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Will you take the bounty?

The Bandit’s Last Refuge
he Bandit's Last Refuge is a 5th Edition
adventure designed for 3-4 players with
Level Options
an average party level of one, three, or When an encounter requires balancing for a specific
five. Will your players trust the local level, a grid will follow the encounter description
landlord when he offers them a great with options for level balancing.
sum of gold to remove a group of Bandits from his land
or will they help the poor runaways hiding from Setting
persecution in a dangerous cave? All Lorelock adventures are designed to work in any
setting! If you are looking for setting ideas, please visit
Running the Adventure for worldbuilding inspiration and
To run this adventure, all you need are the Fifth Edition resources.
Basic Rules which are available to download, for free,
from the publisher.

Text that appears in a box like this can be read

aloud, paraphrased, or omitted based on your
preference. It is intended to help describe the world
to your players.

When a name appears in bold it is a visual suggestion to

prepare the stat block or description of that creature,
magic item, or spell. All of these can be found in either
the basic rules (BR), in the Lorelock Toolset (LT), or in
the appendix of this adventure or compendium (AA).

For instance, if “Three Goblins jump out of the trees” it

would be wise to find the goblin stat block on page 138
of the Basic Rules (BR).

This adventure begins best as the party is on the road
heading towards a town inbetween adventures. It can
also begin in a tavern. If you wish to start in the
tavern skip ahead to “Goodwine’s”.

A Tower on the Road

As you walk down the dusty path towards the
village, you see an old watchtower standing ahead
of you on the path. Smoke drifts from its chimney
towards the clear sky. Just beyond the tower, the
path curves off to the left behind a hill.

The tower is manned by some of the local lord’s guard.

The man in charge of the tower is named Sergeant
Lugaid Griogal. The guards are a generally unpleasant
group of humans and halflings who are more officially
sanctioned cutthroats than true watchmen. The
Sergeant also has a large a vicious dog named Maw. Sergeant Lugaid Griogal, Human Guard, Neutral Evil

Avoiding Detection. If the party were careful Lugaid is a large man with a thin mustache and a barrel
and working to avoid detection, they must succeed on a chest. He has long ago abandoned anything more than a
DC15 Dexterity (Stealth) check to avoid being spotted basic sense of personal hygiene or good manners. He
by the tower. If they were not travelling carefully, then spends most nights drinking, stealing, or hosting dog
they must succeed on a DC25 Dexterity (Stealth) check fights.
in order to avoid being spotted.
Goodwine’s Tavern
Being Detected. If they are spotted—or make no
attempt at stealth—they will be greeted with a “Who The village is a picturesque place. White stone
goes there” from atop the tower. There are a number of cottages stand in haphazard rows around a central
guards in the tower who will attempt to extort anyone square that houses the village well. On the square,
who comes across them for half of the gold in their The largest building by far is the local tavern. The
possession. A DC20 Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma sounds of drinking have already began to echo from
(Intimidation) check will convince them to lower that the tavern’s open door.
amount to one-third of the parties gold.
Goodwine’s tavern is a large and cozy place. Inside are
Avoiding the Toll. Any attempt to avoid paying many farm hands, townsfolk, and laborers enjoying the
will result in the guards becoming violent. If combat hospitality of Goodwine Brún (Human, NG) and his
ensues, the guards will try not to kill them and only deal wife, Hylda (Halfling, NG).
non-lethal damage. If the guards win the fight, they will
steal all of the party’s valuables and leave them on the Rumors
side of the road.
The tavern is full of locals having conversations amongst
Guard Tower Encounter themselves. This is a good place for the party to
overhear any information that you want to
Lvl Enemies communicate to them about the world they are in. In
1 Griogal (Thug, BR), 2 Guards (BR), 1 Maw addtion to those rumors, there are a few others about
(Mastiff, BR) the town.
3 Griogal (Bugbear, BR), 2 Guards (Thugs, BR), 1
Maw (Black Bear, BR) The Smith & the Barmaid. Horst Brún, the local
5 Griogal (Berserker, BR), 5 Guards (Bugbears, smith and son of Goodwine and Hylda, is in love with
BR), 1 Maw (Giant Hyena, BR) his parent’s serving girl, Ros Boid. Horst is sitting at the
bar and talking to his father. occasionally sneaking looks
at Ros when he thinks no one is looking.

Lost Labor. Fleta Greene, the last freehold Sheriff Eadwig Leach, Halfling Guard, Neutral Evil
farmer in the area, has had all of her farmhands run off
by the guards. If you are not setting this adventure in an Leach is a power-hungry and obsequious man. He
agrarian area, Fleta could be an independent merchant successfully wormed his way into his position by
who has had her employees run-off instead. informing the lord of every infraction made by the locals
and helping said lord push out the freehold farmers. He
The Bounty Hunter. A bounty hunter from the is a petty tyrant, a greedy snitch, and is generally
Merchant’s Guild has offered a reward to anyone who disliked by everyone, even his own men.
gives them information leading to the capture of a
group of miners who ran away while under contract
with the guild.

