Bekyurek Et Al 2002 Diagnosis of Sexual Cycle by Means of Vaginal Smear Method in The Chinchilla (Chinchilla Lanigera)

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Diagnosis of sexual cycle by means

of vaginal smear method in the chinchilla

( Chinchilla lanigera )
Tayfur Bekyürek1, Narin Liman2 & Güner Bayram3
1 2
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey and 3 University of Erciyes, Training College
. . .
of SaŽ ye ÇikrikçiogÏ lu, Kayseri, Turkey

An investigation was made as to whether the sexual cycle and pregnancy can be determined
by means of vaginal smear in chinchillas. T his study represents the ®rst attem pt to record
changes which occur in the pattern of exfoliated cells in chinchilla’s vaginal smear during
anoestrus, proestrus, oestrus, metoestrus and pregnancy. Fifteen female chinchillas aged from
8 months to 3 years and bred through harem breeding method were used. T he major change
during proestrus was an increase in the proportion of super®cial cells, with a corresponding
decrease in other cells. Goblet cells were observed in the smears prepared by strong aspiration
during this cycle. Neutrophils, small and large intermediates and parabasal cells were not
found in the smear during oestrus and the smear consisted of super®cial cells only. In the
proportion of neutrophils, small and large intermediates and parabasal cells increased during
metoestrus. In addition, metoestrum and foam cells were found in this cycle. In anoestrus;
super®cial and parabasal cells were present in small numbers. Also small and large
intermediate cells as well as neutrophils were present. Traces of foam and metoestrum cells
were found. During pregnancy, neutrophils generally of medium density were present,
parabasal; small and large intermediate cells were present at low or medium density, and
super®cial cells were only present in trace amounts.

Keywords Vaginal smears; chinchilla; sexual cycles

T he chinchilla, which sleeps during the day as a fur animal (Weir 1970, 1976, CË alõs;kaner
and is active at night, is a herbivorous South 1993 ). In spite of having a lifespan of 20 years,
American rodent of the suborder Hystrico- their reproductive performance continues for
morpha and family Chinchillidae (Bingam i & 9 to 10 years. Chinchillas are bred through
Beach 1968 ). T he species is best known as the harem breeding method, with a male
fur-beari ng animals valued throughout the being matc hed with four females in an ideal
world for their remarkabl y soft fur. Chin- breeding system. Matin g lasts only a short
chillas are also kept at homes as pets and tim e and usually occurs at night. T he
used as experimental anim als at laborat ories. presence of a copulation plug and fallen
T here are three different species: C h inch illa batch es of hair on the straw are indicative of
la ni ge ra , C . c o sti na and C . b re vic a ud a ta . successful mating.
C . la nige ra is the species commercially bred T he copulation plug is initially white and
soft but later becomes harder and transparent
yellow in colour (Weir 1970, 1976, Puzder &
C o rre spond e nc e to : T. Be k yuÈ re k Novikmec 1992, T hiede 1994 ). T he Chin-
Accepted 22 May 2001 # Laboratory Animals Ltd. Laboratory Animals (2002) 36, 51–60
52 Bekyürek, Liman & Bayram

