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Quaternary Research 53, 203–213 (2000)

doi:10.1006/qres.1999.2119, available online at on

The Full-Glacial Forests of Central and Southeastern Europe

Katherine J. Willis
School of Geography, University of Oxford, Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TB, United Kingdom


Edina Rudner and Pal Sümegi

Department of Mineralogy and Geology, Kossuth Lajos University, P.O. Box 4, Debrecen, H-4010, Hungary

Received December 23, 1998

Little evidence exists from either the Near East or North Africa
The presence of trees in central and southern Europe during the for full-glacial tree refuges. Also, the presence in the Southern
last full-glaciation has long been a matter of debate. A low but European sequences of pollen types with extremely poor dis-
persistent presence of fossil tree pollen in central and southern persal characteristics and/or low productivity, such as Ulmus,
European full-glacial paleoecological sequences has been inter- Tilia, Acer, Larix, and Abies, is difficult to explain since these
preted either as representing long-distance pollen transport from
taxa would likely not be transported great distances (Willis,
southerly refuges or as representing in situ refugial populations.
Here we present macroscopic charcoal results from 31 sequences 1994a). This debate highlights one of the main shortfalls in the
located throughout Hungary that provide unequivocal evidence use of fossil pollen to reconstruct past vegetation. Pollen can
for the presence of at least seven different tree types between represent both local and long-distance flora, and other analyt-
approximately 32,500 and 16,500 14C yr B.P. This evidence is ical methods must be sought, especially when the pollen ac-
presented in conjunction with molluscan and pollen analyses to cumulation rate is low, such as during the full-glaciation.
indicate that during the last full-glaciation, trees grew as far north To date, alternative approaches for reconstructing past veg-
as Hungary, probably in microenvironmentally favorable sites. etation profiles have included analysis of plant macrofossil
These areas provided an important cold-stage refugium for the assemblages from lake sediments (Birks, 1994) and packrat
European flora and fauna. © 2000 University of Washington.
middens (Betancourt et al., 1990). Both techniques have
Key Words: full-glacial forests; central Europe; charcoal
analysis; molluscan analysis; pollen analysis; paleoecology. proved extremely successful in providing detailed local vege-
tation profiles, although in such cases conditions for preserva-
tion are exceptional and many regions do not contain such
INTRODUCTION deposits. Another method has been the analysis of fossilized
wood preserved in the record as macroscopic charcoal (Vernet
The question of whether forest communities existed in cen- and Thiebault, 1987; Marziani et al., 1991; Sander and Gee,
tral and southeastern Europe during the last full-glaciation has 1990; Maspero, 1996). Although the microscopic and macro-
long been a matter of debate. Tree pollen has been found in scopic charcoal record in lake sediments has been used exten-
many southern European sedimentary sequences that extend sively by palaeoecologists to assess the histories, frequencies,
back into the full-glaciation (Follieri et al., 1988). However, it and intensities of fires (e.g., Whitlock and Millspaugh, 1996),
is uncertain whether it represents long-distance pollen transport it has rarely been applied for identifying and establishing tree
from more southerly refuges (e.g., the Near East, North Africa) species.
or production by in situ populations. The argument for long- Macroscopic charcoal particles (⬎0.2 cm diameter) are as-
distance pollen transport is strengthened by examination of sumed to originate from the burnt lignaceous vegetation grow-
pollen accumulation rates. These data suggest that during the ing within 100 m of the site (Clark, 1988) and therefore can
full-glaciation, the concentration of tree pollen declined dra- provide a detailed record of local vegetation (similar to mac-
matically, perhaps as much as three orders of magnitude, rofossil analysis). Charcoal is preserved in a number of differ-
(Magri, 1989). This trend is thought to be indicative of a ent sedimentary environments including fossil soils, archaeo-
reduction in plant biomass and the presence of few, if any, trees logical sites, lake sediments, and loess sequences thereby
on the landscape. providing information beyond the lakeside environment.
One problem in accepting the long-distance pollen transport This paper presents results from a macroscopic charcoal
hypothesis is the location of these so-called southerly refuges. study of 31 sites in Hungary that contain sedimentary se-
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FIG. 1. Location of macroscopic charcoal, molluscan, and palynological sites in Hungary (Willis et al., 1995, 1997; Willis, 1997). See Table 1 for site

