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The diagrams show two Bunsen burners.

One burner has the air hole closed, and the other has
1. the air hole open.

(a) Explain why opening the air hole of a Bunsen burner makes the flame hotter.


1 mark

(b) Natural gas is methane, CH4. It is burned in a Bunsen burner.

Complete the word equation for the chemical reaction in the clear blue flame.

methane + ............................. → ............................. + .............................

2 marks
Maximum 3 marks

This question is about three different fuels, A, B and C.

Fuel A is stored in tanks. It is not stored under pressure. It flows along a pipe to where it is

Fuel B is stored under pressure in small cylinders. It is used by campers.

Fuel C can be stored in sacks or bags.

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(a) (i) Tick the correct box.

Fuel A is a:



1 mark

Name a fuel which A could be .............................................................

1 mark

(ii) Tick the correct box.

When fuel B comes out of the cylinder this is a:



1 mark

Name a fuel which B could be .............................................................

1 mark

(iii) Tick the correct box.

Fuel C is a:



1 mark

Name a fuel which C could be .............................................................

1 mark

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(b) Complete the statement to describe what happens when a fuel burns.

Two waste products formed from burning fuels are

................................................. and .....................................................

2 marks
Maximum 8 marks

Many human activities result in carbon dioxide emissions.

3. Our carbon footprint is a measure of how much carbon dioxide we each cause to be produced.

(a) Why should we be concerned about our carbon footprint?




(b) Most power stations in the UK burn coal.

Coal was formed from tree-like plants over millions of years.

Suggest why burning wood instead of coal would help to reduce our carbon footprint.








(Total 4 marks)

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Mark schemes
(a) any one from
• more air or oxygen
accept ‘gas reaching the flame
already has air or oxygen mixed in it’

• better mixing gives more combustion or more efficient burning

accept ‘better or faster combustion’
accept the converse i.e. arguments applied
to a Bunsen with a closed air-hole
1 (L6)

(b) oxygen
do not accept ‘air’
1 (L6)

carbon dioxide + water

both products are required for the mark
products may be in either order
accept ‘carbon monoxide + water’
disregard any reference to heat or energy
accept correct formulae for words
the equation need not be balanced
1 (L6)

(a) (i) liquid

if more than one box is ticked award no mark
accept ‘A’ in the liquid box instead of a tick

petrol or oil or diesel

accept a brand name
or paraffin or kerosene

(ii) gas
if more than one box is ticked award no mark
accept ‘B’ in the gas box instead of a tick

gas or natural gas or calor

accept a brand name
gas or butane or propane
do not accept ‘hydrogen’ or methane or camping gaz

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if more than one box is ticked award no mark
accept ‘C’ in the solid box instead of a tick

coal or coke or wood or charcoal

accept a brand name or ‘peat’

(b) any two from

• carbon dioxide

• water accept ‘steam’

• smoke accept ‘soot’

• ash

• gases accept ‘fumes’

• sulphur dioxide accept ‘nitrogen oxides’

• carbon monoxide
do not accept ‘heat’ or ‘energy’ or ‘lead’

(a) (thought to cause) global warming / green house (effect) / climate change
ignore other consequences of global warming
do not accept acid rain / ozone layer / global dimming

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(b) any three from:

• replant trees / renewable / sustainable

ignore reusable

• carbon (dioxide) used by trees / photosynthesis

accept trees absorb carbon (dioxide) as they grow
ignore respiration

• it is a (continuous / carbon) cycle

accept burning wood is carbon neutral

carbon (dioxide) goes back into the air
for the second and third bullet points: accept trees use carbon
dioxide which is released when (trees / wood are / is) burnt for 2

• no new carbon (dioxide) is produced

no locked up carbon (dioxide) is released

the carbon (dioxide) was absorbed millions of years ago

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