chilla’s gestation period is usually between larly, measurements of oestrus are increas-
105±115 days and the period is 111 days in ingly im portant. T his study was designed
C . la nige ra (Weir 1966, 1970, 1976, Kuroiwa because vaginal cytology is an effective
& Imamichi 1977, Neira e t a l. 1989, Puzder method for determining sexual cycle and
& Novikmec 1992, CË alõs;kaner 1993, T hiede pregnancy (without affect ing fur qualit y).
1994) and 128 days in C . b re vic a ud a ta Chinchillas are economically im portant and
(CË alõs;kaner 1993). their breeding is progressively increasing in
Female chinchillas reach puberty at 4 to 5 Turkey.
months of age but they reach mating matur-
ity at 8 to 9 months of age. Chinchillas are
seasonally polyoestrus and their sexual
activities increase at the beginning of Material and methods
November until the end of May. During Anim a ls
summer and early autumn anoestrus occurs
Fifteen female C . La nige ra aged between
(Weir 1970, Kuroiwa & Imamichi 1977,
8 months to 3 years (300±500 g) were used
Jakubow e t a l. 1984, Puzder & Novikm ec
in this study. Males were placed in harem
1992, T hiede 1994 ). T he durati on of the oes-
breeding units with four fem ales. T his
trus cycle is usually 28 to 35 days (Kuroiwa &
arrangement allows the male to travel at will
Imamichi 1977, CË alõs;kaner 1993, T hiede
between the individual ly-housed females.
1994). T he period of the oestrus lasts for 3 to
Females are collared to prevent their entry
4 days. T he vulva is closed by a hym en (Weir
into the common male runway, thus avoid-
1966, 1969, 1970, 1973, Kuroiwa & Imamichi
ing their access to other female cages.
1977, Puzder & Novikm ec 1992, T hiede
T he females were housed individually in
stainless-steel cages. T he cages measured
Little is known about the diagnosis of the
51651630 cm. T he chinchillas were fed
sexual cycle and pregnancy in chinchilla.
with pellet chinchilla grain and alfal fa
T he criterion of vaginal perforat ion is used
a d lib itum . Clean water was given dail y in
generally as a primary indicati on of oestrus.
glass bottles. Vitamin complex was added
Ultrasonography and radiography, and obser-
twice a week to the water. Chinchillas were
vations of abdom inal palpation or increases
kept in a well-aired environment with the
in live weight, have reported been used to
temperature between 10±18 C. T hey were
diagnose pregnancy in the female chinchilla.
hot exposed to direct sunlight, but kept in a
Diagnosis by ultrasonography involves shav-
room, which was illuminated for 12 h and
ing the hair, reducing fur qualit y. Moreover,
dark for 12 h a day.
some such tests do not always yield accurate
results, since the increase in live weight is
Ha nd ling
distinctive only after 50 to 60 days of preg-
nancy (Weir 1970, Puzder & Novikmec 1992 ). Chinchillas were taken from their cages by
In addition, the radiography method is their tail. For vaginal exam inations, the
expensive and can cause early embryonic animals were held by the tai l and their
deaths or foetal malformations during forepaws rested on the observer’s chest.
Female chinchilla will accept a male in the Th e c o lle c tio n o f va gina l sm e a r sa m ple s
oestrus cycle only if she likes him. Females Vaginal smear samples were collected by the
may becom e aggressive and attac k males if aspiration technique for 2 years at 15-day
the fem ales refuse to mate and the male is intervals over the period of sexual activity
insistent. Fighting between males and (between November and May) and during
fem ales may result in the death of the male summer (anoestrus). A small column of
(Bingam i & Beach 1968, CË alõs;kaner 1993 ). In sterile saline (approximately 1 ml) was drawn
order to prevent this, arti®cial fertilization up into a Pasteur pipette and its full length
procedures are performed. T herefore, the was slipped into the caudal vagina, takin g
determination of sexual cycle and, particu- care not to squeeze the bulb. T he bulb was
Laboratory Animals (2002) 36
Sexual cycle diagnosis by vaginal smear in the chinchilla 53

