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Versions of the Future – WSC 2024

Versions of the Future – WSC 2024


Description: A fictional science from Isaac Asimov's "Foundation"

series, psychohistory combines history, sociology, and mathematical
statistics to predict the future behavior of large groups of people.
Realization Status: The concept remains largely fictional and
speculative. However, the rise of big data analytics and predictive
modeling in economics, political science, and social behavior studies
somewhat mirrors the idea, albeit with significant limitations and not
with the precision or scale depicted in Asimov's work.


Description: Steampunk is more of a cultural and design aesthetic than

a technology prediction. It imagines a world where steam power
remains the dominant technology but combined with futuristic
innovations as seen from a Victorian perspective.
Realization Status: As an aesthetic and subculture, steampunk is
realized through art, fashion, and literature. Technologically, it hasn't
influenced mainstream technology development, which has moved far
beyond steam power.


Description: Cyberpunk is a genre of science fiction that focuses on a

future with high tech and low life, featuring advanced technology like
cybernetics, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence combined with
societal decay and dystopia.
Realization Status: Among the visions listed, cyberpunk is relatively
closer to realization. Elements such as the internet, cybernetics, AI, and
virtual reality have advanced significantly, mirroring aspects of
cyberpunk fiction. However, the full dystopian societal collapse and
cyberpunk aesthetic are not fully realized.
Versions of the Future – WSC 2024


Description: The metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, created

by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality, augmented
reality (AR), and the internet. It's a space where users can interact with
a computer-generated environment and other users.
Realization Status: With the advancement of VR and AR technologies,
as well as platforms like VRChat and initiatives by companies such as
Meta (formerly Facebook), the metaverse concept is gradually being
realized. It's not yet fully ubiquitous or seamless as envisioned but is
arguably among the closest to realization.

Rocket Mail:

Description: The concept of using rockets to deliver mail, bypassing

conventional transportation methods to achieve faster delivery times.
Realization Status: Experimented with in the past, rocket mail has not
become a practical or widespread method for delivering mail,
especially with the advent of digital communication. However, the idea
of rapid delivery using advanced technology lives on in concepts like
drone delivery.

Flying Car:

Description: Cars that can transition between driving on roads and

flying in the air, intended to reduce traffic congestion and offer
personal airborne transportation.
Realization Status: Several prototypes and limited production vehicles
have been developed, with companies like Terrafugia and AeroMobil
working on flying car projects. Regulatory, safety, and cost barriers
remain, but it's a field with ongoing development.


Description: A proposed mode of passenger and freight transportation,

first used to describe an open-source vactrain design released by a
joint team from Tesla and SpaceX (Elon Musk’s companies). It aims to
move pods through reduced-pressure tubes at high speed.
Realization Status: Various companies, including Virgin Hyperloop, are
developing prototypes, and some test tracks have been built. While
significant progress has been made, widespread implementation is still
in the future.
Versions of the Future – WSC 2024

Supersonic Transport:

Description: Aircraft capable of flying faster than the speed of sound,

significantly reducing travel time over long distances.
Realization Status: While Concorde was a realized example until its
retirement in 2003, commercial supersonic flight has seen a decline
due to noise regulations and high operating costs. New projects, like
Boom Supersonic's Overture, aim to revive commercial supersonic
travel with advancements in technology and efficiency.

Nuclear Propulsion:

Description: The use of nuclear reactors to produce thrust for

spacecraft or aircraft, offering higher efficiency and speed than
conventional propulsion methods.
Realization Status: While nuclear propulsion has been explored,
particularly for spacecraft with projects like NASA's Project
Prometheus, it's not yet used for commercial or widespread space
exploration yet. Safety, regulatory, and technological challenges
However, there are several nuclear-powered suface ships, submarines,
and torpedoes in use by US, French, and Russian navies.

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