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youmaachit36772 3 4 minutes ago Share

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Describe the software process framework?

[PDF] A process was [PDF] Software Process Software Engineering
defined as a collection … Framework Framework: A Detailed…
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Sign Up The software process framework in software engineering is a foundational structure that
encompasses a set of umbrella activities and framework activities applicable to all
software projects. It defines a systematic approach to developing software applications by
organizing activities into five generic framework activities: communication, planning,
modeling, construction, and deployment.
Communication: Involves gathering requirements through heavy communication with
customers and stakeholders.
Planning: Focuses on technical tasks, work schedules, risks, and required resources.
Modeling: Involves creating representations of real-world elements to better
understand requirements.
Construction: Encompasses coding and testing to assemble the software product.
Deployment: Involves presenting the software to customers for evaluation and
Additionally, umbrella activities such as risk management, software quality assurance,
software configuration management, measurement, and formal technical reviews play a
crucial role in maintaining progress, quality, and managing risks throughout the software
development process. The software process framework ensures a structured approach to
software development, enhancing communication, quality, and efficiency in the software
engineering process.

Explain the Requirements engineering

Requirements… · 1 Software Engineering |
The requirements engineering process consists Requirement Engineerin…
of the following stages: Elicitation: In this stage… javatpoint · 2 View 3 more

Requirements engineering is a crucial process in software engineering that involves
identifying, eliciting, analyzing, specifying, validating, and managing the needs and
expectations of stakeholders throughout the software development lifecycle. The
requirements engineering process typically consists of several key stages:
1. Elicitation: In this stage, requirements are gathered from stakeholders such as
customers, users, and domain experts to identify the features and functionalities
that the software system should provide.
2. Analysis: Requirements are analyzed to determine their feasibility, consistency, and
completeness, aiming to identify conflicts or contradictions in the requirements and
resolve them.
3. Specification: Requirements are documented in a clear, concise, and unambiguous
manner to provide a detailed description that can be understood by all
4. Validation: Requirements are reviewed and validated to ensure they meet the needs
of stakeholders, ensuring accuracy, completeness, and consistency.
Try Pro 5. Management: Requirements are managed throughout the software development
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follow-up engineering is essential for the success of software development
projects as it ensures that the software system meets stakeholders' needs, is delivered on
Download time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. It involves continuous
communication and collaboration among project stakeholders to guarantee that the
software system aligns with user needs and the company's overall goals. Additionally,
requirements engineering helps in identifying potential issues early, improving
communication and collaboration, reducing misunderstandings and errors, and ensuring
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that the software system is developed efficiently and cost-effectively.
Describe the Design Concepts?
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[PDF] Design Concepts Software Design SE 22 : Software Design
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Based on the search results, the key software design concepts are:
1. Abstraction:

Procedural abstraction: Hiding the internal implementation details of a function

or module, and exposing only the necessary functionality.
Data abstraction: Hiding the internal data structure implementation and
exposing only the necessary operations on the data. View More

2. Modularity:
Dividing the software system into smaller, independent modules or
components that can be developed and tested separately. Watch
Allows for parallel development, easier maintenance, and reduced complexity.
3. Information Hiding:
Encapsulating design decisions within modules so that they are not visible
Prevents unintended interactions and makes the system more maintainable.
4. Architectural Design:
Defining the high-level structure of the software system, including the major
components and their relationships.
Helps ensure the system meets non-functional requirements like performance,
reliability, and scalability.
5. Design Patterns:
Reusable solutions to common design problems.
Provide a common vocabulary and structure for designing software.
6. Coupling and Cohesion:
Coupling refers to the degree of interdependence between modules.
Cohesion refers to the degree to which the elements of a module belong
Good design aims to minimize coupling and maximize cohesion.
These design concepts provide a foundation for creating high-quality, maintainable
software systems by managing complexity, promoting reuse, and ensuring the system
meets stakeholder requirements.

Define the Non Functional Requirements And

Explin with types?
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Download Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) are the specifications that define how a system
should perform, rather than what it should do. They describe the quality attributes or
constraints of a software system, such as performance, security, reliability, usability, and
The main types of Non-Functional Requirements include:
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1. Performance Requirements:

Home Specify the speed, responsiveness, and throughput of the system under
different workloads.
Discover Examples: response time, transaction rate, throughput, latency.
Library 2. Scalability Requirements:
Describe how the system should perform as the number of users or data
Sign in volume increases.
Examples: maximum number of concurrent users, maximum data storage
Sign Up capacity.
3. Reliability Requirements:
Specify the system's ability to function correctly and consistently over time.
Examples: mean time between failures, fault tolerance, recoverability.
4. Availability Requirements:
Describe the system's uptime and accessibility to users.
Examples: percentage of time the system is operational, maximum allowed
5. Security Requirements:
Specify the system's ability to protect data and prevent unauthorized access.
Examples: encryption, authentication, authorization, data integrity.
6. Usability Requirements:
Describe the ease of use and user experience of the system.
Examples: learnability, efficiency, memorability, error handling, accessibility.
7. Maintainability Requirements:
Specify the ease with which the system can be modified, repaired, or enhanced.
Examples: modularity, testability, documentation, ease of configuration.
8. Portability Requirements:
Describe the system's ability to run on different hardware, software, or network
Examples: operating system compatibility, hardware independence, platform
9. Compatibility Requirements:
Specify the system's ability to work with other systems or components.
Examples: data exchange formats, communication protocols, API compatibility.
10. Regulatory Requirements:
Describe the system's compliance with external laws, standards, or regulations.
Examples: data privacy, accessibility, industry-specific regulations.
Non-Functional Requirements are crucial for ensuring the overall quality, performance, and
user satisfaction of a software system. They complement the Functional Requirements by
defining the system's quality attributes and constraints, which are essential for the
system's success.

what are some examples of non-functional requirements in software development
how do non-functional requirements differ from functional requirements
what are the different types of non-functional requirements in software development
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