation.
She wasn’t expecting such a confession of love, but when she
got it, she could not wait to do anything that Alissa asked, and at
the moment, she wanted her mind to be blown, and that was
exactly what Jenna was going to do.
Jenna did not beat around the bush, no pun intended, and
she dove straight in, starting with smooching Alissa’s pussy lips,
taking them in her mouth, lapping her juices up, while at the same
time she kissed, and french kissed her pussy, making Alissa throw
her hands around, making her clutch sand, making her moan out
And then, Jenna parted her labia, and then started to draw
the number ‘8’ on her clit, something she had learned from Emma a
long time ago, and that drove Alissa completely mad.
The grip of her legs around Jenna’s neck tightened, and her
hips started to move, and thrust along with Jenna’s tongue, and she
started whimpering and screaming on the top of her lungs.
“Jennaaaaa!! Fuck me, baby! Lick my pussy...Fuck...Lick it like
it has never been licked before. Yesssss!!”
Jenna knew Alissa was close to cumming, and so, she
increased the intensity of her licks, her head moving with force, up
and down it went, her eyes enjoying the effect her tongue was
having on her young student.
“I am about to cum,” Alissa screamed, and just then, Jenna
inserted her finger inside Alissa’s cunt, and gave her pussy a few
pumps, and that was it for Alissa.
As a strong wave crashed over her body, an orgasm far more
stronger crashed over her body, and she lifted her butt off the
ground, and started to convulse with pleasure.
Jenna removed her face from between Alissa’s thighs, and
laid on top of her, and hugged her, helping the girl ride her orgasm,
looking into her eyes, and kissing her lips and face, as Alissa
moaned Jenna’s name again and again.
And then, the storm waned, and so did the pleasure, but the
love Alissa felt for Jenna increased.
Holding Jenna’s face in her hand, she kissed her forehead,
making Jenna remember the time when she had kissed Emma’s
forehead under the palm trees, and then, she stared into the brown
eyes of her teacher, and said, “Today was the happiest I have been
in ages. And it is all because of you. Promise me, you will never
leave me. Promise me that I won’t have my heart broken again.”
Jenna kissed Alissa, and whispered, “I am never leaving.”
But as she said this, she thought of her marriage, of her child,
her job, and the taboo nature of Alissa and her relationship, and she
wondered how she was going to keep this promise.

The End.
Under The Stars (6 book lesbian romance boxset)

Read a long preview of the first book from this

mega lesbian romance boxset with more than 600
pages of lesbian fun! The boxset deals with themes
like Happily Ever After, Age Gap, Billionaire Romance,
College Romance, Straight Girl Seduction and much
more! Click here to download the entire boxset now
or read the first three chapters of the first book from
the next page!
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came out and said "Go away, I'm thinking—oh it's you?" which was
how he always began.
"Owl," said Rabbit shortly, "you and I have brains. The others have
fluff. If there is any thinking to be done in this Forest—and when I say
thinking I mean thinking—you and I must do it."
"Yes," said Owl. "I was."
"Read that."
Owl took Christopher Robin's notice from Rabbit and looked at it
nervously. He could spell his own name WOL, and he could spell
Tuesday so that you knew it wasn't Wednesday, and he could read
quite comfortably when you weren't looking over his shoulder and
saying "Well?" all the time, and he could——
"Well?" said Rabbit.
"Yes," said Owl, looking Wise and Thoughtful. "I see what you mean.
"Exactly," said Owl. "Precisely." And he added, after a little thought, "If
you had not come to me, I should have come to you."
"Why?" asked Rabbit.
"For that very reason," said Owl, hoping that something helpful would
happen soon.
"Yesterday morning," said Rabbit solemnly, "I went to see Christopher
Robin. He was out. Pinned on his door was a notice."
"The same notice?"
"A different one. But the meaning was the same. It's very odd."
"Amazing," said Owl, looking at the notice again, and getting, just for
a moment, a curious sort of feeling that something had happened to
Christopher Robin's back. "What did you do?"
"The best thing," said Owl wisely.
"Well?" said Rabbit again, as Owl knew he was going to.
"Exactly," said Owl.
For a little while he couldn't think of anything more; and then, all of a
sudden, he had an idea.
"Tell me, Rabbit," he said, "the exact words of the first notice. This is
very important. Everything depends on this. The exact words of the
first notice."
"It was just the same as that one really."
Owl looked at him, and wondered whether to push him off the tree;
but, feeling that he could always do it afterwards, he tried once more
to find out what they were talking about.
"The exact words, please," he said, as if Rabbit hadn't spoken.
"It just said, 'Gon out. Backson.' Same as this, only this says 'Bisy
Backson' too."
Owl gave a great sigh of relief.
"Ah!" said Owl. "Now we know where we are."
"Yes, but where's Christopher Robin?" said Rabbit. "That's the point."
Owl looked at the notice again. To one of his education the reading of
it was easy. "Gone out, Backson. Bisy, Backson"—just the sort of
thing you'd expect to see on a notice.
"It is quite clear what has happened, my dear Rabbit," he said.
"Christopher Robin has gone out somewhere with Backson. He and
Backson are busy together. Have you seen a Backson anywhere
about in the Forest lately?"
"I don't know," said Rabbit. "That's what I came to ask you. What are
they like?"
"Well," said Owl, "the Spotted or Herbaceous Backson is just a——"
"At least," he said, "it's really more of a——"
"Of course," he said, "it depends on the——"
"Well," said Owl, "the fact is," he said, "I don't know what they're like,"
said Owl frankly.
"Thank you," said Rabbit. And he hurried off to see Pooh.
Before he had gone very far he heard a noise. So he stopped and
listened. This was the noise.

