Songco Mitchelle Alec A. Songco 9-8LDJVICTORIA - Food Safety Act Ra 10611

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Mitchelle Alec A. Songco 9-8LDJVICTORIA



Food Safety Act of 2013

Food Safety Act of 2013
Republic Act (RA) No. 10611, also known as the "Food Safety Act of 2013"
defines food as any substance or product whether processed, partially
processed or unprocessed that is intended for human consumption. It
includes drinks, chewing gum, water and other substances, which are
intentionally incorporated into the food during its manufacture,
preparation and treatment (Section 4.g). On the other hand, food
safety refers to the assurance that food will not cause harm to the
consumer when it is prepared or eaten according to its intended use
(Section 4.n).

The law primarily aims to strengthen the food safety regulatory system
in the country. Food safety regulatory system is the combination of
Introduction regulations, food safety standards, inspection, testing, data collection,
monitoring and other activities carried out by food safety regulatory
agencies (FSRAs) and by the Local Government Units (LGUs) in the
Food, as one of the basic needs of
implementation of their responsibilities for the control of food safety
man, provides the health
risks in the food supply chain (Section 4.q). Specifically, it aims to:
requirements of a person in order
protect the public from food-borne and water-borne illnesses and
to live. The availability of food on
unsanitary, unwholesome, misbranded or adulterated foods, enhance
the plate of every Filipino is among
industry and consumer confidence in the food regulatory system; and
the main concerns of the
achieve economic growth and development by promoting fair trade
government in achieving food
practices and sound regulatory foundation for domestic and
security. The Philippines has a
international trade (Section 3)[3].
number of policies being
implemented that recognizes the
In general, RA 10611 works in the principles of achieving food safety to
pivotal role of improving food
protect human life and health in the production and consumption of
production and supply to meet the
food and protect consumer interests through fair practices in the food
evergrowing food demand.
trade. The protection of consumer interests shall be geared toward the
However, more than achieving
prevention of adulteration, misbranding, fraudulent practices and
availability and sufficiency of
other practices which mislead the consumer, and the prevention of
supply, food security is also
misrepresentation in the labelling and false advertising in the
defined as access to safe and
presentation of food. In order to support this food legislation,
nutritious food (FAO, 2014). Food
standards for food safety measures shall be developed. Food safety
safety refers to the assurance that
standards refer to the formal documents containing the requirements
food will not cause harm, human
that foods or food processors have to comply with to safeguard human
health is protected and market
health. It should be noted that the food safety standards shall be based
access of locally produced foods
on risk assessment which is anchored to sound scientific evidence.
and food products is facilitated.

Mitchelle Alec A. Songco 9-8LDJVICTORIA

Responsibilities on food safety

Food safety is primarily the responsibility of both food business
operators and various government agencies.

Food business operators must ensure compliance with food laws

throughout the supply chain, implementing control systems to mitigate
risks to consumers (Section 13).

Key government agencies include the Department of Agriculture (DA),

Department of Health (DOH), Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG), and Local Government Units (LGUs).

The DA oversees food safety in primary production and post-harvest

stages, sets standards, and conducts inspections alongside the DOH
Implementation of food (Sections 15a, 9, 12).

safety regulations, The DOH focuses on safety of processed foods, conducts monitoring,
Prohibited acts, & Penalty and researches foodborne illnesses (Section 15b).

The DILG collaborates with other agencies to enforce food safety

To ensure compliance with food regulations and inspect establishments (Section 15c).
safety regulations, official controls
are established by each agency LGUs are responsible for food safety in various businesses, including
(Section 26). Traceability of food slaughterhouses, markets, and eateries (Section 15c).
and production inputs is
mandated (Section 27), and Overall, these entities work together to ensure food safety across
authorizations such as permits and production, distribution, and consumption stages, safeguarding public
licenses are issued to health.
establishments (Section 28).
Regular inspections are conducted
by designated bodies (Section 29).
Prohibited acts include selling
non-compliant or banned food RA 10611 plays a crucial role in implementing and ensuring food safety in
products, refusing inspection, the Philippines by establishing comprehensive laws and regulations. Its
failing to recall unsafe products, emphasis on official controls, traceability, and authorizations for food
and violating good manufacturing establishments aims to minimize risks to consumers. It is an aid to food
practices (Section 37). owners and workers as this act can lead and guide them to produce
much better and safe food products ensuring that food products does
Violators face fines ranging from not pose as a risk to consumers. However, its effectiveness ultimately
Php50,000 to Php500,000, depends on consistent implementation and enforcement by
suspension or revocation of government agencies. While the law outlines penalties for violations,
business authorization, payment of ongoing monitoring and enforcement are essential to ensure
medical costs, and imprisonment compliance and protect public health. Overall, RA 10611 serves as a vital
from six months to five years guide for promoting food safety, but continued efforts are needed to
(Section 35). address challenges and ensure its effectiveness across the food supply
chain of the Philippines.


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