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BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology

Final Project

Sport's psychology's role in improving physical performance

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BPED 3-1

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

Executive Summary


The main purpose of Sport Psychology is to enhance an individual's athletic

performance. Mental skills and strategies help athletes concentrate better, deal more
effectively with competitive stress, and practice and train more efficiently.


Briefly (2-3 sentences) describe the how the data were collected and compiled for this
report. Don’t make this up, explain exactly what you did and where you obtained your


Briefly (2-3 sentences) describe the general findings from your data.


Briefly (2-3 sentences) describe what you propose should be done in response to the
data. Essentially your recommendations for incorporating Sports and Exercise
Psychology Interventions.

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

Table of Contents [This should serve only as a guide. Ensure page

numbers are accurate and in a line.]

1. Introduction ...…………………………………………………………………………. 04
1.1 Purpose of this Report ...………………………………………………………. ##
1.2 Sports and Exercise Psychology & [insert name of your organization]
………………. ##
2. [Name of Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] .…………………………… ##
2.1 Description of [Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] ..
…………………………………. ##
2.2 Current state of [Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] ……………… ##
2.3 Proposed Resolution ……………….………………...................................... ##
3. [Name of Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] .…………………………… ##
3.1 Description of [Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] ..………………. ##
3.2 Current state of [Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] ……………... ##
3.3 Proposed Resolution ……………….………………...................................... ##
4. [Name of Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] .……………………………. ##
4.1 Description of [Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] ..………………. ##
4.2 Current state of [Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] ……………... ##
4.3 Proposed Resolution ……………….………………...................................... ##
5. [Name of Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] .……………………………. ##
5.1 Description of [Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] ..………………. ##
5.2 Current state of [Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] ……………... ##
5.3 Proposed Resolution ……………….………………...................................... ##
6. [Name of Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] .……………………………. ##
6.1 Description of [Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] ..………………. ##
6.2 Current state of [Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic] ……………... ##
6.3 Proposed Resolution ……………….………………...................................... ##
7. Report Conclusions & Action Items ………………………………………………. ##
7.1 Conclusions ..………………………………….…………………………………. ##
7.2 Action Items ……………….………………...……………….………………...... ##
8. References .………………………………………………..…………………………... ##

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of this Report

This study intends to investigate the value of sports psychology in improving athletes'
physical performance. It emphasizes the varied function of sports psychology
techniques and interventions in maximizing athletes' mental health and improving their
level of concentration, drive, and performance in general.

1.2 Sports and Exercise Psychology & Muñoz National High School

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

2. Motivation

2.1 Description of motivation

Motivation refers to the reasons behind someone's actions. It is what motivates people
to act in the way they do. The mechanism that starts, directs, and sustains goal-oriented
behaviors is known as motivation. For instance, motivation is what drives you to earn
that promotion at work or helps you lose additional weight. Simply put, motivation
pushes you to do actions that move you toward your goals. The biological, emotional,
social, and cognitive variables that drive human behavior are all included in motivation.
Discover the various types of motivation and how we employ them in daily life.
Furthermore, do not panic if you feel as though you have lost motivation. There are
numerous techniques to increase or develop your levels of self-motivation.
Additionally, motivation involves elements that guide and sustain goal-directed behavior.
Even so, these motivations are rarely plainly visible. As a result, we frequently have to
extrapolate from observable behaviors the motivations behind people's actions.

2.2 Current state of Motivation in Muñoz National High School

There can be many reasons why athletes lack of motivation to work out – too much
mental fatigue, too high expectations, training plateaus, injuries or other
setbacks, fatigue and so on. But more often than not lack of motivation to exercise
comes from lack of clarity. For example, not being able to organize and prioritize all of
the things that are happening in life. Or being bored from repeating the same workouts
over and over again. Or even lacking motivation to workout due to not seeing good
progress towards hefty ambitions.

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

2.3 Proposed Resolution

The organization of Muñoz National High School should focus on motivating every
athletes especially their coach and trainers to concentrate on particular facets of their
sport, combining different drills, workouts, and conditioning regimens. To increase
speed, strength, agility, and endurance, plyometric exercises, functional movements,
and high-intensity interval training are frequently used. To maximize energy levels,
muscle recovery, and general health, proper fuelling and hydration methods are crucial.
And do the 6 types of motivating athletes 1.) Acknowledge the Importance of Motivation.
2.) Discover each Athlete’s Unique Motivators. 3.) Explain the “Why”. 4.) Encourage
Teamwork. 5.) Commend Successes No Matter the Size. 6.) Set Achievable Goals.

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

3. Personality

Use this section to discus 1 of your 5 Sports and Exercise Psychology topics
identified in this report. Detail how the topics are relevant to your organization.
Shape your evaluation of each topic in an easy to consume format. One possible
model is provided below.

