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Human Resources

Operating Manual

Safir International Hotel Management

April 2016

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 0 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-000 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM



Section 1 Human Resources General HR-001 HR/G

Section 2 Human Resources Recruiting HR-002 HR/R
Section 3 Human Resources Training HR-003 HR/T
Section 4 Performance Management, Awards HR-004 HR/PMAR
Human Resources
and Reviews
Section 5 Human Resources Procedures HR-005 HR/P
Section 6 Human Resources Administration HR-006 HR/D
Section 7 Human Resources Appendix HR-007 HR/A

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 1 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-001 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM



General Succession Plan HR/G-1.1

General Communication HR/G-1.2
General Grooming and Personal Hygiene HR/G-1.3
General Uniforms HR/G-1.4
General Footwear HR/G-1.5
General Name Badges HR/G-1.6

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 1 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-001 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Succession Plan

1.1.1 Succession Plans or Career Ladders are made to provide both Associates and Employers
a reference point and guideline as regards to career moves within the hotel.

1.1.2 Career Ladders will list all the hotel’s position titles, by department and groups within the

1.1.3 Career Ladders will also indicate the minimum number of months required in a position,
plus necessary qualification and training, before a possible career move may be

1.1.4 Positions on the Career Ladder are displayed by Pay Grade.

1.1.5 Lines within the Career Ladder will connect positions according to possible career moves,
either sideways into related or comparable position, or upward in the case of a promotion.

1.1.6 The minimum period of time indicated in the Career Ladder may also include a ‘pay-back’
period, where the Associate works sufficiently long in one position to cover the hotel’s
staffing and training costs for the position.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 1 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-001 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Communication

1.2.1 Communication channels will flow in all directions, up and down, from side to side between
individuals, between departments, and between Associates and Guests.

1.2.2 A Communications Program will be drawn up for the hotel, detailing the systems of
communication, reporting relationships, frequency of meetings, purpose and format of
meetings, etc. All Units shall adhere to the meetings program as stated below:

a) Executive Committee Meetings: Weekly

b) Head of Department Meetings: Fortnightly
c) Food and Beverage Meetings: Fortnightly
d) Sales Meeting: Fortnightly
e) Credit Meetings: Monthly
f) Departmental Staff Meetings: Monthly

1.2.3 The Human Resources Manager will be responsible along with the General Manager for
recommending and assisting in implementing effective and efficient communication
channels in the hotel. Communications Programs could consist (but will not be limited) of
the following as a minimum:

a) Meetings / briefings
b) Memos / Written Communications
c) Notice Boards
d) In-house newsletter
e) Service Committee
f) Consultative Committee

1.2.4 Each individual General Manager will adopt his/her own methods of communication.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 1 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-001 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Grooming and Personal Hygiene

1.3.1 All Associates will receive Grooming and Hygiene Training as part of their orientation when
starting work in the hotel.

1.3.2 All Associates will adhere to grooming standards as detailed in the Associate Handbook

1.3.3 Name Badge:

All uniformed staff shall wear a name badge.

1.3.4 Grooming:

1. The Head of Department is responsible for the personal hygiene and appearance of
his/her staff and will monitor such through daily inspections.

2. All Associates must be well groomed, clean and neatly dressed, hence all Associates
shall shower fresh at the commencement of every shift.

3. It is recommended that every staff member utilize a deodorant.

4. Associates will change their shirt/blouses, underwear and socks daily.

5. Associates will wash their hands regularly during the day, always before coming on
duty, and after eating, smoking or using the toilet.

6. Associates handling food will always wash their hands before handling food, and will
comply with all food handling and food hygiene regulations.

7. Hair shall be collar length for men.

Women with hair below the shoulders must have their hair tied back away from the

8. Female hair accessories shall be in good taste.

9. Hair must be clean, well maintained and neat at all times.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 1 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-001 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Grooming and Personal Hygiene

10. For Associates working in kitchens, hair must be kept under a hat or in a hair net as
per Occupational Health and Safety Standards.

11. For men moustaches are acceptable and must be kept neatly trimmed at all times and
not lower than the sides of the mouth.

12. Sideburns lengths are acceptable up to earlobe length, and no wider than 2.5 cm and

13. The discreet use of appropriate make-up and jewelry are essential elements of being
well groomed. Jewelry considered appropriate is, a wristwatch and a
wedding/engagement ring.

14. Stud earrings or small sleepers, one per ear, may be worn only by females. No
earrings are permitted for men.

15. No bracelets shall be worn by uniformed staff. Non-uniformed office staff may wear
one necklace.

16. No other jewelry may be worn on or pierced to any part of the body visible to the Guests.

17. Make-up, perfume and after-shave should not be overpowering to Guests and

18. Uniformed Associate’s nail polish is to be professional in color i.e. muted tones only.

19. Nails are to be clean and neatly trimmed.

20. It is recommended that the hotel provide photographs of suitably groomed and
uniformed Associates in the uniform / locker / training rooms.

21. Outside contractors working in the hotel in the same jobs as hotel Associates will abide
by all grooming and uniform standards as if they were Associates.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 1 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-001 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Uniforms

1.4.1 All Associates who need to be in uniform shall be provided with a uniform i.e. prestigious, fit
for the purpose, fit for his/her position/function, enhances the Associate’s self-image and the
image of the hotel and Company.

1.4.2 All Associates who need not be in the uniform shall wear business attire and avoid extreme
styles. Color coordinated skirts or pantsuits are required to be worn by female Associates.
Suits, dress trousers with jacket or shirt along with a tie are required to be worn by male

1.4.3 All uniforms, whether provided by the hotel or the Associates own clothing, must be clean,
pressed and in good condition at all times.

1.4.4 Where possible, an Associate shall visit the hotel prior to his/her starting date to be fitted for
his/her uniform.

1.4.5 Uniforms are required to be worn by the following Associates in the following positions:

1. Rooms:

a) Receptionist
b) Night Auditor (business suit acceptable)
c) Bell Persons
d) Concierge
e) Pool Attendant
f) Lifeguards
g) Guest Relations Officers
h) Reservation Officers
i) Telephone Operators

2. Housekeeping:

a) Room Attendants
b) Inspectors
c) House persons
d) Laundry Attendants
e) Valets and Butlers
f) Public Area Cleaners

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 1 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-001 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Uniforms

3. Food and Beverage:

a) Hosts / Hostesses
b) Restaurant/ Room Service Servers
c) Cocktail Servers
d) Chefs
e) Bartenders
f) Bus Persons and Mini Bar Stockers
g) Store persons

4. Engineering:

a) Maintenance Engineers
b) Mechanics
c) Painters
d) Plumbers
e) Carpenters
f) Gardeners
g) Electricians
h) Handypersons

5. Accounting:
a) Front Office Cashiers
b) Food and Beverage Cashiers

6. Other Associates designated to be in uniform in accordance with local property policy.

1.4.6 All uniformed Associates will be issued with a minimum of two (2) sets of uniforms.

1.4.7 It is the policy of Safir Hotels & Resorts to exclude only the Executive Management from the
uniform program. If the nature of the Unit requires a deviation from this rule, this will require
prior Corporate Office approval.

1.4.8 Uniforms will be issued to Associates on a ‘one to one’ basis, and they should not
subsequently be shared / exchanged amongst Associates.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 1 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-001 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Uniforms

1.4.9 Each hotel will maintain a uniform par stock sufficient to provide each Associate with a clean
uniform according to a change frequency schedule which will ensure uniform standards are
maintained at all times.

1.4.10 No new Associate will start work before necessary uniform alterations have been completed.

1.4.11 Uniforms shall be seasonal where applicable

1.4.12 Belts shall be worn with uniform pants or shirts with loops

1.4.13 Hotel will provide free laundry service for Associate’s uniforms. Non-uniformed Associates
will have free laundry service for work related clothing/business attire up to limits detailed in
local policy.

1.4.14 All uniforms must be professionally designed, either by a professional uniform company or
customized by a uniform designer.

1.4.15 Associates shall not remove the uniform from the hotel premises. However, with the
discretion of the General Manager, Associates may leave the hotel with the hotel uniform if
driven by the hotel bus to the staff quarters. This is an acceptable practice in some countries.

1.4.16 Uniforms should not be worn outside the hotel unless an Associate is on official hotel

1.4.17 Uniforms must be maintained in good condition and any case of loss or damage must be
reported to the Housekeeping Department immediately in order that a replacement may be

1.4.18 Uniforms damaged through normal wear and tear will be replaced free of charge.

1.4.19 The Associate will be charged a replacement for any lost items of uniform, or for any damage
due to negligence.

File under: Section 1 Effective date: April 2016

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

Policy no: HR-001 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Uniforms

1.4.20 Uniforms will remain the property of the hotel. A Uniform Card shall be maintained for each
associate issued with a uniform. (See HR-01/ ver.2016 Uniform Card.)

1.4.21 Associates will sign for the receipt of their uniforms, and will be made aware of the standards/
conditions regarding the wearing of them and loss or damage to them.

1.4.22 Uniforms will be returned to the uniform store when an Associate leaves the hotel prior to
his/her final payment being made to him/her.

1.4.23 Hosiery is considered as a part of the uniform for all female Associates, and must be worn at
all time whilst on duty. Color will normally be flesh-color, and must be appropriate to the
uniform worn.

1.4.24 Uniform policy for Management and staff applies 7 days a week.

1.4.25 Stricter standards of uniform requirements may be imposed by the hotel depending on the
custom and practice of the country in which it is located.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 1 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-001 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Footwear

1.5.1 Footwear is not provided for Associates, except in areas requiring specialized Safety

1.5.2 Footwear should be suitable to the job, clean, well-polished and in good repair.

1.5.3 Associates will normally be required to wear enclosed, black shoes, unless other types are
required by local hotel policy.

1.5.4 Canvas shoes, sandals and trainers are not normally acceptable, as they do not provide
adequate safety protection.

1.5.5 Associates working in fitness centers or swimming pool environments may wear trainers.

1.5.6 Associates working in areas where there are wet floors are required to wear rubber-soled

1.5.7 Safety shoes will be provided to Kitchen, Stewarding and Engineering Associates.

1.5.8 Footwear should comply with Occupational Health and Safety Standards.

1.5.9 It is recommended that the hotel provides photographs of suitably uniformed Associates in
the uniform / locker / training rooms.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 1 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-001 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Name Badges

1.6.1 All Associates including Executives will be issued with a name badge to be worn at all times
whilst on duty.

1.6.2 Name badges shall be worn in such a manner, that its contents are clearly visible.

1.6.3 An Associate will receive his/her name badge within 48 hours of starting work in the hotel.

1.6.4 The Human Resources Manager is responsible for ordering and issuing Associate name

1.6.5 Style of name badges will conform to that detailed by the Corporate Office, any deviation
from this must have the approval of the Corporate Office.

1.6.6 For all Associates first/ ‘known as’ name will appear on the badge, no job title will be included.
For Associates in supervisory positions and above, their family name along with their job title
will appear on the badge.

1.6.7 Titles (i.e. Mr., /Mrs., /Miss/etc) will not be included.

1.6.8 Name badges must be maintained in good condition and any case of loss or damage must
be reported to the Human Resources Department immediately so that a replacement may
be supplied.

1.6.9 Badges damaged through normal wear and tear, or a first lost badge will be replaced free of

1.6.10 The Associate will be charged a replacement cost for any subsequent lost badges, or any
damage due to negligence.

1.6.11 Name badges are considered to be part of an Associate uniform.

1.6.12 Name badges will be worn to the left breast pocket of an Associate uniform, or where no
such pocket exists, approximately 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm.) below the shoulder.
1.6.13 Associates will sign for the receipt of their name badges, and will be made aware of the
standards/ conditions regarding the wearing of them and loss/ damage to them.
1.6.14 Name badges will be returned to the Human Resources Department when an Associate
leaves the hotel.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM



RECRUITING Probation Periods HR/PP-2.1

RECRUITING References HR/R-2.2
RECRUITING Recruitment - Selection - Interview HR/RI-2.3
RECRUITING Use of Temporary Worker / Casual Worker HR/TC-2.4
RECRUITING Use Of Contracted Temporary Associates HR/CT-2.5
RECRUITING Receiving New Associates HR/RA-2.6
RECRUITING Associates Handbook HR/RH-2.7
RECRUITING Sources of Recruitment HR/SR-2.8
RECRUITING Head of Department Orientation HR/HO-2.10
RECRUITING Orientation Training HR/OT-2.11

Safir International Hotel Management Page 14 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Probation Periods

2.1.1 The employment confirmation of all Associates will be subject to a probation period effective
from his/her date of starting work with the hotel.

2.1.2 The length of the probation period will normally be one hundred (100) days. However, this
will be adjusted as necessary in accordance with the local labor laws and regulations. In the
same country, probation period should be uniform for all Units operated.

2.1.3 During the probation period either the hotel or the Associate may terminate the Employment
Contract without notice or reason for termination, provided this is within the scope of the local
labor laws and regulations.

2.1.4 The length of the probation period, and details of related procedures will be clearly stated in
the associates Offer of Employment and Employment Contract.

2.1.5 Unless within the scope of the local labor laws, the length of probation periods will not be

2.1.6 The Human Resources Department will maintain a record of those Associates employed
under a probation period.

2.1.7 At least two weeks before the end of the probation period the Associate’s Head of
Department will carry out a fair and objective Performance Review with the Associates.

2.1.8 Performance Review Forms will be available with the Human Resources Department.

2.1.9 Based on the outcome of the Performance Review a decision will be made as to whether the
associate will be confirmed in his/her position or not.

2.1.10 Where the decision is taken to terminate the contract, the Associate will be advised of this in
the presence of the Human Resources Manager and the appropriate Head of Department,
having first taken approval from the General Manager.

2.1.11 In cases of termination, appropriate action must be taken before the end of the probation

2.1.12 All local laws and regulations regarding probation period and their extension will be followed.

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: References

2.2.1 At least one reference will be taken up on a potential new Associate. However references
taken up will also cover a minimum of 3 years previous employment.

2.2.2 Permission will be obtained from the candidate before contacting his/her present employer
for reference.

2.2.3 References will only be requested by the Human Resources Manager or the General

2.2.4 Where possible, references should be obtained via a standard written format, however
accurately recorded verbal references are acceptable.

2.2.5 A reference request should ask the following questions as a minimum:

a) Actual dates of employment.

b) Position held.
c) Standard of performance/ ability/ honesty/ timekeeping/ etc.
d) Reason for leaving.
e) If terminated, reason why.
f) Would they re-employ?
g) Name of the person giving reference and position.

2.2.6 If the reference is taken verbally, accurate notes will be made of the information received.
The notes will also record the name and position of the person giving the reference and the
date and time at which the reference conversation took place.

2.2.7 Information received from references will be taken into account when the final decision on
recruitment is being made.

2.2.8 Written, and records of verbal, references will attached to the individual’s Application Form
and Interview Assessment Form.

2.2.9 All reference will be treated as confidential and information received will not be disclosed to
other parties, including the potential Associate.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Recruitment - Selection- Interview

2.3.1 All hotels will comply with the Recruitment, Interview and Selection Process.

2.3.2 It is the policy of Safir Hotels & Resorts to select and hire the most appropriate personnel for
individual job vacancies, whilst ensuring the candidate’s level of competence, education and
job experience matches the requirements of the job.

2.3.3 Priority must be given to internal candidates or a sister hotel, thereby giving them the
opportunity for promotion or transfer to a new position, thus enhancing their career

2.3.4 The General Manager will obtain approval from the Corporate Office prior to appointing an
individual to an Executive/Head of Department position or above.

2.3.5 Candidate’s experience and qualifications must match requirements outlined in the Job
Description and Person Specification.

2.3.6 Job content, financial and social benefits must be correctly represented to prospective

2.3.7 The hotel will employ the best applicant for a given job.

2.3.8 All vacancies will be advertised internally on a notice board for all Associates to see, and if
applicable, apply for.

2.3.9 Existing Associate’s applying / being considered for internal vacancies, will ideally have been
in their current position for one year.

2.3.10 If there is no suitable existing associate, recruitment will then be opened to external
candidates and alternative sources.

2.3.11 Priority will be given to recruiting local nationals of the country in which the hotel is operating.

2.3.12 Expatriate foreign nationals will only be appointed to specialist positions or to positions,
which, after extensive search, cannot be filled by local nationals.

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Recruitment - Selection- Interview

2.3.13 Appointment of expatriate foreign nationals will be subject to fulfilling the requirements of the
labor and immigration laws of the country in which the hotel operates, and to the obtaining of
the appropriate work and residence permits. If the Management Contract stipulates, owners
approval to be sought.

2.3.14 Recruitment and appointment of any individual to work in the hotel will be done within, and
subject to, the scope of Safir Hotels & Resorts Human Resources Policies, and the relevant
Laws of the country in which the hotel operates.

2.3.15 Individuals considered suitable for a vacant position will receive a minimum of two interviews
before being appointed. Normally this will include one with Human Resources Manager and
one with the appropriate Head of Department.

2.3.16 In the case of Key Personnel (Assistant Head of Department positions and above), suitable
candidates must be interviewed by the hotel’s General Manager.

2.3.17 Interview Assessment Forms will be available in the Human Resources Department.
(See HR-02/ ver.2016 -Interview Assessment Form)

2.3.18 An Interview Assessment Form will be completed by the Interviewer immediately after each
interview, noting any relevant comments/decisions and indicating action to be taken. This
form will then be attached to the candidates Application Form along with other relevant

2.3.19 The final decision on which candidate to hire for a given job will be with the appropriate Head
of Department, following consultation with the Human Resources Manager.

2.3.20 This decision, where necessary (i.e. Key Personnel, or under the direction of the Human
Resources Manager) will be subject to the approval of the hotel’s General Manager.

2.3.21 All interviewed candidates will be advised of the outcome of the interview by the Human
Resources Department within seven days of their interview.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Use of Temporary Worker /Casual Worker

2.4.1 The optimum solution to fluctuation in sales volume is one where a work force is maintained
at sufficient size to effectively service average sales volume, but is insufficient to service peak

2.4.2 In peak periods, i.e. on a day-to-day basis, Casual Workers can be added.

2.4.3 During slow periods, time off or vacations they can be scheduled for permanent Associates,
in so far as is practical.

2.4.4 Associate planning in line with business fluctuations, will determine the balance between the
need for the continuity, loyalty and expertise of full-time workers, against the need to optimize
or increase payroll costs by utilizing Temporary Casual Workers.

2.4.5 An individual who works for the hotel on an ad-hoc basis is not considered as a contracted
full-time or part-time Associate of the hotel, and is therefore categorized as a Casual Worker.

2.4.6 Casual Workers may be utilized when peak workloads, on a day-to-day or a shift basis,
necessitate temporary assistance.

2.4.7 Use of Casuals must be strictly controlled and must comply with local labor laws, tax and
other relevant legislation.

2.4.8 Recruitment of Casuals will be coordinated through the Human Resources Department.

2.4.9 Casuals will be subject to normal medical examinations, particularly where their work will
involve food handling and service.

2.4.10 Casuals will wear the normal uniform of the Department, in which they are working.

2.4.11 The Head of Department will be responsible for ensuring that casuals are trained to perform
the work for which they are hired to the same standard as a regular Associate performing
the same work.
2.4.12 Casuals will be paid an hourly rate of pay for the hours that they work.
2.4.13 If working for more than six consecutive hours they may be provided with a meal in the
Associate restaurant. Casual workers will not be eligible for any other Associate benefits or
File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Use of Contracted Temporary Associates

2.5.1 Associate planning in line with business fluctuations will determine the balance between the
need for the continuity, loyalty and expertise of full-time workers, against the need to optimize
or increase payroll costs by utilizing Temporary Contracted Associates.

2.5.2 Temporary Contracted Associates (Seasonal/Short-Term) are those Associates who are
recruited to work on a full-time base for a fixed period of time.

2.5.3 This fixed period of time will be subject to the needs of the hotel and as decided by the
General Manager in liaison with relevant Department Head and local labor laws.

2.5.4 Temporary Contracted Associates (as distinct to Casual Associates and particularly,
Banqueting Casuals) are utilized during peak periods so that an optimum workload can be
carried by internal personnel, which results in best overall performance and real job security.

2.5.5 Recruitment of Seasonal/Short-Term Associates will be coordinated through the Human

Resources Department.

2.5.6 These Associates will receive an Offer of Employment letter and an Employment Contract.

2.5.7 These documents will state clearly the precise fixed period of employment. (Starting Date:
Number of Weeks; Finishing Date)

2.5.8 These Associates will be subject to normal medical examinations, particularly where their
work will involve food handling and service.

2.5.9 They will wear the normal uniform of the Department, in which they are working.

2.5.10 The Head of Department will be responsible for ensuring that these Associates are trained
to perform the work for which they are hired, to the same standard as a regular associate
performing the same work.

2.5.11 During their fixed period of employment, Seasonal/Short-Term Associates will not be entitled
to any paid vacation or sickness leaves, apart from Public Holidays that fall during the period.

Safir International Hotel Management Page 20 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Use of Contracted Temporary Associates

2.5.12 They will however, accrue vacation pay at the normal rate, pro-rata to their period of
employment. This vacation pay will be paid to them at the end of their fixed period of

2.5.13 The Human Resources Department will advise the appropriate Head of Department three
weeks before the end of a fixed period of employment. A decision will then be made as to
whether the fixed contract will end, will be renewed for a further fixed period, or if a Permanent
Employment Contract will be issued.

Safir International Hotel Management Page 21 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Receiving New Associates

2.6.1 All new Associates joining the hotel will be made to feel “welcome”.

2.6.2 Appropriate administration and introductions to colleagues will be carried out in an efficient
and professional manner.

2.6.3 Any expatriate associate arriving in the country of work will be met and collected from the
airport upon arrival. (See HR-03/ ver.2016 Airport Transport Requisition.)

2.6.4 New Associates will be advised to report to the Human Resources Department on the first
day. They will be advised of what time they should report.

2.6.5 All new Associates will be required to fill a Personal Information Form upon them joining.
This shall be stored in the personnel file. (See HR-04/ ver.2016 Personal Information)

2.6.6 All new Associates will be given an Orientation/ Induction Training - a minimum of one day
training will include: (See HR-05/ ver.2016 Induction Checklist)

a) Safir Hotels & Resorts overview

b) Hotel information
c) Grooming standards
d) Safety and security
e) Standards of conduct

2.6.7 The Human Resources Department will pre-prepare as much as possible the joining
administrational formalities before the new Associate’s arrival.

2.6.8 Within a 30-day period after hiring, newly hired members of staff shall receive the necessary
corporate identity training, and specific training concerning their Department.

2.6.9 The Human Resources Department will advise the new associate of arrangements regarding
Orientation Training.

Safir International Hotel Management Page 22 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Receiving New Associates

2.6.10 A Human Resources Department Associate will accompany him/her to the Uniform Store to
be fitted and issued with his/her uniforms. Where possible, uniform fittings will take place
prior to the Associates first day. Uniform Laundry procedures and timings will be explained
to the Associate.

2.6.11 The appropriate Head of Department will meet the new Associate from the Human
Resources Department.

2.6.12 The Head of Department will be responsible for introducing the new Associates to
colleagues, his/her place of work and Department.

2.6.13 The Head of Department will be responsible for training the Associates in the Department, in
the skills necessary to fulfill the requirements of his/her job to the necessary standards.

