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Parallel line method:-parallel line development

derives it name from the parallel lines used in the

construction of stretch outs. This is used for
stretch outs or patterns of y shapes, t shapes and
elbows. It is also used for areas where pipes
intersect flat surface at an angle. The following
steps may be followed in laying out a pattern or
stretch-out for a cylinder connector as shown in fig

(1) Draw the plan and elevation of the connector

pipe. Divide the plan into 12 numbers of equal
parts and project them in the elevation.

(2) draw the stretch-out line equal to the

circumference of the circle at an
angle of 90digree to the plan.

(3) divide the stretchiut line in 12 equal are lengths

the plan

(4) Draw perpendicular lines from each division of

the stretch-out line and locate the top and bottom
points of these lines by projecting the
corresponding points from the elevation.

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