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List of common birds �

an albatross a penguin
a budgerigar/a parakeet a petrel
a canary a pheasant
a cassowary a pigeon
a chicken a pink flamingo
a cock/a rooster a quail
a cockatoo a robin
a cormorant a seagull
a crane a sparrow
a crow/a raven a sparrowhawk
a cuckoo a stork
a dove a swallow
a duck a swan
a falcon/an hawk a titmouse/a bluetit
a goose a toucan
a gull/a seagull a turkey
a hen a vulture
a heron a wader
a hummingbird a woodpecker
a jay an eagle
a kestrel an egret
a kingfisher an emu
a kiwi an ibis
a magpie an osprey
a parrot an ostrich
a partridge an owl
a peacock birds of prey
a pelican geese


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