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Nutrition Golden points

1. Nutrition :-

• It is a branch of medical science in which we study about the principles of

food and effects of

food in our body

2. Dietetics :-

• It is a branch of medical science in which the diet plan is made for

healthy or sick patients

3. Macronutrient / Macromolecules :-

• Molecular weight more than 1000 dalton's

Ex. :-


• Protein

• Fat

4. Micronutrients / Micromolecules :-

• Molecular weight less than 1000 dalton's

Ex. :-

• Glucose ( Smallest unit of CHO )

• Amino acid ( Smallest unit of protein )

• Fatty acid ( Smallest unit of Fat)

5. Glucose :-

• Also known as Grape sugar/ Fuel of life

• Main source of energy

• In presence of O2 glucose breakdown into Co2 and H2o and forms ATP

• 1 molecule :- 36/38 ATP

6. Maltose :- Two molecules of glucose

7. Fructose :-

• Also known as fruit sugar or Honey sugar

• It is sweeter than glucose

8. Sucrose :- Fructose forms in Combination with glucose

9. Galactose :-

• Found in milk

• It forms lactose in Combination with glucose

10. Synthetic form of lactose :- Lactulose

11. Lactulose converts NH3 (Ammonia) in to NH4 (urea)

• So Lactulose can be given in hepatic encephalopathy

12. Sucralose :-

• Synthetic form of sucrose

• It is 500 time more sweeter than sucrose

• It is used artificial sweetness

• It is used in diabetics pts

13. Glycogen :-

• It is a stored form of glucose in body

• It is stored in Liver and skeletal muscles

• Also known as Animal starch

14. Starch :- stored form of glucose in plants

15. Chief cell secrete pepsinogen (Inactivated)

• Pepsinogen convert in to pepsin (Active) presence of HCL

16. Pepsin work :- protien digestion

17. Pancreatic enzymes :-

• Profeolytic enzyme :- protein

• Amylalytic enzyme :- CHO

• Lipolytic enzyme :- Fat

18. The absorption of CHO takes place in jejunum and ilium part of small

19. Function of CHO :-

• Provide energy

• Store energy

• 0% spoilage (west)

• Help in digestion of protein and fat

20. CHO RDA :-

• RDA :- 300 gm/day

• To prevent ketoacidosis give :- more than 50gm / day CHO

21. Glycolysis :-

• Glucose convert in to pyruvic acid presence of EMP (Embden meyerhoff


• Complet in cytosol (10 steps)

• Provide 6/8 ATP

22. Aerobic respiration :- If any substance breakdown occurs in presences
of oxygen is known

as aerobic Respiration

23. Anaerobic respiration :- If any substance breakdown in absence of

oxygen is known as

anaerobic Respiration

24. Link reaction :-

• 2 pyruvic acid converts in to 2 acetyl co enzyme- A presences of PDH

Complex reaction

(Pyruvate dehydrogenase)

• Complet in mitochondria (5 steps)

• Provide :- 6 ATP

25. Krebs Cycle / TCA/ CAC :-

• 2 acetyl co enzyme a convert in to Co2+H2O presences of krebs Cycle

• Complet in mitochondria (10 steps)

• Provide 24 ATP

25. Krebs henslet Cycle :-

• Also known as urea or ornithine Cycle

• Ammonia convert in to urea presences of Lectulose

• Complet in Liver (hepatocytes)

• No ATP provide

26. DM ( diabetic mellitus ) :- occur due to relative and absolute deficiency

of insulin
27. Lactose intolerance :-

• It occur due to deficiency of lactose

• Which couse diarrhoea after taking lactose (milk) in diet

28. Galactosemia :-

• Normal :- Galactose convert in to glucose presence of G-1 PUT

(Galactose 1 phosphate uridyl


• If deficiency of G-1 PUT

29. Avoid milk and milk products in galactosemia and lactose intolerance

30. Lipid are richest source of energy

31. Phospholipid :- If phosphate bind with lipid

32. Glycolipid :- CHO bind with lipid

33. Lipoprotein :- If protein bind with lipid

34. Glycerophospholipid :-

• In this glycerol bind with phosphate group

• Ex. :- Cephalin , Lecithin

35. Sphingophospholipid :-

• In this sphingo group of alcohol bind with phosphate

• Ex. :- Sphingomyeline

36. Alveoli cell 1st :- Respiration gasses exchange

37. Alveoli cell 2nd :- Secrete surfactant (Lecithin and sphingomyeline )

• Type 2nd pneumocytes are cube shape

38. Alveoli cell 3rd :- Dust cell

• Type 3rd pneumocytes are local macrophages

39. Local macrophages of intestine :- Payers patch

40. Local macrophages of spleen :- lithoral cells

41. Local macrophages of placenta :- Hoffbayers cell

42. Test for lung maturity :- Bubble test / shake test

43. Glycolipid :-

• CHO+ lipid

• Ex. :- cerebroside, ganglioside both are present in brain and protect it

44. Lipoprotein :-

• Lipid (99%) + protein (1%)

