E 8 - Practice Test Unit 7,8,9

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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. coral B. ecosystem C. dugong D. oxygen
2. A. resident B. release C. extinction D. endangered
3. A. product B. substance C. number D. include
4. A. rivers B. carbon C. littering D. turn
5. A. release B. resident C. diverse D. ecosystem
II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the
other in each group.
1. A. species B. coral C. extinct D. product
2. A. protect B. reduce C. release D. notice
3. A. disease B. household C. substance D. sewage
4. A. herbicide B. nomadic C. poisonous D. resident
5. A. environment B. participate C. interaction D. conditional
I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. If the temperature _________ rising, the polar ice caps will melt
A. kept B. keeps C. has kept D. will keep
2. Because of _________ pollution, the bicycle may some day replace the automobile.
A. water B.air C. noise D. soil
3. The panda’s natural_______ is the bamboo forest
A. habitat B. ecosystem C. area D. resources
4. This forest provides a habitat for hundreds of_________of plants and animals.
A. styles B. classes C. species D. group
5. _________ the environment must be the job of everyone in the community
A. Caring B. Protecting C. Keeping D. Increasing.
6 . Students should learn some practical ways that help to _________ pollution.
A. save B. cure C. reduce D. shorten
7 . _________ she left the party, Jenny said goodbye to the host.
A. Before B. After C. As soon as D. Until
8 . People think that global warming _________ lots of problems in the future.

A. causes B. is causing C. will cause D has caused
9. We should ________ the consumption of single-use products like plastic bottles and
A. reduce B. encourage C. raise D. destroy
10. _____________ trees and burning forests destroy a lot of wildlife habitats.
A. Watering B. Cleaning up C. Cutting down D. Drying
11. We saw many beautiful birds while we _________ in the lake.
A. fished B. would fish C. are fishing D. were fishing
12. Environmental protection refers to activities that_________ or restore the quality of the
A. maintain B. participate C. concentrate D. involve
13. Public education is probably the most important activity in wildlife _________ .
A. conservation B. prevention C. treatment D. stopping
14. What do shopping centres_________offer customers on special occasions?
- Mostly sales and entertainment.
A. never B. rarely C. usually D. occasionally
15. It is ________ easier to prevent harm to the environment than to repair it.
A. always B. never C. sometimes D. rarely
16. ________ he heard the warning of the tornado, he went searching for his children.

A. During B. As soon as C. While D. When

17. They were searching for information for their project_______ their parents were gardening.
A. as soon as B. while C. when D. till
18. I had no idea about the dangers of tsunamis_______ I saw the film.
A. as soon as B. while C. when D. till
19 . The environment won’t help us if we_________ it.
A. annoy B. worry C. alarm D. disturb
20. The tourists cleared up the beach _________ they got back to the hotel.
A. after B. while C. before D. if
II. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each
21. "What does ’single-use' mean?" " _________ "

