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Karina Trigubchak

The Marathon
an easy way to look better

✓ 27 simple exercises
✓ exercise plan for one month
✓ QR-codes to video tutorials
+ BONUS: cupping massage



Introduction 5
What Is the Marathon? 5
Pros of the Marathon 6
Who Is the Marathon for? 6
How Does This Book Work? 6

Part 1. The Marathon for Face and Health 8

Posture 9
Neck or Dowager’s Hump 10
Trapezius Muscles 10
“Texting Neck” 11
Double Chin 12
Problems with the Lymphatic System 12
Aging 14
Stretching of the Skin 15
Contraindications 16
General Contraindications 17
Special Contraindications 17
Factors Influencing Results 18

Part 2. Exercises 20
Week 1. Posture Exercises 22
Day 1 22
Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway 22
Exercise 2. 100 Jumps 24
Day 2 25
Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits 25
Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head 27
Day 3 28
Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders 28
Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders (The Seventh Cervical Vertebra) 30
Day 4 31
Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles 31
Exercise 8. Overlap 33
Day 5 35
Exercise 9. Neck Side 35
Exercise 10. Frame 36
Day 6 38
Exercise 11. “Texting Neck” 38
Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades 40

Day 7 42
Week 2. Face Exercises 43
Day 8 43
Exercise 13. Working on Contours 43
Day 9 45
Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1) 45
Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2) 47
Day 10 48
Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One 48
Day 11 50
Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1) 50
Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2) 52
Day 12 53
Exercise 19: Frown Line (Part 1) 53
Day 13 55
Exercise 20. Lips 55
Day 14 56
Week 3. Face Exercises 57
Day 15 57
Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair 57
Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage 58
Day 16 60
Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline 60
Day 17 62
Exercise 24. Letters 62
Day 18 63
Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin 63
Day 19 65
Exercise 26. Eyebrows 65
Day 20 67
Exercise 27. Frown Line (Part 2) 67
Day 21 68
Week 4 and a Little More 69
Days 22-30 69

Part 3. Exercise Plan 70

Bonus! Cupping Massage Course 89

Cupping Massage 1. Bottom 90
Cupping Massage 2. Thigh 91
Cupping Massage 3. Stomach 92
Cupping Massage 4. Inner Thigh 93

Conclusion 95

About the Author 96


Nothing will make you look old sooner than

tension and fatigue.

Dale Carnegie

I am sure that there is nothing more natural than health, youth and beauty. They are
given to us from above as life is. Everyone has the right to feel good and look great.
However, it often happens that difficult life situations and related experiences make
us forget about who we really are. Then fatigue grows, health worsens, and the skin
begins to fade. But there is good news: health and youth can be restored!

What Is the Marathon?

The Marathon is a unique set of very simple exercises that will help you look your
best in a few days. I will tell you how to do them correctly, as well as how to enhance
the achieved effect by using self-massage techniques.

If the muscles of the body are not trained, they become weak and flabby. We go to
the gym and pump them up to keep the body fit and beautiful. However, this does not
work for the muscles of the face. They are arranged differently than the muscles of
the body, and with them the situation is the opposite: in order for the face to look
young and fit, its muscles must be relaxed as much as possible. It is on the
maximum possible relaxation that my method is based. This is the fundamental
difference between the Marathon and a face gymnastics or face yoga.

In the body, as in the world as a whole, everything is interconnected. Although the

exercises presented in this book are aimed at rejuvenating and improving the
appearance of the face, they also help restore impaired functions of the whole body.
Take a few minutes every day for the Marathon, and gradually you will notice how
headaches and tension in the eyes go away, anxiety disappears, your shoulders
straighten and your sleep improves. You will feel a surge of strength and an overall
positive mood. Agree that in such a state it will be easier to achieve success in work,
school and personal life. And most importantly, you will experience joy. No matter
how old you are, I know for sure that the Marathon will qualitatively change your life
and appearance for the better.

Pros of the Marathon:
Simplicity. You do not have to go to the gym or a beauty salon to keep up. All
exercises can be done at home while you are watching your favorite TV show or
waiting for the water to boil in the kettle.

Safety. The Marathon has no side effects. The proposed set of exercises was
created taking into account the physiological characteristics of the human body and
is absolutely safe.

Pleasure. The Marathon teaches balance and relaxation and gives a sense of
harmony. The exercises are simple, accessible to everyone, and they are painless
and uplifting.

Efficiency. The Marathon improves complexion, helps solve health problems of the
whole body, tightens and firms the skin, reduces tension and provides an anti-aging

Thus, the Marathon is a natural lifting, skin rejuvenation and whole-body health.

Who Is the Marathon for?

The exercises in this book and self-massage techniques will benefit anyone who
wants to tweak their appearance or look younger. Practice is very important here.
Although you shouldn't be overly zealous, the general tendency is that the more you
practice, the faster the results will be noticeable.

If you know you have a health problem, please consult your doctor before starting
the Marathon.

How Does This Book Work?

I made this book short and to the point in case you just do not have time to read. It
consists of three compact sections and a bonus course of cupping massage:

● In Section 1, I will talk about the principles of the effects of the Marathon and
self-massage on the face, as well as what issues they will help to solve.
● Section 2 is entirely devoted to the exercises themselves. Each of them is
accompanied by instructions, explaining photos and links to video tutorials.
You can access them online at any convenient time by scanning the

QR-codes located next to the description of the exercises with your
● In Section 3, you will find a handy monthly exercise plan. Check the box on
the exercises performed.
● Take a look at the section Bonus to master simple and effective cupping
massage techniques.

Ready to get started? Here is your first assignment: pick up your phone right now
and take a selfie. With this picture you can compare your next photos — and watch
the result from the Marathon. I know for sure that it will please you.

Sincerely yours,

Part 1. The Marathon for Face and Health

Nature gives you the face you have at twenty.

Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at
fifty you get the face you deserve.

Coco Chanel

My method in full understanding is harmony and relaxation. You do not have to go

deep into philosophy to apply Marathon techniques to rejuvenate your face and heal
your entire body.

The uniqueness of the Marathon lies in the fact that all its exercises are aimed at
relaxing spasmodic muscles.


The Marathon starts with posture exercises. That is right, and that is how it
should be. In the first week of classes, we do not even come close to the
face and work only with the back and neck muscles. However, it is the face
that begins to look noticeably better after just a few days of the Marathon.
You will see for yourself.

Neither sports equipment nor sports uniform is required for classes, but the effect of
the exercises is stunning.

In this section, I will talk about how the Marathon works and what effect it has on the
body. We will talk in detail about the following aspects:

● Posture
● Neck hump or Dowager’s Hump
● “Texting neck”
● Double chin
● Problems with the lymphatic system
● Aging
● Stretching of the skin
● Contraindications

My task is to explain in simple words how the human body works and how the
Marathon helps it to get rid of health problems and aesthetic imperfections, in return
giving it youth and beauty.

Posture is your usual, relaxed way of holding your own body. It can be correct when
the spine is bent as nature intended or irregular when the curves are altered. It is
estimated that many centuries ago, the spine in humans was straight, but over time
— for better shock absorption when moving — in the neck and lower back, it bent
forward, and in the chest — back. A graceful, calligraphic line — this is what the
spine of a healthy person should ideally be like now.

Posture is the foundation of all foundations. An even back is not only beautiful but
also very important for the proper functioning of the body. The condition of the skin,
the largest organ, is highly dependent on posture.

The human body is a whole universe in itself, an ingenious mechanism, all functions
of which are interconnected. When the posture is correct, we feel relaxed. This is not
only a feeling; at the physical level, all processes hindered by tightness, including
blood circulation, begin to recover. Just the release from constraint itself is enough to
get rid of many problems. If, while reading these lines, you involuntarily tilted your
head or shrugged your shoulders, then your back most likely needs help.

You may ask, "How exactly does posture affect the condition of the skin?" My answer
is: there are three main factors.

1. Nutrition. We are not talking about what you eat for breakfast but about other
nutrition that skin cells require. Like cars on busy highways in a big city,
oxygen and all the necessary substances move through the vessels — and
reach every cell of the face. Pay attention to the fact that they can get to it
from the lungs and the heart only through the "bridge" connecting the head
and body — through the neck. What if it is tense all the time? Then the blood
cannot run freely through the vessels. The cells are not getting enough
nutrition. As a result — headaches, grey complexion, premature wrinkles.
2. Drainage. We figured out how nutrition enters the cells; now, let us talk about
the excretory system. Skin cells need to get rid of excess in the same way
that we get rid of trash at home by throwing it into the garbage chute. In the
human body, this function is performed by the lymphatic system. Just imagine
what will happen if it stops working as it should! This often happens —
including causes like the mentioned wrong neck position. Double chin,
puffiness, bags under the eyes, flabby face contours — a consequence of
malfunctions of the lymphatic system.

3. Slouching habit. It is really simple: when the back is hunched over and the
shoulders are turned forward, the skin of the neck sags — wrinkles in the form
of rings appear on it, and nasolabial folds form on the face. At first, these
changes are subtle, but over time they manifest themselves more and more,
visually adding extra years.

Remember a simple rule: help your posture — and it will help you become healthier
and more beautiful. Edema, double chin, sagging jawline and depressed mood will
disappear. The oval of the face will acquire clarity, and you will like the reflection in
the mirror more and more every day — and this is without pain, injections, surgeries
and gross expenses. Exclusively through training.

Neck or Dowager’s Hump

The neck hump is a bulge of adipose tissue at the base of the neck, just below the
back of the head. Dowager’s hump — another name for the issue — surely does not
look aesthetically pleasing, but what is even worse: its harm to health. Adipose
tissue is deposited in a hump if the back is often in a hunched position. Over time, it
becomes large and stiff, like a stone — then the vessels of the neck are
compressed. It is not easy for blood and lymph to move through them.

Just where the neck hump grows, the most important blood vessels that feed the
brain pass. If they are even slightly compressed under the hump’s weight,
headaches, cerebellar ischemia, loss of consciousness, tinnitus and edema may
occur — this is the danger. If you find it in yourself, do not be alarmed: this is not a
sentence yet. The Marathon will help get rid of it.

Trapezius Muscles
The trapezius is a pair of muscles, each of which individually resembles a triangle,
and together, they form a shape similar to a trapezium — hence the name.

These muscles begin at the back of the head. They are attached to the skull, and
therefore their condition is instantly reflected on the face: muscles are relaxed — the
face looks fresh and rested. The trapezius is tense — the lower jaw drops down, and
the face begins to seem haggard, tired. Due to the unnatural position of these
muscles, blood and lymph flow deteriorate: again, there are problems with edema,
flabby face contours and insufficient nutrition of cells.

The trapezius muscles occupy a significant part of the back. They are responsible
not only for the neck and head movement but also the shoulder blades, and with
them — the shoulders and arms.