then squeezed quickly and gently several (4 ) 0.5% aqueous eosin

times, to make the ¯uid column wash Eosin (aqueous) 0.5 g
rapidly bac k and forth and in doing so, pick Distilled water 100 ml
up cells. A small drop of ¯uid was placed on a
microscopic slide near the labelled end. T he Te ch niq ue
slide was then vertically tipped to allow the Alcohol-®xed smears are washed well in
drop to run down the length of the slide. T he water.
excess ¯uid was blott ed from the end of the Stain with Harris’ haematoxyl in for
slide before it was stood upright to air-dry. one minute.
Wash in water and differentiat e in acid±
Sta ining te c h niq ue alcohol until the nuclei are sharply
stained blue and the bac kground is
T hese sam ples were stained by haemat oxylin relatively unstained. An average
& eosin (Bourne 1990) and by modi®ed differentiat ion time is 2±6 s.
Ayoub-Shklar’s for prekeratin and keratin Wash in water and blue in the bicarbonate
staining techniques (Luna 1968 ), and were solution for 10±20 s.
examined under light microscopy. T he Wash well in water.
Ayoub-Shklar’s staining technique was Stain with eosin for 10±20 s.
combined with Harris’s and Weigert’s Wash in water, dehydrate with 96%
haematoxylin stains. alcohol and absolute alcohol and clear in
xylene, two changes each.
Ha e m a to xylin & e o sin te c h niq ue Mount with Entellan.
So luti o ns:
Ayo ub -Sh k la r’s fo r pre k e ra tin a nd k e ra tin
(1 ) Harris’ haemat oxylin
staining te c h niq ue
Haematoxylin 5g
Ethyl alcohol 50 ml Solutions for Harris’s haematoxylin (1), (2 ), &
Potassium or ammonium 100 g (3 ) were prepared as above.
alum So lutio ns fo r We ige rt’s iro n h a e m a to xylin
Distilled water 950 ml (1 ) Weigert’s iron haematoxylin: T his is
Mercuric oxide 2.5 g normally stored as two separate solutions
Glacial acetic acid 40 ml
So lutio n A
Dissolve the haematoxyl in in the alcohol Haem at oxylin 1g
using gentle heat (using a 56 C oven or water Ethyl alcohol 100 ml
bath ) and dissolve the alum in the distilled Dissolve with gentle heat
water using a Bunsen with frequent stirring.
So lutio n B
Whilst the aqueous alum solution is still hot,
30% aqueous ferric chloride 4 ml
add the alcoholic haemat oxylin solution and
Conc. hydrochloric acid 1 ml
bring to the boil, stirring frequently. Turn off
Distilled water
the Bunsen just before adding the mercuric
oxide, as the resultant effervescence may Add together equal volumes of A and B prior
cause spillage. Cool quickly by plunging the to use, and ®lter before use
container into cold water, add the acetic acid (2 ) Methyl carbonate
and ®lter. T he solution is ready for immedi- Distilled water 125 ml
ate use but will need re®ltering. Methanol 125 ml
(2 ) 1% hydrochloric acid in 70% alcohol Sodium carbonate 0.5 g
70% alcohol 100 ml 5% Acid fuchsin solution*
Conc. hydrochloric acid 1 ml Acid fuchsin 5.0 g
(3 ) 3.2% aqueous sodium bicarbonate Distilled water 100.0 ml
Sodium bicarbonat e (aqueous) 2 g Aniline blue-Orange G solution*
Distilled water 100 ml Aniline blue, water soluble 0.5 g
Laboratory Animals (2002) 36
54 Bekyürek, Liman & Bayram

Orange G 2.0 g Sm a ll in te rm e d ia te c e lls: T hese cells vary

Phosphotungstic acid 1.0 g considerably in size. T hey are the growing,
Distilled water 100 ml transitional cells between the spherical
parabasal cells and the larger, more mature,
* For consistent staining results use fresh
¯attened cells into which they develop as
they move further away from the basal
Sta ini ng pro c e d ure layers. T hey vary in shape from nearly
T he smears can be held aft er air drying round to oval; and most are ellipsoid.
and without ®xation for an inde®nite T he cell outline is very regular. As with
time. T hey can be ®xed by placing in 96% parabasal cells, the nucleus is large and
ethyl alcohol for 3 min. vesicular, but it is less basophilic.
Alcohol-®xed smears wash well in water.
Stain with Weigert’s iron haematoxylin La rge inte rm e d ia te c e lls : T hese cells are
for 5 min or Harris’ haematoxyl in for characterized by their shape and nuclear
one minute. appearance rather than their size. T hey
After staining with Weigert’s iron represent a transitional stage between the
haematoxylin: larger of the regular-shaped, variabl e-sized,
Wash in water for 5 min and differentiat e in small intermediate cells and the irregular-
methyl carbonate for one minute and then shaped, squamous, super®cial cells. T hey are
wash in water for 5 min. squam ous in shape with an active, round,
normal-sized nucleus.
After staining with Harris’ haematoxylin :
Wash in water and differenti ate in acid alco-
Supe r®c ia l ce lls : T hese are large and ¯at.
hol until the nuclei are sharply stained blue
T heir nucleus is very fai nt or pyknotic and
and the bac kground is relatively unstained.
dense; it may be absent. T he intensity of
Wash in water and blue in the bicarbonate
cytoplasmic stain can also vary, depending on
solution 10±20 s.
the degree of corni®cation and=or degenera-
Wash in distilled water.
tion. T hese cells have keratin incorporated
Stain with acid fuchsin solution for 3 min.
into the cytoplasm . In the category of par-
Transfer slides directly to aniline blue-
tially corni®ed super®cial cells we include
orange G solution for 45 min.
cells with distinct, dark pyknotic nuclei or
Transfer slides directly to 96% alcohol for
with fai nt staining nuclei. In the category of
three changes.
fully corni®ed super®cial cells we include
Dehydrate with absolute alcohol and clear
cells with no nuclei or with an indistinct and
in xylene, two changes each.
condensed nucleus. Super®cial cells are
Mount with Entellan.
extremely angulated, folded, and irregular
in shape.