Oh, the butterflies are flying,

Now the winter days are dying,
And the primroses are trying
To be seen.

And the turtle-doves are cooing,

And the woods are up and doing,
For the violets are blue-ing
In the green.

Oh, the honey-bees are gumming

On their little wings, and humming
That the summer, which is coming,
Will be fun.

And the cows are almost cooing,

And the turtle-doves are mooing,
Which is why a Pooh is poohing
In the sun.

For the spring is really springing;

You can see a skylark singing,
And the blue-bells, which are ringing,
Can be heard.

And the cuckoo isn't cooing,

But he's cucking and he's ooing,
And a Pooh is simply poohing
Like a bird.

"Hallo, Pooh," said Rabbit.

"Hallo, Rabbit," said Pooh dreamily.
"Did you make that song up?"
"Well, I sort of made it up," said Pooh. "It isn't Brain," he went on
humbly, "because You Know Why, Rabbit; but it comes to me
"Ah!" said Rabbit, who never let things come to him, but always went
and fetched them. "Well, the point is, have you seen a Spotted or
Herbaceous Backson in the Forest, at all?"
"No," said Pooh. "Not a—no," said Pooh. "I saw Tigger just now."
"That's no good."
"No," said Pooh. "I thought it wasn't."
"Have you seen Piglet?"
"Yes," said Pooh. "I suppose that isn't any good either?" he asked
"Well, it depends if he saw anything."
"He saw me," said Pooh.
Rabbit sat down on the ground next to Pooh and, feeling much less
important like that, stood up again.
"What it all comes to is this," he said. "What does Christopher Robin
do in the morning nowadays?"
"What sort of thing?"
"Well, can you tell me anything you've seen him do in the morning?
These last few days."
"Yes," said Pooh. "We had breakfast together yesterday. By the Pine
Trees. I'd made up a little basket, just a little, fair-sized basket, an
ordinary biggish sort of basket, full of——"
"Yes, yes," said Rabbit, "but I mean later than that. Have you seen
him between eleven and twelve?"
"Well," said Pooh, "at eleven o'clock—at eleven o'clock—well, at
eleven o'clock, you see, I generally get home about then. Because I
have One or Two Things to Do."
"Quarter past eleven, then?"
"Well——" said Pooh.
"Half past."
"Yes," said Pooh. "At half past—or perhaps later—I might see him."
And now that he did think of it, he began to remember that he hadn't
seen Christopher Robin about so much lately. Not in the mornings.
Afternoons, yes; evenings, yes; before breakfast, yes; just after
breakfast, yes. And then, perhaps, "See you again, Pooh," and off
he'd go.
"That's just it," said Rabbit, "Where?"
"Perhaps he's looking for something."
"What?" asked Rabbit.
"That's just what I was going to say," said Pooh. And then he added,
"Perhaps he's looking for a—for a——"
"A Spotted or Herbaceous Backson?"
"Yes," said Pooh. "One of those. In case it isn't."
Rabbit looked at him severely.
"I don't think you're helping," he said.
"No," said Pooh. "I do try," he added humbly.
Rabbit thanked him for trying, and said that he would now go and see
Eeyore, and Pooh could walk with him if he liked. But Pooh, who felt
another verse of his song coming on him, said he would wait for
Piglet, good-bye, Rabbit; so Rabbit went off.
But, as it happened, it was Rabbit who saw Piglet first. Piglet had got
up early that morning to pick himself a bunch of violets; and when he
had picked them and put them in a pot in the middle of his house, it
suddenly came over him that nobody had ever picked Eeyore a
bunch of violets, and the more he thought of this, the more he thought
how sad it was to be an Animal who had never had a bunch of violets
picked for him. So he hurried out again, saying to himself, "Eeyore,
Violets," and then "Violets, Eeyore," in case he forgot, because it was
that sort of day, and he picked a large bunch and trotted along,
smelling them, and feeling very happy, until he came to the place
where Eeyore was.
"Oh, Eeyore," began Piglet a little nervously, because Eeyore was
Eeyore put out a paw and waved him away.
"Tomorrow," said Eeyore. "Or the next day."
Piglet came a little closer to see what it was. Eeyore had three sticks
on the ground, and was looking at them. Two of the sticks were
touching at one end, but not at the other, and the third stick was laid
across them. Piglet thought that perhaps it was a Trap of some kind.