NOTE: You must complete a minimum of 5 sections, each identifying 1 Sports

and Exercise Psychology topic. You have the option to complete an additional 2
topics for a total of 7 if appropriate for your organization and you are motivated to
do so. You can potentially earn 1 additional point for each of these additional
sections—provided that the quality is high. These two bonus points would
amount to 2% of your final course grade.

3.1 Description of Personality

The term "personality" refers to the persistent traits, interests, motivations, values, self-
concept, abilities, and emotional patterns that make up a person's particular way of
adjusting to life. Although different theories have varied explanations for the formation
and organization of personality, they all concur that personality influences behavior.

Personality psychology is the study of what makes up a person's personality, how it

develops, what makes up their traits, how they change over time (with an emphasis on
stable and enduring individual differences), and how it might take on unfavorable forms.

Incorporate graphics when possible to help tell your story to the committee (the graphics
do not count against your space allotment for this section). You can “wrap them” within
the text (see above example), or simply put them on a separate page. Also, do your
best to include 1 data example that really drives the point home to the committee. Avoid
using Statistical jargon like p values, significance tests, variance, etc. Most people will
understand descriptive statistics like percentages, so feel free to use those. One

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

strategy would be to build your own infographic that explains what we generally know
about this topic.

3.2 Current state of Personality in Muñoz National High School

Personality is difficult to define due to its complex nature; however one definition in the
literature is ‘the characterisation of individual differences’ (Wiggins, 1996). It’s a well-
known fact, and often cliché that ‘everyone is different’, but it is true. The fact that
everyone is different is extremely important when it comes to sport and coaching. As a
coach it is essential that you understand the personality of your athlete in order to
optimise the transmission of your message and their subsequent performance; as an
athlete it is important you understand the significance of personality and its potential
effect on performance.

3.3 Proposed Resolution

The purpose of this article is to define the perspective from which a coach should
analyze and evaluate personality traits that influence sports performance in team sports.
The subjects of the research are Polish players (N = 300) in senior age (20–29 years)
from 10 team sports (each n = 30). A sample of champions (n = 13) was selected from
the study population, and the Big Five model was applied to examine their personality
with the use of the NEO Five-Factor Inventory questionnaire. Statistical analyses were
performed with the IBM SPSS Statistics software, version 25. The study revealed
statistically significant differences between team sports in four personality traits:
neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Champions of team
sports were characterized by a lower level of neuroticism, a higher level of extraversion,
and openness to experiences in relation to other sportsmen. It was also confirmed that
the personality traits distribution levels depend on the sport discipline. Therefore, an
important role must be assigned to those mental training techniques that favor
emotional balance, team communication, and tactical thinking skills and are manifested
in triggering start-up readiness.

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

4. Social Support

Use this section to discus 1 of your 5 Sports and Exercise Psychology topics
identified in this report. Detail how the topics are relevant to your organization.
Shape your evaluation of each topic in an easy to consume format. One possible
model is provided below.

NOTE: You must complete a minimum of 5 sections, each identifying 1 Sports

and Exercise Psychology topic. You have the option to complete an additional 2
topics for a total of 7 if appropriate for your organization and you are motivated to
do so. You can potentially earn 1 additional point for each of these additional
sections—provided that the quality is high. These two bonus points would
amount to 2% of your final course grade.

4.1 Description of Social Support

The provision of assistance or comfort to others, typically to help them cope with
biological, psychological, and social stressors. Support may arise from any
interpersonal relationship in an individual’s social network, involving family members,
friends, neighbors, religious institutions, colleagues, caregivers, or support groups. It
may take the form of practical help (e.g., doing chores, offering advice), tangible support
that involves giving money or other direct material assistance, and emotional support
that allows the individual to feel valued, accepted, and understood. See also coping;
invisible support.

Incorporate graphics when possible to help tell your story to the committee (the graphics
do not count against your space allotment for this section). You can “wrap them” within
the text (see example to the right), or simply put them on a separate page. Also, do your
best to include 1 data example that really drives the point home to the committee. Avoid
using Statistical jargon like p values, significance tests, variance, etc. Most people will
understand descriptive statistics like percentages, so feel free to use those. One

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

strategy would be to build your own infographic that explains what we generally know
about this topic.

4.2 Current state of Social Support in Muñoz National High School

The network of interpersonal and professional connections that offer athletes emotional,
practical, and informational support is referred to as social support. It includes all of the
support, inspiration, and understanding that coaches, teammates, families, friends, and
other people who are involved in the lives of athletes can provide. Athletes need social
support since it can improve their whole sports experience, motivation, and well-being. It
encompasses moral support via encouragement and empathy, knowledge support via
counsel and direction, and actual support via assistance in the form of money or
logistical support. A robust social support network can aid athletes in overcoming
obstacles, managing stress, fostering a sense of belonging, and advancing their mental
and physical health.