The trapezius and pectoralis minor muscles are antagonistic muscles, and they work
in counterbalance: when the trapezius muscle contracts, the pectoral muscle, on the
contrary, relaxes. When the shoulder moves forward, the upper chest is compressed
— the person immediately сrooks. If this situation persists for a long time, the
diaphragm begins to suffer, the internal organs descend — the stomach, liver,
intestines. This is called visceral ptosis. The shoulders raised to the ears and the
head pressed into the body are sure signs of hypertonicity of the trapezius muscle.
Getting it is as easy as shelling pears. It is enough just to be motionless for a while,
for example, sitting at a computer, writing at a table, driving a car, etc., with your
head bowed forward. Any pain in the cervical spine worsens the situation even more:
unpleasant sensations lead the muscles to hypertonicity, and hypertonicity increases
the pain. The circle is closed. You can break it with simple exercises. A long neck,
beautiful shoulders, a well-defined oval of the face, no edema, elastic and radiant
skin — this is the state we strive to achieve when we do the Marathon exercises that
relax the trapezius muscles.

Trapezius exercises always give great results — and in a very short time. Even the
tightest muscles become relaxed and flexible after just a few sessions.

“Texting Neck”
Look around — and you will see how many people slouch when they look at the
screens of smartphones or computers: the shoulders are lowered, the back is bent
and resembles a tortoiseshell, and the head sticks out forward. Even if there is no
gadget nearby, the person habitually maintains the same neck position.

The pathological habit of pulling the head forward and down leads to the fact that the
entire structure of the neck is forced to rebuild. When the neck, and with it, the chin,
larynx and hyoid bone, are pushed forward, the superficial cervical muscle —
platysma — is stratified, horizontal wrinkles appear on the front of the neck, and
ribbed segments of the larynx appear. The depth of the jawline decreases. The
sternocleidomastoid muscles are overstrained, the lymph nodes swell. As a result,
the double chin and sagging grow. Yes, even children may have it! In addition, due to
constant tension, the cervical muscles shorten, pulling adjacent tissues with them.
When the upper eyelid overhangs and edema and wrinkles appear on a young face,
these are not age-related changes but a sign that the neck is tired and needs help.

You do not have to give up your gadgets. It is enough to perform simple exercises
sometimes — the face will look younger, and the neck will again gain the forgotten

Double Chin
You may have noticed that a double chin — one of the main aesthetic defects in
appearance — is not only what overweight but also quite slender and athletic people
have. Its main causes are posture disorders, incorrect neck static and wrong
functioning of the lymphatic system. All of them need to be worked out so that the
chin becomes elegant and sharp again.

The front of the neck is formed by about 20 muscles, each attached to the hyoid
bone. If we are in the "turtle pose" for too long — with a rounded back, a concave
chest and a head extended forward — the neck muscles shorten, become stiff. The
tissues under the chin, formerly elastic, now sag — a double chin appears, the
corners of the mouth drop, the lips lose their clear contours. The whole face begins
to appear saggy.

Slouching and tense cervical muscles prevent blood and lymph from flowing freely
through the vessels. Sometimes lymphatic stasis occurs — in other words, the lymph
nodes are blocked. Under the weight of excess fat and stagnant lymph, the tissues
under the chin slide, dragging along the tissues of the entire lower third of the face.
The result is swelling of the submandibular area and the formation of a double chin.
This is a vicious circle: the worse the vessels work, the more swelling. The more
swelling, the more difficult it is for the vessels to work.

The good news is that you can get rid of a double chin. It is important to approach
the task comprehensively and eliminate all the reasons for its appearance. That is
why the Marathon includes exercises to improve posture, neck flexibility and
lymphatic drainage. To be honest, it will take a lot of effort. But what will be the result!
Long neck, graceful jawline, royal head position, healthy posture, no neck hump —
be patient, and you will succeed!

Problems with the Lymphatic System

The beauty and health of our body are 80% dependent on the condition of the
lymphatic system. If waking up in the morning, you find swelling and acne on the
face, something is wrong with the lymphatic system.

A clear liquid that circulates through the lymphatic system vessels and in the
intercellular space is responsible for immunity and removing waste products from the
body. With the help of lymph, the body gets rid of all that is superfluous: fungi,
bacteria, toxins, parasites. When we live in a bad environmental situation, eat junk
food, abuse alcohol, smoke, the lymph has a hard time.

Which organ pumps blood? The heart! What makes lymph move? Muscles! Namely
— the skeletal muscles of our entire body. Muscles contract — lymph moves;
muscles do not contract — lymph stagnates. What happens to a liquid that does not
flow anywhere and is full of rubbish? It turns into a swamp. When harmful
substances remain in the body, it manifests itself as follows:

● Skin — swelling, rashes.

● Mucous membrane (vagina, nasopharynx, larynx) — inflammatory diseases,
chronic thrush, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, etc.
● Intestines — pain, flatulence, various disorders.
● Tonsils and adenoids are a favorite foothold for the release of harmful
substances. If these organs are removed, and the lymphatic system is still not
working, then "garbage" will accumulate lower: in the trachea, larynx, lungs,
and this is fraught with even more serious problems, for example, pneumonia.
● Sweat glands — a person should sweat, as nature intended, but we clog the
pores with antiperspirants — and the lymphatic system has to drive all the
poisons further, until the next stop — to the mammary gland. And here is
● And also the appendix, spleen and, of course, the liver and kidneys.

Fatigue, drinking water before sleeping, or an uncomfortable pillow do not cause

edema in a healthy person. Lymph always moves from the periphery to the center:
from the legs to the trunk, from the forehead to the neck. Accordingly, if your legs
swell and in the evening, the ankles become wide, it is likely that the lymph cannot
rise above the inguinal lymph nodes and settles along with all the waste that it
carries in the ankles and feet. If you notice swelling in the hands and fingers, this
may indicate a problem with the axillary lymph nodes. Swelling on the face indicates
blockage of the parotid, submandibular and subclavian lymph nodes.

The lymphatic system can and should be helped. The scheme is as follows: drink
more water, try to eat fresh food without preservatives and dyes, do self-massage
with a dry brush, and perform the exercises in this book for at least a few minutes
every day.

Aging does not start with wrinkles. Age is just the numbers in the passport. Whatever
they are, you can look young and beautiful, but for this, you need to regularly pay
attention to your health.

Modern cosmetology often mistakenly blames the aging of the face on the skin.
Advertising tells us that with years passing by, the skin loses its elasticity due to the
fact that it has a decrease in the volume of special substances — elastin and
collagen. This is true, but it is important to take into account the fact that under the
skin, there are muscles, nerves, blood vessels and bones, and all of them are
capable of self-renewal. In matters of skin smoothness, they play a much more
important role than the amount of elastin and collagen. Healthy skin stays smooth
during almost your entire lifetime, until a very old age. If wrinkles appear on it, then
the matter is not the years lived but health. Weight fluctuations, impaired blood and
lymph flow — that is what really hurts the skin relief. It is important to remember that
wrinkles are a consequence, not a cause of aging. They mean that health issues can
no longer be postponed.

Think about what a person looks like when they are angry. For example, a customer
standing in line in front of you. Something went wrong — and now the person is
furious. The teeth are clenched, the face contorted with a grimace. It seems as if
every muscle in the body is tense. It's okay if it only lasts a few seconds. It is worse if
a person is often in such a state and becomes too familiar with it. Then the
expression of dissatisfaction is imprinted by the wrinkles on the face. This is not
surprising because tense muscles squeeze blood and lymphatic vessels, which
leads to disruption of tropism and deterioration of the skin condition. Anxiety, stress,
worries, resentment do not allow us to breathe freely. They cut into our faces in folds,
make us older, and — let us face it — less attractive.

Whether we manage to look young depends largely on posture. The tension of the
trapezius and occipital muscles automatically brings the frontal muscle into
hypertonicity. If you often experience pain in the temples or the front of your head, if
there are skin breaks on your forehead, it may be time to tidy up your posture.

Scientists have proven that the main causes of skin aging are:

● Violation of the statics of the cervical spine and osteochondrosis, which cause
cerebral ischemia and difficulty in neuroendocrine regulation in the body.
● Circulatory disorders of the head and neck due to compression of arteries and
veins by tense muscles.
● Lymph flow disorders, swelling of facial tissues.
● The action of UV radiation, accompanied by the accumulation of reactive
oxygen species.

● Deformation of the musculoskeletal corset.
● The negative impact of stress.

Nature conceived the human body as one capable of regeneration. It will do

everything itself and restore youth; you just have to learn how to relax your muscles,
maintain your back and neck in a comfortable position and experience positive
emotions more often — this is what the Marathon is intended for.

Stretching of the Skin

I am sure you have heard many times that you should dab in the cream with your
fingertips only and should not touch your face too much and smile or laugh —
supposedly, from all this, the skin stretches and sags with wrinkles. This is wrong.
The opposite is true.

Let us say you have a perfect suit that fits like a glove. What happens if you lose 20
kg? The suit will hang loose and become large, but no one would think of claiming
that it was stretched out. Why then, when muscles and bones lose volume, do we
blame the skin for the appearance of wrinkles?

The skin cannot sag; it is by its nature very elastic and tightens with all its might,
trying to grasp the musculoskeletal frame as tightly and evenly as possible. This is
not an easy task because subcutaneous tissues lose volume with age — if not
receiving proper care. This happens gradually, unnoticed by us. Nevertheless, after
50 years, we lose up to 10% of muscle mass during each decade, and by the age of
80-90, the loss is already 40%. The volume of tissues changes — the relief also
changes. Our clever skin is diligently tightening up and adapting to new parameters.
It tries its best to be smooth, even in conditions of obstructed blood circulation and
lymph flow.

The skin is, metaphorically speaking, like the aforementioned suit: when it seems to
us that the skin has sagged and stretched, it is only a sharp decrease in the volume
of tissues under it. Few people know that natural physiological lifting occurs
constantly, even with a lack of elastin and collagen — poor skin simply has no other
way to exist.

Scientific fact: the structure and number of elastin fibers are genetically inherent in
us from birth. The force with which the fibers return the skin to its original state after
any stretch is so great that plastic surgeons have to undergo special perforation of
the skin flaps before grafting; otherwise, they would shrink into a lump. In other
words, only by mechanically destroying these fibers can you make the skin sag. In all

other cases, they tightly clasp the subcutaneous tissue, the condition of which
determines whether we will have wrinkles or not.

Wrinkles do not appear on the face and body by accident. They are always laid in
places of muscle hypertonicity, moreover, across the overstrained muscle. Slight
muscle tension is normal and even beneficial, provided relaxation follows. If time
passes, and the muscle remains tense, in a shortened form, then the skin located on
top of it gathers in folds. Severe emotional stress is harmful to the muscles, and
therefore to the condition of the skin. When we are frightened or upset, the body
releases adrenaline and glucocorticoids into the bloodstream. They put the body on
alert and make the muscles tense.

To pump up muscles means to provoke their spasm and swelling. Unlike working
with the body’s muscles in the gym, gymnastics of the muscles of the face and neck
is built according to different rules. The Marathon, instead of tonic tension and
strength techniques, primarily helps to relax overstrained spasmodic muscles. We
remove muscle spasms, restore the anatomically correct shape of the muscles, and
get rid of wrinkles. We restore smoothness to the skin by tidying up the tissues
underneath. Healthy muscles that are able to tone up when needed and relax the
rest of the time guarantee that the cheeks will not sag, the double chin and deep
nasolabial folds will not appear, and the eyebrows will not drop.