quences extending back into the full-glaciation (between ap- fectively capping and preserving paleosols, charcoal layers,
proximately 32,500 and 16,500 14C yr B.P.). These records and archaeological sites alike.
provide unequivocal evidence for the presence of trees in The 31 sequences described in this study (Fig. 1) include
Hungary during this interval, and when considered in the light data from new sites (21 samples) and from re-examined sam-
of other paleoenvironmental reconstructions determined by ples of previously published sites (Geyh et al., 1969; Marosi et
malacological and pollen analyses (Willis et al., 1995, 1997, al., 1974; Vogel et al., 1964; Pécsi, 1977; Dobosi, 1967;
1998; Willis, 1997), provide a new interpretation of the full- Vértes, 1964; Gábori-Csánk, 1960) (Table 1). The majority of
glacial and late-glacial landscapes of central and southeastern the macroscopic charcoal samples were extracted from pa-
Europe. leosols situated within loessic sequences. Five samples were
collected from buried layers found during archaeological ex-
MATERIALS AND METHODS cavations, and one sample was obtained from an organic lake
sedimentary sequence. A molluscan record was also obtained
Study Region for analysis from 16 of the loess sequences (Table 1).
Hungary provides an important area of low relief within the
main mountain ranges of central and southeastern Europe. It is
effectively enclosed to the northeast by the Carpathians, to the To sample the buried paleosols, a flat vertical section was
west by the Alps, and to the southwest by the Dinaric Alps. cut into the loess walls (between 100 and 200 m horizontally,
During the last full-glaciation, Hungary remained unglaciated and 5 and 20 m vertically). Subsamples of ca 5 cm 3 were cut
(Denton et al., 1971). Conditions were cold and dry (Willis et from the cleaned profile for charcoal analyses and a larger
al., 1995, 1997; Hertelendi et al., 1992). Climate models and sample size of ca. 1 dm 3 (5 cm height ⫻ 20 cm width ⫻ 10 cm
paleoclimatic reconstructions suggest January temperatures depth) was collected for molluscan analysis. A similar strategy
were as low as ⫺25°C (Kutzbach et al., 1993; Kordos, 1987). was used in the collection of the samples from the archaeolog-
Extensive permafrost extended across central Europe (Bell and ical sites. The lake sediment sample was extracted from a core
Walker, 1992), and much of Hungary was in a zone of discon- that had been collected using a modified Livingstone piston
tinuous permafrost (Maruszczak, 1987; Pécsi, 1961). Sporadic corer (Wright, 1967).
deposition of loess also occurred throughout the full-glaciation In the laboratory, the sediments were dried at 100°C for 24 h
in this region (Pécsi, 1993; Pécsi and Schweitzer, 1991), ef- and then sieved through a metal screen with distilled water

Site Type, Radiocarbon Ages and Arboreal Vegetation in Macroscopic Charcoal Sites

Radiocarbon age Molluscan

Site no. Site type Tree types represented in macroscopic charcoal record ( 14C yr B.P.) record References

