Connection Design in New AISC Manual

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Connection Design in the New AISC Manual

Part 2 Changes to the 13th Edition Manual

By William A. Thornton and Larry S. Muir

This is the second in a two-part series of articles exploring the many changes to the design of connections in the 2005 AISC
Specification and its accompanying Manual of Steel Construction, 13th Edition. The first article (STRUCTURE®, November 2006)

concentrated on changes to the Specification. This second part will discuss changes to the Manual.

Manual Changes

The use of the plastic section modu- the carried beam. In a sense, the extended
lus for flexure of bracket plates ends an tab and carried beam (infill beam) can be
Prying Action (Part 9)
anomaly which has existed since the 9th considered in the same way as a double
The prying action equations in the 13th

Edition Manual: for a bracket plate weld- coped beam. The procedure does this and
Edition ASD/LRFD Manual remain the ed to a column flange and containing checks for flexure yielding and buckling,
same in form as those in the 9th Edition one or ht columns of bolts, the welds
rigmore and shear yielding, in addition to the

ASD and 3rd Edition LRFD. A minor arep y
analyzed by an inelastic method, the upper limit of plate thickness. The bolts
change from the formulation of the 9th
bolts are analyzed by an inelastic meth- are checked for an eccentricity from the

Edition is that the moment arm “b” (see od, but the portion of the plate between bolt centroid to the face of the carrying
Manual for definition) for the double them is analyzed by an elastic method. member. The weld is the aforementioned
angle connection is now measured from Now all three will be analyzed by inelas- et. For a column web connection, the

the center of the bolt hole to the center tic methods. tab is extended so that the first line of

of the other leg, rather than to its face. bolts clears the column flange tips. In this

This change was incorporated into the 3rd Standard Shear Tabs (Part 10) way erection is facilitated.

Edition Manual.

Standard shear tabs, i.e. those with a No stiffeners are required top and bot-
A major change in the new manual is distance between the weld and a single tom because, as for the beam to beam

T a
the use of Fu, the tensile strength, in place column of bolts of 22 to 32 inches, connection, the beam with the extend-
of Fy, the yield strength, in all equations. ed tab can be thought of as a double

can be designed without eccentricity for

This is based on recent research, in which up to 9 rows of bolts. This result is based coped beam and checked for shear, flex-
the manual formulas with Fu in place of

Codes and Standards

on recent research, and the recognition ure and stability.

Fy gave an excellent fit to current testing of the fact that bolt shear strengths have Note that in addition to being a very
using currently available steels. This same

been reduced by 20% to account for economical connection, this is also a per-
idea has been around at least 15 years, end loaded connections. Since shear tabs fect OSHA connection.
but was not implemented in the Manual are not end loaded, that 20% is used to The procedure for extended shear tabs,
because of concerns about current steels increase the bolt strength. When these and an example, are provided in the 13th
from electric furnaces and older steels increased bolt strengths are matched to Edition Manual.
from integrated mills. the test results, the effect of eccentricity
Plastic Section Modulus (Z)
is removed. Conclusions
Also, based on theory and some testing, Changes to both the Manual and the
Rather than Elastic Section
Modulus (S) (Part 15) the weld size has been reduced from :t Specification have been discussed. Most
to et, where t is the tab thickness. of these changes will result in increased
The 3rd Edition LRFD Manual and
updates and discussions related to codes and standards

the 9th Edition ASD Manual both con- economy. However, in a few instances
Extended Shear Tabs (Part 10) changes have been made to address
tain a table for Snet, the net elastic section
This is a new connection based on potential problems that have not been
modulus for bracket plates and other sim-
a novel concept, that the plate should properly addressed in previous editions
ilar situations. This is table 15-2 of the
be the weak link and yield first, thereby of the Manual.
3rd Edition LRFD and a table (no num-
protecting the more brittle components, Changes that will make connections,
ber) on page 4-88 of the 9th Edition ASD
the bolts and the weld, from fracture. and therefore steel fabrication, more eco-
Manual. Recent research has shown that
This idea has been theoretically develop- nomical include:
the flexural strength of plates is much
ed to provide a maximum plate thickness • The removal of arbitrary
more closely approximated, though still
to protect the bolts and weld. Testing has minimum loads
conservative, when the elastic section
demonstrated that the concept works, • Increased weld strengths based
modulus is replaced by the plastic section
and so it has been incorporated into the on direction of loading
modulus. The new manual will use the
Manual. As with the standard shear tab, • Use of the plastic section modulus
plastic section modulus in most cases.
the minimum weld size is et. (This represents a 50% increase in
The elastic section modulus will be used
This type of shear tab will facilitate bending capacity)
for cope buckling, because that was the
very economic beam to beam and beam • Minimum fillet welds based on
model assumed to derive the empirical
to column web connections. For beam to the thinner part joined
equations that predict behavior. Thus
beam, the tab can be extended so that the • Column stiffener welds no longer
the 13th Edition Manual will have tables
first line of bolts is clear of the carrying required to develop the strength of
for both S and Z.
beam flange, eliminating the need to cope the stiffener

STRUCTURE magazine 52 February 2007

• Shear yielding strength
increased over previous
LRFD Manuals
• Plate buckling strength
increased over previous
LRFD Manuals
• Greater net section strength
for bolted moment beams

• Use of Fu instead of Fy in
prying calculations
• Elimination of eccentricity

in most standard shear tabs
• Improved design procedure

for extended tabs, which
eliminates the need for top
and bottom stiffeners h t

• Reduction of weld for shear
tabs from : of the plate

thickness to e of the
plate thickness
• The U factor used with shear

lag calculation will be increas-

ed for “long” connections

Changes that will make connec-

tions, and therefore steel fabrication,

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less economical include:

T a
• Reduced strength of slip critical
connections when oversized

holes are used

• In some cases block shear
capacity will be reduced
• The U factor used with shear
lag calculation will be decreased
for “short” connections▪
This paper was the original
basis of a paper and
presentation by Bill Thornton
and Larry Kloiber for the 2006
SEI Conference
in St. Louis, MO.

William A. Thornton is
Corporate Consultant, Cives
Steel Company, Roswell, GA.
He can be reached by e-mail
Larry S. Muir is President,
Cives Engineering Corporation,
Roswell, GA. He can be reached
by e-mail at

To read Part 1 of
this series on-line, Visit
and click on Archives Index,
November 2006

STRUCTURE magazine 53 February 2007

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