Economics. Ever since the majority of the

freehold farmers left, wages have begun to plummet.
Now that the local lord has taken over the farming
operations, there is nowhere else to go to make a living
so he sets all of the prices. This could be another trade
if you are not in an agricultural part of your world.

The Sheriff
As the evening passes, the tavern will continue to fill The Inhabited Cave
with locals as their work day ends. At some point, the
door will burst open and a number of guards will stomp The last rays of the sun are beginning to set as
in led by the local sheriff, Eadwig Leach. you pass the Greene farm and approach the cave.
It is set into a stone bluff that sticks out of a steep
Bandit Cave Bounty. Leach will announce to tree covered hillside. The sound of a creek
the now quiet room that the lord will reward anyone somewhere nearby rushes through the air filling
who clears a cave on his land of bandits with a your ears. A faint light can be seen at the caves
considerable sum of gold. Leach has a map to the cave entrance flcikering like a campfire.
that he will draw for anyone who accepts the bounty.
General Features. This cave is a small natural
Dead Men Tell No Tales. If the party killed the cave system that is, unless otherwise stated, is
guards at the tower, Leach will also announce a reward completely devoid of light. The underground river that
of 50 gold pieces for information on the attack. flows through the cave is freezing cold. Lichen grows on
most of the caves surfaces giving the cave a musty and
Bandit Cave Reward
organic smell.
Lvl Reward
1 200 gp Location. This cave’s climate should fit into any
3 600 gp setting. If your setting is not hilly or forested, it could be
5 1,000 set into a mountainside or even a rocky outcrop in the

Bandits. The “bandits” in the cave are actually

the miners who are being hunted by the merchant
bounty hunter. They have not committed any crimes on
this land’s soil besides trespassing on the lord’s land.
Leach knows this. This group is a mix of Dwarves and

Watchers. It was always Leach’s plan to setup a

group of hapless adventurers and take both the bounty
money from the local lord and the reward from the
bounty hunter for himself. To that end, he has set a
watch on the cave and will be immediatly informed
when the party enters.

Numbered Locations players find the grappling hook and rope that has been
carefully hidden in a crevice in the rock and use it to cross.
The Following Locations are numbered on the map of Discovering the crevice requires a DC15 Intelligence
the Bandit Cave on page 4. (Investigation) check.
1 - The Cave Mouth
Hazard: Enemies Across the River. One guard
This is the only entrance to the cave. It is guarded by has been left on the far side of the river. They are hiding
two “bandits”. The entrance to the cave is about 8ft. behind a rock granting them 3/4 cover. Everytime a
high but open up soon after entering until they are member of the party makes an attempt to cross the
15-20ft. Consider dropping hints that the guards do not river, they will shoot at them with their bow. Reference
look like bandits. For instance, the fact that they are the Cave Guard Encounter table for enemy stats.
carrying hammers and picks instead of swords and are
3 - Storeroom
not wearing any armor.
This is a relativly large room filled with crates, barrels,
Trap: Hidden Guards. Two clearly visible guards and chests. It is also pitch black as the miners have
stand near a fire at the mouth of the cave. A DC20 snuffed out all of the light. There are no enemies in this
Wisdom (Perception) check will reveal that there are room.
additional enemies hiding above the cave’s entrance.
These guards are not bandits but lookouts for the Secret: Searching the Boxes. Searching the
runaway miners. boxes will reveal that, instead of loot pillaged from the
surrounding countryside, they are filled with blankets,
Combat: Fighting the Guards. If the party staple foods, and mining supplies.
fights the cave guards, one will attempt to run into the
4 - Miners
cave to warn the others. If that guard succeeds he will
join the miners in room 4. The guard remaining on the The final room in the cave appears to be where the
ground will take cover in the entrance of the cave while miner’s have been living. As the party enters, they will
the guards hiding above will begin shooting arrows at find that the majority of the miners have huddled
any attackers. The guards above the cave mouth have around a group of 4 elders to protect them. Their
half cover. leader, Mordechai Brand, stands in front of the group.

Social: Parley. If the party attempts to parley Combat: Finishing the Job. If the party decides
with the cave guards, they will be wary and try to to fight the miners, they will defend themselves
intimidate the party into leaving the area. A DC20 viciously plunging the room into darkness while trying
Charisma (Persuasion) check will convince them that to create space for the elders to escape. You can find
the party is friendly and they will take them to levelling information for this encounter in the “Miners
Mordechai Brand, their leader. If this happens, skip to 4. Encounter” table.
Cave Guard Encounter
Social: Helping the
Lvl Enemies Miners. If the party has only
1 2 Drow (BR), 1 Skeleton (BR) just realized that they have
3 2 Scouts (BR), 2 Thugs (BR) mistaken the miners for
5 2 Bandit Captains (BR), 3 Spies (BR) bandits, they will get a
chance to calm the
2 - The River
situation. Mordechai will
A fast moving underground river (the creek sound from avoid violence by any
earlier) flows through this room from smaller cracks in means he can in
the cave walls. Occasionally, large piles of debris are order to protect
sucked through the river before dissapearing. Unless the his people.
party has convinced the guards that they are friendly, Convincing
the ladder that the miners use as a bridge has been him to talk is
pulled aside. Crossing requires either a high roll (DC20) not difficult.
or another clever solution. After telling
Secret: Hidden Grappling Hook. Crossing the river him their side of
is a difficult task. The DC to cross can be lowered to 15 if the the story or if they

