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Metabolic Syndrome

Kana Inoue, Norikazu Maeda,

and Tohru Funahashi

Introduction to Metabolic triglycerides or lowered high-density lipoprotein

Syndrome cholesterol (HDLc); (3) elevated blood pressure;
(4) and raised fasting plasma glucose (see also
The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of chapters “Hyperlipidemia”, “Hypertension”, and
the most dangerous heart attack risk factors, and “Diabetes mellitus”, respectively) [3]. Moreover,
up to a quarter of the world’s adults might have subjects with MetS often show impaired glucose
MetS. In general, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) tolerance, insulin resistance, and postprandial
are the most common cause of death in the abnormalities in lipids.
world. As most patients show no obvious symp- Abdominal obesity (also termed android obe-
toms prior to the first incident, identification of sity [4] or upper body obesity [5]), glucose intol-
risk factors and early intervention are important. erance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension form
Hypercholesterolemia is a well-established strong “the deadly quartet for CVD” [6]. Studies of
risk factor and is a primary target for the prevention abdominal body fat distribution using computed
of CVD (Fig. 1, see chapter “Hyperlipidemia”). tomography (CT) have revealed that the accumu-
MetS has been identified as the second target. It lation of visceral fat in intra-abdominal cavity is
was previously called syndrome X [1] and insulin more closely related to lipid, glucose, and blood
resistance syndrome [2], as low insulin sensitivity pressure abnormalities rather than absolute body
occurs frequently in this condition (Fig. 1). weight or abdominal subcutaneous fat [7]. Thus,
Multiple definitions for the diagnosis of MetS the increase of visceral fat area correlates with
exist, yet all require at least three of the follow- a cluster of obesity-related risk factors even in
ing: (1) obesity, especially abdominal obesity mildly obese subjects and is a critical step in
(expressed by increased waist circumference); (2) MetS development [8]. Finally, from a diagnos-
dyslipidemia, expressed by raised serum levels of tic point of view, the waist circumference is an
easy-to-measure surrogate marker of visceral fat.
MetS usually occurs in association with sed-
K. Inoue • N. Maeda
Department of Metabolic Medicine,
entary lifestyle (overeating and physical inactiv-
Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, ity). It has become a global health problem all
Osaka, Japan over the world and is also increasing in Asian
e-mail:; countries, where large numbers of people are
living. Although the frequency of people with
T. Funahashi (*) body mass index (BMI) above 30 is still lower
Department of Metabolism and Atherosclerosis,
Graduate School of Medicine,
in Asians compared to Caucasians and Africans,
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan MetS, type 2 diabetes, and CVD have also
e-mail: become a serious health problem in Asia.

E. Lammert, M. Zeeb (eds.), Metabolism of Human Diseases, 199

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-0715-7_30, © Springer-Verlag Wien 2014
200 K. Inoue et al.

Fig. 1 Changes in metabolic Overeating Physical inactivity

syndrome. Accumulation of
visceral fat is associated with
a cluster of obesity-related
risk factors, including Adipocyte Visceral fat
hypertension, dyslipidemia, dysfunction accumulation
and glucose intolerance.
Overproduction of adipocyte-
Dysregulation of
derived inflammatory factors
and reduction in antiathero-
genic adiponectin level Inflammatory factors
(summarized as “dysregula- Adiponectin
tion of adipokines”) also
contribute to the development
of cardiovascular disease. TG Insulin TG
triglycerides (also called resistance HDLc
triacylglycerols), HDLc
high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol Glucose
Dyslipidemia Hypertension


Since dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia and hyper- to abnormalities in glucose and lipid metabolism,
tension are common disorders, these risk factors and endothelial dysfunction in MetS.
sometimes gather even in a lean individual with- Another pathogenetic condition in visceral
out visceral fat accumulation. However, MetS is obesity is a dysfunction of adipocytes, especially
different from a condition randomly clustering abnormalities of adipocyte-derived factors, so-
multiple risk factors (Fig. 1). called adipokines (see chapter “Overview” under
the part “Fat tissue”) [10]. Oxidative stress and
relative hypoxia due to insufficient blood sup-
Pathophysiology of the Metabolic ply are postulated to cause dysfunction of and
Syndrome damage to hypertrophied adipocytes. The latter
secrete various inflammatory adipokines includ-
Visceral Obesity ing monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) as
an alarm signal, which recruits macrophages into
Visceral adipose tissue is present in the mes- the adipose tissue. Macrophages surround and
entery and omentum, where innumerable ves- remove the damaged adipocytes and produce pro-
sels run from the digestive tract to the liver. In inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis
response to energy demand, visceral adipose tis- factor α (TNFα), thus triggering a chronic inflam-
sue rapidly hydrolyzes triglycerides and delivers matory process in the adipose tissue. In addition,
the products, free fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol, hypoxia induces hypoxia-inducible factor 1α, a
to the liver via the portal vein, which resynthe- transcription factor that enhances the expression
sizes energy substrates (triglycerides and glu- of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 in adipocytes.
cose) for distant tissues (see chapters “Overview” Importantly, in MetS, these proinflammatory and
under the part “Liver” and “Overview” under prothrombotic adipokines spread from the adi-
the part “Fat tissue”) [9]. When the visceral fat pose tissue to the whole body via the bloodstream,
accumulates, large amounts of FFA are trans- triggering insulin resistance in muscle [11] and
ferred to liver and systemic circulation, leading thrombus formation in arteries [12].
Metabolic Syndrome 201

