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IPHC KIDS’ DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES. 1 PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE FOR YOUR CHILDREN GENESIS - BEGINNINGS Genesis 1:1 Give my child a knowledge of You as the Alpha and Omega, our mighty Creator. EXODUS - DELIVERANCE Exodus 6:7-8 You are still Our great Deliverer. Have mercy on my child and deliver him from his sin. Be his God forever. LEVITICUS - INSTRUCTION Lev. 11:45 Make your holy commands clear to my children, and give them a desire to follow hard after You. NUMBERS - PERSEVERANCE Numbers 6:24- Bless my child with a persevering heart. May she know your grace and peace all her days. DEUTERONOMY - OBEDIENCE Deuteronomy 31:6 Comfort my child when he is. afraid, and give him courage to obey You. Remind him that You will never abandon him. JOSHUA - CONQUEST Joshua 1:16-17 Strengthen the mind and heart of my child so that foshua, he will know Your will an wholeheartedly follow You. JUDGES - REBELLION Judges 7-9 When my child turn wanders from you have mercy on him. Please never tire of calling my prodigal ome. RUTH - REDEMPTION Ruth 4:14-15 In even greater ways than Boaz did for Ruth and Naomi, redeem and restore my child. May she know You, her great Redeemer. 1 SAMUEL - GOD OF THE HEART 1 Samuel 12:14 May my child acknowledge You as king of his life and love you with all his heart, soul, and mind, 2 SAMUEL - COVENANT 2 Samuel 7:13-16 Thank You for being the faithful covenant-keeper. As You did for David's house, be faithful to us and establish our home in Your Son. 1 KINGS - SOVEREIGN GOD 1 Kings 9:4-5 Our hearts are prone to wander and we so easily make idols for ourselves. Please help my child to keep You first and give her a desire to follow You. 2 KINGS - HOPE IN GOD 2 Kings 19:15-19 Make prayer my child's first response when life is hard. Grow him into a person whose hope is always in You. 1 CHRONICLES - GOD OF JUDAH 1 Chron. 29:11 Open the spiritual eyes of my child so she will know You as her great, glorious, and powerful King! 2 CHRONICLES - GOD OF JUDAH 2 Chron 7:14 Give my child a humble heart that is quick to Tepent and quick to pray. Turn him from wickedness and heal his heart. EZRA - RESTORATION Ezra 3:11 Give my child the ability to see Your good works of restoration and to respond with praise. NEHEMIAH - FAITHFULNESS OF GOD Nehemiah 8: Thank You for giving us Your Word, Help my child fo understand it, take joy init, and faithfully follow i ESTHER - PRESERVATION Esther 4:14-16 Give my child the same courage you gave Esther to bravely fight against injustice JOB - BLESSING THROUGH SUFFERING Job 19:25 Instill in my child the faith to trust and follow You even when everything seems to be falling apar PSALMS - GOD OF PRAISE Psalm 16:11 1 praise You for being a loving God who longs for us to know the path of life. Give my child the eyes to see that only by following You can we experience fullness of joy. PROVERBS - GOD OF WISDOM Proverbs Create in my child a humble and reverent heart that compels her to seek You for wisdom. ECCLESIASTES - GOD OF PURPOSE Eccl. 12:1 Give my child a strong foundation in You that will enable them to remember You as they grow older. SONG OF SOLOMON - LOVE & MARRIAGE Song of Solomon 7:10 Bless my child with 2 marriage that is devoted to You and to one another. IPHC KIDS’ DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES. 2 PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE FOR YOUR CHILDREN ISAIAH - SALVATION Isaiah 9:2 Let Your love shine so brightly before my child that she will hate the darkness and ove Your ig) JEREMIAH - JUDGMENT & RESTORATION Jeremiah 33:11 7am so thankful that You love us. Give my child an increasing awareness of that love so that he never turns from You LAMENTATIONS - LAMENT Lam. 5:17 May my child know and grieve his sin in a way that leads him to repent. Then, may he experience Your healing and restoration. EZEKIEL - GOD'S GLORY Ezekiel 36:22-23 Help my child to realize that her purpose is to glorify You. Inspire her to make Your name great ‘among the nations. DANIEL - GOD OF HISTORY Daniel 10:12 Set my child's heart on understanding You, eternal God. Make him humble before You and hear His prayers. HOSEA - FAITHFULNESS OF GOD Hosea 14:7 ‘No matter where or how far my child runs, may she always return to You. JOEL - REPENTANCE Joel 2:12 Be gracious and merciful to my child. Call her home every time she strays and make her quick to repen AMOS - GOD OF THE OPPRESSED Amos 5 Make my child hate evil and love good. Give him a heart for the oppressed and the courage to fight for those who need justice. OBADIAH - RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT Obadiah 3-4 Protect my child from selfishness and pride. Instead give her a desire to glorify and trust You in all things. JONAH - COMPASSION & GRACE Jonah 3:10 Have compassion on my child, and give him the grace to believe in You. MICAH - GOD OF JUSTICE Micah 6:8 Help my child treat everyone justly and with kindness, because she has known such great love and forgiveness from You. NAHUM - MIGHTINESS OF GOD Nahum 1:7 You are mighty and good. When my child is fearful, anxious, or overwhelmed would you show, him that he can'trust You to be his strong refuge? HABAKKUK - TRUSTWORTHINESS OF GOD Habakkuk 3:17-19 Cultivate within my child a heart that trusts in