I am often asked if exercise and self-massage might cause new wrinkles. I think the
answer is obvious here: no, this will never happen. On the contrary, the Marathon will
help you to relax the muscles of the face that have been petrified from overstrain,
tidy up the lymphatic system, and improve blood circulation. Throughout life, the skin
shows real miracles of lifting; the trouble is it does so slower than we would like it to.
The Marathon simply accelerates the natural rejuvenation process.

I wrote this book to share with you what I know and practice. I have devoted a lot of
time to studying how exercises and self-massage affect the body and how they can
change life for the better. All the information collected here is my findings and
recommendations. Whether to apply them in practice or not is up to you.

Please note that the Marathon has contraindications. If you have any diseases or
injuries from the list below, I advise you to refrain from the exercises.

General Contraindications
General contraindications to the Marathon correspond to the contraindications
adopted in classical manual therapy:

● Congenital malformations, injuries, abnormalities or diseases of the vertebrae,

including complex curvatures
● Thyroid diseases1
● Traumatic brain injuries
● Skin diseases (eczema, fungal diseases, flat warts)
● Inflammatory diseases of the face and trigeminal nerve
● Diseases of the lymphatic system
● Cerebrovascular disease
● The third stage of hypertensive heart disease
● Cancer
● Osteoporosis severe
● Pregnancy
● Severe general diseases (autoimmune diseases, diabetes, severe vascular
disease, the presence of abnormalities of the endocrine system, systemic
diseases of connective tissue, collagen, etc.)
● ENT — diseases in the acute stage past
● Plastic surgery in the face and neck (this you must refrain from for 6 months)
● Mental disorders and some neurological diseases
● Alcoholism
● Poor health
● Prohibition of the attending physician

Special Contraindications
If you have any of the following problems, I recommend refraining from the

● Dislocation and subluxation of the lower jaw

● Deforming arthrosis
● Rheumatoid arthritis
● An advanced form of caries
● Dental operations
● Acute inflammatory processes in the face area

If the structure of the thyroid gland is altered (cysts, tumors, inflammatory processes, nodular goiter,
autoimmune thyroiditis), classes are conditionally contraindicated and are possible only after
consultation with a doctor. If the function of the thyroid gland, which is reduced (hypothyroidism), is
compensated, you can do it. If the structure of the thyroid gland is not changed and the level of
hormones is within the normal range, you can do it. — approx. ed.
Important! All the exercises and self-massage techniques I offer are designed for a
healthy person. Please, if you are in doubt whether an exercise will harm you due to
your health condition, be sure to consult your doctor before performing it.

Factors Influencing Results

My personal experience and that of my students confirm that exercises quickly give
noticeable results when done correctly. The effect of some can be felt instantly, while
others require regular exercise. If you are healthy and follow the instructions strictly, I
am sure that in 30 days, you will see in the mirror the better — prettier and
rejuvenated — version of yourself.

However, there are factors that can slow down the result. The method itself is based
on the effect of arterial hyperemia — an improvement in blood circulation, as a result
of which the processes of self-regulation and tissue restoration are triggered. In
certain cases, the blood flow to the face can be difficult due to vascular and
neurogenic disorders, such as:
● Congenital anomalies of vascular development — congenital insufficiency of
anastomoses in the external and internal carotid artery system, in which
ischemia occurs.
● Atherosclerosis of the cervical arteries (atherosclerotic plaque causes a
narrowing of the diameter of the artery and reduces the flow of arterial blood).
● Congenital disorders of posture: the syndrome of compression of the
subclavian vessels is congenital and is caused by an additional cervical rib
(cervical rib syndrome) or an elevated first rib (costoclavicular syndrome).
These changes can be corrected with the help of surgery and the subsequent
wearing of braces-orthoses.
● Neurogenic disorders — the formation of foci of "stagnant" excitation in the
sympathetic nuclei of the hypothalamus, which leads to a constant increase in
tonic effects on the vessels (they narrow due to muscle spasm). Such
disorders occur during acute or chronic stress, chronic fatigue, as a result of
the post-traumatic disorder, disturbances in sleep and rest.
● Diseases (heart, lung, kidney) leading to systemic edema.
● Low blood pressure.
● Diets associated with weight loss or restriction of protein intake (the so-called
"starvation diets"), because they are accompanied by a decrease in muscle
● Pathological facial expressions as a result of constant skin trauma.

If you find something from the list, you should know that it will take a little more effort
and time for the marathon to bring noticeable results.

Turn up the page to start exercising. I wish you the best of luck and believe that you
will succeed.

Part 2. Exercises

Physical exercises can replace many

medicines, but no medicine in the world can
replace exercises.

Alfred de Musset

It is delightful that the Marathon does not require special equipment, and the
exercises are so simple that anyone can do them. You can exercise while standing in
the shower, driving a car, sitting at the computer, or stirring lunch on the stove. All
you need is some space and a desire to be a better version of yourself. If you have a
large mirror, do the exercises in front of it.

Here are some important things to consider when starting the Marathon:

● Do the exercises in order and according to your schedule (see Section 3.

Exercise Plan).
● Read the instructions carefully before exercising.
● Scan QR-codes and watch video tutorials.
● Apply cream or oil only if it is said so in the instructions for the exercise. In all
other cases, the skin of the face and hands should be dry and clean.
● Check with your doctor if you have a medical condition or if an exercise
disturbs you.
● All exercises are aimed at working with muscles, so mild pain in them or
soreness is quite natural. Just keep practicing — soon, the discomfort will
● Important! Listen carefully to your body as you follow the instructions. You
should feel lightness and comfort. If discomfort or severe pain occurs, stop the
exercise immediately.
● Stretch the muscle you were working on after each set. The stretching
technique is described in each exercise separately: just follow the instructions
step by step.
● In the early days of exercise, headaches may worsen due to the increased
oxygen flow to the cells. Keep practicing, and everything will return to normal
● One exercise takes a few seconds. Count to yourself or out loud: 101, 102,
103 and so on up to 130 — so you will know that the right amount of time has
● Menstruation is not a contraindication: you can continue to exercise.
● During training, concentrate on your feelings.

● If your heart and kidneys are healthy, drink 1.5 — 2 liters of water a day. Put
bottles of water in different rooms, put one in the car — have a drink always

Take time to exercise and combine it with any activity: watching movies, talking on
the phone, or cleaning the house. Perform at least one set each time. If you have the
time and inspiration to do more — go ahead! There are no restrictions here; follow as
many sets as comfortable for you. The main thing is not to be lazy. Exercise should
become a habit and become your new lifestyle. Gradually increase the number of
exercises and sets. Remember: all efforts will return a hundredfold — health and

Week 1. Posture Exercises
I know you cannot wait to get started with facial exercises, but there is no need to
rush. We shall get to them too — all in good time. First, admit to yourself honestly:
do you have to sit at the computer for a long time? Is your job physically difficult? Do
you lift weights? Do you carry children in your arms? Have you recently had a
pregnancy and childbirth? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions,
know that the load on your back and muscles is very great.

Wrinkles on the face, sagging and loose skin are visible manifestations of deeper
problems. Improving the appearance of the face can only be done by dealing with
their cause — incorrect posture. That is why the marathon begins with exercises to
correct posture and relieve muscle spasms.

After completing these exercises, you will begin to notice changes: the relaxed
muscles of the neck, chest and shoulders will make the face look beautiful and
youthful. The result will be sustainable!

I want to share with you what I know and practice myself. My goal is to teach you
how to be happy and beautiful!

Day 1
Your task today is to complete the first two exercises.

Check the Exercise Plan (see Section 3) and tick off the exercises performed.

Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway

This exercise is very easy and will suit everyone. It is best to do it in the morning, on
the way from the bedroom to the bathroom, but you can also perform it at any other
time. Just stay in the doorway for a few seconds, hook your hands on the door
frame, press your feet on the floor — let your back spread out.

It is best to do three sets of 30 seconds each, but one set will be enough if you have
very little time. Be sure to stretch after each.

I enjoy doing this exercise barefoot. It is important that the floor must not be slippery.
Hands may feel a little numb — this is normal. Make the exercise a habit, and you
will soon start enjoying it!

Contraindications: serious illness or back
injury. If in doubt if this exercise is right for
you, consult your doctor.

1. The feet are at the level of the door
2. You can stand on tiptoes or rest on
the floor with your entire feet (so
there is more load on the calf
3. Grasp the door frame with your
palms at about shoulder height.
Hang on your hands.
4. Concentrate all your attention on
the shoulder blades.
5. The body should be straight; look
straight ahead. Pull in your
stomach. The task is to feel the
muscle tension between the
shoulder blades.
6. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

1. Stand straight with your knees bent
2. Wrap your arms around yourself so that your palms touch your shoulder
3. Remain in this position for 5 seconds.

Try placing your hands a little higher on the door frame as you try new sets. The
higher the arms are raised, the more effective this exercise is. The width of the
doorway also matters: the narrower it is, the more the muscles between the shoulder
blades will be involved.

You can also add variety to this exercise: try it with your feet half a step away from
the door frame. Observe how the distance from your feet to the door frame affects
muscle tension in your body.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Exercise 2. 100 Jumps

The main goal is to wake up and activate the metabolic process in the body. Shake
off all unnecessary sleepiness. A new day begins!

Do this exercise in the morning before breakfast. It improves blood circulation, lymph
flow and metabolism. If you do not like breakfast, then after this exercise, you may
wake up your appetite — so prepare something tasty in advance.

If you feel the tension in your calves during the exercise, a slight hum in your ears, or
your cheeks trembling, this is normal. A little shake-up is good for the body.

Contraindications: Back problems, some stages of varicose veins. If in doubt that

this exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand straight with your feet parallel to each other and a small distance of
15-20 cm between them. Bend your knees slightly.
2. Place your palms on your breasts to support them while jumping.
3. Now jump 100 times in a row. You do not need to jump too high; just lift off the
floor slightly.

If you find it difficult to jump due to excess weight, visceroptosis, any problems with
the knee joints or health in general, then try to perform the exercise differently:

1. Stand on tiptoes, slightly bend your knees.

2. "Jump" only with your heels: first lift them a couple of centimeters up, then
lightly touch the floor with them. Movements should be soft.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 2
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits

This exercise is beneficial for posture; it will release tension and fatigue from your
shoulders and neck, and help them get into a correct and comfortable position.

Do this exercise any time of the day — it is very simple. For example, while watching
your favorite TV show, walk up to the wall and stretch. Tired of doing housework?
While the iron is heating, you have a few moments — spend them with benefit,
stretch your armpits. Tired of sitting at your computer? Take a coffee or tea break
and, as you walk into the kitchen, stop near either wall and stretch. It is easy and
enjoyable! Bonus: you will learn not only to relax your shoulders but also to manage
your time.