4.3 Proposed Resolution

Examined the social support (SS) networks of 78 male and 92 female college athletes
with respect to who provides what types of SS and in what perceived amounts and
compared the SS networks of low- and high-stressed Ss. Results indicate that (1) SS
was provided by coaches, teammates, friends, and parents and (2) each made a unique
contribution to the Ss' SS network. Coaches and teammates were identified as
providing types of SS requiring expertise in sports, and friends and parents were
identified as providing complementary types of SS not requiring such expertise. Few
differences were found between the SS networks of low- and high-stressed Ss.
(PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

5. Goal Setting

Use this section to discus 1 of your 5 Sports and Exercise Psychology topics
identified in this report. Detail how the topics are relevant to your organization.
Shape your evaluation of each topic in an easy to consume format. One possible
model is provided below.

NOTE: You must complete a minimum of 5 sections, each identifying 1 Sports

and Exercise Psychology topic. You have the option to complete an additional 2
topics for a total of 7 if appropriate for your organization and you are motivated to
do so. You can potentially earn 1 additional point for each of these additional
sections—provided that the quality is high. These two bonus points would
amount to 2% of your final course grade.

5.1 Description of Goal Setting

Goal setting is an extremely powerful technique for enhancing performance in every

athletes so it is one of the most important strategies you can implement for success in
any environment. Goal setting helps to focus attention and it is critical to maintain and
enhance motivation. Goal setting gives direction both in the short term and the long
term and you can see success as you achieve your short term goals.

5.2 Current state of Goal Setting in Muñoz National High School

When we struggle in exercise and not having feeling of self-worth. These means
athlete's, coaches’, Trainor, and department of MAPEH having difficulty on exercise
program particularly on goal setting. The truth is don’t too much focus on goal, set a
systematic process how to achieve goal. Even the process is long term. We need the

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

positive feedback of exercise program. One more thing when people achieve highest
outcome they satisfy. What if find new goal from another and maximize the benefits of
goal. The things are if we achieve goal we stop. That is not truly meaning of psychology,
we need to find new goal to achieve. And we need more and more.

5.3 Proposed Resolution

Goal setting is an effective and frequently used tool for performance enhancement in
sports. However, in the previous studies, the focus has been on goal effectiveness
among individual male athletes and at one point in time. Therefore, the purpose of this
longitudinal study was to examine goal setting practices in women’s sport teams across
a competitive season from players’ individual and team perspectives. A total of 146
female players representing 24 teams in ice hockey, ringette, or floorball completed
three online surveys. Surveys focused on setting outcome, process, and performance
goals, as well as evaluating the follow-through of setting goals and actually reaching
these goals across the season. The results indicated that teams set collective outcome
goals, and several process, and performance goals at the outset of the season. One-
third of the participants reported that these goals were recorded. Furthermore, results
revealed that after the season, the achievement of the outcome goal was evaluated,
whereas the attainment of process and performance goals was evaluated only
occasionally. It is argued that the lack of follow-through in evaluating process and
performance goals may be attributed to setting too many goals and not writing them
down. It appeared that one-third of the teams did consistently follow the goal setting
principles, and although this resulted in increased goal evaluation, it did not result in
increased goal attainment. A number of future directions for research are offered and it
is recommended that coaches should be made more aware of these guidelines and the
importance of following them to achieve maximum benefits of a goal setting program.

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

6. Long-term Athlete Development

Use this section to discus 1 of your 5 Sports and Exercise Psychology topics
identified in this report. Detail how the topics are relevant to your organization.
Shape your evaluation of each topic in an easy to consume format. One possible
model is provided below.

NOTE: You must complete a minimum of 5 sections, each identifying 1 Sports

and Exercise Psychology topic. You have the option to complete an additional 2
topics for a total of 7 if appropriate for your organization and you are motivated to
do so. You can potentially earn 1 additional point for each of these additional
sections—provided that the quality is high. These two bonus points would
amount to 2% of your final course grade.

6.1 Description of Long-term Athlete Development (LTAD)

Long-term athlete development (LTAD) is a methodical, all-encompassing approach to

an athlete's growth over their entire life, from birth to adulthood. It strives to maximize
their potential for top performance while additionally fostering their general health,
wellbeing, and lifelong involvement in sports. Athletes go through several stages of
physical, mental, and emotional development, and LTAD takes this into account when
designing training and development programs. Age-appropriate training, skill
development, long-term planning, and athlete-centered techniques are stressed in the
main LTAD principles. LTAD has six stages Fundamental, Learn to train, Train to train,
Train to compete, Train to win, and Active for life they are the six stages.

