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WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level C – Answer Key

Reading for Vocabulary

Exercise 2 (p19)
Level C Across
Answer Key 2. tickle 5. intelligent
7. cling 8. furry
* Last Updated: 2023, December, 21
1. wrestle 3. emotion
Review Test 정답은 제일 뒤쪽에
4. belly 6. twig

Exercise 3 (p20)
Lesson 1 In a Land before Time 1. b 2. d
3. a 4. c
Exercise 1 (p10) 5. a 6. de
1. preserved 2. skull 7. a 8. b
3. jungle 4. climate
5. extinct 6. footprints
7. survive 8. remarkable Comprehension (p21)
1_Reading Comprehension
1. a 2. d 3. a 4. b
Exercise 2 (p11)
1_Antonyms 2_General Understanding
1. extinct 2. jungle 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F
3. survive 4. preserved

1. remarkable 2. skull Lesson 3 What’s after Seven?
3. climate 4. footprints
Exercise 1 (p26)
Exercise 3 (p12)
1. switch 2. professor
1. d 2. c
3. discovered 4. repeated
3. a 4. c
5. buckets 6. experiment
5. d 6. b
7. selected 8. shocked
7. d 8. c

Exercise 2 (p27)
Comprehension (p13)
1_Yes or No
1_Reading Comprehension
1. No 2. Yes
1. c 2. d 3. c 4. c
3. No 4. Yes
2_General Understanding
2_Word Sense
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
1. yes
2. eating 다음에는 명사, 대명사, 부사와 to부
Lesson 2 Smart as a Chimp 정사가 와야 한다.
ex) eating an apple, eating them, eating regularly
Exercise 1 (p18) 또는 eating과 repeated의 순서를 바꾸면 다
1. intelligent 2. belly 음과 같은 예문이 가능하다.
3. furry 4. twig Repeated eating of fast food is harmful.
5. wrestle 6. cling I repeated eating and sleeping all day.
7. tickle 8. emotion

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level C – Answer Key

또한 다른 단어로는 repeated words, repeated 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T

pattern 등을 쓸 수 있다.
Lesson 5 Never a Warm Day
3. yes 4. yes
Exercise 1 (p44)
1. frigid 2. shine
Exercise 3 (p28) 3. remote 4. frost
1. a 2. d 5. opposite 6. predict
3. a 4. b 7. popular 8. unusual
5. b 6. c
7. d 8. c
Exercise 2 (p45)
1. S 2. O
Comprehension (p29) 3. S 4. O
1_Reading Comprehension 5. O 6. S
1. c 2. d 3. c 4. a 7. S 8. S

2_General Understanding
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F Exercise 3 (p46)
1. a 2. c
3. c 4. a
5. c 6. a
7. c 8. d
Lesson 4 Fire under the Earth
Exercise 1 (p36) Comprehension (p47)
1. recently 2. liquid 1_Reading Comprehension
3. ancient 4. erupt 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. b
5. lava 6. dormant
7. gush 8. active 2_General Understanding
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F
Exercise 2 (p37)
1_Word Groups
1. recently 2. ancient 3. lava
4. dormant 5. active Lesson 6 Fossil Fuels

2_Paragraph Exercise 1 (p52)

1. erupt 2. gush 3. liquid 1. form 2. remains
4. active 5. dormant 3. possible 4. require
5. replace 6. process
7. industrial 8. urban
Exercise 3 (p38)
1. c 2. a
3. b 4. a Exercise 2 (p53)
5. a 6. d Across
7. b 8. a 1. urban 3. form
7. industrial 8. process

Comprehension (p39) Down

1_Reading Comprehension 2. require 4. remains
1. d 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. replace 6. possible

2_General Understanding

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level C – Answer Key

Exercise 3 (p54) Lesson 8 Too Cool

1. d 2. a
3. b 4. d Exercise 1 (p70)
5. b 6. d 1. phase 2. upbeat
7. c 8. a 3. ridiculous 4. imitate
5. baggy 6. suddenly
7. mellow 8. regret
Comprehension (p55)
1_Reading Comprehension
1. d 2. d 3. c 4. b Exercise 2 (p71)
2_General Understanding 1. imitate 2. regret
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 3. suddenly 4. phase