1 Ls Pinus sp., Picea sp., Juniperus sp. 32,500 ⫾ 2,170 x Geyh et al., 1969
2 Ls Pinus sylvestris 30,174 ⫾ 1,101 ⻫ new data
3 Ls Pinus sylvestris, Betula sp. 29,828 ⫾ 554 ⻫ new data
4 Ls Pinus sylvestris-P. cembra, 29,800 ⫾ 600 x Geyh et al., 1969
4 Ls Picea sp. 27,200 ⫾ 1,400 x new data
5 As Larix-Picea 28,700 ⫾ 3,000 x Krolopp, 1977
5 Ls Picea sp. 26,318 ⫾ 365 x new data
6 Ls Picea sp. 28,225 ⫾ 360 ⻫ new data
7 As Picea sp. 27,700 ⫾ 300 x new data
8 Ls Picea sp. 27,323 ⫾ 644 ⻫ new data
9 Ls Picea sp. 27,491 ⫾ 362 ⻫ new data
10 Ls Picea sp. 27,251 ⫾ 288 x new data
11 Ls Carpinus betulus 26,962 ⫾ 657 ⻫ new data
12 Ls Picea sp. 26,851 ⫾ 398 ⻫ new data
13 Ls Pinus sylvestris 26,736 ⫾ 629 ⻫ new data
14 Ls Picea sp. 26,618 ⫾ 532 ⻫ new data
15 Ls Picea-Larix, Pinus sylvestris-P. cembra 26,350 ⫾ 3,111 x Geyh et al., 1969
16 Ls Pinus sylvestris 25,200 ⫾ 300 ⻫ Krolopp et al., 1996
17 Ls Picea-Larix 21,165 ⫾ 865 x Pécsi, 1977
17 Ls Picea sp. 24,030 ⫾ 317 ⻫ new data
18 Ls Pinus sylvestris 23,749 ⫾ 494 ⻫ new data
19 Ls Picea sp. 23,571 ⫾ 486 ⻫ new data
20 Ls Picea-Larix 20,350 ⫾ 470 x Geyh et al., 1969
20 Ls Picea sp. 23,519 ⫾ 494 ⻫ new data
21 La Salix sp. 23,290 ⫾ 285 x new data
22 Ls Pinus sylvestris 22,110 ⫾ 300 ⻫ new data
23 Ls Pinus sylvestris 21,937 ⫾ 252 ⻫ new data
24 Ls Larix-Picea 21,740 ⫾ 320 x Krolopp, 1977
25 Ls Pinus sylvestris-P. cembra 21,725 ⫾ 560 x Marosi and Szilárd, 1974
26 Ls Pinus sylvestris-P. cembra 20,520 ⫾ 290 x Pécsi, 1975
27 As Pinus sylvestris-P. cembra, Picea-Larix 18,900 ⫾ 100 x Vogel-Waterbolk, 1964
28 As Pinus sylvestris-P. cembra 18,700 ⫾ 1,900 x Vértes, 1964
28 As Picea-Larix 17,050 ⫾ 350 x Vértes, 1964
29 As Pinus sylvestris-P. cembra, Picea-Larix 18,080 ⫾ 405 x Dobosi, 1967
30 As Pinus sylvestris-P. cembra, Picea-Larix 17,760 ⫾ 150 x Gábor-Csánk, 1960
31 Ls Pinus sylvestris-P. cembra, Picea-Larix, Betula sp. 16,750 ⫾ 400 x Geyh et al., 1969

Note. Ls, loess deposit; As, archaeological site; La, lake sediment. See Fig. 1 for site locations.

(mesh size of 0.8 mm). All charcoal particles ⬎0.2 cm 3 were Sparks, 1964; Krolopp and Sümegi, 1995; Krolopp et al.,
collected for analysis and prepared for identification using 1996).
scanning electron microscopy (Rudner, 1994). For each mac- Radiocarbon dating of the macroscopic charcoal was per-
roscopic charcoal sample, transsection, longitudinal radial, and formed by the Nuclear Research Centre of the Hungarian
tangential fracture faces were examined (Schweingruber, Academy of Sciences, Debrecen. In addition, some dates
1989). Most samples were identified to genus level although in were taken from previous publications (Table 1). All dates
several cases it was possible to identify to species (e.g., Pinus are presented as uncalibrated years before present ( 14 C yr
sylvestris). In some samples, it was impossible to distinguish B.P.). Calibrated ages are used in comparisons with the
between Pinus sylvestris and Pinus cembra and in others climate record provided by stable isotopes from the Nordic
between Picea sp. and Latrix (Table 1). Sea and the GISP ice-core (Voelker et al., 1998). Ages were
In order to ensure a statistically significant molluscan sample calibrated using the program CALIB 3.0 for dates up to
size (Lozek, 1987), a minimum of 100 individual/dm 3 were 21,950 cal yr B.P. (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993) and the
counted. All molluscs were identified and categorized accord- conversion proposed by Laj et al. (1996) and van Andel
ing to their modern ecological preferences for air temperature, (1998) for dates between 35,500 and 21,950 cal yr B.P.
humidity, and vegetation cover (Lozek, 1964; Meijer, 1985; (Table 2).

