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Part 5
Directions: In each question, you will find a word or phrase missing. Four answer choices are given below each
sentence. You must choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D)
on your answer sheet.

1. Most of the departments will be … office parties before christmas vacation begins.
A. to hold C. have held
B. held D. holding

2. He is particularly … by the way the new manager has dealt with emergencies.
A. impressionable C. impressive
B. impressed D. impression

3. She hasn’t finished the monthly financial reports …, but says she should have them by the end of the day.
A. by this time C. yet
B. still D. then

4. Be sure … all stationery orders by 3p.m. on Fridays.

A. place C. to place
B. placing D. placed

5. Five years …, the Lewis sisters ran the most successful interior design business in Los Angeles.
A. ago C. since
B. then D. after

6. I have noticed that when the boss is away, employees like to relax and enjoy ….
A. myself C. himself
B. ourselves D. themselves

7. If you do not read the business page regularly, you … to miss reports of the important business transactions.
A. are going C. would be going
B. will D. had

8. Her competence, intelligence, … efficiency make her an excellent candidate.

A. but C. and
B. or D. so

9. They… to build an addition to their hotel to accommodate their many guests.

A. must C. should
B. ought D. have to
Part 6
Directions: Read texts on the following pages. You will find a word or phrase missing in some of the sentences.
Below each of the sentences, four answer choices are given. Select the most appropriate answer to complete the
text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 10 through 13 refer to the following fax.

To : Elizabeth Turner
From: Edmund Black
Re: Friday’s meeting
Date: January 4, 2023


I’m not ….. if you have remembered or not, what with the christmas and New Year holidays,
10. A. able
B. sure
C. knowing
D. allowed

but we have a meeting with Dylan Peterson on Friday. As that is only three days ……, I’d really
11. A. ago
B. before
C. away
D. until

like to meet up and talk with you beforehand. We really need to look as though we know what we’re talking about,
so I think it would be helpful to meet and make some notes so that we can present a …… argument.
12. A. convincing
B. contagious
C. conquering
D. certainty

I think he’s going to be quite difficult to persuade, so we need to have all the facts well-organized and at our
fingertips. I’m preparing some spreadsheets. Are you ………. at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning? Give me a call.
13. A. sure
B. definite
C. free
D. at cost
Questions 14 through 17 refer to the following letter.

432 Earl Street,

April 22nd

Brighton Bank
33 Head Street

Dear Sirs,
Re: Replacement Credit Card

I recently received a replacement for my …… credit card through the mail. I had already started using this
14. A. expired
B. expiry
C. deleted
D. exceeded

card when I received yet another card. I am now a little confused about which card I should be using, and I was
wondering if I should have one of the cards cancelled. Would it be adequate just to ………… the second card?
15. A. impair
B. cut up
C. designate
D. turn up

Unfortunately, I am housebound, so I am unable to visit the bank in person. I should be most grateful if you
could ……… me on this matter. I look ……… to your response.
16. A. advice 17. A. ahead
B. advertise B. back
C. advise C. forward
D. send D. for
Part 7
Directions: In this part of the test, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Choose the correct answer to each question
and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 18 through 21 refer to the following advertisement.

Smart business people have long known that they can use the Zephyr to do their faxing, emailing, scheduling,
writing, and typing at home, in the office, and on the road, and now it gets even better! On top of all things Zephyr
can already do, we’ve just added a special feature that can save you money. Buy a Zephyr now (retails for
$1,599.00) and we’ll include a 512mb flash memory card pre-loaded with Expense Manager and Paging Access
software. That’s a $250 value, free if you act now! Use the Expense Manager to keep track of your business
expenses. Send messages to cell phones with the Access software. Use the extra memory to store more data or
back up your data.

18. What kind of an ad is this?

A. An ad announcing sale C. An ad announcing a new product
B. An ad announcing a special offer D. An ad announcing a new location

19. Who would purchase a Zephyr?

A. A college student majoring in law C. A businessperson
B. A busy housewife with four children D. A plumber or electrician

20. How much money can you save if you follow up on this offer?
A. $1,599 C. $201
B. $250 D. $49

21. What is Expense Manager?

A. A store in the area C. A pre-loaded memory card
B. A sales person at the store D. A computer program
Questions 22 through 25 refer to the following letter.

Stock Options
25 Alto St.
Albuquerque, NM
October 10, 2021
Landreth’s Shoes
7829 Miller Avenue
Denver, CO

Dear Sir,
Wouldn’t you be surprised if you walked into your store tomorrow and saw $5 bills hanging out from every
shoe box lid? Money, as you know, has no value unless it is working. If you invest money in something that
doesn’t earn anything, it eventually costs more money to leave it there. This is why a large group of our customers
go to a little extra time and effort to harness their shoe stock with our Concentration Plan. This plan helps them
drive those slow-moving shoes off the shelves.
Our Stock Control System is a part of the Concentration Plan. It will keep track of your stock and keep that
stock mobile in a way you couldn’t manage without it. You’ll be surprised at how inefficient your current stock-
tracking systems will seem in contrast. Install our Plan in January and it will be running smoothly by your spring
shoe sales. It costs nothing except your willingness to start it and keep it going. Please read the attached
Concentration Plan agreement, fill in the information on the second sheet, and we will forward the necessary
supplies and information. I am confident that, having read the attached customer testimonies, you will see that
Stock Options Concentration Plan is the only way to go. You may also find further information on the Stock
Options website at


Darlene French,
Stock Options Consultant

22. What type of letter is this?

A. An inquiry letter C. A sales letter
B. A request letter D. A letter of congratulations

23. What will the Concentration Plan accomplish?

A. It will increase profits. C. It will put $5 into every box of shoes.
B. It will attract shoppers from far away. D. It will provide a website.

24. What should Landreth’s Shoes do first?

A. Put time and effort into their business
B. Read the agreement and complete a questionnaire
C. Install the Concentration Plan in January
D. Send in $5 for each pair of shoes in stock

25. According to the letter, how long after installation would it probably take for the system to become effective?
A. One year C. About six months
B. Just a few months D. Just a couple of weeks

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