• These are present in circulating form in blood

45. Chylomicrone :-

• Synthesis in intestine

• Carry exogenous cholesterol (TAG :- triacylglycerd)

• Normal value :- less than 200 mg/dl

46. Triacylglycerd it is a simple lipid

47. VLDL :- very low density lipoprotein

• These are synthesis in intestine and liver

• Bed cholesterol

• Normal value :- 5 to 30 mg/ dal

48. LDL :- Low density lipoprotein

• It is synthesis in blood circulation

• It carry cholesterol from liver to the peripheral cells

• It is a bed cholesterol

• Normal value :- 70 to 130 mg/dl

• Ideally :- less than 100 mg/dl

49. HDL :- high density lipoprotein

• These are synthesis in Liver

• It carry cholesterol from peripheral cell to liver

• It is a good cholesterol

• Normal value :- 40 to 70 mg/ dl

• Ideally :- more than 50 mg/dl

50. FFA :- free fatty acid

• These are synthesis in liver

• These are bind with albumin

• 1 albumin = 20 to 30 FFA carry

51. Lipid profile test :-

• Chylomicrone (less than 200)

• LDL (70 to 130)

• VLDL (5 to 30 )

• HDL (40 to 70 )

• Cholesterol (150 to 200 mg/dl)

• It performe empty stomach

52. Saturated fatty acid

• These are saturated not maks any new structure

• All carbon make a single bond

• Ex. :- Acitic acid, palmitic acid, butyric acid

53. Un saturated fatty acid

• These types of fatty acid contain single or multiple double bond

• Make a new structure

• Ex. :- palmoitic acid , sunflower oil, sufflower oil

54. Essential fatty acid :-

• The fatty acid which are not synthesized by body know as essential fatty

• Ex. Linoleic acid, lenolenic acid, arachidonic acid

55. RDA of lipid :-

• Adult :- 30 to 50 gm/day

• In pregnancy and lactose :- increase up to 15 to 20%

• In infant :- increase up to 20 to 30%

56. 1gm lipid provide :- 9 kcal

57. The digestion of fat start in intestine

58. Protein discovered by mulder in 1938

• 1st name prime nutrient

59. Amino acids :-

• These are basic unit of protein

• There are about 300 amino acid present but 20 are necessary for human

60. Essential amino acid :-

• These are not synthesis by body , depends on external sources

• Ex. :- trick = TV MILL PATH

• T :- thrionine

• V :- voline

• M :- mithionine

• I :- Isolucine

• L :- Lucine

• L :- Lycine

• P :- phenylalanine

• A :- Argenine

• T :- tryptophan

• H :- Histitine

61. Non essential amino acid :-

• These are synthesis by body

• Ex. :- Alanin , glycine , glutamate , glutamic acid , aspartate , aspartic

acid, serine , cysteine,

tyrosine, proline

62. Semi essential amino acid :-

• Some amount synthesis by body and some require from external dietary
• Ex. :- Argenine (1st priority) , Histitine

63. Ketogenic amino acids :-

• Amino acids which forms keton

• Ex. :- Lycine , lucine

64. Ketogenic and glucogenic amino acids

• The amino acids which form both glucose and ketones

• Ex. :- phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, isolusion

65. All protein are amino acids but all amino acids are not protein

66. Egg NPU (net protein utilization = 96%)

67. Egg is best source of protein

68. 1gm protien provide :- 4 kcal

69. Protein RDA :-

• Infant :- 2 to 2.5 gm/kg/day

• Child :- 15 to 40 gm/ day

• Adult :- 1gm/kg/day

• Lactating mother :- 65gm/day

• Pregnant women :- 55gm/day

70. Protein digestion start from stomach presences of pepsin

• And complet in small intestine presence of carboxy peptidose

71. In infant

• Milk protein cassinogen (fat soluble vitamins) convert in to cassin

presences of Rennin
72. Stomach secrete by rennin

• Also known as milk curdling enzyme

73. Phenylketonuria :-

• It is autosomal recessive disorder

• In this disease condition deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase occur

with leads to increase

level of phenylalanine in blood (more than 20mg/dl)