You, so they can know true joy. ZEPHANIAH - GOD OF JUDGMENT Zephaniah 3:17 Give my child a deep understanding of how much you love and delight in her, so that she will respond in faithfulness and devotion. HAGGAI - RENEWAL Haggai 1:7-8 Fill’ my child with a desire to work diligently for Your glory. ZECHARIAH - GOD'S DELIVERANCE ah 9:16-17 uly are the good and beautiful King. Give m child eyes to see You for who You are, so she will know Your salvation. MALACHI - REMEMBER GOD Malachi 3:17 Make my child your own. There is nothing | want ‘more than for him to experience what it means to be Your treasured possession MATTHEW - THE KINGDOM OF GOD Matt. 22:36-37 Show my child what it means to love You fully as her King and to love others as she loves herself. MARK - THE SUFFERING SERVANT Mark 10:43-45 Thank You for Jesus who perfectly modeled servanthood. May Your life inspire my child to follow You by serving others. LUKE - THE PERFECT MAN Luke 6:35-36 {11s not easy to love our enemies, but please grow my child into a person who does. Give him a willingness to extend mercy to others, because he knows what it means to have received it himself. JOHN - JESUS IS GOD John 17:14-19 These verses are a reminder that we will be hated because of You. Protect her from turning away from You when this happens and ground her in Your truth. ACTS - SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL Acts 1:8 As you did for your apostles, pour Your Spirit on my child and empower him to be 2 witness for ou, IPHC KIDS’ DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES. PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE FOR YOUR CHILDREN ROMANS - THE SAVING RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD Romans 16:17-18 Give my child discernment when it comes to relationships so she will recognize those who serve Christ and those who would lead people away from Your truth. 1 CORINTHIANS - CHRISTIAN CONDUCT 1 Cor 13:1-3 Cultivate in my child a heart that loves others. Help them prioritize love above all other virtues 2 CORINTHIANS - SUFFERING & THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT 2 Cor. 4: 7-10 When my child suffers, would You remind her that You (not she) has the power to overcome all evil. May she know that You will never forsake her and that because of You she cannot be destroyed. GALATIANS - FREEDOM IN CHRIST Galatians 5:1 Give my child freedom in Christ, by freeing him from shame, fear, or trying to earn Your love EPHESIANS - BLESSINGS IN CHRIST Eph. 2:10 Show my child that her identity is in You. When she struggles to figure out who she is, help her see that she is the work of Your hands and was created to bring You glory. COLOSSIANS - SUPREMACY OF CHRIST Col. 3:23-24 Give my child a love for serving You above all gthers..No matter what she does, may she do it or You. 1 THESSALONIANS - SECOND COMING OF CHRIST 1 Thess. 4:16-17 May it give my child great hope to know You will return for Your people, and do not let hard times discourage him from pursuing You while He waits. 2 THESSALONIANS - LIVING IN HOPE 2 Thess. 3:3 Do not let my child be overwhelmed by the enemy, but instead guard her against evil and let her know Your faithfulness. 1 TIMOTHY - INSTRUCTION FOR A YOUNG DISCIPLE 1 Tim. 6:11-12 Help my child to run from sin and vigorously pursue the godly virtues of righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness. 2 TIMOTHY - PERSEVERANCE 2 Tim 3:16-17 Instill in my child a respect and love for Your Word. May he recognize the authority of it and faithfully live its teachings. TITUS - GODLY CONDUCT Titus 3:1-2 Cause my child to humbly obey those in authority and treat all people with courtesy and respect. PHILEMON - FORGIVENESS Philemon 17-19 Create in my child, a heart that is quick and generous with forgiveness. HEBREWS - SUPERIORITY OF CHRIST Heb. 12:1-2 Strengthen my child to run the race of faith with her eyes focused on Jesus. JAMES - GENUINE FAITH James 2:14-17 Give my child a faith that extends beyond his self and shows the selfless love of Christ to others. 1 PETER - RESPONDING TO SUFFERING 1 Peter 5:10 When my child is suffering, give her patience to trust in You knowing You will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish her. 2 PETER - WARNING AGAINST FALSE TEACHERS 2 Peter 3:18 Establish my child so that when he faces false teachers who try to destroy his faith, he will know the light from the darkness 1 JOHN - FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD 1 John 1: Thank You for being faithful to forgive and gleanse me, Would you give my child a humble heart, quick to confess so He experiences your faithfulness too? 2 JOHN - GOD OF TRUTH 2 John 4-5 Make my child someone who walks in truth and loves those around her. 3 JOHN - DISCERNMENT 3 John 3-4 Instill a love for truth in my child. Help him understand Your Word and take great joy in walking in Your ways. JUDE - GOD'S PROTECTION Jude 24-25 T know that | do not have to fear for my child, because You love her far more than | do. Would You protect her faith and make her delight in Your glory and authority? REVELATION - GOD OF ETERNITY Revelation 21:5-6 Tlong for You to be my child's God. May he know You as His Father, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Praise to You for giving us an eternal heritage in Your Son.

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