"Oh, Eeyore," he began again, "just——"

"Is that little Piglet?" said Eeyore, still looking hard at his sticks.
"Yes, Eeyore, and I——"
"Do you know what this is?"
"No," said Piglet.
"It's an A."
"Oh," said Piglet.
"Not O, A," said Eeyore severely. "Can't you hear, or do you think you
have more education than Christopher Robin?"
"Yes," said Piglet. "No," said Piglet very quickly. And he came closer
"Christopher Robin said it was an A, and an A it is—until somebody
treads on me," Eeyore added sternly.
Piglet jumped backwards hurriedly, and smelt at his violets.
"Do you know what A means, little Piglet?"
"No, Eeyore, I don't."
"It means Learning, it means Education, it means all the things that
you and Pooh haven't got. That's what A means."
"Oh," said Piglet again. "I mean, does it?" he explained quickly.
"I'm telling you. People come and go in this Forest, and they say, 'It's
only Eeyore, so it doesn't count.' They walk to and fro saying 'Ha ha!'
But do they know anything about A? They don't. It's just three sticks
to them. But to the Educated—mark this, little Piglet—to the
Educated, not meaning Poohs and Piglets, it's a great and glorious A.
Not," he added, "just something that anybody can come and breathe
Piglet stepped back nervously, and looked round for help.
"Here's Rabbit," he said gladly. "Hallo, Rabbit."
Rabbit came up importantly, nodded to Piglet, and said, "Ah, Eeyore,"
in the voice of one who would be saying "Good-bye" in about two
more minutes.
"There's just one thing I wanted to ask you, Eeyore. What happens to
Christopher Robin in the mornings nowadays?"
"What's this that I'm looking at?" said Eeyore, still looking at it.
"Three sticks," said Rabbit promptly.
"You see?" said Eeyore to Piglet. He turned to Rabbit. "I will now
answer your question," he said solemnly.
"Thank you," said Rabbit.
"What does Christopher Robin do in the mornings? He learns. He
becomes Educated. He instigorates—I think that is the word he
mentioned, but I may be referring to something else—he instigorates
Knowledge. In my small way I also, if I have the word right, am—am
doing what he does. That, for instance, is——"
"An A," said Rabbit, "but not a very good one. Well, I must get back
and tell the others."
Eeyore looked at his sticks and then he looked at Piglet.
"What did Rabbit say it was?" he asked.
"An A," said Piglet.
"Did you tell him?"
"No, Eeyore, I didn't. I expect he just knew."
"He knew? You mean this A thing is a thing Rabbit knew?"
"Yes, Eeyore. He's clever, Rabbit is."
"Clever!" said Eeyore scornfully, putting a foot heavily on his three
sticks. "Education!" said Eeyore bitterly, jumping on his six sticks.
"What is Learning?" asked Eeyore as he kicked his twelve sticks into
the air. "A thing Rabbit knows! Ha!"
"I think——" began Piglet nervously.
"Don't," said Eeyore.
"I think Violets are rather nice," said Piglet. And he laid his bunch in
front of Eeyore and scampered off.
Next morning the notice on Christopher Robin's door said:
C. R.
Which is why all the animals in the Forest—except, of course, the
Spotted and Herbaceous Backson—now know what Christopher
Robin does in the mornings.

