First Long Quiz in Quadratic Equation

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: _____________

YEAR & SECTION: ___________________ TEACHER:_______________


QUIZ # 1

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a quadratic equation?
A. 2 x+5=11 B. +6=3 C. x 2=1 D. x 3−x=4
2. Which of the following is written in standard form?
A. x 2−5=6 B. x 2=9 C. 3 x 2+ 4 x−5=0 D. x 2−x=6
3. In the equation a x 2 +bx +c=0 , which of the following cannot be equal to 0 for the equation to
be quadratic?
A. a B. b C. c D. a , b∧c
4. In the equation 8 x +3 x =−5, what is the value of c ?
A. −5 B. 3 C. 5 D. 8
5. In the equation x =4 , what is the value of b ?
A. 0 B. 1 C. 4 D. undefined
6.In the quadratic equation2 x −8 x−9=0, which is the quadratic term?
A. 2 x 2 B. x 2 C. −8 x D. −9

7.In the quadratic equation2 x 2−8 x−9=0, which is the linear term?
A. 2 x 2 B. x 2 C. −8 x D. −9

8.In the quadratic equation2 x 2−8 x−9=0, which is the constant term?
A. 2 x 2 B. x 2 C. −8 x D. −9

9.What is √ 36 ?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D.6
10.What is −√ 81
A. -9 B. -3 C.3 D.9

11.What is


4 ?
2 1 1
A. B. C. D.
11 8 6 7

12.What are the roots of x 2=196 ?

A. ± 14 B. ± 16 C. ± 18 D. no real roots
13.What are the solutions of 2 x =¿18?
A. ± 1 B. ± 3 C. ± 7 D. no real roots
14.What are the solutions of 5 x −80?
A. ± 11 B. ± 9 C. ± 5 D. ± 4
15.Which of the following equations has the roots x=−1and x=−7 ?
A. x 2+ 1=0 C. (x−1)2−3=0
B. 2 x 2=6 D. ( x +4 )2=9
16.Which of the following are the roots of 4 d 2−16=0?
A. ± 2 B. ± 4 C. ± 6 D. ± 8
17.Which of the following are the roots of (a+ 5) =25?
A. ± 10 B. { 5 ,−2 } C. { 0 ,−10 } D. no real roots
18.Which of the following equations has the root x=3 and x=−19 ?
A.3 x 2−64=0 C. x 2+ 1=0
B.(x +8)2=121 D. (x +3)2=225
19.Find the solutions of the following equation x 2−3 x−40=0
A. -5 and -8 B. 5 and -8 C. -5 and 8 D. 5 and 8
20.Solve for x in the equation x 2+ x=12.
A. 6 and -2 B. -3 and -4 C. - 4 and 3 D. -2 and 6

21. In the equation2 x 2−2 x−12=0, the values of x are?

A. -6 and 2 B. -3 and 4 C. - 4 and 3 D. -2 and 3
22.In the equation 3 x 2−12=0 , the roots are?
A. 2 and -2 B. 3 and -3 C. 4 and - 4 D. none of these
23.In the equation x 2+ 7 x−120=0 , the solutions are?
A. 12 and -10 B. - 20 and 6 C. 15 and -8 D. 8 and -15
24.In the equation x 2+ 6 x=16, the roots are?
A. 8 and -2 B. -8 and 2 C. -8 and -2 D. 8 and 2
25.The roots of x 2+ 11 x−60=0 are?
A. 8 and -2 B. -8 and 2 C. -8 and -2 D. -15 and 4
26.In the equation x 2+ 18 x +81=0, the root/s is/are?
A. 8 and -8 B. 9 and -9 C. 9 and 8 D. -9
27. In the equation x 2+ 5 x −14=0, the solutions are?
A. 7 and -2 B. -7 and 2 C. 7 and 2 D. -7 and -2
28.The roots of 4 x 2+12 x−16=0 are?
A. 8 and -2 B. -4 and 1 C. 4 and -1 D. -8 and 2
29.In the equation x 2+ 121=22 x , the root/s is/are?
A. 9 and -9 B. 12 and -12 C. 11 D. 8 and 13
30.In the equation4 x 2−16 x+12=0, the solutions are?
A. 3 and 1 B. -3 and 1 C. -3 and -1 D. 3 and -1