A. It refers to a product that can be used once and is then thrown away.
B. It can never be single; it is always double.
C. A single-use bag should be used by people.
D. It is supposed to be single, but then it multiplies.
22. "What do you mean by '3Rs'?" " _________ "
A. It means Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
B. 3Rs mean a lot to me.
C. When you do 3Rs, the environment will be clean.
D. Oh, we should reduce the things we use.
23. "Where is Nui Chua National Park?" " _________ "
A. Nui Chua is very special and unique.B. There are 181 bird species in Nui Chua.
C. It is in Ninh Thuan province. D. A lot of tourists visit Nui Chua nowadays.
24. "When was Son Doong first discovered?" " _________ "
A. It is located in Quang Binh province. B. It is one of the most beautiful caves.
C. Ho Khanh first discovered it. D. It was first discovered in 1991.
25. "What are valuable plants in Vu Quang National Park?" " _________ "
A. Valuable plants attract a lot of foreign tourists to Vu Quang National Park.
B. Woods and medicinal plants can be found here.
C. Plants grow a lot here.
D. It is a valuable national attraction
III. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences
26 . Because warmer water has less oxygen in it, it can be harmful to fish populations and
living things.
A. security B. harmless C. dangerous D. illustrated
27 . This article is difficult to read. There are many new words.
A. easy B. hard C. slow D. fast
28 . Many scientists agree that global warming poses great threats to all species on Earth.
A. annoyance B. risks C. irritations D. fears
IV. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences
29. If you follow these simple rules, not only will you save money, but also the environment
will be cleaner.
A. earn B. count C. waste D. replace
30. The water in the river near that factory is contaminated by sewage and household waste.
A. destructive B. polluted C. non-renewable D. pure
IV. Complete each sentence below by filling in each blank with the correct form of the
word provided.
31. Cutting down a lot of trees is very _______________ to the environment. (HARM)
32. My brother is working as a volunteer for an animal protection _______________.
33. Building a new factory in the city would be _______________ disastrous.
34. Saving natural resources is of great _______________ to every country. (IMPORTANT)
35. Finding a balance between what humans and animals need will help prevent habitat
____________. (DESTROY)
6. It is _______________ to imagine the changes that robots are bringing to our world.
V. Choose the underlined word or phrase, A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
36. Before we reduce the use of single-use products, we help protect the environment.
A . before B. reduce C. single-use products D. protect
37. My sister and I often help my parents herding the buffaloes when we come back home
from school.
A. help B. herding C. when D. from
38. The traditional Vietnamese wedding is one of the most important ceremony in Vietnamese
A. traditional B. wedding C. ceremony D. culture
39. Saving natural resources is of great important to every country.
A. Saving B. natural resources C. of D. important
40. Before leaving , you should turn on the light to save energy.
A. Before B. leaving C. turn on D. energy
I. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C to fill in each blank in the following passage.
About 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs became extinct. The hot, dry climax of the
Cretaceous Period quickly changed as a result of an asteroid hitting the Earth. This collision
sent dust and debris (1) ____________ the atmosphere which blocked sunlight from reaching
the Earth's surface. The dinosaurs could no quickly adapt to the Earth’s colder climate and
eventually became (2) ____________
While the dinosaurs are no longer with us, today a number of plant, insect, and animal species
are finding their habitats being destroyed, and they too are in danger of extinction. Human
activities that are destructive to the (3) ____________ such as the development of industry,
housing, and farming are destroying the habitats of many species. For example, in the Amazon
Rainforest, thousands 0 hectares of forest are being destroyed as (4) ____________ are being
cut down to make way for cattle farms, logging and housing.
Scientists warn that many plant and animal species from this area of the work will become
extinct soon unless we quickly stop (5) ____________ their habitats.
1. A. onto B. into C. under D. out of
2. A. survise B. extinction C. extinct D. appeare
3. A. environment B. sea C. ocean D. forest )

4. A. flowers B. trees C. vegetables D. waterfall

5. A. destroyed B. disapear C. appearing D. destroying
II. Read the passage and choose the best answer to the questions.
Nothing on earth is more majestic than a tall, spreading tree. Trees are our friends in our
fight for a healthier planet. This is how they help us.
First, trees are the Earth’s lungs. They remove pollutants from the air and significantly
improve air quality.
Research shows that with billions of trees, we could remove two-thirds of all the carbon
dioxide created by human activities. Second, trees reduce the runoff of rainwater, so they can
reduce flooding. Moreover, ifyou enjoy sitting in the shade of a tree in the summer, you know
that trees can also lower air temperatures too. Trees growing beside a home can cool the roof
and the air around the house. Therefore, it reduces air conditioning costs. And don’t forget that
trees create habitats for many species of plants and animals. If you want to plant trees to help
save the planet, there are simple ways to get started. Plant trees around your house. If enough
people did that, it would make a big difference.
* Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. Trees help remove pollutants from water.
2. Trees help remove carbon dioxide from the air.

3. There is less flooding thanks to trees.
4. You pay less for air conditioning if you plant trees.
5. If everybody plants trees around their homes, it will improve the
I. Reorder the words to make sentences.
1. I'll / do it /back home. /I / come / when /
→ __________________________________________________________________ .
2. the door/ As soon as/ you / push / will open . this button /
→ __________________________________________________________________ .
3. you/ my car / Whenever/ take it./ need / you / can/
→ __________________________________________________________________ .
4. tidy up/ while/ the shopping./ You'll / tidy up/ the house / I do/
→ __________________________________________________________________ .
5. As soon as/ he/ be empty./ leave/ the room / will
→ __________________________________________________________________ .
6. call you. / we / move / next week/ When / we'll/
→ __________________________________________________________________ .
7. we finish/ We / will / get a job/ our training./ after/
→ __________________________________________________________________ .
8. While /you'll pick / we / the grass / the apples. / are cutting /
→ __________________________________________________________________ .
9. I'll go out. After/ my grammar/ I have finished/ my grammar/ exercises/
→ __________________________________________________________________ .
10 . Since /in / for many years./ plastic bags / are/ will remain / non-biodegradable,/ they/ the
environment /
→ __________________________________________________________________ .