74. Normal phenylalanine level :- 1

2 to 3.4 mg/dl

• Phenylalanine present in milk

75. Diagnosis of phenylalanine / phenylketonuria is made by Guthrie's test

• The sample for test is taken from heel

76. Fat Soluble vitamins :- A,D,E,K

77. Water soluble vitamins :- C,B

78. All fat soluble vitamins absorption in ilium except vitamins k (large

79. Vitamin A found by macolum and devis in 1913

80. Vitamin A chemical name :- Retinol

81. Vitamin A precausser of beta carotin ,found in carrots

82. Vit. A aslo known as vitamin of vision

• Usually responsible for night vision

83. Vitamin A RDA (Recommends daily allowances ) :-

• Adult :- 750 microgram/day

• Infant :- 950 microgram/day

84. Best source of vit. A :- Carrot

85. Rod cells(Ratina) :- Rhodopsin

• Vison purpose :- dim light :- blacks white

• Rod cells in night :- 12 million

86. Cone cells (Ratina) :- Iodipsin

• Vison purpose :- bright light :- Color vision

• Cone cells in day :- 6 million

87. Night Blindness :-

• Inability to seen in night time

• Couse by vit. A deficiency

88. Xerophthalmia :-

• Dry eyes

• 1st symptoms of vit. A deficiency

89. Conjuctival xerosis :-

• Dryness of conjunctiva

• 1 st sign of vit. A deficiency

90. Bitots spot :-

• Dirty, yellowish, triangular sports are on sclera

• Due to deficiency vit. A

91. Keratomalacia :- Shofting of cornea

92. Chemical name of vit. D :- Cholecalciferol (vit. D3)

93. Vit. D also known as Sun shine hormone (Calcitriol)

94. The richest source of vit. D is fish liver oil

95. Best source of vit. D is early morning sunlight

96. Vit. RDA ( Recommended daily allowance ) :-

• Adult :- 400 to 600 IU/day

• After Menopause :- 800 to 1000 IU/day

97. Vit. D increase absorption of calcium from intestine and reabsorption

from kidney

98. Normal calcium level :- 8.5 to 10.2 mg/dl

99. Vit. D and PTH :- increase blood calcium levels

100. Calcitonin :- decrease blood calcium levels

101. Rickets :-

• Couse vit. D deficiency in children

102. Rickets sign and symptoms :-

• The first sign of rickets Craniotap (Softening of cranial bones )

• Pegion chest

• Harrison grove or sulcus

• Rechiatic rossary (pain less, Elevation of costo condral junction and

rounding of chest )

103. Scurvatic rossary

• Prominent costo condrol junction with round chest

• This condition is painful

• In vit. C deficiency
104. Osteomalacia :-

• Couse by vit. D deficiency in adult

• Also known as adult Rickets

• Knock knee (knee bend inside)