2_Multiple Meanings
1. mellow 2. upbeat
Lesson 7 Do You Hear That? 3. ridiculous 4. baggy

Exercise 1 (p62)
1. alarm 2. rumble Exercise 3 (p72)
3. pitch 4. warning 1. c 2. b
5. volume 6. pluck 3. c 4. a
7. strike 8. vibrate 5. c 6. b
7. d 8. a

Exercise 2 (p63)
Strike Comprehension (p73)
1. B 2. A 3. A 1_Reading Comprehension
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. a
1. A 2. B 3. B 2_General Understanding
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T

Exercise 3 (p64)
1. a 2. c
3. a 4. b Lesson 9 Bravo! Encore!
5. b 6. d
7. b 8. d Exercise 1 (p78)
1. concert 2. instrument
3. enter 4. performed
Comprehension (p65) 5. historic 6. conductor
1_Reading Comprehension 7. audience 8. orchestra
1. d 2. c 3. c 4. d

2_General Understanding Exercise 2 (p79)

1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T Across
3. audience 5. orchestra
7. concert 8. conductor

1. historic 2. perform
4. instrument 6. enter

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level C – Answer Key

Lesson 11 Early Robots

Exercise 3 (p80)
1. c 2. a Exercise 1 (p96)
3. a 4. c 1. paw 2. gears
5. d 6. d 3. raise 4. modern
7. b 8. b 5. pigeon 6. rotates
7. mimic 8. impressive

Comprehension (p81)
1_Reading Comprehension Exercise 2 (p97)
1. b 2. d 3. d 4. d 1_Word Groups
1. mimic 2. rotate
2_General Understanding 3. paw 4. modern
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
2_Cloze Paragraph
1. rotate 2. gears 3. raise
4. paw 5. mimic 6. modern
Lesson 10 Worker of the Year
Exercise 1 (p88) Exercise 3 (p98)
1. owner 2. machine 1. c 2. b
3. direct 4. vacation 3. a 4. b
5. complex 6. clue 5. b 6. c
7. error 8. hazardous 7. a 8. d

Exercise 2 (p89) Comprehension (p99)

Across 1_Reading Comprehension
1. error 6. hazardous 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a
7. direct 8. clue
2_General Understanding
Down 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F
2. owner 3. vacation
4. machine 5. complex

Lesson 12 Robot Actors

Exercise 3 (p90)
1. b 2. a Exercise 1 (p104)
3. a 4. d 1. genius 2. ruthless
5. d 6. a 3. disguised 4. transform
7. c 8. c 5. hero 6. villain
7. violent 8. distant

Comprehension (p91)
1_Reading Comprehension Exercise 2 (p105)
1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b Across
3. genius 6. villain
2_General Understanding 7. ruthless 8. transform
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T
1. hero 2. violent
4. distant 5. disguise

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level C – Answer Key

Lesson 14 Mighty Paul Bunyan

Exercise 3 (p106)
1. d 2. c Exercise 1 (p122)
3. d 4. b 1. wilderness 2. lumberjack
5. c 6. a 3. tale 4. whole
7. b 8. b 5. campfire 6. adventure
7. orchard 8. joyously

Comprehension (p107)
1_Reading Comprehension Exercise 2 (p123)
1. d 2. d 3. d 4. a Across
1. orchard 6. tale
2_General Understanding 7. whole 8. wilderness
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T
2. adventure 3. lumberjack
4. campfire 5. joyously
Lesson 13 Computer Movies
Exercise 1 (p114) Exercise 3 (p124)
1. phony 2. distinguish 1. d 2. a
3. realistic 4. lifelike 3. d 4. b
5. costume 6. frightened 5. d 6. d
7. creative 8. horror 7. c 8. c

Exercise 2 (p115) Comprehension (p125)

1_Synonyms 1_Reading Comprehension
1. scared 2. fear 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a
3. fake 4. real
2_General Understanding
2_Word Groups 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T
1. distinguish 2. costume
3. realistic 4. creative