TABLE 2 are no obvious gaps in samples during the stades, including the
Radiocarbon Ages proposed late-glacial maximum (at approximately 21,000 cal
yr B.P.) or the Heinrich events H2 (25,500 cal yr B.P.) and H3
Radiocarbon age Calibrated radiocarbon age
(30,000 cal yr B.P.) (Bond et al., 1993).
( 14C yr B.P.) Lab. code (cal yr B.P.)
Molluscan remains total 5137 individuals, comprising 33
16,750 ⫾ 400 Hv-1615 19,250 different species. The maximum number of individuals in one
17,050 ⫾ 350 GrN-4038 19,620 sample was 987 with a minimum of 102. All the molluscan
17,760 ⫾ 150 GrN-1957 20,630 remains identified were from land species, which are reliable
18,080 ⫾ 494 Hv-1619 21,070
indicators of local habitat conditions (Table 3) and usually
18,700 ⫾ 120 A-518 21,860
18,900 ⫾ 100 GrN-1783 21,900 represent populations contained within an area immediately
20,350 ⫾ 470 Hv-1775 23,300 around the site of deposition (⬍20 – 40 m) (Sparks, 1964;
20,520 ⫾ 290 Hv-2591 23,750 Lozek, 1987). Classification of the molluscan assemblages
21,165 ⫾ 865 Hv-5426 24,300 according to their modern climatic distribution (Table 4) indi-
21,725 ⫾ 560 Hv-2590 24,700
cates that in 15 out of the 16 sites, the highest percentage was
21,740 ⫾ 320 Hv-4189 24,750
21,937 ⫾ 252 deb-3104 25,000 from types usually found in mesophilous and/or thermophilous
22,110 ⫾ 300 deb-1562 25,250 conditions. Thus only one site (site 19) had a higher percentage
23,290 ⫾ 285 deb-4572 26,300 of cryophilous and cold-resistant types. When these data were
23,519 ⫾ 494 deb-4350 26,500 used to construct a paleotemperature curve (Sümegi, 1989), the
23,571 ⫾ 486 deb-1562 26,500
results predicted a mean July paleotemperature of between 16°
23,749 ⫾ 494 deb-3064 26,750
24,030 ⫾ 317 deb-3353 27,000 and 18°C. Classification according to present-day humidity
25,200 ⫾ 300 deb-2053 28,400 levels (Table 5) indicates a mixed signature. Types found today
26,318 ⫾ 365 deb-3051 29,500 in humid and semihumid conditions were present at all but one
26,350 ⫾ 3111 Hv-1777 29,550 site (site 2), but types that are aridity tolerant also occurred in
26,618 ⫾ 532 deb-3042 29,750
these sites. Finally, classification into groups according to
26,736 ⫾ 629 deb-4346 29,800
26,851 ⫾ 398 deb-3049 29,850 modern vegetational preferences (Table 6) indicates that those
26,962 ⫾ 657 deb-5052 30,100 types normally found in steppe were predominant at 11 sites.
27,200 ⫾ 1400 I-3430 30,300 However, woodland-loving and intermediate species were also
27,251 ⫾ 288 deb-4345 30,350 present at all sites and intermediate types (found associated
27,323 ⫾ 644 deb-2657 30,400
with both woodland and open vegetation sites) were predom-
27,491 ⫾ 362 deb-3034 30,500
27,700 ⫾ 300 deb-1901 30,750 inant at 5 sites.
28,225 ⫾ 360 deb-3035 31,500
28,700 ⫾ 3000 GXO-195 31,750 DISCUSSION
29,800 ⫾ 600 Mo-422 32,800
29,828 ⫾ 554 deb-3058 32,820
Previous palynological analyses suggested that trees were
30,174 ⫾ 1101 deb-4347 33,000
32,500 ⫾ 2170 Hv-1776 35,500 probably present in Hungary during the late-glaciation (ca.
16,000 –10,000 14C yr B.P.) (Willis et al., 1995). Evidence
Note. Dates were calibrated using CALIB for ages up to 21,950 cal yr B.P. from three radiocarbon-dated palynological sequences (Fig. 4),
(Stuiver and Reimer, 1993) and the conversion proposed by Laj et al. (1996) for example, indicated that over 50% of the total pollen during
and van Andel (1998) for ages between 35,500 and 21,950 cal yr B.P. the late-glaciation was from arboreal types. The highest input
was from Larix, Picea, and Pinus trees, but broad-leaved taxa,
such as Betula, Salix, Juniperus, Quercus, Corylus, Ulmus, and
RESULTS Carpinus orientalis, also occurred. In the interpretation of
these diagrams, it was proposed that the late-glacial vegetation
Thin-section analysis of the macroscopic charcoal data from of Hungary was similar to that of the southern margins of the
the 31 sites (Table 1) indicates that all material examined was present-day boreal forest (Pastor and Mladenoff, 1992), where
from arboreal vegetation. Types represented included Pinus there was an open coniferous forest containing small pockets of
sylvestris, Pinus cembra, Betula sp., Picea sp., Juniperus sp., deciduous trees (Willis et al., 1995, 1997; Willis, 1997). In
Larix sp., Carpinus betulus, and Salix sp. (Fig. 2). Samples addition, microscopic charcoal analyses from these sequences
ranged in date between 32,500 ⫾ 2170 and 16,750 ⫾ 400 14C indicated the vegetation was burned (Fig. 4). It was therefore
yr B.P. (approximately 35,500 and 19,200 cal yr B.P.). No suggested that similar to the modern boreal forest, wildfires
obvious clusters of samples (Fig. 3) occur around the were an important part of the ecological dynamics of the
“Dansgaard-Oeschger” interstades (Johnsen et al., 1992), late-glacial Hungarian landscape (Zackrisson et al., 1996).
which are calibrated to approximately 29,000, 27,500 and Evidence from the macroscopic charcoal record presented
23,500 cal yr B.P. (Voelker et al., 1998). Furthermore, there here confirms the presence of at least eight different tree types