2.6.14 Any new executive or Heads of Departments joining the hotel will be met initially on arrival
by the General Manager.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Associate Handbook

2.7.1 The hotel Associate Handbook will be written in English, back-to-back in the language of the
country in which the hotel operates.
2.7.2 All Associates of Safir Hotels & Resorts will be issued with the Associate Handbook.
2.7.3 The Associate Handbook will be divided into various sections and sub sections, which
address relevant issues that are consistent with local legislation and local conditions, as well
as Company and hotel policies and procedures.
2.7.4 The final proof of the Associate Handbook will be submitted for review and approval to the
Corporate Office Human Resources Department before printing.
2.7.5 The Handbook will set clear limits specifying the range of unacceptable behavior and details
of related consequences.
2.7.6 It will be given to each new Associate on commencement of employment.
2.7.7 A signed document will be held on the Associates personnel file, confirming their receipt and
understanding of the Associate Handbook.
2.7.8 The Associate Handbook is intended to solely be for use by hotel Associates. It is the
Associate’s responsibility to read, remember and abide by its contents.
2.7.9 The Associate Handbook will be updated annually to incorporate any changes in hotel
programs and local labor legislation.
2.7.10 The Associate Handbook will outline the hotel’s rules and regulations, meal privileges, leave
and medical benefits, payment of salaries as well as personal and career development
2.7.11 The Associate Handbook will be written in a simple and uncomplicated manner, and may
incorporate pictures, cartoons and line drawings to enhance the effectiveness of
communication and understanding. The following shall be included in the handbook:

a) Welcome letter from General Manager.

b) History of the Company.
c) Description and history of the unit.
d) Hotel Organization Chart.
e) Corporate Organization Chart
f) Pay days
g) Housing

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File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Associate Handbook

h) Meals
i) Absences from work
j) Disciplinary procedures
k) Media relationships
l) Training
m) Other properties within Safir Hotels & Resorts

2.7.12 Associate Handbook will guide all Associates in the following areas:

a) Personal grooming
b) Safir Hotels & Resorts Service Culture
c) Hotel Rules and Regulations
d) Appearance of uniform or other ‘duty clothes’
e) Attendance (See HR-06/ ver.2016 Attendance Record)
f) Punctuality
g) Reporting lateness and absence
h) Personal safety on the job
i) Fire and emergency procedures
j) Maintaining a safe work place
k) Health and Sanitation
l) Behavior towards Guests, other customers, fellow Associates and Superiors.

2.7.13 The Human Resources Department will explain and clarify the contents of the Handbook to
Associates as part of their Orientation Training.

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File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Sources of Recruitment

2.8.1 Internal candidates from within the hotel, as well from other sister Safir Hotels & Resorts, will
be considered for all job openings (whether replacement or new) before external sources.

2.8.2 The following recruitment priorities will apply:

a) Hiring from within own hotel.
b) Hiring from within Safir Hotels & Resorts.
c) External Hiring.

2.8.3 The Human Resources Manager and the respective Department Head must be present
when any offer of Employment or promotion is made.

2.8.4 All potential and newly hired Associates are accorded the same warm treatment and Service
Standards as Guests.

2.8.5 All job openings will be posted internally as soon as the Job Requisition is approved.

2.8.6 The hotel will forward details of the vacancy to the Corporate Human Resources Department
and other hotels within Safir Hotels & Resorts.

2.8.7 The hotel’s Human Resources Department maintains an up to date database of applicants
on hold.

2.8.8 The Corporate Office maintains an up-to-date database of applicants on hold, with an
emphasis on international applicants for Departments Head level positions and above.

2.8.9 Consideration should be given to forwarding details of vacancies to local Catering Colleges
in an effort to attract suitable candidates.

2.8.10 Recruitment advertisements may be placed in the local or national press. Their size, design
and content must reflect the quality image of the hotel and the Company, including the use
of the hotel’s logo. (Refer the Corporate Identity Guidelines for sample)

2.8.11 In order to control costs, use of Recruitment Consultants, Agencies, or Headhunters, should
only be used as a last resort, after the above sources have been exhausted.

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

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Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Sources of Recruitment

2.8.12 Before an Offer of Employment, the Human Resources Manager will ensure that the final
candidate has:

a) Completed an Applications Form.

b) Been interviewed by at least the Department Head and the Human Resources Manager
as per policy.
c) Has had the appropriate background checks/references.

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Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM


2.9.1 All Safir Hotels & Resorts must select individuals with the highest quality level of Guest
Satisfaction skills that are available within their labor market.

2.9.2 Associates selected for hire must have a good level of Guest service capabilities possible.

2.9.3 Managers and Supervisors must have sufficient ability in organization and planning, decision-
making, leadership and human resource skills in order to lead their teams in the achievement
of budget goals and customer satisfaction.

2.9.4 A minimum of one written reference check must be conducted on every candidate. Two
references are recommended.

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File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Head of Department Orientation

2.10.1 In the Head of Department Orientation, the new Head of Department meets with the General
Manager and all Heads of Departments.

2.10.2 The General Manager introduces the new Head of Department to:
a) Safir International Hotel Management
b) The Owning Company of the hotel
c) Service concepts, products and service
d) Hotel and Company Standard Operating Procedures
e) Organization structure of the hotel and Safir International Hotel Management
f) Service Culture of the hotel and Safir International Hotel Management
g) Budget and Business Plan/Objectives of the hotel
h) City tour

2.10.3 Each Head of Department introduces the new Head of Department to their Department,
systems, procedures, Key Personnel, etc.

2.10.4 The Human Resources Manager gives the new Head of Department a tour of the hotel,
introducing him/her to as many Associates as possible.

2.10.5 The Human Resources Manager introduces the new Head of Department to Human
Resources / Training policies and standards, and to Human Resources / Training issues
relevant to his/her new Department.

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Operating Manual

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Orientation Training

2.11.1 The Human Resources Manager will be responsible for developing and implementing the
Orientation Training Program.

2.11.2 All new Associates will attend Orientation Training.

2.11.3 Orientation Training will cover as a minimum the following topics:

a) Introduction to hotel Operation.

b) Safir Hotels & Resorts Company history.
c) Hotel facilities, products and services.
d) Hotel rules, regulations and procedures.
e) The Associate Handbook.
f) Associate benefits entitlements and procedures.
g) Issuing of locker, name badge and uniform.
h) Tour of hotel - all front and back of house areas, Associate facilities, sample Guest rooms.
i) Fire, health and safety training.
j) Grooming and personal hygiene training.
k) Customer service training.
l) Introduction to General Manager and other Key Personnel.
m) The Human Resources Manager will maintain records confirming that all Associates have
attended all aspects of Orientation Training.
n) City tour.

2.11.4 All new Associates will receive Orientation within 14 days of commencing their employment.
Orientation Training will cover a minimum of one full day, two days are recommended.

2.11.5 Orientation Training will cover 3 main phases:

a) On commencement of employment.
b) Department Orientation.
c) Follow up.

2.11.6 Each Head of Department is responsible for preparing the Orientation Program for his/her
Department. This will include local rules and regulations, procedures, fire health and safety
within the Department, etc. This department orientation program must be approved by the
Human Resources Manager and reviewed annually for any updates.

File under: Section 2 Effective date: April 2016

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Policy no: HR-002 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Orientation Training

2.11.7 Within one month of the Associate commencing employment, the Human Resources
Manager will arrange follow-up interview, any questions or issues the Associate may have.

2.11.8 Orientation Training is a period during which the new Associate will form their first
impressions of the hotel and the Company. These impressions will form the basis of their
attitude to working throughout their employment. It is essential that Orientation be carried
out in a welcoming and professional manner.

2.11.9 New Associates should be encouraged to ask questions.

2.11.10Use of visual aids is recommended. These can include flipcharts, photographs,

hotel/Company brochures, handouts, etc.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM



TRAINING Training and Development HR/TD-3.1

TRAINING Career Development Training HR/CD-3.2
TRAINING Cross Training HR/CT-3.3
TRAINING Fire Safety Policy HR/FSP-3.4
TRAINING Fire Training HR/FT-3.5
TRAINING First Aid / First Aid Training HR/FAT-3.6
TRAINING Food Hygiene Training HR/FHT-3.7
TRAINING Grooming and Personal Hygiene Training HR/GHT-3.8
TRAINING Health and Safety Training HR/HST-3.9
TRAINING Management Training HR/MT-3.10
TRAINING Manpower Development and Succession HR/M-3.11
TRAINING Statutory Training HR/ST-3.12
TRAINING Supervisory Training HR/ST-3.13
TRAINING Technical Skills Training HR/TS-3.14
TRAINING Training and Certification Process HR/TC-3.15
TRAINING Training Facilities and Equipment HR/TF-3.16
TRAINING Training Plan Records and Report HR/TF-3.17
TRAINING Tuition Training and Educational HR/TF-3.18

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Training and Development

3.1.1 The function of Training in the hotel will ultimately be the responsibility of the General
Manager, assisted and supported by the Human Resources Manager/Training Manager.

3.1.2 The Human Resources Manager/Training Manager will coordinate all training activities
working closely with all Heads of Department and Key Personnel to ensure that the
necessary performance standards are met. Certificates shall be issued for successful
completion of Training. (See HR07/ ver.2016 for Performa certificates)

3.1.3 The Head of Department will be responsible for ensuring that necessary performance
standards are achieved for all Associates working under his/her supervision.

3.1.4 Each Department will hold a copy of its relevant Safir Standard Operating Procedures and
Task Manuals.

3.1.5 Heads of Department will be responsible for producing a Departmental Task Manual.

3.1.6 The use of the Departmental Task Manuals shall assist in ensuring that each Associate is
systematically trained in his/her job tasks, to the required standards.

3.1.7 In time for the budget presentation the Human Resources Manager shall make appropriate
recommendation for training at the unit. Training will then be implemented in accordance
with the approved budget.

3.1.8 Regular Audits will be carried out by the Human Resources Manager and the Corporate
Human Resources Department to ensure necessary standards of Training are met.

3.1.9 Twice a year, i.e. every January and July, the Human Resources Manager/Training Manager
should carry out a survey to establish what are the training needs of the hotel and in return
will deliver training modules to the appropriate Department Heads to implement. Human
Resources / Training Department is a facilitator and source of obtaining training material for
the Department Heads.

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Operating Manual

File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Career Development Training

3.2.1 Career Development Training will be available to all Associates who show potential to
develop into more senior roles in the hotel/Company.

3.2.2 To achieve this, the hotel will work closely with the Corporate Office and will utilize the
facilities and activities available through the Corporate Office. However, certain training
requirements may need the use of external resources.

3.2.3 The Corporate Office will keep the hotels updated on what off-the-job Corporate-led training
programs are available within the Company.

3.2.4 Hotels having a request for such programs will notify the Corporate Office, who will then make
arrangements to run the program.

3.2.5 The program may be run for an individual hotel or for a number of hotels at one location.

3.2.6 The Corporate Office will calculate the training cost of such a program and hotels will be
recharged for the cost of each delegate.

3.2.7 Where required, travel and accommodation arrangements and costs for Associates to attend
such program away from their own hotel will be the responsibility of the hotel at which the
delegates are employed.

3.2.8 At the end of each Corporate-led program delegates will prepare a Post Course Action Plan,
setting objectives on how they will implement their new skills/knowledge back at their

3.2.9 Delegates will be assessed on their objectives within three months of completing the

3.2.10 Only if all objectives are met and completed will certification be provided.

3.2.11 The use of outside companies to provide specialist-training programs for the hotel’s
Associates is at the discretion of the General Manager.

3.2.12 The true need and value to the hotel of this training must be ascertained before a commitment
is made to either the providing company or the Associates involved.

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Operating Manual

File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Career Development Training

3.2.13 Consultation between the General Manager, the Human Resources Manager, and the
appropriate Heads of Department will determine which Associates are to be considered
for Career Development Training Programs.

3.2.14 Selection criteria will be based on overall performance and evident potential of the Associate,
along with the outcome of his/her Annual Performance Appraisals.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Cross Training

3.3.1 The opportunity for Cross Training will be available to Associates at all levels.

3.3.2 Only those Associates who have completed at least six months in his/her current position will
be considered for participation in a Cross Training Program.

3.3.3 Cross Training Programs will be coordinated through the Human Resources Manager.

3.3.4 Participation in a Cross Training Program should not be regarded as a guarantee to transfer
into a new position, but as a development tool.

3.3.5 The training will normally be done during work time, but may be done in the Associate’s own
time if the training is at his/her request.

3.3.6 The Human Resources Manager will design and implement a system for requesting,
performing and recording Cross Training Programs.

3.3.7 Cross Training will be carried out professionally and to the required standards, as laid out in
the Departmental Task Manuals.

3.3.8 All Cross Training carried out will be recorded accurately on the Associate’s file, with
appropriate signatures. This should be backed up with reports on training covered from both
the Trainer and the Trainee.

3.3.9 Periods of Cross Training completed should be referred to at an Associate’s Annual

Performance Review and should be taken into an account if an application is made for
transfer to that position/department on a permanent basis.

3.3.10 Cross Training may also be carried out between hotels. This will normally be reserved for
the development of Managers and Heads of Department.

3.3.11 The duration of such Cross Training exercises will normally be one week to one month.

3.3.12 Costs of such training, including travelling expenses, will normally be borne by the hotel that
requests the Cross Training.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Cross Training

3.3.13 The receiving hotel is responsible for providing accommodation and meals for the Associate.

3.3.14 The Associate’s salary and other benefits will remain unchanged, and will continue to be
administered and paid by the hotel for which he/she normally works.

3.3.15 Any General Manager may initiate such an exchange of his/her Associates by direct contact
and liaison with the General Manager of any other Safir Hotel & Resort.

3.3.16 All inter-hotel Cross Training will be accurately recorded as per the above standards.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Fire Safety Policy

3.4.1 All Safir Hotels & Resorts will prepare and implement a policy that will detail all major matters
relating to fire prevention, fire detection, firefighting, evacuation and training.

3.4.2 The Fire Safety Policy will be prepared by the Chief Engineer in consultation with the General
Manager and the Corporate Director of Technical Services and also with the assistance of
the local Fire Authority. A copy of the policy must be submitted to the Corporate Office.

3.4.3 The fire brigade must be called whenever there is a fire, no matter how minor.

3.4.4 The Assistant Vice President of Operations and Finance will be advised immediately of any
fire occurring on the premises that results in injury, death or substantial material damage.

3.4.5 The hotel’s General Manager is responsible for all matters relating to fire safety policies.
While certain tasks may be delegated, this does not absolve him/her from the responsibility.

3.4.6 The fire safety policy will highlight the following as a minimum:

1. Alarm System:
a) This section should detail alarm points, how they are activated and details of the
zoning of the building.
b) For details of the maintenance of the system, refer to Property Operation and
Maintenance Standard Operating Procedures.

2. Fire Fighting Equipment:

a) This section shall include a full description of all types of firefighting equipment in the
building, their uses and limitations.
b) A checklist should be included detailing the location of this equipment.

3. Means Of Escape:
a) In this section all escape routes should be specified and responsibility heads should
be created for ensuring that they are kept clear.
b) A floor plan showing the hotels escape routes may be included.
c) The location of the fire assembly point will be confirmed.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Fire Safety Policy

4. Action To Be Taken:
a) This section shall include a detailed part of the plan stating what action each person
on the premises must take on discovering a fire, or in the event of the fire alarms
b) It will also include action to be taken regarding equipment and materials to be removed
from the premises and Department shut down procedures.
c) This section shall give details of the location of the Fire Fighting Operations Room
(normally located in the Telephone Operator’s Room).

5. Fire Notices:
a) Fire notices will be displayed throughout the building and will contain the action to be
taken in that part of the building in the event of fire.
b) A sample copy of every fire notice will be included in the policy.

6. Training:
See section - ‘Fire Training’ HR 3.5

7. Responsibilities:

a) This section shall detail the responsibilities of Associates in the event of a fire on the
b) It will also detail the members, responsibilities and duties of the Fire Fighting Teams.

8. Reports:
a) This section stipulates reports to be made in the event of a fire, or following a false
b) It also gives details about the inspections and reports to be carried out on firefighting
equipment and systems.

3.4.7 Details of inspection frequencies are contained in the Property Operation and Maintenance
Standard Operating Procedures.

3.4.8 All local statutory requirements regarding fire safety will be covered and adhered to in the
Fire Safety Policy.
File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

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Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Fire Training

3.5.1 All Associates will undergo Fire Training at the commencement of their employment with the

3.5.2 Refresher Fire Training will take place for all Associates on the following basis:
a) All Associates - every year.
b) Night Shift Associates- every 6 months.

3.5.3 A fire drill including full evacuation of the building will be conducted at least once annually.

3.5.4 The Human Resources Manager will be responsible for ensuring that necessary Fire Training
takes place, and that all training carried out is correctly recorded.

3.5.5 The Fire Safety Policy will form the basis of Fire Training. The Fire Training Program will
include the following topics.

1. Alarm Systems:
a) Details of how the alarms is activated (break glass, detectors, etc).
b) What the alarm sounds like.
c) How the building is zoned.

2. Fire Fighting Equipment:

a) Description of all equipment used in the hotel, uses and limitations.
b) To include sprinklers, fire hoses, extinguishers, blankets, etc.
c) It is recommended that Associates have the opportunity to use these items during

3. Means Of Escape:
a) Escape routes, fire exits, use of elevators.
b) Location of fire assembly point.

4. Action to be Taken:
a) Details of action to be taken by individuals, Departments, and Guests in the event of
fire alarms sounding or a fire occurring.
b) Detailed responsibilities of firefighting team members.

File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

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Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Fire Training

5. Fire Notices:
a) Different styles of fire notices and where they are displayed.
b) Understanding the contents of fire notices.

6. Others:
a) It is recommended that the local fire authority be involved in Associate Fire Training.
b) The local fire authority must be involved in the full evacuation fire drill.
c) The Human Resources Manager will coordinate Fire Training for the hotel, and will
ensure that records are kept up-to-date and available for inspection at all times.
d) The frequency of Fire Training for Associates must be in accordance with that stated
at ‘Policy’ above as a minimum.
e) All local statutory requirements regarding Fire Safety Training will be met and adhered
to in the hotel’s Fire Training Program.
f) Fire Training will be included in the hotel’s Annual Training Plan.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: First Aid/First Aid Training

3.6.1 The hotel will have sufficient numbers of Associates (10% of headcount) trained to provide
Emergency First Aid.

3.6.2 There will be at least one First Aid trained Associate available on the hotel premises at all

3.6.3 First Aid Boxes will be placed at accessible, strategic points around the hotel.

3.6.4 The training of Associates in First Aid will be carried out at the hotel’s expense and in the
hotel’s time. A list of Associates trained in First Aid will be available with the Telephone
Department and updated quarterly by the Human Resources Department.

3.6.5 The Human Resources Manager will coordinate First Aid Training to ensure the necessary
numbers of trained Associates are maintained.

3.6.6 The names, departments and telephone extension numbers of First Aid trained Associates
will be posted on the Associate Notice Board and distributed to all Departments for quick
reference by all Associates.

3.6.7 The location of First Aid Boxes will depend on local circumstances and the layout of the hotel.
As a minimum standard they should be located at the following areas:
a) Front Office
b) Kitchen
c) Housekeeping
d) Engineering
e) Security
f) Human Resources/Hotel Clinic
g) Fitness Center
h) A pool lifeguard and/or beach lifeguard should have portable First Aid Boxes.

3.6.8 The upkeep of First Aid Boxes and their contents will be the responsibility of the appropriate
Department Head and a monthly inspection/inventory check will be done by the Human
Resources Department.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: First Aid/First Aid Training

3.6.9 The hotel will possess appropriate First Aid equipment. The type, amount and distribution
will depend on the style, size and facilities of the operation. As a minimum, a wheelchair
and a stretcher will be available.

3.6.10 Emergency contact numbers for the hotel doctor, ambulance service and local hospital will
be available with the Telephone Operator.

3.6.11 First Aid administered to any person on the hotel premises will be reported and recorded in
the hotel Accident Book.

3.6.12 The hotel will meet and adhere to any local statutory requirements with regards to First Aid

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Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Food Hygiene Training

3.7.1 All Associates whose job involves working with food will undergo Food Hygiene Training.
This will include Associates working in the kitchen, food service area, purchasing, stores, etc.

3.7.2 The hotel will undertake to satisfy all appropriate requirements of local regulations and
legislation regarding Food Hygiene.

3.7.3 Associates whose work involves food handling will attend Food Hygiene Training within one
month of starting work.

3.7.4 The Human Resources Manager, in conjunction with the relevant Head of Department, will
ensure that appropriate Associates attend this training and a signed record by the Associate
is kept in the Associates file.

3.7.5 Food Hygiene Training will be provided at the hotel’s expense and during hotel time.

3.7.6 It is recommended that refresher training be carried out on a regular basis as per the Human
Resources Manager’s Plan.

3.7.7 The Human Resources Manager will maintain accurate records of Food Hygiene Training
carried out.

3.7.8 These records will be kept up-to-date and available for inspection at all times.

3.7.9 Once a year all Associates in the Food and Beverage Department and the Housekeeping
Department should undergo and obtain a medical certificate. In some countries it is
obligatory by Labor Law. In addition, no new Associate starts work without the results of this
medical examination.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Grooming and Personal Hygiene Training

3.8.1 All Associates will receive Grooming and Personal Hygiene Training as part of their
Orientation Training.

3.8.2 It is the responsibility of all Head of Departments to check and maintain the standards of
grooming and personal hygiene of Associates in their Department.

3.8.3 Grooming and Personal Hygiene Training will meet the standards set out in the Company’s
Grooming and Personal Hygiene Policy.

3.8.4 It is recommended that refresher training be carried out in a regular basis as per the Human
Resources Manager’s Plan.

3.8.5 The Human Resources Manager is responsible with the cooperation of Head of Departments
for ensuring that Associates attend Grooming and Personal Hygiene Training as and when
carried out.

3.8.6 The Human Resources Manager will maintain records of Grooming and Personal Hygiene
Training carried out.

3.8.7 These records will be kept up-to-date and available for inspection at all times.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Health and Safety Training

3.9.1 Health and Safety Training will form an integral part of a new Associate’s Orientation Training.

3.9.2 The Human Resources Manager is responsible for ensuring that all Associates are aware of
their responsibilities with regard to Health and Safety, and that the necessary training takes

3.9.3 Head of Departments and Key Personnel will re-enforce what has been trained by constantly
checking that work practices are safe.

3.9.4 Hazard recognition will form part of the training to assist in keeping the building, equipment
and other facilities in a state of good repair and to prevent accidents from happening.

3.9.5 The Human Resources Department will maintain records of all Health and Safety Training
that has taken place.

3.9.6 Refresher Health and Safety Training will take place with all Associates at least on an annual
basis and recorded appropriately.

3.9.7 Health and Safety Training Records will be kept up-to-date and available for inspection at all

3.9.8 Any pertinent issues regarding Health and Safety will be raised and discussed at Department
briefings/meetings as appropriate.

3.9.9 Corporate Office will assist with the provision of training and other relevant materials, but this
does not absolve the hotel from its responsibilities.

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Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Management Training

3.10.1 Regular training, coaching and reinforcement programs will be held for, and attended by, all
Managerial Personnel.

3.10.2 A Management Training Program schedule will be submitted annually, at the time of Budget
Presentation, to the Group General Manager.

3.10.3 Managers are kept updated on work, operational, and/or managerial related areas, either
through internally designed or outside external short courses. Every Manager spends some
time each year in formal study, tuition and associated expenses are borne by the Company.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Manpower Development and Succession

3.11.1 It is the policy of the Company to provide opportunities for all levels of Associates to progress
within their operation and the Company to higher levels of responsibility and status.

3.11.2 This is provided by a comprehensive Manpower Development/Succession Planning

Program compiled and maintained by each hotel for local requirements, and at the Corporate
Office for Company-wide requirements.

3.11.3 The Human Resources Manager/Training Manager, in consultation with the General
Manager and Head of Departments will compile and maintain the hotel’s Manpower
Development/Succession Planning Program.

3.11.4 From the above consultations ‘high potential’ Associates will be identified who are perceived
as future potential successors, should a Key Personnel position become vacant.

3.11.5 A Succession Plan Chart will be prepared by the Human Resources Manager plotting these
individuals, along with existing Key Personnel, by position and priority.

3.11.6 An Associate included in this Chart can currently be working in any position, at any level in
the hotel.

3.11.7 The Succession Plan Chart will contain the following information:

a) Associate Name
b) Current Position
c) Future Potential Position(s)
d) Time-scale for each future position

3.11.8 The Human Resources Manager will compile and maintain a Personal Profile for each
Associate included in the Succession Plan Chart. (See HR-08/ ver.2016 Personal Profile).
In addition to the information contained in the form, the Personal Profile could include
information as listed below:

a) Associate’s personal details/career and education history.

b) Particular strengths/skills/abilities of the Associate.
c) Specific Training and Development needs.
d) Proposed schedule of future development/promotions/positions.