II. Combine each pair of sentences, using the conjunction in brackets.

1. They heard the cracking sound. They ran out of the house. (as soon as)
→ ______________________________________________________________ .
2. We stayed in the shelter. We left only when the storm ended. (till)
→ ______________________________________________________________ .
3. You should make a shopping list first. Then you go shopping. ( before)
→ ______________________________________________________________ .

4. The flood waters drained. We returned home. (after)
→ ______________________________________________________________ .
5. We were surfing the Internet. We saw calls for joining programmes to save endangered .
→ ______________________________________________________________ .
6. We will feel much older. We reach our 14th birthday. (when)
→ ______________________________________________________________ .
7. He left for work. He had a cup of tea. (before)
→ ______________________________________________________________ .
8. He likes to watch TV. He gets home from work. (after)
→ ______________________________________________________________ .
9. My cat hides under the sofa. It rains. (while)
→ ______________________________________________________________ .
10. We finish our training. We will get a job. (after)
→ ______________________________________________________________ .

III. Write a paragraph (80 -100 words) about Cue Phuong National Park, using the
following facts. You can refer to the reading text in the Student’s Book.
Cuc Phuong National Park
Location: Nho Quan District, Ninh Binh Province
- Opened: 1962
- Area: about 222 sq. km
- Viet Nam’s first and largest national park
- Rich diversity of plants and animals
- Many species in the Viet Nam Red Book of Endangered Species
- Endangered Primate Rescue Centre and Turtle Conservation Centre


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. access B. centre C. market D. well-lit
2. A. sale B. tag C. speciality D. attract
3. A. produce B. product C. lucky D. much
4. A. fixed B. fix C. example D. excellent
5. A. store B. costume C. florist D. speciality
II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the
other in each group.
1. A. market B. custom C. exchange D. habit
2. A. production B. advertise C. afford D. decrease
3. A. costume B. florist C.bargain D. afford
4 .A. deliver B. afford C. offer D. advertise
5. A. complain B. advertise C. promote D. exchange
I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. We sell cups of coffee from our stall at the farmers’ _____________.
A. market B. town C. trader D. economy
2. They aim to respond to all customer _____________ within 24 hours.
A. illness B. dissatisfaction C. complains D. complaints
3. We bought some snacks at the _____________ store at midnight. It serves us all the time.
A. retail B. department C. convenience D. online
4. As a _____________, Jane loved looking for new clothes with her two daughters.
A. shopaholic B. shopkeeper C. shop assistant D. retailer
5. It has a _____________ of more than $2,000.
A. price control B. price tag C. price war D. priceless
6. We often go to an _____________ swimming pool to enjoy sunlight.
A. open day B. open-ended C. open air D. open-air
7. She picked up some real bargains _____________.
A. for sale B. on sale C. in sale D. on a sale or return

8. The market is full of farm _____________.
A. produce B. product C. production D. productivity
9. We ______________ most of our grocery shopping at large supermarkets.
A. do B. are doing C. will do D. is doing
10. The sale on all video equipment ______________ on Monday next week.
A. started B. is starting C. are starting D. starts
11. We quickly ______________ all the products and put everything away.
A. unpack B. are unpacking C. unpacked D. will unpack
12. The Walmart store near my home ______________ open between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m
throughout the week.
A. are B. is C. were D. will be
13. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, the new bookshop in the corner _______. Let’s go and visit it.
A. opens B. opened C. is open D. has opened
14. Students are from a wide _____________ of backgrounds.
A. limit B. distance C. range D. group
15. They offer a ten percent _____________ on travel for students.
A. discount B. cut C. decrease D. drop
16. All the items at Timan Shop are for ______________ two days. Some of them are 50% off.
A. online B. on sale C. out of stock D. expensive
17. Two examples of ______________ shops are the florist’s and the bakery.
A. goods B. convenience C. discount D. speciality
18. Shopping at a shopping centre is ___________. It has almost everything you want there.
A. difficult B. cheap C. convenient D. time-consuming
19. Some people go to shopping centres just to ______________ with friends or browse.
A. hang out B. discuss C. buy D. play
20. Some people may get ______________ to online shopping. They cannot stop buying
things, even things they don’t really need.
A. interested B. excited C. addicted D. amused
21. A. “ Would you like to go shopping with me” B. “_________ ”
A. The maths leson starts in 10 minutes B. I don’t like
C. I want some donuts D. I’m afraid I’m busy now.
22. A. “ Do you have open-air markets in your city” B. “_________ ”
A. No, we aren’t B. Not really. But we have similar farmer’s markets