FIG. 2. Tree types represented in the macroscopic charcoal record and their distributions within Hungary. See Table 1 for site information.

on the Hungarian landscape during the last full-glaciation the sites, the in situ origin of the trees is further supported by
(between approximately 32,500 and 16,500 14C yr B.P., i.e., the presence of burnt sediment layers forming a silhouette of
35,500 and 19,250 cal yr B.P.). Types present included Pinus the trunk and root positions. In some cases, it would appear that
sylvestris, Pinus cembra, Picea sp., Betula sp., Juniperus sp., the trees fell over either before or during burning, resulting in
Salix sp., Larix, and Carpinus betulus (at one site). At many of a long thin charcoal layer that represents the fallen position of
the tree trunk. At two of the sites, burnt trunks, 50 –70 cm in
diameter, were found in a standing position and at right angles
to the surface of the paleosol. Dating of the macroscopic
samples indicates that trees were present during the coldest
intervals, such as the late-glacial maximum (i.e., 21,000 cal yr
B.P.) and Heinrich events (H2 and H3). No obvious clusters of
samples around the timing of the proposed late-glacial inter-
stades are present (Johnsen et al., 1992).
Paleoclimatic simulations (Kutzbach et al., 1993), although
only extending back to approximately 21,500 cal yr B.P., have
suggested full-glacial conditions in central and eastern Europe
that were extremely cold and arid, with predicted January
temperatures as low as ⫺20°C. Geomorphological evidence
indicates the evidence of extensive permafrost, but central and
eastern Europe remained unglaciated throughout the full-
glaciation (Denton and Hughes, 1971; Bell and Walker, 1992;
Székely, 1987; Hertelendi et al., 1992; Maruszczak, 1987). It is
these predicted cold but relatively ice-free conditions that led
FIG. 3. Chronological position of macroscopic charcoal samples (crosses) to the suggestion that an open tundra or steppe landscape
indicated against the ␦ 18O record of annual-layer-dated GISP2 ice core (re- prevailed in southeastern and central Europe at this time (Pécsi,
drawn from Voelker et al., 1998). The approximate positions of Heinrich
events (H1, H2, H3) (Bond et al., 1993), the Late-Glacial Maximum (LGM),
1993; Fink and Kukla, 1977; Stoilov, 1984).
and the Dansgaard-Oeschger interstade (nos. 1– 8) (Johnsen et al., 1992) also Evidence from this study does not necessarily contradict
are indicated. these climatic reconstructions but rather questions the classic