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Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Manpower Development and Succession

3.11.9 A specific Training Program may be designed for each individual to ensure they receive
appropriate training and attend necessary corporate courses to prepare them for promotion
when an appropriate vacancy arises.

3.11.10It is recommended that at some stage these Associates are involved in Cross Exposure
Training, or Task Force projects at other hotels.

3.11.11The Human Resources Manager will organize a Manpower Development/Succession

Planning meeting, to be held every six months and attended by the General Manager and
Head of Departments. This meeting will review changes and progress of the Manpower
Development/Succession Planning Program for Associates.

3.11.12The General Manager will forward on a quarterly basis to the Corporate Office Human
Resources Department a copy of the minutes of these meetings along with an updated
Succession Plan Chart for the hotel, accompanied by his comments where appropriate on
individuals involved.

3.11.13During hotel visits, Corporate Directors will meet with appropriate ‘high potential’ Associates
in their respective divisions to assess technical skills and development progress. A report
on the outcome of these meetings will be forwarded to the Corporate Office Human
Resources Department for consideration and inclusion in the Company’s Manpower
Development/Succession Planning Program.

3.11.14The Corporate Human Resources Department will compile and maintain a Manpower
Development/Succession Planning Program for the Company based on input and
information received from individual hotels.

3.11.15The above will be ready reference for the fulfillment of the Career Development potential and
the group-wide future requirements for trained and competent Associates, thus ensuring
replacements for vacant positions, emergency situations, and leave cover, and at the same
time encouraging personal growth and advancement opportunities for all Associates.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Statutory Training

3.12.1 It is the responsibility of the Human Resources Manager to ensure compliance with Statutory

3.12.2 Even where there are no statutory requirements, the Human Resources Manager must
ensure that Associates receive training in these subjects, as if it were a statutory requirement.

3.12.3 All Statutory Training will be carried out at the required frequency and will be accurately
recorded in the Human Resources Department.

3.12.4 Audits will be carried out from time to time by Corporate Office to check that Statutory Training
requirements are being met.

3.12.5 Assistance in setting up these Program may be obtained from Corporate Office, local
Government bodies, and also suppliers of equipment, cleaning materials, etc. who often have
their own Training Programs.

3.12.6 Records of Statutory Training will be kept up-to-date and available for inspection by
authorities at any time.

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Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Supervisory Training

3.13.1 Each Head of Department is responsible for the development of their subordinates.

3.13.2 Names of Associates who are identified as having potential for development will be forwarded
to the Human Resources Department for inclusion in the hotel and the Corporate Office
Training Plans.

3.13.3 Supervisory Training will primarily be on-the-job exposure to various elements of their
Manager’s work and responsibilities, with supporting involvement in off-the-job Training

3.13.4 All Supervisory Training/Development provided to an Associate will be recorded by the

Human Resources Department

3.13.5 Exposure will be given to the following topics:

a) Communication
b) Team building
c) Training skills
d) Work schedules/Attendance sheets
e) Time management
f) Performance standards
g) Improving work methods.
h) Disciplining Associates

3.13.6 All potential or existing Supervisors will attend the Company’s ‘Supervisory Skills’ Program
and ‘Train the Trainer’ Program.

3.13.7 The Human Resources Manager will make arrangements for appropriate Associates to
attend the above Programs.

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Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Technical Skills Training

3.14.1 All Safir Hotels & Resorts Associates will be professionally trained in their jobs to enable them
to provide consistent, efficient and technically competent service.

3.14.2 Each Department will maintain an up-to-date Departmental Task Manual including Minimum
Standards of Performance for each task.

3.14.3 All new Associates will receive Technical Skills Training in tasks relevant to their job in
accordance with the Departmental Task Manual.

3.14.4 Individual records will be maintained by the Human Resources Manager for all Technical
Skills Training carried out with an Associate. This may take the form of a Technical Skills
Training Checklist.

3.14.5 All new Associates must complete Technical Skills Training within the first month of their

3.14.6 The Associate’s Training Record, or Technical Skills Training Checklist, will be signed off by
the Associate, the Trainer, and the Head of Department to confirm that training has been
completed to the required standard.

3.14.7 Technical Skills Training will be carried out by a trained Trainer/Supervisor/ Head of

3.14.8 Re-training of technical skills will continue on an ongoing basis for all Associates.

3.14.9 Any new tasks, change of standard, etc. must be incorporated into the Departmental Task
Manual, and the appropriate Technical Skills Training carried out for each Associate, and
subsequently recorded in his/her individual Training Record and/or his/her Technical Skills
Training Checklist.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Training and Certification Process

3.15.1 All Safir Hotels & Resorts are required to implement each standard in the Safir Hotels &
Resorts Training and Certification Process.

3.15.2 The Safir Hotels & Resorts Training and Certification Process includes but is not limited to
the following:

a) Training in Safir Hotels & Resorts Service Culture.

b) Training in local culture and traditions, particularly for expatriate Associates.
c) New Associate orientation; a minimum of one day to include, Safir Hotels & Resorts
overview, hotel information, grooming standards, safety and security, Associate
d) Departmental job task certification checklist and job description training.
e) Ongoing training according to the hotel and department training plans
f) Health and Safety Training
g) Fire Safety Training
h) Quality Assurance/Improvement Program
i) Performance Management Appraisals and Succession Training
j) Train the Trainer Program
k) Grooming and Personal Hygiene Training
l) Up selling
m) Complaint Handling Training
n) Telephone Etiquette
o) Food and Beverage Training
p) Interviewing Skill Training
q) Supervisory Skills Training
r) English Language Training
s) Various Associate Recognition Programs

3.15.3 The Human Resources Department will be responsible for coordinating the program and all
Department Heads will be trained and be responsible for their Associate’s training to ensure
total compliance.

3.15.4 The Corporate Human Resources Department will provide resources, materials, assistance,
and Corporate-led programs to help with compliance.

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Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Training and Certification Process

3.15.5 Ideally, all Associates should receive ‘New Associate Orientation Training’ on their first or
second day of employment. However, at the latest, Associates must complete the New
Associate Orientation Program, which includes Overview Service Culture Training, within 30
days of employment.

3.15.6 Newly hired Associates should be introduced to the Colors of Safir Program as per the
Corporate Identity Manual.

3.15.7 All Associates must actively participate in at least one Service Culture training session every
month within their Department. This need not be formal classroom training.

3.15.8 Every Safir Hotel & Resort should have detailed fire emergency response and evacuation
policies and procedures and all hotel Associates should be familiar with them know how to
respond in case of an emergency.

3.15.9 Other security related policies should also be developed at the hotel level, such as bomb
threat, natural disaster, power blackout etc. Regular training sessions should be conducted
throughout the year to ensure all Associates are familiar with all fire and other emergency
procedures and act accordingly in case of emergency.

3.15.10Monthly Quality Assurance/Improvement seminar must be conducted within each

Department. These not are formal classroom training.

3.15.11General Managers will establish performance objectives with individuals and departments,
which will develop continuous improvement in the hotel’s Guest Questionnaire ratings.

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Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Training Facilities and Equipment

3.16.1 Each hotel will have available in the Human Resources/ Training Department the following:

a) Flipchart stand and paper

b) Marker pens
c) LLD project and laptop
d) Overhead projector/screen
e) Television / video player
f) Relevant videos
g) Relevant training books and manuals.

3.16.2 Each hotel will make a room available, preferably on a permanent basis, to be utilized as the
Training Room.

3.16.3 The Training Room will comprise the following:

a) Minimum size = 6 meters x 6 meters

b) Adequate lighting
c) Adequate air conditioning
d) Chairs and tables for up to 12 people
e) Adequate number of power sockets
f) Lockable cupboard for storage of equipment and materials.

3.16.4 The Human Resources/Training Manager will be responsible for the cleanliness and upkeep
of the Training Room. He/she will also be responsible for the storage, availability and
maintenance of training materials and equipment.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Training Plan Records and Reports

3.17.1 Each hotel will:

a) Develop an Annual Training Plan

b) Develop Departmental Monthly Training Plans
c) Measure the results of training efforts
d) Accurately record all training carried out in the hotel
e) Produce a Monthly Training Report

3.17.2 The Human Resources Manager, along with Head of Departments will conduct an
assessment of training needs to determine the training related items that will contribute most
to the achievement of the hotel’s Annual Strategic Business Goals and Associate

3.17.3 Any needs requiring Corporate-led courses of activities will be advised to the Corporate

3.17.4 The Human Resources Manager will prepare a written Training Plan as part of the hotel’s
Annual Budget and Business Planning Process.

3.17.5 The Training Plan will detail how training needs will be addressed, who will be trained,
budgetary requirements, training method to be used and measurement criteria.

3.17.6 Each Head of Department will submit to the Human Resources Manager at the end of each
month a Monthly Department Training Plan detailing the planned training activities for their
Department for the following month.

3.17.7 Along with the Monthly Training Plan they will submit a report on training carried out in their
Department during the current month. The report will include training topics, name of
Trainees/Trainer, dates and reasons for any planned training not completed.

3.17.8 The Human Resources Manager will produce a summarized Monthly Training Report for the
hotel for inclusion in the General Manager’s Monthly Report. This will include type of training
delivered, training topics, number of participants, reasons for any training cancelled, training
not completed and training planned for the following month.

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File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Training Plan Records and Reports

3.17.9 Training carried out will be measured for effectiveness both quantitatively and qualitatively.

3.17.10All training carried out will be recorded and documented on the individual Associate’s file.

3.17.11Training Attendance Sheet’s will be used to record attendance at training sessions.

3.17.12The Trainer will be responsible for completing these and forwarding them to the Human
Resources Department. Attendance Sheets will include the training topic, Associate name
and signature, Trainer name and signature, date of training.

3.17.13The Human Resources Manager will be responsible for compiling Training Records from the
Attendance Sheets and entering appropriate information into Associate’s Individual Training

3.17.14Training Records will be maintained up-to-date and available for inspection at any time.

3.17.15Heads of Department will maintain copies of Training Records for their own Department and
these records will be maintained up-to-date and available for inspection at any time by the
Human Resources Manager.

3.17.16The Corporate Office Human Resources Department will maintain separate records of
Corporate-led training delivered.

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Operating Manual

File under: Section 3 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-003 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Tuition Training and Education Assistance

3.18.1 An Associate will only be considered for tuition/training/education assistance if he/she has
completed a minimum of five years continuous service with the hotel.

3.18.2 The General Manager will decide whether the hotel will finance the total cost, or a percentage
of the cost, of the requested program.

3.18.3 General Manager wishing to attend similar external program must submit their request to the
Corporate Office for approval.

3.18.4 In cases where the hotel/Company nominates an Associate to attend such program, the hotel
will bear the full cost of the program.

3.18.5 An Associate requesting tuition/training/education assistance must submit a written request

to the Human Resource Manager, including full details of the program content, costs
and reasons/benefits for attendance.

3.18.6 Encouragement is to be given to any Associates wishing to undergo training to improve

his/her job knowledge/career potential. However, a true benefit to the hotel/Company must
be considered before any firm financial commitment is made.

3.18.7 Whether requested by the Associate or nominated by the hotel, the Associate will be
expected to use the knowledge gained on return to the hotel and to share the knowledge with
his/her colleagues.

3.18.8 It is recommended that upon his/her completion of the program the Associate should make
a presentation/ report to his/her colleagues on the program.

3.18.9 A written agreement containing details of the conditions of him/her receiving assistance will
be signed by the Associate before embarking on the program.

3.18.10An Associate resigning from his/her position within 12 months of completing the assisted
program will reimburse to the hotel all costs paid on his/her behalf for the program.

3.18.11This period may be reduced at the discretion of the General Manager in consideration of the
cost and duration of the program.

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Policy no: HR-004 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM



Performance Management, Awards

Certificate of Service HR/CS-4.1
And Reviews
Performance Management, Awards Performance Management HR/PM-4.2
And Reviews
Performance Management, Awards Performance Standard HR/PS-4.3
And Reviews
Performance Management, Awards Recognition / Rewards HR/RR-4.4
And Reviews
Performance Management, Awards Sports and Social Activities HR/SSA-4.5
And Reviews

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 4 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-004 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Certificate of Service

4.1.1 The policy will be to provide all Associates with a Certificate of Service.

4.1.2 Safir Hotels & Resorts must be protected against any possible legal action being taken as a
result of giving out references. Therefore, information given out must be limited to that of
factual and not subjective nature.

4.1.3 Certificates of Service/References must only be signed by the General Manager and/or the
Human Resources Manager. (See HR-09/ ver.2016 Request For Certification)

4.1.4 The Certificate of Service will be produced locally, either on a pre-printed certificate, or a
Computer generated one on hotel letterhead paper.

4.1.5 Information contained therein will include:

a) Associate Name
b) Position held
c) Dates of employment
d) Hotel logo

4.1.6 No member of the Management or other Associates will have the authority to sign Certificates
of Service.

4.1.7 All requests for references on ex-Associates, written or verbal, will be referred to the General
Manager or the Human Resources Manager.

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File under: Section 4 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-004 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Performance Management

4.2.1 It will be the responsibility of any Associate in a Managerial or Supervisory position to manage
the performance of their subordinates.

4.2.2 Each Associate will undergo a formal performance review towards the end of his or her
probation period and thereafter an annual performance appraisal. (See HR-10/ ver.2016

4.2.3 Each Associate will participate in a three phase Performance Management Process with their
Supervisor on an annual basis.

4.2.4 Performance Planning:

Upon completion of the probation period, and following the Annual Performance Appraisal,
the Associate and Supervisor will agree at a face-to-face meeting on the following:

a) Objectives for the coming year (Business and Personal).

b) Individual Development Action Plan.

4.2.5 Performance Review:

1. Ongoing Feedback and Progress Reviews will be conducted on an informal basis

throughout the year, and at a more formal mid-year review.
2. Annual Performance Appraisals will be conducted towards the end of the year of
3. Original Appraisal Form is sent to Human Resources Department to be kept in the
Personnel File and a copy is to be given to the Associate.

4.2.6 Meetings Between Appraiser and Appraisee:

1. The meeting place shall be suitable to the task and should allow the Appraisee to feel
comfortable and at ease.
2. Both parties will allow sufficient time for the interview, and neither party should be under
excessive time or work pressure immediately before or after the meeting.
3. The meeting must have clearly defined and mutually agreed objectives.

File under: Section 4 Effective date: April 2016

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Policy no: HR-004 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Performance Management

4. The meeting shall be conducted in a non-threatening manner, and should not be

interrupted by telephone calls, pagers or any other form of distraction.
5. Performance, Objectives, Standards, Expectations and Priorities shall be:
a) Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound and most importantly
b) Measurable by time and by results.
c) Mutually created and agreed.
d) Limited to a maximum of five most important issues to be tackled.
6. Feedback and Progress Reviews will:
a) Measure the level of effectiveness.
b) Revise the objectives when appropriate.
c) If a gap exists between the objective and the interim result achieved, the Appraiser
and Appraisee will consider means to improve performance such as training,
coaching, provision of extra assets, etc.

4.2.7 The Annual Performance Appraisal will include:

1. Both immediate Superior (the Appraiser) and the Associate (the Appraisee)
preparing the Performance Appraisal Form.
2. The Appraiser agrees to a mutually acceptable time to conduct the appraisal with
the Associate (the Appraisee).
3. The Appraiser and the Appraisee review the past year’s performance at a formal
one-to-one meeting session.
4. The Appraiser and the Appraisee will complete the appraisal documentation
5. Consensus is to be achieved and the Associate is required to sign his/her
acknowledgement that the appraisal was fair and truly reflects the measurable
performance of the Associate.
6. Objectives are mutually agreed upon for the following year and career planning
is done.
7. The completed appraisal document will be passed to the appraiser superior for
review and signature.
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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Performance Standard

4.3.1 For all Key Personnel individual Objectives are set and reviewed regularly to ensure that the
following aims are achieved:

a) Each individual’s performance is directed towards the hotel’s Objectives.

b) To ensure compliance with the Company’s Quality Service Standards.
c) To assist Safir Hotels & Resorts in identifying Associates for development and what the
individual development needs are.
d) To ensure that Key Personnel receive an objective personal meeting with the immediate
Superior on a regular basis.

4.3.2 Within three months of appointment to a new assignment, each Key Personnel Associate will
set their individual Objectives with their immediate Superior.

1. It is the Superior’s responsibility to ensure that:

a) All Objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.

b) All Performance Standards are documented in the appropriate manner.
c) The Associate understands the system of Objectives and Performance Appraisal.

4.3.3 After every 6 months the Objectives will be reviewed between the Associate and his/her
Superior to check progress, and if necessary to set new Objectives and layout dates.

4.3.4 Objectives and Review Meetings will form the basis of a full Performance Appraisal that will
be carried out on an annual basis.

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Policy no: HR-004 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Recognition / Rewards

4.4.1 As a minimum each hotel will operate the following programs:

a) Associate of the Month Award

b) Associate of the Year Award
c) Long Service Awards
d) Birthday Cards / Parties
e) Associate Suggestion Scheme

1. Casual Workers are not eligible for inclusion in these Associate Recognition and Rewards

4.4.2 Associate of the Month:

1. Associate of the Month program is open to all Rank and File Associates, E and F levels.

2. Every month the hotel will select two Associates of the Month, one from the Back of
House areas and one from Front of House areas.

3. The Human Resources Manager, along with the General Manager, will set out the
criteria on which selection will be based, however this will include as a minimum:

a) Punctuality and attendance.

b) Working relationships with Guests and colleagues.
c) Appearance and Grooming.
d) Contribution to increased sales/cost savings.
e) Extraordinary commitment to work.

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Policy no: HR-004 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Recognition / Rewards

4. Associates nominated must have been employed for a minimum of 6 months, and must
have been clear of any disciplinary issues for the immediate past 6 months. These
criteria will be confirmed by the Human Resources Manager.
5. The Human Resources Manager will be responsible for implementing the system
through which these Associates will be selected. This should involve nominations and
a secret vote by Management and Heads of Department.
6. Winners and the Associate of the Month title will receive the following:
a) A cash award / a ticket.
b) Certificate signed by the General Manager and the Human Resources Manager.
c) Congratulatory letter from the General Manager / Human Resources Manager.
d) Their photograph displayed in Associate areas and the Lobby during the following

7. To inspire others the above will be presented to the winners in the presence of other
Associates. (i.e. - at monthly birthday party, or similar).
8. Photographs will be taken of the presentations.

9. Arrangements should be made for a press - release and photograph to be issued to

local press.

10. Associates who are nominated for this award, but are not selected as winners, will
receive a letter from the General Manager advising them of this.

See HR-11/ ver.2016 Associate of the Month Nomination

4.4.3 Associate of the Year / Chairman’s Award:

1. In January of each year the hotel will select two Associates of the Year for the Previous
Year, one from Back of House areas and one from Front Office areas.

2. The Associates of the Year will be selected from the previous year’s Associates of the

3. For criteria and selection, see Associate of the Month above.

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File under: Section 4 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-004 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Recognition / Rewards

4. Winners of the Associate of the Year title will receive the following:

a) A cash award / a ticket.

b) Certificate signed by General Manager and the Human Resources Manager.
c) Congratulatory letter from the General Manager.
d) Their photograph displayed in Associate areas and Lobby for the remainder of the

5. To inspire others the above will be presented to the winners in the presence of other
Associates (ideally at the Annual Associate Party).

6. Photographs will be taken of the presentations.

7. Arrangements should be made for a press - release and photograph to be issued to

local press.

8. Names and Job titles of Associate of the Year will be forwarded to the Corporate Human
Resources Department by 15th January in order that their achievement may be
acknowledged by Corporate Office.

9. Additional prizes may be awarded to the winners at the discretion of the General
Manager. (i.e. air tickets, gifts, etc.)

4.4.4 Long Service Awards:

1. Service will be recognized of Associates completing 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of service

with the Safir Hotels & Resorts.

2. Length of service will be counted not only with one hotel, but total continuous service
with Safir Hotels & Resorts.

3. Each Associate will receive a Service Pin in recognition of the appropriate number of
years of service.

4. Service Pins will be provided by the Corporate Office.

5. Along with their Service Pin, all Associates will also receive a congratulatory letter from
the General Manager.

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Policy no: HR-004 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Recognition / Rewards

6. Associates celebrating 5, 10, 15 or 20 years of service will receive a Certificate of

Appreciation, signed by the Chairman and General Manager of the hotel.

7. Associates celebrating 5, 10, 15 or 20 years of service will also receive a cash award
equivalent to one week basic salary for every five years of service.

8. Great importance will be given to the presentation of these awards.

9. Presentation receptions will be held on a quarterly basis. Associates celebrating their

service anniversary will be invited to attend. Receptions will normally be held in the
afternoon, with soft drinks and sandwiches being served.

10. Awards will be presented by the General Manager.

11. Individual and group photographs will be taken.

12. Arrangements will be made to issue a press release to the local press.

4.4.5 Birthday Cards / Parties:

1. Every Associate working in the hotel will receive a birthday card on his/her birthday signed
by the General Manager, the Human Resources Manager, and his/her Head of Department.

2. The Human Resources Manager will implement a follow-up system to ensure that
Associates receive their cards on the correct day.

3. Towards the end of each month the Human Resources Manager will arrange a Birthday
Party for Associates who had birthdays during that month.

4. A Birthday Cake and tea/coffee/soft drinks will be provided.

5. The party will also be attended by the General Manager, the Human Resources Manager,
and all Heads of Department.
6. Photographs will be taken which will subsequently be displayed in Associate Back of House
7. Units can freely develop other gift schemes, as they deem necessary.
File under: Section 4 Effective date: April 2016

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Policy no: HR-004 Next Revision: February 2017

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Recognition / Rewards

4.4.6 Associate Suggestion Scheme:

1. Each hotel will operate a Formal Associate Suggestion Scheme, allowing Associates to put
forward ideas and suggestions, which will improve Guest satisfaction, increase revenue,
reduce costs or improve any part of the hotel’s operation.

2. Each suggestion that is submitted will be reviewed by the General Manager and the
appropriate Head of Department to determine its feasibility for implementation.

3. When an Associate’s suggestion is implemented, he/she will receive a reward (normally

cash) along with a congratulatory letter from the General Manager and Human Resources

4. The Human Resources Manager will implement a follow-up system to ensure that all
Associate suggestions are responded to, and Associates are kept updated on the
progress/outcome of their suggestion.

5. A program may be implemented for selecting and recognizing the suggestion of the month.

6. The level of rewards made for successfully implemented suggestions will be agreed locally.

7. Details of successfully implemented suggestions will be forwarded by the General Manager

to the Group General Manager at Corporate Office in order that they may be shared with
other hotels in the Company.

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File under: Section 4 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-004 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Sports and Social Activities

4.5.1 The Human Resources Manager will be responsible for forming an Associate Sports / Social

4.5.2 Each hotel will organize an Associate sports or social activity at least on a quarterly basis.

4.5.3 When planning these events consideration must be given to variety, age/sex/ethnic
breakdown of Associates and the specific interests of Associates.

4.5.4 Sports events will include competition for which prizes will be awarded to the winners.

4.5.5 Participation in sporting events with other local hotels/businesses is encouraged.

4.5.6 Costs to Associates of participating in these events should be minimized, and preferably
there should be no cost, the expenses being charged to the hotels Associate
benefit/Associate relations’ account.

4.5.7 Besides the above quarterly events, the hotel will arrange and host at least one major social
event per year (i.e. Annual Associate Party) for all Associates.

4.5.8 The Management Team will organize and host this event, as it will predominantly be an
Associate event.

4.5.9 Where space, logistics, etc. allow, this event should include Associates spouse/partners.

4.5.10 This event will be a celebration event, and looked upon as a thank you from the hotel to its

4.5.11 Photographs will be taken of all Associate sports/social events and will subsequently be
displayed in Associate Back of House areas.

