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Blood Test

Sr No Test Bezeichnung Normal Range sfer rreg

1 KBBT Blutbild
2 Ery Erythrozyten 4.54 - 5.77 Mio./µ
3 Hb 13.5 - 17.5 g/dl
4 Hk 40 - 51 %
5 MCH 27.6-32.8pg/Ery
6 MCV 80.0-96.0 fl
7 MCHC 32.8-36.6 g/dl
8 EVB <14.8%
9 Leu 3.9-9.8 Tsd./µl
10 Thro 146-328 Tsd./µl
11 Kr bis 1.2
sprechende Median
12 GFREPI liegt bei 107ml/min/1.73qm.
13 PT < 50 U/l
14 GT < 60 U/l
15 AP 40-130U/l
16 Lip bis 60 U/l
17 CRP bis 5 mg/l
18 Calprotectin <50 µg/g
19 InspeSe2
our lungs to be exhaled. Red blood cells can carry oxygen due to a protein called
A red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood of vertebrates. Its molecule
The volumefour subunits,(vol%)
percentage each containing ancells
of red blood iron (RBCs)
atom bound to a haem
in blood, group.
measured as part of a
blood test.
MCH stands for Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin, and is a calculation of the average amount
The hemoglobin contained
mean corpuscular in eachorofmean
volume, a person's red blood
cell volume, is a cells
measure of the average volume of
a red blood corpuscle.
concentration in a given volume of red blood cells. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that
carries oxygen to tissues.

White bloodfactors)
coagulation cells (scientific
is to react name leukocytes),
to bleeding also
from blood called
vessel immune
injury cells orthereby
by clumping, immunocytes, are cells of t
blood clot.
kidneys filter creatinine out of the blood. Creatinine exits your body as a
waste product in urine
in an effort to create a more precise formula to estimate glomerular filtrate rate (GFR) from
serum creatinine
Prothrombin time and
(PT)other readilytest
is a blood available clinical parametersT
that measures the time it takes for the liquid portion
(plasma) of your blood to clot. It measures the function
damaged, GGT may leak into the bloodstream. High levels of a of
GGTof the clotting
in the bloodsystem.
may be a
sign ofenzyme
of this liver disease
in theorblood.
damage to the bile
Abnormal ducts
levels of ALP can be caused by liver or bone
conditions and other types of health problems.
Lipase is an enzyme the body uses to break down fats in food so they can be absorbed in
CRPintestines. Lipase
is a protein is made
that is produced in the
in your pancreas,
liver mouth,
and released intoand stomach
your bloodstream. Levels of
calprotectin in faeces is a consequence of neutrophil migration into affects
start to increase very soon after any inflammation or infection your body.
the gastrointestinal
tissue due to an inflammatory process.

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