Paleoecological Range of Molluscan Species

Species Paleoclimate group Paleohumidity group Paleovegetation group Biogeographical group

Vertigo modesta C H O Boreo-Alpine

Vertigo parcedentata C H O Boreo-Alpine
Vertigo alpestris Cr H W Boreo-Alpine
Vertigo angustior M H W/O European
Vertigo pygmaea M M O Holarctic
Succinea oblonga Cr H O Eurosiberian
Succinea putris Cr H O Eurosiberian
Columella edentula Cr H O Palearctic
Columella columella C H O Boreo-Alpine
Discus ruderatus Cr H W Boreo-Alpine
Semilimax kotulai C H W Alpi-Carpathian
Semilimax semilimax Cr H W W and Central European
Ariante arbustorum Cr H W W and Central European
Vestia turgida Cr H W Carpathian
Orcula dolium M H W Central European
Cochlicopa lubrica M M W/O Holarctic
Clausilia dubia M Sh W Central European
Vitrea cristallina M Sh W/O European
Nesovitra hammonis M Sh W/O Palearctic
Limacidae M Sh W/O Holarctic
Euconulus fulvus M Sh W/O Holarctic
Punctum pygmaeum M Sh W/O Holarctic
Vallonia pulchella M Sh W/O Holarctic
Vallonia costata M Sh W/O Holarctic
Vallonia enniensis T H O Central and SE European
Vallonia tenuilabris C D O N and Central Asian
Chondrula tridens T D O Central and SE European
Granaria frumentum T D O Central and SE European
Pupilla triplicata T D O S-SE European
Pupilla sterri C D O Eurasian
Pupilla cf. loessica C D O Extinct
Pupilla muscorum M M O Holarctic
Trichia hispida Cr Sh O European

Note. C, cryophilous; H, hygrophilous; W, woodland preference; Cr, cold resistant; Sh, subhygrophilous; W/O, intermediate (ecotone); M, mesophilous; O,
open habitat preference; T, thermophilous; D, aridity tolerant.

interpretation of a full-glacial vegetation dominated by steppe garian landscape during the late- and full-glaciation. A number
or tundra for central and southeastern Europe. A number of of these arboreal species are mesophilous and could withstand
comparisons can be made between the composition of arboreal the proposed cold and dry climate scenario. Picea and Larix
species found in the modern European boreal forest (Nikolov survive on semi-permanently frozen soils in many regions of
and Helmissaari, 1992) and those identified both from the the northern European boreal forest (Korotaev, 1987; Nikolov
pollen and macroscopic charcoal evidence present in the Hun- and Helmisaari, 1992), and species such as Pinus cembra and

Classification of Molluscan Data (Percentages) from Loess Sequences According to Paleotemperature

Site number: 2 3 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 23

Cryophilous 0 3 22 14 29 2 0 0 7 4 4 20 30 24 0 0
Cold resistant 0 42 2 11 1 38 8 14 11 4 16 15 42 5 8 5
Mesophilous 56 43 74 72 10 38 67 54 80 38 61 52 27 57 85 86
Thermophilous 44 12 2 3 60 22 25 32 2 54 19 13 1 14 7 9

Note. See Fig. 2 for site locations.


Classification of Molluscan Data (Percentages) from Loess Sequences According to Paleohumidity

Site number: 2 3 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 23

Hygrophilous 0 42 33 24 35 62 17 14 33 7 44 15 44 17 5 5
Subhygrophilous 8 18 17 15 1 13 25 52 43 12 19 2 24 9 3 4
Mesophlious 48 18 39 45 0 3 42 27 20 27 14 60 2 39 85 78
Aridity tolerant 44 22 11 16 64 22 16 7 4 54 23 33 30 35 7 13

Note. See Fig. 2 for site locations.