were peaceful from the beginning, Mordechai will tell Escaping the Cave. If the party is still in the
them that the miners are fleeing from indentured cave by the time combat ends, they will have to escape
servitude at the hands of the Merchants Guild and ask by making a series of skill checks. They can choose
them for help getting him and his people to safety. which skill to use but cannot use the same skill twice.
Mordechai Brand, Dwarven Miner, Lawful Good They each have five chances to succeed before they are
spat out of the cave with three levels of exhaustion.
Mordechai is a man of principle. He strongly believes Succeeding on three of those chances means that they
that all people deserve dignity and respect. He also is have escaped successfully and do not become
not afraid to get his hands dirty if he believes the cause exhausted. Every time they fail a check there will be a
is just. Mordechai organized the miners to revolt and consequence. These consequences and the check DCs
escape their Merchant overlords and truly believes that can be found on the table below.
the future only holds freedom or death. Cave Escape Encounter
Miners Encounter Level 1
Check DC Failure Consequence
Lvl Enemies
1 10 1d4 Bludgeoning Damage
1 4 Bandits (BR), Mordechai (Thug, BR)
2 10 1 minor item lost (players choice)
3 Mordechai (Duergar, BR), 2 Scouts (BR),
2 Thugs (BR) 3 10 1d4 Bludgeoning Damage
5 2 Berserkers (BR), Mordechai (Wereboar, 4 8 Knocked Prone
BR), 2 Spies (BR) 5 8 1d6 Bludgeoning Damage, 1 weapon
lost (players choice)
The Sheriff’s Betrayal Level 3
Regardless of the outcome with the miners, as the party Check DC Failure Consequence
completes the last encounter in the cave and begins to make
1 10 1d6 Bludgeoning Damage
their way out, they will be met by Leach and his men in Room
2 10 1 minor item lost (players choice)
3. Leach will brag about his plan to steal the credit and take
the gold for himself before telling his men to attack. 3 10 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage
4 8 Blinded
If the Miners are alive. If the miners are still alive 5 8 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage, 1 weapon
at this point they will move as quickly as possible, as a lost (players choice)
unit, to escape from the cave. Only Mordechai will stay
Level 5
behind to try and stop the guards. The guards, if they are
not activly attacking the party, will attempt to attack the Check DC Failure Consequence
miners. 1 10 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage
2 10 1 magic item lost (players choice)
Challenge: Flood. As Leach issues the order to 3 10 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage
attack, a loud booming sound can be heard from the 4 8 Blinded
direction of the cave entrance. Any living miners will 5 8 1d10 Bludgeoning Damage, 1 weapon
swear as water begins to pool in the room. The boom lost (players choice)
was a large pile of debris clogging the river’s outlet and
causing it to flood the cave. It will take three rounds for Helping the Miners
the cave to flood entirely trapping everyone underwater.
If the party did not kill all of the miners, they will have a
Sheriff’s Betrayal Encounter chance to help any left alive after the fight with the
guards. The party can do this in whatever way they
Lvl Enemies would like.
1 4 Guards (BR), Leach (Scout, BR)
3 2 Hobgoblins (BR), Leach (Spy, BR), 2 Thugs The Greene Farm. If the party remembers the
(BR) rumor they overheard about Farmer Greene needing
5 2 Bandit Captains (BR), Leach (Half-Red workers, take the miners to her, and explain the
Dragon Veteran, BR), 1 Spy (BR) situation, she will pay them a “finder’s fee” in gold.

Finders Fee Thank you for playing!
Lvl Reward Want to continue the adventure? You can find 300+
1 100 gp pages of adventures, compendiums, monsters, magic
3 300 gp items, and more at: or
5 500 gp Credits
Design and Writing. Lorelock
Playtesters. RunningTests, Brando, Harbighar, Cheeto
Aftermath Editing. Miish
After the party helps (or does not help) the miners.
There are several potential ways the world could react. Thanks to all of my patrons. Without you this would not
Regardless, a bounty will be placed on their heads by be possible.
the local lord for killing his guards.
Local Heroes. If the party helped the miners This work includes material taken from the System
after the fight, word will spread in the town and the Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the
townsfolk will hide them from any bounty hunters or Coast LLC and available at
authorities. Additionally, they will be friendly to the sources/systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is
party and consider them local heroes. licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License available at https://creativecom-
Outlaws. If all of the miners died, the party will
not be looked on favorably by locals. They may trade
with them (for increased prices) but will report them to The Bandit’s Last Refuge. Copyright 2023, Lorelock,
any authorities or bounty hunters who come looking. Ltd. Authors: Jack Cahan

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