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM



Procedures Appeals Procedure HR/AP-5.1

Procedures Exit Interviews HR/EI-5.2
Procedures Associate Termination HR/AT-5.3
Procedures Death of an Associate HR/DA-5.4
Procedures Associate Resignation HR/AR-5.5
Procedures Associate Retirement HR/AR-5.6
Procedures Disciplinary Procedure HR/DP-5.7
Procedures Grievance Procedure HR/GP-5.8

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Appeals Procedure

5.1.1 Appeals against disciplinary action will be made in writing, addressed to the Human
Resources Manager, giving full explanation of the grounds of the appeal.

5.1.2 The outcome of the Appeals Meeting may uphold, lessen, or increase the level of disciplinary
action originally taken.

5.1.3 If not satisfied with the outcome of the Appeals Meetings, the Associate may continue the
Appeals Procedure up to the level of the General Manager, and if necessary the Regional
Office and Group General Manager, whose decision will be final.

5.1.4 Associates should never fear retaliation for making use of the Appeals Procedures.

5.1.5 Appeals will be submitted to the Human Resources Manager within five (5) working days of
the disciplinary action being confirmed to the Associate.

5.1.6 An Appeals Meeting will be set up between the Human Resources Manager, the Associate
and the Superior of the Head of Department/ Supervisor who issued the disciplinary action
within five (5) working days of the receipt of the appeal.

5.1.7 The outcome of the Appeals Meetings will be conferred in writing to the Associate within two
(2) working days of the meeting taking place.

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Exit Interviews

5.2.1 All Associates leaving the employment of the hotel will be invited to participate in an Exit

5.2.2 An Associate should never fear retaliation for speaking negatively about the hotel or a
Manager/Supervisor during his/her Exit Interview.

5.2.3 A summary of information obtained will be recorded in the hotel’s Labor Turnover and
Reason for Leaving Reports, which will be submitted to the Corporate Office Human
Resources Department at the end of each month.

5.2.4 The Human Resources Manager will design a standard Exit Interview Form for use during
Exit Interviews.

5.2.5 The Exit Interviews will be conducted during the Associate’s last week at work, but not on his
his/her last day.

5.2.6 The Human Resources Manager should carry out the Interview. The Associate’s immediate
superior will not carry it out.

5.2.7 The Associate should be assured that there would be no negative repercussions for providing
negative opinions or feedback during the Exit Interview.

5.2.8 Information gained from Exit Interviews will be shared with the General Manager discussed
with the appropriate Departmental Head and appropriate action taken to reverse or change
any negative points raised.

(See HR-12/ ver.2016 Exit Interview Form)

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Associate Termination

5.3.1 All Termination of employment will be carried out within the scope of the hotel’s policies and
procedures and more importantly within the requirements of the local legislation.

5.3.2 Only the General Manager is authorized to terminate an Associate.

5.3.3 Termination of Associates in Key Personnel positions (as defined in HR 6.22) must have the
approval of the Corporate Office before being carried out.

5.3.4 Terminations shall be carried out in a professional manner, in private. The Human
Resources Manager will be in attendance at the meeting involving termination of

5.3.5 Reasons for Termination will be recorded in the hotel’s Labor Turnover and Reason for
Leaving Reports which will be included in the General Manager’s Monthly Report submitted
to the Corporate Office Human Resources Department at the end of each month.

5.3.6 It is the responsibility of all members of the hotel’s Management Team to manage their
Associates in such a manner that Associate Termination occurs only for unavoidable
reasons. (poor health, retirement etc.)

5.3.7 Termination of Employment may be affected for any one of the following reasons:

a) End of contract or agreed term of employment

b) Poor performance
c) Disciplinary matter
d) Poor health
e) Redundancy / reduction in manpower requirements

5.3.8 An Associate being terminated will be given appropriate notice required in line with his/her
Contract of Employment and with local legislation.

5.3.9 At the time of termination any payments due to an Associate (notice, vacation, service
indemnity, etc.) will be fully paid to him/her in accordance with his/her Contract of
Employment and local legislation.

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Associate Termination

5.3.10 Notice of termination will be confirmed to an Associate in writing either during or immediately
after the termination meeting.

5.3.11 If permissible under local legislation and within the Contract of Employment, the hotel may
pay the appropriate amount in lieu of working the notice period.

5.3.12 The Human Resources Manager is responsible for ensuring all appropriate administration is
carried out regarding the termination of the Associate, and that all hotel property is received
back from the Associate prior to the final payment being made to him/her.

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Death of an Associate

5.4.1 The General Manager will issue a local policy to all Key Personnel the contents of which will
meet the requirements of local laws and regulations covering death.

5.4.2 Where the Death of an Associate occurs, the body will not be moved until a doctor and the
police arrive on the scene.

5.4.3 The Corporate Office will be advised immediately if an Associate death occurs.

5.4.4 Where the Associate is a foreign national, the appropriate Embassy or Consulate will be

5.4.5 The Human Resources Manager will be responsible for liaising and coordinating with the
authorities regarding the movement of the body and other associated issues.

5.4.6 The General Manager will decide who will advise the next of kin and ascertain if any
assistance can be given.

5.4.7 Where the deceased is an expatriate Associate, the Human Resources Manager will
coordinate the transfer of the body to his/her home country.

5.4.8 If funeral arrangements are known, details of the same should be put on the Associate notice
board for any Associates who wish to attend.

5.4.9 The Human Resources Manager will arrange for flowers and/or messages of condolence to
be sent to the next of kin.

5.4.10 The Human Resources Manager will liaise with the next of kin regarding any belongings,
payments and insurance payments that may be due.

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Associate Resignation

5.5.1 An associate wishing to resign from his/her position must do so in writing to his/her Head of
Department, with a copy to the Human Resources Manager.
5.5.2 Resignations received from Associates in Key Personnel positions will be advised to the
Corporate Office immediately.
5.5.3 The hotel shall not make counter offers to the Associates once they have submitted their
resignation in writing.
5.5.4 Reasons for resignation will be recorded in the hotel’s Labor Turnover and Reason for
Leaving Reports will be submitted to the Corporate Office, Human Resources Department at
the end of each month.
5.5.5 It is the responsibility of all members of the hotel’s Management Team to manage their
Associates in such a manner that Associate resignations occur only for unavoidable reasons
(e.g. poor health, Associate relocates, etc.)
5.5.6 An Associate submitting his/her resignation will give the appropriate period of notice as
contained in his/her Contract of Employment, or in line with local legislation.
5.5.7 The Human Resources Department will respond to the resignation in writing confirming that
it is accepted and confirming the date of the Associate’s last working day.
5.5.8 On his/her last working day, any payment due to an Associate (notice, vacation, service
indemnity, etc) will be paid full to him/her, in accordance with his/her Contract of Employment
and local legislation.
5.5.9 If permissible under local legislation where an Associate does not offer required notice period
the final payment will only include payment up to his/her last day of work.
5.5.10 If permissible under local legislation and within the Contract of Employment, the hotel may
pay the appropriate amount in lieu of working the notice period.

5.5.11 The Human Resources Manager is responsible for ensuring all appropriate administration is
carried out regarding the resignation of an Associate, and that all hotel property received
back from the Associate prior to final payment being made to him/her.
5.5.12 Upon the request of the Associate a reference letter should be given to each Associate by
the Human Resources Department and for Associate Managers and above the reference
letter should be given by the General Manager.

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Associate Retirement

5.6.1 All Associates will normally be required to retire at the age of 60.

5.6.2 Retirement may be deferred beyond the age of 60, but only in exceptional circumstances.

5.6.3 Deferred retirement may not be authorized for a period longer than 12 months at a time.

5.6.4 Any Associates continuing employment beyond the age of 60 are required to attend a
Company medical examination prior to each period of deferment being confirmed.

5.6.5 On reaching 60 years of age, an Associate will cease to be covered by the Company’s group
Medical and Life Assurance programs. However, they may still be covered by local or
Government-led programs, depending on the rules and regulations of such programs.

5.6.6 Retirement gifts / parties may be arranged by the hotel, based on length of service at

5.6.7 Where local legislation stipulates that retirement age will be above or below 60 years of age,
this will be advised to the Corporate Office in order that appropriate local policies may be
agreed and implemented.

5.6.8 The Human Resources Manager will advise/remind an Associate 13 weeks in advance that
he / she will be retired on reaching the age of 60, in order that they may start planning as

5.6.9 This notice will be given at a meeting between the Associate, the Human Resources
Manager and the General Manager.

5.6.10 The Associate should be given advice/counseling to assist with any concerns he/she may
have about retirement.

5.6.11 At this, meeting initial discussions may take place regarding Deferred Retirement, should the
Associate be interested in this.

5.6.12 The outcome, of this meeting should be conferred to the Associate in writing.

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Associate Retirement

5.6.13 Deferred Retirement:

1. An associate wishing to defer his/her retirement must make a written application to the
General Manager.

2. All applications for deferred retirement will be forwarded to the Corporate Office for review
and final decisions.

3. Where deferment is approved, this will be subject to the Associate attending a medical
examination and will not be for a period of more than 12 months.

4. The above process will be completed in 6 weeks from the end of the deferred period
should the Associate wish to defer retirement further.

5.6.14 Retirement Gift / Party:

1. A farewell party may be given at the hotel’s expense for Associates who have completed
a minimum of 5 years’ service at the date of retirement.

2. The style of party and guest list will be decided by the General Manager and should
reflect the length of service.

3. The retirement gift may be given at the hotel’s expense for Associates who have
completed at least five years of service at the date of retirement.

4. The General Manager will decide the nature and value of the gift and should reflect the
length of service.

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Disciplinary Procedure

5.7.1 The disciplinary procedures have been designed to ensure that there is a standard method
of disciplining any Associate of Safir Hotels & Resorts, which not only gives the Associate
some protection, but also enables the unit to take appropriate disciplinary action when

5.7.2 Any disciplinary violation shall be classified as:

1. Minor Infraction:
A minor infraction is one that is an act or omission by an Associate that can be corrected
but needs some disciplinary action.

Examples of a minor infraction are:

a) Lateness
b) Laziness
c) Poor work habits
d) Poor appearance

2. Major Infraction:
A major infraction is one where the Associate’s behavior is so intolerable as to warrant
severe disciplinary action being taken.

Examples of major infraction are:

a) Fighting
b) Drunkenness
c) Abusive behavior towards a Guest or an Associate
d) Violation of safety standards
e) Breaking the law of the country.
f) Sexual Harassment

5.7.3 It should be noted that the above are examples only and for each case of misconduct the
Supervisor must decide under which category the infraction falls.

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Disciplinary Procedure

5.7.4 Disciplinary Action:

In certain countries, there may be a statutory disciplinary procedure. In those circumstances, the
statutory procedure will take precedence over which is stated in this policy

1. Verbal Warning:

a) A verbal warning is given by Department Head or by supervisor without involvement

of Human Resources Manager.
b) However, after the verbal warning is issued to the Associate a written record of the
circumstances surrounding the warning and the improvements to be made must be
forwarded to the Human Resources Department to be placed in the Associate file.
(See HR-13/ ver.2016 Advice of an Offence).

2. First Written Warning:

Given by the Personnel Manager in the presence of the Head of Department.

3. Final Written Warning:

Given by the Personnel Manager with the Head of Department present.

4. Termination:

This may be authorized only by the General Manager.

5. Validity:

All warnings are only valid for 6 months.

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Disciplinary Procedure

5.7.5 Method:

1. Once a decision has been made to formally discipline an Associate, the Associate must
be advised that a disciplinary interview is to take place. It is a recommended practice to
encourage an Associate to bring a work colleague to the interview, if they so wish.

2. When the disciplinary interview takes place, the Associate must be allowed a right of
reply before decision is made as to what action will be taken. Having heard an Associate,
it may be decided that further time is required to investigate the case, this cannot be more
than 3 days.

3. It is important that disciplinary interviews are not pre-judged and the disciplinary action to
be taken, if any, is not decided until after the interview has been conducted.

4. For Minor Infractions:

Normally, on the first occasion, a verbal warning will be sufficient but if repetition of the
infraction occurs within 6 months, it will warrant a written warning.

5. For Major Infractions:

The action to be taken will depend entirely on the offence. However, in most cases, a
first and final written warning will be given. Termination of an Associate’s contract may
only be authorized by the General Manager and in accordance with local legislation.

5.7.6 Suspension:

When it is deemed unwise to keep an Associate in their place of work following an infraction
a Department Head has a right to apply to the Human Resources Manager to suspend the
Associate in accordance with local legislation until the matter can be dealt with under normal
disciplinary procedures. Suspension must be on “ full-pay” and the length of suspension
must be stated at the time. Suspension should be used when a “cooling off” period is
advisable. Suspension can only be for up to 72 hours.

5.7.7 Details of Disciplinary procedures shall be contained in the Associate handbook.

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File under: Section 5 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-005 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Grievance Procedure

5.8.1 An Associate who has a grievance must first discuss it with his/her immediate Supervisor.

5.8.2 A Head of Department/Supervisor when is approached by an Associate with a grievance will

listen to the Associate and give advice/take action to resolve the grievance, as far as they
can within the scope of authority and responsibility.

5.8.3 Where they are unable to resolve the grievance, they will refer it to their Human Resources

5.8.4 If having followed the appropriate procedures, an Associate is not satisfied with the outcome
of his/her grievance request, he/she may request an appointment with General Manager.
The General Manager’s decision will be final.

5.8.5 The Associate or the Head of Department may at any time request the involvement of the
Human Resources Manager to assists in resolving a grievance.

5.8.6 Associates should never fear retaliation for using the Grievance Procedure.

5.8.7 If the Associate does not receive a satisfactory response/ solution to their grievance within 3
working days of raising it with their immediate Supervisor, they may refer the matter to the
next level of Management.

5.8.8 At each level of Management, the Associate will allow 3 working days to receive a response.

5.8.9 Requests to meet with General Manager will be made in writing, with a copy to the Human
Resources Manager.

5.8.10 A meeting will be arranged with the General Manager within 7 days of receipt of request

5.8.11 The Human Resources Manager will be in attendance at this meeting.

5.8.12 If necessary, the outcome of grievance meetings at any level may be conferred in writing to
the Associate.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM



Removal of Property from Hotel

Administration HR/RP-6.1
Premises / Gate Pass
Administration Inspecting Associate Lockers HR/IAL-6.2
Administration Satisfaction Surveys HR/SS-6.3
Expatriates’ Children Education
Administration HR/CEB-6.4
Administration Air Tickets HR/AT-6.5
Administration Immigration / Visa Requirements HR/IV-6.6
Administration Relocation HR/R-6.7
Administration Transportation HR/T-6.8
Administration Salary and Benefits Specification and HR/SBA-6.9
Administration Staffing Guides HR/SG-6.10
Administration Trade Unions and Associates Collective HR/TA-6.11
Bargaining Agreements
Administration Work Schedules and Hours of Work HR/WS-6.12
Administration Accommodation HR/A-6.13
Administration Facilities HR/F-6.14
Administration Benefits HR/B-6.15
Administration Disability, Medical Handicaps and Life HR/DM-6.16
Threatening Illness
Administration Medical Examination HR/ME-6.17
Administration Compliance with Labor Laws HR/CLL-6.18
Administration Annual Salary Survey HR/ASS-6.19
Administration Associate Loans HR/AL-6.20

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Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM



Administration Overtime Payments HR/OV-6.21

Administration Job Titles and Categories HR/JTC-6.22
Movement of Key Personnel / Status
Administration HR/MKP-6.23
Change Forms
Administration Key Personnel Records HR/KPR-6.24
Administration Associate Files HR/AF-6.25
Administration Documentation for Joiners and Leavers HR/ DJL -6.26
Administration Employment of Relatives HR/ER-6.27
Authority to Recruit Personnel and HR/ARP-6.28
Personnel Requisition
Administration Application for Employment HR/AE-6.29
Administration Employment Contract HR/EC-6.30
Administration Offers of Employment HR/OE-6.31
Administration Person Specification HR/PS-6.32
Administration Transfers and Promotions HR/TP-6.33
Administration Accident Prevention HR/AP-6.34
Administration Health and Safety Policy HR/HSP-6.35
Administration Human Resources and Training Budget HR/HRB-6.36
Administration Human Resources Report and Statistics HR/HRR-6.37
Administration School / College Liaisons HR/SCL-6.38
Administration Pension Arrangements HR/PA-6.39

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

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Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Removal of Property from Hotel Premises /Gate Pass

6.1.1 The Human Resources Manager will establish a procedure for the authorized possession
and bringing into or removal of materials from the hotel.

6.1.2 The Security Department will have a system of recording any items entering or leaving the

6.1.3 The Security Department will carry out regular spot checks on Associates/ contractors/
suppliers entering or leaving the hotel.

6.1.4 The Security Department will have a system of recording spot check searches carried out,
including date, time and any outcome.

6.1.5 Where personal items are being bought into the hotel, they will be declared by the Associate
to the Security Officer on duty at the Associate Entrance.

6.1.6 When female Associates are being searched, search will be carried out by a female Security
Officer. If this is not possible, another female Associate will be present at the time of search.

6.1.7 Before removing any item (gift, food, drink, etc.) belonging to the hotel, an Associate will have
the appropriate release forms approved by his/her Head of Department, confirming that the
item has been issued according to procedures and may be removed.

6.1.8 Any Associate found removing hotel property or any other items which they cannot account
for will be subject to disciplinary action.

6.1.9 Associates are discouraged from bringing valuable personal belongings into the hotel.

See HR-14/ ver.2016 - Gate Pass

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Inspecting Associate Lockers

6.2.1 Locker rooms will be sealed from Associates while a locker inspection is conducted.

6.2.2 If Company property, other than uniform items is found during the inspection, it will be
reported to the General or Resident Manager.

6.2.3 Reports will also be made immediately to General or Human Resources Manager, if unlawful
substances like drugs or questionable prescription for medication are discovered in a locker
during inspection. Locker will then be sealed off to await appropriate action.

6.2.4 All locks different from the ones provided when locker was assigned will be removed and

6.2.5 The locker room area will be inspected on a daily basis to ensure cleanliness and orderliness.

6.2.6 All uniformed Associates will be provided with a locker to store their civilian clothes while on
duty and their uniforms when off duty.

6.2.7 Lockers will be inspected at any time, and at least once monthly, by the Human Resources
Manager or his designate accompanied by the Security Manager and one other Head of

6.2.8 The Human Resources Manager will ensure that a notice concerning regular inspection of
lockers is permanently displayed on the Associate notice board and/or in the locker rooms.

6.2.9 Inspections will include cleanliness of lockers and locker rooms, maintenance of the whole
area, and checking the contents of lockers.

6.2.10 All inspections will be documented together with details of corrective action required and

6.2.11 The Human Resources Manager will implement the Disciplinary Policy in case of violations
regarding contents of lockers.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Satisfaction Surveys

6.3.1 All Associates shall treat each other in a manner that will enable them to treat Guests in
accordance with Safir Hotels & Resorts Service Culture and thereby exceeding customer

6.3.2 All Safir Hotels & Resorts will implement an Associate Satisfaction Survey (ASS), to
determine how effectively the Associates perceive they are being treated, every second year.

6.3.3 Responses to the survey should be anonymous, allowing participants to give critical and
honest feedback.

6.3.4 For the survey to be successful, and to ensure reliable results, the General Manager must:
a) Establish a positive attitude towards the survey in the hotel.
b) Explain the purpose of the survey and that its follow-up is intended to benefit Associates.

6.3.5 The Human Resources Manager is responsible for the execution of the survey, and must
ensure that:
a) Every Associate receives and completes the survey questionnaire.
b) Every Associate understands how the questionnaire should be completed.
c) Every participant understands how the questionnaires remain confidential and guarantees
the anonymity of the participants.
d) Have as many Associates as possible complete the questionnaire.
e) All completed questionnaires are forwarded to the Corporate Office.

6.3.6 The Corporate Office will:

a) Distribute questionnaires to the hotels prior to the survey taking place, along with full
instructions on the process: - Target Date September.
b) Will carry out survey in October (3 months).
c) Hotel will receive results by January.
d) Provide feedback for the hotel in comparison to other Safir Hotels & Resorts.
e) Assist the hotel in the production of a plan to increase motivation and satisfaction in areas
where low results were received.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Expatriates’ Children Education Benefits

6.4.1 Safir International Hotel Management will provide educational benefits for the children of
recruited expatriate Associates holding Key Personnel positions.

6.4.2 The amount allocated for the school allowance will be determined by local conditions and
subject to prior consent from Corporate Office.

6.4.3 Education Benefits will be provided for a maximum of two children up to 18 years of age.

6.4.4 Education Benefits covers enrolment fees and annual fees. It does not cover transport,
textbooks, uniforms, boarding fees, or other related costs.

6.4.5 University fees are not covered.

6.4.6 The Human Resources Department will assist the expatriate Associate in sourcing suitable
educational establishments for his/her child (ren).

6.4.7 Maximum amounts payable for Education Benefits will be determined by the Corporate Office
Human Resources Department.

6.4.8 The Human Resources Manager will follow up to ensure appropriate payments are made
and receipts received.

6.4.9 Education Benefits will not be paid for local Associates.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Air Tickets

6.5.1 The hotel will provide an expatriate Associate with air tickets between his/her agreed Point
of Hire and the hotel’s location at the beginning and end of the Employment Contract, and
also during employment for the purpose of taking vacation.

6.5.2 If the Associate is hired on a Married Status Contract, air tickets will be provided for his/her
spouse, and up to a maximum of two children below 18 years of age.

6.5.3 An Associate resigning from his/her position before the end of the contracted period will be
responsible for purchasing air tickets to his/her Point of Hire at his/her own expense. This will
include spouse and children as appropriate.

6.5.4 An Associate who resigns from his/her position during the first year of the contracted period
will also be liable for costs incurred by the hotel for incoming air tickets for him/her and his/her
family. These costs will be charged to the Associate on a pro rata basis in line with the length
of employment.

6.5.5 All air tickets provided will be based on the most direct and economical route available.

6.5.6 Vacation air tickets may be provided to another geographical destination, provided the cost
does not exceed that of tickets to the point of hire.

6.5.7 Encashment of tickets will be left up to the discretion of the General Manager

6.5.8 For the purpose of air tickets, the Associate Point of Hire will be agreed and stated in the
Associates Offer of Employment letter and Contract of Employment.

6.5.9 The contents of the above policies will be detailed in the Associates Offer of Employment
letter and Contract of Employment in order to avoid any misunderstanding.

6.5.10 Class of travel will be agreed and stated in the Associates Offer of Employment letter and
Contract of Employment. This will normally be by Economy Class.

6.5.11 The frequency at which vacation air tickets are provided for Associates will be as follows.

a) Department Heads and above - on completion of every 12 months of service.

b) All other Associates - on completion of every 24 months of service.

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

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Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Air Tickets

6.5.12 This information will be detailed in the hotel’s Benefits Grid.

6.5.13 Frequency of vacation air tickets will be stated in the Associates Offer of Employment letter
and Contract of Employment.

6.5.14 The Human Resources Manager in conjunction with the Accounts Department will be
responsible for the coordination and administration of Associate air tickets. (See HR-15/
ver.2016 Purchase Order).

6.5.15 The cost of air tickets will be accrued for throughout the period of employment by the Finance
Department, in line with the frequency of tickets and the Point of Hire.

6.5.16 Any deviation from the above policies and standards required the approval of the Corporate

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Immigration / Visa Requirements

6.6.1 It will be stated in all expatriate Associate’s Offer of Employment letter that the Offer of
Employment is subject to obtaining the necessary work/visa permits.

6.6.2 The Human Resources Manager will be responsible for the processing of any immigration
documents for foreign Associates of the hotel.

6.6.3 The hotel will pay for all requirements involved in the processing of visas, work permits etc.
for the Associate. (e.g. - medical, paperwork, vaccinations etc.)

6.6.4 If employed on a Married Status Contract, the hotel will also pay for the processing of the
Associate’s spouse and family visas as appropriate.

6.6.5 The employment of a foreign Associate at the hotel will be in line with the requirements of
the local immigration laws.