Lesson 15 Along Came a Mouse

Exercise 3 (p116)
1. b 2. d Exercise 1 (p130)
3. b 4. d 1. success 2. drawings
5. d 6. c 3. cartoon 4. entertain
7. a 8. a 5. title 6. characters
7. talent 8. humor

Comprehension (p117)
1_Reading Comprehension Exercise 2 (p131)
1. a 2. d 3. b 4. b 1_ Word Groups
1. drawing 2. humor
2_General Understanding 3. talent 4. success
1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F
1. characters 2. title
3. cartoon 4. entertain

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level C – Answer Key

Exercise 3 (p132)
1. d 2. c
3. c 4. a
5. d 6. a
7. b 8. b

Comprehension (p133)
1_Reading Comprehension
1. b 2. c 3. b 4. c

2_General Understanding
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level C – Answer Key

Level C Review Tests

Unit 1 Review
1 extinct a. a. no longer in existence
2 remarkable n. b. to stick to something
3 preserve o. c. to make someone laugh by touching them
4 cling b. d. very smart
5 intelligent d. e. a university teacher
6 furry j. f. to do again
7 select g. g. to choose
8 repeat f. h. to change one thing for another
9 switch h. i. to find something
10 professor e. j. having lots of hair
11 discover i. k. feeling
12 tickle c. l. to continue to live
13 emotion k. m. the weather conditions in a certain place
14 survive l. n. interesting and special
15 climate m. o. to keep from being ruined

Unit 2 Review
1 active a. a. to be busy doing something
2 ancient f. b. liked by many people
3 remote m. c. can be done
4 unusual d. d. not common
to say that something will happen in the
5 predict e. e. future
6 require i. f. very old
7 industrial j. g. not long ago
8 replace l. h. something that is completely different
9 process k. i. to need
10 possible c. j. having to do with factories
11 opposite h. k. a series of actions or changes
12 popular b. l. to change something for something else
13 liquid n. m. far away
14 erupt o. n. water or oil
15 recently g. o. to come out violently and suddenly

Unit 3 Review
1 vibrate j. a. how loud or soft a sound is
2 mellow c. b. to feel sorry
3 regret b. c. calm and relaxed
4 suddenly l. d. important in history

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level C – Answer Key

5 enter e. e. to go into
6 historic d. f. the person who leads a musical group
7 audience h. g. a public performance of music
a group of people who watch or listen to
8 concert g. h. something
9 conductor f. i. to make a long deep sound
10 ridiculous m. j. to shake quickly
11 imitate k. k. to try to look like something else
12 rumble i. l. happening unexpectedly
13 alarm n. m. foolish
14 volume a. n. a sound telling of danger
15 strike o. o. to hit hard

Unit 4 Review
1 direct b. a. dangerous
2 modern f. b. to tell someone how to do something
3 impressive e. c. to turn around on an center
4 mimic g. d. to lift something up
5 transform k. e. important and respected
6 violent j. f. of the present time
7 disguise i. g. to imitate
8 distant h. h. far away
9 ruthless l. i. to hide yourself by looking different
10 raise d. j. using great force to hurt others
11 rotate c. k. to change into something else
12 clue m. l. not caring if you hurt others
13 hazardous a. m. something that helps to solve a problem
14 vacation o. n. a mistake
15 error n. o. holiday

Unit. 5 Review
1 creative j. a. a wild and exciting experience
2 distinguish b. b. to tell the difference
3 realistic n. c. a good result
4 orchard h. d. a person or an animal in a book or movie
5 talent g. e. to make someone pleased
6 drawing f. f. a picture made with a pen or a pencil
7 entertain e. g. a natural skill at doing something well
8 success c. h. an area where fruit trees are grown
9 character d. i. a story
10 whole m. j. having new ideas and making new things
11 tale i. k. feeling fear
12 adventure a. l. a person who cuts down trees

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level C – Answer Key

13 lumberjack l. m. total
14 frightened k. n. looking like something real
15 costume o. o. something you wear to look special

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