Contraindications: Serious illness or injury to the vertebrae, shoulder blades or
shoulders. If in doubt if this exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand sideways to a wall at a distance of 20-30 cm (8-12 inches). The
distance can be adjusted; it is important that you feel comfortable.
2. Bend your elbow and lift your arm up.
3. With your elbow, touch the wall as high as possible but effortlessly. You
should not be in pain.
4. With your upper arm, press vertically against the wall. You should feel a
pleasant stretch.
5. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
6. Keep your head straight, do not bend your lower back.
7. Repeat for the other armpit.

To add variety to this exercise, try changing the distance to the wall: increase or
decrease it, but make sure that you are comfortable. Also, while doing the exercise,
you can easily sway from side to side. Try twisting your torso slightly to the right or
left or twisting your arm slightly to intensify the stretch. There should be no pain.

It is advisable to perform three sets of 30 seconds each. If you are limited in time, do
at least one.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head

Let us pay attention to the shoulders. The purpose of this exercise is to relax the
tense shoulder muscles. It is not difficult to accomplish, but it is very effective. After
just a few sets, you will feel lightness in the shoulder girdle.

I like doing this exercise in the morning. I advise doing it right after you wake up and
get out of bed — it only takes 30 seconds.

Pay attention — there should be no pain. If you feel uncomfortable, it is better to skip
this exercise. Remember, it is always very important to listen to your body.

If the first time you find it difficult to touch the shoulder blade with your palm, do not
be discouraged. Just keep doing the exercise — with each new set you will be able
to place the hand lower and lower, which is great. This way, you will know that the
Marathon is working, and your shoulders become more flexible and relaxed.

Contraindications: Serious illness or injury of the shoulder girdle. If in doubt that

this exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand up straight. Stretch your arms along your torso.
2. Bend your left elbow and lift the arm up so that the elbow points strictly to the
ceiling, and the hand is as low as possible on the back.
3. Try gently stroking the shoulder blade with your palm.
4. Now, place your other hand on the upward elbow and press lightly on it. The
left hand on the back should drop slightly lower.
5. Continue to press gently on your elbow. Please do not overdo it. You should
not be in pain.
6. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
7. Return to the starting position slowly and carefully.
8. Repeat the exercise for the right arm.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 3
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders

In today's world, people often have to sit for long periods, bent over in front of a
computer screen or using a smartphone. We ourselves do not notice how we tilt the
head, raise and turn our shoulders forward. Squeezed in this position, the neck
muscles tense and shorten, forcing the contours of the face to crawl down. This is
how wrinkles, folds, a double chin and a persistent feeling of fatigue appear. This
exercise has been designed specifically to release tension from your shoulders, help
them straighten out and get into a comfortable position.

Contraindications: serious illness or injury to the shoulder girdle. If in doubt that this
exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand up straight. Bend your left arm at the elbow and throw it as far as
possible behind your right shoulder, as if hugging your neck.
2. The hand should hang loosely near the right shoulder blade.
3. With your right hand, grasp the elbow of your left hand and gently push it up.
4. Turn your head so that it is comfortable for you.
5. Continue to press down on your elbow gently, pushing it up.
6. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
7. Let go of your elbow. Slowly straighten your left hand, move it up, back and
lower it down.
8. Perform a circular motion with your left shoulder. Again, listen to your feelings:
you should feel lightness and comfort in ​the shoulder joint area.
9. Repeat the exercise for the other hand.

I usually do this exercise in the morning, but it is good for any time of the day. One
set per day is enough, but if you feel in the mood to do more, be sure to do it!

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video

tutorial for this exercise.

Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders (The Seventh Cervical Vertebra)
This exercise is designed to relieve you of muscle hypertonia in the chest, shoulders
and neck. If you have a sedentary job or sometimes feel tired and uncomfortable in
your shoulder girdle, this exercise will be especially useful. It will improve your
posture, help you get rid of the neck hump if you have it, and keep your face looking
youthful. It also makes the neck look longer and more graceful.

Do the exercise every morning before breakfast. Be careful, as it can make some
people feel dizzy. For those who are not used to physical activity, I advise you to do
the exercise near the sofa or bed: let you have the opportunity to sit down
immediately in case your head suddenly starts spinning. However, most people cope
with this exercise very easily.

Contraindications: serious illness or injury to the shoulder girdle and vertebrae. If in

doubt that this exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand straight with your arms at your sides.
2. Place your hands behind your back and lock your fingers.
3. Make sure the shoulder blades are brought together.
4. Raise your shoulders slightly up and gently tilt your head back.
5. Press the back of your head to the upper back. You should feel the muscles in
your neck tighten.
6. Open your mouth and let the muscles in the front of your neck relax. Breathe
slowly and freely.
7. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
8. Return to starting position.
9. Perform stretching.

Stand up straight. Place the palm of one hand on the back of your head, just above
your hairline, and gently press down on your skin. With the other hand, press down
several times from top to bottom along the neck and upper back, gently stretching
and smoothing the muscles. Swap hands and repeat the stretch.

One set is enough, but if you really like the exercise, then more can be done. The
intensity of the exercises depends only on your desires and capabilities!

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 4
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles

People whose trapezius muscles have been in a relaxed state for a sufficient amount
of time often do not realize how lucky they are. Tension in the trapezius — the
muscles start at the back of the head, cover the shoulders, and reach about the
middle of the back — can cause a lot of trouble.

I like this exercise because the positive result from it becomes visible very, very
quickly. Of course, it will take some effort to eradicate long-standing problems, but
you will feel the difference after two or three days of exercising — I promise you will
love it! The shoulders will begin to descend, and you will feel lightness, the oval of
the face will improve, the neck will visually lengthen. Even the look will become
different, more open. Do not be surprised if you hear a lot of compliments!

The benefits of this exercise can hardly be overestimated. It improves posture, blood
circulation, lymph flow and will be especially useful for those who spend a lot of time
driving a car or sitting at the computer and everyone who wants to get rid of the neck
hump. It also helps fight osteochondrosis. Your face and body will be grateful if you
can find at least a couple of minutes every day to perform this exercise. It can be
done at any time of the day.

Do the exercise 3 times a day on each side and stretch the muscles you just worked
out after each set.

Contraindications: thyroid dysfunction, hernia of the cervical spine. If in doubt that

this exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand up straight. Place the palm of your hand on your waist and pull your
elbow back as much as possible.
2. Raise the shoulder of the same hand to your ear.
3. Turn your head in the opposite direction.
4. Keep your shoulder raised, put the back of your head on it.
5. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
6. Return to the starting position.
7. Stretch.

Stand straight. Place the palm of one hand on the back of your head, just above your
hairline, and gently press down on your skin. With the other hand, press down
several times from top to bottom along the neck and upper back, gently stretching
and smoothing the muscles. Swap hands and repeat the stretch.

I recommend doing 3 sets of 30 seconds each for one hand and the other; all sets
must end with stretching.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Exercise 8. Overlap
I do this exercise when I want to cheer myself up. It helps to relax the shoulders,
increases circulation and invigorates. Ideal for performing in the morning or
mid-afternoon. However, I do not recommend doing it before bed: it invigorates so
much that you will not want to sleep for the next three to four hours.

This exercise activates the body, fills it with new strength, stimulates the brain, and
most importantly — relieves tension in the back and neck and improves posture!
This is an easy way to recharge your internal battery quickly. It helps fight fatigue
and is ideal for those who spend a lot of time at the computer or other gadgets, get
tired at work, or have a sedentary lifestyle.

Contraindications: serious problems or injuries of the shoulder girdle. If in doubt

that this exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.


1. Stand straight with your arms extended along your torso.
2. Choose which arm will be on top. Remember the choice.
3. Bring straight and relaxed arms back.
4. Swing your arms so that they overlap in front. You have to hug yourself with
them. Then open your arms again and pull them back.
5. Continue this motion for one minute. Try to open your chest more and more
with each movement. Keep your wrists relaxed.

It is required to do at least one set, but more can be done if you want. During the
exercise, you do not need to change hands: let one always be on top. Then, the next
time you return to the exercise, switch hands.

Please note that you may feel slight numbness in the hands or tingling in the fingers
during the swings — this is due to the rush of blood to the hands and is completely
normal; continue to exercise.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video

tutorial for this exercise.

Day 5
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 9. Neck Side

The back and neck work for us 24/7. The least we can do for them is to grant them
relaxation. This exercise is just for this. It relieves tension and visually lengthens the
neck. In addition, performing it regularly helps to improve posture, increase lymph
flow, get rid of edema and stagnation of excess fluid in the body, tighten the contours
of the face and strengthen the skin. Take a moment to complete it — and you will
feel how the blood courses through your veins, vigor appears, and your mood

I advise doing this exercise always, or at least for the first time while getting used to
it, in front of a mirror.

Contraindications: serious problems or injuries of the shoulder girdle. If in doubt

that this exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand up straight. Look at yourself in the mirror.
2. Place one hand on your waist.
3. Lift the shoulder of the same arm up.
4. Focus on the folds of skin that have formed on the side of the neck.
5. Put your head on your raised shoulder, press your ear tightly against it.
6. You should feel resistance: the shoulder is pressing against the ear and the
ear against the shoulder.
7. Make sure the other shoulder remains relaxed.
8. Remain in this position for 30 seconds.
9. Smoothly and slowly return to the starting position.
10. Stretch.
11. Repeat for the other shoulder.

1. Place your fingers at about the middle of the side of your neck.
2. While gently pressing the skin, slide one hand up and the other down.
3. Feel your fingers gently stretch and smooth the tissues of your neck.

I am happy to report that the folds on the neck will become thinner with each set —
you will very soon notice it yourself. Remember to do the same number of sets for
the left and right side, each time ending with a stretch. By the way, their number is
not limited: do the exercise as often as you want, but at least once a day.

To vary the exercise, try different head positions: tilt your head a little more forward
or backward as you press your shoulder against your ear. Alternatively, you can
apply a little massage oil or any body cream to your hands as you stretch, which is
enjoyable and will provide extra moisture to your skin.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video

tutorial for this exercise.

Exercise 10. Frame

Remember the simple rule: if an exercise seems especially difficult to you, then it is
what your body needs the most.

Everyone who participates in the Marathon notices that some exercises are easier
than the other ones. Some are very difficult to perform. If you feel something similar
in relation to this or any other exercise, I advise you not only continue it but also to
increase the number of sets. Very soon, you will notice how excess tension leaves
the muscles, and life becomes easier. Isn't it worth the effort?

The exercise in question now helps to smooth out the wrinkles on the neck and get
rid of the double chin, makes the oval of the face clear, revitalizes the lymph flow and

relieves spasms of the trapezius muscles. You will love the feeling of lightness that
comes after doing it.

Contraindications: problems with the thyroid gland. If in doubt that this exercise is
right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand straight with your arms extended along your torso.
2. Raise your arms above your head and cross them, holding your elbows with
your palms. Form a frame above your head.
3. Important! Do not touch your ears. Make sure there is a small gap between
your head and hands.
4. Pull your elbows and shoulders gently upward, trying to reach as high as
5. Slowly lower your chin down, rest it against the space between the
6. Listen to your feelings in the neck and collarbone area. You should feel a
pleasant slight tension.
7. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Breathe freely.
8. Return smoothly to the starting position.
9. Stretch.