6.6.6 Any expenses incurred and reimbursed to the Associate on account of visa/immigration
processing will be supported by relevant receipts and documentation.

6.6.7 The Human Resources Manager will implement a system to ensure that all visas/permits are
kept up-to-date and are renewed on timely basis.

6.6.8 Where local custom or legislation dictates that personal documents (i.e. passports) are to be
held by the employer, a receipt must be issued for these documents to the Associate.

6.6.9 All such documents must be kept by the Human Resources Manager in a lockable, fireproof
cabinet. Duplicate key of this cabinet should be kept in a sealed envelope in the custody of
the Financial Controller.

6.6.10 If an Associate needs the personal documents then he/she will have to submit a withdrawal
requisition and the same must be authorized by the Human Resources Manager. (See HR-
16/ ver.2016 Passport Withdrawal)

6.6.11 A receipt system will be implemented to control withdrawal and return of these documents.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Relocation

6.7.1 The hotel will provide air tickets for the Associate, and where appropriate his/her family, as
detailed in ‘Associate Air Tickets’ Standard Operating Procedures.

6.7.2 The hotel will pay for the relocation of personal belongings of the Associate, and where
appropriate of his/her family, up to the preset limits.

6.7.3 The Human Resources Department will submit a minimum of three quotations from Freight
Companies to the Human Resources Manager for approval before making a commitment to
one of the companies.

6.7.4 The method of shipment of Associates personal belongings will normally be by surface or
sea freight.

6.7.5 An Associate resigning from his/her position before the end of the contracted period will be
responsible for the shipment/relocation of his/her personal belongings back to his/her home
country/point of hire at his/her own expense.

6.7.6 An Associate who resigns from his/her position during the first year of the contracted period
will also be liable for costs incurred by the hotel for incoming shipment of personal belongings
for his/her family. These costs will be charged to the Associate on a pro rata basis in line
with their length of employment.

6.7.7 An Associate transferring or joining a Safir Hotel or Resort in a different location from his/her
current one, but within the same country, may be provided with Relocation Assistance at the
discretion of the General Manager.

6.7.8 Relocation expenses will be charged to the receiving hotel.

6.7.9 The hotel will not cover relocation of pets or vehicles.

6.7.10 For the purpose of Relocation, the Associates point of hire will be agreed, and stated in the
Associates Offer of Employment letter and Contract of Employment.

6.7.11 The contents of the above policies will be detailed in the Associates Offer of Employment
letter and Contract of Employment in order to avoid any misunderstanding.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Relocation

6.7.12 Allowances for relocation of personal belongings provided for Associates will be as follows:

a) General Managers - as detailed by Corporate Office.

b) Executive Committee Members
Single = 200 kg
Married = 400 kg
Per child = 50 kg
c) Other Key Personnel positions.
Single = 150 kg
Married = 300 kg
Per child = 30 kg
d) All other Associates - As per baggage allowance on the air ticket.

6.7.13 This information will be detailed in the hotel’s Benefits Grid.

6.7.14 The maximum number of children to be considered for the purposes of the above allowances
will be two, up to age eighteen.

6.7.15 Relocation allowances will include packing, door to door shipping, and insurance and normal
customs clearance. Customs duty or tax charged on belongings will not be covered by the

6.7.16 Allowances for relocation of personal belongings will be stated in the Associates Offer of
Employment letter and Contract of Employment.

6.7.17 Out of the Associates total relocation allowance, up to 100 kg may be shipped by airfreight.

6.7.18 The Human Resources Manager will be responsible for the co-ordination and administration
of relocation/shipments.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Transportation

6.8.1 ‘Transportation’ will be provided in the form of a hotel car, Associate bus, or a transportation

6.8.2 A hotel car will only be provided for a hotel General Manager, and only after approval from
Corporate Office.

6.8.3 The need to provide transportation or a transportation allowance will be determined by the
requirements of an individual’s job, the location of the Associate Accommodation building
where appropriate, comparison with that provided by other local business, and/or local
legislation requirements.

6.8.4 A hotel car provided for the General Manager may only be driven by him/her, and not by
family members, friends etc. In certain locations a driver may also be provided.

6.8.5 The General Manager will be responsible for ensuring the car is well maintained and kept

6.8.6 The Human Resources Department will be responsible for ensuring that the Associate bus
is well maintained and is kept clean, both on the outside and inside.

6.8.7 The Human Resources Department will prepare a comprehensive timetable for the Associate
bus, ensuring that routes and timings meet the needs of the hotel operation.

6.8.8 Associates hired to drive the hotel vehicle must be tested and must possess the appropriate
valid licenses.

6.8.9 Levels of transportation allowances will be determined by the local market rates, local
transportation costs, and the amount of travel required by Associates.

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Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Salary and Benefits Specification and Administration

6.9.1 As part of the Annual Budget preparation process, each property will establish guidelines for
pay and benefits for each position in the hotel.
6.9.2 Guidelines will include Salary Ranges and a Schedule of Benefits, based on pay grades, for
all positions at the property.
6.9.3 Guidelines will be approved by the General Manager and Assistant Vice President of
Operations and Finance, Safir International Hotel Management.
6.9.4 Pay Grades for all hotel positions will be consistent with Pay Grades that Safir Hotels &
Resorts Corporate Office has established for fixed senior positions in the property.
6.9.5 Salaries are paid to Associates in accordance with local practice, legislation, rules and
regulations. All rules regarding the calculations and payment of Associate taxes, social
security contributions, and other Associate-related costs are understood and followed.
6.9.6 Salaries will be paid in local currency. Any request for salaries to be paid in a foreign
currency requires the written approval of the Corporate Office.
6.9.7 Pay periods will not exceed one Gregorian calendar month.
6.9.8 Salaries can be paid in cash, by cheques, or directly into a bank account.
6.9.9 Every Associate will receive a Pay slip along with his/her salary detailing payment
calculations, including any additional payments and/or deductions made.
6.9.10 The hotel will implement and run a Payroll system, manual or computerized, which follows
the requirements of the Uniform System of Accounting, and complies with local laws and
6.9.11 Benefits entitlements do not change with each Pay Grade. As few distinctions as possible
should be made in benefits across the spectrum of all hotel positions.
6.9.12 The Executive Committee will meet to compare and reach consensus on which positions
from the various Departments belong in the same Grade.
6.9.13 Salaries, benefits and working schedules should be set to ensure security, loyalty, and justice
and should inspire the Associate to individual effort and performance up to or beyond the
Company’s, the hotel’s, and the customer’s expectations.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Salary and Benefits Specification and Administration

6.9.14 Salaries and benefits should be in line with the guideline of the individual hotel, and should
be competitive with hotels in the same city/location/area.

6.9.15 Associates have their salaries and benefits detailed in writing in their Offer of Employment
letter and their Employment Contract.

6.9.16 Salaries are paid before a fixed date every month, and this payday is notified to the Associate
in advance.

6.9.17 Changes in salaries and benefits are advised to the Associate in writing by the General
Manager, and a copy of this correspondence, signed by the Associate, is kept in the
Associates personnel file.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Staffing Guides

6.10.1 Each property will maintain Staffing Guides, including Labor Budgets and Organization
Charts for all positions.

6.10.2 Both Staffing Guides and Organization Charts will be approved by the General Manager and
Corporate Office before implementation.

6.10.3 Each year’s updated Staffing Guide will reflect:

a) More service at the same staffing levels.

b) The same service at lower cost.
c) Both higher service and lower cost than the year before.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Trade Unions and Associates Collective Bargaining Agreements

6.11.1 The Human Resources policies of Safir Hotels & Resorts are designed to prevent the need
for associates to join official Associate associations or trade unions to protect their rights and
conditions. However Safir Hotels & Resorts does recognize the right of an individual to join
such organizations if he/she so wishes.
6.11.2 The Human Resources Manager must be fully versed in local legislation regarding trade
union activities. At all times the hotel will comply with local laws.
6.11.3 Various stages of negotiations for a Collective Bargaining Agreement will be conveyed by
the General Manager to the Group General Manager.
6.11.4 A request from a trade union to carry out a recruitment campaign in the hotel will not be
replied to until the General Manager has consulted with the Corporate Office Human
Resources Department
6.11.5 When agreement is given to allow the recruitment campaign, the hotel will cooperate but the
campaign must not affect the running of the hotel or the standards offered to Guests.
6.11.6 If the trade union request official recognition from the hotel, the General Manager will notify
and consult with the Human Resources Department at the Corporate Office immediately.
6.11.7 The hotel’s legal advisor will be involved in any meetings regarding trade union recognition
and drafting of union agreements.
6.11.8 Corporate Office will make the final decision of whether to grant recognition. Any written
agreements will be signed by General Manager.
6.11.9 Where a trade union is recognized the final collective agreement will contain details of the
negotiating procedure and this procedure will be followed at all times.

6.11.10At times of renegotiations, copies of the final Collective Agreement and a comparison of the
main features of the old and the new agreement as well as comments pertaining to the
changes and re-adjustments of the new agreement will be submitted to the Corporate Office
Human Resources Department.
6.11.11Any industrial action taken or threatened will be reported immediately by the General
Manager to the Corporate Office, who will decide what action should be taken by the hotel.

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Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Work Schedules and Hours of Work

6.12.1 All local regulations will be followed in regard to working hours, minimum/maximum working
hours, vacation, work scheduling, sick leave, time off, rest time, overtime, etc.

6.12.2 The Human Resources Manager is responsible for ensuring that the above policy is adhered

6.12.3 He/she is also responsible for ensuring that necessary records of working hours, etc. are
maintained in an accurate and up to date manner.

6.12.4 The Human Resources Manager is responsible for advising the General Manager and Heads
of Department if any changes in regulations and legislation affecting working hours, etc. are

6.12.5 Work schedules are issued on a weekly basis.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Accommodation

6.13.1 This accommodation may either be in the hotel or outside the hotel in suitable apartments.

6.13.2 Associate accommodation will be the Associates home during their contracted period of
employment and will provide an environment in which Associates may become relaxed and
refreshed when off duty, allowing them to focus on their work when on duty.

6.13.3 Associate accommodation entitlements will be determined locally as part of the hotel
Benefit’s Grid and forwarded to Corporate Office for final approval.

6.13.4 The Human Resources Department will maintain inventory lists of all items provided in the
accommodation, to be checked with Associates ‘checking in’ or ‘checking out’ of
accommodation. (See HR-17/ ver.2016 Inventory Checklist)

6.13.5 Standards of cleanliness, maintenance and equipment in Associate accommodation will be

similar to those provided to the hotel.

6.13.6 The Human Resources Manager will compile a set of accommodation rules and regulations
to be issued to all Associates living in Associate accommodation.

6.13.7 The cost of replacing any damage/breakage/loss to accommodation

facilities/equipment/fittings, which is determined to have occurred as a result of
negligence/misuse/willful abuse by an Associate, will be charged back to the Associate(s)

6.13.8 In certain circumstances, and only with the written approval of the General Manager, an
associate may be paid an Accommodation Allowance in lieu of the use of the hotels
Associate accommodation.

6.13.9 Key Personnel will be allocated 1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartments, depending on their

employment status.

6.13.10Supervisory positions will share accommodation, maximum 2 to a room.

6.13.11Rank and file Associates will share accommodation, maximum 3-4 to a room (unless purpose
built dormitories are provided).

6.13.12Key Personnel will be provided furnished accommodation, including linen, kitchen utensils,
crockery, etc.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Accommodation

6.13.13Supervisory and Rank and File Associates will be provided the following as a minimum.

a) 1 bed - 6’ x 2’6”
b) 1 mattress
c) 1 blanket
d) 1 pillow
e) 2 sheets
f) 1 hand towel
g) 1 bath towel
h) 1 wardrobe/ cupboard (lockable)
i) 1 bedside table
j) 1 bedside light
k) 1 chair
l) 1 table (1 per 2 Associates)
m) Coin operated washing machine and dryer.

6.13.14Adequate lighting and air conditioning will be provided.

6.13.15Adequate toilet, washing and shower/bath facilities will be provided pro rata to the number of

6.13.16Where all supervisory/rank and file accommodation is located in one building, communal
recreation rooms should be provided pro rata to the number of Associates. These should
be set out with easy chairs, informal /coffee table, television, etc. Other facilities (i.e. table
tennis) may be provided at the discretion of the General Manager.

6.13.17Associate accommodation shall be equipped with coin operated washing machines and
dryers, iron and iron boards.

6.13.18Where the hotel provides Associate Meals at the accommodation, a separate dining room
should be made available.

6.13.19Associate Accommodation is to be checked regularly by the Human Resources Manager,

General Manager and Chief Engineer for cleanliness and maintenance requirements. Other
members of the hotel’s Management Team may be included in these inspections.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Accommodation

6.13.20If there exist any need for maintenance at the Accommodation, the request should be passed
to the Human Resources Department. (See HR-18/ ver.2016 Maintenance Request for
Staff Housing).

6.13.21Attention should be given to sex, nationalities, culture and religion when housing Associates

6.13.22Associate accommodation will be subject to the same standards as the hotel in regards to
fire, health and safety requirements.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Facilities

6.14.1 The Human Resources Manager has a responsibility for ensuring that all Associate facilities
are kept in a good state of repair and that high standards are maintained in all Associate
areas of the hotel.

6.14.2 This responsibility is shared with all Head of Departments and with all hotel Associates.

6.14.3 Standards of Associate facilities will be similar or identical to those provided to Guests.

6.14.4 All hotels will provide the following Associate Facilities as a minimum:

a) Associate changing rooms/locker rooms

b) Washing facilities
c) Associate toilets
d) Associate restaurants
e) Associate restroom where Associates ‘live-in’ the hotel
f) Prayer room
g) Drinking water

6.14.5 These facilities will be checked on a daily basis for standards of cleanliness and maintenance
by a designated person from the Human Resources Department.

6.14.6 Changing Room/Locker Room:

1. A separate Changing Room/Locker Room will be provided for each sex.

2. Each uniformed Associate will be assigned a locker for storage of their civilian clothes
while on duty and their uniform when off duty.

3. The hotel will provide locks and keys for each locker, retaining a duplicate of each key.

4. The Human Resources Department will be responsible for the control and coordination
of assigning Associate lockers and issuing of locks and keys. (See HR-19/ ver.2016
Locker Card)

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Facilities

5. In the event that a shortage of lockers arises, lockers for uniformed Associates will take
priority over lockers for non-uniformed Associates.

6. There will be a full-length mirror in each changing/locker room.

7. An adequate number of benches/chairs will be provided in each changing/ locker room.

8. Adequate ventilation/air conditioning will be available.

6.14.7 Washing Facilities:

1. Adequate number of washbasins and showers will be provided, pro rata to the number
of Associates.

2. Soap will be provided at basins and in showers, preferably via liquid dispensers.

3. Adequate paper towels or hand dryers will be available at washbasins.

4. Associate towels will be available through Housekeeping for showers.

6.14.8 Associate Toilets:

1. Ideally these should be situated within the changing/locker rooms, adjacent to the
washing facilities.

2. Where they are separate from the changing/locker rooms, and washing facilities,
separate washbasins, soap and towels must be provided.

3. Adequate numbers must be provided pro rata to the number of Associates and the layout
of the hotel.

4. The design of toilets should take into consideration the ethnic requirements of

6.14.9 Associate Restaurant:

1. An area for Associates to take their meals must be provided.

2. Adequate lighting and ventilation must be available.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Facilities

3. When designing the Associate restaurant, Associate cultures and religions, may dictate
the distinct restaurants areas.

4. Where possible, there should be access to natural lighting.

5. Good quality, hardwearing table and chairs will be provided.

6. Equipment will be installed to maintain food (hot and cold) at a safe temperature.

7. The Associate restaurant will be decorated to a standard and style that is conducive to
relaxation and meal enjoyment.

8. A section, if not all, of the Associate Restaurant will be designated as a ‘no smoking’ area.

9. Meal entitlements and privileges will be decided locally.

10. A television should be provided.

11. Other activities and facilities may be provided at the discretion of the General Manager.

6.14.10Associate Telephones:

1. Associates are not permitted to take personal telephone calls during working hours.

2. Emergency calls will be transferred by the Operator to the Human Resources Department,
from where a message will be forwarded to the Associate.

3. Associates may not make personal telephone calls whilst on duty, or via hotel telephones.

4. A public telephone(s) will be installed in Associate Back of House area for Associate use.

5. Public telephone(s) may also be installed at the Associate accommodation building,

as appropriate, for Associate use.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Facilities

6.14.11Prayer Room:

1. The hotel will ensure that a prayer room is available, in Associate Back of House areas; to
accommodate the religions needs of its Muslim Associates.

2. Appropriate ablution facilities will be available close to or adjacent to the Prayer Room.

3. The Prayer Room will be equipped with prayer rugs and a copy of the Koran.

6.14.12Drinking Water:

1. Drinking water must be freely available to all Associates 24 hours a day.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Benefits

6.15.1 Each hotel will prepare a Benefits Grid, which clearly defines the benefits, eligibility of each
Job Grading.

6.15.2 The hotel will provide fair and consistent benefits throughout all levels of the hotel.

6.15.3 When preparing the Benefits Grid as few distinctions per grade as possible will be made.

6.15.4 All hotels will provide as a minimum the following benefits, either through hotel policy or
through Government Programs.

a) Life Assurance
b) Medical Insurance/Facilities
c) Associate Discounts
d) Associate Meals
e) Associate Uniforms
f) Annual Vacations
g) Sickness Benefits
h) Time off Work

6.15.5 Life Assurance:

1. Where a Government Program does not provide Life Assurance coverage for local
national Associates, the hotel will purchase a policy from a reputable insurance company
as deemed necessary by local law.

2. This purchased policy will provide Death in Service coverage (both natural and accidental)
for all Associates to level no less than two times the Associate’s annual basic salary.

3. The policy will also provide coverage, pro-rata, for disability or dismemberment resulting
from an accident.

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File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Benefits

4. At the discretion of the General Manager, the hotel may also purchase a policy to enhance
or top up a Government Program.

5. Hotels employing expatriate foreign nationals must provide adequate levels of life,
disability and dismemberment coverage for these Associates, and if necessary their
spouse and children.

6.15.6 Medical Insurance/Facilities:

1. Where no Government Program exists to provide free medical care, the hotel will provide
Associates with medical insurance or access to on or off-site facilities.

2. The hotel will nominate and make an Agreement with a local General Practitioner/clinic
to be available for the medical needs of Associates and Guests.

3. Where local legislation dictates, a clinic will be set up in the hotel and a hotel nurse
employed to operate the clinic.

4. Costs incurred for medication will be paid according to local legislation or as per
Government Program.

5. Expatriate Associates employed in Key Personnel positions will be provided with a

Private Medical Insurance Program for themselves, spouse and up to 2 children under
18 years of age.

6. Medical Insurance/Facilities provided to Associates need not include eye testing,

dental treatment, cosmetic surgery, or self-inflicted illnesses/injuries.

7. At the discretion of the General Manager, the hotel may also purchase a Medical
Insurance Policy to enhance or top up a Government Program, subject to approval by
the Corporate Office.

6.15.7 Associate Discounts:

1. The hotel will prepare a local policy determining the level of discounts available to
Associates for the use of hotel facilities. (Accommodation, food and beverage outlets,
laundry, health club, banquet facilities, etc).

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Benefits

2. When preparing this policy consideration must be given to business levels in each area,
and to the number of Associates in the hotel. Associate usage of facilities must not affect
the availability of facilities or service provided to Guests.

3. Discounts offered to hotel Associates will also be made available to Associates of other
Safir Hotels & Resorts.

4. All Associates of Safir Hotels & Resorts who have completed one year of continuous
service will be eligible for 50% discount on accommodation at any Safir Hotel or Resort
worldwide, excluding Suite hotels. Request to utilize this benefit will be made to the
General Manager. The General Manager’s office will make the reservation at the
requested hotel on behalf of the Associate, confirming that he/she is eligible for this
benefit. Confirmation of discount is subject to availability at the requested hotel. The
Associate will be given a copy of the above-mentioned letter, and reservation
confirmation, by the General Manager’s office, to be presented at check-in to the
requested hotel.

5. Hotels equipped with Fitness Centers may allow Associates to utilize the facilities during
off peak periods. This benefit is at the discretion of the General Manager. The Human
Resources Manager will implement local procedures to coordinate and control the use of
this benefit, ensuring that it does not compromise the service provided for Guests and/or

6. The Human Resources Manager will contact local businesses (i.e. shops, airlines, clubs,
etc) and negotiate special rates/discounts for hotel Associates.

6.15.8 Associate Meals:

1. All Associates will be provided with one free duty meal per working day to be taken in the
Associate Restaurant.
2. Associate meals will be of appropriate nutritional value, and the quality will be of a high
3. A rotating menu will be implemented to provide variety of meals.
4. When preparing the menu, consideration will be made for the nationality breakdown and
preferences of Associates.

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Benefits

5. The Human Resources Manager will implement a system whereby Associates may
provide feedback/give input regarding meals provided.

6. An adequate supply of drinking water, cold drinks and hot drinks will be available
throughout the operating hours of the Associate Restaurant.

7. The Human Resources Manager will be responsible for ensuring that the standard,
quality and variety of Associate meals are checked on a daily basis.

8. All Associates are expected to take their duty meals in the Associate Restaurant.

9. Expatriate Associates who are provided with three meals per day, as per their Contract
of Employment and/or legislation, may take their meals either in the Associate’s
Restaurant or at the accommodation building, if a restaurant facility is available there.

10. The hotel will prepare a local policy detailing which Associates may take meals in hotel
outlets and the procedure to be followed.

6.15.9 Associate Uniforms:

See Uniform Standard Operating Procedures.

6.15.10Local / Public Holidays:

1. Where possible Associates will be granted local/public holiday on the day on which they

2. An Associate required to work on a local/public holiday will normally be granted a day off
in lieu of working, and/or paid at a premium rate for the day in accordance with local

3. Heads of Department will be responsible for keeping track of local/public holidays taken
by or owed to their Associates.

4. The Human Resources Manager will implement a system to control the requesting,
approving and recording of Associate’s local/public holidays and days off on lieu.

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SUBJECT: Benefits

6.15.11Annual Vacation: (See HR-20/ ver.2016 Vacation Request)

1. The General Manager and Heads of Departments will promote the use of vacation days,
as everyone needs a rest from work time to time in order to benefit productivity for the
remainder of the business year.

2. Hotels will provide at least the minimum mandatory number of paid vacation days to each

3. ‘Annual Vacation’ will not include any local public holidays that may be declared throughout
the year.

4. The Human Resources Manager will implement a system to control the requesting,
approving, and recording of Associates Annual Vacation. (See HR-21/ ver.2016 Vacation

5. Annual Vacation may not be carried over from one year to the next, unless local legislation
requires this, or unless the General Manager approves in writing the exception.

6. Annual vacation will not be paid to Associates in cash in lieu of taking time off. Cash
payments will only be made to settle unused vacation time when the Associate is leaving
the employment of the hotel.

7. Unless required to do so by law, the hotel should not pay out unused vacation to a
departing Associate if he/she has not given the agreed to notice period.

8. Levels of Annual Vacation for General Managers will be determined by Corporate Office.

9. Hotel’s employing expatriate foreign nationals may require increasing the amount of
Annual Vacation beyond minimum legal requirements to meet local market and
competition norms. In such circumstances proposals will be forwarded to Corporate Office
for review and approval.

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Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Benefits

6.15.12Sickness Benefits:

1. Hotels will provide at least the minimum mandatory number of paid sick leave days to
each Associate.

2. The Human Resources Manager in conjunction with the Financial Controller will
implement a system to control the reporting, approving and recording of an Associate’s
sick leave and absence through sickness.

3. Sickness Benefit entitlements may not be carried over from one year to the next.

4. Payments of Sickness Benefits will only be made when the Associate has produced any
necessary certificates and documents to confirm and back up his/her sickness absence.

5. The appropriate Head of Department will follow up with his/her Associate on their return
to work following sick leave details of illness and recuperation. This show of concern will
reinforce to Associates that their absence is noted and they should not abuse the benefit
of sick leave or payments.