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

6.2 Current state of Long-term Athlete Development (LTAD) in Muñoz National

High School

The current state of long-term athlete development reflects a dynamic and evolving
framework that seeks to optimize athlete performance and well-being. By adopting a
holistic approach, personalized training programs, long-term planning, and a focus on
mental health, LTAD aims to nurture athletes into well-rounded individuals capable of
reaching their full potential. As technology continues to advance, the integration of data-
driven approaches further enhances the effectiveness of LTAD. In this ever-evolving
landscape, the continued commitment to optimizing athlete development ensures a
brighter future for sports, producing exceptional athletes who thrive both on and off the

6.3 Proposed Resolution

Long-term athletic development practices have been recommended for the past two
decades. However, limited research exists exploring the knowledge and skills required
by practitioners to optimise long-term athletic development. Therefore, this study aimed
to evaluate the knowledge, adherence, practices, and challenges of practitioners
responsible for delivering long-term athletic development. A mixed methods survey was
completed by 236 practitioners (e.g., sport coaches, physical education teachers)
consisting of four parts; 1) demographics, 2) knowledge, 3) adherence, and 4) practices
and challenges. Quantitative and qualitative data were analysed by Friedman’s analysis
of variance and thematic analyses, respectively. Quantitative findings showed
practitioners 1) recognised their responsibility for delivering long-term athletic
development, 2) have a familiarity with existing developmental models, and 3) had high
adherence, focused upon health and wellbeing, to delivering long-term athletic
development. However, practices associated with growth and maturity, monitoring and
assessment, and the systematic progression and individualisation of training had lower
adherence. Qualitative analysis indicated that practitioner’s perceived definitions of
athleticism and long-term athletic development were inconsistent, especially according
to the psychological components (i.e., confidence). Practitioners’ descriptions of their
long-term athletic development practices identified two higher order themes; 1) goals, in
which long-term athletic development “is for life” and the importance of “an individual
centered journey” highlighted as sub-themes; and 2) realities of delivering long-term
athletic development, whereby variety in program delivery, monitoring development and
practical challenges were noted as key priorities. Eight practical challenges were
identified including governance and priorities, resources, education, early specialization,
high training volumes, staff communication, parents and youth motivation. This mixed

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

method survey highlighted a multitude of knowledge, adherence, practices and

challenges towards long-term athletic development. These novel findings can help
inform policy to optimise long-term athletic development and to support the complex
problem of developing a healthier, fitter and more physically active youth population.

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

7. Report Conclusions & Action Items

7.1 Conclusions

Begin with a brief paragraph (2-4 sentences) briefly summarizing the project, and
drawing a general conclusion for the report.

7.2 Action Items:

7.2.1 In 1-2 sentences, summarize your proposed resolutions for your 1st Sports
and Exercise Psychology Topic. These should be presented in a manner
that calls the committee to action. On possible approach: 1 sentence
informing the committee what the organization should do and a 2nd sentence
reminding them why it works.

7.2.2 In 1-2 sentences, summarize your proposed resolutions for your 2nd Sports
and Exercise Psychology Topic. These should be presented in a manner
that calls the committee to action. On possible approach: 1 sentence
informing the committee what the organization should do and a 2nd sentence
reminding them why it works.

7.2.3 In 1-2 sentences, summarize your proposed resolutions for your 3rd Sports
and Exercise Psychology Topic. These should be presented in a manner
that calls the committee to action. On possible approach: 1 sentence
informing the committee what the organization should do and a 2nd sentence
reminding them why it works.

7.2.4 In 1-2 sentences, summarize your proposed resolutions for your 4th Sports
and Exercise Psychology Topic. These should be presented in a manner
that calls the committee to action. On possible approach: 1 sentence
informing the committee what the organization should do and a 2nd sentence
reminding them why it works.

7.2.5 In 1-2 sentences, summarize your proposed resolutions for your 5th Sports
and Exercise Psychology Topic. These should be presented in a manner
that calls the committee to action. On possible approach: 1 sentence
informing the committee what the organization should do and a 2nd sentence
reminding them why it works.

7.2.6 [If you do more than 5] In 1-2 sentences, summarize your proposed
resolutions for your 6th Sports and Exercise Psychology Topic. These should
be presented in a manner that calls the committee to action. On possible
approach: 1 sentence informing the committee what the organization should
do and a 2nd sentence reminding them why it works.

BPED 3050 – Sports and Exercise Psychology
Final Project

7.2.7 [If you do more than 6… so on and so forth] In 1-2 sentences,

summarize your proposed resolutions for your 7th Sports and Exercise
Psychology Topic. These should be presented in a manner that calls the
committee to action. On possible approach: 1 sentence informing the
committee what the organization should do and a 2nd sentence reminding
them why it works.

8. References

Include an APA formatted list of all the references you cited in the report.


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