Adiponectin is a protein specifically produced and decrease of HDLc promote atherosclerosis

by adipocytes and abundantly present in plasma. (see below).
The protein suppresses (1) TNFα-induced
expression of adhesion molecules in vascular
endothelial cells, (2) growth factor-induced pro- Insulin Resistance
liferation of smooth muscle cells, and (3) foam
cell transformation of macrophages (see chapter Insulin resistance and prediabetic and dia-
“Atherosclerotic heart disease”) [12]. In addi- betic conditions are common features of MetS.
tion to these antiatherogenic activities, adipo- Impaired metabolism of FFA and dysregulation
nectin also has insulin-sensitizing activity and of adipokines are postulated as mechanisms of
stimulates FFA utilization by activation of AMP- insulin resistance in muscle. Muscle cells pref-
dependent protein kinase (AMPK) and peroxi- erentially metabolize FFA, and glucose uptake is
some proliferator-activated receptor α [13–16]. suppressed when the plasma level of FFA is ele-
However, in visceral obesity, plasma levels of vated. Additionally, proinflammatory adipokines,
adiponectin are decreased. In sum, the dysregula- such as TNFα, inhibit insulin signaling in muscle
tion of adipokines is postulated as a molecular and adiponectin expression. Adiponectin nor-
basis of various pathogenetic conditions associ- mally activates AMPK and increases FFA utiliza-
ated with MetS (Fig. 2) [17]. tion and thus acts as insulin-sensitizing hormone.
However, in MetS, a decrease of adiponectin
leads to insulin resistance. In turn, insulin resis-
Dyslipidemia tance in muscle causes postprandial hyperinsu-
linemia. Subsequent rise in fasting blood glucose
Triglyceride-rich VLDL is over-synthesized in and hyperinsulinemia occur due to hepatic insu-
visceral obesity. Thus, elevation of plasma tri- lin resistance. In this condition, suppression of
glyceride levels is a major feature of MetS. gluconeogenesis in the fasting state is impaired.
After hydrolysis of triglycerides, the size of The influx of large amounts of FFA from accu-
LDLs decreases (see chapter “Hyperlipidemia”). mulated visceral fat to the liver and the decrease
These smaller LDLs are prone to atherogenic oxi- of adiponectin may contribute to hepatic insulin
dative change. Accumulation of VLDL remnants resistance.

Fig. 2 Effects of treatment of Reduction of Lipid-lowering Reduction of visceral fat

metabolic syndrome on cholesterol intake therapy or associated risk factors
metabolism. Treatment of the
multiple risk factors involved in
metabolic syndrome apart from Cluster of
increased low-density risk factors:
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc, Hyperglycemia
LDLc level
left side) aims to reduce visceral TG levels
fat or directly targets individual HDLc levels
risk factors. Reduction of Hypertension
visceral fat improves dysregula-
tion of several adipokines and
the whole cluster of risk factors.
LDLc levels can be targeted by Improvement of risk
reducing cholesterol intake and factors and adipokines
lipid-lowering therapies. TG
triglycerides (also called
triacylglycerols), HDLc Cardiovascular
high-density lipoprotein diseases
202 K. Inoue et al.

Hypertension hypertriglyceridemia, hypo-HDL-cholesterol-

emia, and hypertension. Reduction of visceral fat
Hyperinsulinemia promotes urinary reabsorp- ameliorates the cluster of multiple CVD risk fac-
tion of sodium chloride in the kidney. Thus, sub- tors simultaneously (Fig. 2). As such, a change in
jects with MetS sometimes develop salt-sensitive lifestyle is the first-line treatment in MetS. This
hypertension (see chapter “Hypertension”). generally includes cardiovascular exercise, gen-
Additionally, adipocytes synthesize angioten- erally increased physical activity, and a restricted
sinogen (see chapter “Overview” under the part calorie intake.
“Kidney”) and consequently its levels are high in To date, there is no single pharmacological
obesity, further contributing to hypertension. treatment available, specifically tailored for the
Elevation of plasma FFA causes vascular entire cluster of multiple disturbances involved
endothelial dysfunction, resulting in an impair- in MetS.
ment of vasodilation activity. Increased sympa-
thetic activity is also reported in subjects with
MetS. Perspectives

With increasing comforts in the world, the aver-

Atherosclerosis age life span increased. However, reduced physi-
cal activity and excessive intake of nutrition lead
Ultimately, MetS increases the risk of athero- to increased visceral fat and obesity causing
sclerosis. Hyperglycemia, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and
increased FFA can damage the vascular endo- CVD. A strategy to combat and prevent MetS
thelium (see chapters “Diabetes mellitus” and is critically required. Therefore, education and
“Hypertension”). Increased levels of VLDL promotion of healthy lifestyle remains our most
remnants, small-sized LDLs, and low HDLc important and effective tool to prevent and treat
levels promote the formation of lipid-rich ath- MetS.
eromatous plaques (see chapter “Atherosclerotic
heart disease”). Hypoadiponectinemia, hyper-
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