• Bow legs

105. Vitamin E Chemical name :- Tocoferol

106. Vit. E aslo known as beauty hormone

107. Vit. E RDA :- 15 mg/dl

108. Vit. E delay wound healing

109. Vit. E dietary source :- Oils

110. Vit. E stimulate layding cell to increase spermatogenesis and increase

testosterone level

111. Vit. E deficiency couse sterility

112. Vit. K chemical name :- Phyloquinone

113. Vit. K is a Clotting hormone

114. Vit. K responsible for synthesize and activation of clotting factor no


115. Synthesize of vit. K occur in large intestine by normal microflora

116. In Newborn vit. K injected IM to synthesis vit. K related clothing factor

because of sterile


117. Vit. K RDA :- 1 microgram/day

118. Does of vit. K :- 0.5 to 1mg

• Preterm baby :- 0.5 mg

• Term baby :- 1 mg

119. Route of vit. K :- IM

120. Provide vit. K to prevent the baby from bleeding tendency

121. All water soluble vitamins absorption in jejunum expect vit. B 12

122. Vit. C Chemical name :- Ascorbic acid

123. Vit. C RDA :-

• Adult :- 30 to 40 mg/day

• Pregnancy :- 50 mg/day

• Lection :- 60 to 65 mg/dl

124. Richest source of vit. C is Amla and Citirus fruits

125. Vit. C increase tha wound healing

126. Vit. C increase tha iron absorption

127. Vit. C deficiency :-

• Gum bleeding

• Gastric ulcer

• Joint pain

128. Vit. B1 chemical name :- Thiamine

129. Vit. B1 first even vitamin to be found

130. Vit. B1 found in TPP form

• Thiamine pyro phosphate

131. Thiamine play an important role in PDH reaction

• PDH :- Pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction

132. Thiamine function in CHO metabolism

133. Vit. B1 are most heat Sensitive vitamin

134. It is responsible for normal functioning of cardiovascular system and

nervous system

135. The richest source of vit. B1 are uper layer of rice, wheat, brown rice

136. Vit. B1 RDA :- 1.5 to 2.0 mg/day

137. Vit. B1 deficiency cause beri beri

138. Vitamin B2 chemical name :- Riboflavin

139. Vit. B2 richest source :- Ox / pork meat

140. Vit. B2 RDA :- 1.5 to 2.5 mg/day

141. Deficiency of vit. B2

• Stomatitis :- ulcers formation in oral cavity

• Angular cheilosis :- bleeding between to 2 lips joint

142. Vit. B3 chemical name :- Niacin

143. Vit. B3 RDA :- 15 to 25 mg/day

144. Palegra/3D disease :-

• Couse Vit. B3 deficiency

• D. :- dermatitis

• D. :- diarrhea

• D. :- Dementia

145. Conols nacklase :-

• Couse vit. B3 deficiency

• Dermatitis :- Redness around neck

146. Vit. B5 chemical name :- Pantothanic acid

• Function :- Maintain Peripheral nervous system integrity

147. Vit. B5 RDA :- 3mg/day

148. Vit. B5 deficiency :-

• Burning foot syndrome

• Burning sole syndrome

149. Vit. B6 chemical name :- Pyriodoxine

150. Vit. B6 RDA :- 5 mg/day

151. Vit. B6 deficiency :- Peripheral neuropathy

152. Vit. B7 chemical name :- Biotine

153. Vit. B7 previously it is known as vitamin H

• It help to maintain blood cholesterol level

154. Vit. B7 RDA :- 30 microgram/day

155. Deficiency of vit. B7 :-

• Increase blood cholesterol

• Increase risk of CAD (coronary artery disease)

156. Vit. B9 chemical name :- Folic acid or folute

157. Vit. B9 responsible for maturation of RBC and closing of neural tube

158. Vit. B9 deficiency :- Megloblastic anemia

159. Vit. B9 RDA :-

• Adult :- 150 microgram/day

• Pregnancy :- 400 microgram/day

• Lactating mother :- 300 microgram/day

160. Vit. B12 chemical name :- Cynocobalamine

161. Vit. B12 last founded vit. (1949)

162. Vit. B12 synthesized by normal flora of intestine

163. Vit. B12 absorption at terminal ilium with help of intrensic factor

164. Vit. B12 RDA :- 1 microgram/day

165. Vit. B12 best source Animal Liver

166. Pernicious Anaemia :- occur due to deficiency of intrensic factor

• S/S :-

• Red beefy tongue

• Peripheral neuropathy

• Pain in lower extremities

167. Choline :-

• It is water soluble hormone

• Only found in animals

• Responsible for normal functioning of liver

168. Calcium :-

• Most abandoned mineral

• About 1.2 kg
169. Calcium in infant 27.5 gm total body weight

170. 99% total calcium stored in bones in form of hydroxyl appatate

171. Remaining 1% calcium present in muscle cells and in blood in muscle

it is responsible for


172. Calcium is responsible for clotting process

• Clothing factor no. 4

173. The best source of calcium is milk

174. Calcium RDA :-

• Adult :- 600 to 800 mg/day

• Pregnancy :- 800 to 1200 mg/day

• Lactation :- 1200 to 1500 mg/day

175. Fluorine :- if fluronine content is less than 1ppm (1mg/L in soft

drinking water)