Pinus sylvestris grow today in regions where the air tempera- can therefore be made that there were microenvironmental
ture and precipitation drop to values simulated for the full- “oases” that were of sufficient warmth and humidity to allow
glacial environment. the existence of small pockets of thermophilous fauna and flora
The presence of thermophilous trees, such as Carpinus betu- during the full-glaciation. Although the microenvironment cre-
lus (from the macroscopic charcoal evidence) and Ulmus, ated by the coniferous trees is demonstrated in this record,
Quercus, Carpinus orientalis, and Corylus (from the pollen other areas that might have provided such oases include south-
evidence), is more difficult to reconcile with the predicted full- facing slopes, high-altitude sites, and areas of well-drained
and late-glacial climatic conditions. Although such trees are soils. Previous researchers suggested that small pockets of
found in small pockets at the southern edge of the modern microenvironmentally favorable conditions played an a impor-
European boreal forest (Pastor and Mladenoff, 1992), climatic tant refugial role in the survival of temperate tree taxa in
conditions associated with this margin are much warmer and southern Europe during the last full-glacial (Bennett et al.,
moister than those predicted for the full-glaciation in Hungary. 1991; Willis, 1992; Tzedakis, 1993; Willis, 1994b). However,
The molluscan evidence from the macroscopic charcoal hori- until now there has been little evidence to support this sugges-
zons may provide the answer to this apparent anomaly. tion.
Results from the paleoclimatic reconstructions based on the Evidence for tree populations surviving so far north dur-
16 molluscan records (dated between 33,000 and 19,250 cal yr ing the full-glacial maximum suggests that the in situ sur-
B.P.) presented in this study (Tables 3– 6) suggest that local vival of trees at sites further south is also probable. A
habitat conditions differed significantly from the regional pre- number of southern European sites with paleoecological
dictions for the full-glacial climate (e.g., Kutzbach and Guetter, records extending to the last full-glacial internal indicate a
1986; Kutzbach et al., 1993; Kordos, 1977, 1987). For exam- low but continual presence of full-glacial tree pollen. At
ple, when classified according to paleoclimatological groups, Ioannina, Greece, for example, values of between 20 and
the highest percentage was from molluscs currently found in 30% Quercus pollen (Tzedakis, 1993) have been recorded,
mesophilous and/or thermophilous conditions (Table 4). The and at Grande Pile, France, there are values of between 15
predicted paleotemperature curve based on the molluscan ev- and 25% Betula pollen (Woillard, 1979). Although these
idence (Sümegi, 1989) suggests a mean July paleotemperature values are often attributed to long-distance pollen transport,
of between 16° and 18°C. Molluscan types found today in similar to the Hungarian situation, there is increasing mac-
humid and semihumid conditions were present at all but one roscopic charcoal data (mainly from archaeological sites) to
site. Thus these data would appear to contradict the paleocli- support the suggestion of in situ tree populations. For ex-
matic models and other reconstructions. The molluscan paleo- ample, macroscopic charcoal samples of Pinus pinaster
ecological record reflects local habitat conditions at the time of have been recovered from Paleolithic rock-shelters in Por-
deposition rather than broader regional patterns and therefore tugual that are dated to between 33,000 and 22,000 14 C yr
indicates the microenvironmental conditions. The suggestion B.P. (approx. 36,000 and 25,000 cal yr B.P.) (Figueiral,

Classification of Molluscan Data (Percentages) According to Paleovegetation

Site number: 2 3 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 23

Woodland preferring 0 5 24 13 14 27 25 0 17 6 30 5 28 14 0 5
Intermediate 56 25 17 15 1 17 25 53 46 25 31 7 24 9 85 55
Open habitat 44 70 59 72 85 56 50 47 37 69 39 88 48 77 15 40

Note. See Fig. 2 for site locations.


FIG. 4. Percentage pollen, spore, and microscope charcoal diagrams from: (top) Kis-Mohos Tó, (center) Bátorliget, and (bottom) Sárrétt plotted against age
( 14C yr B.P.) (redrawn from Willis et al., 1995, 1997; Willis, 1997).