C. Why not? D. I like them.
23. Mr. Peter: “Would you like to have lunch with us?” James: “________________”
A. Yes, I’d love to B. Yes, I would
C. No, I wouldn’t like D. All right
24. Nga: " " Ba: “You're welcome”
A. I can cary it myself. B. Shall I help you?
C. Thank you very much D. How are you today?
25 . Tom: “Why don’t we go to Paris for the vacation?” John: “_______”
A. No. thanks B. That’s very kind of you
C. I’m glad D. That’s a good idea.
II. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences
26. The film is not worth seeing. The plot is too dull.
A. simple B. complicated C. boring D. slow
27. Thirty minutes after the accident, the captain still refused to abandon the burning ship.
A. sail B. leave C. get on D. come to
28. The repeated commercials on TV distract many viewers from watching their favourite
A. advertisements B. contests C. businesses D. economics
III. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences
29. He decided not to buy the fake watch and wait until he had more money.
A.faulty B. forger C. authentic D. original
30. I’m very much interested in learning more about ecotourism and its benefits.
A. disadvantages B. advantages C. dangers D. problem
IV. Complete each sentence below by filling in each blank with the correct form of the
word provided.
31. For online shopping, you just visit a _________’s website, select the product you want, and
order it. (SELL)
32. Online sellers often ask you to pay for the cost of _ ________(SHIP) .
33. One _________ of an open-air market is that it is different from place to place.
34. During holidays, a lot of people go to shopping centres to see _______ .(DECORATE).
35. Almost every big city has a department store with a wide range of _______ (PRODUCT).

V. Choose the underlined word or phrase, A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
36. They go sometimes to the cinema to watch comedies.
37. My cousin usually doesn't eat broccoli and potatoes.
38. I am usually cook dinner for my family.
39. The film is starting at 8 p.m. tonight.
40. Does Helen has enough money to buy that bike?
I. Read the passage and answer the questions below.
Thrift Stores
You can find a thrift store, or thrift shop, or charity shop throughout cities in many
countries. These shops mainly sell used goods, such as clothing, books, music albums, shoes,
DVDs, toys, and furniture. Most of the goods are donations from the public, so they are very
cheap. Shopping at thrift stores is traditionally an economical way to buy clothes and basic
necessities for low-income families and individuals. Today thrift store shopping has become a
fun and exciting way for many people to find rare and expensive goods at a low price.
The purpose of thrift stores is to raise money for charities. The money you spend at a
thrift shop usually benefits a church, school, or community group. They help support charitable
purposes like helping homeless people, supporting a cancer association, or job training and
placement programs for people with disabilities and the disadvantaged. Shopping at thrift
shops is a great way to save money while supporting a good cause.
1. Where can you find a thrift store?
2. Where do thrift stores get their goods?
3. Is thrift store shopping for low-income people only?
4. What is the purpose of thrift stores?
5. Who benefits from the money that thrift stores make?
II. Read the text and do the tasks that follow.
The USA is famous for its skyscrapers that appear in most big cities and its huge
shopping malls. Americans love shopping there.
The Mall of America, or MOA, in Minnesota with over 520 stores is the biggest mall in the
USA. About 40 million people from many countries visit it every year. You can find
everything there from accessories and books to electronics, toys, and travel. When you get
tired of shopping, you can eat in two big food courts. 20 fast food restaurants serve a variety of
dishes and snacks. After that you can watch a movie in a 14-screen movie theatre, visit a
dinosaur museum, have fun at the indoor amusement park with roller coasters, or play golf.
There is even an aquarium with over 4,500 sea creatures including sharks. MOA has
something for everyone.
* Mark the sentences true (T), false (F), or not given (NG).
1. Americans love shopping in skyscrapers in cities.
2. The Mall of America is the biggest mall in the world.
3. MOA offers shoppers a wide range of goods and services.
4. There are 20 fast food restaurants in two big food courts.
5. There aren’t any types of entertainment for children in MOA.
6. People can see marine creatures there.

