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Project Name

Environmental Impact and Aspect Register Date: 00-000000-0000

Prior to Controls After Controls

Aspect Impact Probability Severity Risk Rating Control Measures ProbabilitySeverity Risk Rating

Waste controls are dependant on site

Increase in landfill sites due to increase in waste. requirements and space (i.e. not enough space
Inappropriate disposal may lead to legislative on all sites to segregate waste). Waste
General Waste
non-compliance, also contaminate the non 4 2 8 generated on site will be disposed off in 3 1 3
approved waste dumping site. approved landfill by waste management

Hazardous waste is stored safely and securely.

Ground & water contamination as a result of
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
incorrect hazardous waste disposal.
Hazardous Waste
Inappropriate disposal may lead to legislative 4 3 12 approved waste management contractor will 2 2 4
handle this waste. Waste from clinics will be
handled by HCP.

Ground & water contamination as a result of sewage waste will be disposed of in an

incorrect disposal. Inappropriate disposal may approved disposal area by an Environmental
Sewage waste
lead to legislative non-compliance and effect the 4 2 8 Product Declaration (EPD) approved waste 2 1 2
flora and fauna. management contractor.

Due to the environment in which the

organisation operates, noise control is typically
Noise Pollution Noise impact to local residents, workers and limited to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),
local wildlife 4 2 8 control of operation hours (i.e during daylight 1 2 2
hours). Well maintained equipments will be
used and will be regularly maintained.

Ground / water / air pollution as a result of Designated areas to park vehicles. Reguarly
spillages and releases from poorly maintained inspect and maintain vehicle(s) to prevent
vehicles.Inappropriately parked vehicles may leakages. Encourage drivers to switch off engine
Vehicle Parking
& Use
lead to restricted access for emergency services 4 3 12 while vehicle is parked , wherever possible by 1 2 2
or evacuation. Increased mileage and driving encouraging telephone conference calls for
resulting in increased fuel consumption and meetings as opposed to travelling to reduce air
reduced air quailty. emissions.
Ground / water / air pollution as a result of
spillages and releases from inappropriately All plant and equipment regularly inspected and
Plant & Material stored or poorly maintained plant. Also resulting maintained to reduce spillages and leaks.
Storage in possible access restrictions for emergency 3 3 9 Designated parking areas / storage areas for 1 2 2
services / evacuation. Poorly stored plant / plant & material will be constructed.
materials can increase fire risk

Oil spillage and soil contamination due to poorly

Preventive maintaince of equipments will be
Heavy Equipments maintaned equipments. Noise pollution and air
Operation pollution (dust and smoke) due to equpments 4 4 16 carried out regularly. Sprinkling of water to 2 2 4
control dust.

Equipments will be maintained regularly. Old

Contamination Contamination caused from leaks and spillages
of Land that are allowed / left to soak into the ground 4 3 12 plants and eqipments will be replaced with well 2 2 4
maintained ones.

inert waste generated on site will be disposed of

Contamination of soil and ground water. Can
in an approved landfill by an Environmental
Inert waste effect the biodiversity. Improper disposal will 3 2 6 Product Declaration (EPD) approved waste 1 1 1
result in legislative non-compliance
management contractor.

Electronic documentation and email interaction

cosumption of nature resource, increase in
will be incouraged. Where ever possible double
Use of Paper waste generation.increase in enegry 4 2 8 side of paper will be utilized. Computer filing 2 1 2
consumption due to printing of papers.
system will be preferred.

Hazcom training will be given to involved

workers. Separate chemical storage area will be
constructed for proper storage and waste
Contamination of soil and water body. Can effect chemicals will be stored and disposed off
Use of Chemicals
flora and fauna. Health effect on workers. 4 4 16 properly. Proper PPE will be provided to 2 2 4
workers. Warning and information notices and
MSDS will be displayed at chemical storage and
usage area.
All activities will be carried out during day time.
Light Pollution Effect on local fauna. 2 2 4 Minimum possible lights will be used during 2 1 1
night time.

Use of modern energy efficient equipment,

switch off lights when not in use, switch off
Increased air pollution due to use of generators, computers and AC units when not in use. Dip
Generators and Electricity soil contamination due to diesel spillage from trays and concrete pads for generators to
use generators and noise pollution due to generators 4 4 16 prevent soil contamination. Generators are 2 2 4
running. placed away from living and working area to
minimized noise pollution and will be
maintained regularly to minimized air pollution.

All equipment regularly inspected and

Soil contamination due to spillage from
maintained to reduce spillages and leaks. Water
Excavation equipments Dust generation, noise pollution due 3 2 6 will be sprinkled on excavated material to 2 2 4
to equipment operation.
control dust.

All equipment regularly inspected and

Soil contamination due to spillage from maintained to reduce spillages and leaks.
Backfilling equipments Dust generation, noise pollution due 3 2 6 Backfilling material drop distance from 2 1 2
to equipment operation. equipment bucket will be minimized to control

Designated washing area with concrete slab and

Water and soil contamination due do mixing of
side bund walls will be constructed and waste
Vehicle washing chemicals from vehicles into water and waste 3 3 9 water line will be connected to STP line, also oil 2 2 4
water seepage into soil.
seperator will be installed.
Increase in air emissions as a result of sourcing Materials purchased from local suppliers and
materials from suppliers based a significant consolidated into 1 big order, wherever possible
Transporting/ Purchasing distance from the project and by placing to reduce the carbon emissions. Any materials
Materials numerous small orders instead of one big order. 4 3 12 no longer required for the project to be stored 2 1 2
Increased waste stream (excess materials) as a in the laydown (if possible) and used on other or
result of over ordered. future projects.

Impact Matrix
Probability Rating 5 - Very High 5 10 15 20 25
4 - High 4 8 12 16 20
3 - Moderate 3 6 9 12 15
2 - Low 2 4 6 8 10
1 - Very Low 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Very Low Low Moderate High Very High
Impact Rating

Name Here (Environmental Coordinator) (HSE Engineer)

Prepared By: Approved By:

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