Th e c la ssi®c a tio n o f c e lls Me to e strum c e lls : Small intermediate cells

or parabasal cells with a neutrophil in the
Cell types found in vaginal smears were
cytoplasm have been termed `m etoestrum
classi®ed as parabasal, small and large inter-
mediate, super®cial (partl y and completely
corni®ed cells), foam cells, metoestrum cells
Fo a m ce lls : Small intermediate cells or
and neutrophils, according to their morpho-
parabasal cells with multiple, clear
logical charac teristics.
cytoplasmic vacuoles have been termed
`foam cells’.
T he densities of these cells in the smear
Pa ra b a sa l ce lls : T hese are the smallest sam ples were tak en into consideration in the
vaginal epithelial cells. T hey are small ovoid determ ination of sexual cycles. T he density
cells with a large nuclear-to-c ytoplasmic of cell types found in vaginal smears were
rati o. evaluated as traces (‡ =¡ ), little (‡ ), medium
Laboratory Animals (2002) 36
Sexual cycle diagnosis by vaginal smear in the chinchilla 55

(‡ ‡ ) or dense (‡ ‡ ‡ ). In the study, cell super®cial and large intermediat e cells were
counting was not performed for the diagnosis found in trace am ounts. At this stage of the
of sexual cycles in chinchilla. However 1±5 cycle, goblet cells were observed in the
cells were determined as trace, 10±15 as lit- smears prepared by strong aspiration (Fig 1).
tle, about 40±50 cells as medium , and when During mid-proestrus, a decline in the num-
dominant in smear, as `dense’. T he densities ber of parabasal and small intermediat e cells,
of neutrophils were dealt with separately. and a less rapid increase in large intermediate
cells and at higher rate in super®cial cells,
Th e c linic a l o b se rva tio ns were observed (Fig 2).
Weir (1973 ) stat ed that vaginal perforati on is In late proestrus, the small and large
a reliable indicat ion of oestrus in hystrico- intermediates disappeared (large inter-
morph rodents. In this study, the criterion of mediate cells were occasionally present in
vaginal perforation was used as a primary trace am ounts), and parabasal cells declined
indication of oestrus. Clinically, the mating to trace am ounts. T here were few
behaviours in all of the animals, the abdom - neutrophils. Partly or completely corni®ed
inal palpation ®ndings, and the dates when super®cial cells were present at a moderate
birt hs took place were also recorded. T he density (Fig 3).
appearance in the cage of a copulation plug
and fallen batc hes of hair were used as
indications of successful mating.

All cell cytoplasms were stained pink, the
nuclei purple, and the super®cial cell types in
the same colour in all the smears stained by
haematoxylin & eosin. However, with the
modi®ed Ayoub-Shklar’s staining method,
the intensity of the cytoplasmic stain of
super®cial cells varied depending on the
degree of corni®cation and=or degeneration,
in colours ranging from blue and dark red
to orange, and this was particularly more
distinctive during oestrus. When the Ayoub-
Shklar’s staining method was combined with Fig 1 Goblet cells (g) at the onset proestrus, 640
Harris haematoxylin, it was found that the
nuclei of neutrophils were stained more pale,
but when combined with Weigert’s haema-
toxylin, both neutrophils and metoestrum
cells were distinctively stained. In both
haematoxylin combinations, cytoplasms of
small and large intermediate cells were
stained pale blue and their nuclei orange;
cytoplasms of parabasal cells were stained
blue and their nuclei purple, being darker
with Weigert’s haematoxylin.