Exercise 1 : Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.
1. large purchase / They / free products / usually / a / give / if / you / you / make
2. way / always / a / to / looks for / save / Nearly every consumer / money
3. We / when / don’t / bring / much cash / often / with us / going out
4. Tan Binh market / She / goes / to / frequently / to purchase / items / her shop / for
5. she /How often / go shopping / with / does / her classmates?

6. never / Some people / buy / a / a / coupon or / anything without / discount
7. occasionally / fashion information / share / Many of our customers / with / their friends
8. farmers’ market, / When / visit / a / you / you / will / lots of / find / home-grown vegetables
Exercise 2 : Make complete sentences , using the cues given.
1. Lots of/ people/ enjoy / benefits / online shopping.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
2. You / not have to/ sit / traffic jams / or/ wait / bus stops / or at train stations.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
3. You/ not have to / collect / product / because/ they / deliver / it right/ your door.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
4. Ha Noi Night Market / must-see place / visitors.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
5. I / more interested / online browsing / in-store shopping.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
6. Sellers / often try / make / the process of / shopping online / easier / more convenient.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
7. Window shopping / one / my favourite activities / travelling / another city.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
8. Most / the clothes they sell / that second-hand shop / dirt cheap.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
9. supermarket, / you/ can never/ bargain /because / prices / fixed.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
10. I / interested / hanging out / friends, / browsing and chatting/ while/ wander/
through / the shopping malls.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .

Exercise 3 : Make complete sentences , using the cues given.

1. Lots of/ people/ enjoy / benefits / online shopping.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
2. You / not have to/ sit / traffic jams / or/ wait / bus stops / or at train stations.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
3. You/ not have to / collect / product / because/ they / deliver / it right/ your door.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
4. Ha Noi Night Market / must-see place / visitors.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
5. I / more interested / online browsing / in-store shopping.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
6. Sellers / often try / make / the process of / shopping online / easier / more convenient.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
7. Window shopping / one / my favourite activities / travelling / another city.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
8. Most / the clothes they sell / that second-hand shop / dirt cheap.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
9. supermarket, / you/ can never/ bargain /because / prices / fixed.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
10. I / interested / hanging out / friends, / browsing and chatting/ while/ wander/
through / the shopping malls.
→ _________________________________________________________________________ .
Exercise 4: Write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of supermarkets,
using the cues given below. Use the words showing the sequence: firstly, secondly,
moreover, to begin with, in addition.
Supermarkets are still popular nowadays. There are some advantages and disadvantages
of the supermarkets.
1. get all goods / one roof / save a lot of time
2. get different options / the same product / choose the best product
3. offer discounts, cash backs or contests / give us a rewarding experience
4. when / we / in a hurry / not convenient / do shopping / a supermarket
5. often buy unnecessary goods / overspend / see so many items / display / supermarkets
Supermarkets are still popular nowadays. There are some advantages and disadvantages of
the supermarkets.

