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Installation of the first democratic government of South Africa

On 10th may, 1994, the first democratic, non racial government of South Africa was installed.
The installation ceremony took place in a sandstone ampitheatre formed by union buildings in
Pretoria, where many leaders of the world gathered.

Nelson Mandela had come to the ceremony with his daughter Zenani. First, Mr. De clerk was
sworn in as the second deputy president and Thabo Mbeki as the first deputy president. After
them, Mandela took his oath as a president of free South Africa. He pledged to obey and
uphold the constitution and to devote himself to the well-being of people.

Mandela addresses the Guests

After taking oath, Mandela addressed the guests. He promised to create a society of which all
humanity would be proud. He thanked the international leaders for joining the ceremony that
represented a common victory of justice, peace and human dignity.

He promised that he would work to remove all kinds of poverty, sufferings oppression and
discrimination from the society. He also promised that the new society would bring hope,
equality and freedom for all.

Display of the military power by South Africa jets

When Mandela had taken oath, south African jets displayed the military power. It also showed
the loyalty of military to democracy. The higher military generals saluted him. He recounted
that they would have arrested him many years before. It was followed by playing of two
national anthems. The whites sang’ nkosi sikelel’ the old song and the blacks sang ‘die stem’
the new song which marked the end of the ceremony.

Apartheid and south Africa

Nelson Mandela reminiscences (remembers) about days gone by which will soon be the part of
history where the whites had formed the system of racial dominance against the blacks. It was
the basis of the harsh societies which in now overturned. He says that the police of apartheid
(policy of racial segregation) created a deep and lasting wound on his country and its people.
Now, it is the system the recognized the rights and freedom of all people.

Mandela recalls the sacrifices of freedom fighters

On the auspicious day, Mandela regretted the loss of thousands of people and remembered
their sacrifice for the freedom for discrimination

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