Pro e strus
At the onset of proestrus, densities of neu- Fig 2 During the mid proestrus, partly (S) and
trophils, parabasal and small intermediate completely (Sc) corniŽ ed superŽ cial, large
cells increased from little to medium , and intermediate (L) cells and neutrophils (n), 620

Laboratory Animals (2002) 36

56 Bekyürek, Liman & Bayram

O e strus
In the smear samples obtained during this
period, super®cial cell types were dominant,
but all other cell types appeared (Fig 4). At the
onset of metoestrus, parabasal and inter-
mediate cells and neutrophils began to
reappear and they existed among super®cial
cells in only a few cases.

Meto e strus
During mid-m etoestrus, starting with the
reappearance of neutrophils, parabasal and Fig 5 At the metoestrus, the parabasal (p), small (i)
intermediate cells, it was observed that large and large (L) intermediate, completely corniŽ ed
superŽ cial (Sc), metoestrum (m) cells and neutrophils
intermediate cells and neutrophils were
(n), 640
dense, however parabasal and small inter-
mediate cells were at medium density and
there were only a few super®cial cells (Fig 5).
In addition, at this stage, metoestrum and
foam cells were found (Fi g 6).

Fig 6 At the metoestrus, the metoestrum (m), foam

(f) cells and intracytoplasmic granules (arrows), 6100

Fig 3 During the late proestrus, completely corniŽ ed

superŽ cial (Sc), large intermediate (L) cells and
neutrophils (n), 620

Fig 7 Anoestrus, the parabasal (p), small inter-

Fig 4 At the oestrus, the partly (S) and completely mediate (i), partly (S) and completely (Sc) corniŽ ed
(Sc) corniŽ ed superŽ cial cells, 640 superŽ cial cells and neutrophils (n), 620

Laboratory Animals (2002) 36

Sexual cycle diagnosis by vaginal smear in the chinchilla 57

Ano e strus Discussion

During this phase of the cycle, super®cial T he gonadal hormones (progesterone and
and parabasal cells occurred and small and particularly, oestrogen) play important roles
large intermediate cells and neutrophils were in the regulation of the sexual cycle and
present in low densities (Fig 7). Foam and maintenance of gestation. Oestrogen causes
metoestrum cells were rare. the histological changes in vaginal epithe-
lium. Prior to puberty and during anoestrus
Pre gna nc y in adult s, the vaginal epithelium is only a
During pregnancy neutrophils were generally few cell layers thick. With oestrogen
of medium density but occasionally this rate stimulation, the vaginal mucosa becom es
varied from little to dense. Parabasal and a strati®ed squamous epithelium comprised
small and large intermediate cells were of many layers of cells (Bell e t a l. 1973,
present at low or medium densities, and Concannon & Digregorio 1986, Vrcic e t a l.
super®cial cells were present in trace or little 1991 ). Oestrogen affec ts the vaginal
amounts (Fi g 8). epithelium in three ways, by proliferation,
T he changes in the vaginal smear of maturat ion and exfoliation (Montes & Lugue
chinchillas related to the phases of sexual 1988 ). Vaginal corni®cation has been used
cycle and pregnancy are shown in Tabl e 1. as an indicator of biological activity in many
animal species (Fowler e t a l. 1971 ). Vaginal
smears re¯ect the histological features of
the vaginal epithelium. Vaginal cytology is
an important aid for the diagnosis of sexual
cycle and pregnancy and reproductive dis-
orders (Wright 1990 ).
No research on the classi®cation of cycle
in chinchillas has been reported in the
literature. In the present study, the sexual
cycle of the chinchilla was divided into four
periods named as proestrus, oestrus,
metoestrus, and anoestrus, and vaginal smear
®ndings were evaluated accordingly.
Fig 8 At the pregnancy, the parabasal (p), small (i) In our study, vaginal smear ®ndings
and large (L) intermediate (i), partly corniŽ ed obtai ned during the proestrus cycle in
superŽ cial (S) cells and neutrophils (n), 620 chinchillas resembled those in dogs (Fowler

Table 1 The changes for all phases of the sexual cycle and pregnancy in vaginal smear of Chinchilla laniger

SuperŽ cial cell

Small Large
Parabasal intermediate intermediate Partly Completely Foam Metoestrum Goblet
Neutrophils cell cell cell corniŽ ed corniŽ ed cell cell cell

