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Blog Post

What is a Blog Post?

A blog post is any article, news piece, or guide that’s published in the blog section of
a website. A blog post typically covers a specific topic or query, is educational in
nature, ranges from 600 to 2000+ words, and contains other media types such as
images, videos, and interactive charts.

We can think of a blog (short for weblog) as a personal online journal that is
frequently updated and intended for general public consumption.

How to Write a Blog Post

• Focus on a single topic

• Use informal language, catchy phrases, and a conversational style
• Make your post inviting, easy to read, and attractive
• Write in small paragraphs and use sub-headings for different sections
• Give a title that explains what the post will be about

Blog Post Samples

How to Write a Successful Blog

By Amit Agarwal

November 22, 2021

In 2004, I left the corporate world and started a tech & how-to blog called Digital
Inspiration. I have been blogging for more than 10 years now and a lot of things have
changed in these years.

Back then, there were few blogs, there was no Twitter or Facebook and the only way
people could subscribe to a blog was through RSS or email newsletters. Bloggers
maintained Blogrolls and generously linked to other blogs. Google search results
were a collection of 10 blue links and getting a slot on the front page wasn’t so

Blogging Tips and Advice

I am no expert at blogging but probably the one advantage I have is that I have been
in business for longer than most. There are no secrets or magic wand that will bring
success in the world of blogging but it is a combination of good luck, hard work and

In a recent interview with Lifehacker, they asked me how I work and my answer was
“enthusiastically and “diligently”. I enjoy what I do, I do not see this as work, I am
always thinking about ways to improve, to learn and I look forward to working on every morning.

Here I share some of my learnings and blogging tips that will probably help take your
blog to the next level.

[Read more on:



Best College Fests in India


April 19, 2019

Every year, colleges all across India host cultural festivals, or fests, to help students
break the monotony of their demanding and stressful student lives. Eagerly awaiting
the chance to break free, students hold their breath until finally, it’s time for the
fest! Finally, time to indulge in an exciting, vibrant, environment that is most definitely
free of stress. I like to think of it as a temporary holiday, an opportunity to shut off
your buzzing mind and ease your nagging stomach. Your attention need only be on
all the excitement filling the air. Breathe it in!

Why go?

Other than everything mentioned above, fests are a great way to meet new people!
They could also be great learning experiences. You may even bump into your
professors. Good chance to meet them in an informal setting. Students, and people,
from all over the country to immerse themselves in extracurricular activities focusing
on their skills and interests.

There are a ton of different engaging and dynamic options to choose from. Multiple
competitions, singing and dancing platforms, painting, drama, quizzes, gaming and a
whole lot more. For me, one of the best parts is the delicious variety of food. Good

time to pig out I’d say. It’s also very important to take a nice break to ease your mind.
If you’re a student, this might help you do better when you get back to college.

But most importantly, college fests bring people together, making these annual
events an integral part of student life. Usually, most fests invite celebrities and
sometimes have exclusive closing performances.

Now, with time gone by and expectations soaring, colleges around India have
developed an unsaid drive to be the best college fest in the country. Good thing
about fests is that there can be more than one winner.

You see, there are simply too many categories to consider when it comes to which
fest is the best. While one might have better food, the other might have better
competitions. I’d say FUN is the decisive criteria.

Below you will find an awesome list of some of the best college fests in India. These
are all also colleges that are associated with StuCred. Which means that you’re in
luck if you need a student loan to attend, or continue at, any of these schools!

[Read more on:]

Some Blogs to Learn English


Previous Years’ Exam Questions

1. You read an inspirational book that affected you a lot. Write a blog post in
about 200 words about the impact of the book upon your life and personality.
2. You recently visited a friend’s family to celebrate a festival. Prepare a blog
post of about 300 words highlighting various aspects of it such as food,
rituals, dress and so on.
3. Write a blog post on the annual cultural festival of your college in about 300

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