Prepared by: Jimer T. Dela Cruz

Teacher III

Checked by: Digna J. Reyes

HT -VI Math Dept.
NAME: ________________________ DATE: _____________

YEAR & SECTION: ___________________ TEACHER:_______________


QUIZ # 2

I- Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a perfect square trinomial?
A. x 2−4 x+ 4 B. x 2−3 x−4 C. x 2+ 3 x −4 D. x 2−5 x−4
2. What must be the third term for the expression x 2+ 4 x + ¿ ¿ to make it a perfect square
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
3. Which of the following perfect square trinomial corresponds to the expression ( x−1)2?
A. x 2−2 x+1 B. x 2+ 2 x +1 C. x 2−1 D. x 2+ 1
4. Which of the following is a square of binomial?
A. x 2−3 x−4 B. x 2−4 C. ( x +1)2 D. x 2−3 x
5. Which of the following is equal to the quadratic expression x 2−4 x+ 4 ?
A. (x +2)2 B. (x−2)2 C. (x +4 )2 D. (x−4)2
6. How will you complete the square of the expression x 2+ 6 x ?
A. Add the half of the square of the numerical coefficient of x .
B. Subtract the half of the square of the numerical coefficient of x .
C. Add the square of half of the numerical coefficient of x .
D. Subtract the square of half of the numerical coefficient of x .
7. What number must be added to both side of the equation x 2−6 x=7 so that completing the
square can be used to solve the roots?
A. -9 B. -3 C. -3 D. 9
8. What are the roots of the quadratic equation x + 2 x−8=0
A. −4 ,−2 B. −4 , 2 C. 4 ,−2 D. 4 , 2

9. What must be the third term for the expression x 2−8 x +¿ ¿ to make it a perfect square
A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16
10.Which of the following perfect square trinomial corresponds to the expression (x +1)2
A. x 2−2 x+1 B. x 2+ 2 x +1 C. x 2−1 D. x 2+ 1
11.Which of the following is a square of binomial?
A. x 2−2 x−4 B. x 2−3 x C. x 2−4 D. ( x +5)2
12.Which of the following is equal to the quadratic expression x 2+ 10 x +25 ?
A. (x +5)2 B. (x−5)2 C. (x +10)2 D. (x−10)2
13.What number must be added to both side of the equation x 2+ 12 x=13 so that
completing the square can be used to solve the roots?
A. -36 B. 36 C. -144 D. 144
14.What are the roots of the quadratic equation x 2+ 6 x+ 8=0
A. −4 ,−2 B. −4 , 2 C. 4 ,−2 D. 4 , 2
.15.What is the standard form of a quadratic equation?
A. y=mx+b B. y=a ( x−h )2 +k C. ax +by =c D. a x 2 +bx +c=0
16.Express the equation x 2=−2 x+ 3 in standard form.
A. x 2+ 2 x−3=0 B. x 2−2 x+3=0 C. x 2−2 x−3=0 D. x 2+ 2 x +3=0

17.What are the values of a, b and c in the equation x 2+ 3=4 x ?

A. a=1,b=4 , c=3 C. a=¿1, b=3, c=4
B. a=1 ,b=−4 , c=3 D. a=1, b=−3, c=−4
18.What is the standard form of 3 x+ x ( x−1 )=8?
A.3 x 2+ 2 x−8=0 B. x 2−3 x+ 8=0 C. x 2+ 2 x−8=0 D. −3 x 2+ 2 x +8=0
19.Which of the following is the quadratic formula?
−b ± √ b2−4 ac −b
A. x= B. x=h C. x= D. x=−b 2−4 ac
2a 2a
20.If x 2−x−6=0, then x is
A. −2∨3 B. −1∨6 C.1∨−6 D. 2∨−3

II- Solve and show your computation.

1. Solve the equation x² + 8x = 33 by completing the square.

2. Solve the equation 2x² -2x-12 = 0 by quadratic formula.

Prepared by: Jimer T. Dela Cruz

Teacher III

Checked by: Digna J. Reyes

HT -VI Math Dept.

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