1. Place your palm on the collarbone on the opposite side of your body.
2. Using the fingers of your other hand, gently smooth the tissues of the side of
your neck in an upward motion. The skin should be slightly taut between your
3. Repeat for the other clavicle, swapping hands. Remember: you can only
knead the sides of the neck.

If this exercise seems difficult enough to you, then start with 15 seconds, every day
gradually increasing the time to 30 seconds. One set is enough, but you can do more
if you want. Remember to end the exercise with a stretch every time.

Pay close attention to your condition during exercise. For example. you may sweat a
little or feel mildly dizzy, and your cheeks may turn red. This is associated with
improved blood circulation. Continue to practice, and the external manifestations
should soon disappear.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 6
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”

"This is the best thing that happened to my neck!" — this is how my student once
commented on this exercise. If you are like her: working in an office, driving a car,
using gadgets a lot and moving relatively little, then this exercise is for you. Set your
alarm clock five minutes earlier than usual and use that time to take care of your
neck. Exercise is essential for beauty, the youthfulness of the face and a feeling of

Contraindications: osteochondrosis, cervical hernia. If in doubt that this exercise is

right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand straight with your arms extended along your torso.
2. Pull your hands back and fold your fingers into the lock.
3. Stretch forward gently, as if trying to touch something in front of you with your
nose. The arms are still extended as far back as possible.
4. Look straight ahead. Make sure that the head does not tilt to the side and
does not tip back.
5. Feel a slight tension in the muscles of your neck and arms.
6. Remain in this position for 30 seconds.
7. Return smoothly to the starting position.
8. Repeat this exercise on the other side: stretch your arms out in front of you
and fold them into the lock.
9. Stretch the back of your head back as if you are trying to touch something
behind you. Keep your head straight, do not let it lean forward or backward.
10. Feel the muscles in your arms and neck tighten.
11. Remain in this position for 30 seconds.
12. Return smoothly to the starting position.

Please note that the exercise can be performed both while standing and sitting. In
the first case, the effect will be somewhat stronger. If you work in an office, do it
every two hours: it restores tired neck muscles. Just a few seconds — and you will
feel refreshed and ready to continue working. Exercise will help you stay productive
throughout the day.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades

Finally, we got to the roller exercise! I am sure you will like it as much as I do. Its
main goal is to improve posture. In addition, the exercise improves blood circulation
and breathing, helps to relax, adds vigor and relieves headaches — a real treat for
the body! Ultimately, it contributes to the beauty and youthfulness of the face.
Although it is very easy to do the exercise, it is still a strain on the back. In a sense,
all the previous exercises were a preparation for this one.

You will need a ready-made roller filled with juniper sawdust or buckwheat husks. If
not available, just roll up a regular towel so that the diameter of the roller is 10
centimeters (about 4 inches). Let the roller length be about 30-40 cm (12-16 inches).

It is crucial to do this exercise slowly, without haste, and with love to yourself.
Morning is the best time, but you can also do it in the afternoon or evening.
Remember: you are participating in the Marathon for your own good! Find time and
opportunities to exercise.

1. Sit on a flat, hard surface. Place a roller behind you.
2. Slowly lie down on the roller so that it is under your shoulder blades. Relax.
3. Straighten your legs.
4. Stretch your straight arms over your head. Notice the slight tension in the arm
muscles. The shoulders may or may not touch the floor, depending on the
diameter of the roller.
5. Important! Do not touch your ears and head with outstretched arms.
6. Place your palms on the floor behind your head. Let your pinky fingers touch.
Stretch your arms gently as far as possible.
7. Spread your heels apart and let your big toes touch.
8. You should not feel pain, just a slight pleasant tension in all muscles from the
tips of your toes to your fingers. The body should be relaxed.
9. Remain in this position for one minute.
10. Roll over onto your side.
11. Stretch.

1. Get on your knees with the palms of your hands on the floor.
2. Arch your back like a cat, make it round.
3. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

You can now return to your daily activities. Remember that the roller is only located
under the shoulder blades. Take your time, do the exercise at a comfortable pace.
Do not jump up after completion: get up carefully, slowly. Immediately after the
exercise, try not to lift weights or pick up children.

Each time you perform the exercise, increase its duration, gradually bring the time of
lying on the roller to five minutes. Remember: there should not be any pain! Stop the
exercise immediately if any discomfort occurs.

If it is easy for you — wonderful, enjoy. If you have difficulties: for example, one arm
or leg is higher, the other is lower, it is hard for you to breathe or to relax, tension is
unevenly distributed throughout the body — those are signs of problems in the body
that you are used to paying no attention to. Continue with the exercise and watch as
it gradually changes your posture and life for the better.

We start with lying down for a couple of minutes and go up to 5 minutes, no more!
Do it every day! Follow the instructions in the video, raise yourself from the position
carefully and calmly, do not jump up! Although the exercise looks very simple,
remember that it is still a strain on your back!

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 7
Today is a rest day! However, if you want to continue the Marathon, you can repeat
yesterday's exercises. Listen to yourself and do what is comfortable for you.

Week 2. Face Exercises

Now that you have mastered as many as 12 exercises to improve posture, and your
back begins to feel much better, it's time to move on to exercises that directly
rejuvenate the face, tighten the facial contours and even help to get rid of various
cosmetic defects. A good mood is a reward for every exercise!

By the way, you should not give up posture exercises: keep doing them. Just add
new facial exercises to them every day, which will be discussed in this chapter. It
does not matter how much effort you put into relaxing your facial muscles if the
muscles in your neck, shoulders, and chest are tight. Remember: health and beauty
begin with posture. Continue reading only if you have already noticed positive
changes in your back, shoulders, and neck.

I recommend doing all facial exercises in front of a mirror. To make it easier to

organize yourself, choose a specific time: for example, exercise every morning
immediately after brushing your teeth. Do one set for each exercise every day — this
is a must. If you want to do more, great! There are no limits here: everything
depends on you. Listen to your body and devote as much time and energy to the
Marathon as you want.

It is advisable to do all facial exercises in front of a mirror at least once a day or more
often. They are all very simple and do not require any additional equipment.

Be sure to read the exercise instructions, scan QR-codes and watch video tutorials.
Try to repeat all the movements as accurately as possible; then, the exercises are
guaranteed to bring quick and high-quality results.

Remember: if something is not clear, it is always better to rewatch the video tutorial
several times. Drink enough water, smile more often, and enjoy how your face, body
and life get better!

Day 8
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 13. Working on Contours

It is possible that after the first 12 posture correction exercises, you have already
noticed pleasant changes on your face. This is to be expected: when we bring the

muscles of the back and neck into a comfortable and relaxed state, the face is
immediately smoothed. However, we want more and therefore we will start working
on the oval of the face.

“What exactly shall I do?” — you ask. It is very simple: we shall slightly pinch certain
muscles in order to enhance their metabolic processes and help them to take a
beautiful shape.

Note that the exercise is divided into two parts. Follow the instructions and do not
miss anything.

Contraindications: injuries and skin diseases. If in doubt that this exercise is right
for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand in front of a mirror, look at your reflection.
2. With your fingers, begin to pinch the area under the lower jaw gently.
3. Important! You do need to pinch not the skin but what is under it.
4. Continue the exercise for 20-30 seconds.
5. Return to the starting position.
6. Stretch.

1. Crook your index finger.
2. Place it against the corner of your lips on the opposite side of your face. The
tip of the finger looks down and hugs the chin slightly.
3. Using the fingers of your other hand, gently smooth the skin along the lower
jaw. Move from the finger hugging the chin up to the ear. Do 6-8 strokes.
4. Repeat the stretch on the other side of your face.

You may feel tickling or mildly uncomfortable with the tingling, which is natural. Many
of you will also be surprised to find bumps and irregularities in the tissues of the face.
Do not be alarmed: most likely, this is simply the result of the fact that the facial
muscles have been in a state of hypertonicity for a long time. Continue the exercise:
gradually, the muscles will become smooth and beautiful.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 9
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)

The nasolabial folds are the natural lines of the face that start from the wings of the
nose and end near the corners of the mouth. Everyone has such folds, even babies.
Ideally, they should be shallow and barely noticeable. Pronounced nasolabial folds
visually make the face look older, sometimes giving it a displeased expression. The
good news is that you can smooth them out with simple exercises.

Now we will tackle the muscle that runs to the side of the nose. In a tense state, it
lifts the upper lip and makes the nasolabial fold deep and noticeable. The purpose of
the exercise is to help this muscle relax.

Follow the instructions using both hands at the same time.

Contraindications: injuries and skin diseases. If in doubt that this exercise is right
for you, consult your doctor.

1. Place your index fingers on the inner corners of your eyes, and place your
thumbs on the wings of the nose.
2. Squeeze your fingers, pinching the skin on the sides of your nose. I know it
may not look very pretty, but now no one is looking at you; it is just you in front
of the mirror. Let this remain our secret.
3. Hold the skin in this position for 30 seconds.
4. Let go of the skin.
5. Stretch.

1. Place the tips of your index fingers at the side of your nose.
2. Smooth out the muscle we just worked with by moving one finger up to the
eyebrow and the other down to the corner of the mouth. Perform 5-6 strokes.
3. Repeat on the other side of the nose.

Do this exercise at least once a day. It is very simple, isn't it? I hope you enjoy it (and
its effect) as much as I do.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)

It is possible to get rid of deep nasolabial folds, but it takes effort. This exercise will
wonderfully complement the previous one and enhance its effect.

Follow the instructions using both hands at the same time.

Contraindications: rosacea, traumas and skin diseases. If in doubt that this

exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Place the tips of your index fingers on the nasolabial folds on the sides of the
wings of the nose.
2. Make the letter “O” with your mouth.
3. While keeping your mouth in this position, perform a circular massage with the
pads of your index fingers for 30 seconds
4. Repeat the exercise, but this time place your head’s weight on your index
fingers. Skip this step if you have rosacea.

You may feel tingling or numbness while doing this exercise — that is okay. Do the
exercise at least once a day and watch as the nasolabial folds are gradually
smoothed out.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 10
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One

Questions about the skin around the eyes are the most popular. I get them all the
time from my followers and students. More often than not, people want to know if it is
possible to get rid of the overhanging upper eyelid. If you have done a good job
working on your posture, chances are your eyelids are already looking much better
— check the photo you took before starting the marathon. Now I shall teach you an
exercise that will tighten the eyelid even more and, thereby, give the face a youthful
and beautiful look. It is performed in two stages.

Attention! Do this exercise very carefully! Never apply pressure on your eyes!

Important! If you wear contact lenses, be sure to remove them during this exercise
or do it in the morning before putting them on.
Contraindications: eye injuries and diseases. If in doubt that this exercise is right
for you, consult your doctor.

Stage 1
1. Place your ring finger pads on your lower eyelids and your middle finger pads
on your upper eyelids.
2. Make sure your fingers are exactly in the center of your eyes.
3. Move your fingers gently towards the bridge of your nose. Do not press, let
your movements be light.
4. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
5. In a smooth motion, return your finger pads to the center of your eyes.
6. Take your hands off your face and open your eyes.