Early ‡‡‡ ‡‡ ‡‡ ‡ =¡ ‡ =¡ ‡ =¡ ¡ ¡ ‡
Proestrus ‡‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ¡ ¡ ¡
Late ‡ ‡ =¡ ¡ ¡ , ‡ =¡ ‡‡ ‡‡ ¡ ¡ ¡
Oestrus ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ‡‡‡ ‡‡‡ ¡ ¡ ¡
Metoestrus ‡‡‡ ‡‡ ‡‡ ‡‡‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ =¡ ‡ =¡ ¡
Anoestrus ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ =¡ ‡ =¡ ‡ =¡ ‡ =¡ ¡
Pregnancy ‡‡ ‡‡ ‡‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ¡ ¡ ¡
(‡ =¡ ): trace, (‡ ): little, (‡ ‡ ): medium, (‡ ‡ ‡ ): dense

Laboratory Animals (2002) 36

58 Bekyürek, Liman & Bayram

e t a l. 1971, Bell e t a l. 1973, Roszel 1977, study, purple stained round granules of
Concannon & Digregorio 1986, Wright 1990 ), different sizes in some intermediat e cells
cats (UÈ nal e t a l. 1997 ), rats (Montes & Lugue were found.
1988, Oba 1988 ) and mice (Vrcic e t a l. 1991 ), Although smear ®ndings obtained from
in terms of general characteristics. T hey dif- chinchillas during the anoestrus period were
fered from dogs in the absence of erythrocytes, similar to those reported in dogs (Fowler e t a l.
as is the case in other rodents. T he presence 1971, Bell e t a l. 1973, Roszel 1977,
of goblet cells observed in the smears of Concannon & Digregorio 1986, Wright 1990 )
chinchillas at the onset of proestrus indicates and cats (UÈ nal e t a l. 1997 ). Generally cell
that there is mucinous transformation of the count was reduced, as compared to other
super®cial two or three layers, which is a cycle periods. Also, during this period
unique feature of the rodent oestrus cycle metoestrum and foam cells, reported to be
(Vrcic e t a l. 1991 ). present in dogs, were observed in trace
T he oestrus phase of the sexual cycle is amounts (Christie e t a l. 1972, Concannon &
marked by super®cial corni®cat ion of the Digregorio 1986 ).
squamous epithelium. T he neutrophils are T he study revealed that smear samples
absent and super®cial cells are dominant in from pregnant chinchillas have character-
smears obtained during oestrus in dogs istics similar to those observed in other
(Fowler e t a l. 1971, Bell e t a l. 1973, Roszel animal species (Fowler e t a l. 1971, Bell e t a l.
1977, Concannon & Digregorio 1986, Wright 1973, Roszel 1977, DogÆaneli e t a l. 1979,
1990), rats (Montes & Lugue 1988, Oba 1988 ) Concannon & Digregorio 1986, Montes &
and mice (Vrcic e t a l. 1991 ). T he incidence of Lugue 1988, Oba 1998, Wright 1990, UÈ nal
intermediate cells in the vaginal smear of cat s e t a l. 1997). In dogs, pregnancy has the same
during oestrus is reported as 17% (UÈ nal e t a l. characteristics reported in metoestrus and
1997). In the smear samples collected during therefore may be confused with this stage
oestrus in chinchillas, ®ndings comparable to (Roszel 1997 ). Also, it is suggested that the
those of dogs (Fowler e t a l. 1971, Bell e t a l. changes observed in smears obtained during
1973, Roszel 1977, Concannon & Digregorio the ®rst month of pregnancy in sheep are
1986, Wright 1990 ), rats (Mont es & Lugue clear but anoestrus levels do not differ during
1988, Oba 1988 ) and mice (Vrcic e t a l. 1991 ) the subsequent months (DogÆaneli e t a l.
were observed. In addit ion, the oestrus cycle 1979 ). It is possible to distinguish between
was evident in most of the smear samples pregnancy and metoestrus by the appearance
obtained from chinchillas if they have a of metoestrum and foam cells.
vaginal aperture. T herefore, the presence of a T he trichrome staining methods have an
vaginal aperture is a determinant of oestrus im portant place in endocrine cytology. As the
in chinchillas (as reported by Weir 1970, vaginal epithelial cells respond to oestrogen,
Kuroiwa & Imamichi 1977, Puzder & in the sexual cycle the cytoplasm changes
Novikmec 1992 ). from blue to orange because of the develop-
In the present study, metoestrus changes ment of precursors of keratin. T his tinctorial
observed were comparable to those in other property emphasizes the period of maximum
anim al species (Fowler e t a l. 1971, Bell e t a l. oestrogenic effect. As a result, oestrus is
1973, Concannon & Digregorio 1986, Montes easily recognized in the smear which con-
& Lugue 1988, Wright 1990). However, tains alm ost exclusively large epithelial cells
metoestrum and foam cells, which were with orange cytoplasm s (Roszel 1977, Bourne
reported to be present in dogs (Christie e t a l. 1990 ). T he applicability of another trichrome
1972, Concannon & Digregorio 1986 ) were staining method in vaginal cytology was also
observed during metoestrus in chinchillas. researched. T he staining method used by
To our knowledge, no inform ati on on their Ayoub-Shkl ar’s method for prekeratin and
presence in other anim al species has been keratin demonstration (Luna 1968) was
given in the literature. It has also been stated applied in the smears in three different ways.
that some intermediate cells in dogs contain In the ®rst method, when applied without
cytoplasmic granules (Holst 1986). In this changing the procedure, it was seen that the
Laboratory Animals (2002) 36
Sexual cycle diagnosis by vaginal smear in the chinchilla 59