1. Firstly,
2. Secondly,
3. Morever,
However, they also have some disadvantages.
4. To begin with, when
5. In addition,


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. damage B. shake C. tornado D. safe
2. A. tsunami B. disaster C. landslide D. large
3. A. erupt B. predict C. destroy D. tremble
4. A. volcanic B. emergency C. rescue D. victim
5. A. tsunami B. storm C. disaster D. missing
II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
1. A. general B. property C. disaster D. fabulous
2. A. yesterday B. optional C. natural D. prediction
3. A. glamorous B. eruption C. volcanic D. tornado
4. A. fabulous B. volunteer C. evening D. happening
5. A. thunderstorm B. prosperous C. important D. resident
I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. The organisation is distributing food to the earthquake _________.
A. movers B. helpers C. rescuers D. victims
2. It's difficult to make accurate _________ about the effects of the tornado.
A. predict B. predictive C. predictions D. predictable
3. An emergency _________ is a collection of items that you may need in an emergency.
A. kit B. service C. room D. aid
4. The earthquake caused damage to _________ that was estimated at $6 million.
A. money B. property C. possession D. belonging
5. They declared a state of _________ following the volcano eruption.
A. emergency B. crisis C. disaster D. problem
6. A strong earthquake caused a lot of _____________ to eastern Japan last week.
A. damaged B. damages C. damaging D. damage
7. Two tornadoes struck Florida on Saturday morning and _____________ 30 homes.
A. destroy B. destroyed C. destruction D. destroying
8. We cannot prevent natural disasters, but can _____________ some of them.
A. damage B. destroy C. predict D. erupt
9. _____________ from other states came to Oklahoma to help find the survivors.
A. Scientists B. Victims C. People D. Rescue workers
10. A _____________ can save you in life-threatening situations because its sound can attract
people’s attention.
A. whistle B. kit C. warning D. tool
11. A ____________ is sudden flooding that occurs when water rises quickly within several
hours of a heavy rain.
A. quick flood B. rapid flood C. flash flood D. hot flood
12. Monsoon rains across Thailand ____________ millions of people in 16 of its provinces.
A. has affected B. have affected C. have effect D. have influenced
13. Typhoon Haiyan made the damage, and _______ of life became great in the Philippines.
A. lose B. loses C. losing D. loss
14. Thanks to the extensive ____________ measures taken, the loss of life in Typhoon
Xangsane in Da Nang and other provinces seemed to be relatively low.
A. prevent B. preventive C. prevention D. preventing
15. A number of other provinces will declare drought ____________ in the coming weeks.
A. accident B. emergency C. event D. situation
16.The sun ________ when Hamilton ______at the beach in Da Nang on a beautiful morning.
A. shone - arrived B. was shining - was arriving
C. was shining - arrived D. shone - was arriving
17 . Measured 9.5 on the Richter scale, the world’s largest ______________ occurred on May
22, 1960 in southern Chile.
A. mudslide B. avalanche C. flood D. earthquake
18. While Steven and Rachel ___________around the Canary Islands, their boat ___________.
A. were sailing - sank B. sailed - was sinking
C. sailed - sank D. were sailing - was sinking
19. Despite modern technologies available to us, we’re still ____________ against natural
A. homeless B. harmless C. helpless D. hopeless
20. The reporter said that ten people died and thirty were _________ injured in the flood.
A. completely B. greatly C. powerfully D. seriously
21. A ______________ that is just a few centimetres high from the sea can rear up to heights
of 30 to 50 meters as it hits the shore.
A. typhoon B. tsunami C. tornado D. thunderstorm
22. While the other passengers ________ to the exits, Brian ___________ out of the window.
A. ran - climbed B. run - was climbing
C. ran - was climbed D. were running – climbed
23. When it ___________ raining, we ____________ a nice hotel down the road to the town.
A. started - were finding B. was starting – found
C. started - found D. was starting - were finding
24. They _______ close to the bottom of the mountain when Simpson suddenly __________.
A. got - was slipping B. were getting – slipped
C. were getting - was slipping D. got – slipped
25. Most people had moved to the safe areas before the typhoon struck, so there were only a
few minor ______________.
A. loss B. injuries C. impacts D. destruction
* Choose the most suitable response A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following
26. A: “ Many people were injured in the storm”.
B: A. That’s shocking. B. Well done! C. That’s relieve D. That’s great!
27. A: I think there are more natural disasters than there used to be.
B: A. I hope so . B. Certainly, because of human activities.
C. Thank you D. That’s awful. It does nothing to me.
28. A: “ I don’t think we can prepare for natural disasters at all.”
B: A. I agree with you. People should be informed about them in advance.
B. No . They should stay inside.
C. I don’t think so. We have the advance warning systems.
D. That’s a good idea.
29. A: “ The earthquake yesterday destroyed their house “ B: “ _______________ “
A. Yes, I know it. B. Yes, I don't like it.
C. That’s awful. D. They should stay inside.
30. A: “ They lost all of their property in the storm last month. “ B:” ________________”
A. What awful news! I’m sorry. B. No, I'm sorry.
C. Can you speak louder? D. I think they can.

II. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences
31. The whole village was wiped out in the bombing raids.
A. Changed completely B. Cleaned well
C. destroyed completely D. removed quickly
32. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
A. speed B. expect more C. do better D. treat better
33. Our actions can have a significant impact on the environment.
A. effect B. ignore C. weakness D. donation
III. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences
34. Having to work to a deadline can be a stressful experience for students.
A. painful B. practical C. relaxing D. tense
35. As long as you are stil alive, you will definitely encouter the good things in life.
A. well B. dead C. suviving D. sick
IV. Complete each sentence below by filling in each blank with the correct form of the
word provided.
36. Tsunami is a Japanese term for an unusually large ocean wave caused by undersea
earthquake, landslide, or volcanic ___________. (ERUPT )
37. During a volcano, you should follow the______order issued by authorities. (EVACUATE)
38. Thunderstorms can be ____________, while tornadoes, and lightning can be life
threatening. (DESTROY)

39. ____________ of the deadly Nepal earthquake have told the horror of the moment when it
struck, leaving more than 3,000 dead. (SURVIVE)
40. The tents will be used for medical camps and temporary ____________ after the
earthquake in Nepal. (ACCOMMODATE )
36. Tsunami is a Japanese term for an unusually large ocean wave caused by undersea
earthquake, landslide, or volcanic _ERUPTION_. (erupt)

V. Choose the underlined word or phrase, A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

41. Last week Mark told me that he got very bored with his present job and is looking for a
new one.
A. told B. got C. is looking D. new one
42. Our teacher encourages us using a dictionary whenever we are unsure of the
meaning of a word.
A. of B. using C. meaning of the word D. whenever
43. Eric shouted up to John, but the wind was blown loudly and John couldn't hear him.
A. shouted B. but C. was blown D. couldn’t hear
44. The rope were too heavy and it was pulling him down the mountain towards the cliff.
A. were B. heavy C. was pulling D. towards
45. William was climbing a mountain alone while the storm began to strike.
A. was climbing B. a C. while D. began to trike
I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill in each blank in the following passage.
A tornado is a kind of storm which looks (1) ____________a huge funnel. Tornados
are the strongest winds on earth. They can (2) ____________480km per hour. With such great
strength, a tornado causes a lot of damage. It can (3) ____________trees, flatten buildings, and
throw heavy things such as cars hundreds of metres. It is especially dangerous (4)
____________ people in cars or mobile homes.
Tornadoes (5) _________ in their duration and the distance they travel. Most (6) _________
less than ten minutes and travel five to ten kilometres. Some special tornadoes can last several
hours and travel up to more than 150km! Tornadoes can occur almost anywhere (7) _________
earth, but most of them happen in the United States, especially in the Great Plains region. This
area may (8) ____________ more than 200 tornadoes in each year.
1. A. like B. as C. such D. for
2. A. arrive B. go to C. reach D. speed
3. A. grow B. uproot C. plant D. water
4. A. for B.to C. in D. at
5. A. differ B. similar C. different D. change
6. A. go B. keep up C. happen D. last
7. A. in B. on C. for D. up
8. A. be B. cause C. provide D. experience
II. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.
The large movement of the earth under the water causes a very large and powerful
tsunami. That tsunami was called the Asian Tsunami in most of the world. It was called the
Boxing Day Tsunami in England, Australia, South Africa and Canada because it happened on

the holiday which they call Boxing Day. The tsunami caused a lot of damage to countries such
as the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.
Waves as high as 30 meters killed many people and damaged or destroyed a lot of
buildings and other property. Over 225,000 people died or they were not found after the
tsunami. The waves traveled as far away as South Africa (8,000 kilometers) where as many as
8 people died because of high water caused by the waves. Because of how much damage was
caused and the number of people the earthquake affected, over $7 billion was donated to help
the survivors and rebuild the areas damaged.
1. Why was the tsunami called the Boxing Day Tsunami in England?
A. Because it happened when people were boxing.
B. Because it happened when people were collecting boxes.
C. Because it happened on Boxing Day.
D. Because it destroyed a lot of boxes.
2. How high were the waves?
A. thirteen meters B. eighteen meters C. thirty meters D. two hundred meters
3. What were some people in South Africa killed by?
A. earthquake B. high water C. high wind D. volcano
4. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. Only in Asia the tsunami was called Asian Tsunami.
B. The tsunami caused a lot of damage to Indonesia.
C. Many people died because of the high waves.
D. A lot of money was raised to help people.
5. What does the word “survivors” in the last sentence mean?
A. Houses that aren’t destroyed. B. Offices are being rebuilt.
C. People who were dead. D. People who are left alive.