6. Associates who work in food and beverage preparation or service areas must notify their
Head of Department if they suffer from any intestinal infection/illness such as
gastroenteritis, food poisoning, or any illness resulting in diarrhea or vomiting, or any
septic condition such as a boil or septic wound. This is a precautionary measure and a
doctor’s certificate will be required confirming fitness to work before the Associate is
allowed to return to work.

7. The Human Resources Manager, along with appropriate Head of Department will monitor
sickness records and follow up on any Associates showing cases of repeated, regular
sickness, or long-term sickness.

8. At the discretion of the General Manager, Sickness Benefit Payments may be extended
in the case of an Associate who is on long-term sick leave. Each individual case will be
judged and decided on its own merits.

9. If should be necessary, the Human Resources Manager will implement Disciplinary

Procedures where an Associate is found to be abusing the Sickness Benefit Programs.

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Benefits

10. Where Government Programs allow the hotel to reclaim any part of Sickness Benefit
Payments made, the Human Resources Manager and Financial Controller will be
responsible for following up and ensuring that appropriate amounts are reclaimed from
the Government.

(See HR-22/ ver.2016 Sick Leave Payment)

6.15.13Time Off Work:

1. There are a variety of instances when an Associate may require taking time off work,
besides Sick Leave or Annual Vacation. It is the hotels interest to support such occasions
and allow the requested time off work for personal reasons.

2. The Human Resources Manager will implement a system to control the requesting,
approving and recording of such occasions.

3. The Human Resources Manager will prepare local policies and procedures to cover the

a) Bereavement:

Time off will be granted in accordance with local legislation. Where legislation does
not apply, guidelines and limits will be set by the Human Resources Manager for
approval by the Corporate Office.

b) Marriage:

Time off will be granted in accordance with local legislation. Where legislation does
not apply, guidelines and limits will be set by the Human Resources Manager for
approval by the Corporate Office.

c) Maternity / Paternity Leave:

Time off will be granted in accordance with local legislation. Where legislation does not
apply, guidelines and limits will be set by the Human Resources Manager for approval
by the Corporate Office

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Benefits

d) Doctor/Dentist Appointments:

Associates should make every effort to arrange appointments with doctor or dentist for
times that they are off duty. If this is not possible, time off is at the discretion of their
Head of Department.

6.15.14Leave of Absence:

1. A leave of absence is defined as an Associate’s temporary leave from work for a limited
time, without pay, following agreement and approval from the hotel.

2. Reasons for a leave of absence request may be for educational or development

purposes, or to deal with a personal/domestic situation.

3. Requests for leave of absence must be made in writing to the Human Resources
Manager giving details of the reason and the duration of the leave of absence period.

4. Leave of absence requests are granted as the exception rather than the norm, and only
if there is justifiable reason, the Associate can be released from his duties with
adequate cover, and the hotel does not incur any costs or operational problems as a

5. A period of leave of absence will not exceed 26 weeks unless the local law allows it.

6. If the Associate’s purpose for leave of absence is to educate or develop him/her self in
the interest of the hotel and the Company, the General Manager should normally
approve the request.

7. If the request for leave of absence is approved, the Human Resources Manager will
prepare a formal agreement between the Associate and the hotel regarding.

a) The hotel’s expectations of the Associate during and upon return from leave of
b) The precise period, starting date and date of return, of the Leave of Absence.
c) Arrangements for the Associates benefit during the period, and upon return.
d) Future arrangements/conditions upon return to work.

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Benefits

8. An Associate not reporting to work on the agreed date at the end of his/her leave of
Absence may leave him/herself open to disciplinary action, including termination. (in
accordance to local labor law).

9. Request for leave of absence will not be approved for Associates with less than 1 year
of continuous service with the hotel.

10. The decision of the General Manager on request for leave of absence is final.

6.15.15Haj Pilgrimage:

1. In accordance with any appropriate local legislation, the hotel will grant Muslim
Associate’s time off work to fulfill pilgrimage duties to Haj.

2. Associates will be able to utilize this benefit only once during their employment with the

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Disability, Medical Handicaps and Life Threatening Illnesses

6.16.1 The hotel or its Associates will not discriminate against any Associate/potential Associate
based on his/her disability or perceived disability.

6.16.2 The hotel will endeavor to meet any requirements set by local legislation regarding the
employment of physically challenged individuals.

6.16.3 The hotel will have guidelines regarding how to treat and handle Associates suffering from
disability, medical handicaps, or life threatening illnesses such as cancer, HIV, etc.

6.16.4 As long as an Associate is able to meet the required standards of job performance, and as
long as medical information indicated that the Associate’s condition or disability does not
endanger him/her, customers or other Associates, and is not contagious, then all Associates
will ensure that he/she is treated fairly and equally alongside other Associates.

6.16.5 In some cases, and if in accordance with local legislation, the Human Resources Manager
may request an Associate to be examined by a physician from time to time. This is a
precautionary measure to ensure that a medical condition does not pose a threat to
Associates or Guests, or to the affected Associate him/herself.

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Medical Examination

6.17.1 All Associates will undergo a medical examination as required for immigration purposes or
by local legislation.

6.17.2 Where possible, and particular in the case of expatriate Associates, medical examinations
will be completed prior to an Associate starting work in the hotel.

6.17.3 Associates working beyond normal retirement age will be required to undergo an annual
medical examination.

6.17.4 Local Associates:

1. In some countries there is a statutory medical examination conducted by the Public

Health Authority, which is required before an Associate starts work with a new

2. Medical examinations will be carried out by the Public Health Authority, or where
appropriate, the hotel Doctor.

3. Necessary examinations should be carried out before the Associate starts work in the
hotel. Where this in not possible, the examination must take place within 7 days of
starting work.

6.17.5 Expatriate Associates:

1. For any Associate being hired to work in a country other than his/her home country a
medical examination should be carried out prior to his/her departure to the country of
work, as part of the immigration process.

2. Such examinations will include blood test, x-ray and will be accompanied by a letter
from a Registered Medical Practitioner that the Associate is fit to work.

3. The Associate will fulfill any further medical examination requirements that may be
necessary on arrival at the country of work.

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Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Medical Examination

6.17.6 Food Handler Medicals:

1. It is normal practice in most countries for Associates whose job involves the handling of
foodstuffs to undergo Food Handlers Medical Examination in addition to the
regular examinations referred to above.

2. According to the local system/requirements, the Human Resources Department will

hold a valid Food Handlers Health Card/Certificate for every food-handling Associate at
all times.

3. These cards /certificates will be maintained up-to-date and available for inspection at all

4. Included as ‘Food-Handlers’, will be all Associates working in food and beverage

production and service departments, purchasing, stores and receiving.

5. A system will be set up by the Human Resources Manager to ensure that procedures
required by the Public Health Authority for food handling Associates returning to work
after sickness absence are met.

6.17.7 General:

1. Originals/copies of Associates medical examination results will be held on their

individual personnel file.

2. The Human Resources Manager, with the cooperation of the relevant Heads of
Department will be responsible for ensuring that all necessary medical examinations
are completed.

3. The Human Resources Manager will be responsible for advising, and taking
appropriate action with, any Associate whose medical examination results do not meet
the required standard.

4. All medical examination will be carried out at the hotel’s expense.

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Compliance with Labor Laws

6.18.1 All properties will comply with the standards set in the local labor legislation and any other
local legislation related to the employment of individuals.

6.18.2 Each hotel will appoint a Company Lawyer to whom they can refer for advice regarding
compliance as necessary.

6.18.3 No one will be excluded from a job due to any criteria not definitively related to the
performance of that job.

6.18.4 The hotel will not discriminate against Associates or job applicants on racial grounds, i.e. on
grounds of race, color, nationality or ethnic or national origin, either directly or indirectly.

6.18.5 The Company is an equal opportunity employer, with a policy of non-discrimination in

employment matters such as appointments, promotions, salaries, benefits, etc. on grounds
of nationality, race, ethnic origin, sex, religion, or marital status, either directly or indirectly.

6.18.6 Close attention will be paid to the quality of the work environment and health and safety

6.18.7 Associate’s pay and benefits will be determined fairly and consistently.

6.18.8 As long as an Associate displays a desire to grow professionally, Safir International Hotel
Management will support his or her long-term career goal within the scope and requirements
of local labor and civil laws.

6.18.9 The Human Resources Department will have available an up-to-date copy of the local labor
law, and will ensure the activities in the hotel comply with the requirements detailed therein.

6.18.10The Human Resources Department will provide advice to all levels of Associates, including
the General Manager, on matters relating to the labor law to ensure compliance with the law.

6.18.11Any changes/amendments/updates to the labor law will be recorded by the Human

Resources Department and communicated by them to the hotel’s General Manager and
Head of Departments.

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Compliance with Labor Laws

6.18.12Relevant changes will be made to the hotel’s policies and procedures to maintain compliance
with the law. These changes will be communicated to Safir Hotels & Resorts Corporate
Office as and when they affect the hotel’s ability to maintain the required minimum standard.

6.18.13. The expectation of Guest for certain service staff will be met as far as possible without
harmful and unnecessary bias.

6.18.14Basic Associate needs will be met by the hotel if not already provided for by Government
Programs or legislation.

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Annual Salary Survey

6.19.1 To ensure that the hotel maintains competitive levels of salaries and benefits within the local
market an Annual Salary Survey will be carried out.

6.19.2 An Annual Salary Survey will be carried out in April each year as part of the pre-budget
preparation for the following year.

6.19.3 The Human Resources Manager and the General Manager will decide who competitor hotels
are and subsequently who should be invited to take part in the survey.

6.19.4 A copy of the completed survey will be forwarded to the Corporate Human Resources

6.19.5 The Human Resources Manager is responsible for coordinating the survey and compiling all
information received.

6.19.6 The survey will request information on minimum, medium and maximum salaries for all

6.19.7 The survey will request information on benefits provided to all levels of Associates.

6.19.8 A request will be made as to any anticipated average % increase in salaries that the
competitor hotel may implement over the forthcoming year.

6.19.9 Once completed a copy of the survey results will be forwarded to the Human Resources
Manager of the participating hotels.

6.19.10Information received through the survey will be used in budget preparation to adjust any
salary or benefit levels, which are becoming ‘uncompetitive’ in the market.

6.19.11Salary and benefit levels in the local market should be monitored regularly, especially with
organizations that are considered as competitor employers.

6.19.12The more information collected, the easier it will be to set salaries and benefits at a realistic
level, and so remain competitive in the recruitment market.

6.19.13The hotel will cooperate with other hotels/business who request information on salaries and
benefits, on the understanding that this cooperation will be reciprocated.

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Associate Loans

6.20.1 Associate loans and/or salary advances are the exception rather than the rule.

6.20.2 Any request for a loan or salary advance must be approved by the General Manager.
(See HR-23/ ver.2016 Salary Advance Voucher)

6.20.3 Apart from a new Associate awaiting his/her first salary payment, a loan will not be
considered for an Associate who has completed less than 6 months of service.

6.20.4 The Human Resources Manager and the Financial Controller will establish and implement a
procedure for coordinating and controlling Associate loans/salary advances and for ensuring
repayment of the same.

6.20.5 A new Associate awaiting payment of his/her first salary may be issued a salary advance.
This advance will not be more that the equivalent of one week’s salary and will be deducted
in full from the Associate’s first salary payment.

6.20.6 For all the other Associates, provided they have completed six months of service, the
following shall apply:

a) The maximum amount of loan/advance granted will normally be one month’s salary.
b) The maximum repayment period will normally be three months.
c) Repayments will be deducted directly from the Associate’s normal monthly salary.
d) If the Associate leaves the hotel for any reason before the end of the repayment period,
any amount outstanding will be deducted in full from his/her final payment.

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Overtime Payments

6.21.1 The Head of Department is responsible for scheduling and organizing the workload of his/her
Department as much as possible without the need for Associates to work overtime.

6.21.2 No overtime will be worked or payments made without the prior approval of the Department
Head and the General Manager.

6.21.3 The Financial Controller is responsible for establishing and implementing a procedure for
coordinating and controlling overtime requests, approvals and payments.

6.21.4 Payments for overtime worked will be made at the rate stipulated under local legislation.

6.21.5 Associates holding Key Personnel positions will not be eligible for Overtime Payments due
to the seniority and responsibility of their position. Clear reference to this will be made in their
Offer of Employment Letter and their Contract of Employment.

6.21.6 Overtime request documentation will contain as a minimum the following information:

a) Name of the Associate(s) to work overtime.

b) Department, job title and payroll number.
c) Date of overtime to be worked.
d) Reasons for overtime to be worked.
e) Signature of requesting Head of Department.

6.21.7 Requests for overtime to be worked will be prepared by the appropriate Head of Department
and submitted to the General Manager in advance.

6.21.8 Overtime request documentation may only be submitted for approval after the overtime has
been worked in cases where a unexpected/ unavoidable/ emergency situation arose. Full
explanation of the situation is to be given.

6.21.9 Where local legislation allows, Associates may be given time off in lieu of overtime payments,
however the Associate must be in agreement to this.

6.21.10Any overtime payments due will be paid to the Associate along with his/her normal monthly

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Job Titles and Categories

6.22.1 The Company and hotels will aim at all times to flatten the organizational structure of the
Company and hotels.

6.22.2 The hotel shall not create a Job Title/ Position that will create a new, and often unnecessary,
layer of Management/ Supervision in its organization structure.

6.22.3 Corporate guidelines for Key Personnel positions will be followed by all hotels.

6.22.4 The following positions are classified as Key Personnel positions.

1. Executive Committee Members:

General Manager
Resident Manager
Executive Assistant Manager
Chief Engineer
Director of Sales and Marketing
Executive Chef
Executive Housekeeper
Financial Controller
Food and Beverage Manager
Front Office Manager
Human Resources Manager

2. Other Key Personnel positions

Asst. Chief Engineer
Asst. Director of Sales
Sales Manager
Asst. Financial Controller
Asst. Food and Beverage Manager
Asst. Front Office Manager
Asst. Housekeeper
Asst. Human Resources Manager
Banquet Manager
Asst. Banquet Manager
Chief Steward

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Job Titles and Categories

Credit Manager
Executive Pastry Chef
Executive Sous Chef
Food and Beverage Outlet Manager
G.M. Secretary
I.S. Manager
Laundry Manager
Public Relations Manager
Purchasing Manager
Recreation Manager
Security Manager
Training Manager

6.22.5 A hotel wishing to change one of the above Job Titles must first refer to the Corporate Office
for approval.

6.22.6 Job Titles and Categories within the hotel will be reflected in the hotel’s organization chart
and benefits grid.

6.22.7 To ensure uniformity throughout Safir Hotels & Resorts, the following Job Titles are to be
used as guidelines. Any unit wishing to change, a listed Job Title must obtain approval from
the Corporate Office.

1. General Management:

General Manager

2. Executive Management:

Resident Manager
Financial Controller
Executive Assistant Manager
Food and Beverage Manager
Personnel Manager
Director of Sales and Marketing
Chief Engineer
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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Job Titles and Categories

3. Head of Department and Management

Front Office Manager

Executive Housekeeper
Laundry Manager
Recreation Manager
Assistant Food and Beverage Manager
Banquet Manager
* Restaurants and Bars Manager
Executive Chef Assistant
Financial Controller
Central Purchasing Manager
Purchasing Manager
Training Manager
Sales Manager
Public Relations Manager

4. Senior Supervisory Staff

Assistant Front Office Manager

Reservations Manager
Assistant Executive Housekeeper
** Housekeeper
Assistant Manager
Night Manager
Food and Beverage Cost Controller
*** Restaurant Manager
Executive Sous Chef
Pastry Chef
Chief Steward
Chief Accountant
Credit Manager
Data Processing Manager
Assistant Personnel Manager
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SUBJECT: Job Titles and Categories

Security Manager
Assistant Sales Manager
Media Manager
Assistant Chief Engineer

5. Supervisory Staff

Executive Secretary
Senior Receptionist
Executive Floor Supervisor
Reservation Supervisor
Bell Captain
Telephone Supervisor
Senior Floor Supervisor
Floor Supervisor
Public Area Supervisor
Laundry Supervisor
Dry cleaning Supervisor
Linen supervisor
Swimming Pool supervisor
Head Waiter
Bar Supervisor
Assistant Pastry Chef
Chef de Partie
Assistant Chief Steward
Steward Supervisor
Head Cashier
Head Night Auditor
Computer Coordinator
Purchasing Supervisor
Personnel Officer
Staff House Supervisor
Staff Cafeteria Supervisor
Head Timekeeper
Security Supervisor
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SUBJECT: Job Titles and Categories

Building Service Supervisor
Mechanic Service Supervisor
Electrician Service Supervisor
Print Shop Supervisor

6. Staff
Executive Floor Receptionist
Business Center Receptionist
Reservations Clerk
Guest Relations Officer
Airport Representative
Passport Clerk
Bell Man
Front Office Cashier
Telephone Operator
Room Maid
Window Cleaner
Linen Attendant
Housekeeping Order Taker Press Man
Washer man
Laundry Man
Dry Cleaner
Guest Shop Laundry Attendant
Tennis Coach
Swimming Poll Attendant
Life Guard
Masseur / Masseuse

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SUBJECT: Job Titles and Categories

Fitness Instructor
Busboy / Busgirl
Sales Girl
Room Service Order Taker
Food and Beverage Cashier
Food and Beverage Storekeeper
Food and Beverage Cost Control Clerk
Bar Helper
Demi-Chef de Partie
1st Commis
2nd Commis
3rd Commis
Kitchen Helper
Kitchen Artist
Income Auditor
Night Auditor
Restaurant Auditor
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Receiving Clerk

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Job Titles and Categories

General Cashier
Taxation and Inventory Clerk
General Storekeeper
Bill Collector
Purchasing Officer
Purchasing Clerk
Personnel Clerk
Visa / Passport Officer
Passport Typist
Staff House Guard
Security Man
Sales Executive
Assistant Printer
Helper Printer
Sound and TV Technician
A/C Technician
Kitchen Equipment Technician
Refrigeration Technician
Laundry Equipment Technician
Engineering Order Taker

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Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Job Titles and Categories

Engineering Storekeeper
Plant Operator
Industry and Safety Clerk
Engineering Helper
Head Gardener
* Responsible for all hotel outlets.
** For small hotels.
***Responsible for one hotel.

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Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Movements of Key Personnel / Status Change Forms

6.23.1 Key Personnel can be categorized as follows:

a) Executive Committee members
b) Other Key Personnel positions
6.23.2 The Corporate Human Resources Department requires to be advised of all movements and
changes to the employment status of Key Personnel via the appropriate Status Change
Form, within five (5) working days of the movement/change occurring.
6.23.3 The Key Personnel Status Change Form will be accurately filled out and signed by the hotel’s
Human Resources Manager and General Manager before being forwarded to the Corporate
Office with a copy of the same sent to the Regional Office.
6.23.4 Copies of appropriate supporting documents (i.e. resignations/termination letter, appraisal,
letter of confirmation of change, etc.) will be forwarded to Corporate Office along with the
Status Change Form.
6.23.5 Requests for recruitment, promotion, transfer or dismissal of Executive Committee members
will be submitted by the General Manager of the hotel, to the Regional Office, for final
approval by the Group General Manager.
6.23.6 Approval for the hiring, promotion, transfer, acceptance of resignations, or dismissal of any
Executive Committee member must be obtained from the Group General Manager at
Corporate Office.
6.23.7 Final decisions pertaining to the recruitment/transfer/dismissal of Executive Committee
members rest with the General Manager, but only having first consulted and discussed the
situation with the Regional Office for final approval by the Group General Manager.
6.23.8 Notices of resignations from Associates in the above categories must be advised to
Corporate Office Human Resources Department immediately upon receipt, with advice of
the General Manager’s proposed action.

6.23.9 The General Manager must advice Corporate Office Human Resources Department of the
intention to dismiss Associates in the above categories, along with his/her recruitment plans.
6.23.10Key Personnel Status Change Form will be available in the Human Resources Department.
6.23.11Under urgent and extenuating circumstances, the approval for a dismissal may be sought
first by telephone/fax, relevant supporting documents must be forwarded shortly thereafter.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Key Personnel Records

6.24.1 A Key Personnel Record Form will be completed for each new Associate joining the hotel in
a Key Personnel position.

6.24.2 A Key Personnel Record Form will be completed for each existing associate
transferring/being promoted into a Key Personnel position for the first time and forwarded to
the Corporate Office Human Resources Department.

6.24.3 Key Personnel positions are defined as those listed in ‘Job Titles and Categories’ Standard
Operating Procedures.

6.24.4 Blank Key Personnel Record Forms will be available in the Human Resources Department.

6.24.5 Key Personnel Record Forms will be completed in English language.

6.24.6 The original form along with a recent passport-size photograph of the Associate attached will
be forwarded to the Corporate Office Human Resources Department.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Associate Files

6.25.1 An individual file will be opened for each Associate working in the hotel and will be kept in
the Human Resources Department.

6.25.2 Associate Files will be stored in a lockable cabinet to ensure confidentiality.

6.25.3 Any data held on a computerized personnel system must ensure absolute confidentiality.

6.25.4 Information and files kept on Associates particularly computerized files, are kept and
maintained according to requirements of local legislation.

6.25.5 The integrity and personal protection of Associates is guaranteed.

6.25.6 Associates responsible for Human Resources matters should have total professional
confidentiality in their daily life, and this will be clearly stated in their Job Descriptions.

6.25.7 The following information will be kept for each Associate on their Associate file:

a) Completed Application Form

b) Signed Recruitment Requisition Form
c) Interview Assessment Forms
d) Details of pre-employment reference checks
e) Signed Offer of Employment letter
f) Signed Employment Contract
g) Copy of passport, visa, work permit, and other legally required documents
h) Any documents relating to social security, etc.
i) Status Change Forms, as appropriate
j) Confirmations of any hotel property/equipment issued to the Associate
k) Vacation/ sickness/absence, etc. requests and records
l) Results of Medical Examinations
m) Completed Probationary and Annual Performance Reviews
n) Correspondence with or regarding the Associate throughout his/her employment
o) Disciplinary documentation as appropriate
p) Orientation Checklist
q) Individual Training Record
r) Current contact address and telephone number
s) Name, address and telephone number of persons to contact in case of emergency
t) Blood group

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Associate Files

6.25.8 The Human Resources Manager will advise all Associates and implement a system to ensure
that addresses, telephone numbers and Emergency Contact details are updated as

6.25.9 For ease of filing and retrieval of information it is recommended that the Associate File is sub-
divided into relevant sections of information/documentation.

6.25.10Individual Associate files should not contain other information other than Associate/Employer
related information.

6.25.11Associate files should not leave the Human Resources Department, unless if delivered by
hand to the General Manager’s office.

6.25.12Access to Associate files, manual or computerized, by individuals will be controlled and

restricted to the scope of any relevant local legislation.

6.25.13After an Associate has left the hotel his/her file will be stored for a minimum of five years or
as required by local legislation.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Documentation for Joiners and Leavers

6.26.1 Documentation that the local authorities require an Associate to present to his/her employer
will be received before, or within seven (7) days of, the Associate commencing work at the

6.26.2 Documentation required by the hotel for payroll / human resources purposes will be received
from the Associate before, or within seven (7) days of, his/her commencing work at the hotel.

6.26.3 Any internal documentation to be completed by the Associate will be completed on his/her
first day, or within seven (7) days of the Associate commencing work in the hotel. This
includes signed confirmation of any hotel property issued to the Associate.

6.26.4 Before an Associate leaves the hotel, all internal, payroll and Human Resources
Documentation will be completed as necessary.

6.26.5 Appropriate local authority documentation will be completed within seven (7) days of the
Associate leaving the hotel’s employment.

6.26.6 The Human Resources Manager will implement a system to track what documentation has
been received/completed and what is still outstanding.

6.26.7 The Human Resources Manager will familiarize him/herself with the requirements of the local
authority regarding documentation.

6.26.8 A new Associate will submit to the Human Resources Department on his/her first day the

a) Photocopy of passport
b) Original passport, if required by local legislation
c) Copy of I.D./Social Insurance Card
d) Passport photographs… number as required
e) Personal Information Form
f) Any other documents as required by local authorities/legislation.