nuclei of neutrophils and parabasal cells were Bourne LD (1990) Gynaecological cytology. In: Th e o ry
not stained and it was dif® cult to distinguish a nd Pra c tic e Histo lo gica l Te ch niq ues, 3rd edn
(Bancroft JD, Stevens A, Turner DR, eds). Edinburg:
one from the other; Harris and Weigert’s
Churc hill Livingstone, pp 460±7
haematoxylin were used as nuclei stain in Christie DW, Bailey JB, Bell ET (1972) Classi®cation
the second and third methods, respectively. of cell types in vaginal smears during the
Successful results were achieved in both canine oestrus cycle. British Ve te rina ry Jo urna l
stainings, but it was determined that the 128, 301±9
nuclei of the cells were darker in smears with Concannon PW, Digregorio BG (1986) Canine vaginal
Weigert’s haematoxylin stain. It was cytology. In: Sm a ll Anim a l Re pro d uc tio n a nd
Infe rtility (Burke TJ, ed). Philadelphia: Lea and
observed that distribution of prekeratin and
Febiger, pp 96±111
keratin in super®cial cells could be demon- CË alõs;kaner S (1993) KuÈ rk Ha yva nla rõnõn Be sle nm esi,
strated distinctively with Ayoub-Shk lar’s Ankara UÈ niversitesi Ziraat FakuÈltesi Yayõnlarõ No.
staining method, and greater success was 1031, Ders kitabõ: 376. Ankara: Ankara UÈ niversi-
achieved in distinguishing between partly tesi Ziraat FakuÈltesi Halkla IÇlis;kiler ve Yayõn
and completely corni®ed epithelial cells, UÈ nitesi, pp 190±9
DogÆaneli MZ, TanyolacË A, AlacËam E (1979)
which are the subtypes of super®cial cells. It
Koyunlarda gebelig Æ in cËes;itli evrelerinde vaginal
was observed that this method has many sm ear ve vaginal biyopsi yoÈntemleriyle cËalõs;malar.
advan tages: it is economical and easily Ank a ra UÈ niversite si Ve te riner Fa k uÈ lte si De rgisi 26,
applicable in every laboratory and it does not 177±83
require the use of a special ®xative. If the Fowler EH, Feldman MK, Loeb WF (1971) Comparison
smear is allowed to dry, various art efacts do of histologic features of ovarian and uterine tissues
not occur. It yields very good results even with vaginal smears of the bitch. Am eric a n Jo urna l
o f Ve te rina ry Re se a rc h 32, 327±34
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concluded that the vaginal smear method is a tion of the chinchillaÐage at vaginal opening,
reliable and practical method of diagnosi ng oestrous cycle, gestation period, litter size, sex ratio
the sexual cycle in chinchillas. In addition, and diseases frequently encountered. Jik k en
the Ayoub-Shklar’s staining technique (a tri- Do b utsu 26, 213±22
chrome staining method) was used for the Luna LG (1968) Ma nua l o f Histo lo gic Sta ining
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Ac k no w le d gm e nts T his study is supported by the grey). Ava nce s en Pro d ucc io n Anim a l 14, 109±19
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