176. If fluorine in 3 to 4 ppm in water

• Not use for drinking

177. If fluorine in more than 10 ppm in water :- Couse fluorosis

178. Iron :- it is necessary for synthesis of hemoglobin

179. Iron RDA :-

• Adult :- male :- 20mg/day ,Female :- 25 mg/day

• Pregnancy :- 35 mg/day

• Lactation :- 25 mg/day

180. Deficiency of iron can leads to iron deficiency anemia

181. Iron overload occur :- Hemecheomatosis

• Disposition of iron in skin

• To treat iron overload :- desferoxomine is given (excrete tha body)

182. Sodium :- it is extracellular cation

183. Normal sodium level :- 135 to 145 mEg/dl

184. Sodium RDA :- 1200mg/day

185. Potassium :- it is intracellular cation

186. Potassium normal level :- 3.5 to 5.1 mEg/L

187. Potassium RDA :- 200 to 600 mg/day

188. Aldosterone hormone is life saving hormone

189. BMI :- Body mass index

• It indicate nutritional status of body

• BMI :- Weight in kg/height ²× meter²

190. BMI criteria :-

• Below 18.5 kg/m² :- under weight

• Between 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m² :- Normal weight

• Between 25 to 29.9 kg/m² :- over weight

• Between 30 to 34.9 kg/m² :- moderate obage (obesity category 1st)

• Between 35 to 39.9 kg/m² :- severe obesity (2nd )

• Between 40 to 44.9 kg/m² :- very severe obesity (3rd)

• Between 45 to 49.9 kg/m² :- extreme obesity (4th)

• Between 50 to 60 kg/m² :- very extrence obesity (5th)

• Above 60 kg/m² :- profound obesity (6th)

191. BMR :- Basal metabolic rate

• It is basic energy requirement for normal functioning of body organs

during rast and after 12

hrs of meal

192. Energy requirements for male aproximate :- 1.05 kcal/kg/hrs

193. Energy requirements for female aproximate :- 0.9 kcal/kg/hrs

194. Minimum calories utilize during sleep :- 66 kcal/hrs

195. Maximum while running 8.8 km/hrs calories utilize :- 519 kcal/hrs

196. Pregnancy calories :- + 300 kcal

197. Lection :-

• 0 to 6 month :- +550 kcal

• 7 to 12 month :- +400 kcal

198. The hormone which affects BMR :- Thyroxin

199. Water level in body

• Adult :- 60 % total body weight

• Infant :- 80% total body weight

• Old age :- 55% total body weight

200. Infant are more prone for dehydration

201. Kwashiorkor :-

• Discover by cicely Williams in 1934

• This mainly occurs dur to deficiency of protein

202. Kwashiorkor S/S :-

• Moon like face

• Flag sing (3 color in single hair)

• Distended abdomen (occur due to immature liver and deficiency of


• Thin extermities

• Thin and dry skin

• Ankle edema

203. Merasmus :- this occurs due to calorie /energy deficiency

204. Merasmus S/S :-

• Lean and thin body

• Easily pulled out hair

• Muscle wasting

• Thin and wrinkled skin

205. Normal diet :-

• CHO :- 60 to 70%

• Fat :- 20 to 25%

• Protein :- 10 to 15 %

206. Clear liquid diet :-

• It include carbonated water, tea, coffee, water

• Purpose :- use pre operative to prepare bowel for surgery and also use
post operative after

207. Full liquid diet :-

• Sarbat ,fruit juice, milk,milk shake, tea, coffee

• Purpose :- use when person is planned on liquid diet for more than 3

208. Liquid altered diet :-

• In this include daal water, smashed food

• In is given when person shifting from liquid to solid diet

209. Soft diet :-

• In this smashed potato, ice cream, dhaliya

• It is given when person having dysphagia, surgery of mouth, injury of

mouth and face, mouth


210. Low residue low fiber diet :-

• It is given in intestinal obstruction and low GI motility

• Also avoided in inflammatory bowel disease

211. High residue high fiber diet :-

• Increase fibers in diet 35 to 40 gm

• It is given in constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome

212. Cardiac diet :-

• Decrease saturated fatty acid, MUFA ,PUFA, Trans, cholesterol and


213. High calorie high protein diet :-

• It is given in case of wound injury, HIV, AIDS, COPD, other immuno
suppressive and

pulmonary disorders

214. Low calorie and low protein diet :-

• It is given in liver disease, renal disease

215. Renal diet :- protein resistance, low potassium and low sodium diet

216. Low purine diet :- this is given in gout, arthritis, and other joint

217. Carbohydrate advance diet :-

• Usually modified diet given in diabetes malitius whase hypo and

hyperglycemia both may


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