IN WHICH Pooh Invents a New Game and Eeyore Joins In
By the time it came to the edge of the Forest the stream had grown
up, so that it was almost a river, and, being grown-up, it did not run
and jump and sparkle along as it used to do when it was younger, but
moved more slowly. For it knew now where it was going, and it said to
itself, "There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." But all the
little streams higher up in the Forest went this way and that, quickly,
eagerly, having so much to find out before it was too late.
There was a broad track, almost as broad as a road, leading from the
Outland to the Forest, but before it could come to the Forest, it had to
cross this river. So, where it crossed, there was a wooden bridge,
almost as broad as a road, with wooden rails on each side of it.
Christopher Robin could just get his chin to the top rail, if he wanted
to, but it was more fun to stand on the bottom rail, so that he could
lean right over, and watch the river slipping slowly away beneath him.
Pooh could get his chin on to the bottom rail if he wanted to, but it
was more fun to lie down and get his head under it, and watch the
river slipping slowly away beneath him. And this was the only way in
which Piglet and Roo could watch the river at all, because they were
too small to reach the bottom rail. So they would lie down and watch
it ... and it slipped away very slowly, being in no hurry to get there.
One day, when Pooh was walking towards this bridge, he was trying
to make up a piece of poetry about fir-cones, because there they
were, lying about on each side of him, and he felt singy. So he picked
a fir-cone up, and looked at it, and said to himself, "This is a very
good fir-cone, and something ought to rhyme to it." But he couldn't
think of anything. And then this came into his head suddenly:

Here is a myst'ry
About a little fir-tree.
Owl says it's his tree,
And Kanga says it's her tree.

"Which doesn't make sense," said Pooh, "because Kanga doesn't live
in a tree."
He had just come to the bridge; and not looking where he was going,
he tripped over something, and the fir-cone jerked out of his paw into
the river.
"Bother," said Pooh, as it floated slowly under the bridge, and he went
back to get another fir-cone which had a rhyme to it. But then he
thought that he would just look at the river instead, because it was a
peaceful sort of day, so he lay down and looked at it, and it slipped
slowly away beneath him ... and suddenly, there was his fir-cone
slipping away too.
"That's funny," said Pooh. "I dropped it on the other side," said Pooh,
"and it came out on this side! I wonder if it would do it again?" And he
went back for some more fir-cones.
It did. It kept on doing it. Then he dropped two in at once, and leant
over the bridge to see which of them would come out first; and one of
them did; but as they were both the same size, he didn't know if it
was the one which he wanted to win, or the other one. So the next
time he dropped one big one and one little one, and the big one came
out first, which was what he had said it would do, and the little one
came out last, which was what he had said it would do, so he had
won twice ... and when he went home for tea, he had won thirty-six
and lost twenty-eight, which meant that he was—that he had—well,
you take twenty-eight from thirty-six, and that's what he was. Instead
of the other way round.
And that was the beginning of the game called Poohsticks, which
Pooh invented, and which he and his friends used to play on the edge
of the Forest. But they played with sticks instead of fir-cones,
because they were easier to mark.
Now one day Pooh and Piglet and Rabbit and Roo were all playing
Poohsticks together. They had dropped their sticks in when Rabbit
said "Go!" and then they had hurried across to the other side of the
bridge, and now they were all leaning over the edge, waiting to see
whose stick would come out first. But it was a long time coming,
because the river was very lazy that day, and hardly seemed to mind
if it didn't ever get there at all.
"I can see mine!" cried Roo. "No, I can't, it's something else. Can you
see yours, Piglet? I thought I could see mine, but I couldn't. There it
is! No, it isn't. Can you see yours, Pooh?"
"No," said Pooh.
"I expect my stick's stuck," said Roo. "Rabbit, my stick's stuck. Is your
stick stuck, Piglet?"
"They always take longer than you think," said Rabbit.
"How long do you think they'll take?" asked Roo.
"I can see yours, Piglet," said Pooh suddenly.
"Mine's a sort of greyish one," said Piglet, not daring to lean too far
over in case he fell in.
"Yes, that's what I can see. It's coming over on to my side."
Rabbit leant over further than ever, looking for his, and Roo wriggled
up and down, calling out "Come on, stick! Stick, stick, stick!" and
Piglet got very excited because his was the only one which had been
seen, and that meant that he was winning.
"It's coming!" said Pooh.
"Are you sure it's mine?" squeaked Piglet excitedly.
"Yes, because it's grey. A big grey one. Here it comes! A very—big—
grey——Oh, no, it isn't, it's Eeyore."
And out floated Eeyore.

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