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Safir International Hotel Management Page 136 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Documentation for Joiners and Leavers

6.26.1 Payroll Clock Number:

Each new Associate will be issued with a Payroll Clock Number by the Human
Resources/ Payroll Department which will be exclusive to him/her, and will not be

6.26.2 Employment Situation: (See HR-24/ ver.2016 Employment Situation)

The Human Resources Manager will complete the appropriate Employment Situation, which
will be signed by Departmental Head, Human Resources Manager, General Manager and
Financial Controller. A copy will be forwarded to the Accounts Payroll - FILE/HR/ Associate
Department in order that the Associate’s details may be set up on the payroll.

6.26.9 If the Associate is holding a Key Personnel position, the Human Resources Manager will also
complete a Key Personnel Record Form and a Key Personnel Status Change Form for
forwarding to the Corporate Office Human Resources Department.

6.26.3 Bank Account:

Where salaries are paid directly into bank accounts, the Human Resources Department will
require an Associate to complete documentation providing the hotel with his/her bank
account details.

If the Associate does not have a bank account, the Human Resources Department will
provide assistance in opening one.

6.26.4 Hotel Property:

The Associate will sign documentation confirming receipt and conditions of use of any hotel
property that is issued to him/her. This may include, but is not limited to, uniforms, name
badges, lockers, cash floats, equipment, etc.

6.26.10Where possible originals, or alternatively clear photocopies, of all documentation will be held
on the Associates Personnel File.

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Documentation for Joiners and Leavers

6.26.11Clearance form for Associates leaving the hotel will include, but is not limited to, the following:

a) Confirmation of resignation/termination.
b) Confirmation(s) that all hotel property and equipment has been returned.
c) Confirmation that all loans, city ledger accounts, amounts owed to hotel, etc. are cleared.
d) Copies of certificate of service and any references issued.
e) Exit Interview documentation.
f) Appropriate status change documents, including Key Personnel Status Change as
g) Breakdown of final payment.
h) Confirmation that final payment has been received.
i) Confirmation that Associate has no further claims against the hotel.
j) Originals or copies of any documents required by local authorities/legislation.
k) See HR-25/ ver.2016 Associate Clearance Record.

6.26.12All leaving documentation should be filed together at the front of the Associates personnel
file, and the closed file stored in the “Leavers Section” section.

Safir International Hotel Management Page 138 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Employment of Relatives

6.27.1 The employment of close relatives within the same hotel can only be authorized by the
General Manager.

6.27.2 The employment of close relatives into positions where one will be responsible for the
supervision of the other(s) is not permitted.

6.27.3 Close relatives include such persons as parents, husband, wife, children, sister or brother.

6.27.4 As a general rule the employment of close relatives is inadvisable and should be avoided
except in exceptional circumstances.

6.27.5 If, at the end of the selection process, it is decided that the most suitable candidate for a
position is a relative, the application must be forwarded to the General Manager before any
Offers of Employment are made.

6.27.6 The General Manager must give written authorization to employ a relative.

6.27.7 If the candidate is a close relative of an Associate in a Key Position, or the candidate is being
considered for a Key Position that will involve him/her supervising a close relative, the
application will be forwarded to the Corporate Office for review and approval.

Safir International Hotel Management Page 139 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Authority to Recruit and Personnel Requisition

6.28.1 The Personnel Requisition Form will indicate that the position is budgeted and the
Department is on or better than budget, before recruitment of a replacement or new position
can proceed.

6.28.2 No requisition will be approved without an updated Job Description and Person Specification.

6.28.3 Personnel Requisition Forms will be available in the Human Resources Department.

6.28.4 A Head of Department wishing to recruit must complete a Personnel Requisition Form and
forward it to the Human Resources Department for approval.

6.28.5 Following Human Resources approval, the form will then be forwarded to the General
Manager and Financial Controller for final approval.

6.28.6 Only after final approval of a Personnel Requisition will recruitment and interview procedures
proceed to fill the approved position.

6.28.7 Business developments affecting the whole hotel may argue against approving an already
budgeted position.

6.28.8 The above procedure shall be completed in an expeditious manner.

See HR-26/ ver.2016 Personnel Requisition

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Application for Employment

6.29.1 All applications for employment must be channeled through the Human Resources
Department who will administer and coordinate them in line with appropriate procedures.

6.29.2 Any Associate selected to join the hotel will have completed a hotel Application Form.

6.29.3 The Human Resources Department will maintain a database of applications on-hold of
candidates who are potentially suitable for employment with the hotel.

6.29.4 All applications for employment will be responded to.

6.29.5 All hotels will have pre-printed standard Application Forms.

6.29.6 Blank Application Forms will be available from the Human Resources Department.

6.29.7 It is recommended that the Human Resources Department interview potentially suitable
candidates on an ongoing basis in order to build up a database of on-hold-interviewed
candidates, as well as on-hold candidates who have not been interviewed.

6.29.8 Interview Assessment Forms and other relevant documents will be attached to the original
application on-hold, as appropriate.

6.29.9 All applicants will be responded to in writing by the Human Resources Department within
seven (7) days of their application being received, advising them of the outcome/future
actions to be taken.

6.29.10Applications will be held on file for period six (6) months. This period may be extended to
meet the requirements of any local legislation if necessary.

6.29.11Archiving/disposal of applications will comply with the requirements of local legislation.

See HR-27/ ver.2016 Application for Employment.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Employment Contract

6.30.1 On the first day of employment, all successful applicants appointed as Associates of Safir
Hotels & Resorts will be issued with Employment Contracts.

6.30.2 The original copy of the signed contract is kept by the Human Resources Department on the
Associates Personnel File.

6.30.3 The duplicate of the same is kept by the Associate for reference.

6.30.4 The Employment Contract must have legal standing in the location where it is issued. It must
be in accordance with the requirements of the local labor laws and other appropriate
legislation, as invariably local laws hold precedence over an employment agreement.

6.30.5 The Human Resources Manager will prepare the standard format, content and layout of the
hotel’s Employment Contract, and will receive written confirmation from the hotel’s Lawyer
that it meets legal requirements before being utilized for Associates.

6.30.6 Any subsequent changes in Employment Contract content or in legal requirements will
receive written approval from the hotel’s lawyer prior to being implemented.

6.30.7 The Employment Contract will contain details of the following:

a) Name of the employer

b) Name of the Associate
c) Date of starting and duration of contract
d) Job assignment and reporting lines
e) Compensation / salary and method/ periods of payment
f) Liability for taxation on salary / benefits
g) Accommodation arrangements - where appropriate
h) Transportation arrangements - where appropriate
i) Hours of work
j) Immigration and visa requirements - where appropriate
k) Relocation assistance - where appropriate
l) Medical facilities / medical insurance program
m) Life insurance - where appropriate
n) Sickness benefits

Safir International Hotel Management Page 142 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Employment Contract

o) Annual vacation entitlements

p) Vacation air tickets - where appropriate
q) Meals arrangements
r) Uniform and Laundry arrangements
s) Pension / End of service indemnity - where appropriate
t) Probation period
u) Any other benefits offered
v) Confidentiality requirements
w) Termination of employment / Notice periods, etc.
x) Terms of acceptance
y) Law applicable in case of litigation
z) Secondary employment restriction
aa) Signed by - General Manager / Associate

6.30.8 Employment Contract will be prepared in duplicate and signed by the hotel’s General

6.30.9 The Associate is required to sign both copies of the Employment Contract, returning the
original to the Human Resources Department, confirming acceptance of the terms contained
therein. A signed duplicate copy will remain with the Associate.

6.30.10Employment Contracts for General Managers and Financial Controllers will be issued from
Safir Hotels & Resorts Corporate Office.

6.30.11The Employment Contract will be the legal document in case of a dispute or litigation.

6.30.12The Employment Contract will be signed by the employer and Associate as an official
consent that the terms stated therein are acceptable and both parties will abide by those

Safir International Hotel Management Page 143 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Offers of Employment

6.31.1 All Safir Hotels & Resorts will comply with minimum standards for preparation of Offers of

6.31.2 Offers of Employment will be prepared and presented only by the Human Resources
Department, following approval from the General Manager.

6.31.3 It will be stated in all Offer of Employment letters that Offer of Employment is subject to
obtaining satisfactory references, satisfactory medical reports, and in the case of expatriate
Associates obtaining the necessary work/visa permits.

6.31.4 Offer of Employment letters will be signed by the hotel’s General Manager and Human
Resources Manager.

6.31.5 Every successful candidate will be issued with an Offer of Employment letter prior to
commencing work with the hotel.

6.31.6 The Offer of Employment letter will provide the candidate with all the relevant information
regarding his/her terms of employment and sufficient information upon which to accept the

6.31.7 Terms of employment must meet the requirements of local employment legislation, and if
applicable, union award conditions.

6.31.8 The Offer of Employment letter will contain details of the following:
a) Name of employer
b) Name of Associate
c) Date of starting and duration of contract
d) Job assignment and reporting lines
e) Compensation/salary and method/periods of payments
f) Liability for taxation on salary/benefits
g) Accommodation arrangements - where appropriate
h) Transportation arrangements- where appropriate
i) Hours of work
j) Immigration and visa requirements - where appropriate
k) Relocation assistance - where appropriate

Safir International Hotel Management Page 144 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Offers of Employment

l) Medical facilities / Medical insurance program

m) Life insurance - where appropriate
n) Sickness benefits
o) Annual vacation entitlements
p) Vacation air tickets - where appropriate
q) Meals arrangements
r) Uniform and laundry arrangements
s) Pension / End of service indemnity -where appropriate
t) Probation period
u) Any other benefits offered
v) Confidentiality requirements
w) Termination of employment / Notice periods, etc.
x) Terms of acceptance
y) Law applicable in case of litigation
z) Secondary employment restriction
aa) Signed by - General Manager / Associate

6.31.9 The Human Resources Manager will prepare the standard format, content and layout of the
hotel’s Offer of Employment Letter, and will receive written confirmation from the hotel’s
lawyer that it meets legal requirements before being utilized for Associates.

6.31.10Any subsequent changes in the Offer of Employment letter content, or in legal requirements,
will receive written approval from the hotel’s Lawyer prior to being implemented.

6.31.11If there is any doubt about the terms of employment, the candidate will have access to hotel
policies and explanations for clarification.

6.31.12Having accepted the offer, the candidate will be required to sign his/her Offer of Employment
letter, and return it to the Human Resources Department, thus confirming his/her acceptance
of the terms of the offer.

6.31.13It is advisable that the hotel’s Associate Handbook is issued to the candidate along with their
Offer of Employment letter in order that terms and conditions contained therein can be read
and agreed to by the candidate prior to signing the letter.

Safir International Hotel Management Page 145 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Person Specification

6.32.1 It describes the minimum qualifications a person must bring to the job in order to execute the
job satisfactorily, for example:

a) Education
b) Experience
c) Skills
d) Job knowledge
e) Necessary Abilities
f) Additional criteria

6.32.2 Hotels will develop Person Specifications suitable to the local environment and hotel type.

6.32.3 The recruiter will assess a candidate’s suitability against the selection criteria listed in the Job
Description and Person Specifications. Successful candidates must meet the necessary
level of qualifications.

6.32.4 Person Specifications will be adapted from the related Job Description and will take account
of the local requirements of the given job.

6.32.5 Each hotel will have a current up-to-date Person Specification for each job to ensure the
selection of qualified, service-oriented Associates.

6.32.6 Decisions to recruit are based on an applicant’s ability to do a given job based on knowledge,
experience, skills, etc., rather than some arbitrary criteria unrelated to work requirements.

6.32.7 Each Safir Hotel & Resort hires the best-qualified individual for the position without regard to
race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap or status.

6.32.8 Any one selecting and interviewing candidates for any position within Safir Hotels & Resorts
is aware of legal issues to ensure Safir Hotels & Resorts is not held accountable for
discriminating any applicant or Associate in the selection process.

6.32.9 A Person Specification is for an interviewer’s use, not for the use of the applicant.

Safir International Hotel Management Page 146 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Transfers and Promotions

6.33.1 Transfers may occur between Departments in one hotel or between two hotels in the
Company, if requested by the Associate or as arranged by the Management of the hotel(s).

6.33.2 Promotions may occur within one hotel or in conjunction with a transfer to another hotel as
arranged by the Management of the hotel(s).

6.33.3 In cases of transfers within one hotel at the Associate’s request, he/she must have completed
6 months of continuous service in his/her current position.

6.33.4 Transfer requests to other hotels will only be considered if the Associate has completed 12
months continuous service, except in exceptional circumstances.

6.33.5 Transfers and promotions must be approved in the same manner as recruiting for a new

6.33.6 A hotel having difficulty filling a vacancy internally will contact the Corporate Human
Resources Department who will carry out a search through the Company to establish if there
are any Associates suitable for transfer and/or promotion.

6.33.7 Transfers and promotions arranged by Management will be in line with the needs of the
Departments and/or hotel concerned and the ability of the Associate to be
transferred/promoted. The receiving hotel should request a copy of the Associate file.

6.33.8 Internal Transfers:

1. Associates requesting a transfer to another Department/position will submit a written

request to their Head of Department, with a copy to the Human Resources Manager.

2. A transferring Associate will receive a letter from the General Manager confirming the
details of his/her transfer. This letter will be produced in duplicate and the Associate will
sign both copies to confirm his/her acceptance, returning the original to the Human
Resources Department.

3. The Human Resource Manager is responsible for ensuring that all necessary
administration relating to the transfer is completed.(Change of status form, etc.)

Safir International Hotel Management Page 147 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Transfers and Promotions

4. Transfers involving Key Personnel positions must be advised to the Corporate Office.

5. No transfers will take place in the hotel without the prior knowledge and approval of the
Human Resources Manager and the General Manager.

6.33.9 External (unit) Transfers:

1. Associates requesting a transfer to another hotel will submit a written request to their Head
of Department, with a copy to the Human Resources Manager.

2. The approval of the General Manager must be obtained before the Associate’s application
is forwarded to the unit to which the Associate wishes to be transferred.

3. The Associate will be transferred to the new hotel in accordance with the contents of a
new Offer of Employment, Employment Contract, and the appropriate local legislation.

4. Upon transfer, all amounts and payments owed to the Associate must be paid up-to-date.
The Associate’s file will be forwarded to the Human Resources Manager of the new hotel.

5. Any costs related to the transfer of the Associate will be met by the receiving hotel, in
accordance with the relocation policy.

6. For all payroll purposes, the service date of the Associate will be the date of joining the
new unit.

7. For Long Service Awards the Associate’s original date of joining Safir Hotels & Resorts
will be the qualifying date.


1. An Associate being promoted will receive a letter from the General Manager confirming
the details of his/her promotion. This letter will be produced in duplicate.

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Safir International Hotel Management Page 148 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Transfers and Promotions

2. The Human Resource Manager is responsible for ensuring that all necessary
administration relating to the promotion is completed. (Change of Status Form, etc.)

3. Promotions involving Key Personnel positions must be advised to Corporate Office.

4. No promotion will take place in the hotel without the prior knowledge and approval of the
Human Resources Manager and the General Manager.

5. Promotions involving a transfer to another hotel will also comply with the standards
detailed above.

Safir International Hotel Management Page 149 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Accident Prevention

6.34.1 All Associates have a responsibility to ensure that work related accidents and injuries do not

6.34.2 The hotel will form a Safety Committee to review Health and Safety issues and ensure that
Health and Safety policies and procedures are being adhered to.

6.34.3 All accidents that occur on hotel premises will be reported and fully investigated, whether
they involve physical injury or not. The responsibility for preparing reports rests with the
Head of Department responsible for the area in which the accident occurred, in conjunction
with the Security Manager and/or Human Resources Manager.

6.34.4 The Human Resources Department at the Corporate Office is to be informed immediately of
any accident occurring on hotel premises, which results in an individual being admitted to
hospital or certified dead.

6.34.5 The Safety Committee will consist of representatives from each Department and will meet on
a monthly basis. Meetings will be minuted.

6.34.6 The Human Resources Department will maintain a hotel Accident Book. All accidents
happening to any person on the hotel premises will be recorded in the book.

6.34.7 Minimum information to be recorded will include:

a) Names and addresses of people involved

b) Brief description of the accident
c) Action taken
d) First aid treatment given
e) Names and addresses of witnesses

6.34.8 The Accident Book will be maintained in addition to any hotel Accident Report Form, or any
other documents/forms required by the hotel’s insurance company.

6.34.9 Payment for medical services and/or property damage should only be made provided such
payment couldn’t be taken as an admission of liability or negligence on the part of the hotel’s
Operator or Owner.

Safir International Hotel Management Page 150 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Accident Prevention

6.34.10Following the occurrence of an accident, necessary steps should be taken to review work
practices and procedures to prevent the accident from occurring again.

6.34.11Some reasons for accidents occurring include the following. All Associates must control these
factors and help to identify any Associates who may be contributing to them:

a) Associate is not physically capable of performing task

b) The job is not well designed
c) Poor training
d) Badly maintained equipment
e) Unsafe operating procedures
f) Wrong tools being used for a task
g) Poor housekeeping
h) Associate’s behavior - e.g. horseplay or showing off

Safir International Hotel Management Page 151 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Health and Safety Policy

6.35.1 The Company expects all Associates to actively participate in creating a safe environment
and that all Key Personnel will assume full responsibility for enforcing regulations within their
work area.

6.35.2 The General Manager in consultation with the Chief Engineer and the Human Resources
Manager will establish and implement a detailed Health and Safety Policy for his/her hotel.

6.35.3 The General Manager is ultimately responsible for the Health and Safety matters in the hotel
and will be assisted by his Management Team.

6.35.4 The Health and Safety Policy will be prepared in English and the local language of the country
in which the hotel operates.

6.35.5 A copy of the Health and Safety Policy will be posted on the Associate notice board.

6.35.6 Reference will be made to the main points of the Health and Safety Policy in the Associate

6.35.7 The Health and Safety Policy will meet all relevant requirements of local legislation and will
take into consideration circumstances specific to the hotel.

6.35.8 General Manager’s responsibilities regarding Health and Safety will include the following:

a) Establish and enforce Health and Safety regulations.

b) Identify hazards and unsafe conditions, and act accordingly.
c) Ensure Associates are provided with correct tools and protective clothing to carry out their
jobs in a safe manner.
d) First aid to be available for all injuries and illnesses.
e) Investigate all accidents.
f) Written reports to be made of all accidents.
g) Ensure appropriate training is provided.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Human Resources and Training Budget

6.36.1 The Human Resources Manager will work with the Financial Controller to produce an
acceptable budget for Human Resources and Training Departments following the Company
guidelines and procedures for budget preparation.

6.36.2 Besides the Departmental Budget, the Human Resources Manager will also be involved in
compiling and preparing the budgets for Payroll & Related Expenses and Training for the
whole hotel.

6.36.3 The Budget will be reviewed by the General Manager, and the Corporate Office prior to
finalization and approval.

6.36.4 The Human Resources budget will include allowances for the following:

1. Payroll and Related Expenses

2. Salaries of Human Resources Associates
3. Benefit costs of Human Resource Associates
4. Expenses for:
a) Recruitment
b) Advertising
c) Stationery
d) Recognition programs
e) Meals
f) Accommodation
g) Medical
h) Immigration processing
i) Transport
j) Sports and social activities
k) Etc.

6.36.5 The Training Budget will include allowances for the following:

1. Payroll and Related Benefits

2. Salaries and benefits of Associates of the Training Department

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Human Resources and Training Budget

3. Training Aids:
Videos, visual aids, papers, etc.

4. In-House Training:
Costs of developing specific in-house training programs for the hotel.

5. External Training:
Cost of using external training resources/companies and/or Corporate-led training

6. Training Equipment:
Television, video player, flipchart, projectors, etc.

7. Training Library:
Books, manuals, etc.

6.36.6 The Finance Department will provide assistant, relevant chart of accounts, historical
information, etc. required to complete the budget process.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Human Resources Report and Statistics

6.37.1 The Human Resources Manager will compile appropriate Human Resources Reports and
Statistics as requested by the General Manager or the Corporate Office.

6.37.2 The Human Resources Manager will compile a Monthly Human Resources Report for
inclusion in the General Managers Monthly Report.

6.37.3 The Human Resources Monthly Report will contain the following information:

a) Associate Turnover report for the hotel.

b) Reasons for leaving report.
c) Associate Nationality Breakdown report.
d) Current Vacancies in hotel.
e) Training activities during the month.
f) Human Resources activities during month.
g) Planned Human Resources/Training activities for the following month.

6.37.4 The Human Resources Monthly Report will be submitted to the General Manager within three
(3) working days of the end of the month.

6.37.5 It is recommended that the Human Resources Manager also develops systems to record
and report the following information for the hotel:

a) Absenteeism / Sickness
b) Overtime
c) Vacation
d) Associate costs (i.e. meals/accommodation/transport/etc.)
e) Disciplinary action
f) Accidents/Health and Safety
g) Associate Accommodation situation.
h) Miscellaneous

6.37.6 The Human Resource Manager will develop the hotel’s system for statistical reports and
records, however the format of reporting may be determined and enforced by the Corporate

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: School / College Liaisons

6.38.1 The hotel will form a working relationship with local schools and colleges.

6.38.2 The hotel will form a working relationship with at least one local school and one local college.

6.38.3 Where possible, the college selected will be a Catering or Hotel Management

6.38.4 The Human Resources Manager and the General Manager will be responsible for
establishing and maintaining these relationships.

6.38.5 The hotel will participate in providing organized and structured periods of work experience in
the hotel for pupils/students.

6.38.6 Such periods will be to provide training and experience for the pupils/students. They are not
to be used as periods/sources of cheap labor.

6.38.7 The hotel will participate in Careers Days or similar which are organized by local schools,

6.38.8 Regular visits/lectures will be made by hotel representatives to schools/colleges.

6.38.9 The hotel will encourage organized visits to the hotel by pupils/students, teachers and

6.38.10Photographs will be taken of any school/college liaison activities and issued to the press as
part of the hotel Public Relations Program.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 6 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-006 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM

SUBJECT: Pension Arrangements

6.39.1 The Company presently does not have any arrangements for an Associate Pension Scheme.
Several countries however make arrangements for pensions through Social Insurance, etc.

6.39.2 The hotel will ensure that all necessary social insurance payments required to be made to
the Government on behalf of Associates during their employment are fully paid up as
necessary under local legislation.

6.39.3 In countries that operate an End of Service Indemnity program, the hotel will ensure that the
appropriate amount is accrued throughout the year and the Associates period of employment
to allow full payment to be made to the Associate on leaving/retiring in accordance with local
labor law.

6.39.4 As part of the pre-retirement advice/counselling offered to Associates, the Human Resources
Manager will ensure that an Associate is clear on pensions/indemnities that will be due to
him/her on retirement.

6.39.5 The Human Resources Manager will provide assistance to the Associate in dealing with
Government bodies regarding Social Insurance/Pension procedures prior to and at the time
of retirement.

