Practical Questions (EQ)

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The diagram below shows six pieces of equipment.

(a) Linda investigates how quickly sugar dissolves in water.

(i) Which piece of equipment does she use to weigh 5 g of sugar?

Tick the correct box.


1 mark

(ii) Which piece of equipment does she use to measure out 90 cm3 of water?
Tick the correct box.


1 mark

(b) Linda heats the water in a beaker.

(i) Which piece of equipment shown is a beaker?

Tick the correct box.


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1 mark

(ii) Which piece of equipment shown is used to heat water?

Tick the correct box.


1 mark

(c) Linda adds 5 g of sugar to the hot water.

(i) She measures the time it takes for the sugar to dissolve.
The equipment used for timing is not shown in the diagram.

What piece of equipment is used to measure the time taken?

1 mark

(ii) The equipment used to measure the temperature of the water is not shown in
the diagram.

What piece of equipment is used to measure temperature?

1 mark
maximum 6 marks

Joanne burnt four different crisps.
She predicted that the bigger the crisp, the longer it will burn.

(a) Look at the picture above. What did Joanne wear to protect herself?


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1 mark

(b) Joanne measured the time taken for each crisp to burn completely.
The bar chart shows Joanne’s results.

Look at the bar chart.

How much time did crisp D take to burn?

..................... seconds
1 mark

(c) The crisps Joanne used in her investigation are shown below.

(i) Joanne predicted that the bigger the crisp, the longer it will burn.
Do the results support Joanne’s prediction?
Tick one box.

yes no

Use Joanne’s results to explain your answer.


1 mark

(ii) How can you tell that Joanne did not carry out a fair test?


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1 mark

(d) Joanne wrote some conclusions for her investigation.

Decide whether each conclusion is true, false, or you cannot tell.

Tick the correct box for each conclusion.

conclusion true false

Two crisps took the same amount of

time to burn.

The smallest crisp burnt for the

shortest time.

Two of the crisps burnt with flames of

the same size.

3 marks
maximum 7 marks

Sara investigated making bread.
She described what she did below.

Sara repeated the experiment with the water bath at different temperatures.
Her results are shown below.

volume of dough (cm3)

temperature of
water bath (°C)
at the start after 30 minutes

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30 50 66

45 50 73

60 50 77

75 50 71

90 50 60

(a) Use the table of results.

What question did Sara investigate?


1 mark

(b) At each temperature Sara used dough from the same mixture.

(i) Give one other way Sara made her experiment fair.

1 mark

(ii) Why would using dough from a different mixture make Sara's experiment


1 mark

(c) Sara plotted her results on the graph below.

Describe the relationship between the variables on the graph from 30°C to 90°C.



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2 marks

(d) Sara made a prediction.

What could she do to test her prediction?


1 mark
maximum 6 marks

Neera and Tom dissolved different masses of salt in 500 cm3 of water.
They measured the temperature at which each salt solution boiled.

(a) They wrote down the variables that might affect the investigation.

(i) What is the independent variable (the variable they changed) in their

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Volume of the water
1 mark

(ii) What is the dependent variable (the variable they measured) in their
Mass of salt dissolved
in water
1 mark

(iii) Which variable above would affect the experiment the least?
Temperature in the
1 mark

(b) Neera and Tom plotted their results and drew the graphs shown below.

(i) How can you tell from the graphs that Neera and Tom started with pure
The first cross is on 0
g of salt

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1 mark

(ii) Why is Tom’s line of best fit better than Neera’s line of best fit?

His line is more
1 mark
maximum 5 marks

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