The first few seconds after the exercise, you can see all objects around you as fuzzy,
slightly blurry — this is normal because we just touched our eyes. Now move on to
the second part of the exercise. We are interested in a small area, 3-4 cm (1-1.5
inches) long, from the bridge of the nose to the middle of the eyebrow.

Stage 2
1. Place your right index finger on the bridge of your nose so that its tip almost
touches the inner corner of your left eye.
2. Bend your finger slightly, hugging the bridge of your nose. Press lightly and
lock in this position.
3. Bend the index finger of your left hand into a hook.
4. Place the bent left finger on the side of the bridge of the nose, just above the
right finger.
5. Pressing gently and firmly enough, move the "hook" from the bridge of the
nose to the middle of the eyebrow, smoothing the tissue of the area of
​interest. Repeat this movement 4-5 times.
6. Gently remove your hands from your face.
7. Repeat Step 2 mirrored on the other side of the face.

During Stage 2, you may feel a little pain — that is okay. This exercise is of great
importance, because it helps to tighten the skin around the eyes, get rid of the
overhanging eyelid, and make the look more open and relaxed.

The exercise is very easy to do. Remember that if something is not clear, you can
always read the instructions several times or rewatch the video.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 11
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)

You have probably already noticed how your forehead has changed, thanks to
exercises for the trapezius and neck, as well as to improved posture: the skin has
become more toned and smoother. Improvement is wonderful, but we want to
enhance the already achieved result and consolidate it, so now we will pay direct
attention to the muscles of the forehead.

This exercise is best done in the evening, before going to bed. Do it while standing in
front of a mirror, for example, when you walk into the bathroom to brush your teeth
before bed or while lying in bed. In the second case, it will be easier to do it since the
neck muscles will be more relaxed. In any case, the exercise is very simple and
quickly produces a noticeable effect. In addition, it gives pleasant relaxation not only

to the muscles of the forehead but the whole body. Sleep after it will be deep. You
will sleep well and wake up vigorous in the morning.

Contraindications: inflammatory diseases of the skin of the face.

1. Place your hands horizontally on your forehead. The wrists should be above
the temples.
2. Interlace your fingers making a lock. The tips of the fingers of one hand
should rest against the space between the bases of the fingers of the other.
Press your palms lightly against your forehead.
3. Do not let go of your forehead. Slide your palms in different directions about
three to four centimeters. You will feel a slight tension on the forehead skin, as
well as pleasant warmth of your palms.
4. Maintain this position for 30 seconds.
5. Do not take your palms away. Stretch your arms in different directions even
more. The fingers, touching the entire forehead, should smoothly slide from
the forehead to the temples. Repeat the movement three times.

As you can see, the exercise is very simple. Pay attention to the feeling of warmth
and relaxation that spreads through the face and throughout the body. Be sure to
watch the video to make it easier for you to understand the instructions.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)

This exercise is designed to help the forehead muscles relax completely, and the
body to tune in to rest and sound sleep.

Do it immediately after the previous one (see Exercise 17), when the face muscles
are warmed up, and the back and neck muscles are relaxed. It can also be done
while standing or lying down, but I recommend the second option: lie down. Let your
head lie flat and motionless on the pillow. Do not lift the back of your head.
Straighten your legs and stretch them out.

Contraindications: inflammatory diseases of the skin of the face or injuries. If in

doubt that this exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Place your palm on your forehead so that it covers as much of it as possible.
2. Hold your hand in this position for a few seconds to warm the facial tissues
underneath. You can do light massaging movements. Skip this step if you just
completed the previous exercise (see Exercise 17).
3. Place the palm of your other hand on the back of your head. If you are lying
down, then the hand should be between the back of the head and the pillow.
Feel the pleasant warmth spreading over the back of your head and neck.
4. Try to relax your whole body as much as possible.
5. Press the palm on the forehead gently and firmly against the skin.
6. Continuing to press, move the same hand from the forehead up to the crown.
Repeat the movement three times.

Please note that one hand gently works with the tissues of the forehead, and the
other fixes and warms the skin on the back of the head.

Exercise is good for the scalp and, at the same time, trains the facial muscles and
helps them to relax. In addition, you will remove wrinkles from the forehead and
prevent the appearance of new ones. Go ahead and try the exercise. I am sure you
will like it.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 12
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 19: Frown Line (Part 1)

When we are in a bad mood or concentrated on something too hard, vertical creases
can appear between our eyebrows. Should we distract ourselves and smile, they
straighten out here, provided that our skin is young and healthy. If we are too often in
a tense state and, without noticing it, keep the muscles in hypertonicity, then the
folds between the eyebrows can be fixed on the face for a long time or even forever.
If you have a habit of wrinkling your nose, then horizontal creases appear between
the eyebrows. Why would anyone want extra wrinkles? The exercise in question will
help you smooth out eyebrow creases and prevent them from appearing in the

Contraindications: inflammatory diseases of the skin of the face or trauma, acute
inflammation of the frontal or maxillary sinuses. If in doubt that this exercise is right
for you, consult your doctor.

In case of vertical folds:
1. With the index finger and thumbs of both hands, gather the skin between the
eyebrows in a horizontal fold. This movement is similar to a pinch. Pay
attention to the thickness of the fold: if it seems large to you, then you have
difficulties with lymph flow. It is also possible that the amount of subcutaneous
fat is too high. However, do not be discouraged! Exercise will help bring
everything back to normal.
2. Keeping your fingers in about the same position, knead the tissues in this
area. You can massage them or pinch them lightly. Continue for 30 seconds.
3. Now gather the skin again, as in step 1 of this exercise. Hold the fold for 30
4. Release the fold gently and allow the skin to relax and return to its original
5. With the index finger of one hand, smooth out the skin between the eyebrows
with movements from top to bottom, slightly stretching it. At the same time,
use the index finger of your other hand to smooth out the same area, working
from the bottom up.

In case of horizontal folds:

1. With the index fingers and thumbs of both hands, gently pinch the skin on the
bridge of the nose so that a vertical crease forms.
2. Hold the pinch for 30 seconds. Then, let go of the fold.
3. Place the index fingers of both hands on the bridge of your nose. Now guide
them down to the wings of the nose and cheekbones, smoothing out the
tissues of the face.

Although the exercise is very simple, I advise you to do it in front of a mirror so that
the movements are more precise. In addition, it will be easier for you to track the
improvements that will inevitably come: the skin will look younger, smoother, more
elastic and beautiful. By the way, the exercise is also helpful for the nasolabial fold.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 13
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 20. Lips

I do not know anyone who would not fall in love with this exercise after trying it at
least once. It is simple, done — like all the exercises in this book — very quickly and
has a remarkable effect. First of all, the exercise aims to make the lip contour as
sharp as possible and the colour bright. In addition, it improves blood circulation and
helps to relax the muscles around the mouth, smoothes wrinkles and prevents the
appearance of new ones.

Contraindications: inflammatory diseases of the skin of the face or trauma,

shortness of breath. Conditions after lip augmentation procedures. If in doubt that
this exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand in front of a mirror.
2. Place your palms on your face so that their bases are under the chin and the
pinkies are on the sides of the nose and touch the bridge of the nose.
3. Press your hands gently against your skin, fold your lips into a tube and blow.
4. Continue pressing your face with your hands and blowing for 20-30 seconds.
Notice that the upper lip now looks faint.
5. Stop blowing. Do not let go of your cheeks. Look again at the outline of the
upper lip: now blood rushes to it, and it turns pink.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 twice more.
7. Lower your arms gently. Smile at your reflection in the mirror.

Do this exercise at least once a day — and watch how each time the lips become
plumper and more attractive, and their colour becomes more vivid. Then, who
knows, you may not need to use lipstick as often anymore.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video

tutorial for this exercise.

Day 14
Today is a rest day! However, if you want to continue the Marathon, you can repeat
yesterday's exercises. Listen to yourself — and do what is comfortable for you.

Week 3. Face Exercises

Day 15
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair

Our goal is to improve blood circulation to the scalp and make the muscles in this
area — yes, they are there — softer and more relaxed. So we can improve the
complexion, smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the emergence of new ones.
In addition, this exercise improves the health of the hair follicles and stimulates hair
growth, strengthens them and prevents hair loss.

The exercise can be performed at any time of the day that suits you. It is enough to
do it only once a day.

Note that you may feel mild pain along the way. This is a sign of muscle
hypertonicity: they have been in tension for too long. Do the exercise slowly, do not
rush, move as gently as possible, work through every centimeter of its area — and
the result will not be long in coming. The pain will go away, and the appearance will
improve. Youth, firm skin, good mood and well-being — this is what we are striving

Contraindications: alopecia, scalp diseases or injuries, conditions after hair

transplant operations, hair extensions. If in doubt that this exercise is right for you,
consult your doctor.

1. Stand in from of a mirror. Loosen your hair if it has been pulled together.
2. With both hands, grab small strands of hair as if you are going to make fun
3. Pull the strands up lightly. Be careful not to jerk them. Now smoothly move the
tufts in different directions: back and forth, left and right. Observe how the
scalp and face move slightly with the ponytails.
4. Let go of the strands. Take the other two and repeat the movements.
5. Do the same for all the strands of hair. Remember: we need to work out the
entire scalp.

At first, if the muscles in this area are in a state of hypertonicity, you may experience
pain — just continue the exercise. Unpleasant sensations will soon go away, and

pleasant ones will arise in return. I especially enjoy doing this exercise after a hard
day: it relieves fatigue well.

If you have a very short haircut, instead of strands, pinch as many hairs as possible
with your fingers. It may take you a little longer to complete the exercise than people
with long or medium length hair. If you have no hair or it is not long enough to grab
onto it in any way, then simply massage the skin with your fingertips. Perform circular
motions and pay attention to every square inch of the top and back of your head.

I know that regardless of the length of the hair, the results of the exercise invariably
please everyone who does it.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video

tutorial for this exercise.

Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage

I want to introduce you to an exercise that improves lymph flow, helps reduce
swelling and leads to slimmer legs. You will feel the effect instantly! This exercise is a
self-massage technique and a real find, especially for those who walk a lot, stand or

suffer from swelling. Do it right — and life will immediately become easier for you. I
recommend doing a lymphatic drainage massage in the evening before going to bed.

Attention! Oil and cream are not required! You are to do it with dry, clean hands on
dry, clean skin.

Contraindications: colds, varicose veins, inflammatory skin diseases or injuries. If

in doubt that this exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Bend your hands as if you want to show the letters "C".
2. In this position, place your hands — one slightly lower, the other slightly
higher — on the ankle on the inside of the leg.
3. Perform twisting movements and gradually move up the leg higher to the
knee. Hands should slide in opposite directions. Remember: we are now
working on the inside of the leg.
4. When you get to the knee in this way, move your hands back to the ankle,
now to the outside of it.
5. While performing twisting movements, rise from the ankle to the knee. Try to
ensure that every millimeter of skin is massaged. When you reach your knee,
6. Now go to the inner side of the thigh. In the same way, with both hands and
twisting movements, rise from the knee up to the bikini area.
7. Let us pay attention to the outside of the thigh. Massage it with the same
movements from the knee up to the pelvis.
8. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

If you suffer from varicose veins, it is better to skip this exercise or perform it with
extreme caution, after consulting your doctor. Also, please do not do it on days when
you have a cold or feel unwell for some reason. Do not confuse feeling sick with
tiredness! If you are tired, massage can be done; if you feel unwell, it is better to skip

Important: when performing the exercise, always move only from the bottom up,
along the lymph flow. You can do the massage yourself, but if you ask someone to
do it for you, it will be much more fun!