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Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 7 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-007 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM



Appendix Uniform Card HR/A7.1-2016

Appendix Interview Assessment Form HR/A7.2-2016
Appendix Airport Transportation Requisition HR/A7.3-2016
Appendix Personal Information Form HR/A7.4-2016
Appendix Induction Checklist HR/A7.5-2016
Appendix Attendance Record HR/A7.6-2016
Appendix Pro forma Certificates HR/A7.7-2016
Appendix Personal Profile HR/A7.8-2016
Appendix Request for Certification HR/A7.9-2016
Appendix Safir Hotel Annual Performance Evaluation HR/A7.10-2016
Appendix Associate of the Month Nomination HR/A7.11-2016
Appendix Exit Interview Form HR/A7.12-2016
Appendix Advice of an Offence HR/A7.13-2016
Appendix Gate Pass HR/A7.14-2016
Appendix Purchase Order HR/A7.15-2016
Appendix Passport Withdrawal HR/A7.16-2016
Appendix Inventory Checklist HR/A7.17-2016
Appendix Maintenance Request for Staff Housing HR/A7.18-2016
Appendix Locker Card HR/A7.19-2016
Appendix Vacation Request HR/A7.20-2016
Appendix Vacation Record HR/A7.21-2016
Appendix Sick Leave Payment HR/A7.22-2016
Appendix Salary Advance Voucher HR/A7.23-2016
Appendix Employment Situation HR/A7.24-2016

Safir International Hotel Management Page 158 of 159

Human Resources
Operating Manual

File under: Section 7 Effective date: April 2016

Policy no: HR-007 Next Revision: February 2017

Prepared by:

Area: Human Resources Approved by: SIHM



Appendix Associate Clearance Record HR/A7.25-2016

Appendix Personnel Requisition HR/A7.26-2016
Appendix Application for Employment HR/A7.27-2016

Safir International Hotel Management Page 159 of 159

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.1-2016 SUBJECT: Uniform Card

To: Executive Housekeeper
Kindly issue uniform to __________________________________________________________________
Department: ______________________________ Position: _________________________________
Date of Employment: _______________________

Personnel Manager ______________________

Uniform Issued: Uniform No: ________

Item Quantity Color Date Received Remarks

To Personnel HR Manager
All items above have been returned.
The following items have not been returned to the housekeeping department:

Date: _______________ Executive Housekeeper ___________________

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.2-2016 SUBJECT: Interview Assessment Form


(To be completed immediately after interview and attached to Application Form)

Name of Candidate : _____________________ Date of Interview : _______________________

Position Applied for : _____________________ Place of Interview: _______________________
Interview by : _____________________Date Available : _______________________
Tick the appropriate box in each category, and then make additional comments below.


Indifferent to No bearing, Uncommunicat None as None, Unpleasant

1. attire and lacks ive Confused pertains to this apathetic
grooming confidence, thoughts, poor position in-different,
sloppy, un-kept slovenly vocabulary disinterested

Careless attire, Often appears Poor speaker, Will need Doubtful Slightly
2. poor grooming uncertain, poor hazy thoughts considerable interest in objectionable
posture and ideas training position

Functional Holds self well, Speaks well, Basic, but will Sincere desire Likeable
3. attire, neatly seems expresses learn on the to work
groomed confident ideas job

Well groomed Sure of self, Speaks, thinks, Well verse in Strong interest Pleasing
4 reflects clearly, with position, little in position,
confidence confidence training asks questions

Immaculate, Highly Exceptional, Extremely well Highly Extremely

5 attire and confident, speaks clearly, versed, able to motivated, pleasing,
grooming inspires others, concisely with work without eager to work, charming
asserts confidence further training asks many individual
presence questions


Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.2-2016 SUBJECT: Interview Assessment Form

1-15 points 16-18 points 19-21 points 22-25 points 26-30 points









Job offer
Second Interview with:
Hold for

Offer Position: ______________________________

Salary: _________________

Prospective Date of Starting: ___________________

Signature : ___________________________ Date: __________________

*Please return completed form with application details to the Human Resources Department.

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.3-2016 SUBJECT: Airport Transportation Requisition


To : Front Office
From : Personnel HR Department

The following associates will be arriving on _______________________________ and the flight details are
as below, would appreciate your assistance to arrange pick up from the airport.

Name : _______________________________

Flight Details
ETA : _______________________________
From : _______________________________

Name : _______________________________

Signature _______________________________
Date : _______________________________

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.4-2016 SUBJECT: Personal Information Form


(To be completed upon Employment)

Name: ______________________________________________________________

Affix Passport
________________ Passport Size Photo
Nationality : __ Number : Here
Blood Group : ________________ Date Issued :
Place of :

Local Address
: _________
Contact _________

Permanent _________
Address :
Contact :
Persons to be contacted in case of emergency:

Name : __________________________ Name : _________________________

____ _____
Address : Address :
__________________________ _________________________
____ _____
Email : Email :
__________________________ _________________________
Contact : ____ Contact : _____
Number Number
: __________________________ : _________________________
Relations ____ Relationship _____
__________________________ _________________________
____ _____
__________________________ _________________________
____ _____

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.5-2016 SUBJECT: Induction Checklist

(To be completed for all New Associates)

Name : ________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Department: _______________________________________ Title: ___________________________

PART I – To be completed by the Human Resources Department on the first day of employment.
Introduction to the General Manager Give Associate Handbook
Give Copy of Employment Contract Give Uniform Card
Give Copy of Job Description Give Time Card
Explain Shape Yearly Appraisal Give Fire Manual
Explain Salary Payment Show Employees Entrance
Explain Accommodation and Employees Transport Show Associates Cafeteria
Show Locker Room and Assign Locker Number Introduce to Supervisor

Signature (HRM) _______________________ Signature(Associate) __________________

Date _______________________ Date _____________________

PART II – To be completed by the Supervisor on the first week within the Department
Introduction to Colleagues Explain attendance to training sessions
Introduction to Department Head Meetings
Tour of the work area / show work station Explain Fire and Safety Procedures
Explain Shift Schedule and break Period Show First Aid Box
Explain Department Rules and Procedures

Signature (Supervisor / Department Head) Signature(Associate)______________________


Date _______________________ Date ______________________

PART III – To be completed by the Training Manager within one month

Company Presentation (Unit and Safir Group) Hotel Tour
Appearance and Hygiene Departments
Quality Service Policy Food and Beverage Outlets
Environment Program Rooms
Training Opportunities / Career Development Club Facilities

Signature (Training Manager) ___ ____________ Signature(Associate)______________________

Date _______________________ Date ______________________

Completed Forms will be kept in the Associates Personal File

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.6-2016 SUBJECT: Attendance Record


Department ______________________ Sub Department _________________________ Month of _____________________

P Present At Work H Public Holiday XP Day Off (Due Taken)

X Weekly Day Off HP Holiday (Due Taken) OP Authorized Unpaid Absence
V Paid Leave HD Holiday (Due Accumulated) XD Day Off (Due Accumulated)
S Sick Leave AP Additional Paid (Extra Overtime) O Absence

Clock Name 25 26 26 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Remarks


Department Head ____________________________ Division Head _________________________


Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.7-2016 SUBJECT: Pro forma Certificates






FROM: _________________ TO: ____________________


_________________________ _________________________

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.7-2016 SUBJECT: Pro forma Certificates








ON _________________


_________________________ _________________________

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.8-2016 SUBJECT: Personal Profile


Name :
Position : Department :
Date of Birth : Place of Birth :
Passport : Issuing Authority :
Issue Date : Expiry Date :
Nationality : Blood Group :
Marital Status : Spouse Name :
Date of Birth : Place of Birth :
Passport : Issuing Authority :
Issue Date : Expiry Date :
No of Children ; Ages :


Start End Name / Address of School Degree Earned


Languages Known Speak Write Understand

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.9-2016 SUBJECT: Request for Certification


To : HR Manager

From : ________________

Department : ________________

Date : ________________

Kindly provide me with a __________________ certificate /s which I would appreciate if it could be in

English / Arabic ______________ for the purpose of presenting it to ____________________________

Signature: ______________________

Approval of HR Manager: _________________________

The requested document will not be handed over immediately as a time lapse of minimum 24 hours is
required to process any such documents.

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.10-2016 SUBJECT: Safir Hotel Annual Performance Evaluation


Name : ______________________ Associate No : ______________________

Location : ______________________ Department : ______________________
Position : ______________________ Number : ______________________
Date of : ______________________ Date in Position : ______________________
Evaluation : ______________________ Last Appraisal : ______________________
Evaluated By : ______________________ Next Review : ______________________
Evaluator’s Session
Position Starting Date with
General Instructions:
1. This evaluation should be completed at the end of each fiscal year or when the Associate is
promoted or transferred. The first evaluation is to be done upon completion of one year of service.

2. Prior to their joint evaluation meeting, the evaluator and the associate (independently of one
another) should complete Sections A and B. Section C should be completed by the Associate only.
The remaining portion of the form will be completed during the appraisal meeting.

3. Prior to the evaluation meeting the evaluator will review his /her ratings in Sections A and B with
the next level (and functional specialist where practical / relevant) and discuss Overall Ratings and

4. After the evaluation meeting, the S.H.A.P.E. representing the agreement between the evaluator
and the associate should be finalized and submitted to the next higher level of management. If
agreement is not reached the evaluator’s rating prevails with an explanation as appropriate.

5. If any item does not apply to the position or Associate being rated, indicate N/A (not applicable).

Rating Key:
1. Excellent Consistently exceeds the requirements / standards of the job
2. Very Good Frequently exceeds the requirements / standards of the job
3. Satisfactory Meets and occasionally exceeds the requirements / standards of the job
4. Needs Improvement Sometimes fail to meet the requirements / standards of the job

Use of this rating requires a written statement of an action plan with deadlines for improvement. Use
performance Improvement Plan form which is available from the Human Resources Department.

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.10-2016 SUBJECT: Safir Hotel Annual Performance Evaluation


Using the appropriate Job Description, you are to rate effectiveness in carrying out Duties and
Responsibilities using the scale below. The numbers on the left refer to the numbered Duties and
Responsibilities in the Job Description. Identify each duty and responsibility by a few key words Attach a
copy of the Job Description to this form.

1. Excellent 2. Very Good 3. Satisfactor 4. Needs Improvement


Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.10-2016 SUBJECT: Safir Hotel Annual Performance Evaluation



Comment on the following and circle appropriate number based on the evaluation scale below:

1. Excellent 2. Very Good 3. Satisfactor 4. Needs Improvement

1. ADMINISTRATION 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

How effectively does the individual organize his / her work and that of others?

2. JUDGEMENT 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

How well does the individual weigh relevant factors in reaching a decision?


How well does the individual stimulate his / her team to perform at their best?


How well does the individual work with and through people at various levels?

5. INITIATIVE 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

To what extent is this individual a self-starter?


To what extent did individual work on developing those reporting to him or her?

7. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

For any Addition criteria evaluator considers relevant to the individual’s performance.

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.10-2016 SUBJECT: Safir Hotel Annual Performance Evaluation


(To be completed by the Individual being reviewed)


1. During the appraisal period, what do you consider your major:

a. Achievements

b. Difficulties

2. What areas in your job performance do you feel could be improved by you, or with the help of your

3. How would you assess your contribution to the performance of the function / department / hotel /
corporate office?

1. Where do you want to go from your present position?

2. What training and job experience are required for your present position and future career?

3. What is your long term career goal?

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.10-2016 SUBJECT: Safir Hotel Annual Performance Evaluation




Using Rating Key defined on Page 1 indicate the rating which most appropriately summarizes Associate’s
overall performance:

1. Excellent 2. Very Good 3. Satisfactor 4. Needs Improvement






a. Promo ability and Potential: List specific position (s) individual is qualified to assume and when?

______________________________________ Timeframe: ______________________

b. Is Individual interested to transfer Yes ___ No ___ Preference ___


______________ _________________ _______________

Associate Evaluator (Title) Next Level (Title)

Note: This evaluation form must be reviewed with Next Level prior to joint evaluation meeting with

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.10-2016 SUBJECT: Safir Hotel Annual Performance Evaluation



Name : _____________________ File No : _____________________

_____________________ _____________________
Position : Department :
: _____________________ _____________________
Commencing Date No of Years :
_____________________ _____________________
Interview Conducted By : Position :

1. What do you feel; you do well in your job?


______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________

2. What do you feel, could be improved in your job performance?


______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.10-2016 SUBJECT: Safir Hotel Annual Performance Evaluation

EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL (continued from page 6)

3. What additional training would you require?


______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________

4. What are your goals for the coming period?


______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________

5. What are your ambitions? How can we help you to achieve them?


______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.10-2016 SUBJECT: Safir Hotel Annual Performance Evaluation


A. Excellent B. Good C. Average D. Unsatisfactory

A : B : C : D : COMMENTS
Quality of Work : ____ : ____ : ____ : ____ : __________________________
Sincerity : ____ : ____ : ____ : ____ : __________________________
: : : : :
Reliability ____ ____ ____ ____ __________________________
: : : : :
Courtesy : ____ : ____ : ____ : ____ : __________________________
: : : : :
Initiative : ____ : ____ : ____ : ____ : __________________________
Punctuality ____ ____ ____ ____ __________________________
Team Spirit ____ ____ ____ ____ __________________________


____________________________________ ____________________________________
_____ _____
____________________________________ ____________________________________
_____ _____
____________________________________ ____________________________________
_____ _____
____________________________________ ____________________________________
______ ______
____________________________________ ____________________________________
______ ______
____________________________________ ____________________________________
_____ _____

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.11-2016 SUBJECT: Associate of the Month Nomination


Kindly nominate one Associate who deserves to win the award for his / her outstanding efforts mainly in:

Increasing Profit Cost Saving Other Aspects

This form has to be forwarded to the HR Office by the end of the current month.

Name : ______________________________ Department : __________________________

Position : ______________________________ Commencing Date: __________________________

Please describe briefly why this Associate deserves to be nominated for this award and indicate specific

If direct profit or saving is identified please mention:


Approximate Profit: ________________________ Approximate Saving:


Name of Selector : ________________________ Selector : __________________________

Date : ________________________

Committee Rating: 123456

General Manager’s Approval

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.12-2016 SUBJECT: Exit Interview Form


To be completed by Employer

Associate Name : _____________________________________________

Unit : _____________________________________________
Position : _____________________________________________
Date of : _____________________________________________
: _____________________________________________
Date of Termination

Termination: Voluntary Involuntary


Where is the Associate going (company, position?)


Full details of resignation:


Eligible for Rehire: Yes No

Interviewer’s Name: _____________________________ Date: __________________

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.12-2016 SUBJECT: Exit Interview Form


To be completed by Associate

Associate Name : _____________________________________________

Unit : _____________________________________________
Position : _____________________________________________

Why are you leaving the hotel?


Where are you going (company, position?)


Do you have any suggestions as to how to make this a better place to work?

Would you consider returning to the hotel in the future: Yes No

Associate: _____________________________ Date: __________________

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HR/A7.13-2016 SUBJECT: Advice of an Offence


To : HR Manager

From : ______________________________
Position : ______________________________
Date : ______________________________

You are kindly requested to apply the hotel disciplinary chart on the following Associate.

Name : ______________________________
Position : ______________________________
Dept. : ______________________________

As on __________________ he / she was


Thank you

Department Head

Safir International Hotel Management

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HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.14-2016 SUBJECT: Gate Pass


Name : _______________________________
Department : _______________________________
Clock No : _________
Reason for Leaving :

Item Taken : _______________________________________________________________________


Date: _______________________ Time: _______________

________________ ________________
Department Head HR Manager

Safir International Hotel Management

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HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.15-2016 SUBJECT: Purchase Order



Date: ________________

Please issue PTA / Air Ticket to the following:


Kindly charge the above amount to our account as per agreement.

__________________ _________________ ________________

HR Manager Financial Controller General Manager


For Internal Use:

Ticket Charge To : ______________________________________________________
Other Remarks : _______________________________________________________________
White Copy: Travel Agent Green Copy: Serial Control (Accounts)
Blue Copy : Paymaster pink Copy : Personnel Department
Yellow Copy: Accounts Payable

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.16-2016 SUBJECT: Passport Withdrawal


Date :
To : HR Manager

Kindly authorize me to take my passport for a period of __________ days.

Purpose: ____________________________________________________

From : ____________________________
Clock No : ____________________________
Department: ____________________________

Approval of Department Head:

Signature of Associate:

Do Not Write Below This Line

Passport No : ______________________ Expiry Date: ______________________

Residency No : ______________________ Expiry Date ______________________
Date Passport Taken: ________________ Date of Returning Passport: _______________

HR Manager

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.17-2016 SUBJECT: Inventory Checklist

Name : __________________________ Dept.: ______________________
Room No: __________________________ Date: ______________________


1 Bed (Double)
2 Bed (Single)
3 Bedside Table
4 Bedside Table with Radio Unit
5 Table Lamps
6 Standard Lamps
7 Long Unit with Drawers
8 Desk Chairs
9 Long Mirror
10 Small Mirror
11 Hangers
12 Curtains
13 Coffee Table
14 Arm Chair
15 Sofa
16 Cushions
17 Luggage bench
18 Refrigerator
19 Pictures
20 Television
21 Hot Plate
22 Sink Unit with Cupboard
23 Fitted Carpet
24 Book Case
25 Dining Table
26 Dining Chairs
27 Balcony Table
28 Balcony Chairs
29 Carpets
30 Bedspread
31 Sheets
32 Pillows
33 Pillow Cases
34 Blankets
35 Under Blankets
36 Towels: Hand
37 Bath
38 Bath Rug
39 Bath Mat

Clause of responsibility:
I the occupant understand and agree to the following points:
1. I will be responsible for all hotel supplied furniture and materials listed above and I will see to it that
they are kept in good and clean condition.
2. In the event of damage to hotel property the Personnel Manager will be informed immediately, for the
necessary action if the damage is assessed to be of willful nature, through negligence on my part, I
will be responsible for the cost on the item.
Date: ________________________ Signature: ___________________________

Safir International Hotel Management

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HR/A7.18-2016 SUBJECT: Maintenance Request for Staff Housing


Date: _________________

Area ____________ Building No ____________

Floor No ____________ Apartment No ____________

Dear Resident,
In order to make your accommodation more comfortable, please advise us of any furniture repair /
maintenance in your apartment.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________

Thank you

HR Department

Received on: __________________ Action Taken: ____________________

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.19-2016 SUBJECT: Locker Card


Associate ________________________________ Department ________________________

Locker No. ________________ Issue Date ______________

You are allocated with Locker Number __________ where you can store your personal belongings.

Locker Rooms are provided for changing of uniforms and washing.

Kindly adhere to the following rules regarding your locker.

1. Locker should be kept clean and tidy.

2. A duplicate key of your locker will be kept with the Timekeeper or Security.
3. Do not forget your locker key when coming to duty.
4. Do not keep soiled clothes or uniforms inside the locker.
5. Do not leave any valuables, liquid, breakable and illegal materials.
6. Management accepts no responsibility for any theft or loss of your items from the locker.
7. Do not change your locker key without informing the Timekeeper or Security.
8. Lockers are subject to inspection by the Personnel Department.

Signature of Associate: _________________

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.20-2016 SUBJECT: Vacation Request


Name __________________________ Leave Starting ________________________

Department __________________________ Date ________________________
Position __________________________ Last Day of ________________________
Clock No _______ Leave
Date of __________________________ Duty Starts
Employment _______ ________________________
No of Days _______
Required _______ Associate ________________________
Annual Signature
Unpaid Leave Dept. Head
Others Signature

Division Head

Approved Leave by HR Department:

Remarks Starting on Ending on No of Days Holiday Total Amount

Days Off
Unpaid Leave

Total No of

General Manager : ______________________ Personnel Manager: ______________________

Paymaster: ______________________ Financial Controller: _______________________

I ____________________________ acknowledge receipt of Cheque No: _________________ Dated ___________
for (currency) __________________ in payment of my vacation as mentioned above.
Associate Signature: ___________
For Accounts Use Only:

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.21-2016 SUBJECT: Vacation Record


Vacation Due in Days Vacation in Days Paid / Unpaid Balance Remarks

Day From To Days From To

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.22-2016 SUBJECT: Sick Leave Payment


From: HR Department To: paymaster

Name _______________________________
Department ________________________________
Clock No. ____________

Kindly be informed that the above mentioned associate is on _______________________ leave, since
__________ till __________ for a period of ________ days.

HR Manager

cc: Department Head

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.23-2016 SUBJECT: Salary Advance Voucher


Date: ___________

Associate _________________________ Position _________________________

Department _________________________ Monthly Salary _______________
Amount _________________________ Mode of _________________________
Required Payment
Reason for Advance Payment __________________________________________

Associate Signature:

Approved By:

_______________ ___________ ______________

Department Head Division Head General Manager

_______________ ________________
Paymaster Financial Controller

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.24-2016 SUBJECT: Employment Situation


New Recruit Promotion Transfer

Resignation Termination Other

Name : ______________________________________ Clock No. : ______________

Department : ______________________________________ Starting Date : _______________

From To
Department : ______________________ ______________________
Basic Salary : ______________________ ______________________
Position : ______________________ ______________________
Allowances : ______________________ ______________________
Other : ______________________ ______________________
Effective: ______________

Remarks : ________________________________________________________________
Issue Date:

_______________ ________________ ________________ _______________

Department Head HR Manager Financial Controller General Manager

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.25-2016 SUBJECT: Associate Clearance Record


Name : ____________________________________
Department : ____________________________________
Position : ____________________________________
Date of Employment : ____________________________________
Date of Termination : ____________________________________

Department Cleared Signature

Hotel Id Card
Residence Cancellation Procedures

Room Keys

Key Lock

Department Head


Cleared for Payment: ______________________________ Personnel Manager


Bank Name: ___________________________________ Accounts Clearance: ___________________

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.26-2016 SUBJECT: Personnel Requisition


Position : _______________________ Department : ____________________

To Replace : _______________________
Over Budget (reason) : _______________________
Date to Commence: _______________________
Department Head : _______________________ Date : ____________________

Within Budget Over-Budget

Salary Scale : ______________________

________________ _______________ ______________

HR Manager Financial Controller General Manager
(Approved By)

Action Taken by Personnel Department

Name Job Salary Starting Date

_____________________________ ______________ _______ __________

_____________________________ ______________ _______ __________

_____________________________ ______________ _______ __________

_____________________________ ______________ _______ __________

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.27-2016 SUBJECT: Application for Employment


Please fill this form completely and accurately Affix your


Date: _____________

Name: (print) ______________________________________________________________ Male

(First) (Middle) (Family)

Home Address (Current)



Permanent Address


Marital Status Single Married Widow (er) Divorced Separated

Date of Birth: ________________ Age: ________ Place of Birth: _______________

Nationality: _________________ Religion: _____________

Position Applied For: ___________________ Minimum Salary Desired: ____________

Have you ever applied for a job in this company? ____________ When: ____________

Have you any dependents? Yes No

Name Age Relationship Name Age Relationship

Who referred you to us? _____________________________ Are you employed now? ________

If so where? __________________________________________________________________________________

In what capacity? _______________________ May we contact your employer? Yes No

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.27-2016 SUBJECT: Application for Employment


Height: _________ Weight: _________ Color of Eyes: _________ Color of Hair: _________

How is your health?Excellent Good Fair Poor

Please check ( ) If you had trouble with Heart Lungs Hernia Nervous Disorder

Have you any disorder with the following - Explain

Feet: ___________ Hand: __________ Vision: __________ Hearing: _________ Speech:


Any serious injury or surgery:


Passport – ID card and Work Permit Details

Passport Number: ______________________ Place and Date of Issue:


Expiry Date: ______________ ID card Number: ____________________ Expiry Date: _________________

Date of First Entry (name of country): ______________________________ Type of Entry: _______________

Work Permit Number: ____________________ Expiry Date: _____________ ____


Name and Address of School / College From To Degree / Major Course of Study


Languages Speak Read Write

Excelle Good Fair Excelle Good Fair Excelle Good Fair
nt nt nt

What business machines can you operate:



Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.27-2016 SUBJECT: Application for Employment

What kinds of work are you most qualified to do?



Name three References other than your relatives:

Name Address Occupation Contact Numbers

Name three Relatives whom we can contact in case of Emergency:

Name Address Occupation Contact Numbers

List below the positions you held. Be as accurate as possible.

Name / Address of Period Nature of Position and Sala Name of Reason for

Employer Business Duties ry Supervisor Leaving

Fr To

Safir International Hotel Management

Human Resouces
HR Forms for the Operating Manual

HR/A7.27-2016 SUBJECT: Application for Employment

I, the undersigned hereby declare that all information contained in this application form is complete and
correct and that the company has the right to ascertain its authority by all means. Misrepresentations or
concealment by me of relevant information or materials will render this contract null and void. In such case,
the company has the right to terminate my employment without notice, indemnities or compensation.

Applicant Signature Date: _________________

Please do not write below this line

Department Head Ratings and Comments:





HR Department

Date of Employment: ___________________ Department: ________________________

Position : ___________________ Salary : _________________________

HR Manager

General Manager’s Approval _________________________

Safir International Hotel Management

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