1995). Macroscopic charcoal samples of Larix, Pinus syl- Populus, Sorbus, and Rhamnus have been dated to between
vestris, Betula, Rhamnus, and Hippophae rhamnoides, dated approximately 25,500 and 21,800 14 C yr B.P. (approx.
between 40,000 and 30,000 14 C yr B.P. (approx. 43,000 and 29,000 and 24,800 cal yr B.P.) (Culiberg and Sercelj, 1995).
33,000 cal yr B.P.), have been recovered from a Paleolithic When these are viewed as individual cases, it is easy to
rockshelter (Maspero, 1996), and at a Paleolithic site in suggest that the samples are wrongly identified or the dating
Slovenia, macroscopic charcoal of Pinus, Fagus, Ulmus, is poor, but gradually a picture of a diverse assemblage of

FIG. 4—Continued

trees existing in southern and central Europe during the late- during the last full-glaciation. The types present were sim-
and full-glaciation is starting to emerge. ilar to those found on the southern edge of the modern-day
If the pollen evidence can be taken as indicative of a northern boreal forest and include Pinus sylvestris, Pinus
full-glacial presence of trees in southern and central Europe, cembra, Picea sp., Betula sp., Juniperus sp., Salix sp., and
then the question as to why there is a dramatic reduction in Larix. An examination of the present-day ecological re-
tree pollen accumulation rates must be addressed. One sug- quirements of these types (Korotaev, 1987) suggests that
gestion has been that this decrease in the rate of tree pollen most could have withstood the predicted extremes of the
in full-glacial sediments represents a reduction in total plant full-glacial climate. However, thermophilous trees (e.g.,
biomass (Magri, 1994). To an extent, this interpretation is Carpinus betulus, Quercus, Corylus, Ulmus, and Tilia),
probably correct because the pollen and molluscan results which were also present, must have survived in microenvi-
do indicate a more open environment and a reduction in the ronmentally favorable pockets.
total number of trees. However, part of this decrease in tree Paleoenvironmental reconstructions from the molluscan
pollen accumulation rates may also represent a change in record preserved alongside the macroscopic charcoal at 16
plant physiology during periods of inclement weather con-
of the sites indicate that small microenvironmentally favor-
ditions. For example, work on pollen productivity in the
able pockets might have been created by the trees them-
northern boreal forest has revealed that during years of
selves. Paleoclimatic reconstructions suggest that local mi-
inclement weather conditions arboreal pollen productivity
croenvironmental conditions in close proximity to the
can be reduced by up to one order of magnitude (Andersen,
arboreal vegetation were warmer and more humid than
1974; Hicks, 1985; Hicks, 1994). In full-glacial pollen dia-
regional simulations of the full-glacial climate (e.g.,
grams this variability in pollen production could well ac-
count for some of the decline seen in pollen accumulation Kutzbach and Guetter, 1986). Therefore trees, such as those
rates. types found in the boreal forest today, probably provided
microenvironmental oases. Within close proximity to the
CONCLUSIONS trees, a thermophilous flora and fauna were also able to
survive the extremes of the full-glaciation. If, as the evi-
Results from the macroscopic charcoal record of 31 sites dence from this study suggests, trees were able to survive
in Hungary dated to between 32,500 and 16,500 14 C yr B.P. this far north during the last full-glaciation, then it is highly
indicate that trees were growing on the Hungarian landscape likely that paleoecological records from sites further south

containing tree pollen probably also represent in situ glacial Kordos, L. (1987). Climatostratigraphy of Upper Pleistocene vertebrates and
populations. the conditions of loess formation in Hungary. Geojournal 15, 163–166.
Korotaev, A. A. (1987). Effect of soil temperature and moisture content on root
growth in coniferous cultures. Soviet Forest Science 1987, 52– 61.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Krolopp, E. (1977). Absolute chronological data of the Quaternary sediments
in Hungary. Földrajzi Közlemények 26, 228 –232.
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for helpful discussion and comments on this manuscript. Pleistocene, based on loess malacofauna in Hungary. Geojournal 36, 213–
Krolopp, E., Sümegi, P., Kuti, P., Hertelendi, E., and Kordos, L. (1996).
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