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 16
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline

In previous exercises, we have already paid attention to posture, muscles and oval
of the face, neck muscles and nasolabial fold. It is time to deal with the elimination or
prevention of the occurrence of one of the most undesirable phenomena — a double
chin. This exercise also makes the skin smoother and more elastic, stimulates blood
circulation, tightens the cheeks and improves the contour. It is very simple to do —
be sure to try it!

Attention! Oil and cream are not required! There should be NO makeup or
foundation on the face. Perform this massage with dry, clean hands on dry, clean

Contraindications: inflammatory skin diseases or injuries, conditions after plastic
surgery or cosmetic rejuvenation procedures. If in doubt that this exercise is right for
you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand in front of a mirror.
2. Give your face a displeased expression by pulling the tips of your lips out to
the sides. For example, think about a recent situation that caused you a lot of
3. Retaining your facial expression and lip position, close them as tightly as
4. Place the index, middle and ring fingers of your left hand under the left corner
of your mouth. Do the same with the right hand and the right corner of the
5. In small circular motions, massage the areas under the corners of the lips for
20-30 seconds. Make sure that the lips and facial muscles at this time are as
tense as possible.
6. Gently remove your hands from your face. Try to relax your facial muscles as
much as possible. Smile at your reflection in the mirror and think of something

I advise you to do the exercise at least once a day; you can do it more often, but best
of all — do it in combination with other facial exercises. Thus we will achieve the
maximum effect and consolidate the result for a long time.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 17
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 24. Letters

I like this exercise for its simplicity and the fact that the effect of it lasts a very, very
long time. However, there is a minor drawback: the result is not immediately visible.
Do the exercise patiently at least once every day — and gradually, the skin of the
eyelids will become more elastic, wrinkles will be smoothed out, bags under the eyes
will decrease, dark circles will disappear completely or become less noticeable. I
even know real-life examples when this exercise helped to improve sight. A small
disclaimer: if bags and dark circles under the eyes appeared due to diseases of the
internal organs (liver, kidneys, adrenal glands), unfortunately, the exercise will not be
effective for you. In this case, I ask you to see a doctor and to not postpone

Attention! Do this exercise very carefully! Never use force or press on your eyes!

Important! If you wear contact lenses, be sure to remove them during this exercise,
or do it in the morning before putting them on.

Contraindications: inflammatory eye diseases, skin inflammation or injury.

Conditions after eye surgery, plastic surgery or rejuvenation procedures. If in doubt
that this exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Place your left hand's index, middle and ring fingers on the lower left eyelid.
Keep your hand straight. Lift your eyelid slightly. Do not push. The eyes must
be open.
2. Do the same for the right hand and right lower eyelid.
3. Keeping your hands and eyelids in this position, draw with your eyes the
letters of the alphabet in the air: all in order (A, B, C ...) or those you can

remember. It does not matter if the letters are lowercase or uppercase. It is
advisable to draw the letters of the entire alphabet one by one.

During the exercise, objects around you may look a little blurry — this is normal, do
not be alarmed. Listen to the sensations in your fingertips: you should be able to feel
the movement of your eyeballs. The speed with which you “draw” the letters does not
matter: the exercise can be done both quickly and slowly. Choose the pace you like
best. Important: do not be lazy to draw letters in detail.

By the way, it is not necessary to use the alphabet of your native language; you can
experiment with any alphabet you know.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video

tutorial for this exercise.

Day 18
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin

How I love exercises, the effect of which becomes noticeable almost instantly! We
shall now continue to work on the chin in order to strengthen and consolidate the
result achieved with Exercise 23. The main goal is to get rid of the double chin and
prevent its appearance. In addition, we massage the area under the lower jaw to
improve lymph flow and blood circulation in this area and help it get rid of puffiness
and excess fat.

Contraindications: colds, inflammatory skin diseases or injuries, diseases of the

ENT organs or thyroid gland. Conditions after plastic surgery or cosmetic
rejuvenation surgery. General contraindications to massage. If in doubt that this
exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Stand in front of a mirror.
2. Place your palm in front of the base of your neck. Keep your hand perfectly
horizontal, letting it touch your throat with the side of your index finger.
3. Pressing gently, slide your hand up the neck so that a fold of skin gathers over
it. Continue until your hand is directly under your chin. If you have lost your
crease, start over.
4. When the fold is under the lower jaw, use the back of your hand to move left
and right so that the area under the chin is rubbing against the knuckles.
5. Strengthen the effect by performing the same movements with the head to the
right and to the left, but in the opposite direction to the movement of the hand.
Make sure that the fold of skin is between the hand and the jaw at all times.
Start over if you lost it.
6. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

I guarantee that you will notice the effect of this exercise very quickly. It is best to do
it twice a day, doing several repetitions each time. Do not aim for one big set with 6-8
repetitions; you will achieve more results if you split the exercise into two sets. Do it
in front of a mirror, and remember to check the photo you took before training from
time to time. I am sure you already enjoy the progress. Do not stop there!

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 19
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 26. Eyebrows

It happens that due to age-related changes or disorders of lymph and blood flow, the
eyebrows drop. Then the face seems haggard, aged, frowned. The purpose of this
exercise is to bring the eyebrows back into place. It is aimed at improving tissue
metabolism and helping the facial muscles to take the correct position.

The effect will be noticeable immediately: the eyebrows will rise, the gaze will
become open, and the face will acquire a fresh and rejuvenated look.

Contraindications: inflammatory diseases of the skin or eyes, trauma, conditions

after plastic surgery or cosmetic rejuvenation procedures. If in doubt that this
exercise is right for you, consult your doctor.

1. Place your left hand on the side of the brow ridges in such a way that the
thumb is extended along the upper edge of one eyebrow and the index finger
along the upper edge of the other.
2. Gently press the pads of your index finger and thumb against the skin, fixing
the tissues of your face. Do not push too hard.
3. Using the pad of the index finger of your right hand, massage the inner
contour of one eyebrow, moving in a circular motion from the bridge of the
nose to the temple. You need to massage the entire length of the eyebrow
well, paying attention to every millimeter of it. You should press your finger
firmly against your skin, but do not overdo it.
4. Repeat 5-6 times.
5. Take your hands off your face. Rate how the treated eyebrow has risen
compared to the other. Isn't that great?
6. Repeat all movements with the other eyebrow.

Do the exercise at least once a day. If there is a desire and a free minute, then it can
be done more often. Watch how the condition of the face improves and how beautiful
the eyebrows become — enjoy the result!

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video

tutorial for this exercise.

Day 20
Every day we do all the exercises, starting with the first, and only then move
on to new ones.

Exercise 27. Frown Line (Part 2)

Vertical or horizontal creases between the eyebrows can be fixed — and that is good
news. We have already begun the fight and prevention of their appearance earlier
(see Exercise 19). Now I propose to strengthen and consolidate the effect with
another exercise. It is very easy to do — that is more good news.

Do the exercise in front of a mirror. Take your time; let your movements be slow and
careful. If you have long nails, be careful not to scratch yourself accidentally. Now
our goal is to give the facial tissues a pleasant massage, relieve muscle tension.

Important: Do not use cream or massage oil. Work with dry, clean hands on dry,
clean skin.

Contraindications: inflammatory diseases of the skin of the face or trauma, acute

inflammation of the frontal or maxillary sinuses. If in doubt that this exercise is right
for you, consult your doctor.

1. Make a fist, straighten your index fingers.
2. Place your fingers with the sides to the bridge of your nose. Let one be slightly
higher and the other lower. Keep them parallel to the floor and each other.
The distance between your fingers should be approximately 2-3 cm (1 inch).
3. Move your fingers so that a fold of skin forms between them.
4. Slowly and very carefully rub the fold with your fingers, moving them left and
right. Remember: fingers should be parallel to each other.
5. Do 3-4 repetitions.

Pay attention to the fact that there should be a fold of skin between your fingers
during the exercise at all times. If you have lost it, then start all over again. It is
enough to do the exercise once a day, but you can do it more often.

It smoothes both vertical and horizontal wrinkles between the eyebrows and also
prevents the appearance of new ones. After it, you should feel a pleasant warmth in
the area of the bridge of the nose: this means that everything is done correctly.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video
tutorial for this exercise.

Day 21
Today is a rest day! However, if you want to continue the Marathon, you can repeat
yesterday's exercises. Listen to yourself and do what is comfortable for you.

Week 4 and a Little More

Days 22-30
Continue the Marathon according to the Exercise Plan (see Section 3) and tick off
the exercises performed.

Part 3. Exercise Plan
Do the Marathon exercises according to your schedule. I made it especially for you,
taking into account the most important physiological characteristics of the body.
Follow the table — and in a month, you will see a new yourself in the mirror.

Check the boxes for the exercises you have done.

Week 1. Posture Exercises

Day 1 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway

[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps

Day 2 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway

[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head

Day 3 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway

[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders

Day 4 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway

[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap

Day 5 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame

Day 6 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway

[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades

Day 7 Today is a rest day! However, if you want to continue the Marathon,
you can repeat yesterday's exercises. Listen to yourself and do what is
comfortable for you.

Week 2. Face Exercises

Day 8 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway

[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours

Day 9 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)

Day 10 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway

[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One

Day 11 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)

Day 12 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway

[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)

Day 13 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips

Day 14 Today is a rest day! However, if you want to continue the marathon,
you can repeat yesterday's exercises. Listen to yourself and do what is
comfortable for you.

Week 3. Face Exercises

Day 15 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Day 16 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline

Day 17 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters

Day 18 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters
[_] Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin

Day 19 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters
[_] Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin
[_] Exercise 26. Eyebrows

Day 20 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters
[_] Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin
[_] Exercise 26. Eyebrows
[_] Exercise 27. Frown Line (Part 2)

Day 21 Today is a rest day! However, if you want to continue the Marathon,
you can repeat yesterday's exercises. Listen to yourself and do what is
comfortable for you.

Week 4. Face Exercises

Day 22 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters
[_] Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin
[_] Exercise 26. Eyebrows
[_] Exercise 27. Frown Line (Part 2)

Day 23 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters
[_] Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin
[_] Exercise 26. Eyebrows
[_] Exercise 27. Frown Line (Part 2)

Day 24 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters
[_] Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin
[_] Exercise 26. Eyebrows
[_] Exercise 27. Frown Line (Part 2)

Day 25 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters
[_] Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin
[_] Exercise 26. Eyebrows
[_] Exercise 27. Frown Line (Part 2)

Day 26 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters
[_] Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin
[_] Exercise 26. Eyebrows
[_] Exercise 27. Frown Line (Part 2)

Day 27 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters
[_] Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin
[_] Exercise 26. Eyebrows
[_] Exercise 27. Frown Line (Part 2)

Day 28 Today is a rest day! However, if you want to continue the marathon,
you can repeat yesterday's exercises. Listen to yourself and do what is
comfortable for you.