I. Make sentences using the words or phrases. You can make changes to the words and
phrases, and add more words if necessary.
1. Natural disasters/ can cause / serious damage / human life.
→ ___________________________________________________________________ .
2. Tonadoes/a violent storm/ that moves / a circle / very strong wind.
→ ___________________________________________________________________ .
3. My parents and I / having dinner,/ when/ we / hear/ a very loud noise.
→ ___________________________________________________________________ .
4. When / we / look out of the window/ , we/ saw / big funnel / wind / moving to us.
→ ___________________________________________________________________ .
5. The tonadoes / damaged / the roof / the house/ pull up/ some trees / the yard.
→ ___________________________________________________________________ .
6. Every year/ more than/ ten storms / strong winds / rains / cause / damage in our country.
→ ___________________________________________________________________ .
7. People / lose/ all their property/ because / the volcanic/ eruption.
→ ___________________________________________________________________ .
8. To prepare/a natural disaster ,/ we/ should make / emergancy kit.
→ ___________________________________________________________________ .
9. During a storm,/ we / should / stay/ inside./ Even / when / the rain / winds stop.
→ ___________________________________________________________________ .
10. We / should listen/ instructions / from local authorities. / Stay away / from broken power
→ ___________________________________________________________________ .
II. Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. Everyone ran right after the tsunami siren went off.
 As soon as _______________________________________________________________ .
2. They predict the hurricane won’t hit the city, but the residents still get prepared for the
 Although _______________________________________________________________ .
3. The guidelines for evacuation will be useless if people don’t read and follow them.
 Unless people ____________________________________________________________ .
4. Angelina is too young to go to a party for adults.
 Angelina isn’t ___________________________________________________________ .
5. It was such a strong tsunami that thousands of people were killed.
 The tsunami was so ______________________________________________________ .
6. The firemen spent three days putting out the forest fire.
 It took _________________________________________________________________ .
7. Let’s go to a shopping mall instead of surfing the online stores.
 Why don’t ______________________________________________________________?
8. I have to prepare meals on my own, so I often buy groceries.
 Since __________________________________________________________________ .
III. Write a paragraph (80 -100 words) about a natural disaster that often happens in
Viet Nam.
Use the following questions as cues:
1. What is the natural disaster?
2. How often does it happen?
3. When does it often happen?
4. What should we do before and after it happens?
A Storm is a natural disaster that often happens in Viet Nam ..................................................

• Writing about a natural disaster
I. Write instructions about things to do before, during, and after a typhoon, using the
words given.
A Typhoon
1. prepare / emergency kits / medicine, extra clothes, cash / important documents
2. also prepare / candles, flashlights / extra batteries / in case / power / go out

3. store / food / clean water enough / three days
4. listen / the radio / watch TV / news updates
5. stay indoors / listen / the news / weather updates / flood warnings
6. if / you / need / evacuate / you / close / windows / turn off the main electricity switch / bring
your survival kit
7. only return home / after / authorities / say / the area / safe
8. check your surrounding areas / damaged electricity cables / fallen posts
II. Write instructions about things to do before, during, and after a tsunami, using the
words given.
Tsunamis can hit people in coastal areas within minutes after a severe earthquake. The best
way to protect yourself and your family in case of a tsunami is to follow these steps.
1. find out if your home, 01 school / in tsunami hazard areas / plan evacuation routes / areas 30
metres above sea level / your family members
2. prepare an emergency kit / including I items I drinking water, medicine, food, cash and other
necessary items / at least three days
3. after you hear the unusual noise / an approaching train, plane / move quickly / higher ground
away from the coast
4. return home / after / the local officials / tell / it / safe
5. aware of secondary effects / landslides, contaminated water, / damaged walls or houses



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