A little more to go!

Day 29 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters
[_] Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin
[_] Exercise 26. Eyebrows
[_] Exercise 27. Frown Line (Part 2)

Day 30 [_] Exercise 1. Sagging in the Doorway
[_] Exercise 2. 100 Jumps
[_] Exercise 3. Stretching the Armpits
[_] Exercise 4. Elbow behind the Head
[_] Exercise 5. Square the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 6. The Top of the Shoulders
[_] Exercise 7. Trapezius Muscles
[_] Exercise 8. Overlap
[_] Exercise 9. Neck Side
[_] Exercise 10. Frame
[_] Exercise 11. “Texting Neck”
[_] Exercise 12. Roller under the Shoulder Blades
[_] Exercise 13. Working on Contours
[_] Exercise 14. Nasolabial Fold (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 15. Nasolabial Fold (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 16. Exercise for the Eyes Two-in-One
[_] Exercise 17. Forehead (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 18. Forehead (Part 2)
[_] Exercise 19. Frown Line (Part 1)
[_] Exercise 20. Lips
[_] Exercise 21. Exercise for Head and Hair
[_] Exercise 22. Lymphatic Drainage Massage
[_] Exercise 23. Sagging Jawline
[_] Exercise 24. Letters
[_] Exercise 25. Working on the Double Chin
[_] Exercise 26. Eyebrows
[_] Exercise 27. Frown Line (Part 2)

Congratulations! You did it!

Bonus! Cupping Massage Course
A sick and unhappy person needs a massage,
and a healthy and happy person cannot live
without it.

Eastern wisdom

Cupping massage is a pleasant, helpful and very simple technique. It is easy to do:
you need a special jar, body oil and a few minutes alone. You spread oil on your
body, apply the jar and move it vigorously over a specific area. A vacuum is created
inside the jar: it is gently sucked to the skin, and the tissues are partially drawn into
the inside of the jar. As a result of this massage, blood circulation and lymph flow are
stimulated, the oxygen flow to the cells increases, metabolism improves, and
spasmodic muscles relax. Cupping massage helps to get rid of edema, promotes
skin rejuvenation and well-being.

The main advantages of cupping massage:

1. Helps eliminate cellulite and orange peel effect
2. Relaxes
3. Helps to relieve muscle pain
4. Stimulates weight loss
5. Improves blood and lymph flow
6. Tightens the skin, restores its elasticity
7. Helps eliminate scars and stretch marks
8. Smoothes and prevents wrinkles
9. Evens and improves skin tone
10. Helps get rid of spider veins and cobwebs
11. Burns excess fat
12. Restores the figure after pregnancy and childbirth
13. Helps fight edema
14. Cheers up

The list goes on. I am sure that having tried it once, you will fall in love with cupping
massage and will be happy to do it.

You will need:

● Medical cup — buy it at any pharmacy, health care store, or online. It is
inexpensive, about two dollars, one piece will be enough for you. Opt for a
glass cup with a silicone bulb.

● Oil — Any oil will do: shea butter, argan, coconut oil, body oil, or massage
oil. The main thing is that its ingredients are completely natural.

I advise you to do a cupping massage once every two or three days — not more
often. Best of all — right after a bath or shower, when the skin is soft and pliable, and
you have a few minutes alone. “Why didn't I know about it before?” — my students
usually say.

We will be working with four areas of the body. First, we will pay attention to the
buttocks, then we will move on to the outer thighs, then we will massage the
abdomen, and lastly, we will deal with the inner thighs. I advise you to perform the
cupping massage in this order.

Remember the main rule of cupping massage: do not spare oil!

You may experience slight pain or discomfort during the first procedures. This is
because your muscles have been in hypertonicity for a long time, and now it is not so
easy for them to return to their natural position. With each new session the pain will
decrease, and the skin will gradually smooth out. Also, after the first procedures, you
may get bruises — do not be alarmed — everything is fine. Cupping massage
reactivates capillaries. The weakest of them can rupture — hence the bruises —
however, under the influence of massage, new ones are formed instead of them,
more robust and better able to nourish skin cells. Remember: small bruises after
cupping massage are normal. Continue to massage; over time, they will disappear.

Menstruation is not a contraindication, and you can perform a cupping massage

during those days too.

Contraindications: acute inflammatory diseases, skin lesions in the area of

​interaction, cancer, fever, acute thrombophlebitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
Warts, moles. Conditions after plastic surgery or rejuvenation procedures. Conditions
after cesarean section. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. If in doubt
whether cupping is right for you, consult your doctor.

Cupping Massage 1. Bottom

I recommend starting the cupping massage with the buttocks. There are reasons for
this. Firstly, if you have never done a cupping massage before, it is better to train in
the specified area. Secondly, if you have thin skin, then after the first procedures,
bruises may appear on it (I explained above why this happens and why it is good for
you) — no one will see them.

1. Apply body oil on your buttocks.
2. Place your right foot on the edge of the tub, on a padded stool, or any stable
object about 40-50 centimeters high.
3. Press down on the silicone part of the massage cup, then press it with the its
opening against the right buttock. You should feel the cup sticking to your
4. Massage the buttock in vigorous circular motions. You will notice how the skin
turns pink.
5. Repeat for the other leg and glute.

The key to success: lots of oil, a good vacuum and intense motions. The first time,
do the cupping massage for one minute for each buttock, with each new repetition,
gradually increase the duration to 2.5 minutes.

At the very least, after such a massage, your skin will become more tender and
velvety. As a maximum, you can get rid of excess fat in this area, cellulite, stretch
marks and vascular network.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video

tutorial for this massage.

Cupping Massage 2. Thigh

Important! We work with the side and back of the thigh. The area under the knee
and the inner surface should not be massaged with a cup!

During the massage, you will observe how the skin becomes more and more pink
due to the rush of blood — and with it, vigor and energy grow. A very pleasant

If the cup slips off your body or loses the suction, simply press down on the silicone
bulb again, return the cup onto your skin and continue.

1. Apply body oil on your thighs.

2. Place your right foot on the edge of the tub, on a padded stool, or on any
stable object about 40-50 centimeters high.
3. Press down on the silicone part of the massage cup, and then press its
opening against your right leg, just above the knee. You should feel the cup
sticking to your body.
4. In vigorous circular motions, massage the entire surface of the thigh except
the inner part and the area under the knee.
5. Repeat for the other leg.

I recommend for beginners to massage each leg for 1 minute, gradually increasing
the duration to 3 minutes. Pay special attention to the area above the knee and
lateral thighs each time — this is where the "orange peel" is most often formed. The
purpose of this exercise is to improve skin condition, increase blood and lymph flow,
get rid of excess fat and prevent its appearance in the future.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video

tutorial for this massage.

Cupping Massage 3. Stomach

Now that you already have experience with cups, you can move on to massage the
abdomen. It will tighten the skin, improve its condition and make the waist thinner,
help get rid of excess fat and stretch marks. Massage will be especially useful in the
period after pregnancy and childbirth, as it helps to restore the figure.

1. Apply body oil on your belly area.
2. Press down on the silicone part of the massage cup, then press its
opening against the abdomen, closer to the side. You should feel the
cup sticking to your body.
3. Massage the sides of the abdomen with the cup in vigorous circular
4. Now, let us move on to the central part. Attach the cup just below the
ribs and continue the massage in a clockwise motion.

There is an alternative way: visually divide the belly into 4 parts. Massage each one
separately. In any case, the massage time is a few minutes. Listen to your feelings
and choose a pace and duration that is comfortable for you.

Remember that cupping massage causes bruising, so if you are going on vacation or
planning to wear an open dress soon, I advise you to skip the exercise and come
back to it later.

While massaging the abdomen, you may feel nauseous — that is okay, it happens. It
affects not only the skin and adipose tissue but also the organs of the digestive tract.
Try slowing down the speed at which you are massaging or shorten the time you
perform massage a little.

Velvety skin, beautiful toned tummy, even skin color — this is what we strive for.

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video

tutorial for this massage.

Cupping Massage 4. Inner Thigh

It is strictly forbidden to do a cupping massage on the inner surface of the thigh: the
skin in this area is too thin, it is very easy to damage it. However, you should not
ignore it, and it is better to carry out a gentle massage to get rid of excess fat and
improve blood and lymph flow. Now I will tell you how to do it safely and correctly.

Important! Do not, under any circumstances, use the massage cup on the inner

1. Apply body oil to your knees and thighs.
2. Place your right foot on the edge of the tub, on a padded stool or any stable
object about 40-50 centimeters high.
3. Press down on the silicone part of the massage cup, then press its opening
against the skin just above the knee of your right leg. You should feel the jar
sticking to your body.
4. Massage the area above the knee in vigorous circular motions. You can also
massage the inner knee (but not the thigh!).

5. Set the cup aside. Bend your hands as if you want to show the letters "C".
6. Place the hands on the inner thigh just above the knee. Let one be slightly
higher than the other.
7. With twisting movements — let the arms move in opposite directions — rise
from the knee up to the bikini area. Your movements should be gentle; it is
essential not to damage the tissue.
8. Feel the warmth spreading down your thigh. Watch the skin turn pinker.
9. Repeat for the other leg.

We perform the massage in two steps: first, using the cup, we work out the area
above the knee, then with our hands, we do lymphatic drainage massage on the
inner surface of the thigh. Give it a try — I think you will love the massage and the

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to watch the video

tutorial for this massage.


In this book, I told you about the effect of the Marathon on human health, shared
simple and effective exercises that I adore and often do myself, as well as
self-massage techniques. Now is the time to take another selfie and compare it to
the first photo you took before the Marathon. What do you think? I am sure you are
happy with the result! Send the photo to me in a direct message (on my Instagram
@karina_na_more): I will rejoice with you and share it on my profile so that the
picture motivates other people to change their appearance and life for the better.

I advise you not to limit yourself to one month of classes, but to make the exercises
and cupping massages a part of your daily life. This will help you stay attractive and
healthy for years to come.

Thank you for your efforts. I know that sometimes it was difficult to persuade yourself
to do the exercises. I had to fight laziness and old habits too. You found the strength
and time — and I am proud of you. I am pleased to know that I have contributed to
your achievements and victories.

I wish you beauty, youth and happiness. But do not stop there! You can achieve
whatever you want. I believe in you.

Sincerely yours,

About the Author

Karina Trigubchak is the Marathon instructor, blogger, and master of sports in

athletics. For 10 years, she studied more than 30 different techniques for the
restoration and rejuvenation of the skin and muscles of the face and body. Based on
the knowledge gained and her own experience, she developed the unique Marathon
technique for the face described in this book.

Follow @karina_na_more on Instagram to learn more about youth and beauty:

Scan the QR-code with your smartphone to visit Instagram


To be continued with lots of exciting things!

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